Submitted To
January 2018
KDKCE is located in the urban area, at Nandanwan, Nagpur encompassing a sprawling area of 5.55 acres, with
actual built up area of 26550.79 Sq. m. It was started with the UG Programs, B.E. in Civil Engineering,
Mechanical Engineering and Electrical Engineering (Electronics and Power) Engineering each with intake of
60. College has seen gradual increase in intake, addition of new UG and PG programmes in engineering.
Presently, college offers six (06) UG engineering programmes, two (02) PG engineering programmes & MBA.
Two departments are approved Centers for Higher Learning and Research by RTMNU, Nagpur leading to
Doctoral degree (Ph.D.).
Few UG engineering programmes of the college were accreditated in 2002 & 2008 by National Board of
Accreditation, New Delhi.
Various statutory cells / committees have been constituted.College has an academic MOU with foreign
College has received ISTE National Award in 2003 for Best student chapter & ISTE Best section of country
award 2003 and 2005.
College has received an ISO 9001:2015 Certification & Special appreciation award for Best Emerging Chapter
of Indian Concrete Institute (ICI) in 2016.
Academic Excellence in Engineering and Technology Through Complete dedication to all round
Growth of Students.
Enable the Students to Develop Outstanding Professional with Technical Competence and
Management Skills.
Fulfill the Expectance of the Society and Industries with Ethical Standards for developing Sustainable
Institutional Weakness
6. Average Socio- economic level students needs more effort for their upliftment
7. Selection through competitive examinations needs enhancment.
8. More Quality Improvement programs to be undertaken
9. Being an affiliated institution, chances for curriculum refinement is restricted
10. Limited AQIS grants from AICTE
Institutional Opportunity
Institutional Challenge
The college follows the curriculum offered by RTMNU, Nagpur. Some of the faculty members represent the
Board of Studies (BOS), Academic Council, Research Recognition Committee and Senate of RTMNU. Faculty
participate actively in the curriculum development workshops and contribute in the updation of syllabus. The
curriculum was revamped by RTMNU since 2012-13 progressively till 2015-16. Exam assessment is made in
Grade System.
As per the requirements of Outcome Based Education, Course Outcomes (CO), Programme Educational
Objectives (PEOs) and Programme Outcomes (POs) are defined in consistence with the vision and mission of
the college.
Academic calendar for the session is scrupolously followed. Teaching file prepared by subject teacher
containing details about the teaching plan, teaching execution records including the student performance.
Academic progress of students is monitored by class-in-charge, and guardian teachers. Guest lectures,
workshops, seminars, industrial visits and extra-curricular activities including technical events are conducted
for the overall development of students.
At the end of each semester, feedback is obtained from the students for quality assessment and corrective
measures are taken for improvement. The college also obtains feedback from other stakeholders like teachers,
alumni and parents.
The college has well equipped central library with a reading room capacity of 200. The digital library provides
online access to national and international journals.
The demands and expectations of the corporate sector regarding skill enhancements of students are taken care
by offering add on programmes. Apart from this, all the engineering departments organize various value added
courses as per needs of the students.
Presently there are 191 faculty from Maharashtra and other parts of country. Staff is encouraged to participate
in various training programmes /workshops / seminars / conferences /FDPs etc. Senior faculty are nominated
on various committees constituted by RTMNU, Nagpur. They are invited as resource persons also. Faculty
publishes research papers. AICTE-ISTE sponsored Faculty Development programs, Short term training
programs, National level Seminars, International Conference etc. are organized at KDKCE regularly. Faculty
have fetched grant from agencies like DST, BARC etc.
An Induction program is conducted for newly admitted students at the start of the session to make them aware
about the Academic Monitoring, Facilities, Faculty, Committees, Schemes, Students
Associations/Forums/Clubs, contact persons in case of emergency etc.
All Departments conduct Value Added Courses in Program Specific Domains to bridge the gaps in academics
and industrial practices.
The college has participated in a nationwide initiative by IIT, Bombay to establish e-Yantra laboratory in
Internal evaluation system of the college includes two mid-term examinations (Sessional I & II) on part and
pre-university test (PUT) at the end of the semester on complete syllabus.
The feedback is communicated to faculty members. Parents’ meet are conducted & feedback is obtained in
every semester.
College has R & D cell for promoting and nurturing research culture. As a result, 27 teachers completed Ph.D.
and few submitted thesis.
Few UG/PG projects of inter-disciplinary nature are offered by departments .To encourage industry institute
interaction, Industry based projects are also carried out.
Professors from institutes including NITs & IITs and industry personals are invited for Expert lectures. College
organizes National & International conference, every year.
College is having Entrepreneurship Development Cell (ED Cell) under the leadership of Dr.C.C.Handa funded
by AICTE with grant of Rs. 4.0 Lakh. The activities like entrepreneurship development, incubation centre, skill
development are carried under this cell.
College received grants from ministries of Government of India. Incubation Centre has received grant of Rs. 65
lakh for development of 10 incubation from Ministry of MSME, Rs. 9 lakh for scheme YUVA under Ministry
of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship. Grant of Rs. 10000/- from National Implementing and Monitoring
Agency for Training (NIMAT) by EDI, Ahmadabad is received.College has received more than Rupees 68 lakh
grant for the Research projects. Patenting is now becoming priority area. Three patent applications are filed
recently, and some are in pipeline.
Over 10 scholars are pursuing Ph.D. Two scholars have been awarded their Ph.D. Seven supervisors are
guiding doctoral students.
For holistic growth of students, the college is undertaking Extension Activities through its NSS unit, Students
Departmental Associations/Forums like MESA, EESA, CESA,FACE-IT,ISF, Yoga unit etc.
College has an overall built-up area of 26550.787 Sq. meter. Total 42 classrooms, 16 tutorial rooms, 68
laboratories, independent seminar hall for each department, common workshop, central library, closed
auditorium, open stage, canteen facility and playground are available in the campus.
Departments have HOD cabin and area for office, staff, seminar halls, wash rooms and rest rooms for girl.
To facilitate power supply, a 250 KVA transformer is installed with 11KV substation. Solar plant is established
with 480 panels of 150KWp.
College has boys’ hostel for 125 & the Girls hostel for 175 students. Hostels are having mess & indoor/outdoor
recreational facilities.
A dedicated lease line connectivity of 100 Mbps is available. Wi-Fi connectivity is available.
First Aid boxes at each department and Medical practitioner and nursing staff on the campus are available
The college has sports facilities. Cultural and sports activities are organized through Departmental Students’
Associations and annual social gathering ‘NAVONMESH’ .
There are separate departmental libraries. Centralized library have reading hall for 200 students and total 9,664
titles, with 55,119 books. College subscribed for many national and international journals, e-journals through
DELNET and e-books. It has the digital library with 10 computers for providing e-learning facility.
Book bank facility is also available. Specialized services like Reprography, OPAC, In-house/remote access to e-
resources, Synchronic Soflib facilities are provided.
College has 793 working machines with adequate number of printers and scanners. Apart from Electrical
Maintenance, college has a Maintenance facility for infrastructure & greenery.
College publishes prospectus annually and provides detail information regarding admission, various programs,
facilities and placements etc. There are students from various backgrounds. Students from backward categories
like SC/ST, VJ/NT, SBC, OBC are supported by scholarship & free ship from Government of Maharashtra.
EBC facility is also provided by the state government for economically weaker students.
College provides concession in fees, free book bank facility etc, to the economically weaker students,
physically handicapped students and also under the sibling policy.
Mentoring through the 'Teacher-Guardian Scheme' is provided in academic, personal and social issues. Students
are motivated to participate in workshops/STTPs on entrepreneurial skills ED Cell.
Students are supported and guided in preparing for the competitive exams such as
GATE/GRE/TOFEL/CET/JEE etc. Through language laboratory students are able to improve communication
skills. The college also focuses on improving computer literacy.
College has a separate training & placement department, through which the students are trained and informed
about the various professional avenues available to them. The students are guided and counseled in terms of
their personal and career perspective, through mentoring and counseling sessions. To keep a continuous watch
and vigilance over ragging and prevent its occurrence and recurrence, the institute has established an anti
ragging committee.
The assorted committees and bodies in the form of forums are established to ensure the effective and efficient
functioning of the institutional functions, like Student’s Representative Council, for organizing cultural events,
conflict resolution, and solving other relevant issues.
College Development Cell (CDC) make recommendations for the improvement and up gradation of existing
academics, administration, infrastructure, extra and co-curricular activities. Earlier, the college was having the
Local Management Committee (LMC), which had the similar functions as that of CDC.
Principal & Heads of the department monitor & plan quality improvement strategies taking into consideration
the feedback of all relevant stakeholders. Feedback obtained from stakeholders serves to give an understanding
of local, global trends and future needs which helps in fine-tuning the policies to cater to these needs.
Various academic and administrative committees are constituted with specific allotted task as per the academic
and administration plans of the college.
Committees are: like Annual Cultural and Sports, Seminar, Students association, Examinations, Unfair Means
Inquiry, Scholarships, Purchase, Discipline, Hostel management, Admissions, Training & Placement,
Welfare, Attendance, Library, Women Cell, Grievance Redressal, Anti-ragging, Cleanliness, etc.
The college has implemented e-governance, Students Academic Information System, Administration, Finance
& Accounts & Examination.
The performance appraisal is carried out each year which helps the college administration to identify strengths
and weaknesses of individual member of teaching and non-teaching.
All teaching and non-teaching staff members are covered under Group Insurance Scheme, Provident Fund,
Gratuity, Maternity leaves etc.
The account section of college carry out internal audits. External audit is being carried out by the appointed
external auditors.
An Internal Quality Assessment Cell (IQAC) has been set up to monitor and to establish the standards in
academics as well as in administration.
We are committed to one of the important quotes in education i.e. “Teach As You Preach” and we act
The institution has undertaken numerous safety and security measures in the campus. CCTV cameras have been
installed at prominent places. Fire fighting equipments are installed. and 24 hrs security is provided in the
campus and boys and girls hostels.
Gender equity is followed in different activities. Counseling of girl students is carried out under the ICC, WDC
and WRC.
College has an efficient solid waste management system. Through rain water harvesting, rain water is
effectively collected and used in gardening.
Utilization of heat in the form of solar energy to generate electricity is taken up by the college by installing
solar panels. The surplus energy generated is returned to the electricity board through the concept of Net
Environmental issue is of immense importance. Carbon neutrality is taken care of, by maintaining good green
cover in the campus. Plantation is done in and around the campus. College provides bus facility. College has
pedestrian friendly roads and the college works towards plastic free campus and paperless office.
Our best practices include instance; making Continuous efforts in enhancing the Personality Quotient (PQ) of
the students, wherein, pursuance of transforming the students and making them ready for Campus recruitment,
college adapts the strategy of fusion of co-curricular and extra- curricular activities. Organization of National
Conference and Paper Presentation competition for students -‘SPARK’ in another Unique Selling Point.
Name and Address of the College
City Nagpur
State Maharashtra
Pin 440009
Type of Institution
By Gender Co-education
By Shift Day
Establishment Details
University to which the college is affiliated/ or which governs the college (if it is a constituent
2f of UGC
12B of UGC
Details of autonomy
Details of Programmes Offered by the College (Give Data for Current Academic year)
on in Science or
Technology Equivalentwi
th CET or
JEE score
PG Mtech,Mech 24 BE in English 18 8
anical Mechanical
Engineering Engineering
Teaching Faculty
Recruited 5 2 0 7 5 5 0 10 57 18 0 75
Yet to Recruit 11 30 57
Sanctioned by the 0 0 98
ety or Other
Recruited 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 46 0 98
Yet to Recruit 0 0 0
Non-Teaching Staff
Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Sanctioned by the 81
or Other Authorized
Recruited 51 30 0 81
Yet to Recruit 0
Technical Staff
Recruited 0 0 0 0
Yet to Recruit 0
Sanctioned by the 47
or Other Authorized
Recruited 42 5 0 47
Yet to Recruit 0
Permanent Teachers
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 5 2 0 2 2 0 5 2 0 18
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PG 0 0 0 1 5 0 52 16 0 74
Temporary Teachers
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 2
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 52 44 0 96
Male Female Others Male Female Others Male Female Others Total 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Ph.D. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
M.Phil. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
PG 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Provide the Following Details of Students Enrolled in the College During the Current Academic Year
Programme From the State From Other NRI Students Foreign Total
Where College States of India Students
is Located
PG Male 66 0 0 0 66
Female 75 0 0 0 75
Others 0 0 0 0 0
Provide the Following Details of Students admitted to the College During the last four Academic
SC Male 89 100 66 78
Female 61 62 43 58
Others 0 0 0 0
ST Male 5 16 10 11
Female 6 2 2 2
Others 0 0 0 0
Female 86 117 98 98
Others 0 0 0 0
Female 27 49 43 48
Others 0 0 0 0
Others Male 43 48 52 51
Female 31 26 13 17
Others 0 0 0 0
3. Extended Profile
3.1 Program
Number of courses offered by the institution across all programs during the last five years
Response : 11
Response : 11
Number of new programmes introduced in the college during the last five years
Response : 00
3.2 Students
Number of students year-wise during the last five years
Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during the last
five years
Number of outgoing / final year students year-wise during the last five years
Response : 2983
3.3 Teachers
Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
Response : 1494.2
Response : 10
Number of full time teachers worked in the institution during the last 5 years
Response : 518
3.4 Institution
Total number of classrooms and seminar halls
Response : 50
Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)
Number of computers
Response : 793
Response : 0.85
Response : 0.34
K.D.K. College of Engineering is affiliated to Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur
and follows curriculum designed by the Board of studies of the university. The institute has well developed
structure for effective implementation of the curriculum prescribed by the University. Institute develops
and deploys action plans through IQAC which helps to coordinate all programmes under one roof which in
turn ensures excellence of each activity. Each programme has a set of perspective Vision and Mission,
which are aligned with Vision and Mission of the Institute. Program Educational Objectives (PEO) and
Program Outcomes (PO) are scripted for each programme and Course Outcomes (CO) are defined for each
course (theory and practical). COs with POs are mapped to assess the learning by setting attainment targets
for students’ performance.
