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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

ANFIS based Power Reserve Control Strategy for Grid-

Connected PV Systems
(B.Venkatramana) 1 (P.Sreenivasulu) 2
(M. Tech student, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya institute of
technologies & sciences, Tirupati, India)
EMAIL ID: venky.bogini @gmail.com
(Assistant Professor, Dept. of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Annamacharya institute of
technologies & sciences, Tirupati, India)

EMAIL ID:psv1243 @ gmail.com

Abstract: and thereby increases the control and monitoring

Due to the still increasing penetration of grid complexity. As a consequence, grid regulations have
connected Photovoltaic (PV) systems, advanced recently been revised and continuously updated in
active power control functionalities have been order to handle the increased amount of fluctuating
introduced in grid regulations. A power reserve PV power injected to the power grid [5]–[9]. Several
control, where namely the active power from the PV advanced active power control strategies have been
panels is reserved during operation, is required for Defined [4]–[9], where the PV system is expected to
grid support. In this paper, a cost-effective solution to be more active in the power network beyond a purely
realize the power reserve for two-stage grid- power-generating unit. One of the advanced
connected PV systems is proposed. The proposed functionalities in grid-connected PV systems is to
solution routinely employs a Maximum Power Point reserve active power for potential grid voltage or
Tracking (MPPT) control to estimate the available frequency regulations [4], [7]–[9], where a certain
PV power and a Constant Power Generation (CPG) amount of Active power is reserved (or curtailed)
control to achieve the power reserve. In this method, during operation. Fig. 1
the solar irradiance and temperature measurements
that have been used in conventional power reserve
control schemes to estimate the available PV power
are not required, and thereby being a sensor less
approach with reduced cost. Experimental tests have
been performed on a 3-kW two-stage single-phase
grid-connected PV system, where the power reserve
control is achieved upon demands.
Index Terms—Active power control, power reserve
control, maximum power point tracking, constant Fig. 1. Power reserve requirement in the Danish grid
power generation control, PV systems, grid- code [7], where P is the amount of power reserve
connected power converters. level.


In recent decades, the penetration level of

Photovoltaic (PV) systems has been continuously
increasing, especially for grid-connected applications
[1]–[5]. Due to the still declining installation costs
(e.g., in PV panels and inverters), grid connected PV
systems will have an even more significant role in the
future power production [2], [3]. This makes the
power grid to be mixed in terms of energy resources,

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7437

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Fig. 2. Power-voltage curve of the PV panels with the calls for a cost-effective and simple solution to
power reserve control by operating the PV system at realize the PRC strategy.
below the MPP.
This paper thus proposes a Sensor less Power
Gives an example of the power reserve control Reserve Control (SPRC) strategy to fill out this gap,
requirement in the Danish grid code [7]. Typically, where the solar irradiance measurements are not
the Power Reserve Control (PRC) can be adopted for required for the available PV power estimation. The
potential frequency regulation during a short period proposed solution routinely employs the MPPT
(e.g., frequency response) [6]–[11]. operation to measure the available PV output power,
Energy storage devices (e.g., battery) are normally which is simple and more generic. Then, the PV
employed to realize the power reserve in PV systems output power is regulated according to the required
[11]–[16]. However, high cost and limited lifetime amount of power reserve by means of a CPG
are the two main drawbacks, which makes this strategy. At the grid-side converter, the stored energy
solution not so cost-effective, and also becoming the in the dc-link is also adaptively controlled to buffer
main driving forces for advanced control solutions the PV power increase during the MPPT operation,
with reduced cost and complexity [10]. As an and thereby keep the injected ac power to follow the
alternative, the power reserve can be achieved by required power reserve Profile. The proposed
modifying the control algorithm of the PV system to approach can overcome the limitation in where the
operate below the Maximum Power Point (MPP), and PRC constraint cannot be maintained during the
then the active power can be reserved . In order to do MPPT operation. The rest of this paper is organized
so, the modified MPPT algorithm has to be able to as follows: the system description and the overall
regulate the PV power Ppv at a certain power limit control structure of two-stage PV systems is
Plimit, as it has been proposed in [10]–[12] and presented in Section II. In Section III, the operational
illustrated in Fig. 2. To achieve the PRC strategy, the principle of the proposed SPRC strategy is discussed,
set point Plimit has to be calculated by subtracting the and the design considerations are provided in Section
available PV power Pavai with the required amount of IV. Experimental tests have been carried out on a 3-
power reserve P as kW two-stage single-phase grid-connected PV
system in Section V to verify the effectiveness of the
proposed strategy. Finally, Section VI gives the
concluding remarks.

