Zero Liquid Discharge
Zero Liquid Discharge
Zero Liquid Discharge
Abstract : The goal of a well-designed Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) system is to minimize
the volume of liquid waste that requires treatment, while also producing a clean stream suitable
for use elsewhere in the plant processes. A common ZLD approach is to concentrate
(evaporate) the wastewater and then dispose of it as a liquid brine, or further crystallize the
brine to a solid. The evaporated water is recovered and recycled while the brine is continually
concentrated to a higher solids concentration. The effluents are desired to be treated to meet the
regulatory limits. Basically the levels of COD and total suspended solids are to be reduced to
acceptable values given by the Pollution Control Board and pH to neutral. Treated water can be
reused for activities such as gardening, boiler feed, etc. and the removed waste is classified as
organic and inorganic waste and treated accordingly. Other by-products during treatment, such
as hydro carbons, lead etc. are used or sold according to the need of the industry. Other than the
necessity of meeting the pollution control board norms, treating the wastewater helps in reusing
tons of water within the industry and not wasting a single drop and hence it is called Zero
Liquid Discharge. The role of engineer in Zero Liquid Discharge plant is to optimize operating
cost, to increase steam economy and to increase solvent recovery. In this work, equipment
design is carried out to scale up 100 kl capacity plant to 300 kl capacity.
Keywords : ZLD, wastewater, volatile organic compounds, steam economy, process equipment
1. Introduction
1.1 Industrial Wastewater Treatment
Industrial wastewaters include those arising from chemical, pharmaceutical, electrochemical, electronics,
petrochemical and food processing industries. Pharmaceutical industrial wastewater classified into low TDS
and high TDS water. In low TDS water, TDS is less than 5000 ppm and in high TDS water it is greater than
5000 ppm. Low TDS water is subjected to primary-secondary-tertiary treatments. High TDS water is subjected
to primary treatment and sent it to stripping column-MEE-agitated thin film dryer to change to low TDS water.
The permit from tertiary treatment is sent to RO feed tank. The reject from RO plant is sent to high TDS feed
tank and the permit from RO plant is reused in boiler1-3.
Ashok Kumar Popuri et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 80-86. 81
On the basis of total dissolved solids (TDS) concentration and chemical oxygen demand, the effluent is
segregated as low TDS effluent (TDS should be less than 5000 mg/l and COD should be less than 15000 mg/l)
and high TDS effluent (TDS above 5000 mg/l and COD above 15000 mg/l). High TDS water is subjected to
primary treatment, then sent to stripping column, multiple effect evaporators, and agitated thin film dryer to
change to Low TDS water. Low TDS water is subjected to primary, secondary and territory treatments, and
then sent to RO plant.The permit water from RO plant is reused in boilers and reject water is sent back to high
TDS holding tank4-6.
Transfer high TDS effluent from the high TDS pits at production area to high TDS equalization or
neutralization tank at the effluent treatment plant. At ETP, high TDS effluent is collected in equalization tank,
where effluent equalization is performed using a dry 10 HP surface floating aerator. Equalization pH should be
6.5-7.0, otherwise adjust the pH by dosing with acid or alkali. Collect sample and send it to the ETP lab for
analysis of pH, TDS, TSS and COD. After neutralization, effluents are transferred to the flash mixer, where
alum, polyelectrolyte solution is added for separation of suspended solids. Formation of flocks is carried out in
flocculation tank.Overflow of the flocculation tank enters the primary clarifier, where suspended solids are
settled down at the bottom of the clarifier and the clarifier overflow collected into the holding tank. Effluent is
pumped from holding tank to stripper column, by passing through the pressure sand filter or press pressure filter
and followed by sparkler filter for the removal of suspended particles.Further treatment at stripper column, from
there to MEE and finally to agitated thin film dryer. Liquid filtrate is sent back to the high TDS equalization
tank. Solid waste is collected in the HPDE and sent to the storage7-9.
