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M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce Part - A: AQAR 2014-15 (1 July 2014 - 30 June 2015)

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S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce

AQAR 2014-15 (1st July 2014 – 30th June 2015)
Part – A
1. Details of the Institution
1.1 Name of the Institution: M.S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce.
1.2 Address Line 1: M S Ramaiah College of Arts, Science and Commerce
Address Line 2: M S R IT Post, M S Ramaiah Nagar
City/Town: Bangalore
State: Karnataka
Pin Code: 560054.
Institution e-mail address: principal.msrcasc@gmail.com
Contact Nos.: 080-23600966, 080-65329515
Name of the Head of the Institution: Dr. A .Nagarathna
Tel. No. with STD Code: 080-65329515
Mobile: 9980066012.
Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator: Prof. T.E. Kanakavalli
Mobile: 9480524160.
IQAC e-mail address: iqac.msrcasc@gmail.com
1.3 NAAC Track ID: KACOGN11445
1.4 NAAC Executive Committee No. &Date: EC (SC)/05/RAR/085; 03-03-2015
1.5Website address: www.msrcasc.edu.in
Web-link of the AQAR: http://www.msrcasc.edu.in/AQAR
1.6Accreditation Details
Year of
Sl.No. Cycle Grade CGPA Validity Period
1 1st Cycle B+ 75.25% 16-09-2004
2 2nd Cycle A 3.11/ 4 30-09-2009 29-09-2014
3 3rd Cycle A 3.06/ 4 03-03-2015 02-03-2020

1.7 Date of Establishment of IQAC: 1/10/2005
1.8 AQAR for the year: 2014-2015
1.9Details of the previous year‟s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment
and Accreditation by NAAC.
AQAR 2013-14 submitted as email on 9.7.2014 (By e mail to naac.aqar@gmail.com)
The college received the re-accreditation certificate from NAAC on 03-03-2015
1.10 Institutional Status
Affiliated College: Yes (permanently affiliated by Bangalore University)
Regulatory Agency approved Institution: Yes (AICTE)
Type of Institution: Co-Education and Urban
Financial Status: Totally Self-financing

1.11Type of Faculty/Programme: Arts , Science, Commerce & Management

1.12Name of the Affiliating University: Bangalore University

1.13 Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR etc

Autonomy by State/Central Govt. / University
University with Potential for Excellence, UGC-CPE, DST Star Scheme, UGC-CE, UGC-Special
Assistance Programme, DST-FIST, UGC-Innovative PG programmes, UGC-COP Programmes

None of the above

2.IQAC Composition and Activities

2.1No. of Teachers: 15

2.2No. of Administrative/Technical staff: 02

2.3No. of students: 26

2.4No. of Management representatives: 4

2.5No. of Alumni: 2

2.6No. of any other stakeholder and

Community representatives: 2

2.7 No. of Employers/ Industrialists: 1

2.8No. of other External Experts: 2
2.9 Total No. of members: 28 excluding the student members.

2.10No. of IQAC meetings held: 10

2.11 No. of meetings with various stakeholders :
Faculty: 12
Non-Teaching Staff: 02
Students: 03
Alumni: 02
Others: 02

2.12Has IQAC received any funding from UGC during the

year? No
2.13Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)
(i)No.of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC
Total No: 8
International: Nil
National: Nil
State: 01
Institution Level: 07

(ii) Themes:
State level:
 Science Internship Camp of one week duration in January 2015 for 11th standard
students across the state was conducted in association with all Science departments of the
college under the sponsorship of the management of the college.
College level:
 Open lecture series “Science Consortia”
 Computers for Business –MIS by Jetking Hardware solutions
 Study in UK by SI-UK Educational council
 Two day workshop on “Android App Development” in association with IIT Delhi.
 Work shop on “Preparing, Characterising CRYSTALS” to celebrate International Year
of Crystallography 2014
 Guest lecture on “Soft Skills – English Career”
 “Importance of Platform and our potential and introduction of i3”

2.14Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC:

IQAC has prepared all the departments and the institution to go for third cycle of reaccreditation
in the year 2014-15 and the college secured „A‟ grade from NAAC

IQAC has inculcated research culture in the institution among the staff and students and the
result of which the college has Research journals in three disciplines
1. Humanities – MSR Journal of Social Science and Literature with ISSN no. 2394-5249
2. Sciences – M S R Journal of Science with ISSN no. 2394-1200
3. Management – M S R Journal of Management with ISSN no. 2321-7383

IQAC initiated Academic Audit and Green Audit as per the NAAC Revised guidelines 2012 and
ensured its sustainability over the years.
IQAC has been a guiding light for all MSRCASC endeavours and consistent efforts to have rich
and varied experience in teaching, learning, research, student progression and sensitization
towards issues like Environment, Women safety, Gender, health at MSRCASC.