Usually, the reserved power P is calculated as a II. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION OF TWO-STAGE

function of the frequency deviation or given by the PV SYSTEMS
system operators [10]–[12]. In that regard, it is
considered as an input (or reference) for the PRC The system configuration of a two-stage grid-
strategy. Thus, the remaining issue becomes clear - connected PV systems is shown in Fig. 3. This two-
how to accurately estimate the available PV power stage configuration is widely used in the
Pavai during operation. The estimation is very residential/commercial PV systems (e.g., with the
challenging, unless the PV system is equipped with rated power of 1-30 kW), where it consists of two
an accurate irradiance measurement as implemented power converters: 1) the PV-side dc-dc boost
in [10] and [11]. However, this is usually not the case converter and 2) the grid-side dc-ac inverter.
for residential/commercial scale PV systems, since Basically, the boost converter is responsible for
the irradiance measurements will increase both the extracting the PV power Ppv, which is achieved by
cost and the complexity of the overall system. In regulating the PV voltage Vpv at the corresponding
contrast, the method proposed in [12] and uses a operating point in the Power-Voltage (P-V) curve in
quadratic curve-fitting approach to estimate the Fig. 2, e.g., at the VMPP for the MPPT operation.
available PV output power from the Power-Voltage Then, the grid side converter, which is realized by a
(P-V) curve of the PV panels, without using an full-bridge topology
irradiance measurement. However, it requires the
estimation of the PV voltage at the MPP, VMPP,
which incurs additional efforts. Besides, the accurate
estimation of the curve-fitting approach is limited to
a certain range (i.e., < VMPP) and the method is
also sensitive to parameter variations (e.g., due to
aging of PV panels). In light of the above issues, it

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7438

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

(S&H)‖ process in digital control. Thus, similar

consideration also applies here. That is, an error
between the sampled signal (estimated available
power) and the original signal (real available power)
reduces as the sampling frequency increases (i.e., the
more often the MPPT mode is assigned). This
concept of the Available Power Estimation (APE)
process is further illustrated in Figs. 4(a) and (b). In
this way, the costly irradiance measurement or the
PV panel characteristic models

Fig. 3. System configuration and control structure of

a two-stage grid connected PV system with the
Sensor less Power Reserve Control strategy.

Delivers the extracted PV power to the ac grid by

regulating the dc-link voltage Vdc to be constant
through the control of the grid current ig . In this
case, a bipolar Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)
technique is used in order to eliminate the common-
mode voltage, and thus minimize the leakage current.
This is a common requirement for transformer less
PV applications. In addition, the grid-side converter
also requires A proper synchronization of the injected
current with the grid voltage by means of Phase-
Locked Loops (PLL), and ensures the power quality
of the injected grid-current with harmonic
compensators being implemented. In fact, the dc and
ac power are decoupled in the two-stage
Configuration, where the dc-link capacitor acts as an
energy buffer to decouple the dc and ac power. Thus,
it is possible to adaptively adjust the stored energy in
the dc-link to some extent during operation. In that
case, the dc-link voltage is not always kept as
constant in order to temporarily reserve the extracted Fig. 4. Available power estimation method employed
power from the PV, which is the main idea of the in the proposed Sensor less Power Reserve Control
proposed SPRC strategy and will be further discussed (SPRC) strategy: (a) MPPT mode is routinely
in details in the following. employed, (b) the estimated available power during
the MPPT mode, and (c) the extracted PV power with
III. PROPOSED SENSORLESS POWER a combined MPPT and CPG operations.