Check the pH and TDS of the effluent before sending it to the low TDS equalization/ neutralization
tank at ETP. If TDS is >5000 mg/l and COD is >15000 mg/l send the effluent to high TDS or else to low TDS.
Collect the MEE condensate water and ATFD condensate water into equalization cum neutralization tank. Run
the JET mixture pumps continuously for unique equalization characteristics of effluent10-12.
Inspect the tank for any floating solids in the tank, if so, take it out. Run the JET mixture pumps for 24
hours to set the effluent unique characteristics for the MEE condensate, ATFD condensate and low TDS from
the production. pH value should be maintained at 6.0 to 6.5 by dosing with acid or alkali.Run the JET mixture
pumps for three hours to set the pH to neutral. Check for pH analysis; if it passes the results then transfer the
low TDS effluent into lamella. Check the level of alums and poly electrolyte in the holding tank and transfer
lines to avoid the leakages and spillage. Check the working condition for the closing pumps for alum and
polyelectrolyte.While transferring low TDS effluent from equalization cum neutralization tank into lamella add
alum and poly electrolyte solution for the separation of colloidal and suspended particles. Adjust the flow rate
of the transfer and dosing pumps so that the colloidal and suspended particles should be settled at the lamella
clarifier and overflow of effluent should be fallen into aeration tank-1. Transfer continuously with constant flow
rate to the lamella.In the aeration tank-1 aerators should be run 24 hours to bestow oxygen continuously to the
effluent. Overflow of the aeration tank-1 enters into the primary clarifier where suspended solids are settled
down at the bottom of the clarifier and clarifier overflow is collected in the aeration tank-2. Continuously run
the bottom clarifier pump to remove the bottom sludge which is to be transferred into aeration tank-1, if
required; otherwise send it to decanter to remove the solid and liquid separation13-15.
In aeration tank-2, aerators should run for 24 hours to bestow oxygen continuously to the effluent. Send
the sample to the lab for analysis and check the pH, TDS, COD and MLSS/MLVSS in the aeration tank-
2.Clarifier agitator and bottom clarifier pump should run continuously as to remove the bottom sludge which is
to be transferred into aeration tank-2, if required otherwise send to decanter feed holding tank and to decanter to
remove solids and liquid separation. Overflow of the aeration tank-2 enters the secondary clarifier where
Ashok Kumar Popuri et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 80-86. 82
suspended solids settle down at the bottom of the clarifier and its overflow is collected in the intermediate sump
The effluent from sump tank is sent to pressure sand filter (PSF) to remove dissolved salts. The permit
from PSF is sent to activated carbon filter to remove free chlorine, organic matter, and color present in water,
then sent to RO feed tank. From RO plant the permit water is reused for boiler and reject is sent back to high
TDS holding tank. Rejected water is again subjected to the same treatment process as earlier studied 19-21.
2. Experimental
2.1 Operating Procedure of Stripper Column
Start the cooling water pump, treated effluent transfer pump, feed pump and keep the feed rate to the
stripping column constant. After reaching 70% level in the kettle, stop the feed pump. Open the steam value
(steam pressure should be 1.0-1.5 kg/cm²) to the reboiler and drain the condensate water by opening the bypass
valve. After removal of the condensate water close the condensate bypass valve.Collect the top condensate in
the collection receiver. Start the feed pump and keep the required feed rate by adjusting the flow meter. Start
the stripper bottom pump and transfer the bottom with required flow rate. Collect the condensate in the
collection receiver up to 50% of the level. Start the reflux and collection pump. Keep 75% flow rate as reflux
and 25% as collection. Maintain the kettle and top vapour temperature around 105±2 0C and 85±50C
Start cooling water pump, treated effluent feed pump and fill the effluent in the phase separator (PS-I)
up to the 50% of the view glass. Start recirculation pump-I, effluent treatment pump-I and transfer the effluent
from PS-I to PS-III and fill the 50% of the view glass. Start the recirculation pump-III, ETP-III and transfer the
effluent from PS-III to PS-I and maintain the 50% of the view glass. Recirculate the effluent by maintaining the
levels in the phase separators.Start the vacuum pump and maintain vacuum up to 600-650 mmHg. Open the
steam valve and keep the steam pressure 1.5-2.0 kg/cm² and temperature < 850C. Collect the vapour condensate
in the vapour condensate collection receiver and feed the effluent simultaneously. Send the MEE concentration,
mass and vapour condensate samples to ETP lab for analysis. When the MEE concentration mass is around 2
lakh ppm start collecting the concentrated mass to storage tank. Start the pump to transfer the condensate H 2O
to LTDS neutralization tank. Stop the recirculation pumps23.