2.15Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome

The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality
enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year

Plan of Action Achievements

Institutionalizing the process of academic A better knowledge about the performance of
audit. students in academic field and staff appraisal.
Initiated campus digitization. College activities, documents, admission process,
enrolment of students to university, absentee
statement, mass sms to faculty, salary disbursal,
common mail id, academic audit are all a
frame work.
Work shop on “Preparing, Characterising Creating Awareness on applications of crystals
CRYSTALS” to celebrate International
Year of crystallography 2014
Initiated green audit Greener campus.
Recommended more research activities. Many research paper publications in reputed peer
reviewed journals from students and faculty
members. Research Journals in three disciplines
namely Humanities, Sciences and Management
were published with ISSN numbers.
Initiated add on course to be conducted by All the departments conducted the add course.
all the departments.
Meticulous preparation of budget by all the All activities have fallen in line with the budget
departments. prepared.
Preparation of whole institution to face The institution has secured „A‟ grade from
third cycle re-accreditation process. NAAC in the year 2014-15
*Please refer to Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure1.

2.16Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body:

Yes; Management Committee
Provide the details of the action taken:
The AQAR was presented before the Management Committee meeting of the college in June
2015. The Committee members went through the details soon after the meeting. The committee
congratulated the college for its accomplishment in securing A grade in the third cycle of
accreditation by NAAC in 2015. At the same time, the aspects that required reinforcement were
identified and the concerned sections of the college were given time deadlines to record
improvement and get back to report to the management. The aspects for which funds were a
constraint were identified.
Part – B
Criterion – I
1. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

Number of Number of value

Number of Number of
Level of the programmes added / Career
existing self-financing
Programme added during the Oriented
Programme programmes
year programmes
PG 6 1 6 1
UG 7 - 7 3
PG Diploma
Diploma 1
Total 13 1 13 5

Interdisciplinary 2
Innovative - - - -

1.2 (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS

(ii) Pattern of programmes:

Number of

Semester 13

Trimester NA

Annual NA
Feedback from stakeholders*Alumni /Parents /Employers/Students (On all aspects)
Mode of feedback: Manual
Feedback from students has been taken.
*Please refer to Annexure2

1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their
salient aspects.
Yes,| As per Bangalore University CBCS system has been introduced for this academic year for
UG & PG.
Credit Based Semester Scheme
 The relative importance to the subjects of study are quantify in terms of credits.
 The subject of study includes foundation, core and skill development courses.
 The declaration of result is based on the Aggregate Percentage of marks obtained as
well as on Aggregate or Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) earned.

1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give
details. The institution has introduced PG Department of Organic Chemistry.

Criterion – II

2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

Total Asst. Associate Professors Others

2.1 Total No. of
Professors Professors
permanent faculty
71 52 12 7 -

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.: 18

Asst. Associate Professors Others Total
Professors Professors
12 0 0 0 0 0 0 12
2.3 No. of Faculty Positions Recruited (R) and Vacant(V) during the year

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty:

3 2.5Faculty participation in conferences and symposia:

No. of Faculty International level National level State level

Attended Seminars/ Workshops 4 24 33 0
Presented papers 8 17 16 0
Resource Persons 1 1 0 0

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

 Technical training in instrumentation from senior PG students to their Junior PG and PG
Pharmacy students as a bridge course. .
 Power point presentation on specified syllabus
 Class seminars related to subject.
 Use of ICT and Educational technology
 Use of television along with internet connection
 Industry visits
 Group discussions
 Activity Based Learning like, listening Comprehension, Describing Appearances, &
2.7Total No. of actual teaching days during this academic year: 180 days

2.8Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution

Open book examination for IA Test and MCQS introduced by Bangalore university

2.9No. of faculty members involved in curriculum restructuring/revision/syllabus development

as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop : 04
2.10Average percentage of attendance of students: 78%
2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage :
UG courses

2014-2017 I 2013-2016 III 2012-15

Batch Batch Batch V sem
students sem Students sem Students
B.Sc BT 74.3 B.Sc BT 68.4 B.Sc BT 73.6
B.Sc Gen 74.4 B.Sc Gen 73 B.Sc Gen 85
B.Sc EMCs 87.2 B.Sc EMCs 87 B.Sc EMCs 32
BCA 50 BCA 65 BCA 84
BCOM 45 BCOM 45 BCOM 58.3
BBM 36 BBM 31.25 BBM 58
BA 15 BA 17 BA -

PG courses

2013-15 IV 2014-16 II
Batch Batch
Students Students
M.Sc BT 84 M.Sc BT 63.3
M.Sc GEN 100 M.Sc GEN 82
M.Sc MB 96 M.Sc MB 97
M.Sc BC 82 M.Sc BC 25
MBA 75 MBA 96


University 2nd rank and 4th rank in BCA, University 4th rank in BSc and seven centum
scoring in this year.

2.12How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:

IQAC plays a vital role in the quality assessment of MSRCASC, emphasizing teaching-learning-
evaluation process. IQAC organizes seminars to provide a platform for healthy interaction
between different stakeholders. It also collects feedback from students, which is subsequently
analyzed to improve the teaching-learning process.

The Academic Audit is held twice a year that is at the of end odd and even semesters. The
auditor verifies the division of lesson plans, innovations in teaching and learning process, results
with respect to that of internal assessment and Bangalore university examinations and
suggestions given are implemented.
IQAC encourages faculty to attend FDP, conferences to enhance their knowledge and skill sets.
Collection and analysis of data on student learning outcomes is done through student feedback
on the performance of teachers. This is done by the dedicated IQAC wing of the institution. The
feedback is used by the faculty for improving the quality of teaching. The grades of performance
as assessed by the students are communicated to the faculty through the principal.

