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Water-Resources Engineering - Parte 2

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urbanization, other major changes in land use, or forest fires may be significant.
A change in station location may also cause an inhomogeneity in ?the record.
Corrections for changes should be made before the record is used; or alternatively,
the analysis can be limited to the portion of the record before or after the change.
The problem of representivity in areal sampling is primarily encountered in
dealing with precipitation data. The data must adequately represent the true
precipitation over the watershed. If a water balance (i.e„ continuity analysis) is to
be made, the data should be true values. On the other hand, if a regression analysis
is contemplated, the data need only be in fixed ratio to the true precipitation.
Since the “true” precipitation is rarely known, precise confirmation of represeota-
tivity is difficult. A successful relation between precipitation and streamflow is a
pragmatic test. If a good relation capable of accurately reconstructing historic
flows is derived, the precipitation is clearly representative. Since most hydrologic
problems require an estimate of the probability of streamflow^ ability to reproduce
historic probability characteristics will often be the best test.1
Much can be learned before analysis. Short and fragmented records can be
adjusted to longer time periods and used to construct a mean annual (or seasonal)
precipitation map that will show the effect of topography. Many short records
can be found in most catchments by a careful search. Analysis of the climatology
of the catchment is also helpful. If convective storms are important, the required
density of stations will be higher than if frontal storms are the primary source of
rain. ' \ 4 v: :.■ ' / " ' ""w': ■ ’ ' ' , :1' :I;;

2.19 Remote Sensing of Hydrologic Data _

Sensors carried on aircraft or satellites can map many ground-surface characteris­
tics that may be helpful to hydrologists. Among these are Soil moisture,2 condition
of vegetation, stage of agricultural operations, surface temperature, extent of snow
cover, and location of flood water.
By studying the type and extent of cloud cover, estimates of annual
precipitation3 in remote areas may be possible. The presence of sediment, algae,
and some pollutants in streams or lakes can be detected from photographs.
Infrared photographs can indicate thermal differences in water bodies such as
might result from submerged springs or inflow of hot cooling water.
Precise quantitative evaluation of precipitation, streamflow, snow cover, or
other hydrologic factors is not possible, observations generally being too in­
frequent (and uncertain because of cloud cover). Remotely sensed data are
generally not a substitute for conventional data collection, but they can be an
increasingly useful supplement to conventional data.

1 R. C. Johanson, Precipitation Network Requirements for Streamflow Estimation, Technical Report

147, Department of Civil Engineering, Stanford University, August 1971.
2 T. J. Schmugge, J. M. Meneely, A. Rango, and R. Neff, Satellite Microwave Observations of Spil
Mpisture Variations, Water Resour. Bully pp. 265-281; April 1977.
3 D. W. Martin and W. D. Scherer, Review of Satellite Rainfall Estimation Methods^ Bull Am.
Meteorol Soc„ Vol. 54, pp. 661-674, 1973.

2.1. Using a topographic map provided by your instructor, delineate the catchment area
for a point on a stream,by tracing the location of the divide. Determine the size of
the area. i.-; .;p V-- .
2.2. Determine from published data the mean annual precipitation at all available stations
within a river basin assigned by your instructor. Using these data, find the average
annual precipitation over the basin by the arithmetic average, Thiessen network, and
isohyetal map. Compare your results by the three methods with the class average.
2.3. Repeat Prob. 2.2 using precipitation during a specified storm.
2.4. What should be the internal diameter of a snow sampler so that each 0,1 N of snow
in the sampler represents 1.00 cm of water equivalent?
2.5. Plot the annual precipitation at some selected station as a time series. Are any regular
cycles evident? It may help to plot the mass curve of departure from average precipita-
tion or to plot curves of 5- or 10-yr running averages. Five-year running averages are
computed by averaging the annual precipitation values in overlapping 5-yr periods.
The average value is usually plotted at the middle year of the period;
2.6. Prepare a scatter plot of the annual precipitation data for station B of Prob. 2.10 by
plotting each annual value against the value for the preceding year. Does your plot
suggest that there are patterns of year-to-year variation in annual precipitation for this
station or do the data suggest that annual variation is random?
2.7. Compute the streamflow for the following measurement data:

Distance from bank, ft o 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Total depth, d, ft 0 0.8 2.7 6.4 8.5 7.2 5.7 3.2 3.3 2.1 i.l 0
Velocity, ft/sec ’l "■..t
0.2d from surface o 1:0 4.7 2.6 2.9 2.7 2.4 2.3 2.3 1.8 1.5 ,0..
0.8d from surface . 0 0.8 1.4 2.1 2.3 2,2 2.0 1.9 2.0 ; 1.5 1,2 0

