Format - Transport
Format - Transport
Format - Transport
Question Q.2 Speed and Delay study in conducted by which of the following
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Floating car method correct
Option 2) Works pot interview incorrect
Option 3) Doppler Radar incorrect
Option 4) Electronic Detector incorrect
Solution Floating car method is in speed & delay studies (f) average journey
time (t) for call vehicle in normal traffic stream is calculated (t) -
( )
t=t w − y
n a+ n y
q ( Flow of vehicle ∈vel/min)=
t a +t w
q - Flow of vehicle in on direction of the stream
n a - Average number of vehicles overtaking the test vehicle minus the
number of vehicle overtaken when the text is in dee direction of q
n y - The average number of vehicles overtaking the test vehicle minus
the number of vehicle overtaken when test is in the direction of q
t w - Average journey time, in minutes when the test vehicle is traveling
with stream 'q'
t a - Average journey time, in minutes when the test vehicle is running
against the stream q
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.3 A continuous growth of the building along the main road through
face of the city is known as
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Ribbon development correct
Option 2) Urban sprawl incorrect
Option 3) Boulevards incorrect
Option 4) Green belt incorrect
Solution Ribbon development is building houses along the routes of
communications radiating from a human settlement The resulting
ribbons of development are clearly visible on land use maps and arial
photographs, giving cities and countryside a particular character.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.4 BRTS is a highly efficient _____ concept designed to meet growing
transport demands in cities around the world.
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Para-transit incorrect
Option 2) Public transport correct
Option 3) Private transport incorrect
Option 4) None of the above incorrect
Solution Bus Rapid Transit System (BRTS) takes part of its name from "Rapid
Transit", which describes a high-capacity transport system with its
own right-of-way, implemented using buses through infrastructural
and scheduling improvements, to provide a high level of service.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.6 Trip makers who do not have access to car are known as
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Captive riders correct
Option 2) Choice riders incorrect
Option 3) Commuters incorrect
Option 4) Travellers incorrect
Solution Captive riders commonly represented individuals who did not have
alternative options except public transit, while choice riders were
usually defined as those who preferred to choose public transportation
even private cars were also optional.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.7 Match the design speed recommended for various roads by IRC 86:
List 1 List 11
A. Collector roads 1. 30 kmph
B. Local roads 2. 80 kmph
C. Arterial roads 3. 60 kmph
D. Sub-arterial roads 4. 50 kmph
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 2 1 4 3 Incorrect
Option 2) 3 1 2 4 Incorrect
Option 3) 4 1 2 3 Correct
Option 4) 2 4 3 1 Incorrect
Solution As per IRC-86:1983 for urban road
Road classification Design speed (kmph)
Arterial roads 80
Sub-arterial roads 60
Local roads 30
Collector roads 50
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Commuter rail Incorrect
Option 2) Metro rail Incorrect
Option 3) Bus Rapid Transit Incorrect
Option 4) All of the above Correct
Solution A right-of-way (ROW) is a right to make a way over a piece of land,
usually to and from another piece of land. A right of way is a type of
easement granted or reserved over the land for transportation
purposes, such as a highway, public footpath, rail transport, canal, as
well as electrical transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines. In the case of
an easement, it may revert to its original owners if the facility is
abandoned. This American English term is also used to denote the land
A right of way is granted or reserved over the land for transportation
purposes, usually for private access to private land and, historically for
a highway, public footpath, rail transport, canal, as well as electrical
transmission lines, oil and gas pipelines. A right-of-way is reserved for
the purposes of maintenance or expansion of existing services with the
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Fixed facilities Incorrect
Option 2) Control system Incorrect
Option 3) Flow entities Incorrect
Option 4) All of above Correct
Solution Transportation system consist of
1. Fixed facilities
2. Flow entities
3. Control system
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.12 Maximum number of vehicles that can pass a given point on a lane
during one hour without creating unreasonable delay is known as
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Practical capacity Correct
Option 2) Basic capacity Incorrect
Option 3) Traffic density Incorrect
Option 4) Probable capacity Incorrect
Solution Practical capacity is the maximum number of vehicles that can pass a
given point without creating delay
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.13 Schedule, Route and Fare (all three) are dynamic in_________
transportation system.
