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2 authors, including:
Muhammad Yaqub
Kumoh National Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by Muhammad Yaqub on 22 May 2019.
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Water resources are becoming scarce meaning that reuse options are receiving more and more attention. In this
Received 11 February 2019 perspective, zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) is considered as an emerging technique to minimize waste, recover re-
Received in revised form 2 April 2019 sources, treat toxic industrial waste streams, and mitigate potential water quality impacts in receiving water
Accepted 6 May 2019
streams. Although ZLD systems are capable of minimizing contamination of water sources and amplifying
Available online 08 May 2019
water supply, its industrial scale applications are restricted due to their high cost and intensive energy consump-
Editor: Huu Hao Ngo tion. In ZLD systems, membrane-based technologies are an attractive future strategy for industrial wastewater
reclamation. Therefore, this review examines why a greater focus on environmental protection and water secu-
Keywords: rity is leading to more widespread adoption of ZLD technology in various industries. We highlight existing ZLD
Zero-liquid discharge processing schemes, including thermal and membrane-based processes, and discuss their limitations and poten-
Resource recovery tial solutions. We also investigated global application of ZLD systems for resource recovery from wastewater. Fi-
Industrial wastewater nally, we discuss the potential environmental impacts of ZLD technologies and provide some focus on future
Membrane research needs.
© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Abbreviations: AGMD, air gap membrane distillation; BMED, bipolar membrane electrodialysis; DCMD, direct contact membrane distillation; ED, electrodialysis; EO, electrochemical
oxidation; EDR, electrodialysis reversal; FO, forward osmosis; HERO, high efficiency reverse osmosis; kWh, kilowatt hour; MD, membrane distillation; MVC, mechanical vapor
compression; RO, reverse osmosis; SWRO, saline water reverse osmosis; SGMD, sweeping gas membrane distillation; TDS, total dissolved solids; UF, ultrafiltration; VMD, vacuum
membrane distillation; WMH, water minimization hierarchy; ZLD, zero-liquid discharge.
⁎ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: wtlee@kumoh.ac.kr (W. Lee).
0048-9697/© 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
552 Muhammad Yaqub, W. Lee / Science of the Total Environment 681 (2019) 551–563
1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 552
2. Zero-liquid discharge and resource recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
2.1. Significance of resource recovery through ZLD systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
2.2. Existing ZLD systems with resource recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
2.2.1. Thermal ZLD systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
2.2.2. RO-incorporated thermal ZLD systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 554
2.2.3. Emerging membrane-based ZLD systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
3. Global status of ZLD systems for resource recovery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
3.1. USA . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
3.2. China . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
3.3. India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
3.4. Other countries with ZLD applications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
4. Environmental and operational aspects of ZLD . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
5. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
References. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
1. Introduction audited system used in combination with the WMH can help determine
appropriate measures for water conservation. ZLD is more likely to be
The growing trend of urbanization and industrialization is placing achieved by considering inputs, outputs, and water quality, rather
increasing pressure on freshwater resources worldwide. This is one of than aiming to minimize wastewater outputs only (Barrington and
the biggest global challenges, causing a major threat to water quality, Ho, 2014). However, due to intensive energy use, ZLD is generally char-
security, ecosystems, and economic growth (Grant et al., 2012; acterized as an expensive technology that has not yet been widely im-
Vörösmarty et al., 2010; Tong and Elimelech, 2016). Freshwater is plemented (Oren et al., 2010). However, considered a best practice
widely used in industry, producing substantial amounts of wastewater end goal, ZLD can stimulate innovation to minimize industrial water
as a result. Where wastewater is discharged into water bodies without usage (Lens et al., 2005).
adequate treatment, it can cause severe contamination that adversely Recently, due to severe water shortages and contamination of
affects aquatic ecosystems and, ultimately, human health aquatic environments across the globe, ZLD technology has received in-
(Schwarzenbach et al., 2010). Previously, wastewater treatment pro- creasing interest. Moreover, strict environmental regulation policies,
cesses including, phase separation, sedimentation, filtration, oxidation, the increasing value of freshwater, and the rising cost of wastewater dis-
chemical/biochemical oxidation (Cheremisinoff, 2018), polishing posal are fueling effort to make ZLD a valuable means of industrial
through adsorption (Mo et al., 2018) and membrane processes (Wang wastewater treatment (GWI, 2009). Indeed, ZLD may be considered a
et al., 2008) were applied for only safe disposal of wastewater. However, necessary strategy for sustainable wastewater management. Globally,
recently, reclamation of wastewater appeared as technology-based investment in the development of ZLD technology is at least $100–200
practice especially in regions under water scarcity (Eslamian and million (Lanny, 2015), including rapid growth in developed regions
Eslamian, 2017; Salgot et al., 2018). The industries are required to such as USA and Europe as well as in emerging economies like China
adopt sustainable water management strategies for the reclamation of and India.
wastewater to reduce consumption and minimize contamination of re- In conventional ZLD systems, thermal processes are fundamental;
ceiving waterbodies. Currently, due to the continuous and increasing wastewater is fed to a brine concentrator for evaporation and then a
demand of water, reclamation of industrial wastewater has become a brine crystallizer; collected distillate is then reused, whereas the recov-
very active area of research (Grant et al., 2012). This offers a means of ered solids are either disposed of or reclaimed as valued byproducts.
