WC Project Paper PDF
WC Project Paper PDF
WC Project Paper PDF
Abstract—In the future, many objects will communicate with as an integration of wired and wireless communication tech-
each other and with human beings, enabling a vast range of nologies, sensors and actuators that allow users to control and
possible services and applications. However, this scenario comes monitor objects (things) through the Internet, which also coop-
with stringent network requirements. This paper studies and
discusses recent technologies that were proposed to achieve the erate among themselves [4]. IoT devices will be pervasive, i.e.,
requirements of the Internet of Things (IoT) and massive machine they will be present in houses, hospitals, streets, parking lots,
type communications (mMTC). It focuses on their physical layer farms, and factory plants.
characteristics and identifies gaps that 5G networks need to Consequently, the connectivity profile will change drasti-
address to achieve full connectivity in the IoT scenario. Hence, cally from what is now experienced in 4G cellular networks,
a detailed tutorial on the possible radio access technologies
for 5G networks focusing on IoT use-cases is presented. The where most connected devices are smartphones that start new
advanced 5G waveforms discussed are: 1) orthogonal frequency data transfers according to the owner’s profile.
division multiplexing (OFDM); 2) universal filtered multicarrier Forecasts regarding IoT devices state that, by 2020, the con-
(UFMC); 3) filter bank multicarrier (FBMC); and 4) generalized nection density will get up to 106 devices/km2 [5]. Hence, the
frequency division multiplexing (GFDM). The features that each radio access technology must cope with a massive number
radio access technology should present to address the main IoT’s
requirements are emphasized. of heterogeneous devices as well as a high volume of data
consumed by smartphones. The 4G network is not prepared
Index Terms—5G, PHY layer, Internet of Things, FBMC, to accommodate the envisioned IoT services, although efforts
GFDM, OFDM, UFMC, wireless communications.
are being made to introduce this type of service with Long
Term Evolution (LTE) in most recent releases [6]. For instance,
maintaining orthogonality and synchronization among users
and radio base stations (RBS) demands a considerable amount
HE DEPLOYMENT of the fifth generation (5G) mobile
T network is expected to start by 2020 [1]. This new and
omnipresent network will represent a significant change in the
of energy. Consequently, battery-powered devices cannot oper-
ate for long periods of time without constant battery replace-
ment. This issue represents a significant shortcoming for the
industry, business, and people’s life in general. Coverage, data IoT scenario [7]. IoT applications are an important motivation
throughput, latency, and energy efficiency will be enhanced for the development of a new mobile network, and it is also
compared to the current fourth generation (4G) system [2]. one of the major challenges faced by 5G networks.
Therefore, a new range of novel services and applications is Regarding 5G’s physical layer (PHY) standardization, there
yet to emerge. For instance, the Internet of Things (IoT) [3] is an exciting discussion about the best suited waveform for
is a networking paradigm that is promising to change the way achieving the required performance among all the scenarios
technology is experienced in daily life. IoT can be defined that 5G will address. Figure 1 illustrates the main scenarios
and possible applications for 5G. The scenarios include i) ultra
Manuscript received April 16, 2018; revised October 6, 2018,
December 26, 2018, and March 2, 2019; accepted March 20, 2019. Date reliable low latency communications (URLLC), ii) enhanced
of publication April 11, 2019; date of current version August 20, 2019. This mobile broadband (eMBB), iii) extreme remote area commu-
work was supported in part by the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia nications (eRAC), and iv) massive machine type communi-
under Project UID/EEA/50008/2019, in part by the Brazilian National Council
for Research and Development (CNPq) under Grant 309335/2017−5, in part cations (mMTC). URLLC will enable critical services over
by the Fundo de Apoio ao Desenvolvimento das Comunicações (presiden- mobile networks. Hence, it will require overall latency less
tial decree 264/10, November 26, 2010), Republic of Angola, in part by than 1 ms, ultra accurate device positioning, data rates in the
RNP, with resources from MCTIC, through the Centro de Referência em
Radiocomunicações Project of the National Institute of Telecommunications order of 1 Gbps, and 99.999% reliability [8], [9]. In general
(Inatel), Brazil, under Grant 01250.075413/2018-04, and in part by the RNP lines, eMBB shall provide very large bandwidth allocation
with resources from 5G-RANGE BR-EU Project. (Corresponding author: by operating with frequencies in the range of 6–90 GHz,
Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues.)
