Motor Insurance - Two Wheeler Comprehensive Policy
Motor Insurance - Two Wheeler Comprehensive Policy
Motor Insurance - Two Wheeler Comprehensive Policy
LIMITATIONS AS TO USE: The Policy covers use of the vehicle for any purpose other than: a) Hire or Reward b) Carriage of goods (other than samples or personal luggage) c) Organized racing d) Pace making
e) Speed testing f) Reliability Trials g) Any purpose in connection with Motor Trade. Persons or Class of Persons entitled to drive: Any person including the insured, provided that a person driving holds an
effective driving license at the time of the accident and is not disqualified from holding or obtaining such a license. Provided also that the person holding an effective learner`s license may also drive the vehicle when
not used for the transport of passengers at the time of the accident and that such a person satisfies the requirements of Rule 3 of the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989. Limits of Liability 1. Under Section
II-1 (i) of the policy - Death of or bodily injury - Such amount as is necessary to meet the requirements of the Motor Vehicles Act, 1988. 2. Under Section II - 1(ii) of the policy -Damage to Third Party Property- `
NA 3.P.A. Cover under Section III for Owner - Driver(CSI): ` 1500000 Terms, Conditions & Exclusions: As per the Indian Motor Tariff. A personal copy of the same is available free of cost on request & the
same is also available at our website.
Warranted that the Assured named herein/owner of the vehicle insured holds a valid Pollution Under Control (PUC) Certificate on the date of commencement of the Policy. If the PUC is not found valid on the date
of commencement of the Policy, the Company reserves its right to repudiate the Own Damage claim made under the Policy.
I / We hereby certify that the policy to which the certificate relates as well as the certificate of insurance are issued in accordance with the provision of chapter X, XI of M. V.Act 1988."The stamp duty of `0.50
paid by Demand Draft, vide Receipt/Challan no. CSD/36/2019/2289/19 dated 27/05/2019 as prescribed in Government of Maharashtra Order No. Mudrank –Mudrank-2017/CR.97/M-1, dated the 09th January 2018,
dated 31/12/2004".Goods and Service Tax Registration No: 37AABCL5045N1Z7. IMPORTANT NOTICE: The Insured is not indemnified if the vehicle is used or driven otherwise than in accordance with this
Schedule. Any payment made by the Company by reason of wider terms appearing in the Certificate in order to comply with the Motor Vehicle Act, 1988 is recoverable from the Insured. See the clause headed
"AVOIDANCE OF CERTAIN TERMS AND RIGHT OF RECOVERY." Disclaimer: The Policy shall be void from inception if the premium in full is not realised by the company. In the event of misrepresentation,
fraud or non-disclosure of material fact, the Company reserves the right to cancel the Policy. Please note that the insured vehicle was pre-inspected and a report was prepared accordingly. The existing damages to
the vehicle as mentioned in the report shall not be paid by the Company. The policy is issued basis the information provided by you, which is available with the company. In case of discrepancy or non recording of
relevant information in the policy, the insured is requested to bring the same to the notice of the company within 15 days. Goods and Service Tax for this invoice is not payable under reverse charge basis.
Branch : 1ST FLOOR, NO.10-14-575/2, PMR PLAZA,V.V.MAHAL ROAD MOSQUE ROAD, TIRUPATI CHITTOOR, 517501. Phone No. : +91-877-2255595
Goods and Service Tax Registration No: 37AABCL5045N1Z7 HSN Code 997134
Agent Name: ADITYA BIRLA INSURANCE BROKERS LTD For HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Ltd
Agent Code: 2020684801370001
Tel No.: 22827143
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited CIN: U66030MH2007PLC177117. UIN : HDE-MO-P14-40-V02-14-15 IRDAI Reg No.146
Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, HDFC House, 165/166 Backbay Reclamation, Customer Service Address: D 301, 3rd Floor, Eastern Business District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg,
H.T.Parekh Marg, Mumbai - 400 020 Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400 078
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
Motor Insurance - Proposal Form cum Transcript Letter For Two Wheeler Package
Proposer declaration
DECLARATION ON BEHALF OF ALL PERSONS TO BE INSURED : I/We hereby understand, declare, consent and authorize the Company to use personal health details and financial information, as provided to
the Company for underwritingthe risk. I/We hereby also understand, declare, consent and authorize the Company that the Company shall have right to retain the aforementioned information anddisseminate the same
to its service provider(s) for providing services related to insurance.