A. Operational Principle

The proposed SPRC strategy is a combination of two

operational modes: MPPT and CPG, which are
employed for different control objectives. The main
purpose of the MPPT operation is to estimate the
available PV power. When the operating point of the
PV arrays is regulated at the MPP, the available
power of the PV arrays Pavai can be estimated from
the measured PV output power Ppv (neglecting power
losses due to the MPPT algorithm). By routinely Fig. 5. Operational principle of the Sensor less Power
assigning the MPPT operation, the available power Reserve Control (SPRC) strategy, where the peak
can continuously be estimated during operation. In power is stored/buffered in the dc-link during the
fact, this concept is similar to the ―Sample and Hold MPPT mode (i.e., during the available power

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7439

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

estimation period). are not required for the available strategy. The reference PV voltage pv during the
power estimation, being a sensor less solution. MPPT mode can be assigned as follows:

Once the available PV power is estimated with the

MPPT operation, the set-point of the CPG operation
P limit can be calculated according to (1), for a given Where KOC is a constant. Notably, the effectiveness
amount of power reserve P. accordingly, the SPRC of the CVMPPT algorithm relies on the assumption
strategy employs the CPG operation to regulate the that the voltage at the MPP does not change
PV power in order to provide a power reverse as significantly during operation. This assumption is
demanded. The corresponding extracted PV power quite reasonable for this particular power reserve
from the dc-dc boost converter with the combination control (frequency response), where the required time
of MPPT and CPG modes is shown in Fig. 4(c). In duration is usually in the range of a few minutes . In
order to ensure that the power injected to the ac grid that short time period, the ambient temperature will
always follows the demand in the case of the PRC not change significantly either (while the irradiance
shown in Fig. 1, the peak power during the MPPT level could), as the ambient temperature usually
mode should be buffered. In the proposed approach, changes with a time constant in the range of several
the dc-link voltage is increased during this period to minutes to an hour. Thus, it can be assumed that the
temporarily store the excessed energy due to the peak impact of the temperature variation can be neglected
power injection. By doing so, the injected ac power during the power reserve control. That is to say, in
will follow the PRC constraint as it is shown in Fig. the case of PRC operation, the ambient temperature is
5. In this regard, the proposed solution can be assumed to be constant. With the above MPPT
flexibly adapted to any two-stage PV system operation, the available PV power can be estimated
configuration (with other PV inverter topologies), by simply measuring the PV power during the
where the PV- and the grid-side converters can be steady-state MPPT periods. Once the APE process is
controlled independently. The control algorithm of done, the PV system enters into the CPG mode where
the PV side boost converter and grid-side converter the operating point of the PV systems has to be
to achieve the discussed strategy is presented in the regulated below the MPP in order to achieve P pv =
following. Plimit (and thus the power reserve). It can be seen
from the P-V characteristic of the PV panel in Fig. 7
B. Control Algorithm of the PV-Side Boost that there are two possible operating points for a
Converter certain level of Plimit and irradiance level (i.e., A and
C). However, it should be aware that the operating
As discussed previously, there are two operating point at the right side of the MPP (e.g., at
modes for the boost converter. Namely, the MPPT
operation is employed to estimate the available PV
power, and the CPG control is employed to regulate
the PV output power to follow the power reserve
demand. By combining both operating modes, the
corresponding extracted PV power from the proposed
strategy can be summarized as follows:

Considering the MPPT mode, a fast MPPT operation

Fig. 6. Operational principle of the PV side control
is required in order to minimize the excessed energy
scheme, where the Constant Voltage MPPT and the
injected into the dc-link during this APE period (i.e.,
CPG algorithms are implemented.
ideally should be like an impulse). A simple and
effective way to operate the PV system at the MPP is
to use a Constant Voltage MPPT (CVMPPT)
strategy, where the PV voltage Vpv at the MPP can
be approximated as 71-78 % of the open-circuit
voltage VOC , as illustrated in Fig. 6. Since the open-
circuit voltage of the PV panels varies in a small
range during operation, the CVMPPT method offers
a fast response with a moderate accuracy, making it
suitable for implementation in the proposed SPRC

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Fig. 8. Control scheme of the PV-side boost

converter with the MPPT and CPG operation, where
pv and Vpv are the reference and measured PV
Fig. 7. Possible operating regions of the CPG voltage, and Plimit is the set-point.
strategy, where the instability issue during the fast
decreasing irradiance condition is illustrated.