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Public Incorrect
Option 2) Private Correct
Option 3) Para Incorrect
Option 4) All of the above Incorrect
Solution Schedule, Route and Fare (all three) are dynamic in Private
transportation system.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Regulatory Correct
Option 2) Warning Incorrect
Option 3) Informatory Incorrect
Option 4) Guide Incorrect
Solution Signs Shape
Mandatory/Regulatory →Circular
Cautionary/Warning →Triangular
Informatory →Rectangular.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) the length between the Correct
ends of the channel in islands
in front of two consecutive
entry and exit
Option 2) The perimeter of the center Incorrect
line of the road circumfering
the central island
Option 3) The distance between two Incorrect
opposite roads
Option 4) The width of the road Incorrect
between the central island
and the channel island
Solution Waving length is the length between the ends of the channel in islands
in front of two consecutive entry and exit. The weave length should be
at least four times the width of weaving section.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.16 Metro Rail is the most common international term for ______
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Commuter Rail Incorrect
Option 2) Light Rail Transit Incorrect
Option 3) Heavy Rail Transit Correct
Option 4) Mono-Rail Incorrect
Solution Rapid transit or mass rapid transit (MRT), also known as heavy rail,
metro, subway, tube, or underground, is a type of high-capacity public
transport generally found in urban areas.Unlike buses or trams, rapid
transit systems are railways (usually electric) that operate on an
exclusive right-of-way, which cannot be accessed by pedestrians or
other vehicles,and which is often grade-separated in tunnels or on
elevated railways.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.17 The maximum number of vehicles that can move on a road at any
section during one hour under prevailing situation is known is
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) traffic volume Incorrect
Option 2) traffic density Incorrect
Option 3) traffic capacity Correct
Option 4) service volume Incorrect
Solution The maximum number of vehicles that can move on a road at any
section during one hour under prevailing situation is known is traffic
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.18 While planning on locating major 'routes' in a city, which one of
the following traffic survey
schemes is most relevant?
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Traffic volume survey Incorrect
Option 2) Origin and destination Correct
Option 3) Speed survey Incorrect
Option 4) Traffic capacity survey Incorrect
Solution For planning on locating major routes in a city, origin and destination
survey schemes is most relevant. The various application of origin and
destination survey studies may be assumed as follows:
(a) To judge the adequacy of existing routs.
(b) To plan transportation system and mass transition facilities in
cities including routes and schedules of operation.
(c) To locate express way or major routes along the desire line
(b) To locate terminals and to plan terminal facilities
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.19 The signs having red border and black symbols on white
background are
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Warning signs Correct
Option 2) Mandatory signs Incorrect
Option 3) Informatory signs Incorrect
Option 4) None of the above Incorrect
Solution Warning signs-
∙ Warning signs are used to warn the road users of certain hazardous
condition that exist on or adjacent to the roadway.
∙ They have white back ground, red border and black symbols and
generally triangular shape
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.20 Match the hems in List 1 (Method of traffic survey) with those is
List 2 (Type of traffic survey), and select the correct answer using code
in lists
List 1 List 2
P. Doppler radar 1.Traffic Volume
Q. Video tape 2.Origin destination survey
R. Pneumatic tube 3.Parking Survey
S. Road size interview 4.Spot speed
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 1 3 4 2 Incorrect
Option 2) 4 3 1 2 Correct
Option 3) 3 4 1 2 Incorrect
Option 4) 4 2 3 1 Incorrect
Solution A Doppler radar is a specialized radar that the Doppler effect to
produce velocity data shout object at a distance it does this by
bouncing a microwave signal off a desired target and analyzing how
the defect's moon has altered the frequency of the turbed signal
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.21 The first company which tested the HYPERLOOP technology is
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) SpaceX incorrect
Option 2) Tesla, Inc. incorrect
Option 3) Neuralink incorrect
Option 4) Virgin Hyperloop One correct
Solution In 2014, Virgin Hyperloop was founded on the premise of making
Musk's vision of a futuristic transportation system a reality. The
company has made substantive technical changes to Musk's initial
proposal and chose not to pursue the Los Angeles–to–San Francisco
route the billionaire envisioned.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Organic street system incorrect
Option 2) Concentric and radial street incorrect
Option 3) Grid iron system incorrect
Option 4) polynomial stress correct
Solution Polynomial stress system is not an urban road system
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.23 Which out of traffic studies is needed for functional design as well
as for highway capacity design:
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Origin and Destination incorrect
Option 2) Parking and Accident incorrect
Option 3) Speed and volume studies correct
Option 4) Axle load studies incorrect
Solution Traffic volume study and speed study are and the geometrical
designing of highway section.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.24 As per the modified classification of road system by the Third
Road Development Plan 1981-2001, the roads in the country under
'Primary System' of road network consist of
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Expressways and National correct
Option 2) State Highways (SH) and incorrect
Major District Roads (MDR)
Option 3) Other District Roads (ODR) incorrect
and Village Roads (VR)
Option 4) All of the above incorrect
Solution According to the third 20 years road plan (Lucknow Road Plan)-
(1981-2001) Roads are classified into primary, secondary and tertiary
road System.