minimizing wastewater volumes and their associated environmental These systems are already being used successfully, but they consume a
hazards, thereby lessening the pressure on freshwater resources (Tong substantial amount of energy. Alternatively, further development of
and Elimelech, 2016). membrane-based reverse osmosis (RO) technology in combination
Water resource recovery by zero-liquid discharge (ZLD) technology with ZLD is lowering energy requirements (Elimelech and Phillip,
is attracting interest as a valuable water management solution for in- 2011). However, while the incorporation of RO technology can improve
dustrial wastewaters by maximizing water recycling and minimizing energy-efficient relative to thermally driven ZLD systems, it is only ap-
wastewater volumes (Mays, 2007). In the ZLD technique, a closed plicable to feed waters with a limited salinity range. More recently,
water cycle is used so that no water is discharged from a system if salt-concentrating techniques have emerged as alternative ZLD technol-
there is possibility of it being reused after appropriate treatment. This ogies, including membrane distillation (MD), forward osmosis (FO), and
can eliminate the risk of water contamination via wastewater discharge electrodialysis (ED) (Tong and Elimelech, 2016).
and also maximizes water usage efficiency (Byers, 1995). It has been In this review, we describe the principles of the ZLD technique, the
suggested that ZLD can be accomplished by following the water minimi- importance and progress of the technology from thermal evaporation
zation hierarchy (WMH) shown in Fig. 1 (Alwi et al., 2008). A water- to membrane-based processes, and outline other existing technologies
Increasing priority
1 2 3 4 5
Source Regeneration
Source reduction use/Outsourcing Fresh water use
elimination reuse
of external water
with respect to environmental impacts and resource recovery from in- to expand and produce greater volumes of contaminated wastewater,
dustrial wastewater. We also examine aspects of performance and there is increasing international agreement over the necessity to safe-
cost for individual processing steps while considering water volume guard the environment from pollution. This mindset represents a
and quality parameters. In addition, we discuss the current status of major shift from historical views and is helping to build more support
ZLD systems' application across the globe. Furthermore, we highlight for programs and policies that encourage best practice and innovative
how ZLD technologies are currently being evaluated, and consider the solutions for protecting ecosystems, conserving water supplies, and im-
future research needs for securing its feasibility and sustainability. proving water quality. The major concerns pushing industries toward
water resource recovery include strict regulations on wastewater dis-
2. Zero-liquid discharge and resource recovery posal and water scarcity due to intensified pressure on water resources
(Mark Bornhoft, 2018).
Due to a rapid increase in water and energy demand and associated Moreover, public environmental awareness, rising costs of wastewa-
costs, public attitude toward wastewater as an “out-of-sight, out-of- ter treatment, and problems associated with its disposal are driving the
mind” issue is shifting toward it being viewed as a valuable resource. development of ZLD systems. These systems are beneficial for comply-
The recycling and reuse of wastewater can minimize the exploitation ing with environmental regulations, for reducing wastewater disposal
of new water supplies, and nutrients, such as phosphorus, can be recov- costs, for supplementing water supplies, and for protecting the environ-
ered in numerous forms for agricultural applications as fertilizer. More- ment. Thus, ZLD systems minimize waste, recover resources, treat pol-
over, energy in the form of heat and electricity can be extracted from luting industrial wastewater more effectively, and mitigate potential
organics to offset the power demands of processing facilities water quality impacts in receiving waters. According to Lux Research
(Worthen, 2015). Consequently, limits on available resources are push- (Lux Research, 2017), the ZLD market will be boosted by technological
ing society away from a focus on wastewater treatment toward re- innovations because of the rising cost of water and stringent environ-
source recovery (Puyol et al., 2017). mental regulations; ZLD systems prevent any wastewater discharge
ZLD is a system comprised of a variety of advanced water treatment from power plants and industries, and growth in this technology is ex-
technologies aimed at improving water usage efficiency and resource pected to increase at an annual rate of 12%, reaching a $2.7 billion mar-
recovery. ZLD technology has gained more attention in recent decades; ket value by 2030 (Lux Research, 2017).
development started in the USA, followed by China, India, and the rest of
the world. It is a preferred process through which no liquid discharge is 2.2. Existing ZLD systems with resource recovery
made to the environment, as industrial wastewater is reused after treat-
ment to meet required standards (Tong and Elimelech, 2016). ZLD can Conventional thermal ZLD process schemes employed all over the
be achieved following the WMH as described in Fig. 1 (Alwi et al., world are relatively expensive, which has urged research into finding al-
2008). In this hierarchy, five key actions that water use should focus ternates. In this context, three types of existing technologies are
on are ranked in decreasing priority. Greatest priority is given to the discussed in the following sections, focusing on systems incorporating
elimination of wastewater production followed—in decreasing order thermal, RO, and other emerging technologies. In addition, details of
of priority—by a reduction in wastewater generation, direct reuse with- ZLD systems and their associated resource recovery processes are
out any treatment, reclamation following treatment, and lastly, use of provided.
2.2.1. Thermal ZLD systems
2.1. Significance of resource recovery through ZLD systems The major elements involved in this system include wastewater pre-
treatment, treatment in a brine concentrator and brine crystallizer,
Freshwater is an increasingly valuable resource while industrial ap- followed by evaporation and solids recovery (Fig. 2). During pretreat-
plications threaten its availability. Industrial processes need water, ment, wastewater undergoes various processes such as filtration, pH ad-
thereby reducing its availability in the environment or, alternatively, justment, de-aeration and anti-scaling to minimize the scaling potential
polluting and releasing wastewater that can damage local ecosystem of water. Next, this water is sequentially concentrated using a brine con-
(Szuez, 2018). In recent years, even as industrial economies continue centrator followed by a brine crystallizer. This produces distillates that
Pretreatment Brine
Solids recovery
are recycled and reused as clean water, while solids are either recovered Reclamation, 2008; Subramani and Jacangelo, 2014). In contrast, evapo-
as valuable byproducts or sent to evaporation ponds for disposal after ration ponds can be extremely expensive; the cost of land procurement
further processing (Tong and Elimelech, 2016). for the construction of evaporation ponds of ZLD-based desalination
Brine concentrators function via mechanical vapor compression schemes in Las Vegas, Nevada, was nearly three times the total cost of
(MVC), where feed water mixed with brine slurry travels within the brine concentrators and crystallizers (Stanford et al., 2010). Moreover,
concentrator through the tubes of a heat exchanger (Ghaffour et al., n. water cannot be recovered from evaporation ponds meaning there is
d.). Evaporation occurs as brine slurry passes through the heat ex- no additional opportunity to enhance water usage efficiency. In some
changer, and latent heat produced by superheated water vapor is used cases, spray driers are also be used for brine-to-salt processing due to
to vaporize the brine slurry. The sensible heat of distillate is then utilized their efficiency in dewatering brine concentrates (Tillberg, 2004).