2.13Initiativesundertaken towards faculty development

Number of faculty
Faculty / Staff Development Programme
Refresher courses 0
UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme 1
HRD programme 2
Orientation programme 12
Faculty exchange programme 3
Staff training conducted by the university -
Staff training conducted by other institutions 15
Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 13
Others 12

2.14Details of Administrative and Technical staff

Category Number of Number of Number of Number of
Permanent Vacant permanent positions
Employees Positions positions filled filled
during the Year temporarily

Administrative Staff 22 0 0 0

Technical Staff 3 0 0 0

Support staff 34 0 0 0

Criterion – III
3. Research, Consultancy and Extension
3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution
 Internal Quality Assurance Cell regularly meets the department heads and the research
committee members to discuss different plans to promote research climate and motivate
the faculty and the students for research and academic advancement.
 It inspires the faculty to pursue MPhil /PhD in their field of interest.
 Successful in encouraging all the departments to conduct add on course.
 To motivate the faculty and students to inculcate the research culture, organizes
seminars, workshops, conferences, guest lecturers from various industries and research
Institutes, etc., on recent advances in research, opportunities in technological inventions
and strategies.
 The students are informed about the various fellowships available for higher studies and
they are encouraged to apply for the same.
 With the objective of production of new knowledge and enhancement of quality in the
emerging area of commercial, industrial, pharmaceutical and agricultural aspects in
relation to societal well being, students are motivated to carry out projects and research
 Motivating the students and staff to publish research articles in peer reviewed National
and International Journals.
 Plans for industrial/ study tours, field trips, visit to research laboratories by the students
and enhance their urge for research and a good practical exposure.

3.2 Details regarding major projects

3.3 Details regarding minor projects
Ongoing Ongoing Sanctioned
Number 2 3 2
Outlay Rs. 10,000 Rs.6,000 -

3.4 Details on research publications

International National Others
Peer Review Journals 09 10 2
Non-Peer Review Journals 0 1 0
e-Journals 0 0 0
Conference proceedings 4 7 5
3.5 Details on Impact factor of publications:

Range: 1.25 - 2.2 Averages: 1.72 h-index: 4 Nos. in SCOPUS

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry
and other organisations

Duration Name of the Total grant

Nature of the Project
Year funding Agency Sanctioned Rs
Major projects - - -
Minor Projects 2014 KSCST 12,000
Interdisciplinary Projects - - -
Industry sponsored - - -
Projects sponsored by the 2014 MSRCASC 32,000
University/ College
Students research projects
(other than compulsory by 2014 MSRCASC- 12 projects
the University)
Total 12,000

3.7 No. of books published i) Journals with ISSN No. 03

ii) Without ISBN No.: 03
3.8 No. of college Departments receiving funds from SAP, CAS, FIST etc: NONE
3.9 For colleges CPE, DBT, Autonomy etc; Nil
3.10 Revenue generated through consultancy: Nil
3.11No. of conferences organized by the Institution

Level International National State College

Number - - 01 07
Sponsoring agencies - - MSRCASC MSRCASC

3.12No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons : 4

3.13 No. of collaborations: 4
3.14 No. of linkages created during this year: Nil
3.15 Total budget for research for current year:
From funding agency: Rs.12,000
From Management of University/College: Rs.1,28,281
Total: Rs: 1, 40,281

3.16No. of patents received this year: Nil

3.17No. of research awards/ recognitions received by faculty and research
fellows Of the institute in the year

Total International National State University Dist College

3 - - - 3 - -

3.18No. of faculty from the Institution who are Ph.D.Guides: 2

and students registered under them : Nil

3.19 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution: Nil

3.20No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships (Newly enrolled + existing ones): 02
3.21 No. of students Participated in NSS events: College: 80

3.22 No. of students participated in NCC events:

University level: 40 cadets
National level: 4 cadets
3.23 No. of Awards won in NSS: None
3.24 No. of Awards won in NCC: 06
3.25 No. of Extension activities organized
College forum: 1
NSS: 5
NCC: 5
Any other 3

3.26 Major Activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional
Social Responsibility
 Organised rock charity show and Rs 6000 was collected and donated to Mathrushree
Mano Vikasa Kendra. Students planted 40 flower saplings in the orphanage premises.
 Street play on women empowerment.

Criterion – IV

4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:
Facilities Existing Newly Source of Total
created Fund
Campus area 8780 540 Management 8780
sq m Sq m
Class rooms 30 - Management 30
Laboratories 11 - Management 11
Seminar Halls 3 - Management 3
No. of important equipments 122 6 Management 128
purchased (≥ 1-0 lakh) during the
current year.
Value of the equipment purchased Rs Rs 151252 Management 50,78,843
during the year (Rs. in Lakhs) 49,27,591
Others - - - 7,000

New five floor building is under construction

4.2 Computerization of administration and library

Libraries in Main Block & MBA Block have been computerized by using a good Library
Management Software-LIBSOFT-9.8.0.
4.3 Library services:

Existing Newly added Total

No. Value No. Value No. Value
Text Books 26786 8518362 329 184340 27115 8702702
Reference Books 2042 - 111 - 2153 -
e-Books 8500 British Council library& 11851784 DELNET
Journals 82 837280 78 167456 82 10,04,736
e-Journals 6192 EBSCO,2628 J-GATE,20235 DELNET & 14000 British Library