C) Can introduce instability during a fast irradiance

drop (e.g., from 1000 to 200 W/m2 due to passing
clouds). In that case, the open-circuit voltage of the
PV panels VOC decreases as the irradiance level
drops, and the operating point may fall into (and stay
at) the open-circuit condition (i.e., C!D in Fig. 7).
Under this situation, the CPG operation becomes
unstable and the PV system will not able to deliver
Fig. 9. Control scheme of the grid-side converter with
any power from the PV panel to the grid, as it has
the dc-link voltage controller and the stored energy
been demonstrated in [17]. With this concern, the
operating point of the PV system is perturbed to the controller, where dc and Vdc are the reference and
left side of the MPP during the CPG operation, as it measured dc-link voltage, 〈 〉 is the average
is also illustrated in Fig. 6 [17]–[19]. The reference injected ac power, and Plimit is the set-point.
PV voltage pv during the CPG mode can be
summarized as Where a Proportional Integral (PI) controller is
employed to regulate the PV voltage Vpv according
{ to its reference pv. To avoid any confusion, due to
the two operating modes (i.e., MPPT and CPG
where vMPPT is the reference voltage from the operations), the reference voltage pv in Fig. 8 is
MPPT algorithm (i.e., the P&O MPPT) and Vstep is obtained from (3) during the APE process (MPPT
the perturbation step size. Notably, the reference operation), while the reference voltage in (4) is
vMPPT has nothing to do with the previous CV- employed only during the CPG mode. In both cases,
MPPT algorithm (which is only used during the APE the control structure remains the same, while only the
process), but the vMPPT is needed during the CPG reference PV voltage pv is changed, as shown in
operating mode in order to keep the operating point Fig. 8.
of the PV system at Ppv = Plimit. This is due to the C. Control Algorithm of the Grid-Side Converter
fact that the PV power may not be kept exactly at the
Plimit in practice, but it will oscillate around that Regardless of the operating mode of the PV-side
operating point with minimum deviations. In that boost converter, the objective of the grid-side
case, the PV voltage needs to follow the reference converter is to always keep the injected ac power to
from the P&O MPPT algorithm when Ppv Plimit, follow the PRC constraint as
in order to move the operating point back close to 〈 〉
Ppv = Plimit. Further discussions about CPG
algorithms can be found in [17]. The control structure With 〈 〉 being the average injected ac power, Plimit
of the PV-side boost converter is shown in Fig. 8, being the set-point (reference), Pavai being the
available PV power, and _P being the required
amount of reserved power. In order to do so, the peak
power during the APE period (i.e., MPPT mode) has
to be temporarily stored in the dc link. Following, the
control scheme of the grid-side converter in Fig. 9 is
employed in this paper, where a stored energy
controller is plugged into the typical dc-link voltage

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

controller for calculating the reference grid current. system maximum voltage limit (e.g., 600 V) which
Basically, the dc link voltage controller will give an will be discussed in the next section.
amplitude reference of the grid current| |, which
keeps the dc-link voltage vdc constant and delivers IV. DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF THE SPRC
all the extracted PV power to the ac grid (which is the STRATEGIES
case during the CPG mode). However, if the average
injected ac power 〈 〉exceeds the power limit Plimit In order to achieve a high control performance using
(e.g., due to the peak power injection), a certain the SPRC strategy, several design considerations
amount of current ig corresponding to Kac should be discussed to assist the practical
(〈 〉 Plimit) is subtracted from the reference | |,
by the stored energy controller. The proportional gain A. Improving the Power Reserve Accuracy by
kac should be selected as /Vg (with a small Compensating Inverter Power Losses
adjustment in practice to compensate power losses in
the dc-link, e.g., parasitic resistance in the dc-link So far, the efficiency of the converters are not
capacitor), where Vg is the considered. In other words, it is assumed that the PV
power Ppv in (2) is equal to the injected ac power
〈 〉 in (5) during the CPG operation. However,
there are power losses in the power converters,
especially from the power devices during the
switching and conduction, which reduces the
converter efficiency. The power losses cannot be
neglected and should be compensated, in order to
achieve a high-accuracy operation. Taking the
efficiency of the power converter into account, the
power injected to the grid from the PV arrays
Fig. 10. Power extraction from the PV arrays 〈 〉
according to the SPRC strategy with the power loss 〈 〉
compensation, where tres is the time response during
the operating mode transition, fAPE is the sampling
rate of the available PV power estimation process,
and is the efficiency of the power converter.

