884 Ijr June 2019
884 Ijr June 2019
884 Ijr June 2019
Fig. 2. Power-voltage curve of the PV panels with the calls for a cost-effective and simple solution to
power reserve control by operating the PV system at realize the PRC strategy.
below the MPP.
This paper thus proposes a Sensor less Power
Gives an example of the power reserve control Reserve Control (SPRC) strategy to fill out this gap,
requirement in the Danish grid code [7]. Typically, where the solar irradiance measurements are not
the Power Reserve Control (PRC) can be adopted for required for the available PV power estimation. The
potential frequency regulation during a short period proposed solution routinely employs the MPPT
(e.g., frequency response) [6]–[11]. operation to measure the available PV output power,
Energy storage devices (e.g., battery) are normally which is simple and more generic. Then, the PV
employed to realize the power reserve in PV systems output power is regulated according to the required
[11]–[16]. However, high cost and limited lifetime amount of power reserve by means of a CPG
are the two main drawbacks, which makes this strategy. At the grid-side converter, the stored energy
solution not so cost-effective, and also becoming the in the dc-link is also adaptively controlled to buffer
main driving forces for advanced control solutions the PV power increase during the MPPT operation,
with reduced cost and complexity [10]. As an and thereby keep the injected ac power to follow the
alternative, the power reserve can be achieved by required power reserve Profile. The proposed
modifying the control algorithm of the PV system to approach can overcome the limitation in where the
operate below the Maximum Power Point (MPP), and PRC constraint cannot be maintained during the
then the active power can be reserved . In order to do MPPT operation. The rest of this paper is organized
so, the modified MPPT algorithm has to be able to as follows: the system description and the overall
regulate the PV power Ppv at a certain power limit control structure of two-stage PV systems is
Plimit, as it has been proposed in [10]–[12] and presented in Section II. In Section III, the operational
illustrated in Fig. 2. To achieve the PRC strategy, the principle of the proposed SPRC strategy is discussed,
set point Plimit has to be calculated by subtracting the and the design considerations are provided in Section
available PV power Pavai with the required amount of IV. Experimental tests have been carried out on a 3-
power reserve P as kW two-stage single-phase grid-connected PV
system in Section V to verify the effectiveness of the
proposed strategy. Finally, Section VI gives the
concluding remarks.
A. Operational Principle
estimation period). are not required for the available strategy. The reference PV voltage pv during the
power estimation, being a sensor less solution. MPPT mode can be assigned as follows:
controller for calculating the reference grid current. system maximum voltage limit (e.g., 600 V) which
Basically, the dc link voltage controller will give an will be discussed in the next section.
amplitude reference of the grid current| |, which
keeps the dc-link voltage vdc constant and delivers IV. DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF THE SPRC
all the extracted PV power to the ac grid (which is the STRATEGIES
case during the CPG mode). However, if the average
injected ac power 〈 〉exceeds the power limit Plimit In order to achieve a high control performance using
(e.g., due to the peak power injection), a certain the SPRC strategy, several design considerations
amount of current ig corresponding to Kac should be discussed to assist the practical
(〈 〉 Plimit) is subtracted from the reference | |,
by the stored energy controller. The proportional gain A. Improving the Power Reserve Accuracy by
kac should be selected as /Vg (with a small Compensating Inverter Power Losses
adjustment in practice to compensate power losses in
the dc-link, e.g., parasitic resistance in the dc-link So far, the efficiency of the converters are not
capacitor), where Vg is the considered. In other words, it is assumed that the PV
power Ppv in (2) is equal to the injected ac power
〈 〉 in (5) during the CPG operation. However,
there are power losses in the power converters,
especially from the power devices during the
switching and conduction, which reduces the
converter efficiency. The power losses cannot be
neglected and should be compensated, in order to
achieve a high-accuracy operation. Taking the
efficiency of the power converter into account, the
power injected to the grid from the PV arrays
Fig. 10. Power extraction from the PV arrays 〈 〉
according to the SPRC strategy with the power loss 〈 〉
compensation, where tres is the time response during
the operating mode transition, fAPE is the sampling
rate of the available PV power estimation process,
and is the efficiency of the power converter.
should be subtracted from the reference P when into the dc-link, which has a limited energy capacity.