to preheat the feed water (Mickley, 2008a). The scaling phenomena on
the surface of heat transfer tubes can be prevented by adding calcium 2.2.2. RO-incorporated thermal ZLD systems
sulfate seeds to the recirculating brine, which keeps salts in suspension In this system, RO—a well-established, pressure-driven desalination
(Mickley, 2008b; Bostjancic and Ludlum, 1996). In the concentrator, the technology—is combined with thermal ZLD systems to decrease the vol-
formation of a thin film of falling slurry on the surface of heating tubes ume of brine slurry entering the brine concentrator or crystallizer,
improve the rate of heat transfer, thus decreasing the energy consump- thereby lowering the energy consumption (Fig. 3). The energy con-
tion of the compressor (Shaffer et al., 2013) and enabling further heat sumption by RO for 50% recovery in the desalination of seawater is
recovery via the heat exchangers. around 2 kWhe/m3 of product water (Elimelech and Phillip, 2011),
MVC brine concentrators consume large amounts of energy, in the which is much lower than for brine concentrators and crystallizers.
order of 20–25 kWhe/m3 of treated feed water (Mickley, 2008b; This type of system is economical if RO-fed wastewater has a lower sa-
Burbano and Brandhuber, 2012) and up to 39 kWhe/m3 of feed water linity (Al-Karaghouli and Kazmerski, 2013), typically up to 70,000 mg/L
(McGinnis et al., 2013). Moreover, to prevent corrosion, MVC systems (Shaffer et al., 2013), while the availability of newly developed mem-
are manufactured by using titanium- and stainless steel-based materials branes indicates further opportunities to apply RO in wastewater
that increase capital costs (US Department of the Interior Bureau of treatment.
Reclamation, 2008; Bostjancic and Ludlum, 1996). Brine concentrators Wastewater is therefore concentrated by RO before entering to ther-
are capable of achieving solid concentration up to 250,000 mg/L, with mal processes, minimizing capital and operational costs. As reported in
90–98% of recovered water having total dissolved solids of b10 mg/L previous studies, using RO to treat brine in a desalination plant con-
(Burbano and Brandhuber, 2012; US Department of the Interior serves around 58–75% of energy and 48–67% of treatment costs com-
Bureau of Reclamation, 2008). pared to a brine concentrator-evaporation pond setup (Bond and
Subsequently, the concentrated brine is fed to a brine crystallizer for Veerapaneni, 2007, 2008). It has been noted that brine concentrators
further water recovery, which follows a similar working principle to the still have high capital and operational costs even after applying a sec-
brine concentrator. Brine is pumped through a submerged heat ex- ondary RO plant (Bond and Veerapaneni, 2007). The application of RO
changer by forced circulation under pressure, to prevent scaling of has a salinity limit, however, and fouling problems that decrease
heat exchanger tubes (Bostjancic and Ludlum, 1996). Because of the water flux and the lifespan of membranes in ZLD systems are also an
higher salinity and viscosity of the treated feed water, energy consump- issue. Therefore, various techniques can be employed during pretreat-
tion by crystallizers is as high as 52–66 kWhe/m3, which is almost three ment including chemical softening, pH adjustment, and ion exchange
times of the amount consumed by brine concentrators (Mickley, 2008b; (Fig. 3). During pretreatment, intensive use of chemicals results in addi-
Burbano and Brandhuber, 2012). Steam-driven crystallizers are eco- tional solid waste production and ultimately increases operational costs.
nomically feasible for small-scale applications, however, typically Ultrafiltration (UF) may be an efficient pretreatment technology. One
b23 L/min (Mickley, 2008b; US Department of the Interior Bureau of pilot study tested an RO-incorporated ZLD system designed to treat
Reclamation, 2008). basal aquifer water with a higher scaling potential, having an average
Evaporation ponds consume solar energy and can be an inexpensive total dissolved salts load of 21,300 mg/L (Loganathan et al., 2016). It
alternative to brine crystallizers, especially where small volumes of was observed that UF removed most of the suspended solids, iron, and
water are being treated and if site land is cheap (Burbano and approximately 50% of oil and grease from the feed water, which ulti-
Brandhuber, 2012; US Department of the Interior Bureau of mately increased the efficiency of RO (Loganathan et al., 2016).
Brine Brine
concentrator crystallizer
Reverse Osmosis (RO) pond
Solids recovery
Pretreatment RO
Diluate back to RO
RO brine
Fig. 4. Schematic diagram of emerging membrane-based ZLD systems, reverse osmosis (RO), membrane distillation (MD), electrodialysis (ED) and electrodialysis reversal (EDR).
556 Muhammad Yaqub, W. Lee / Science of the Total Environment 681 (2019) 551–563
Table 2
Benefits and limitations of different technologies used in ZLD systems modified (Tong and Elimelech, 2016).