RMS value of the grid voltage. In this way, the

amount of the grid current reduction _ig, which will
allow the power difference (〈 〉 -Plimit) be stored in
the dc-link, can be determined. Consequently, the
actual dc-link voltage Vdc will be higher than the
reference dc during the MPPT mode, but the peak
power will not propagate to the ac grid. Fig. 11. Power extraction from the PV arrays
In this approach, the stored energy in the dc-link is according to the SPRC strategy with the previous
controlled indirectly through the compensation of the operating point during the CPG mode being applied
grid current, which offers a faster and more effective after the available PV power estimation process,
response than the solution by directly calculating the where tres is the time response during the operating
corresponding dc-link voltage (e.g., increase dc mode transition, fAPE is the sampling rate of the
during MPPT operation). This is due to the typical available PV power estimation process, and is the
limited bandwidth of the dc-link voltage controller efficiency of the power converter.
(i.e., much slower than the current controller).
Notably, Vdc should also be within a certain range for Where is the efficiency of the power converter. It
single-phase grid-connected inverter systems, in can be observed in (7) that there is always a certain
order to ensure the power delivery to the grid and amount of power losses from the PV side to the grid
safety (e.g., 400-600 V). Thus, there is a certain limit side corresponding to (1- ). Ppv. In order to maintain
of the amount of reserved power P in order to the power reserve constraint with respect to the
ensure that the dc-link voltage will not reach the injected ac power as in (5), the amount (1- ). Ppv

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7442

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

should be subtracted from the reference P when into the dc-link, which has a limited energy capacity.
calculating the power limit as According to Fig. 11, the excessed energy during the
[ ] APE process _E can be approximated as

Where is the compensated power limit. By

replacing the Plimit with at the PV-side
controller in (2) (while (5) remains), the power losses
in the power converter are compensated, as it is When this excessed energy is stored in the dc-link, it
illustrated in Fig. 10. will cause the dc-link voltage Vdc increase according
B. Minimizing the Excessed Energy with Fast
CPG Algorithms during Transients
( ) (10)

The key performance of the SPRC strategy is a fast Where Vdc,0 is the initial dc-link voltage, which
operation during the available power estimation corresponds to the reference dc-link voltage dc in
process in order to minimize the excessed energy in the SPRC strategy. Vdc,t is the peak value of the dc-
the dc-link. As it is shown in Fig. 10, there are two link voltage which is limited by the maximum
intermediate steps during this period: 1) CPG to allowable dc-link voltage Vdc,max according to the
MPPT (during t1) and 2) MPPT to CPG (during t2) grid regulations (e.g., 600 V in US [32] and 1000 V
transitions, where a certain time response tres is in Europe [33]). Thus, the maximum excessed energy
required. With the CV-MPPT method discussed in that can be stored in the dc-link during each APE
Section III, the CPG to MPPT transition can be process is determined as follows:
achieved very fast, where the reference pv = ( ) (11)
KOCVOC is directly assigned. Thus, the remaining
issue is to ensure a fast transient response of the CPG
According to (9)-(11), the maximum amount of the
algorithm during the MPPT to CPG transition.
power reserve Pmax is obtained as
A simple and effective solution is to directly apply
the last operating point during the steady-state CPG
operation as a reference PV voltage once the APE
process is done. In this way, the operating point of
the PV can move back relatively fast to the previous
operating point in the CPG mode within one It is noticed from (13) that, in order to increase
sampling period. After that, the CPG algorithm in (4) Pmax, either a large dc-link capacitor Cdc is needed
is employed in steady-state CPG operation (during or the time response tres has to be minimized.
t3). With this approach, the time response during the However, increasing the dc-link capacitance is
transition tres is minimized, as it can be compared usually not preferable considering the cost, size, and
from tres shown in Fig. 10 (with normal CPG reliability of the system [34]. In this paper, the dc-
algorithm, where a number of sampling during MPPT link capacitance Cdc is designed based on the
to CPG transition is required) and Fig. 11 (with fast maximum ripple voltage v requirement during
CPG algorithm). This solution is effective when the normal operation, where the dc-link capacitance is
sampling rate of the APE process is much faster than determined by
the solar irradiance fluctuation, which is usually the
case for the PV system in practice. Under this
condition, it can be assumed that the operating point
during the CPG mode for each sampling changes (14)
relatively slow, due to the high sampling rate of APE.
At the rated power (i.e., 3 kW), the dc-link voltage is
regulated at 450 5 V (i.e., Vdc = 450 V, V = 5 V).
Thus, the required dc-link capacitance is around 2.2
C. Maximum Amount of the Power Reserve mF according to (14). Notably, this is a typical design
for single-phase inverter, where the dc-link voltage
The maximum amount of power reserve Pmax is inevitably contains the double-line frequency ripples
limited by the stored energy capacity of the dc-link during operation. This dc-link capacitor however can
capacitor. This is due to the fact that during each be used to store the excessive energy in the SPRC
APE process, the excessed energy will be injected