(1) Primary road system:
(a) Expressways of total length 2000 Km.
(b) NH Based on the concept of 100 Km square grids.
(b) Secondary Road system:
(a) SH (State Highway)
(b) MDR (Major District Road)
(c) Tertiary Road System:
(a) ODR (other district mads)
(b) VR(Village Roads)
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Per Hour Peak Direction incorrect
Option 2) Peak Hour Per Direction incorrect
Option 3) Per Hour Per Direction incorrect
Option 4) Peak Hour Peak Direction correct
Solution The peak hour peak direction traffic will be met by running 21 trains of
3 car during peak periods with the carrying capacity of 16086 @ 6
passengers/m2 of standee area
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.26 In on-street parking, maximum vehicles per A unit length of kerbs
can be parked with an angle of:
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 60° incorrect
Option 2) 0° incorrect
Option 3) 90° correct
Option 4) 45° incorrect
Solution In on street parking and parking angle for efficient parking circulation
is 45°. Parking angle for maximum no. of vehicles per unit length is 90°.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) National Urban incorrect
Transportation Plan
Option 2) National Urban Transport incorrect
Option 3) National Urban incorrect
Transportation Policy
Option 4) National Urban Transport correct
Solution In this context, the Government of India has launched the National
Urban Renewal Mission (NURM) that inter-alia seeks to bring about
comprehensive improvements in urban infrastructure, committing
substantial funds for this purpose and requiring a series of reforms
that would make the investments sustainable.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.28 For determining spot speed in traffic engineering, which one of
the following equipments is useful?
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Endoscope correct
Option 2) Periscope incorrect
Option 3) Radar incorrect
Option 4) Tachometer incorrect
Solution One of the simplest methods of finding the spot speed is by using
endoscope which is just a mirror box, supported on a tripod stand. The
main advantage of this method is that it is simple and cheap and is easy
to use Other equipment used are photoelectric meter, radar
speedometer etc.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Minimizing travel time incorrect
Option 2) Provide adequate incorrect
frequency of service, capacity,
safety & reliability
Option 3) Minimizing travel cost incorrect
Option 4) All of the above correct
Solution The mobility of people and goods can be maximized by -
(A) Minimizing travel time
(B) Provide adequate frequency of service, capacity, safety & reliability
(C) Minimizing travel cost
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Urban Employment incorrect
Option 2) Rural Road Development correct
Option 3) Rural Employment incorrect
Option 4) Rural Electrification incorrect
Solution PMGSY (Pradhan Mantri Gramin Sadak Yojana), a programme of the
government of India, deals with rural road development
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Activity pattern of incorrect
Option 2) Desire of household incorrect
Option 3) Travel pattern of incorrect
Option 4) All of the above correct
Solution (A) Activity pattern of household
(B) Desire of household
(C) Travel pattern of household
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Divert incorrect
Option 2) Merge incorrect
Option 3) Generate correct
Option 4) None of the above incorrect
Solution Generate is unique property of land-use is its ability or potential to
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.35 A trip having both origin and destination within the study area is
known as
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Internal trip correct
Option 2) Intrazonal trip incorrect
Option 3) Interzonal trip incorrect
Option 4) None of the above incorrect
Solution A trip having both origin and destination within the study area is
known as Internal trip
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.36 The modal split share CAR:BUS:METRO for a city is 35:20:45. The
number of trips made by CAR, BUS & METRO out of total 2500 trips
made from origin to destination are __________ , __________ & __________
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 500, 875, 1125 incorrect
Option 2) 875, 500, 1125 correct
Option 3) 500, 1125, 875 incorrect
Option 4) 1125, 875, 500 incorrect
Solution The modal split share CAR:BUS:METRO for a city is 35:20:45
Total trips 2500 so car = 35*2500/100 = 875
Hence for bus = 500 and for metro = 1125
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Modal split incorrect
Option 2) Trip distribution correct
Option 3) Trip generation incorrect
Option 4) Trip assignment incorrect
Solution The gravity model formula, here it assumes that the trips produce at
origin attracted to a designated are directly proportional to the total
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.38 Trip interchange modal split model do not account for _____________
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Trip generation incorrect
Option 2) Captive riders correct
Option 3) Improvement in future incorrect
transit service
Option 4) None of the above incorrect
Solution Captive riders commonly represented individuals who did not have
alternative options except public transit, while choice riders were
usually defined as those who preferred to choose public transportation
even private cars were also optional.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Patna incorrect
Option 2) Chhindwara incorrect
Option 3) seoni incorrect
Option 4) Nagpur correct
Solution The zero-mile stone in India is located at Nagpur.