At the start of academic session, Principal conducts a meeting with deans and heads of the departments to
prepare academic calendar for the session. Heads of departments discuss action plans to arrive at an
optimal and effective way for implementing those plans. These plans are deployed through Programme
Assessment and Quality Improvement Committee (PAQIC) meetings. Time table is prepared for each
programme prior to the start of every semester. Each faculty prepares teaching file for the conduction of
theory and practical courses. Teaching file consists of important information such as course details, time
table, teaching plan and record of course delivery along with details of teaching methods and teaching aids.
A record of theory attendance, practical/assignment/tutorial, record of practical/tutorial attendance with
performance evaluation, record of project work engagement and progress is also maintained. Continuous
assessment report of student’s performance is prepared. The report is assessed internally by PAQIC which
includes heads of departments and class in-charges. It is used to monitor the attainment level of CO, PO,
PEO leading to attainment of Mission and Vision of the programme.
Institute aims at effective curriculum delivery by providing required state of the art facilities in classrooms,
tutorial rooms, seminar halls and laboratories. Institute encourages use of different teaching aids such as
softwares, LCD projectors, wall charts and models. ICT based teaching is practiced. Computer based
training packages, lecture series like NPTEL are used to make learning interesting. Additionally interactive
methods like videos, quizzes, seminars, objective tests, group discussions, are incorporated for effective
learning process.
Every faculty member is assigned a group of students for mentoring throughout the session. Mentors
conduct meeting with mentees and record their difficulties, requirements and suggestions to take necessary
actions related to curriculum implementation. Faculty Development Programs are conducted to enrich
faculty members with updated knowledge, comprehensive skills and right attitude. Faculty is encouraged
to participate in continuing education programmes run by elite institutes for exchange of knowledge and
skill. Above mentioned teaching-learning process helps students assimilate the curriculum effectively and
receive additional inputs in the form of technical skills needed by the industry.
1.1.2 Number of certificate/diploma program introduced during the last five years
Response: 0 Number of certificate/diploma programs introduced year-wise during the last five years
0 0 0 0 0
1.1.3 Percentage of participation of full time teachers in various bodies of the Universities/
Autonomous Colleges/ Other Colleges, such as BoS and Academic Council during the last five years
Response: 100.98 Number of teachers participating in various bodies of the Institution, such as BoS and Academic
Council year-wise during the last five years
39 37 32 28 29
Response: 0 How many new courses are introduced within the last five years
1.2.2 Percentage of programs in which Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective course system
has been implemented
Response: 81.82
Response: 9
1.2.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma programs/Add-
on programs as against the total number of students during the last five years
Response: 0 Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate or Diploma or Add-on programs year-
wise during the last five years
0 0 0 00 0
Cross cutting issues like Gender, Environment and Sustainability, Human Values and Professional Ethics,
find an ample space when it comes to applying them positively into the curriculum. The institute believes
in maintaining healthy environment for all of its stakeholders.
Women empowerment is a key issue in today's world. The institute has constituted various committees
such as Women Development Cell, Women Redressal Cell and Internal Complaint Committee. These
committees are formed to promote gender equity and also deal with related issues of safety and security of
girl students and ladies staff. Counseling of girl students is also done. No discrimination of students is done
in class rooms, in labs, in allocation of projects and mini-projects and also in various posts of departmental
student’s forums. The entire college activity functions with co-existence and performance of all the
students, without any discrimination.
As per the directives of Supreme Court of India, students have a compulsory subject of Environmental
Engineering in second year of all programmes. In this subject, students study basic components of
environment and its application to tackle issues such as pollution control, green gases etc. In Civil
Engineering programme, students learn Environmental Engineering as one of the core subjects and
students are opting for electives on Environment and sustainability of Air pollution and solid waste
management, Water and waste water treatment. Many Projects are undertaken by final year students
relating to environmental issues like climate change, water pollution, sewage treatment, air pollution, rain
water harvesting, runoff modeling, flood prediction, green concrete etc. Sustainability issues such as use of
natural resources in building construction, materials, energy conservation etc. are also dealt in projects.
Some of the projects undertaken in other programs are based on the principles of environment and
sustainability energy conservation, environmental protection, use of natural resources etc.
First year curriculum is common for all the programmes, which includes a compulsory subject on Ethical
science. Syllabus of Information Technology includes a subject on Social and Ethical aspects of IT.
Students are made aware that ragging is banned in campus and undertaking from students and parents are
taken during admission process. Campus of the institute has constituted an Anti-Ragging committee and is
a ragging free campus. Industrial visits, internships, mini projects and field projects make the students
aware about the importance of team work, leadership quality and professional ethics. Plagiarism checks are
made compulsory for final year projects reports and research papers.
Each year the institute organizes a science model and poster competition “Avishkar” for school and junior
college students and project competition “Nirman” for polytechnic students. All departments have
student’s forum viz. CESA, MESA, EESA, FACE-IT, ISF which conduct various programs related to
human values and professional ethics, some of which are stated below:
Communicative English workshop, internet literacy program, personality development program, moral
values, ethics awareness workshop, street shows, interview techniques workshop, breast cancer awareness
program, community Service, blood donation camp, tree plantation, clean and green initiatives, Swachha
Bharat Abhiyan, etc.
1.3.2 Number of value added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last
five years
Response: 36 Number of value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five
Response: 36
Response: 22.18
Response: 574
1.4.1 Structured feedback received from 1) Students, 2)Teachers, 3)Employers, 4)Alumni and
5)Parents for design and review of syllabus-Semester wise/ year-wise
A.Any 4 of the above
D. Feedback collected
Response: 6.54 Number of students from other states and countries year-wise during the last five years
Response: 74.71 Number of students admitted year-wise during the last five years Number of sanctioned seats year-wise during the last five years
2.1.3 Average percentage of seats filled against seats reserved for various categories as per
Response: 100 Number of actual students admitted from the reserved categories year-wise during the last five
The Institute has a large number of students coming from rural background. An orientation program is
conducted at the beginning of the course. The students are given a time to adjust to the college atmosphere.
Meanwhile, they are continuously monitored and assessed
i) By the subject teachers based on class room discussions, performance in class tests etc., and
ii) By the guardian teachers/ mentors in regular meetings to classify them as advanced learners and
slow learners.
Advanced learners:
Advanced learners are continuously motivated and encouraged to strive for higher goals by providing
additional inputs for better career planning and growth like:
Topics on content beyond syllabus are taught to satisfy their higher needs for knowledge.
Advanced courses are conducted for them after the college working hours or in vacations.
Motivation given to access latest online journals, reference materials and help them to understand
the emerging trends in their field of study.
Special group discussion sessions are held for them and training for campus recruitment is
They are encouraged to organize and participate in Student Association, extra-curricular and co-
curricular activities to develop managerial, problem solving abilities and leadership qualities in
Slow Learners:
A special care is taken for slow learners and all efforts are made to bring them in the main stream.
It is observed that many a times due to change in background; students become slow learners which
is a temporary phase. Counseling is done by mentor teacher, class-in-charge and Head of the
Department to make the students adjust to the surroundings.
Remedial classes are conducted for such students.
Slow learners are encouraged to meet the subject teachers individually and get their difficulties
solved and improve subject understanding.
Special classes for communication skills are conducted for such students in order to make them
understand class proceedings and to build confidence in them.
They are given extra assignments and a choice of re-examination for improvement in their scores.
There is a continuous interaction with parents of slow learners. Mentor teachers inform progress of
their mentees to the parents and call them for discussions in the interest of students.
Slow learners are mixed with advanced learners in all activities including practical,industrial visits,
seminars and project work in order to make them understand and learn the normal practices in Engineering
and Technology.
Response: 13.62
Response: 0.08
Response: 2
Teaching faculties of the institute have undergone various faculty development programs including ‘Wipro
– Mission 10X’ which explicitly deals with organizing the teaching-learning process around student
centric methods. At KDKCE, students are trained with different modes of student centric methods listed
5. Co-curricular and Extra-Students are given various opportunities to showcase their talent, comm
curricular activities and technical competency through brainstorming sessions, quizzes,
numerous contests, seminars and technical symposiums held on th
provides a healthy competition among students towards pursuit of know
2.3.2 Percentage of teachers using ICT for effective teaching with Learning Management Systems
(LMS), E-learning resources etc.
Response: 57.37
Response: 109
Provide link for webpage describing the " LMS/ View Document
Academic management system"
2.3.3 Ratio of students to mentor for academic and stress related issues
Response: 13.55
Response: 191
The teaching-learning process is made interesting by use of innovative and creative techniques for all
round personality development of students.
1. Interactive learning:
Classroom lectures and Laboratory performance are the main source of course delivery for understanding
of concepts and practical applications interspersed with discussions with students. Students are encouraged
to interact during lectures and practicals. Models, prototypes, charts are used regularly for explaining
complex theory and machines.
2. Tutorials:
Tutorials are conducted for difficult subjects for a student batch of 25-30 enabling a free discussion and
problem solving sessions.
3. Computer-assisted learning:
Every Department has its own Computers center having printers, LCD projectors, application software
with Wi-Fi connectivity. Students learn modelling, analysis and system behavior through computer
simulations. They use software for graphical visualization of results for better understanding.
4. Audio-visual Resources:
NPTEL lectures, Video lectures by IIT professors, open resource demonstrations and lectures are shown to
the students regularly.
5. Project-based learning:
Real time projects are given to the students under the guidance by both faculty and Industry/Research
6. Educational tours :
The College regularly organizes overseas educational tours for students for acquainting them with global
developments. Educational tours are regularly organized to visit Indian industries also.
7. Field visits:
Local site/industrial visits are organized for all students. Students see and identify different equipment
learnt in a classroom. Discussion with field personal gives an insight to the prevailing technologies.
Sometimes students get ideas relating to projects during such visits.
There is a strong Alumni interaction in the college. Alumni meet is held every year in the college campus.
Students are encouraged to interact with alumni for their career planning. Alumni give Guest lectures and
conduct awareness/ training programs in the college campus.
Students from each Department form an Association under the guidance of faculty-in-charge and HoD
having their own office bearers. Students learn to plan, arrange finance and execute many Technical and
non-technical activities at intercollegiate and college level.This execution helps the students develop an
insight into managerial functioning and economics. It also cultivates Leadership qualities in some students.
10. Navonmesh :
College regularly organizes Navonmesh, Annual social gathering. Medals are given to meritorious students
for academic excellence while Prizes and certificates for in other activities.
Students organize and participate in various Social activities guided by faculty. They learn the importance
of working for social causes and for the development of nation.
College sponsors and encourages students for technical activities and to participate in various national
level technical competitions.
1.Robotics Club
2.Auto Club
3.Milliamdroid Club
ED Cell conducts training program for faculty and students. MSME has granted incubation center for
Thus, students are not only given technical knowledge but activities are arranged innovatively and
creatively so that there will be a growth of all round personality of a student at KDKCE.
Response: 100
Year wise full time teachers and sanctioned posts View Document
for 5 years
2.4.2 Average percentage of full time teachers with Ph.D. during the last five years
Response: 7.43 Number of full time teachers with Ph.D. year-wise during the last five years
19 15 13 8 7
List of number of full time teachers with PhD and View Document
number of full time teachers for 5 years
Response: 7.86
2.4.4 Percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State,
National, International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last five years
Response: 7.96 Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level from
Government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years
10 1 1 0 1
2.4.5 Average percentage of full time teachers from other States against sanctioned posts during the
last five years
Response: 7.18 Number of full time teachers from other states year-wise during the last five years
15 12 13 10 9
List of full time teachers from other state and state View Document
from which qualifying degree was obtained
The Institute is affiliated to R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur and follows the examination pattern of the
University. College has authority to test the students for 20% of marks.
Internal evaluation system of the college is continuously monitored and modified for its effectiveness.
Earlier, the internal evaluation was based upon one Sessional examination conducted at the end. The
pattern could not give justice to some students if they could not prepare well for the whole syllabus due to
illness, some important personal reason etc.
Thus, it was decided by the IQAC/College committee that one mid-term and one end-term sessional
examination should be conducted in each semester to give students a fair chance to perform. The system
was prevalent for about five batches. However, this system was not giving a practice for University
examination. With increasing competition at the university level, it was decided that a pre-university test
must be introduced at semester end to prepare the students for final University examination.