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7443

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

deactivated, since (〈 〉 - Plimit) = 0. Thus, the

required discharging time tdc corresponds to the
settling time of the dc-link voltage controller (e.g.,
the PI controller), and the maximum sampling
frequency of the APE process fAPE,max can be
obtained as

Fig. 12. Variation in the dc-link voltage due to the

peak power injection during the MPPT mode, where
tres and tdc are the time response during the operating
mode transition and the dc-link voltage controller,
respectively. fAPE is the sampling rate of the APE
process and fAPE,max is its maximum value.

Operation. In other words, the dc-link capacitor is not

oversized or specifically designed for the power
reserve purpose. Consequently, from this standpoint,
reducing the time response tres is a more viable (a)PV voltage and DC link voltage
solution to maximize the power reserve of a pre-
designed two-stage PV system according to (13).

D. Maximum Sampling Frequency of the

Available Power Estimation (APE) Process

The accuracy of the APE relies on its sampling

frequency fAPE. In general, the accuracy of the APE
increases as its sampling rate fAPE increases,
especially during the changing irradiance condition.
However, the constraint that limits the sampling
frequency fAPE is the required response time by the (b)PV power Ppv and ac power 〈 〉,
dc-link voltage controller in order to reach the steady
state after the peak power injection due to the APE
process. Specifically, the dc-link voltage has to be
discharged to its nominal value (i.e., Vdc = dc) at
the end of each APE sampling. Otherwise, if the
excessed energy is injected to the dc-link during the
discharging period, the dc-link voltage will oscillate.
This will lead to an unstable operation, since the
boost converter can no longer regulate its input
voltage (i.e., PV voltage) when the output voltage
(i.e., dc-link voltage) is oscillating significantly, as it (c) Reserved power P
will be exemplified later via experiments. The
variation in the dc-link voltage Vdc during each APE Fig. 14(a). Simulation results of the single-phase
process is illustrated in Fig. 12. At the beginning of grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
each APE process, the dc-link voltage will reach its strategy during the steady-state operation where the
peak value after t = tres, which is the time duration reference power reserve P are 700 W
where the excessed energy is injected into the dc-
link. After that, the dc link voltage will be slowly
discharged by the dc-link voltage controller. During
this period, the stored energy controller is

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7444

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

(b)PV power Ppv and ac power 〈 〉,

(a)PV voltage and DC link voltage

(c)reserved power P.

Fig. 14.(c) Simulation results of the single-phase

grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
(b)PV power Ppv and ac power 〈 〉,
strategy during the steady-state operation where the
reference power reserve P are 300 W

(c) Reserved power P.

Fig. 14.(b) Simulation results of the single-phase
grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
strategy during the steady-state operation where the (a)PV voltage and DC link voltage
reference power reserve P are 500 W

(a)PV voltage and DC link voltage

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7445

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

arrange. The procedure was made in the mid 1990s.

Since it composes both neural systems and feathery
premise measures, it can get the advantages of both
in a solitary structure. Its enrollment compose
ponders to a strategy of cushioned IF– THEN picks
that have learning capacity to erroneous nonlinear
breaking points. Along these lines, ANFIS is
accepted to be a complete estimator. For utilizing the
ANFIS as a bit of a more profitable and immaculate
(c) Reserved power P. way, one can utilize the best parameters acquired by
hereditary calculation.ANFIS: Artificial Neuro-Fuzzy
Fig. 15. Simulation results of the single-phase grid- Inference Systems
connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
strategy at the sampling rate of fAPE = 0.05 Hz under 1. ANFIS are a class of flexible frameworks that are
a ramp-changing solar irradiance profile for all intents and purposes indistinguishable to
feathery inference structures.
2. ANFIS address Sugeno e Tsukamoto cushioned
3.ANFIS usages a mutt learning figuring.