I. B. F. de Almeida, L. L. Mendes, and M. A. A. da Cruz are support to device-to-device (D2D) communication, massive
with the PPGT, National Institute of Telecommunications, Santa Rita do multiple input multiple output (MIMO) and data rates up
Sapucaí 37540000, Brazil (e-mail: ivobizon@gee.inatel.br; luciano@inatel.br; to 10 Gbps [10]. eRAC will play an important role, for
J. J. P. C. Rodrigues is with the PPGT, National Institute of example, in precision agriculture, forest fire prevention, envi-
Telecommunications, Santa Rita do Sapucaí 37540000, Brazil, also with the ronmental monitoring, and precise weather reports [3]. mMTC
Instituto de Telecomunicações, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal, and also with presents a great challenge for 5G design due to its contrast-
the PPGEE, Federal University of Piauí, Teresina 64049-550, Brazil (e-mail:
joeljr@ieee.org). ing requirements. However, IoT represents one of the major
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/COMST.2019.2910817 design stimuli for 5G networks. Support device density in the
1553-877X c 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
More recent technologies, such as low power wide area A. Bluetooth Low Energy
(LPWA) networks, are becoming attractive due to their avail- The Bluetooth technology is commonly found in smart-
ability and low power consumption [17]. Main examples phones, cars, wireless mouses, keyboards and earphones. This
are SigFox and Long Range (LoRa) [18], [19]. However, communication protocol characterizes a personal area network
the ubiquitous status is still hard to reach with these tech- (PAN), and it is designed to provide short distance (approxi-
niques, since they are not so well established as cellular mately 10m) connectivity among devices. However, to expand
networks [20], [21]. Nevertheless, cellular networks are expe- its territory into the IoT scenario, the standard needed to
riencing a huge increase in the signaling traffic due to the large reduce energy consumption and, therefore, be able to operate
number of connected devices [22]. Under these circumstances, with coin-sized batteries [32]. Hence, the Bluetooth Special
the possibility of connecting devices that are roughly synchro- Interest Group (SIG) added a low energy (BLE) configuration
nized by a non-orthogonal waveform decreases the signaling when they released Bluetooth version 4.0 for targeting this
burden and becomes very attractive. market segment [32], [33]. Differently from the conventional
IoT devices are classified as controlling or monitoring Bluetooth, BLE is optimized for transmitting short packets of
devices [23], [24]. IoT use-cases can be divided into domes- data sporadically.
tic, industrial, and mission-critical. Domestic objects focus One of the main differences between conventional Bluetooth
on general users and include commercial products. Even and its low energy configuration lies in the PHY. While the
though commercial products are still scarce, they are gener- conventional has 79 channels with 1 MHz bandwidth, BLE
ally associated with smart houses, enhanced learning, energy presents 40 channels with 2 MHz bandwidth. In both con-
monitoring, personal applications, and e-health [4]. Its most ventional Bluetooth and BLE these RF channels are divided
relevant requirements are low cost, low maintenance, and bat- in two types: advertising and data channels. The advertising
tery life span. In addition, due to the quantified self paradigm, channels are used for device discovery, broadcast, and con-
security and privacy are also a major concern [25]. Industrial nection establishment, whereas data channels are used for
IoT and mission-critical IoT present similar specific require- data transmission between the connected devices [26], [33].
ments. On one hand, industrial IoT is focused on providing Also, both operate in the unlicensed industrial scientific med-
automation solutions for industries and further increasing ical (ISM) band (2.4 GHz). In the conventional Bluetooth,
workers’ security in hazardous factory plants. On the other the modulation technique can vary from Gaussian frequency
hand, mission-critical IoT can be used for monitoring essen- shift keying (GFSK) to four phase shift keying (4-PSK) and
tial services or hazardous locations, e.g., nuclear power plants, 8-PSK, whereas in BLE only GFSK is used. GFSK presents
offshore petroleum extraction platforms, and health-related very low peak-to-average power ratio (PAPR), which translates
applications such as inpatient monitoring. These applications to low energy consumption, since high efficiency power ampli-
demand a higher level of network reliability with packet loss in fiers operating close to the 1 dB compression point can be
the order of 10−9 , latency in the order at 1 ms, and availability employed [34].
of 99.999% of the time [5]. Conventional Bluetooth 4.0 operates in a master-slave con-
figuration, and the network can be configured as a mesh,
point-to-point, or broadcast topology. The network formed
III. N ON 5G T ECHNOLOGIES T HAT A DDRESS with a master device and one or more slaves is called a piconet.
I OT R EQUIREMENTS All the data transfer happens upon the establishment of the
Several communication technologies have emerged for con- piconet. A scatternet is formed by conjunction of one or more
necting IoT devices, some are novel and designed for IoT piconets. As a result, network scalability can be achieved.