Digital Database 03 1497265 03 299453 3 1796716

CD & Video 585 --------- 50 --------- 635 ---------
Others(specify) Member of British council library, Annual subscription Fee Rs.1100/-
Bound vol. Jrnls.
Total 29,498 1,08,52,906 571 6,51,249 29,988 1,15,04,154

4.4 Technology up gradation (overall)

Computer Browsing Computer Offi Department Other
Comput Internet
Labs Centres Centres ce s s
Existing 164+ 6 4 All 01 01 8 9 4
in May laptops comput
2015 ers
Added 08 0 All 01 01 0 0 0

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers andstudents and any other programme
for technology up gradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)

8 new computer systems with internet and LAN connection have been added during 2014 to the

4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs :

i) ICT Rs. 3, 02,758/-

ii)Campus Infrastructure and facilities Rs. 5,89,369/-

iii) Equipments Rs. 1,59,913/-

iv) others Rs. 3,45,402/-

Criterion – V
5. Student Support and Progression

5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

One of the key aspects of IQAC with respect to that of its mission is to provide and enhance
awareness about student support service. Each and every stage that the students step into is
tracked and supported by the institution through the efficient IQAC members. The following are
the few student support services that have been ensured by the IQAC to be provided to the
 Students have been given a choice to select their interested area of service to the
society at the admission level itself, like NCC, NSS, YRC etc., Where every year
the concerned units conducts camps in which students take part actively and
which moulds students with overall development.
 Prospectus – that gives the first hand information about the institution, course
details, facilities available at the institution, co-curricular and extra- curricular
activities that can be availed, lab facilities, faculty profile, library facility,
placement facility etc. In addition to it the student diary which gives details about
the calendar of events is also made available the students during the orientation
 Scholarships/financial aid to the students – The IQAC ensures that the college
caters to the academic needs of the students belonging to economically weaker
sections of the society, meritorious students, students those excel in sports. The
college provides financial assistance to these students, which is received from the
State Govt., other agencies and the Management of the college. Nearly 50-70%
students of the college get benefit from these scholarships.
 There is special consideration for students belonging to differently-abled category
or physically challenged students during the admission process. IQAC ensures
their requirements and needs are given a special care and attention.
 Overseas students: The IQAC ensures that the institution extends its services to
overseas students as per the university guidelines and security clearance.
Facilities like health centres, hostel accommodation, canteen facilities etc are
 Students to participate in various competitions/National and
International/Organizing coaching classes for competitive exams: The coaching
for Soft skills, Resume preparation, scientific writing, Group Discussion,
Interview skills, short term computer courses like jetking certification,
certifications on various entrepreneurial programs, imparted to needy students.
 IQAC ensures that the students and the staff members are provided with medical
assistance. Our College follows a systematic process of procuring the medical
history of the students during the admission process via proctorial forms.
Institution has a very special concern for the health and hygiene of the college
students, staff and other members.
 Initiation of Mentor-Mentee scheme- Proctors being allocated with 25 students to
keep track of the student progression, to keep the parents informed about their
wards progression and to counsel the students if required.
 Initiation of Academic audit: An efficient way of recording the data of university
marks and tracking the academic progress
 Grievances Redressal, Women cell, anti-ragging cell, counselling cell were few
of the support services initiated by the IQAC.

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

Proctors keep track of the students‟ progression by preparing Part B & C of academic audit. The
final year students are guided for further studies and are tracked through mails and phone calls
once they complete their course. The students share their opinions during alumni meet also.
Present students‟ progression is tracked by doing academic audit every semester.
Alumni database is maintained by the department, through which students‟ progression is
5.3 (a) Total Number of students UG PG Ph. D. Others
1676 140 - -

(b) No. of students outside the state: 382

(c) No. of international students: 17
No % No %
Men Women
1105 66% 577 34%

Last Year This Year

General SC ST OBC Physicall Total Genera SC ST O Physicall Total

y l B y
Challeng C Challeng
ed ed

1582 114 41 - 4 1737 1511 117 48 - - 1676

Demand ratio 1: 1.2 Dropout %: 4 to 8%

5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examinations (If any)
Assistance given to students to take up MAT/CAT for admission to PG course Library, apart
from the regular books required in the curriculum also maintains books for the competitive
exams like CAT, PGCET and KMAT. Many students have taken up and will be taking NET

No. of students beneficiaries: 45

5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations

CAT: 10-50, State PSC: 02

5.6 Details of student counselling and career guidance

 Career counselling session was conducted for final B.com students on 6th& 7th August
 In the even semester around 28 students have utilized counselling and around 100
students data (BBM) obtained regarding personality, anxiety and stress levels.
Analysis was done and discussed same with students generally; interested students
came for personal 1-1sessions to know more about themselves.
 As there are many adolescent and early adults in the college, they come up with
problems such as peer pressure, exam anxiety, comprehension problem, addiction to
substances such as nicotine, alcohol and other social networking sites addiction such as
whats app, face book, twitter and video games, relationship issues and many more.