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited CIN: U66030MH2007PLC177117. UIN : HDE-MO-P14-40-V02-14-15 IRDAI Reg No.146
Registered & Corporate Office: 1st Floor, HDFC House, 165/166 Backbay Reclamation, Customer Service Address: D 301, 3rd Floor, Eastern Business District (Magnet Mall), LBS Marg,
H.T.Parekh Marg, Mumbai - 400 020 Bhandup (West), Mumbai - 400 078
HDFC ERGO General Insurance Company Limited
Loss or Damage to the Insured Vehicle caused due to: For Accidental Damage to Insured Vehicle (Own Damage Claims):
a. Fire, explosion, self ignition or lightning. ¡ Mobile App: Simply download HDFC ERGO Mobile App - Insurance Portfolio Organizer
b Burglary, housebreaking or theft from Play Store. Link your policy by providing few simple details and register a claim.
c All act of God perils like earthquake, flood, cyclone etc ¡ Call Toll Free 1800 2700 700 (Accessible from India only) and provide your policy
d Accidental external means, terrorism, riot and strike number for reference and register a claim
Liability to Third Parties:
Provides cover for any legal liability arising out of the use of the vehicle for Please keep the following details handy while intimating a claim
a Accidental death / injury to any third party a. Policy Number
b Any damage to property owned by third party b. Registration Details / RC Copy
Personal Accident Cover: c. Drivers details at the time of accident including driving License Number
The policy provides for a mandatory Personal Accident cover for owner driver and optional d. FIR on a case to case basis
cover for passengers covering accidental death and permanent total disability e. Repair estimate
a. General aging, wear & tear, mechanical or electrical breakdown, failure, depreciation, 1. If your vehicle can be driven, take it to the nearest dealer / garage.
any consequential loss 2. Get a repair estimate, fill up the claim form and attach a copy of the registration
b. Damage by a person driving without a valid license certificate and driving license of the person driving at the time of the accident.
c. Damage by a person driving under the influence of liquor or drugs 3. If the garage is within our network, you could avail of cashless claim facility. Pay for non
d. Loss/damage attributable to war, mutiny, nuclear risks accident related repairs, depreciation and deductible. We would settle the rest.
e. Damage to tyres and tubes, unless damaged during an accident 4. If the garage is outside our network, you would have to get the claim reimbursed
f. Usage on hire & reward (applicable for all classes except public commercial vehicles) subsequently.
g. Loss or damage to bonnet side parts, mudguard, bumpers, lamps, tyres, tubes,
headlights, paint work (applicable for all commercial vehicles; unless opted CLAIMS DOCUMENTS -
h. Loss or damage resulting from overturning arising out of operation as a tool (applicable a. Duly filled and signed claim form & satisfaction voucher
for mobile cranes, drilling rigs, mobile plants, navvies, shovels, grabs, rippers unless b. Registration Certificate (RC)
opted for additionally) c. Driving license of the person driving at the time of the accident
i. Loss of or damage to accessories by burglary housebreaking or theft unless the vehicle d. Policy Copy, original repair estimate, repair invoice
is stolen at the same time (applicable to all commercial vehicles & two wheelers) e. Payment receipt for non-cashless claims
f. Original repair invoice for cashless claims
TRANSFER OF INSURANCE (INCASE VEHICLE IS SOLD) g. AML documents for amount more than `1 lakh (PAN card, 2 passport size photo,
To place your request for Transfer of Insurance, visit Customer Support section on our residence proof)
website h. Form 35 & original NOC from financer incase of total loss where payment is made to
i. A copy of police FIR/panchnama is required for TP injury / death / property damage
j. Sale deed / Delivery note / Form 29 and 30 / transferred RC Copy in 'Used Car' cases
To place your request for any ''Changes in Policy', visit Customer Support section on our
website Additional documents required for commercial vehicles:
a. Spot survey b. Load challan c. Fitness certificate d. Route permit
a. Duly filled and signed claim form & discharge voucher ( after loss settlement )
b. Original Registration Certificate (RC) NO CLAIM BONUS (NCB):
c. Original Policy Copy NCB is provided for every claim free year basis the slab as provided by Tariff.
d. Copy of FIR lodged at the nearest police station How can I get No Claim Bonus Reserving Letter?
e. All original keys & vehicle invoice copy NCB Reserving letter can be provided only on Sale of vehicle evidenced by transferred RC
f. No trace report confirming that the stolen vehicle is not traceable copy OR Sale Deed and Form 29 & 30. The OD section of the policy needs to be transferred
g. Original NOC from financer incase of hypothecation / HPA to the new owner or cancelled.
h. Intimation to RTO for theft of vehicle HOW DO I RENEW MY POLICY?
i. Duly signed RTO transfer papers (Form 26, 28,29,30,35)
j. RC extract with stolen remark from the concerned RTO after the loss a. Visit to renew c. Visit our nearest branch / your agent
k. AML documents for amount more than 1 lac (PAN card, 2 passport size photo, residence instantly online
proof) d. Send a copy of the renewal notice along
l. Deed of subrogation cum indemnity on judicial stamp paper b. SMS "RENEW <POLICY NO> " to 9999 with premium cheque to our branch
700700 office /Corporate office
Disclaimer: Where it is brought to the notice of the Company, that vehicle insured
which is not a new vehicle but shown as a new vehicle with a malafide intention,
claims for total loss of such vehicle would not be admissible, if there is a gap of more Visit Customer Support section on our website and avail host of
than 10 days from date of invoice of vehicle and the proposal date. services online which is easy, instant & convenient