use-cases, and some are already well employed in other sce- However, latency might be in the order of a few seconds due
narios. Such technologies are, namely, Bluetooth 5.0 Low to the mesh network configuration. In BLE 4.0, a slave node
Energy [26], IEEE 802.15.4 [27], LoRa [20], Sigfox [28], cannot connect with more than one master, so only star and
WiFi HaLow [29], Narrow band IoT (NB-IoT) [30], [31]. point-to-point topologies are possible, which limits its ability
Regardless, these technologies are not mature enough or do to scale.
not attend to all requirements to be used on a enormous The latest version, called Bluetooth 5, was proposed by the
scale [12], [17]. Bluetooth SIG in 2016 [26]. The focus for improvements in
The PHY of these technologies is discussed, emphasizing this version was the BLE configuration, while conventional
the advantages and drawbacks of each technology. Table I Bluetooth remains roughly the same as previous versions [35].
summarizes the main PHY characteristics of the aforemen- This newer BLE version presents a two-fold increase in trans-
tioned technologies. Such comparison can be constructive for mission rate, from 1 Mbps to 2 Mbps, and the possibility
identifying the technological gaps that 5G networks need to increase range with the introduced coded operation mode
to fulfill for the IoT paradigm to become a reality. 5G that operates at 500 kbps [35], [36]. Despite the improve-
will not completely replace the technologies presented in ments, the BLE 5 still can only operate in star topology, which
this section. Instead, 5G should be an important compo- limits its ability to scale [26]. Nevertheless, efforts by either
nent of the IoT connectivity scenario. In other words, 5G academia and industry have been made to enable a mesh topol-
will complement these technologies in future applications and ogy in BLE and, therefore, increasing its changes to be largely
services. employed in the IoT market [37].
B. IEEE 802.15.4 IEEE 802.15.4 has seven different operation modes defined.
IEEE 802.15.4 defines the medium access control (MAC) From IoT perspective, the modes that lead to low power
and PHY layers [38]. The physical layer operates in different consumption are offset quadrature phase shift keying with
ISM bands according to the region where it is deployed. The direct sequence spread spectrum (OQPSK-DSSS), differen-
2.4 GHz band is universal, other frequency bands are, e.g., tial QPSK with chirp spread spectrum (DQPSK-CSS), and
Gaussian frequency shift keying (GFSK) with no spread spec-
868 MHz in Europe and 915 MHz in North America.
trum technique employed. The maximum data rate for these
IEEE 802.15.4 is designed for PANs, and it is mostly
modes are respectively 250 kbps, 1 Mbps, and 100 kbps [38].
employed in embedded systems for agricultural, environmen-
ZigBee operates with low transmission power and duty cycle.
tal, and industrial monitoring [39]. Differently from the IEEE
However, to the best of authors’ knowledge, a practical esti-
802.11 family, IEEE 802.15.4 is not focused on high data mation of battery consumption in these modes is not available
rates, and differently from Bluetooth, it is not focused on in the literature.
connecting personal devices. It was proposed to be a low cost IEEE 802.15.4 operates in the unlicensed ISM band
and energy efficient wireless protocol for resource-constrained and robustness to interference becomes a challenging issue.
sensor networks in large geographical areas. However, the spread spectrum techniques used cause low
For example, ZigBee employed IEEE 802.15.4 successfully. interference in other systems, and also are more immune to
The major advantage over the others is that ZigBee is able to interference caused by others [41].
operate in a multi-hop configuration. Hence, allowing network The addition of the Internet protocol (IP) to IEEE 802.15.4
scalability [40]. However, as aforementioned, latency may not networks can be accomplished by the 6LoWPAN protocol,
achieve the desired values due to the network topology. which is a short term for IPv6 over low power wireless
personal networks. 6LoWPAN is a mid-layer protocol placed quality of service. Sigfox has created a communication pro-
between the network and MAC layer, i.e., under IPv6 protocol tocol based entirely on IoT requirements, and it is the one
and the IEEE 802.15.4. The 6LoWPAN protocol compresses that has given one step further to realize the envisioned IoT
the overhead necessary to transmit IP packets, thus allowing paradigm.
an efficient transmission and energy savings [39], [42].