No. of students benefitted: 82

5.7Details of campus placement

On campus Off Campus

Number of Number of Students Number of Number of Students Placed

Organizations Visited Participated Students Placed

20 250 148 30

5.8Details of gender sensitization programmes.

Self defence awareness programme, Women entrepreneur, Street play on women empowerment
were organised.

5.9 Students Activities

5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events

Sports: State/ University level: 04

National level:02
International level: 01
Institution level: 35
No. of students participated in cultural events:
Institution level: 65
Academic competitions: 85
5.9.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events
Sports: International 2
State/ University level: 01
Institution level: 45
Academics: 12

5.10Scholarships and Financial Support

Number of

Financial support from institution 167 12,70,500

Financial support from government 42 2,15,000

Financial support from other sources 16 4,50,000

Number of students who received International/ - -

National recognitions

5.11Student organised / initiatives

Commerce premier league was conducted from 18th- 20th March 2015
Student‟s newsletters of six departments
Campaign on non-painted Ganesha Idol for the Ganesha Chaturthi Festival
Waston Club activities are initiated by the students on the theme Global warming on 18th
February 2015
Creating awareness on wild life conservation and Cancer awareness

5.12No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students: 01

5.13 Major grievances of students (if any) redressed: canteen services were enhanced
Criterion – VI

6. Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution

Vision “To prepare men and women for the service of the country”

Mission “M S Ramaiah college of Arts, Science & Commerce shall deliver global quality
education by nurturing a conducive learning environment for a better tomorrow through
continuous improvement and customization”

6.2 Does the Institution has a management Information System

Yes, the Institution has a management information system. The College ensures a system of
participative management whereby information flow and decision making processes are
systematised and channelled through all key constituents of the College.
The Heads of departments ensure the smooth functioning of the activities of the department
In collaboration with other members of the department. For the smooth and effective functioning
of the College, interactions with stakeholders comprising of faculty, parents, alumni and the
students, are organised.

6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

6.3.1 Curriculum Development

The college is affiliated to Bangalore University. Hence the curriculum is decided by the
university. However, the college conducts value added courses and certificate courses to
supplement the knowledge that would be gained by the students through the university
prescribed curriculum.
An assessment of the effectiveness of the current curriculum is done through feedback obtained
from faculty, students, alumni, subject experts, employers and members.

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

Time, space, financial and human resources are well planned. The inputs from various
constituent departments or units of the college are taken by the principal and IQAC before the
beginning of the semester. These inputs are analysed, consolidated and approved wherever
needed to the maximum possible extent. Such decisions are normally about the following in
connection with teaching and learning. Faculty members are motivated to design contemporary,
skill based and value-added courses. Training sessions for the faculty are conducted to enhance
their teaching skills.

 The college prepares the semester calendar in advance. It is made available to faculty and
the students

 Lesson plan writing and teaching diary maintaining, adhering to the time schedule

 Planning and informing the students the schedule of the semester about the departments

 LCD projectors, OHPs, computer system with Internet facility and other gadgets are
provided whenever required by the faculty

 Entry level tests, Bridge classes and remedial classes

 Add on courses

 Conducting class tests, internal exams and other evaluation methods and discussing the
results with the students

 Industry visits

 Assignments and student seminars including presentations

 Academic competitions Academic audit pro-forma is filled by the faculty and it is

audited by IQAC and auditor

 Feed back on the teaching is taken from the students, it is analysed and informed to the
concerned faculty

 Learning is made student centric by methods like presentations, and by making the
students to use required software that is available in the college.

 By having interactions with the parents through meeting, requesting them to come on
appointed days, through email, and phone calls.

6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

Strategy followed is about the plan and implementation of the following.
College Exams
 Conducting class tests, internal exams and other evaluation methods and discussing the
results with the students, parents.

 Providing answer sheets / blue books for the tests, exams.

 Consolidating the marks of the students.

 Assignments and student seminars including presentations.

 Academic audit proforma is filled by the faculty and it is audited by IQAC and the
academic auditor.
The Final University Exams are conducted by the University and the evaluation is done at the

6.3.4 Research and Development

 The Research committee is formed for every year. It has IQAC core committee members
and a few more faculties. The committee collects the research proposals from various
departments. The principal and the research committee forwards such proposals that are
feasible with respect to financial help (partly) by the college. The budget that is reserved
for research is allocated after such forwarded ones. The concerned faculty must submit
reports about the progress of the work to the research committee on the pre determined
etc. The submission of the final report of the research work along with the accounts for
the funds is compulsory on or before the date that is previously specified.

 In addition, the college encourages, announces about the research projects funded by
other funding agencies, and forwards such proposals. These proposals are directly
submitted to the principal for necessary forwarding.

 The rules and regulations of the college clearly specifies about facilities that can be
availed in connection with research work (as pursuing PhD)

 There has been more than 40 research papers published/ presented during this academic
year by the faculty in various journals and conferences.
 Postgraduate students‟ research has been encouraged by the introduction of
dissertation/project work. Some departments encourage undergraduate research in
various ways –by way of projects, seminar papers and assignments.
6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation
The steps followed by (1) the librarian with respect to library, (2) IQAC with respect to ICT,
(3) Principal (with HODs) with respect to infrastructure and instrumentation are as follows:
 Yearly budget proposals under various of the above heads is collected from each
department and units before the academic year starts. Such a step is taken at the end of
the previous academic year itself. Based on the urgency, necessity, existing available
status, the budget proposed by the department is analysed and according to the analysis,
it is sanctioned.
 It is the responsibility of the HOD/ head of the unit to proceed and purchase/ getting
serviced etc within the academic year based on the need and according to the norms of
the college.