MVC High salinity limit N200,000 mg/L High capital and operational costs 20–25, (Mickley, 2008b; Burbano and Brandhuber, 2012; McGinnis
28–39 (a) et al., 2013; Charisiadis, 2018)
RO Energy-efficient Limited salinity; scaling 2–6, (Elimelech and Phillip, 2011; Al-Karaghouli and Kazmerski,
1.5–2.5 (b) 2013; Charisiadis, 2018)
MD High salinity limit N200,000 mg/L Low flux and recovery; limited area of 40–45, (Schwantes et al., 2018; Al-Obaidani et al., 2008;
application 22–67 (b) Charisiadis, 2018)
FO High salinity limit N200,000 mg/L; requires Low flux at high salinity; reverse 21 (a) (McGinnis et al., 2013; Haupt and Lerch, 2018; Oasys
low-grade heat; less fouling solute flux; limited use Water, 2017; Li et al., 2017)
ED/EDR Salinity limit N100,000 mg/L; less fouling High energy consumption 7–15 (a) (Korngold et al., 2009; Loganathan et al., 2016; Turek et al.,
2005; Tufa et al., 2015)
Tech; Technologies, (a) energy consumption kWhe/m3 of feed water; (b) energy consumption kWhe/m3 of product water.
Table 3
Key parameters of MD.
Liquid entry pressure Feed concentration and presence of Decreases with increased feed concentration (Gostoli and Sarti, 1989)
organic solutes
Membrane thickness (optimum Morphology and pore size Inversely proportional to permeate flux (Laganà et al., 2000)
30–60 μm) distribution
Membrane porosity (30 to 85%) Organic solvents High porosity results in higher permeate flux and lower (El-Bourawi et al., 2006)
conductive heat loss
Mean pore size and distribution (100 Feed and operating conditions Directly proportional to permeate flux (El-Bourawi et al., 2006; Lawson and
nm to 1 μm) Lloyd, 1997)
and Lloyd, 1997). In direct contact membrane distillation (DCMD), per- EDR, and brine concentrators, because the efficiency of electricity gener-
meate comes in direct contact with the membrane while water vapor is ation from thermal energy is temperature dependent.
collected on a condensation surface that is not in direct interaction with MD has many applications depending on the membrane process in-
the membrane. This is the case for air gap membrane distillation volved, the targeted wastewater, membrane thickness, and pore size
(AGMD), vacuum membrane distillation (VMD), and sweeping gas (Table 4). However, most recent applications are still at the laboratory
membrane distillation (SGMD) (Camacho et al., 2013; Curcio and or small-scale pilot plant stage. In California, MD has been applied in a
Drioli, 2005; Meindersma et al., 2006; Tijing et al., 2014; Subramani ZLD inland desalination study, at the bench scale, for further concentra-
and Jacangelo, 2015). tion of secondary RO brine, achieving N98% water recovery from brack-
The theoretical minimum amount of energy required for seawater ish groundwater (Martinetti et al., 2009). Recently, an MD-incorporated
desalination using single pass DCMD with heat recovery is 27.6 MJ/m3 near-ZLD system, in combination with EDR, proved a better solution for
of product water at a feed temperature of 60 °C (Lin et al., 2014). This water recovery and energy production at a seawater desalination plant
is much higher than energy consumed by RO—3.8 MJ/m3 of product (Tufa et al., 2015). In this case, MD decreased the volume of simulated
water with a typical recovery of 50% (Elimelech and Phillip, 2011). Prac- SWRO brine by N80%. Brine produced by MD was mixed with seawater
tically, energy consumption for seawater desalination was estimated as in a red stack for to generate electrochemical energy. Currently, because
143–162 MJ/m3 of product water using DCMD (Al-Obaidani et al., 2008) of the relatively low water recovery rates and technical immaturity, no
and 80–240 MJ/m3 of product water using AGMD (Meindersma et al., industrial application of MD in ZLD schemes have been reported (US
2006). In MD, an intensive amount of energy is required for water sep- Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation, 2008; Lin et al.,
aration because it depends on liquid vapor phase transition. Consump- 2014).
tion of thermal energy during MD cannot, however, be directly MD is capable of treating highly saline feed waters that cannot be de-
compared with other electricity-driven technologies, such as RO, ED/ salinated by RO using low-grade thermal energy. In addition, it is an
economical and environment friendly process compared to other tech-
nologies, especially when low-grade energy is available. Furthermore, it
can be operated at low temperature and pressure, and has minimum
Membrane fouling propensity (Lawson and Lloyd, 1997; Meindersma et al., 2006;
Heat Al-Obaidani et al., 2008; Alkhudhiri et al., 2012). However, the presence
of volatile pollutants or surfactants in the feed water, such as in coal-to-
E v a p or at or
C ond e n s er
c h a n n el
chemical (Zhang et al., 2006), brewery (Simate et al., 2011), and shale
c h a n n el
Feed water gas industries (Shaffer et al., 2013), can result in membranes becomes
tank wet, which allows volatile compounds to pass through and thus reduces
permeate water quality (Shaffer et al., 2013; Lawson and Lloyd, 1997;
Distillate El-Bourawi et al., 2006).
Feed Pump tank FO-incorporated ZLD systems. In FO, movement of water mole-
cules through a semipermeable membrane occurs because of an os-
motic pressure difference across the membrane. This membrane
permits passage of pure water molecules and rejects the solute or salt
molecules. In the FO process, a highly concentrated salt solution
Fig. 5. Schematic diagram of a batch type MD system. known as the draw solution is used, which has low water chemical
Muhammad Yaqub, W. Lee / Science of the Total Environment 681 (2019) 551–563 557
Table 4
Individual MD industrial applications.