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Characteristics of the trip incorrect
Option 2) Zonal characteristics incorrect
Option 3) Network characteristics incorrect
Option 4) None of the above correct
Solution Following affect the modal split study
(a) Characteristics of the trip
(b) Zonal characteristics
(c) Network characteristics
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.42 Which one of the following is not collected during Primary Data
Collection for Transport Planning?
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Classified volume counts incorrect
Option 2) Speed & Delay data incorrect
Option 3) Parking data incorrect
Option 4) Road accident data correct
Solution Road accident data is not collected during Primary Data Collection for
Transport Planning
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.43 In Trip end modal split analysis modal split is carried out
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) At trip generation stage incorrect
Option 2) After trip generation but incorrect
before trip distribution
Option 3) After trip distribution incorrect
Option 4) Both A & B are possible correct
Solution Such a model is called trip-end modal split model. In this way different
characteristics of the person could be preserved and used to estimate
modal split. The modal split models of this time related the choice of
mode only to features like income, residential density and car
It is usually affected at trip generation stage and also after trip
generation but before trip distribution.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.44 30th highest hourly volume means Annual Average Daily Traffic
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 29 times in an hour incorrect
Option 2) 29 times in a year correct
Option 3) 30 times in an hour incorrect
Option 4) 30 times in a year incorrect
Solution 30th highest hourly volume is the hourly 11 volume that will be reached
only thirty times or 1 exceeded only 29 times in a year and all other
hourly volume of the year will be less than this value.
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.45 As per IRC, the PCU value for cars and light commercial vehicles:
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 1 correct
Option 2) 0.5 incorrect
Option 3) 2.5 incorrect
Option 4) 4 to 6 incorrect
Solution for the study of mixed traffic flow, in common practice. Passenger car is
considered as standard vehicle unit to convert the other vehicle class
and this unit is called passenger car unit or PCU
Tentative equivalent factors suggested by IRC.
S No. Vehicle class Equivalent factor
1 Passenger car, tempo auto 1.0
rickshaw, tractor
2 Bus, truck, tractor trailer unit 3.0
3 motor cycle, scooter Pedal Cycle 0.5
4 Horse drawn Vehicle 4
5 small bullock cart and hand cart 6
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.46 Recommended and Minimum sample size for Home Interview
Survey of an Area having population under 50,000 are
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) 1 in 10, 1 in 15 incorrect
Option 2) 1 in 10, 1 in 5 incorrect
Option 3) 1 in 5, 1 in 10 correct
Option 4) 1 in 5, 1 in 15 incorrect
Solution Recommended and Minimum sample size for Home Interview Survey
of an Area having population under 50,000 are 1 in 5 & 1 in 10
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Restrict speed of vehicle incorrect
Option 2) Warn road users of certain incorrect
Option 3) Prohibit parking of vehicles incorrect
Option 4) Prohibit certain traffic correct
Solution The prohibitory sign forbid a certain action. They indicate certain
actions that road users are not allowed to do
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.48 The direct interchange ramp involves
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) diverging to right side and correct
merging from the right
Option 2) diverging to right side and incorrect
merging from the left
Option 3) diverging to left side and incorrect
merging from the right
Option 4) diverging to left side and incorrect
merging from the left
Solution In the case of direct interchange, the vertical is diverged into the right
side and merged from night while in case of semi-direct interchange
diversion to its left and merged from night
Marks 2 0.5
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Study the supply and incorrect
demand characteristics of
public transportation facilities
Option 2) Study the user incorrect
characteristics of public
transportation facilities
Option 3) Suggest measures in order incorrect
to improve urban
transportation facilities
Option 4) All of the above correct
Solution The main objectives of public transport user survey is to Suggest
measures in order to improve urban transportation facilities
Marks 2 0.5
Question Q.50 Which of the following model is not used for Modal Split analysis?
Type multiple-choice
Option 1) Competing opportunity correct
Option 2) Probit model incorrect
Option 3) Logit model incorrect
Option 4) None of the above incorrect
Solution Modal split analysis consist of Probit model & Logit model
Marks 2 0.5