Accordingly, the present pattern is set wherein two mid-term examinations are conducted and at the end of
the semester, pre-university test is conducted on complete syllabus as per R.T.M. Nagpur university pattern
which mainly is a descriptive examination which tests the concept understanding, detailed mathematical
analysis and applications.
It was observed that students are able to clear University examinations with flying colors but fail to register
similar success at state and national level examinations like GATE as these examinations are mostly of
objective nature. Hence, it was decided two years back that objective tests are to be introduced to help the
students prepare for state and national level examinations. Apart from these examinations, class tests,
surprise tests, quizzes etc. are conducted by respective subject teachers. Assignments are given on a regular
basis and are also evaluated. The final internal assessment marks are calculated by considering all the tests
and assignments. Students are informed in advance about the parameters of internal evaluation system.
Laboratory work is assessed on a continuous basis and grades are given. Similarly, the Project work, case
studies and industrial visits are assessed by seminars delivered by students on a regular basis along with
viva-voce. Thus, it can be said that the college follows a Continuous Assessment System for Internal
The examination schedule is displayed in advance in the academic calendar and is followed by entire
college. The quality of question paper is at par with most of the universities’ question papers. The
objective tests include questions from GATE and other important examinations in concerned subject. All
question papers list the COs for which the examination is conducted.
The answer books are evaluated in a given time and are displayed to students. Their doubts are cleared if
any and the results are finalized. Parents’ meets are conducted in each semester to inform the progress of
their wards and to take feedback from the parents as well.
After result finalization, CO, PO, PSO attainment is calculated by faculty members.
2.5.2 Mechanism of internal assessment is transparent and robust in terms of frequency and variety
The Internal Assessment system for both theory and laboratory examinations is totally transparent. Internal
Assessment is carried out in a systematic manner for theory, practical and project work as described above
in 2.5.1. All parents are given information letter well before start of the new semester indicating the
important events including examinations with probable dates to be conducted in forthcoming academic
session. The detail academic calendar is available on college website and displayed on notice-boards in the
Department. Thus, students know well in advance about the dates of examination and they can plan their
study accordingly. The information is available with parents also.
Students are informed about the parameters of Internal Evaluation system well in advance. They are
continuously reminded by the mentor teachers and class-in-charges to be regular in all teaching-learning
activities as they are continuously being monitored.
All examinations are conducted as per academic calendar. Students are given a fair chance of good
performance as examinations are conducted on small parts of the syllabus. There is a variety of pattern of
examination like Sessional, objective, class test, quiz etc. conducted at different times. They are permitted
to appear in the re-sessional examination if they fail to appear due to some sound reason in the regular
sessional examination. If student is not able to attend a re-sessional examination also due to medical
reason, then he is judged on the basis of any of the examination he has appeared in for the same topic. If
he/she has missed all examinations, then the student is given an opportunity to appear in an oral
examination or marks proportional to his/her performance in other tests are awarded. Students are
permitted to appear in re-sessional examinations for performance improvement.
A Parents’ meet is organized in each semester and information about the date and time is once again given
to parents either through telephonic call or via SMS. Parents are shown complete student record including
attendance, marks scored in each subject, assignments submitted, extra-curricular and other activities
attended by their wards. Parents can also view the answer sheets. Letters are sent to parents of students
The examination schedule is prepared such that the students get an opportunity to appear in at least one
type of examination for the course and is evaluated. Thus, it can be stated that the evaluation system is
robust in terms of frequency and variety.
The answer copies of all examinations and grades of assignments or Practical examinations are displayed
as soon as the evaluation is carried out. Students check answer copies and put signatures on them. In case
of any discrepancy, they are advised to bring the matter to the notice of concerned teacher and get it
solved. The matter can always be discussed with mentor teacher, class-in-charge or Head of the
Department if remains unsolved at the subject teacher level.
It is always ensured that all students are satisfied with their internal assessment.
2.5.3 Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is transparent, time-bound and
All the examinations are conducted as per academic calendar. Answer copies are shown and student
queries are solved by the concerned subject teacher till their satisfaction. Marks and grades are displayed
on notice boards and are available with class-in-charge and Head of the Department. Thus, the whole
process is very much transparent.
Mentors and Class-in-charges continuously guide the students including informing them the process of
tackling examination related grievances.
Internal Examination: Students first talk with subject teacher and get the matter sorted out. If problem is
not solved, they approach the class-in-charge who in consultation with subject teacher tries to find the
solution. If the matter still remains unsolved, students can always approach Head of the Department who
solves the matter in consultation with higher authorities if required. As per R.T.M. Nagpur University
directives, all internal marks are to be submitted on-line within a stipulated time frame. Thus, the process
of sorting out grievance becomes time-bound.
University Examination: Students bring to the notice of Class-in-charge problem faced in examination
form submission, issue of admission card or any discrepancy in University result. The matter is handed
over to the faculty- in-charge of University examination related matters from concerned Department. The
faculty member in consultation with Head of the Department and Principal reports the matter to
Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University through concerned clerk of the college who tries to get
the solution. If required, the faculty member personally visits R.T.M. Nagpur University and gets
appropriate solution.
As students can directly talk to the class-in-charge who is a subject teacher and hence is easily
approachable, the process starts quickly. Class-in-charge acts as a mediator between student and higher
authorities. Hence, the process becomes very efficient and student is not required to move around in the
college to get the things sorted out. However, student can always approach to Head of the Department,
Vice-Principal or Principal for his/her grievance and all authorities take an immediate action whenever
2.5.4 The institution adheres to the academic calendar for the conduct of CIE
The Institute is affiliated to Rashtrasanta Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University, Nagpur. The university
sends academic calendar for whole session which includes dates for start and end of odd and even
semesters, dates for university examinations for regular students and students with backlog well in
advance. Vacations are also mentioned in the calendar given by R.T.M. Nagpur University. All affiliated
colleges have to follow the calendar of R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur.
College prepares academic calendar based on academic calendar given by R.T.M. Nagpur
University. Academic calendar of college shows dates for start and end of odd and even semesters, dates
for internal and university examinations and probable dates for other activities apart from regular
academics with sufficient time in between for the students for self-study and preparations. Follow up of
this calendar depends upon the University schedule. If there is a shift in dates as per university calendar,
similar shift takes place in college calendar. However, usually, the calendar is followed.
The Institute has adopted the Continuous Evaluation Strategy for assessment of students’
performance which is described in detail in 2.5.1 and 2.5.2. The assessment process consists of number of
parameters which include two mid- term sessional examinations and one pre-university test along with
class tests, surprise tests, objective tests, quizzes, seminars, practical performance and viva-vorce in each
semester. As explained in sections 2.3.1 and 2.3.4, apart from regular teaching-learning process, students
carry out many activities in each semester. Thus, it becomes imperative that all of these, i.e. academics,
activities and examinations can go together with suitable time span available for self-study and preparation
for examinations in between, calendar must be followed.
Thus, the institution tries to follow the academic calendar at its end. If extra time is available due to
shift in university examinations, it is utilized for arranging extra preparatory lectures for difficult subjects,
additional lectures for lateral entry students or a short term course on some advanced topic for the benefit
of students.
The Program outcomes and Program Specific outcome are defined in various meetings held by Head of the
Department with eminent persons from industries, academia and teachers of the institute. Teachers are
always part of the defining process. Course objectives and outcomes are framed based on guidelines given
by R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur by concerned teachers. All these outcome statements along with
vision and mission of the Institute and Department are published on
New admitted students are informed about these concepts at induction programs. Every teacher, before
start of his/her first lecture, informs course objectives and course outcomes. After completion of each unit
of the course, teacher again informs about the CO and tests the students for its attainment. COs are
displayed on all examination question papers and laboratory experiment manuals.
Students are informed about the objectives of any new program/ activity conducted for them and how it
will be beneficial for them in fulfilling the POs and PSO. Feedback is taken from students after every
semester in terms of achievement of POs and PSO through academics and other activities conducted in the
Thus, continuously POs, PSO and COs are disseminated to teachers and students.
2.6.2 Attainment of program outcomes, program specific outcomes and course outcomes are
evaluated by the institution
As per AICTE guidelines and the model curriculum, the curriculum for each program is framed by R.T.M.
Nagpur University, Nagpur. It includes the subjects belonging to Basic Science & Humanities,
Professional courses and their distribution in core and elective subjects, Interdisciplinary subjects along
with seminars & projects. The curriculum includes technical theoretical aspects as well as practical
approach, including applications appropriate to the program. The curriculum is designed with an
expectation that being in a professional program, students will be acquainted with the latest technological
developments and extra efforts may be taken if required like arranging industrial visits and invited guest
R.T.M. Nagpur University has provided the syllabus with Course outcomes (COs) for some programs
while Course teachers have framed the course outcomes for others. They are mapped with different units of
the syllabus. COs are informed to the students at the beginning of the course and are also available on
college website. Subject teacher informs students about the mode of assessment for evaluation of COs. In
general, there are two sessional examinations based on two units each and end semester pre-university test
based on whole syllabus. In addition to these tests, class tests, surprise tests, quizzes, objective tests etc.
are conducted and are used wherever necessary to assess the attainment of COs.
Program Outcomes are defined by National Board of Accreditation, New Delhi and are to be fulfilled by
all programs run by affiliated colleges while the Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs) are defined by
individual programs. The add on course based and curriculum based COs are mapped with Program
outcomes and Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs). Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities, industrial
visits & training programs, Guest/Expert lectures etc. are conducted in order to fulfil some of the program
and program specific outcomes which are not covered by the regular program curriculum.
The CO attainment is calculated based on students’ performance in various internal examinations and
University examination in the scale of 1-3. It is observed that the attainment varies depending upon the
difficulty level of the subject and may lie in the range of 1-2 for the subjects in the beginning of the
program, which increases as students get accustomed to the Engineering curriculum and may lie in the
range of 2-3 by the time they reach final semester.
The PO and PSO attainment is calculated for complete batch of students which progresses through all the
courses of a particular program including Co-curricular and Extra-curricular activities and the project
work. The attainment is calculated based upon the association level, i.e., low-moderate-high, of a particular
course/ CO/ activity with respect to the PO or PSO in the scale of 1-3. The attainment level for POs and
PSOs for most of the programs lies between2.3-3.
Response: 90.72 Total number of final year students who passed the examination conducted by Institution.
Response: 557 Total number of final year students who appeared for the examination conducted by the institution
Response: 614
Response: 8.43 Total Grants for research projects sponsored by the government/non-government sources such as
industry, corporate houses, international bodies, endowments, Chairs in the institution year-wise during the
last five years(INR in Lakhs)
Response: 5.26
Response: 10
3.1.3 Number of research projects per teacher funded, by government and non-government agencies,
during the last five year
Response: 0.04 Number of research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during the last
five years
Response: 4
The institution is having a well established Eco Systems for development, innovation & incubation
activities. The institution is having a very active Entrepreneurship Development Cell Since many years
funded by AICTE with grant of Rs. 4.0 Lacs. The activities like entrepreneurship development, incubation
centre, skill development are carried under this cell. The institute has received various grants from different
ministries of Government of India. The Incubation Centre has receive grant of Rs. 65 Lakhs for
development of 10 incubation from Ministry of MSME, New Delhi. A grant of Rs. 9 Lakhs. For scheme
YUVA under Ministry of Skill Development & Entrepreneurship, New Delhi. Grant of Rs. 0.1 Lakh from
National Implementing and Monitoring Agency for Training (NIMAT) through Entrepreneurship
Development Institute, Ahmadabad. The institution have jointly organized many Faculty Development
Programme, Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp, Entrepreneurship Development Programm, with
MITCON Consultancy Services (Government Recognized Training Institute) for Students and Teachers for
duration of 3 days to 30 days through ED Cell and provided training to more than 100 faculties and 1500
students. These programmes were funded by Department of Science and Technology, National Science and
Technology Entrepreneurship Development Board, New Delhi, Ministry of Human Resource
Development, Government of India, New Delhi. The topic of Innovation & creativity has been
incorporated into the syllabus of Mechanical Engineering with initiative of our college faculty Dr. C. C.
Handa. The activity of innovation & creativity is developed in the students through mini projects, Project
Work, Case Study as a regular part of curriculum. The UG and PG students are encouraged & motivated to
take live projects from industry in the final year. The students are advised to undertake design , fabrication
& development projects in place of study projects. Various activities are conducted through departmental
student associations like MESA, CESA, EESA, ISF, FACE-IT, Club-Auto, Club-Robo, National Level
technical event “Spark” for students, International Conference for faculties to promote innovation,
creativity & incubation. The institution is also having "KDK Entrepreneurship Alumni wing" to promote
and support the incubation activity. Recently more than 100 students have participated in competitions like
SAE, BAHA & Go-kart at National level with promising performance. The equal numbers of students have
participated in various robotic competitions and achieved positions. The activities mentioned are not only
open to the entire departments but to outside the college.
Creation of transfer of knowledge wealth is concerned and focus of the college through activities like,
publications of research papers, under graduate, post graduate, and doctoral research, Industral project
work, innovation , consultancy and development activities. The college is motivating faculties to acquire
the doctoral degree and by now 27 faculty members have achieved Ph.D. degree and 10 are in progress.