DCMD Pure water and humic acid 178 0.2 (Khayet et al., 2004)
DCMD Pure water, NaCl, brackish, and seawater 126 0.22 (Termpiyakul et al., 2005)
DCMD Olive mill wastewater 55 0.198 (El-Abbassi et al., 2009)
DCMD Heavy metal waste 120 0.22 (Zolotarev et al., 1994)
AGMD NaCl, H2SO4, NaOH, HCl, HNO3 80 0.20 (Kimura et al., 1987)
DCMD NaCl and seawater 175 0.20 (Hsu et al., 2002)
DCMD Textile wastewater/Textile plant 125 0.22 ± 0.08 (Laqbaqbi et al., 2019; Dow et al., 2017)
DCMD Livestock anaerobic digestate wastewater 125 0.22 (Kim et al., 2018)
AGMD Textile dyes 180 0.20 (Leaper et al., 2018)
AGMD Heavy metals 100 ± 3, 125 ± 2 0.37–0.47, 0.22 (Attia et al., 2017)
MD Anaerobic digestate from food and dairy 110 0.59 (Rao et al., 2018)
DCMD Gas-fired power plant – 0.5 ± 0.08 (Dow et al., 2016)
M: membrane: MD: membrane distillation; DCMD: direct contact MD; AGMD: air gap MD.
potential to attract water molecules from a saline water, which has a 1.9 billion m3 of water (Zhou et al., 2015). Additionally, geothermal en-
higher water chemical potential and lower osmotic pressure ergy is easily available in major ZLD markets including the USA and
(Valladares Linares et al., 2014). According to the second law of thermo- China (Shaffer et al., 2013; Zhu et al., 2015; Lund et al., 2005).
dynamics, transportation of water molecules will result an equilibrium FO is advantageous because the permeation of water molecules
between chemical potentials in the feed and the draw solutions. Pure through the membrane occurs under the influence of an osmotic pres-
water is then recovered from the diluted draw solution using an sure difference, with low or no hydraulic pressure required (Cath
energy-efficient separation technique (Li et al., 2017). In desalination, et al., 2006; Zhao et al., 2012; Holloway et al., 2007). This consumes
FO takes place in two stages where, first, water molecules are moved less energy compared to other conventional desalination techniques
from the feed to the draw solution through the semipermeable mem- (Field and Wu, 2013). Moreover, it has additional advantages including
brane and, second, pure water is separated from the diluted draw solu- lower and reversible membrane fouling (Zhao et al., 2012; Achilli et al.,
tion for draw-solution recovery and reuse (Qasim et al., 2015). The brine 2009; Field and Wu, 2013), high salt rejection (Emadzadeh et al., 2013;
produced during this processes is fed to a crystallizer or an evaporation Altaee et al., 2014), and the effects of various contaminants present in
pond for further concentration, and for the recovery of water and other the feed solution are negligible (Zhao et al., 2012; Yangali-Quintanilla
salt byproducts (Fig. 6). et al., 2011; Xie et al., 2014). It also offers a cleaner alternative solution
Newly developed thermolytic draw solutes, such as NH3/CO2, have to the brine produced by desalination plants. Furthermore it has the po-
cemented the way for combining FO with ZLD systems. These draw so- tential to achieve higher water flux and recovery by reducing the
lutions are capable of producing very high osmotic pressures to drive amount of brine generated (Zhao et al., 2012; Cath et al., 2006). In
the separation process, and they can be regenerated using low- these respects, RO is a promising and economically viable alternative
temperature distillation techniques (McGinnis and Elimelech, 2007; to conventional thermally driven brine concentration systems (Oasys
McCutcheon et al., 2005). Moreover, these draw solutions decompose Water, 2017).
at 60 °C (at atmospheric pressure), attained using low-grade thermal The world's first FO-incorporated ZLD system was installed at the
energy from industrial waste heat, and is used to regenerate the draw Changxing power plant in China, with a capacity of 650 m3/day (Oasys
solution (McGinnis and Elimelech, 2007). In a pilot FO plant, water pro- Water). This system using RO to concentrate mixed wastewater from
duced from the Marcellus shale region of the USA was concentrated up flue-gas desulfurization and cooling tower blowdown up to
to a salinity of 180,000 mg/L (McGinnis et al., 2013). In 2012, the annual 60,000 mg/L. Further concentration, up to 220,000 mg/L or above, is
amount of waste heat produced from power plants in the USA was esti- then achieved using a draw solution (NH3/CO2). Finally, FO brine is
mated to be 803 MGJ at temperatures N90 °C (McCutcheon et al., 2005), sent to a crystallizer for further concentration. This process produces
which can be used to regenerate draw solutions for the production of water with a solute concentration of b100 mg/L that is recovered and
reused in the boiler (Oasys Water, 2017).
water regeneration
dissolved ions from water, where electric potential is the driving force.
to draw solution
Feed water
Anode Cathode
Fig. 7. A schematic diagram of electrodialysis (ED) process, A; Anion exchange membrane, C; Cation exchange membrane.
Compared to RO, ED and EDR are capable of concentrating feed wa- used in various industries including chemical, mining, electronics, nu-
ters to salinities above 100,000 mg/L by consuming 7–15 kWhe/m3 of clear, and fertilizer industries. Recently, the USA Environmental Protec-
feed water (Table 5). However, at lower diluate salinities, the estimated tion Agency revised guidelines regarding wastewater discharge from
cost of salt removal by ED is higher (McGovern et al., 2014). Moreover, a thermal power plants (Roberts, n.d.). Consequently, to meet the set
stand-alone or single-stage system is not appropriate for attaining ZLD limits of toxic metals and other harmful pollutants, ZLD is a preferred
in many cases. Therefore, multistage configuration is one option, but option for power plants (USEPA, 2015). Compliance with newly intro-
this will increase capital costs (McGovern et al., 2014; Turek, 2003; duced standards for wastewater discharge provides incentives for ZLD
Wang et al., 2015). The application of ED/EDR with RO in ZLD systems installations at power plants. In North USA, it is forecast that the ZLD
extends the salinity limit of RO and decreases energy consumption com- market will increase by $109.8 million between 2017 and 2025,
pared to brine concentrator systems. reaching $243.9 million. A recent study in 2018 on growth opportunities