Express your answer in cubic feet per second and in cubic meters per second.
2.8. At what distance from the bank should a surface float be placed in the stream
of Prob. 2.7 so that 0.85 times the float velocity will equal the mean velocity in
the stream? Assume the velocity varies parabolically with depth according to the
relation’ ..
V = V0(z;za)Vm
where V is the velocity at a distance z above the streambed, V0 is the velocity at a
distance z0 above the bed, and m is a constant.
2.9. What tracer dose concentration would you reedntmend for a tracer flow rate measure­
ment in a stream whose flow rate is in the range of 30 to 40 cfs if the dose ráte is 0.05
cfs, the detection limit of the tracer measurement device is 0.1 mg/L, and the
background concentration of the tracer in the stream is below the detection limit?
2*10. Annual precipitation data at four weather stations in the vicinity of Salt Lake City,
Utah, are as indicated in what follows. Analyze the data for homogeneity. That is, de­
termine whether or not any of the stations had been moved and in what year the
move was made. Homogeneity may be checked by examining ratios of precipita­
tion at pairs of stations or by plotting a double mass curve, i.e; plotting X precipitation
at station A versus X precipitation at station B, etc.
Adjust the data to make them homogeneous with respect to the present

location of the stations. Also estimate the annual precipitation at station A in 1961
and 1962. Finally, estimate the mean annual precipitation of one of the moved stations
in terms of its present location for the years 1950 to 1958, 1955 to 1964, and 1950 to
1967. Note that one item of data is incorrect. Which one is it? What do you think
its true value may have been?

Year Station A Station B Station C Station D

1950 21.0 32.5 23.9 29.1

1951 37.0 37.7 27.7 33.3
1952 19.8 - 29.8 22.6 27,6
1953 24.6 37.1 28.1 34.6 /
1954 22.8 34.8 26.2 , 31.5
1955 16.9 25.5 19.2 23.4
1956 23.8 32.1 24.5 t 29.9
1957 22.4 31.4 23.1 27.8
1958 23.1 31.0 23.8 29.4
1959 25.0 33.4 ' 25.5 30.5
1960 . 27.7, 37.5 28.2 32.4 .
1961 ■C v T ~ - \ y: ^ 34.2 25.7 27.8
196? ■ ... . . 42.3 31.8 34.4
1963 24.3 33.8 24.8 27.4
1964 27.4 36.1 27.8 30.1
1965 26.2 35.5 26.9 29.2
1966 21.0 28.4 21.4 23.5
1967 25.1 . 34.0 25.6 27.8.;

2.11. Tabulated in whdt follows are measured discharges and stages at a gaging station
and stages at an auxiliary station 2000 ft downstream from the main gage. Develop
a slope-stage-discharge relation from these data. Determine the exponent n [Eq. (2.2)]
by plotting Q JQ q versus Aza/Az0 on logarithmic paper. The slope of the line is the
exponent n. Find the discharge for a stage of 19.85 ft and a fall of 1,17 ft. Note that
it is convenient to take Az0 = 1 ft.

Stage, ft
Measured Qy \
cfs Main gage Auxiliary gage

93,900 11.71 10.81

80,000 9.73 8.73
242,000 16.11 15.10
27,000 6.00 4.99
553,000 24.95 23.97
417,200 21.02 19.99
560,000 2175 20.19
421,000 23.51 ‘ 22.77
241,000 14.48 13.02
112,700 10.75 9.53
365,000 18:30 17.00
702,000 27.22 26.07
570,000 26.45 , 25.58
297,600 21.60 20.98

2.12. Listed in what follows is a series of discharge measurements with correspond­

ing stages at the gaging station and at an auxiliary gage 8400 ft downstream.
Construct a slope-stage-discharge relation from these data. Use Áz0 = 1 ft: Calculate
the discharge for a stage of 35.0 ft at the base gage and stages of 33.5, 34.0, and 34.5 ft
at the auxiliary gage. If the stage at the base gage is 26.0 ft and the fall 0.8 ft, what
is the discharge?

Stage, ft
1 0 0 0 cfs Base gage Auxiliary gage

12.3 14.89 13.94

170.0 42.60 41.78
72.0 30.16 29.26
43.1 27.60 27.00
23.9 22.70. 2 2 .2 0

16.0 16.35 v 15.35 ■

157.0 40.40 39.40
51.5 * 24.30 22.94
111 2 1 .0 0 20.25
38.4 23.10 2 2 .1 0

115.5 36.32 7 35.45

102.5 33.60 32.58 '
76.3 25.20 23.20
40.4 31.00 30.69
16.1 2 0 .1 0 19.65

2.13. With a stage of 7 m and a water-surface slope of 0.85 m/km, the flow rate in a river
is 2500 m3/s. Approximately what would the flow rate be if the stage were 7 m and
the water-surface slope 0.56 m/km?
2.14. On a river the following data were obtained by stream gaging:

Main staff, ft Auxiliary staff, ft Flow rate, cfs

30.0 29.0 /, \7 250

30.0 27.6 390

Estimate as accurately as possible the flow rate when the main staff* reads 30.0 ft and
the auxiliary staff* reads 28.3 ft. • ;
2.15. Lake Mead behind Hoover Dam has a capacity of approximately 3.69 x lO10 m3.
For how many years could this water supjply a city with a population of 920,000 if
the average daily consumption is 410 L per person? Neglect the effect of evaporation.
2.16. A reservoir serving a population of 420,000 contains 67,000 acre-ft of water. The
forecasted net inflow (streamflow plus precipitation minus evaporation) for the next
year is 12,000 acre-ft. If it is desired to maintain no less than 30,000 acre-ft in the
reservoir for the following year’s use/what is the average per capita use that must be
achieved? Express your result in gallons per capita pér day^ ^
2.17. A certain Asiatic city with a population of 510,000 uses 41 x 106 m3 of water per year.
What is the mean consumption (a) in cubic meters per capita per day and (b) in gallons
pereapita per day?

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