The students at under graduate and post graduate level are encouraged to undertake industry consultancy
projects, issues, technology development innovative project, agri-based projects as course work. The
industrial problems, consultancy projects are also encouraged. Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering,
Physics Departments have been awarded as Ph.D. research centers by R.T.M. Nagpur University, Nagpur
and at present having 16 Ph.D. scholars perusing their research work with 8 approved Ph.D. supervisors.
Innovation and creativity is a part of regular course.
3.2.2 Number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices during the last five years
Response: 10 Total number of workshops/seminars conducted on Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) and Industry-
Academia Innovative practices year-wise during the last five years
2 3 2 1 2
Response: Yes
3.3.2 The institution provides incentives to teachers who receive state, national and international
Response: Yes
3.3.3 Number of Ph.D.s awarded per teacher during the last five years
Response: 1.9
Response: 19
List of PhD scholars and their details like name of View Document
the guide , title of thesis, year of award etc
3.3.4 Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last
five years
Response: 1.06 Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five years
45 22 41 28 37
3.3.5 Number of books and chapters in edited volumes/books published and papers in
national/international conference proceedings per teacher during the last five years
Response: 1.58 Total number of books and chapters in edited volumes / books published, and papers in
national/international conference-proceedings year-wise during the last five years
42 37 43 72 64
Through social, ethical, professional and holistic development of the student, the institution aims at
development of sensitivity in young generation toward society, social issues, community issue, ethics,
human values, professional values, environment awareness, gender disparities, social inequality, rural
development & technologies, etc. The ethics and value education is itself taught as a subject at 1st semester
level. The institute is having a very vibrant NSS unit which undertakes above mentioned activities. The
similar type of social development activities are also undertakes at department level, student
forum/association like MESA, CESA, EESA, ISF, FACE-IT, professional society student chapter like
ISTE Student Chapter, IEEE Students Chapter, etc.
The different activities like blood donation, Share & Care for Old aged orphanage, Traffic awareness
programme, Clean India, gender equality, awareness and development activities in rural areas, etc. Other
than the extension activities undertaken by the students through departmental student association, college
has very vibrant NSS unit having 100 students from various departments in it. The various activities are
undertaken by the students like rural development, health checkup, blood donation, help to needy, poor &
old people, tree plantation, environment awareness, village development and awareness of Swaccha Bharat
Abhiyan, health awareness, women safety, gender equality, etc, every year. The unit is approved under
government scheme. Promotion of health awareness and yoga is regular activity of the college. Regular
health awareness programmes are undertaken for faculty and students.
The institute is undertaking its extension activities in nearby villages. Many activities like medical camp,
career awareness, technology awareness and transfer, Swaccha Bharat Abhiyan, skill development and job
generation are conducted as Educational Social responsibility by the college with active participation of all
faculty members and students. A village Vihirgaon, about 12 km from Nagpur and slum nearby college are
places where extension activities are undertaken. Skill development and employment generation is done
through awareness and training.
The institute is very actively involved with industries associations and industries in and around Nagpur
through interactions and MOU’s. The college is regularly involved and interacts with Vidharbha Industrial
Association (VIA), Nagpur and institute is core member of VIA . The various departments have developed
active MOU’s with various industries, training agencies and Institutes for mutual interaction, exchange
and growth. The college has 22 active MOU’s. The departments have kept rural technologies, indigenous
technology, and low cost automation as focus for their research work.
The activity, project groups are formed in such a way to promote gender and social equality. The students
are given exposure to industrial environment for developing professional values & ethics. The group
activities promote development of social behaviors and leadership in the students. The institute have
dedicated faculty for undertaking guardian teacher scheme to monitor academic & holistic development of
students. Department like Mechanical Engineering has kept technology & machineries for agriculture as
their focus for student project work.
3.4.2 Number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government
/recognised bodies during the last five years
Response: 2 Total number of awards and recognition received for extension activities from Government
/recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years
0 1 1 0 0
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry,
Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during
the last five years
Response: 13 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry, Community
and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year-wise during the last
five years
3 3 2 2 3
Response: 16.93 Total number of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations, Non-
Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender Issue, etc. year-
wise during the last five years
3.5 Collaboration
3.5.1 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job
training, research, etc during the last five years
Response: 7 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job
training, research, etc year-wise during the last five years
2 3 2 0 0
3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National/ International importance, Other
Institutions, Industries, Corporate houses etc., during the last five years (only functional MoUs with
ongoing activities to be considered)
Response: 9 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other
universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year-wise during the last five years (only functional MoUs
with ongoing activities to be considered)
00 5 3 1 0
As per AICTE norms, Land area required is 2.5 acres. The College is situated in heart of city with an area
of 222,577.103 sq.m. (5.55 acres) The total built-up area is 26550.787 sq.m.. The state-of-the-art
infrastructure promotes a good teaching-learning environment. The Vision of college is “Service to the
society through Quality Technical Education” which aptly provides to all the stake holders with various
facilities for Teaching and learning. Total 42 classrooms, 16 tutorial rooms 68 laboratories, independent
seminar hall for each department, common workshop, central library, closed auditoriums, open stage,
canteen facility and playground are available in the campus. Most of the classrooms are equipped with
multimedia teaching aids. State of the art facilities are available in the laboratories with investment of more
than 7 crores. Each laboratory is equipped with sufficient number of required experimental setups. College
management ensures availability of adequate physical infrastructure considering AICTE and RTMNU
norms. Whenever additional course is started or curriculum needs arise it is ensured that required physical
infrastructure is available on time. Every department has dedicated laboratories and classrooms.
Considering the contact hours of each course, classroom and laboratory utilization timetable is planned by
the departments. Resources are shared across departments whenever needed. Every department has
computer laboratories which are utilized for on-line examinations, aptitude tests, project development and
competitions by students of different departments.
4.1.2 The institution has adequate facilities for sports, games (indoor, outdoor),gymnasium, yoga
centre etc., and cultural activities
College has playground with sports facilities like basketball, volleyball, football,Cricket, mix
cricket, tug of war ,athletics etc.
Apart from outdoor games college has made a provision of indoor games such as table tennis,
carom, chess etc.
College has a multistation gymnasium at Hostel B with facilities such as free weight exercises.
Specialized coach is appointed to train the students participating in various university, inter
university, zonal level tournaments.
Every year college promotes students to participate in various sports events conducted by RTMNU
Nagpur & other organization.
College has recently organized Late Bhausaheb Mulak running trophy of CHESS TITAN
Details of facilities for sports, games and cultural activities which include specification about area/size,
year of Establishment and user rate is given below-
4.1.3 Percentage of classrooms and seminar halls with ICT - enabled facilities such as smart class,
LMS, etc
Response: 60
Response: 30
4.1.4 Average percentage of budget allocation, excluding salary for infrastructure augmentation
during the last five years.
Response: 22.64 Budget allocation for infrastructure augmentation, excluding salary year-wise during the last five
years (INR in Lakhs)
Library uses Synchronic Soflib Software having nature of automation as partially from
Year 2008 and automation as fully since2012-13 that supports all in-house operations of the Library. These
functions usually include circulation, acquisitions and cataloguing etc.
OPAC: Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) consists of Acquisition, Cataloging, Circulation,
Serials control and Web OPAC facility which allows students and faculty to browse a book by
author, title ,publisher or any keyword.
Barcode based circulation of books is implemented.
b. For WAN Link is(work from anywhere across the Globe-Internet is required): Log/OPAC.aspx
4.2.2 Collection of rare books, manuscripts, special reports or any other knowledge resources for
library enrichment
There is a collection of 1370 Educational CDs in the library. The CDs include technical lectures,
videos and demos pertaining to subject areas such as Computer Technology, Information
Technology, Electronics Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical engineering , Civil
Engineering and MBA .
Library is having collection of rare books, special reports which helps overall development of
students and faculty.
The library has been provided with around 92 copies of rare books
Library is having 48 copies of special reports for students/faculties reference.
More than 55000 Volumes are available in the library.
Near-about 10000 Titles are available in the library.
Ph.D. reports and proceedings of conference are available.
3 World of Science the Human Factor Southside Publishers Ltd,Bender Lionel 32 1
4 Mechanical Design And SystemsMc Graw Hill, Rotharth A 01 1
New York
5 Handbook of Mechanical Engg. John Willy M Kutz 01 1
6 Architectural Contract DocumentsMc Graw Hill Berg Thomas 01 1
7 Langes Handbook of Chemistry Mac Graw Hill Dean John 01 1
8 Microsoft Encyclopedia for Networking Practice Hall Tul.och Mitch 02 2
9 21 Century Positioning ProvensselingKinder Brother AndJack G.K. 01 1
Precept Association, Delhi
10 Gear Handbook the Design ManufacturerMc Graw Hill ,Delhi.. Dudley D.W 01 1
And Application of Gears
11 Process Measurement InstrumentsChilton Book Co. Vadodara Liptak.B.G 01 1
Engineering Handbook
*Complete list of rare-books, special reports , educational CDs ,SPARK Proceedings etc are given in
additional information.
3.Shodhganga Membership
4.2.4 Average annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals during the last five years
(INR in Lakhs)
Response: 12.38 Annual expenditure for purchase of books and journals year-wise during the last five years (INR
in Lakhs)
Response: Yes
Response: 12.1 Average number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
Response: 336
4.3 IT Infrastructure
4.3.1 Institution frequently updates its IT facilities including Wi-Fi
The institution has a dedicated internet leased-line to cater to the requirements of internet for all the
students and staff. Management of the internet services is carried out with expertise and day-to-day
maintenance is outsourced for better services with minimum hindrance. Latest anti-virus software is being
used in the institution for providing a safe and secure environment for digital activities. Manageable
routers and fiber optic network is in place for quality service in the institution. An ERP system is managed
by the staff of Information and Computer Technology thereby bringing all the institutional activities under
the ambit of computer based working environment.
The College is having well established IT facilities in the entire campus. Each department has their own
computing facility with adequate number of Computers, printers and scanners. All the computers in the
laboratory are connected in a single network. College ensures availability of adequate physical IT
infrastructure. Whenever additional curriculum needs arise, it is ensured that required IT infrastructure is
available on time.The college regularly upgrades both software and hardware facilities as per the academic
requirements. Deployment of IT infrastructure is done through System Administrations team. All the
academic and administrative IT requirements are addressed by this team. The Free Wi-Fi facility is
available in the campus for staff members and students. Better access to internet has enabled faculty
members to provide more of real time and challenging assignments to the students.
The following are the strategies for deploying and updating IT infrastructure and associated
online examinations and gives a chance for upgradation and enhancements of the IT infrastructure
along with revenue generation.
Jionet Wifi is provided in complete campus which is smart, simple and Secured hi speed network.
IT facilities including Wi-Fi with date of updation and nature of updation is provided/uploaded in
additional information
Response: 3.26
35-50 MBPS
20-35 MBPS
5-20 MBPS
4.3.4 Facilities for e-content development such as Media Centre, Recording facility, Lecture
Capturing System (LCS)
Response: Yes
Response: 12.25 Expenditure incurred on maintenance of physical facilities and academic support facilities
excluding salary component year-wise during the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
4.4.2 There are established systems and procedures for maintaining and utilizing physical, academic
and support facilities - laboratory, library, sports complex, computers, classrooms etc.
The college has appointed external agencies for maintenance and repair of infrastructure, equipment and
other support facilities. College management appoints agencies for cleaning of campus, laboratories
,library , sports complex ,computers, classrooms and other Physical infrastructure. The Electrical, Civil and
Computer & Information Technology department mainly supervises work of electrical, civil and computer
maintenance work. Each department has lab in charge who informs verbally or in writing to the concern in-
charge for maintenance of electrical, civil and computer work.
The college is having following policies for maintenance of electrical fixtures, computers and civil
The maintenance work is carried out by maintenance wing or some private contractor under departmental
After maintenance work, bill is forwarded and sanctioned by Principal of college. Apart from this each
Head of Department get some fund in the form of imprest from college for maintenance of labs which they
carry out with inhouse or private contractors.
· AMC contract is given to external agency for the maintenance of all computers within the college.
AMC staff from the service provider company maintains the computers and peripherals.
· Internet connectivity maintenance, CCTV security system and network connectivity, system
administration team is available.
· The purchases of new computers , printer refilling, antivirus etc. is supervised by the department.
· Laboratory and other equipments like LCD projectors are maintained by technical supporting staff
to some extent. In case of any repair & requirement, service is hired from outside agencies by calling
quotations for the same.
Electrical Maintenance
· Each department lodges a complaint about the electrical maintenance work and give their
requirement of electrical appliances to the incharge .
· The college is having 11KV substation, which is also maintained by electrical department.
· Other laboratory equipment are maintained by technical supporting staff to some extent. In case of
any repair & requirement, service is also hired from outside agencies.
· The civil renovation work and maintenance work of entire college is supervised by civil department.
· Each department lodges a complaint about civil maintenance work and requirement. Civil
maintenance team then fulfills the requirement.
· Gardeners and labors who have been appointed by the agency that has been awarded the contract.