in the global ZLD market up to 2024 presents a clear trend for future de-
3. Global status of ZLD systems for resource recovery velopment (Reportlinker, 2018).
One of the biggest challenges for inland desalination plants is brine
The practical implementation of ZLD systems across the globe for re- management, yet traditional brine management practices have poten-
source recovery depends upon geographical location, as applied in the tially adverse impacts on surface and groundwater. ZLD systems capable
European Union, USA, Australia, Canada, the Middle East, Mexico, of managing brine therefore have significant potential for inland desali-
China, and India (Lanny, 2015; GWI, 2009; Durham and Mierzejewski, nation in water-scarce regions (Xevgenos et al., 2016; Mickley, 2008b).
2003; Heins and Schooley, 2004). ZLD applications at inland desalination plants were investigated by gov-
ernmental agencies and organizations in the USA, including the Bureau
3.1. USA of Reclamation and California Energy Commission (Mickley, 2008b;
Bond and Veerapaneni, 2008; US Department of the Interior Bureau of
Currently, most ZLD systems in the world are operational in the USA. Reclamation, 2008; Bond and Veerapaneni, 2007; Burbano and
Initial development of ZLD dates back to the 1970s when power plants Brandhuber, 2012). Application of ZLD technologies at inland desalina-
near the Colorado River adopted ZLD systems due to the increasing sa- tion plants provides several advantages including maximizing water re-
linity of river water (Lanny, 2015; Mickley, 2008b). Today, ZLD is mainly covery, preserving natural resources, and formation of byproduct salts
applied in the power generation sector to treat and recycle the FGD (Elsaid et al., 2012). However, costs and energy consumption are the
wastewater and cooling tower blowdown. A survey of operational ZLD main barriers to full-scale ZLD applications at inland desalination plants
systems in 2008 showed that around 60 out of 82 ZLD plants were asso- in the USA. Most ZLD systems operational in the USA can only recover
ciated with the power industry (Mickley, 2008b) while the rest were 70–90% of wastewater for reuse (known as near-ZLD), yet they are
Table 5
Applications of ED/EDR incorporated ZLD systems.
(a): power density (W/m2); (b): in terms of quality standards; (c): current efficiency; EO: electrochemical oxidation: BMED: bipolar membrane ED.
Muhammad Yaqub, W. Lee / Science of the Total Environment 681 (2019) 551–563 559
still very effective and may be a good option for meeting the immediate wastewater, which are directly reused in the dyeing process (Singh and
regulatory requirements and overall financial goals (Mark Bornhoft, Bhalla, 2017).
2018). EDR, or electrodialysis reversal, is a membrane desalter and A study on regulating effluents from India's textile sector suggested
Flex EDR successfully extracted 89% of the salt load, surpassing the new requirements and compliance monitoring for ZLD (Gronwall and
75% goal. Saltworks Technologies is launching its Flex EDR product Jonsson, 2017). The Indian ZLD market was valued at $39 million in
line – the next generation electrodialysis reversal technology for chal- 2012 and was anticipated to grow continuously at the rate of 7% be-
lenging waters (Kimberly-clark, 2018). A typical chip plant wastewater tween 2012 and 2017. The application of ambient air evaporators in
reuse with a daily water consumption of 1.5 million required capital ZLD systems for tannery wastewater treatment has been shown to im-
cost $10 million and 2–3 cents cost per gallon installed by XZERO prove efficiency (Rajkumar et al., 2018). In India, textile, brewery,
(XZERO, 2019). power, and petrochemical industries are the major areas of ZLD applica-
tion (Vishnu et al., 2008). However, capital, land, and operating costs are
challenges to be addressed for full-scale application of ZLD systems in
3.2. China
India (Vyas, 2016).
The Chemplast Sanmar Limited has numerous wastewater sources
Due to rapid economic development and urbanization, water con-
coming from mainly caustic soda and PVC monomer plants. This com-
sumption and water pollution have been increased in China. Conse-
bined wastewater is heavily contaminated with various pollutants and
quently, China announced a new action plan to tackle water pollution
has high COD and TDS as well. Initially, Chemplast intended to treat
through the improvement of water resources quality and ecosystems
the RO reject water using evaporation/crystallization technique and to
by 2020 (Council, n.d.). In China, water-intensive thermal power plants
use treated water for cooling tower make-up and other usages at
operated by the five largest state-owned companies are located in
plant site to achieve Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) (Aquatech, 2018).
water-scarce regions (Finance, 2013). ZLD is therefore, considered a
ZLD plant commissioned at for Japanese Automobile manufacturer
sustainable solution in the energy-water nexus. Recently, the world's
using HEROTM technology that decreased capital and operational cost
first FO-based ZLD system was installed at the Changxing coal-fired
(Matsui, 2018). A project on successful return on investment through
power plant in Zhejiang Province (Jining, 2018). A further application
ZLD technology from textile wastewater treatment is in progress
based on the same technology has since been implemented at a
(AustroWaterTech, 2018).
power plant of the Huaneng group for the treatment of wastewater
(Group, 2016).