calculating the power limit as According to Fig. 11, the excessed energy during the
[ ] APE process _E can be approximated as
The key performance of the SPRC strategy is a fast Where Vdc,0 is the initial dc-link voltage, which
operation during the available power estimation corresponds to the reference dc-link voltage dc in
process in order to minimize the excessed energy in the SPRC strategy. Vdc,t is the peak value of the dc-
the dc-link. As it is shown in Fig. 10, there are two link voltage which is limited by the maximum
intermediate steps during this period: 1) CPG to allowable dc-link voltage Vdc,max according to the
MPPT (during t1) and 2) MPPT to CPG (during t2) grid regulations (e.g., 600 V in US [32] and 1000 V
transitions, where a certain time response tres is in Europe [33]). Thus, the maximum excessed energy
required. With the CV-MPPT method discussed in that can be stored in the dc-link during each APE
Section III, the CPG to MPPT transition can be process is determined as follows:
achieved very fast, where the reference pv = ( ) (11)
KOCVOC is directly assigned. Thus, the remaining
issue is to ensure a fast transient response of the CPG
According to (9)-(11), the maximum amount of the
algorithm during the MPPT to CPG transition.
power reserve Pmax is obtained as
A simple and effective solution is to directly apply
the last operating point during the steady-state CPG
operation as a reference PV voltage once the APE
process is done. In this way, the operating point of
the PV can move back relatively fast to the previous
operating point in the CPG mode within one It is noticed from (13) that, in order to increase
sampling period. After that, the CPG algorithm in (4) Pmax, either a large dc-link capacitor Cdc is needed
is employed in steady-state CPG operation (during or the time response tres has to be minimized.
t3). With this approach, the time response during the However, increasing the dc-link capacitance is
transition tres is minimized, as it can be compared usually not preferable considering the cost, size, and
from tres shown in Fig. 10 (with normal CPG reliability of the system [34]. In this paper, the dc-
algorithm, where a number of sampling during MPPT link capacitance Cdc is designed based on the
to CPG transition is required) and Fig. 11 (with fast maximum ripple voltage v requirement during
CPG algorithm). This solution is effective when the normal operation, where the dc-link capacitance is
sampling rate of the APE process is much faster than determined by
the solar irradiance fluctuation, which is usually the
case for the PV system in practice. Under this
condition, it can be assumed that the operating point
during the CPG mode for each sampling changes (14)
relatively slow, due to the high sampling rate of APE.
At the rated power (i.e., 3 kW), the dc-link voltage is
regulated at 450 5 V (i.e., Vdc = 450 V, V = 5 V).
Thus, the required dc-link capacitance is around 2.2
C. Maximum Amount of the Power Reserve mF according to (14). Notably, this is a typical design
for single-phase inverter, where the dc-link voltage
The maximum amount of power reserve Pmax is inevitably contains the double-line frequency ripples
limited by the stored energy capacity of the dc-link during operation. This dc-link capacitor however can
capacitor. This is due to the fact that during each be used to store the excessive energy in the SPRC
APE process, the excessed energy will be injected
(c)reserved power P.
(a)PV voltage and DC link voltage
consecutively refreshed with new approaching (a) PV voltage and DC link voltage
examples on request and on-the-fly. Subsequently,
framework refreshes don't just incorporate a recursive
adjustment of model parameters, yet additionally a
dynamic development and pruning of model with a
specific end goal to deal with idea float and
progressively changing framework conduct
sufficiently and to keep the frameworks/models "a la
mode" whenever.
(c)Reserved power P
FIG:17 (a) Simulation results of the single-phase
grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
strategy during the steady-state operation where the
reference power reserve P are 700 W
Fig. 18. Simulation results of the single-phase grid- set-point to limit the extracted PV power with the
connected PV system with the proposed SPRC CPG Operation. At the grid-side, the stored energy in
strategy at the sampling rate of fAPE = 0.05 Hz under the dc-link is adaptively controlled to minimize the
a ramp-changing solar irradiance profile power fluctuation during the available PV power
estimation process, where the excessed energy is
temporarily stored in the dc-link. With the above
coordinated control strategy, the power reserve
Control can be achieved as it has been verified
experimentally. Design considerations for a high
control performance and the operational boundary
have also been discussed to assist the Practical
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