Maintenance department supervise these activities also. Apart from this, student volunteers from college
NSS unit, student forums undertake plantation work periodically on the campus in the form of social
· Maintenance, cleaning, housekeeping, sanitary maintenance and cleaning of all the class
rooms,sports complex, laboratories, library, hostel buildings, hostel mess,college canteen too, have been
outsourced. Substaff appointed in the respective sections supervise these activities.
· Round the clock security on the college campus is done by the external agency appointed for
security purpose and also by some of the college staff.
Response: 71.86 Number of students benefited by scholarships and freeships provided by the Government year-wise
during the last five years
Upload self attested letter with the list of students View Document
sanctioned scholarships
5.1.2 Average percentage of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc. provided by the
institution besides government schemes during the last five years
Response: 3.64 Total number of students benefited by scholarships, freeships, etc provided by the institution
besides government schemes year-wise during the last five years
230 179 37 5 1
5.1.4 Average percentage of student benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career
counselling offered by the institution during the last five years
Response: 0.41 Number of students benefited by guidance for competitive examinations and career counselling
offered by the institution year-wise during the last five years
4 2 13 18 11
5.1.5 Average percentage of students benefited by Vocational Education and Training (VET) during
the last five years
Response: 9.85 Number of students attending VET year-wise during the last five years
5.1.6 The institution has a transparent mechanism for timely redressal of student grievances
including sexual harassment and ragging cases
Response: Yes
Response: 33.23 Number of outgoing students placed year-wise during the last five years
Response: 11.07
Response: 68
5.2.3 Average percentage of students qualifying in State/ National/ International level examinations
during the last five years (eg: NET/ SLET/ GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil Services/State
government examinations)
Response: 27.22 Number of students qualifying in state/ national/ international level examinations (eg: NET/ SLET/
GATE/ GMAT/ CAT/ GRE/ TOEFL/ Civil services/ State government examinations) year-wise during the
last five years
5 8 22 43 61 Number of students who have appeared for the exams year-wise during the last five years
Response: 28
5 8 5 6 4
5.3.2 Presence of an active Student Council & representation of students on academic &
administrative bodies/committees of the institution
The Principal will notify the selection process of student’s representation. Every year the R.T.M. Nagpur
university conducts Election for the students council, Accordingly KDK College of Engineering forms
Students Council having representation of students from First Year and all the branches. All those
elected members Elects one Secretary of Students Council under section 40[2][b]. The Secretary represents
KDK College on students council of RTMNU to solve the problems of students.
Every Department is also having a separate student association like EESA, MESA , CESA, FACE IT, ISF .
Every Student Association is having representation from each class. The Post of President, Secretary,
Treasurer, PRO, Event Incharges, Publicity incharge etc. are elected from students.
Every Year College organizes Navonmesh (Annual Social Gathering) and SPARK, A National level paper
presentation competition. For this yearly event a separate Students committee comprises students from all
departments is formed to organize the event.
Following are the roles and responsibilities of the Students association and Students council.
1. To promote the interests of students among the college administration, staff and parents.
2. To inform students about any subject of concerns.
3. To consult students on any issue of importance.
4. To organize financial campaigns for college and charitable activities.
5. To organize educational and recreational activities for students.
6. To participate in developing the college educational projects and to promote among the students.
7. To organize an activity to recognize the efforts of students involved in various college activities.
8. To propose activities to the college administration that would improve the quality of life in the
9. To maintain good relations, out of mutual respect, with the College staff and parents.
5.3.3 Average number of sports and cultural activities/ competitions organised at the institution
level per year
Response: 37.4 Number of sports and cultural activities / competitions organised at the institution level year-wise
during the last five years
39 39 38 36 35
Alumni Association
An Alumni association is formed by the T&P department and continuous interaction is done with pass out
students for their better placements and also for the benefit of students presently studying in the college.
The KDKCE Alumni registration under charity commissioner is under process. Principal of KDKCE is the
President of the Alumni association. Vice Principal, Dean, Alumni Incharge, One faculty and two Alumni
are the office bearers of the Alumni Association.
The T&P department has helped many pass out students in obtaining jobs either by organizing campus
interviews or by sending the students to companies where vacancies exit. The department has organized
campus interviews of various companies for the Alumnis. The department had even tried to place the
Alumnis in US companies.
The department conduct meeting with their alumni for feedback which is very helpful in deciding CO, PO
and PEO for the courses. This feedback will also help to recommend certain changes in the syllabus of
RTM Nagpur university. This feedback will also help to conduct certain bridge courses to meet the
industry demand which is not included in the RTMNU Syllabus. Some of the alumni also conduct guest
lecture in the college to guide the current batch.
The department had also helped the Alumnus by providing information and guidance about
higher studies in the country and abroad in getting apprentice training in local and regional companies etc.
the Alumni cell praised their contribution towards the growth of their Alma matter and emphasized the
need for further strengthening the linkage between the alumni and current students of KDKCE. The
Alumni contact the Alumni Association and college office for collecting their degree certificate,
recommendation letter for higher studies in foreign university, and collect transcript of their course.
All pass out students can register their name on line in the website www.
in Alumni association. The current batches have to compulsory register their name for Alumni Association
online before taking transfer certificate from college. Presently the alumni cell has a revised database of
about 3000 Alumni with their latest occupation and addresses and an alumni directory has been prepared
which contains all the relevant information about the Alumni.
Every year (Preferably in the last week of January on Founder days of college) one alumni meet is
organized at KDKCE campus. This alumni meet give the platform to students and alumni to interact with
each other. Some of the Final year Projects are also guided and even sponsored by our alumni’s for present
final year batches of colleges.
4 Lakhs - 5 Lakhs
3 Lakhs - 4 Lakhs
1 Lakh - 3 Lakhs
5.4.3 Number of Alumni Association / Chapters meetings held during the last five years
Response: 5 Number of Alumni Association /Chapters meetings held year-wise during the last five years
1 1 1 1 1
We believe that zest of providing a quality technical education coupled with strong fundamentals and
better understanding would propel us to perform better and better. This, indeed, will help us to build the
persona and character of the students, which would yield best result in their performance in all related
domain such as technology, industry, society, nation and the world as well.
Academic Excellence in Engineering and Technology through Complete dedication to all round
Growth of Students.
Enable the Students to Develop Outstanding Professional with Technical Competence and
Management Skills.
Fulfill the Expectance of the Society and Industries with Ethical Standards for developing
Sustainable Solutions
The mission of the institute would be the reality if we could create the professionals with technical
competence and managerial skills with no compromise on values and ethics. In the journey towards
accomplishment of the vision, the positive attitude to fulfill the expectance of the society and industry with
purity would be the key factor to lead towards an excellence.
The college is governed by the set of standard operating procedures, guided by the experienced senior level
faculties and advisory board members, where the Principal, as the head of the institution, is consulted on
all matters such as academics, administration, and infrastructural development and targets are made for
each task on hand. Through its academic strategy, extra and co-curricular activities, students are nurtured
in acquiring knowledge, inculcating values, imbibing good citizenship, culture, developing life skills as
well as training them for successful careers. Through various extension activities, the college tries to make
students to understand the need of the marginalized sections of society and work for its betterment.
Individual department in a spirit of unity and camaraderie, which is backed by the strong infrastructure and
administrative policy, perform all these.
The institute aspires to achieve its vision and mission through well-conceived perspective plan, which
broadly specifies the thrust area as
In implementing the above plans, teacher also plays key role by their active participation and decision
making as laboratory in-charge, Class in-charge, faculty in-charge of student’s body, teacher guardian, etc.
This has made the institution with strong vision & mission objective to exist in the competitive scenario.
The College recognizes the importance of the opinion of every employee and therefore, practices
decentralization and participative management in its entire academic and administrative affair.
The college has an organization structure that includes vice principal, dean, heads of department, Officer In-
charge of examination, faculty members, office superintendent, librarian, and non teaching staff headed by
the principal. The principal takes the decision in the interest of college. All the decisions are taken in the
meeting of the top level and senior faculty members and the task is distributed to appropriate level.
Majority of the academic activities are being handled by faculties in the department guided by head of
department. The head(s) of department conducts periodic meetings of all respective faculty members
actively involved in handling academic activities in the department. Heads take suggestions from the
faculties for betterment of the academics and administration and forward the same to the college
administration. All the department is sanctioned an Imprest Amount to meet the sundry expenses in a
session. The office superintendent takes up the matter related to non-teaching staff to the Principal, who
puts the matter before the top administration level for further decisions. Thus, decentralization helps in
effective and quality transformation of education to the students.
The participative culture helps to ensure transparency in both academic and administration.
Various Co-curricular, extracurricular activities undertaken are Spark, Nirman, Avishkar, and Navonmesh
etc. The object of participative management and decentralization is evident from the various programs
organized in the college.
3) The Context:-
To make student understand the changes that is taking place in the engineering & technology
throughout the world.
Participate in such activity to make student understand the engineering concepts, modern tools,
professional ethics, presentation and leadership qualities and importance of socio-technical need of
the society.
To provide a platform to the student to exhibit academic excellence, this has been practiced at
KDKCE since 12 years.
4) The Practice:-
A national level seminar for students has been conducted in the college since 2005. Each year, any one
department is given the responsibility of its conduction on rotation basis wherein a committee of the
faculty members from the entire department is constituted to look after various activities of the seminar.
The quality of papers, the deliberations, the discussions on engineering & technology advances, etc have
the permanent footprints of success. The content of the souvenir can depict the legacy of the success of the
event and undoubtedly, it has not only become the best practice but also the tradition of the institute.
The leadership provides clear vision and mission to the institution. The functions of the institution and its
academic and administrative units are governed by the principles of participation and transparency.
Formulation of perspective plans, objectives, directives and guidelines with specific plans for
implementation by aligning the academic and administrative aspects improves the overall quality of
academics and administration.
The Context:
As a place of higher learning, we understand the need of research activity to impart quality
education. This can be done by promoting and encouraging the staff to undertake the doctoral
research work. This has enabled to acquire 27 faculties to get Ph. D. Degrees.
The Practice
Through the initiative and motivation by the Principal to the faculty members of the institute for taking up
doctoral research work, many faculties have achieved doctoral status and many are undergoing to achieve
the same.
Total faculty members having doctoral status in the year 2006 was 03, which rose to 27 in the year 2017.
The list given below is a testimony of the research orientation among the faculties. Besides faculties, the
students are also motivated to attend the conferences, workshop for up-gradation of knowledge and
encouraged to write research papers in journals of repute and take-up projects which brought many
accolades to the institute. The college also holds the International level and national level seminar/
conferences to provide the platform to the students and staff to present their research findings. The
incubation center is again a stride taken by the college in the direction of promoting research and
application of the technology for the professional and societal development.
Various expert lectures by eminent person motivate staff and students to undertake advanced topic for their
research work.
University has accorded Place of Higher Learning & Research Center leading to Ph. D. and M.E. by
Evidence of Success
Following list is testimony to the practice adopted for the promotion of research among the faculty in the
6.2.2 Organizational structure of the institution including governing body, administrative setup, and
functions of various bodies, service rules, procedures, recruitment, promotional policies as well as
grievance redressal mechanism
Governing Board
The K.D.K. College of Engineering is managed by Backward Class Youth Relief Committee (BCYRC),
Nagpur, which has its governing board..
The College Development Cell (CDC) comprises of Chairman, Secretary and/or representative of
Management, Principal, Vice Principal, Dean and nominated representatives of teaching and non-teaching
staff. This cell can make recommendations for the improvement and up gradation in the existing academic,
administration, and infrastructure, extra and co-curricular activities.
The Principal and Vice Principal are involved in the implementation of the perspective plans of the
College. They ensure efficient functioning of academic and administration through the departments and
various committees constituted for the respective task.
IQAC has been established in the college, which meets regularly to assess the quality deliverance of
engineering education in the institute leading to achieve the course and program outcomes.
Dean(s) of student affair and research and development ensure the effective functioning of student related
activities and problems and promotion of R & D as per the college perspective plan and instructions of the
Head(s) of Departments
The Heads of Departments ensure that the academic calendar provided by the university/college is
implemented properly and efficiently.
Various academic and administrative committees are constituted for specific task as per the academic and
administration plans of the college.
The Committees are: Annual Cultural and Sports, Seminar, Students association, Examinations,
Scholarships, Purchase, Discipline, Hostel management, Admissions, Training & Placement, Library,
Women Cell, Grievance Redressal, Anti-ragging, etc.
Office Superintendent
Office Superintendent is the head of Non-Teaching and Non-Technical staff and ensures the administration
of various sections runs properly and efficiently as per the college plans and instructions of the Principal
and Vice-Principal.
Service Rules
The college follows the service rules as per the provision of relevant annexure of university, statute and
directives, state government and statutory bodies under ministry of HRD.