6.3.6 Human Resource Management

Heads of the department and units of the college plan together about the use of faculty of one
department in other department. Time schedule for such sharing is accordingly planned.
 The overall human resource management is as per the hierarchy that is specified by the
rules of the college
 In addition to human resource sharing, sometimes the infra structure facility is also
shared by such faculties. In these cases information is reached to everbody by displaying
the shared structures availability in common notice boards and calendars meant for this
purpose which are kept in the college office.
 The college recognizes exemplary services of the faculty / staff and provides appreciation
 The college issues memo to such faculty /staff who have not followed the rules and
regulations of the college. The concerned staff must give explanation in writing. Steps
are taken as a follow up by the higher ups.
 Whether the classes are conducted promptly, regularly, punctually is monitored by the
circulation of room wise time table of the days of the week and noting the reality.
 The annual self appraisal by the staff, students feedback, appraisal by HOD / section
head is taken and recorded.
 At the end of each academic year the Management Committee reviews the existing
positions and identifies personnel for various teaching and non-teaching positions.
The management makes appointments through prescribed procedures.
 Recreation programmes are also organised for teaching, non-teaching and
Supportive staff.

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

The strategy adopted is based on:
Justifying the need of the recruitment, then giving newspaper advertisement, giving preference
to SC, ST candidates and the recruitment is done after conducting interview by the selection
The selection panel consists of the Principal, Head of the concerned department, a senior
member of the faculty and an external subject expert. Candidates deemed suitable to meet the
institutions requirements are appointed on probation for two years. They are given a permanent
position by the Management after assessment of their performance.

6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

The strategy followed is
1. Find out areas or sectors of the curriculum where such interactions are beneficial for the
students and the college. The HOD should get permission from the college for approaching
industry or institution.
2. The HOD to write to the Industry or the collaborating institution, discuss with them about the
feasibility, the time frame, the cost if any to be paid etc
3. Put up a proposal to the college by stating the need, the process, the time schedule, the benefit,
the cost involved.
4. Upon approval by the college (by the Principal / Chief Executive/ Chief of Finance/ Directors
of the college/ all of them, depending on the case) the concerned papers are signed by both the
college authorities as well as the external agency.
5. The actual process is implemented/ executed within the time frame that is already decided.

6.3.9 Admission of Students

 The College website and prospectus contain information about the institution and the
programmes offered. The prospectus that highlights the details of various programmes of
the College is prepared every year prior to the commencement of admissions. The
prospectus also gives details of eligibility norms for admission.
 All information relating to admission processes is made known to the public by
way of a Help Desk that is set up during admissions.
 The filled in application forms are collected from the candidates desiring to take
 The applications are arranged mark wise and category wise.
 The list of selected students is prepared by solely considering their marks in the
qualifying exam and by considering the category (SC/ST/OBC etc).
 The list is displayed on the notice board and last date to pay fees is specified in the list
along with the fees to be paid for admission
 In all the courses admission is done by the students after paying the fees in the colleges
bank, namely Vijaya Bank, MSRIT branch or Axis Bank and getting admission letters
from the college office.
 Preference is given to physically disabled students during admission
 If a second or third list is required, such lists are also prepared based on marks, category
and the same procedure for admission is adopted similar to first list.

6.4 Welfare schemes for

Teaching Health related, faculty development related schemes exist.
Welfare fund from the salary of staff at the rate of Rs 50 per staff is collected.
From this loan facility is available to staff.
Contributory Provident Fund for faculty
Maternity leave

Non teaching Health related

Welfare fund from the salary of staff at the rate of Rs 50 perNon teaching staff
is collected. From this loan facility is available to staff
Financial aid to educate the children of supportive staff
Admissions, scholarships and fee, concessions for children of administrative
and supportive staff
Students Health related facility is available, counseling, placement

6.5 Total corpus fund generated

The reserve fund available with the college is Rs.13,14,58,459/-
6.6 Whether annual financial audit has been done
6.7 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

External Internal
Audit Type
Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority
The external official
Academic Yes identified by the college Yes IQAC
Auditors of Gokula Manager,
Administrative Yes Education Foundation Partly, yes Finance

6.8 Does the University/ Autonomous College declares results within 30 days?
For UG Programmes- Yes For Final year students
No For I and II year students

6.9 What efforts are made by the University/ Autonomous College for Examination
Whenever the university makes changes relating to the examination, it does so after
(1) Identifying the need to change,
(2) The change that is required is discussed in the university meeting,
(3) Then discusses with the principals of affiliated colleges in the principals‟ meeting,
(4) Then it sends notification to all the colleges and the university departments. For example, in
a recent principals‟ meeting, the introduction of Choice Based Credit System (CBCS) in the
university was discussed and the possible exam reforms subsequent to it. Another example is the
circular sent by the university regarding the change in the number of years by which s a student
can complete the course and qualifies for the degree.