In the field of automated thinking neuro-cushioned

infers mixes of fraud neural structures and fleecy
support. Neuro-cushy hybridization understands a
(a)PV voltage and DC link voltage cream sharp framework that synergizes these two
techniques by joining the human-like thinking style
of cushioned frameworks with the learning and
connectionist structure of neural systems. Neuro-
feathery hybridization is genarelly named as Fuzzy
Neural Network (FNN) or Neuro-Fuzzy System
(NFS) in the composed work. Neuro-feathery
framework (the more standard term is utilized from
this time forward) wires the human-like thinking
style of fleecy frameworks using cushy sets and a
semantic model including a game-plan of IF-THEN
cushioned standards. The basic idea of neuro-feathery
frameworks is that they are no matter how you look
at it approximates with the capacity to request
interpretable IF-THEN guidelines.

The idea of neuro-soft frameworks fuses two

conflicting necessities in cushy appearing:
interpretability versus exactness. In every way that
really matters, one of the two properties wins. The
neuro-fleecy in cushioned indicating research field is
(c) Reserved power P. separated into two zones: semantic soft
Fig. 16. simulation results of the single-phase grid- demonstrating that is focused on interpretability, for
connected PV system with the proposed SPRC the most part the Mamdani show; and right feathery
strategy at the sampling rate of fAPE = 0.2 Hz under a displaying that depends on exactness, in a general
ramp-changing solar irradiance profile sense the Takagi-Sugeno-Kang (TSK) illustrate.
Adaptive Neuro-Fuzzy Inference System
A versatile neuro-fluffy determination arrange or Addressing fuzzification, feathery inducing and
flexible framework based fluffy reasoning system defuzzification through multi-layers feed-forward
(ANFIS) is a sort of phony neural structure that connectionist frameworks. It must be pointed out that
depends upon Takagi– Sugeno cushy enrollment interpretability of the Mamdani-type neuro-cushy

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7446

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

systems can be lost. To upgrade the interpretability of

neuro-cushioned systems, certain evaluations must be
taken, wherein basic parts of interpretability of
neuro-cushy structures are in like manner analyzed.

A progressing examination line keeps an eye on the

data stream mining case, where neuro-cushioned
structures are

consecutively refreshed with new approaching (a) PV voltage and DC link voltage
examples on request and on-the-fly. Subsequently,
framework refreshes don't just incorporate a recursive
adjustment of model parameters, yet additionally a
dynamic development and pruning of model with a
specific end goal to deal with idea float and
progressively changing framework conduct
sufficiently and to keep the frameworks/models "a la
mode" whenever.

(b)PV power Ppv and ac power 〈 〉,

Function member ship of input1

(c)Reserved power P
FIG:17 (a) Simulation results of the single-phase
grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
strategy during the steady-state operation where the
reference power reserve P are 700 W

Function member ship of input2

Fig. 3ANFIS structure

Input/output low medium high (a)PV voltage and DC link voltage
Low Low Medium High
Medium Medium High High
high high high high
Table: ANFIS Rules

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7447

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

(b)PV power Ppv and ac power hPaci

(c) Reserved power P.
Fig. 17.(c) Simulation results of the single-phase
grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
strategy during the steady-state operation where the
reference power reserve _P are 300 W

(b) Reserved power P.

Fig. 17.(b) Simulation results of the single-phase
grid-connected PV system with the proposed SPRC
strategy during the steady-state operation where the
reference power reserve _P are 500 W

(a)PV voltage and DC link voltage

(a)PV voltage and DC link voltage


(b)PV power Ppv and ac power hPaci

(c) Reserved power P.

Volume VIII, Issue VI, June/2019 Page No:7448

International Journal of Research ISSN NO:2236-6124

Fig. 18. Simulation results of the single-phase grid- set-point to limit the extracted PV power with the
connected PV system with the proposed SPRC CPG Operation. At the grid-side, the stored energy in
strategy at the sampling rate of fAPE = 0.05 Hz under the dc-link is adaptively controlled to minimize the
a ramp-changing solar irradiance profile power fluctuation during the available PV power
estimation process, where the excessed energy is
temporarily stored in the dc-link. With the above
coordinated control strategy, the power reserve
Control can be achieved as it has been verified
experimentally. Design considerations for a high
control performance and the operational boundary
have also been discussed to assist the Practical
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