Recruitment of Faculty:
Recruitment of faculty is done as per the norms and statutory provisions of University, State Government
and AICTE. After calculation of the vacancies, No Objection Certificate is obtained from the university
after applying 100/200 point roster for implementing constitutional reservation policy and advertisement is
published in leading Newspapers. The interviews are conducted by the selection panel duly constituted by
the university. Recommendations of the selected candidates are sent to the University for its further
Approval. Upon receipt of the approval letter, appointment is offered to the concern candidate. The list of
Promotion Policy
The College has Self-Appraisal Method to evaluate the performance of the faculty in teaching, research
and extension programs. At the end of the academic year, every faculty submits the Self Appraisal Form
duly endorsed by the Head and is evaluated on the basis of academic credentials, research contribution,
quality enhancement, campus life enrichment, contribution to the university work and extensions services
as per the guidelines of the statutory bodies.
As per the provisions of the university, Performance Appraisal is evaluated for implementing the Career
Advancement Scheme.
The Principal appreciates performance of any faculty member during monthly staff meetings notable and
then persuades the other faculty members to follow such best practices in the interest of the College and
The administration, through IQAC, encourages the faculty members to take up the Quality Objective to
increase the performance in transforming knowledge to the students.
The college has Grievance Redressal Cell. The cell meets regularly to look into the complaints.
The college has kept a guardian-teacher for group of students who looks into the various issues of the
respective students and provides redressal.
We have kept suggestion/complaint boxes at prominent places in the college premises to provide easy
access for staff and students to put forth their grouses, which are opened regularly and prompt redressal is
The committees/bodies constituted for the specific task works effectively and transparently and are evident
through the meetings.
The Anti-Ragging Committee for each session comprises of 15 members with Principal Dr D P Singh as
Chairman, have conducted 12 meetings in last 5 years.
Women Redressal Committee is headed by Dr. S S Ambekar with 6 member committee. The report of the
committee is submitted to the DTE, Maharashtra Govt. every month.
Internal Quality Assurance Cell comprised of members from Management, Administration, faculty,
Industry, Alumni, and Student.
For Example: One activity successfully implemented based on the Minutes of meeting
Objective: Ragging is a menace and legal offence and hence the college wishes to eradicate this menace
from the campus through collective and coercive effort.
The incidents of ragging in educational institutions are becoming a national issue. College wish that all the
senior students of KDKCE will respect the dignity of every student in the campus and express their
solidarity towards them and act as desired, so that we can continue to maintain “RAGGING – FREE
INSTITUTION” status for ever. Remember the fact: Awareness on ragging leads to eradication of ragging.
College practices zero tolerance on ragging of students. College has constituted Anti-Ragging Committee
to look into the matter related to ragging complaints, if any. The college has sets up squad of faculty
members. The duty of the squad is to keeps vigil on and off campus and also near-by area of the campus
before, during and after the college working hours. This act deters student not to indulge in any form of
ragging activity. The squad also visits hostel and near-by area to pass on the message to the students for
deterrence. Similar action is undertaken by lady faculty members for the girl students. College also
appoints specific staff to visit hostel during the late evening or night regularly and on special occasion
deemed necessary. The squad, along with the warden, counsel students not to indulge into any kind of
activity, which would invite disciplinary action against them. The hostel visit report is maintained by the
In case, the complaint related to ragging is received. The anti-ragging committee inquires the matter. If the
act of ragging is proved beyond reasonable doubt, the action is recommended to the authority and
disciplinary action is taken against the culprit. The action ranges from suspension from the class/institute,
rustication or if the matter is serious then, the same would be reported to the police for further action.
However, no major case of ragging reported in the campus and the college is near to zero ragging campus.
The institution has effective welfare measures for teaching and non-teaching staff
The institution has the mandatory provision of EPF and contributes the eligible amount to the respective
EPF account.
Every staff of the institute is given a gratuity as a social security after his/her retirement
Group Insurance
College has taken an initiative to have the group insurance for those who are willing to be the part of this
Maternity Leave
College renders a maternity leave to eligible lady staff as per the rules of the government
A separate Ayurvedic College and Hospital is being run by the society in the same campus, which is
available round the clock for the faculty as well as students for any medical emergency.
Fee Concession
Under the institutional social responsibility, college provides the financial aid in the form of Fee
concession to the needy students.
Faculty members, based on the qualification, services, and outcome of the performance appraisal, are given
promotion on to the higher post or financial benefits.
Publication Incentives
For participation in the National or International Conferences and for publishing research papers in the
National or International Journals, its registration fees and the cost for the participation are given.
Publication in highly reputed journal is encouraged through award/prize.
Faculty members are sponsored for attending STTP, workshops, seminar, and conferences for up-grading
their knowledge.
Faculty members, if opting for higher studies, leading to enhancement of quality, are sponsored either in
terms of finance or in terms of leave.
College provides counseling for engineering and MBA aspirants by conducting sessions in and around the
Response: 13.8 Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and towards
membership fee of professional bodies year-wise during the last five years
45 19 15 29 8
Response: 7.2 Total number of professional development / administrative training programs organized by the
Institution for teaching and non teaching staff year-wise during the last five years
16 9 8 2 1
6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs viz., Orientation
Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Program during the last five
Response: 24.88 Total number of teachers attending professional development programs, viz., Orientation Program,
Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs year-wise during the last five years
70 68 34 18 20
6.3.5 Institution has Performance Appraisal System for teaching and non-teaching staff
The College has adopted a mandatory Self-Appraisal Method to evaluate the performance of the faculty
in teaching, research and extension programs. At the end of the academic year, every faculty submits the
Self Appraisal form duly endorsed by the Head and is evaluated on the basis of academic credentials,
research contribution, quality enhancement, campus life enrichment, contribution to the university work
and extensions services as per the guidelines of the statutory bodies.
The evaluation of teaching faculty by the student has been adopted in our college, which helps in self-
evaluation and development.
As per the provisions of the university and statutory bodies, Performance Appraisal is mandatory for
implementing the Career Advancement Scheme.
The Principal appreciates notable performance of any faculty member during monthly staff meetings and
then persuades the other faculty members to follow such best practices in the interest of the college and self-
The administration, through IQAC, encourages the faculty members to take up the Quality Objective to
increase the performance in transforming knowledge to the students.
College prepares the annual budget of each department and financial allocation is done for the recurring
and non-recurring items. The internal audit of the expenditure is conducted by our office accounts
department, which is then audited by Chartered Accountant. An external auditor is appointed by the
college which performs an audit of the financial statements of the college. The financial records of the
College are audited after the end of each fiscal year and are certified.
The last audit was done for the financial year 2016-17. There were no objections taken by the auditor.
6.4.2 Funds / Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, Philanthropists during the
last five years (not covered in Criterion III) (INR in Lakhs)
Response: 0.95 Total Grants received from non-government bodies, individuals, philanthropists year-wise during
the last five years (INR in Lakhs)
0.95 0 0 0 0
6.4.3 Institutional strategies for mobilisation of funds and the optimal utilisation of resources
Before the financial year begins, Principal, Heads of Departments prepare the college budget. College
budget includes recurring & non-recurring expenses such as salary, electricity and internet charges,
equipment and facilities, maintenance cost, stationery and other consumable etc. It includes planned
expenses such as purchase of lab equipment, furniture and other development expenses.
Mobilization of fund is done through tuition fee and consultancy, besides conduction of various off-line &
online examination of competitive nature.
The institute utilizes its resources in its optimal format. The college earmarks fund for various head. The
best alternative is opted. College is also trying to harness renewable energy sources leading to optimal use
of conventional energy.
(IQAC) monitor the academic quality regularly. The institution takes up academic audit to accomplish both
accountability and quality improvement. The administrators and staff practiced self-assessment, etc to
achieve the quality in education.
The academic audit committee consists of authorities. To bring out improvements, the committee interacts
with the head(s) and faculty to assess the progress and suggestions are placed before IQAC for further
Best practices - 1;
To enable the students to understand and attain the outcome of the program through teaching – learning
The practice:
The quality of teaching by the faculty is monitored. The staff member is advised to have thorough study &
preparation of content for the delivery before taking a class. Feedback from the students is taken to assess
the quality of teaching. The different tests, academic activity are some of the assessment mode of the
subject. A revision of difficult portion, if required is taken. The IQAC studies feedback of the students and
give recommendations to improve the quality of teaching & referred to Principal for the approval. The
university result implies the quantum of effort put in by the faculty to have better pass result of the student.
Evidence of success:
The incremental success of the college students is the testimony of the effective teaching – learning
Best practices - 2;
The Practice
Through the initiative and motivation by the Principal to the faculty members of the institute for taking up
doctoral research work, 27 faculties have achieved doctoral status as on 2017, 3 have submitted their thesis
and many are undergoing to achieve the same.
The number is a testimony of the research orientation among the faculties. Besides faculties, the students
are also motivated to attend the conferences, workshop for up-gradation of knowledge and encouraged to
write research papers and take-up projects. The college also holds the International and national level
seminar/conferences to provide the platform to the students and staff to present their research findings. The
college has incubation center for promoting research and application of the technology for the professional
and societal development. Various expert lectures by eminent person motivate staff and students to
undertake advanced topic for their research work.
University has accorded Place of Higher Learning & Research Center leading to Ph. D. and M.E. (by
6.5.2 The institution reviews its teaching learning process, structures & methodologies of operations
and learning outcomes at periodic intervals through IQAC set up as per norms
The IQAC assesses and review the teaching-learning process (TLP) of the institute; and recommends steps
to be taken to achieve the quality parameters.
2 Increasing Industry - Institute Interaction The heads are requested to send students to the in
the internship. The students to be encouraged
field/industrial projects.
3 Attainment of quality benchmark in TLP such asHead(s) of department is informed to take measures
attainment of CO and PO. the set target in attainment of CO & PO throug
teaching & assessment techniques.
Mid-session of semester
Extra & Co-curricular activity
Program Exit
Format of the feedback is prepared by heads of department in consultation with the authority and gets
approved in IQAC. Feedback is collected and consolidated, analyzed by each department
The college believes strongly that the best approach to teaching and learning quality is to provide
freedom for teachers and students to undertake self-motivated improvement activities with the goal
of continuous improvement in their performance.
In addition to the expertise and knowledge of the teacher, which form the main input, views are sought
from students, visiting experts, and external examiners, graduates, parents, etc for necessary
inputs for improvement in the existing curriculum & teaching – learning practices. Moreover, college has
faculties deputed to the university academic bodies, which reviews and provide adequate inputs in the
improvement of curriculum.
The college has taken many initiatives to bring the improvement in the quality in teaching-learning
Teaching and learning support: including initiatives targeting the teachers (i.e. Teaching), the students (i.e.
learning). Examples include continuing education for faculty, pedagogy enhancement, student support (e.g.
mentoring and career advice), support for student learning (focused on inputs, such as the introduction of
new pedagogical tools, or on outputs, such as the development of certain abilities for the students). These
initiatives make the teacher to identify benchmarks, promote good practices and scale them up across to
meets teacher and student expectations. A quality teaching framework allows the institution to monitor
support, track teacher and student satisfaction, and study the impact on the learning process.
In the process of achieving quality benchmarks, the TLP is assessed and necessary measures are taken in
delivery of content & assessment of understanding achieved is done. Through the assessment, the
attainment levels of course outcomes and program outcome are derived. The IQAC reviews the attainment
and issues further recommendations.
The methodologies of teaching – learning include the complete follow up of university exam schemes,
academic calendar of university and college, smart class room teaching, industrial visits, internship of
students, etc. These methodologies built up good academic career of the student.
6.5.3 Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality culture per year
Response: 10 Number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality year-wise for the last five years
11 7 16 9 7
1.Regular meeting of Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC); timely submission of Annual
Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) to NAAC; Feedback collected, analysed and used for
2.Academic Administrative Audit (AAA) and initiation of follow up action
3.Participation in NIRF
4.ISO Certification
5.NBA or any other quality audit
6.5.5 Incremental improvements made during the preceding five years (in case of first cycle) Post
accreditation quality initiatives (second and subsequent cycles)
Choice based credit system (CBCS) for PG courses, where the students can choose the prescribed courses,
as the core, and elective or soft skill courses, from a range of options, rather than to simply consume what
the curriculum offers. They can learn at their own pace and the assessments are graded based on a credit
system. It provides an opportunity and flexibility to complete the programme by earning the required
number of credits.
Student-centered learning is an instructional approach in which students influence the content, activities,
materials, and pace of learning. This learning model places the student (learner) in the center of the
learning process. The approach includes such techniques as substituting active learning experiences for
lectures, assignments and problems requiring critical or creative thinking.
To improve the extent of participation of all stakeholders, college publishes newsletter describing the
outcomes, events and activities, quality improvement practices, the future plans etc. this will keep the
stakeholders informed, and would encourage them to put in more effort for improving the quality.
These practices are already a part of many technical programs. Providing the students an inside experience
of the industry gives the enough knowledge and equips them with the skill set that will help them survive
in the real world. This increases the credibility of the program.
A properly functioning research and development cell will build a research culture among the students and
faculties. It will also help the teachers to translate their theoretical knowledge into action. Having a culture
of research and training inside the institution would provide practical skills and encourage faculties to take
up research projects and Ph. Ds.
Collecting feedback is very important. One of the most efficient ways to achieve continuous improvement
is feedback mechanism. The feedback from students, faculties, alumni, and other stakeholders will give
necessary insights into areas of improvement.