Start the cooling water pump. Keep the interlock switch in “ON” position. Open the steam to the top
and bottom jacket of the dryer and drain the condensate water by opening the by-pass valve, after removal of
the condensate water close the condensate by-pass valve.Start the air blower then the agitator. Start the feed rate
300-500 l/hr to the dryer when the vapour temperature reaches 950C. Collect the vapour condensate in the low
TDS collection tank using pump. Check the pH, TDS of vapour condensate and water content in the solid waste
collected at the bottom and record the same. Collect the solid material and transfer to the hazardous waste
storage shed24.
Treated effluent is collected in the storage tank for further treatment. Send the sample to the lab for
checking of pH, TDS, COD and TSS to meet the operating properties of the RO plant feed. Adjust the pH of the
effluent to 6.5 prior to feed in the system. Clean all the filter cloths and cartridges before starting the system.
When pressure increases gradually the effluent separates as permeates and reject. Permeates and reject are
collected in respective tanks. Send to lab to meet the output specifications. Otherwise send the permeate water
to RO feed plant for further treatment and record the analysis25.
Ashok Kumar Popuri et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 80-86. 83
3. Results
The stripper and multiple effect evaporators (MEE) are used for treating high total dissolved solids.
The condensate from MEE and condensate from the utilities are collected on day to day basis and analysed,
where various methods are applicable for the reduction of the organic content present in the effluent waste
by filtration, aerobic degradation electrochemical treatment and biological methods.
These methods can reduce the COD up to 80-90% in the effluents.
On daily observations it has been noticed that
These methods contribute to better environmental conditions which can be easily maintained and very
The effluent water reduced in COD, BOD, TSS and TDS content can be recycled to different utilities.
In this plant the treated water is used only for boiler.
Theoretical Results:
Stripping column
Height-9.5 m
Diameter-0.85 m
No. of trays-20
Plate spacing-0.45 m
No of stages-3
Stage -1
Area-170 m2
No. of tubes Nt-232
Diameter-650 mm
Area-145 m2
No. of tubes Nt-194
Diameter-600 mm
Ashok Kumar Popuri et al /International Journal of ChemTech Research, 2016,9(11),pp 80-86. 84
Area-150 m2
No. of tubes Nt-200
Diameter-600 mm
Area-76.8 m2
Energy consumptions
Steam used in stripping column-1022 kg/hr
Steam used in MEE-2836 kg/hr
Steam used in ATFD-1420 kg/hr
4. Discussion
The present investigation is directed towards the study of wastewater treatment in the angle of
continuous improvement and confirming to the norm prevailing as per the national standards. This cost
effective treatment leading to further reduction of COD, BOD, TDS, and SS and make use of the treated water
for hygienic appellation such as agriculture, washing, and gardening.
The process requires up-gradation of secondary stripping column for 100% recovery of solvents.
Reduces volatile organic compounds (VOC) which causes obnoxious smell in the entire plant area. This can
be done by keeping the effluent in an enclosed space and the vapours are burnt to reduce VOC.
In ZLD treatment plant cooling tower water is contaminating due to usage of barometric condenser for the
purpose of vacuum creation by condensing MEE 3rd stage vapours. This problem is overcome by using
external vacuum pump connected to shell and tube condenser to create vacuum and parallelly condensing
3rd stage vapours.
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