3.4. Other countries with ZLD applications
China has seen a recent boom in the installation of coal-to-chemicals
plants, which consume a substantial amount of freshwater. As a result,
ZLD systems are being employed to meet increasingly stringent reg-
ZLD has become mandatory at coal-to-chemicals plants for the preser-
ulations for difficult-to-treat wastewaters, or in situations where water
vation of water resources and ecosystems (Stanley, 2015). Several ZLD
scarcity demands water recycling and reuse. The Egyptian Ethylene and
systems are currently installed or are at the design stage for feed
Derivatives Company (ETHYDCO) awarded Aquatech a contract to pro-
water with a salinity in the range of 2000–16,000 mg/L, having a treat-
vide a water treatment facility at its petroleum derivatives manufactur-
ment capacity of 110–2300 m3/h (Sarkar, 2011; Aquatech, 2015a,b).
ing site in Alexandria in 2016, including the first integrated ZLD plant
The objectives of 12th Five-Year Plan by the Chinese government in-
(Marlett, 2017). The scheme was shortlisted for a global water yearly
cluded environmental protections that have enhanced the application
award (2017) in the industrial water project category, which recognizes
of ZLD systems in existing and newly installed coal-fired power plants
the most inspiring technical or environmental accomplishments in the
and coal-to-chemicals plants (Hilton, 2012). Recently, Desalitech has
field of industrial water (Corporation, 2017). An “eco-natural model”
won a tender to provide an ultrapure ZLD water treatment system at
for wastewater treatment that employs an innovative ecological design
the Novelis aluminum production plant in Changzhou to fulfill regula-
in the treatment and reuse of wastewater in the Western Desert is also
tory requirements for wastewater processing (Desalitech, 2016). The
currently under development, expected to be completed in 2019
Gradient Corporation also installed a carrier gas extraction system
(Alexandria University, 2019).
based on humidification-dehumidification processes at a coal-fired
In Northern Canada, Saltworks Technologies have installed two full-
power plant northwest of Shanghai, which treats highly contaminated
scale saline water treatment systems at a precious metals mine. In these
FGD wastewater for reuse with a recovery of N90% (Rimbach, 2018).
systems, mine water will be treated to recover freshwater and solid
Moreover, greater public awareness of water pollution in China may fa-
salts. Initially, a year-long pilot project demonstrated that it is possible
cilitate wider ZLD implementation.
to treat this challenging mine water for resource recovery (Saltworks,
A recent study proved that utilization of exhausted heat of flue gas in
2018). A project to recover from effluent discharge for sustainable cop-
ZLD system for flue gas desulfurization (FGD) wastewater treatment de-
per processing in Europe has also been in progress since April 2017, due
creases the cost including initial investment, operating and mainte-
for completion by the end of 2019. This project aims to evaluate the
nance cost as compared to other conventional methods (Fu et al., 2018).
technical and economic feasibility of a new process intended to maxi-
mize water recovery from the aqueous effluents of a copper smelter.
3.3. India This new process should enable optimal use of raw materials within
Europe and will also contribute to the current EU strategy on the Circu-
Rapid industrialization and urbanization in India is creating severe lar Economy (Eit RawMaterials, 2019).
pressure on water resources and is increasing pollution. Recently, a Recently, GEA, a founding partner of Mass Challenge Switzerland,
three-year target was set by the Indian government—known as the has developed a hybrid ZLD system for a molybdenum production facil-
“Clean Ganga” project—that imposes stringent regulations on wastewa- ity with a capacity of 110 m3/h. It consists of a brine purification pre-
ter discharge and compels high-polluting industries to move toward treatment section followed by an RO pre-concentration unit and
ZLD (Abdelhamid, 2015). In 2015, the Indian government's water con- subsequent concentration via a falling film evaporator, all driven by me-
servation policies imposed ZLD installation at all textile plants generat- chanical vapor recompression. Crystallization and solid separation com-
ing N25 m3 of wastewater per day (Singh and Bhalla, 2017). India has pletes the process, which produces pure water for reuse in production
extended ZLD to a range of industrial sectors including power, steel, (GEA, 2018). In Pakistan, a ZLD system was installed in 2013 at
pharmaceutical, chemical, textile, and food and beverage industries Jamshoro by Archroma Pakistan to treat textile and chemical wastewa-
(Rappich, 2016). In 2008, a ZLD system was implemented in the city ter with 80% recovery (Archroma Pakistan, 2016). Thermo-economic
of Tirupur for the recovery of both water and valuable salts from textile evaluation of a hybrid solar- conventional energy supply system at
560 Muhammad Yaqub, W. Lee / Science of the Total Environment 681 (2019) 551–563
ZLD WWT plant, on the basis of seasonal climate change of Tehran concentration technology to recover water and produce calcium sulfate
(Iran) was conducted. The variations of the temperature and pressure solids simultaneously (Xiong et al., 2013).
shown negligible affect at the inlet of thermo-compressor in thermody- Thirdly, pretreatments such as acidification and degasification re-
namic analysis. Quality studies showed that 34% of solar energy contrib- lease CO2 into the atmosphere and cause air pollution. Additionally, con-
utes in average in winter design to produce water, but, approximately sumption of large amounts of energy leads to significant emission of
60% of heat transfer surface area remain unused during hot seasons greenhouse gases. Furthermore, CO2 is emitted from ED applications
(Najafi et al., 2019). A demo plant in Stockholm, Sweden, testing of an- used in the concentration of RO brine from energy consumption
other small scale plant in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia and a pilot plant is in op- sources, and during de-carbonation to control scaling (Zhang et al.,
eration at Doha, Qatar (XZERO, 2019). The operation of 1st successful 2012). A life-cycle study in California showed that greenhouse gas emis-
industrial wastewater treatment and recycle plant commissioned by sions would rise by 50% if water supply was switched from imported
Toshiba in Oman having capacity of 7500m3/d of process water water to water recovered via brackish water reverse osmosis (BWRO)
(Draper, 2016). (Stokes and Horvath, 2009). In terms of energy efficiency, incorporating
The Initial Appraisal of a European Commission Impact Assessment technologies such as RO can decrease greenhouse gas emissions. Addi-
to setting minimum requirements for water reuse was studied. It is tionally, incorporating emerging membrane technologies into ZLD sys-
mentioned that member states including Belgium, Cyprus, Denmark, tems means that low-grade or renewable energy can be used, which
France, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Portugal, can reduce greenhouse gas emissions (Shaffer et al., 2013; Zhou et al.,
Spain, Sweden, and the UK where water reuse is being practiced., The 2015; Gingerich and Mauter, 2015; Xevgenos et al., 2016).
tentative volume of treated wastewater reused in the EU was 1100 mil-
lion m3/year during 2015 while estimated potential is much higher that 5. Conclusion
is 6000 million m3/year by 2025 (Vera, 2018).