6.10 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the
affiliated/constituent colleges?
The university specifies the minimum requirement to be possessed by the college to apply for
autonomy. The university calls for proposals by the college to request for grant of autonomy to
the college. It processes and sanctions autonomy to eligible colleges with a short time, namely
before the next academic year.
6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association
 Alumni Day is organised on the second Saturday of March every year.
 Alumni are active members of IQAC
 Alumni guide the present students in further study prospects information and in
 Alumni also guide the present students in getting jobs.
 Alumni have presented research papers in the conferences conducted by the college

6.12 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association

Feedback is provided by the parents on all aspects of the college. However there are activities
organised by the college wherein parents are encouraged to attend. In the beginning of the
academic year it is mandatory that parents of I years‟ students attend an Orientation on all
academic programmes and student support services offered on campus. Departments organise a
one-on-one dialogue with parents whose children need further support and counseling services to
enhance performance.

6.13 Development programmes for support staff

Programmes have been organised for the supporting staff who did not know to read or write.
They can now operate their own bank accounts and fill in their casual leave forms. Computer
literacy programmes are organised for those who know to read English. Training programs
meant for them like Modular Skill development programmes have been enabled. Programmes to
imbibe team work concepts are organised for them. Educating programmes to make them aware
of the solid waste segregation process have been done.

6.14 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly

The College, on a regular basis, makes a thorough environmental assessment of the campus and
implements healthy ecological practices in water, energy conservation and waste management.
Some of the initiatives are as follows:
Rain water harvesting, solid waste segregation in labs as well as other places of the college,
installing Bio gas plant, creating a Bio energy park, performing green audit, collecting E-waste
and handing them over to E-waste recycling industries, Organising events to mark Environment
Day, World water day, making the students to install only non painted Ganesha Idol for the
Ganesha Chathurthi are some of the initiatives taken by the college. The existing Reverse
Osmosis plants supply potable water for the entire college.

Criterion – VII
7. Innovations and Best Practices

7.1 Innovation introduced during this academic year are as follows

1. Biotechnology and Genetics department has taken the initiative in computerised

maintenance of stock register.
2. Microbilogy department follows the space audit and manages the available space
and laboratory for regular classes and extracurricular project to inculcate research
culture amongst the student fraternity.
3. Electronics department has created a common platform for the students by creating a
common mail id for the students

7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the
beginning of the year.
Department of Biotech and Genetics in coordination with M S Ramaiah Teaching Medical
Hospital conducted a hands of training and workshop on Karyo typing.

Department of Microbiology continued their Add-on-Course and industrial visits .

MSR journal of sciences was published

MB department conducted a special training program on safety measures to the lab assistants.

Department of chemistry has implemented certificate course, value added course and minor
projects for students to enhance practical skills.

Department of electronics has a practice of celebrating the international years according to the
theme announced by UNESCO. The year 2014 was celebrated as year of crystallography by
organizing guest lectures and workshop on crystal making along with poster competition

Department of BT and Genetics post graduate students conducted a lecture series and published
a souvenir. Laboratory to field experiments were conducted for the students og UG and PG.

Department of chemistry conducted Value added course n cytotoxicity , antifungal and

antibacterial activity in collaboration with Skanda Life sciences Pvt ltd. From 20-9-14 to 27-9-14

7.3 Give two Best Practices of the institution

*Please refer to the details in annexure3
7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection
Electronics department- ozone day was marked by conducting a awareness program.
Bt/Gen – Best out of lab waste was conducted. use of alternative chemicals in the place of
expensive and hazardous waste.
EVS- celebration of world environment day every year is regular practice.
E-essay writing competition on “Role of Industries in managing the environment”

7.5 Whether environmental audit was conducted?

Yes. The audit is conducted twice a year that is every semester with respect to green cover,
water and energy.

7.6 Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add. (for example SWOT Analysis)

Plans for the next year

 To execute celebration on international year of soil and light 2015
 Visit to ISRO
 Implement research projects
 Plan to establish language lab
 To develop eco friendly campus
 Placement- tie up with portals and consultancies for training and development of student
 To develop nursery plot-HERBS to be taken as an extensive program
 Organic composting.
 Plan to start M.Com
 More value added course for student
 To organize intercollegiate fest
 Language lab for optional English
 Studio for Journalism
 To organize conference ,workshops and FDP
 To collaborate with industries for research from various research and placement
 To obtain financial grants for research from various agencies.
 New building is proposed for the next Academic year

SWOT Analysis
1. Qualified and experienced faculty with intensive coaching Strengths.
2. Adopting innovative method of teaching.
3. Better placements are provided for the students.
4. Well equipped laboratory.
5. More than 90% results, and many university ranks.
6. Brand Name (M.S. Ramaiah).
7. Maximum participation of the students in the conferences, presentation of papers (oral
&poster), publications (articles and research papers)in peer reviewed journals of National and
International, conference proceedings, students magazine and Gangothri of college
1. Very few MOU‟s are signed, nomajor research grants.
2. The college has to get 2f and 12 B from UGC. We have applied and the Bangalore
University has sent its recommendation to UGC..
1. Wide scope for business area and finance in MNCs
2. Creating opportunities to the students to present papers in state and national seminars
and conferences
3. Can introduce related and supporting courses.
4. MDPs / Consultancy
5. Start Evening College
6.To procure funds from funding agencies for research.
7. To organize Value added course as per the requirement for industries to enhance
placement. 8.Looking for research grant
1. Syllabus; not Industry focussed
2. Inadequate job opportunities for under graduate students.
3. Diminishing research urge towards research among students
4. To make the students to face challenges and improve their employability

Name Prof T. E. Kanakavalli Name Dr. A. Nagarathna

The Coordinator, IQAC The Chairperson, IQAC And the Principal


The outcome of the feedback:

About 75% of the students gave the feedback that the curriculum prepared them for finding a job
or for getting admission to further studies.