For the academic quality enhancement, department takes up the recommendations of the IQAC. It has
been noticed with the continuous persistence and persuasion of the policy matters, the college have
witnessed the incremental improvements in many aspects viz. results, publication by staff and students,
attainment of doctoral status, performances in extra, co-curricular and extension activities by the students,
The content in additional information depicts the incremental improvement of the college in preceding five
Response: 5 Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution year-wise during the last
five years
4 1 0 0 0
The institution has taken numerous safety and security measures in the campus. 65 CCTV cameras
have been installed at prominent places in the campus, including main gate, important corridors,
cafeteria, all entrances, classrooms, boys and girls hostels etc.
The campus is proved to be secure due to its well maintained security system that is outsourced.
The security guards are vigilant and present 24x7at all important locations in the campus and also
at the boys and girls hostels.
Specific rules and regulations about the timings, visitors etc are followed in boys and girls hostels.
The appointed Warden takes care of all the requirements, problems,rules and regulations, in the
Faculty members make surprise visits to hostels during night hours also.
The college supports anti ragging drive. Anti ragging committee takes care of and keeps an eye on
the activities in the college. Anti ragging forms are filled up and submitted by the students and
The college has a Women Development Cell, Women Redressal Cell and Internal Complaint
Committee, which deal with the safety and security of girl students and female staff in the
campus. These committees also organize activities to motivate, strengthen and spread awareness
about health, nutrition, extension activities etc. among the females in the campus.
An open and transparent system is adopted for selection of staff, whether male or female and we are
proud to have nearly 50% dedicated and learned female staff.
Doctor and nursing assistance to provide medical care is available in the campus in the form of
Bhausaheb Mulak Ayurvedic Mahavidyalaya hospital.
It can be stated with due pride that no incidence of sexual harassment against women have occurred
in the institute due to good discipline in the campus.
Counseling of students is carried out under the Internal Complaint Committee, Women
Development Cell and Women Redressal Cell.
These committees have been formulated to deal with issues related to gender bias, promote gender
sensitivity and educate male and female members regarding gender equality.
Various programs are conducted through these committees, like motivational talks, health related
issues, self defense techniques, environment conservation etc.
Apart from these committees the college has well developed teacher guardian scheme, through
which the guardian teacher carries out counseling of students from time to time.
The teachers counsel and guide the students to inculcate confidence in them. They are motivated to
perform better and also to being a good human being. The counseling includes social and ethical
aspects too.
Human and ethical values are so imbibed in the students, that no incidence of misbehavior against
women has ever been observed in the campus.
3. Common Room
1.Percentage of annual power requirement of the Institution met by the renewable energy
Response: 97.04 Annual power requirement met by the renewable energy sources (in KWH)
Response: 215079.432
Response: 221651
7.1.4 Percentage of annual lighting power requirements met through LED bulbs
Response: 52 Annual lighting power requirement met through LED bulbs (in KWH)
Response: 23725
Response: 45625
1.We at KDK, have a good solid waste management system in the campus.
2.The total solid waste collected in the campus is 50 Kg/day. Waste generation from tree droppings
and lawn management and kitchen waste is a major solid waste generated in the campus. However
it also includes papers and bottles which is segregated at source by providing separate dustbins for
Bio-degradable and Plastic waste. Each disposal point is furnished with separate dustbins for
collection of dry waste and wet waste. The capacity of dustbin is 20 kg.
3.The other solid waste generated in the campus is collected in a waste container and is taken away
by ‘Kanak Resources’, a venture of Nagpur Municipal Corporation.
4.The main objective of the solid waste management system in the campus is to promote the
Environment Management and Conservation in the College Campus.
5.Composting and recycling are the methods adopted by the institute.
6.The Civil Engineering Department of the college takes up Projects for students of VII and VIII
Semesters in Solid and Liquid Waste Management, which enhances the knowledge about waste
management in the students and motivates them for proper management of solid and liquid waste.
7.Mini Projects are also taken up in VI Semester Civil Engineering so as to make the students aware
of the importance of waste management systems.
1.The Institute has an efficient drainage system for liquid waste generated in the campus.
2.No specific hazardous liquid waste is generated in the campus.
3.In Chemistry laboratory of the institute, the chemicals used and experiments performed are non-
hazardous and do not produce harmful waste.
4.No other laboratory in the institute generates any type of hazardous liquid waste.
5.An effective drainage system is available in the laboratories which is adequate for the disposal of
liquid waste generated in the laboratories.
6. The sewer carrying the liquid waste is designed by the experts with all proper provisions
along with ventilation and manholes. Sewers are then connected with the main sewer of municipal
corporation which convey the sewage to Bhandewadi waste treatment plant.
7.The Curriculum of RTM Nagpur University also includes Waste Water Treatment as an Elective
subject in VIII Semester Civil Engineering and in Engineering Chemistry at I Semester level under
Water Technology. This adds to the understanding about waste management in the students.
• E-waste management
Rain water harvesting (RWH) is a technique of collection and storage of rainwater into natural reservoirs
or tanks, or the infiltration of surface water into subsurface aquifers (before it is lost as surface runoff). One
method of rainwater harvesting is rooftop harvesting.
The rapid rise in human population has made optimum use of fresh water imperative.
Urban water supply systems in particular are under tremendous pressure to meet the needs of the
population as well as industry and large-scale construction.
The increased need for water results in lower groundwater levels and depleted reservoirs.
Consumption of polluted water creates health hazards.
The use of rainwater is a useful alternative
The availability of water from sources such as lakes, rivers and shallow groundwater can fluctuate
Unchecked rainwater runoff is causing soil erosion.
Collecting and storing rainwater can provide water for domestic use
Rainwater may also provide a solution when the water quality is low or varies during the rainy
season in rivers and other surface water resources.
Using more rainwater helps to conserve & augment the storage of ground water
It helps to arrest sea water intrusion in coastal areas
It helps to avoid flood & water stagnation in urban areas
Reduces water and electricity bills
Collecting and storing water close to households improves the accessibility and convenience of
water supplies.
It costs less to collect rainwater than to exploit groundwater.
Only traditional knowledge, skills and materials can be used to collect the water and no government
technical assistance is required for repair and maintenance.
Collecting rainwater is the only way of recharging water sources and revitalizing dry open wells.
It gives an opportunity for communities to come together and work closer. It allows for the
decentralized control and community management of water.
It will provide productive employment to the rural poor in their own villages.
Water supplies can become polluted either through industrial or human wastes or by intrusion of
minerals such as arsenic, salt or fluoride.
Rainwater is considered as fresh water.
Rainwater is generally of good quality.
Cost of Installation:
The approximate cost of installation at each building in KDK campus was Rs 150000/- in 2012
a) Bicycles
b) Public Transport
c) Pedestrian friendly roads
• Plastic-free campus
• Paperless office
• Green landscaping with trees and plants
About 10% students and staff regularly use bicycles. The boy’s and girl’s hostels are very near to the
college campus, so students walk to the college daily.
b) Public Transport
Institute provides bus facility for students plying from different locations and routes. This adds to the
environmental conservation. Bus stop for city bus transportation service is located in front of the college,
hence it is convenient for the students using city bus service. The RTM Nagpur University Curriculum
includes Industrial and Site Visits for students of all branches. College buses are employed to carry
students to and from the Industries and Sites.
The roads inside the campus are pedestrian friendly as all vehicles are compulsorily parked in the parking
d) Plastic-free campus
Efforts are taken by the institute to create plastic free campus. Students and staff are counseled against use
of plastic. Use of plastic is prohibited in the Seminar and Project reports of students.
e) Paperless office
The institute attempts towards making the office paperless. Open Wi-Fi facility is provided
throughout the campus and important information is forwarded to all by e-mails.
f) Green landscaping with trees and plants
Trees are natural source of Oxygen and are greatly responsible in reduction of the Green House gas ie.
CO2. Hence, care is taken to increase the green cover in the campus and conserve the Environment.
7.1.8 Average percentage expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary
component during the last five years
Response: 0.8 Total expenditure on green initiatives and waste management excluding salary component year-
wise during the last five years(INR in Lakhs)
1.Physical facilities
2.Provision for lift
3.Ramp / Rails
4.Braille Software/facilities
5.Rest Rooms
6.Scribes for examination
7.Special skill development for differently abled students
8.Any other similar facility (Specify)
7.1.10 Number of Specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages during the
last five years
Response: 0 Number of specific initiatives to address locational advantages and disadvantages year-wise
during the last five years
0 0 0 0 0
7.1.11 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last
five years (Not addressed elsewhere)
Response: 13 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community year-wise during
the last five years
4 2 2 2 3
Code of conduct handbook exists for students, teachers, governing body, administration including
Vice Chancellor / Director / Principal /Officials and support staff
Response: Yes
Response: Yes
7.1.14 The institution plans and organizes appropriate activities to increase consciousness about
national identities and symbols; Fundamental Duties and Rights of Indian citizens and other
constitutional obligations
Response: Yes
7.1.15 The institution offers a course on Human Values and professional ethics
Response: Yes
7.1.16 The institution functioning is as per professional code of prescribed / suggested by statutory
bodies / regulatory authorities for different professions
Response: Yes
7.1.17 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct,
Love, Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal
harmony and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties during the last five
Response: 7
7.1.18 Institution organizes national festivals and birth / death anniversaries of the great Indian
The institute has vision to see the students, not just passing out with quality technical knowledge, but also
inculcate the ethical values, so that they can efficiently help to solve the various societal issues.
Institution organizes National festivals like Republic Day and Independence Day.
The program includes the hoisting of National flag, singing of National Anthem, followed by
speeches, tree plantation etc.
All the teaching, non-teaching staff and students attend the function.
Institute also celebrates the birth anniversaries of great Indian Personalities, like Mahatma Gandhi,
SardarVallabhbhai Patel, Dr. BabasahebAmbedkar, Dr.A.P.J. Abdul Kalam etc. These functions
witness the presence of teaching, non-teaching staff and students.
The organization of these programs inculcate human values, patriotism and ethics in staff and
These practices in the institute, emphasize the importance of values and ethics and ignites the
students for working towards for betterment of society.
The students also get to know, realize and understand the lives, and the noble work carried out by
great personalities, for the society.
On the occasion of these celebrations, the students and staff carry out tree plantation, cleaning of
the campus and nearby areas, poster and project competitions etc.
7.1.19 The institution maintains complete transparency in its financial, academic, administrative and
auxiliary functions
The college has continuously and successfully maintained the quality of education, as is evident from
various academic parameters. Since its inception, all the requisite norms of governing authorities have
been implemented to see that service to the society through quality technical education is served.
Staff, students and the stakeholders enjoy the association with the institution due to its transparency in
entire process of academics and administration.
Financial Transparency
The students pay fees through bank, while salaries to the staff are also made through bank. The expenses
are appropriately utilized. The entire financial management is audited each year by external auditors.
Students desirous of financial aid are being supplemented with scholarships by the management, thus
attaining the human value segment. The college follows a practice of inviting quotations before purchase
of equipments, consumables, computers, furniture and fixtures for use in laboratories and campus.
Comparative statements of quotations is prepared and put up for sanction after recommendation by Head of
the Department, Principal and IQAC. Purchase order is placed and payments towards the purchase are
made through cheques. Canteen and security contracts are also dispensed after inviting quotations.
Academic Transparency
The college conducts two sessional examinations and one pre university examination, which are based on
university paper pattern. The papers are evaluated immediately after the examination and marks are
displayed on the notice board. Papers are shown to the students for signing it. They can raise their
grievances about the marks obtained, which are taken care of in complete satisfaction of the students. The
marklist is also displayed on the notice board. This exhibits complete transparency in examination and
marking system. The college works on the policy of bestowing the faculty with incentives and awards for
their excellence in imparting quality education to students, patents, paper publication etc.
Administrative Transparency
The college administration is always pleased and enthusiastic in extending complete support for the
overall development of the student. All the decisions related to effective administration areb taken through
meetings of various committees like IQAC, CDC, PAQIC, DAB, WDC, ICC,WRC etc. and the
recommendation are implemented. This exhibits the administrative transparency of the college.
The stakeholders like alumni, parents, dependents of staff and society at large, are enthusiastically
associated with the college due to the efforts of inculcation of human values, professional ethics and
development of the society with complete transparency.
Best Practice – I
Personality Quotient (PQ) refers to the ability to understand oneself and others for effective
communication and teamwork. We, at KDKCE, believe that an individual’s personality consists of both
how much he/she knows and how he/she portrays himself/herself. Therefore, both, technical and
professional grooming is evident. Enhancement of PQ an integral part of all the student’s activities taken
up during each academic year. PQ provides a unique setting for developing valuable leadership skills and
capacities in individuals confronting diverse public and private sector challenges. It is said that majority
success traits come from personality skill besides technical skill blended with intelligence.
Title: - Making Continuous efforts in enhancing the Personality Quotient (PQ) of the students.
Objectives :-
The context :
Major percent of our success in life is based on our ability to communicate with and get along with others.
Therefore, a meager percent is based on our technical ability. Communication ranks among the top five
skills sought out by most employers, and one of the most difficult to find in the average students.
Undoubtedly, communication skill is an important aspect of a successful career. To be effective, you need
to understand how you communicate what is most important to you. Then learn how others communicate,
and how to simply adjust your style to connect more effectively with them.