The implementation of ZLD systems is considered a significant strat-
4. Environmental and operational aspects of ZLD egy for industrial wastewater management that can diminish water
contamination and enhance water supplies across the globe. However,
Irrespective of the advantages of ZLD systems in diminishing water concerns over high energy consumption and higher capital costs should
pollution and improving water sustainability, some environmental be addressed for more widespread ZLD uptake. Energy requirements
problems are associated with ZLD applications. A major operational along with other related expenses are still higher than conventional
challenge is caused by the recalcitrant organics present in the wastewa- wastewater treatment and disposal options. The severe problems
ter. These organics are usually difficult to decompose by conventional caused by water pollution are also gaining more attention and, ulti-
biological processes because of their chemically stable or toxic nature. mately, regulating authorities are imposing more stringent environ-
Therefore, they eventually increasing fouling risk of the membrane sys- mental regulations on industrial wastewater discharge that will force
tems and compromising the system stability (Xiong and Wei, 2017). industries toward ZLD applications. Moreover, freshwater scarcity
The technologies including conventional biological treatment systems resulting from climate change and the overexploitation of water re-
improvement through process design or bacterial community optimiza- sources will facilitate the implementation of ZLD systems. For example,
tion (Jia et al., 2014, 2016) and advanced oxidation process application continuous drought conditions are being experienced in the Southwest-
(Jia et al., 2015; Zhao and Liu, 2016) can enhance the removal of recal- ern United States (Cook et al., 2015), and water deficiency is a problem
citrant organics. Other challenges and future technologies trend are de- in areas with high water-consuming industries (e.g., coal-fired power
scribed in the following parts of this section. plants) in China (Zhang et al., 2016). Agencies must therefore impose
Firstly, the produced solid wastes mixed salts are unfit for reuse and, limits on industrial freshwater withdrawal (Jiang et al., 2010).
if stored in evaporation ponds, create odors and have a negative impact In these situations, ZLD may be a strategy for sustainable water sup-
on wildlife and a risk of leakage (Burbano and Brandhuber, 2012). In ad- ply, where the application of energy-efficient techniques for treating
dition, if disposed in landfills, these wastes may cause chemical leaching higher salinity ranges, like RO, has the greatest potential. In addition,
(Younos, 2005). As a result, these waste solids create serious storage membranes with higher resistance to hydraulic pressure and fouling/
and disposal concerns because, in many cases, they require hazardous scaling problems can decrease the energy requirements and make ZLD
waste disposal facilities. Therefore, impermeable linings and consistent economically feasible. Furthermore, these techniques can reduce opera-
monitoring of such systems are essential to prevent wider contamina- tional costs by minimizing pretreatment and cleaning requirements,
tion. A fast growing strategy is to produce multiple high purity salts in- and by improving product water quality for reuse. Emerging
stead of mixed salts to reduce the operational cost spend on disposing of membrane-based technologies, including MD, FO, and ED/EDR, are cur-
the mixed salts as hazardous waste and to sell those pure salts as indus- rently applied in concentration of RO brine; however, these technolo-
trial materials for economy purposes. The most commonly expected gies are relatively immature compared to established RO and brine
salts are sodium sulfate and sodium chloride which can be separated concentrator techniques. More pilot-scale applications are therefore
by two-stage thermal crystallizers operated at different controlled tem- needed to validate the full-scale performance and feasibility of ZLD sys-
peratures as used in traditional salt chemical industry (Kim, 2011; Kılıc tems. The MD- and FO-incorporated ZLD systems use low-grade energy
and Kılıc, 2005). Moreover, NF membranes can also be used to separate that decreases energy demand, operation costs, and greenhouse gas
chloride and sulfate ions and further treat the concentrated stream and emissions. Emerging ZLD technologies can recover several nutrients
the permeate stream to produce sodium sulfate and sodium chloride re- and recuperate metals and elements from industrial wastewater. In
spectively (Fridman-Bishop et al., 2015; Yan et al., 2016; Xiong and Wei, the future, developing energy-efficient and cost-effective membrane
2017). technologies should make ZLD more viable and sustainable. In terms
Secondly, high operational cost is a big concern regarding existing of environmental concerns, more studies are needed for life-cycle as-
ZLD technologies because sophisticated pretreatment systems are re- sessment of energy demand and greenhouse gas emissions to improve
quired to achieve higher water recovery. Moreover, complex system de- understanding of the cost-benefit balance of ZLD systems.
sign leads to high chemical cost, large quantity of sludge production and
noticeably caused of salinity in the wastewater passing to the down- Acknowledgments
stream. As a result, pretreatment systems for complete removal of hard-
ness have practically become a standard in the ZLD technologies. This work was supported by the National Research Foundation of
Therefore, efforts are made to develop hybrid membrane and crystalli- Korea (NRF) grant funded by the Korea government (MSIT) (NRF-
zation process at room temperature for high efficiency pre- 2017R1A2B4009908).
Muhammad Yaqub, W. Lee / Science of the Total Environment 681 (2019) 551–563 561
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