There was a positive response among the first year students about the Credit Based System, for
whom it was introduced.

The average rating of the teaching faculty as rated by the student is 84%.

1. Title of the Practice

Hands on training.

2. Goal
Hands on training programs and workshops have always been strength of the departments of
our institution. These training programs enable the students to get a practical exposure to
theoretical perspectives of it. It also enables the students to get the concrete knowledge
about the concept and also to overcome the practical difficulties during the protocol. It
kindles the research perspective in the students mind and enables them to think in a logical
way. These programs give a broader dimension to their learning process. The details of such
hands on training on Yoghurt production is given as a sample out of the several such
programmes conducted by various departments.

3. The Context
As the quest for research in basic sciences is depleting in recent times an initiative
programme of hands on training will develop an urge for research in the minds of the
students. Application of the theoretical knowledge in the industrial front and co-relating
the theory and practice paper enables the student for better understanding and for better
performance. This type if hands on training will be a platform for the new entrepreneurs
in the science fraternity and also will motivate the students to be self employed and
generate employment to the science community. Students also gets encouraged looking
at different dimensions of specialization from this kind of practical exposure. This
project alone adds knowledge to food microbiology, fermentation technology, microbial
technology, mass production, cost management, storage and culture maintenance,
fortification, nutritional analysis.

4. The Practice
Based on the discussion with the alumni group of students, those who are employed in
the industrial front, we found this topic to be a feasible one. With the help of alumni we
could materialize and conceptualize the idea of hands on training of yoghurt production.
Students of final B.Sc Biotechnology and Genetics found it very exciting and on
announcement of this title which motivated us to implement. 60 students got enrolled
themselves and participated successfully, which was financially supported by the college

This program included a brief introduction about the resource person and their
production – contribution and role of young scientist in R & D of food industry,
followed by briefing of the techniques involved in the mass production of yoghurt by the
resource person. The core objective of the program being “Hands-on training”,
individual students were allowed to perform the entire process. The final product was
exciting for the students and it also motivated the students in trying out different
fortification protocols and varying different physical parameters. The entire staff and
students relished the final product that is fortified yoghurt. The program was concluded
successfully with distribution of certificates and collection of feedback forms.

5. Evidence of Success
The huge turn-out of the student participants, by enlarge showed the success rate of the
over-all training programme. Student feed-back forms was collected from the student
participant and analyzed to confirm the success rate against targets and benchmarks. The
feed-back forms were encouraging and motivating, which urges the department to
conduct many such hands-on training programs.

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Handling the raw material in large quantities as it was a perishable. Maintenance of the
optimum temperature and storage of the final product for the long time was difficult
since it was implemented for the first time. Maintenance of the sterile condition was a
huge challenge, since the enrollment for the program was too high. Repetition of the
workshop was tough since the pure culture maintenance has to be done on daily basis
and procuring the culture from the resource person is not feasible every time.

7.. Contact Details

Name of the Principal:
Dr. Nagarathna
Name of the Institution:M S Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce
City: Bangalore
Pin Code: 560 020
Accredited Status: A
Work Phone:080 23600966
Website: www.msrcasc.edu.in

Best practice II
1. Title of the Practice
E-Newsletters published by all the departments.

2. Goal
E-Newsletters published by all the departments have always been strength of our
institution. These newsletters enable the students to get exposure to current affairs related to
their subject. It kindles the research perspective in the students mind and enables them to
think in a logical way.

3. The Context
Among the communication skills, written skills are the most effective. This helps
develop an urge for journal publications in the minds of the students. Knowing the
current affairs is developed by this best practice. The newsletters are in the digital form
makes it easier to access anytime and minimize paper usage.

4. The Practice
The students are encouraged to write articles in their respective disciplines which is
edited by the staff members. The e newsletters from various departments are Eco-age,e-
vanijya, Nirantar, Electronica and Nirvan. The interdepartmental exchange of newsletters
enable in over all skill development of the students. This also leads to the positive
interaction with students. The E-newsletters are uploaded in the college website. The
well facilitated library provides the students with enormous number of journals and
magazines for their reference.

5. Evidence of Success
The huge turn-out of the student articles, by enlarge shows the success rate of the

6. Problems Encountered and Resources Required

Laborious processes of editing by the faculty members in making the student write
structured articles.

7. Contact Details
Name of the Principal:
Dr. Nagarathna
Name of the Institution: M S Ramaiah college of Arts, Science and Commerce
City: Bangalore
Pin Code: 560 020
Accredited Status: A
Work Phone: 080 23600966
Website: www.msrcasc.edu.in

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