KDKCE conscienciously moved ahead with an effort in developing personality quotient of its stakeholders
through numerous activities that provide platform to showcase their talents and make them notice every
nuance of varied personality.
The Practice
In pursuance of transforming the students and making them ready for Campus recruitment, college
adapts the strategy of fusion of co-curricular and extra- curricular activities. The program outcomes
along with course outcomes are achieved through well-thought activities, which make students to
bring-in positive changes and explore the excellence within them. Through the meticulous
assessment of the student’s attainment of PO & CO in each semester, college administration,
through the IQAC advisory members, suggests various co-curricular and extra-curricular activities
to be undertaken for the students so as to achieve the objective. The college, then based on the
nature and extent of the activity, ask the head of departments to plan and act. A
coordinator/incharge of the activity is decided in the meeting and modalities are worked out. The
event committee invites students to participate. The event is held with its entire objective leading to
development of personality quotient. Success of every activity inculcates personality traits in the
participating students. Many such activities are conducted every year for the intended purpose.
Debate, Robot war, Robot race, Student’s Parliament, Layout planning, Bridge-it, Amplifia, PLC design,
Student Development Program, Expert Lecture, EESA (Electrical Engineering Students Association),
MESA (Mechanical Engineering Students Association), CESA (Civil Engineering Students Association),
FACE-IT (Students Association of CT & IT Departments), ISF, ICI activities, Industry visits,
Entrepreneurship Development programsetc.
Navonmesh, Annual Sports Meet comprising of indoor and outdoor games, Marathon, activities
undertaken by the students’ associations, Garbha Fest, Kite festival, Freshers Day, Yoga Day etc.
Extension Activity:
Environment Awareness and tree plantation drive, donations toOrphanage, Blood donation camps, Organ
donation awareness, drug de-addiction campaign, Neki ki Deewar, Avishkar- science Model and poster
competition for schools and junior college students, Nirman- Project competition for Polytechnic students,
career counseling, adoption of village, cleanliness drive, energy saving, no plastic use, etc.
Research activity:
1.Evidence of success:-
This practice has become the preeminent practice of the institute, imbibing behavioral competency
and encouraging students to work in a spirit of unity and camaraderie. The students who enter the
engineering education get transformed into competent professionals with improved personality
traits. Many students excel in university/state/national level activities and have won accolades. The
list is a testimony to the success of the practice.
Contact Details:-
Best Practice II
2) Objective:-
3) The Context:-
4) The Practice:-
This national level conference for students has been conducted in the college since 2005. Every year, any
one department is given the responsibility of its conduction on rotation basis. The administration, along
with the head of departments, nominate the convener for the seminar and a committee is constituted that
comprises of the faculty members from all the departments, to look after various activities of the seminar
viz. communication, calling papers in their respective
domains,screening,selsction,hospitality,inauguration,proceedings,evaluation,awards,valedictory etc. The
participation includes students from other states also. The interaction of students with experts, readily
brings out the academic values among the students.
5) Evidence of success:-
The conduction of the event since 12 years, is a testimony of providing a platform for the students to
exhibit their technical talent. With the passage of every year, college is witnessing the participation of
more and more numbers.The participation of the students from other institutes of the region became the
encouraging factor. The quality of papers, the deliberations, the discussions on engineering & technology
advances, etc have the permanent footprints of success. The content of the proceedings can depict the
legacy ofsuccess of the event and undoubtedly, it has become the best practice of the institute.
Students lack of knowledge in proper review of the literature and taking out notes.
Writing statement of the research finding
Presentation fear.
Resources required:-
Open access to the available literature
Guidance, encouragement and motivation for the write-up and presentation.
Expert panel for verification and scrutiny of papers.
A complete team under the leadership of convener for successful completion of competition.
A team of expert judges.
ICT infrastructure.
7) Contact Details:-
The vision of the Institute is: “Service to the Society through Quality Technical Education”.
In the process of attaining the vision of the institute, we, at KDKCE, believe in the need to explore the
excellence that lies within the students. To identify and bring out the inner excellence of students, technical
grooming and motivation is required.
The college, since its inception, has been working for the upliftment of the academic quality of the students
of this region. Our priority has been in reaching out to the backward areas of the region and counsel the
students for achieving higher education, thus enabling the process of developing the society and the nation
at large.
The college has taken steps to explore the scientific and technical talents of students at school, junior
college, Polytechnic and engineering and help them serve the society in a better way.
Pertaining to the Institute Social Responsibility, the college owes a great sense of responsibility in building
the technical inclination among the budding students. In view of this, the college takes up the following
1. COUNSELING FOR HIGHER EDUCATION:- The institute has been counseling the students for
taking up higher education of their choice for many years. More efforts are being taken in the backward
areas of the region. Our faculty goes to such areas, interacts with the teachers and students, identifies the
problems and tries to give amicable solution. College also provides resource material for their study.
KDKCE being the institute of engineering, provides a better scientific and technical environment for
students to showcase their talent.
2. AVISHKAR: - Model and poster competition for 8-12 standard students based on scientific
fundamentals. The event is organized to motivate the students and bring out their talents. Students are
given information about advancements in science and technology. Best entries are awarded.
3. NIRMAN: - Project competition for polytechnic students. Students from diploma in engineering
participate in this event and exhibit their talent. College provides expert lecture on technological
advancements. Best entries are awarded.
4. SPARK: - National conference and technical paper presentation competition. This event is conducted
for undergraduate engineering students since 12 years. The fruitful interaction between experts and
students, brings out academic values among the students. Best papers are awarded.
conducting its Fast Track Selection procedure for the whole of central India in our campus for the past 15
6. CAMPUS RECRUITMENT TRAINING: The CRT programs are organized regularly to enhance the
placement of students. These programs include personality development, aptitude building and
communication skill.
These programs develop leadership quality, responsibility, work coordination, communication and
presentation skills and ethical values in students. Thus, efforts are taken by the entire college staff and
management to cater to the shaping of the future of students in a distinctive manner by providing them
platform to showcase their talent and bring out their scientific and technical capabilities along with
cultivating a genuine inclination towards higher education
Additional Information :
The institute is imparting technical education since more than three decade despite many constraints and
serving the society.
College conducts the free coaching in summer especially for the backward class students of Naxalite affected
area. Conduction of Yoga and meditation is regular practice by college faculty as well as through social
organizations like Gayatri Shakti Peeth Vichar Kranti Abhiyan Youth Organization of Nagpur. Special medical
camps for Cancer detection & sickle cell identification are arranged. College has recently conducted Teacher
Training Induction Program on Foundation Course on Human Values and professional Ethics, an initiative of
Some of our best practices is Publishing Departmental Magazines; College Newsletter/Magazine etc. College
frequently conducts Computer awareness programs for nearby slum area. During notabandi, a special workshop
on digital transactions was organized.
Various cells / committees such as Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC), College Development
Cell(CDC), Grievance Redressal Committee, Anti Ragging Committee, Internal Complaint Committee,
Student Counselor, Women Development Cell, Women Redressal Committee, Committee for SC/ST,
Minority Cell and OBC Cell have been constituted. All the Departments have PAQIC (Programme
Assessment and Quality Improvement Committee) consisting of HOD and senior faculty, DAB (Department
Advisory Board) consisting of eminent academicians & industrialists which provides fillip to the vision of the
Concluding Remarks :
KDKCE, Nagpur is preferred destination for aspiring students due to quality education, matching infrastructure,
robust teaching-learning practices as well as holistic growth and good employability of the students.
College is having clearly defined vision and mission statements striving to impart quality education. Being
adopted with best practices like Outcome based education, CRT, welfare schemes to both faculty and students
is expecting to fulfill the stake holder needs and aspirations.
KDKCE promotes all-round development of the students by providing various opportunities to showcase their
academic, technical, cultural, and sports talents. There are various student clubs like Club-Auto, Club-Robo etc.
that help the students to pursue their interests. The overall result expected from the graduates is to become
responsible citizens and lifelong learning professionals. College is definitely proving to be a strong Learning
centre for the Community around.
College is looking forward towards the students’ preparation for Digital India. Skill based courses are also
being initiated to fulfill the Make in India initiative of Nation.
As per NAAC guidelines, we have completed the first step of Assessment and Accreditation. The Institutional
Information for Quality Assessment (IIQA) is approved on 09/12/2017 with Track Id- MHCOGN100071.
It gives immense pleasure to submit Self Study Report of our college to NAAC, Bangalore for first cycle of
accreditation. The report is an outcome of collective efforts of all faculty and staff. It contains true and genuine
information on the various parameters. This report is prepared as per the guidelines laid down by NAAC.
1.Metrics Level Deviations
Metric ID Sub Questions and Answers before and after DVV Verification
1.2.3 Average percentage of students enrolled in subject related Certificate/ Diploma programs/Add-on
programs as against the total number of students during the last five years Number of students enrolled in subject related Certificate or Diploma or Add-on programs
year-wise during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
0 0 0 00 0
1.3.2 Number of value added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the last five years Number of value-added courses imparting transferable and life skills offered during the
last five years
Answer before DVV Verification : 42
Answer after DVV Verification: 36
2.4.4 Percentage of full time teachers who received awards, recognition, fellowships at State, National,
International level from Government, recognised bodies during the last five years Number of full time teachers receiving awards from state /national /international level
from Government recognised bodies year-wise during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
10 1 1 0 1
10 1 1 0 1
3.1.3 Number of research projects per teacher funded, by government and non-government agencies,
during the last five year Number of research projects funded by government and non-government agencies during
the last five years
3.3.4 Number of research papers per teacher in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five
years Number of research papers in the Journals notified on UGC website during the last five
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
52 24 48 30 40
45 22 41 28 37
3.4.3 Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry, Community
and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., during the last five
years Number of extension and outreach Programs conducted in collaboration with Industry,
Community and Non- Government Organizations through NSS/ NCC/ Red Cross/ YRC etc., year-
wise during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
5 4 3 2 5
3 3 2 2 3
3.4.4 Average percentage of students participating in extension activities with Government Organisations,
Non-Government Organisations and programs such as Swachh Bharat, Aids Awareness, Gender
Issue, etc. during the last five years
3.5.1 Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-job training,
research, etc during the last five years Number of linkages for faculty exchange, student exchange, internship, field trip, on-the-
job training, research, etc year-wise during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
15 7 5 0 3
2 3 2 0 0
3.5.2 Number of functional MoUs with institutions of National/ International importance, Other
Institutions, Industries, Corporate houses etc., during the last five years (only functional MoUs with
ongoing activities to be considered) Number of functional MoUs with institutions of national, international importance, other
universities, industries, corporate houses etc. year-wise during the last five years (only functional
MoUs with ongoing activities to be considered)
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
5 10 5 2 0
00 5 3 1 0 Average number of teachers and students using library per day over last one year
Answer before DVV Verification : 336
2. Career counselling
4. Remedial coaching
5. Language lab
6. Bridge courses
8. Personal Counselling Number of students attending VET year-wise during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
6 9 6 6 4
5 8 5 6 4
6.3.2 Average percentage of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences/workshops and
towards membership fee of professional bodies during the last five years Number of teachers provided with financial support to attend conferences / workshops and
towards membership fee of professional bodies year-wise during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
69 23 15 30 14
45 19 15 29 8
6.3.4 Average percentage of teachers attending professional development programs viz., Orientation
Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Program during the last five
years Total number of teachers attending professional development programs, viz., Orientation
Program, Refresher Course, Short Term Course, Faculty Development Programs year-wise during the
last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
75 76 108 28 51
70 68 34 18 20
6.5.3 Average number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality culture per year Number of quality initiatives by IQAC for promoting quality year-wise for the last five
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
49 52 34 28 12
11 7 16 9 7
7.1.1 Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution during the last five
years Number of gender equity promotion programs organized by the institution year-wise
during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
11 9 6 4 4
4 1 0 0 0
1. Physical facilities
2. Provision for lift
3. Ramp / Rails
4. Braille Software/facilities
5. Rest Rooms
6. Scribes for examination
7. Special skill development for differently abled students
8. Any other similar facility (Specify)
18 34 30 17 4
0 0 0 0 0
7.1.11 Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community during the last five
years (Not addressed elsewhere) Number of initiatives taken to engage with and contribute to local community year-wise
during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification:
2016-17 2015-16 2014-15 2013-14 2012-13
7 7 3 3 4
4 2 2 2 3
7.1.17 Number of activities conducted for promotion of universal values (Truth, Righteous conduct, Love,
Non-Violence and peace); national values, human values, national integration, communal harmony
and social cohesion as well as for observance of fundamental duties during the last five years
2.2 Number of seats earmarked for reserved category as per GOI/State Govt rule year-wise during the
last five years
3.2 Number of full time teachers year-wise during the last five years
3.3 Number of sanctioned posts year-wise during the last five years
3.5 Number of teachers recognized as guides during the last five years
Answer before DVV Verification : 312
Answer after DVV Verification : 10
3.6 Number of full time teachers worked in the institution during the last 5 years
Answer before DVV Verification : 842
Answer after DVV Verification : 518
4.2 Total Expenditure excluding salary year-wise during the last five years ( INR in Lakhs)