Elementary Achievement Test 3 (Units 7-9) : Action
Elementary Achievement Test 3 (Units 7-9) : Action
Elementary Achievement Test 3 (Units 7-9) : Action
Listening a) b) c)
1 Recording 5 Listen and tick the correct
answer, a), b) or c).
6 Where did the woman go on holiday?
1 What time does Jim leave home?
a) b) c)
a) b) c)
3 What do you have to wear to the 2 The trains were expensive.
Trattoria? 3 Barcelona has a castle and beach.
B: Sweden!
B: I 3 (visit) my Swedish
friend, Magritte. She 4
(study) here.
A: 10 (drink) champagne?
1 a) the b) a c) –
3 a) – b) a c) an
4 a) a b) the c) –
11 a) the b) a c) –
7 You can only walk on these roads, not 4 I’m waiting a tram. It’s late.
drive. 5 Eddie’s always talking rugby and
p s often listens sport on the radio.
c) has the best trains in the world 11 Read the article again. Decide if the
sentences are true (T) or false (F).
2 During the journey, the time changes
1 The Trans-Siberian Railway is Russian.
a) thirteen times
2 Vladivostok is by the sea.
b) six times
3 The Trans-Siberian Railway only travels
c) seven times through Europe.
a) the second stop after you leave the 5 It is possible to reach Vladivostock in less
capital than a week.
b) the best place to stop on the journey 6 The best way to travel is to go non-stop.
c) the biggest area of fresh water on the 7 The capital of Siberia is Novosibirsk.
8 The last Russian Tsar died at Lake
4 Novosibirsk has a population of . Baikal.
a) nearly 1.5 million people 9 It’s better to stop and visit different
places on the journey.
b) more than 1.5 million people
10 It’s a good idea to do the train journey in
c) exactly 1.5 million people summer.
5 The journey . 11 It’s cheaper to take a guided tour.
a) is more amazing if you stay on the
13 Write a description of a town or city
you know, using the prompts below.
50–75 words.
General information, e.g. where it is, how
big, etc
Your opinion of it