E. WiFi HaLow
C. LoRa WiFi HaLow is part of the WiFi family and it is specified
by the standard IEEE 802.11ah. Similarly to the aforemen-
LoRa is classified as Low Power Wide Area Network tioned technologies, it offers a long range, low power, and
(LPWAN) technology developed by the Semtech [18], [43]. low rate solution to connect a huge number of devices. In
It was proposed in 2015, so it is more recent than ZigBee contrast, IEEE 802.11ah presents a more complex PHY. It
and Bluetooth. Similarly to them, it operates at a low rate supports modulation indexes up to 256-QAM that are transmit-
and offers low power consumption. However, differently from ted using orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM),
the previously mentioned technologies, LoRa (and LPWANs and multiple input multiple output (MIMO) is present in both
in general) focuses on wide area coverage. LPWANs have downlink and uplink [48], [49]. Therefore, the maximum data
coverage much larger than PANs but smaller than cellular rate is 78 Mbps when the channel bandwidth is set to 16 MHz
networks. The LoRa coverage is around tens of kilome- and the modulation index is set to 256. Since it operates at
ters [19], [44]. This feature makes LoRa an interesting option unlicensed frequencies below 1 GHz, the coverage ranges from
for applications related to smart cities and precision agri- 100 m to 1 km [50].
culture. Applications that demand higher network throughput
might be set aside, since LoRa provides, at maximum, only F. Narrow Band IoT
50 kbps [19]. Furthermore, practical results have shown that
a few million devices can be attended by a single base sta- Different from all mentioned techniques, Narrow Band IoT
tion [44]. However, the coverage area decreases exponentially (NB-IoT) is the only solution based on cellular networks. For
as the number of devices increase. this reason, it presents a large coverage area and a higher level
At the physical layer, LoRa uses a proprietary modula- of reliability, due to the dedicated spectrum band. NB-IoT is
tion technique based on Chirp Spread Spectrum (CSS) in one of the systems that are called pre-5G or 4.5G. For instance,
conjunction with GFSK. The CSS allows a simpler time it is totally dedicated to connect IoT devices on a large
and frequency synchronization, so less expensive components scale, and it represents a major step towards the conjunction
can be employed. In addition, the CSS based modulation between cellular technologies and IoT. It was proposed in LTE
presents inherent robustness to doubly dispersive chan- Release 13 by the 3rd Generation Partnership Project (3GPP)
nels [45]. Another strong point of LoRa’s PHY is that the in 2015 [51]. NB-IoT can be employed in three different con-
modulation schemes used present constant envelope. Hence, figurations: (i) stand-alone, where it can transmit data over one
high-efficiency power amplifiers can be used, and energy con- GSM channel with 200 kHz bandwidth, (ii) guard-band, where
sumption is optimized. However, the 50 kbps rate can only be carriers are placed inwards the LTE guard band occupying the
achieved with GFSK. The maximum data rate with the CSS bandwidth of one Resource Block (RB) (180 kHz), and (iii) in-
modulation is 11 kbps [46]. band, where one RB is assigned for the IoT device to operate
within the LTE bandwidth [52]. As NB-IoT stand-alone mode
will operate in the GSM bandwidth, an efficient re-farming
D. Sigfox of GSM’s band is possible, and this ensures coexistence with
Sigfox is also classified as a LPWAN and it operates in an legacy and present systems [30].
ultra narrow band configuration. In contrast with LoRa, Sigfox NB-IoT proposes improved indoor coverage and supports
is a proprietary scheme and, therefore, with closed documen- up to 52547 devices per cell [53], and battery life span of
tation. Consequently, very little information is available to the approximately 10 years with a 5 Wh battery if the devices
community. Nonetheless, some information about its PHY can transmit every 2 hours a 200 bytes message with 33 dBm
be found in [28], [47]. output power [51]. As an illustration, a 5 Wh battery means
The operating frequency band is 868 MHz in Europe and that a device should operate with approximately 6 CR2032
915 MHz in the United States. The multiple access tech- batteries [54]. The latency can get up to 10s [55]. Although 5G
nique is asynchronous, so there is no energy expenditure with requirements are more strict, NB-IoT is also one step forward
synchronization between device and RBS. For establishing a in providing connectivity for IoT devices.
connection, the device transmits three consecutive messages.
Each message is transmitted over different time and frequency G. Limitations of the Available IoT Connectivity
slots that are randomly chosen. This is an example of paradigm Technologies
change in the multiple access technique, and it has made The 5G cellular network will not completely replace the
Sigfox an interesting solution for IoT connectivity. Another technologies presented in this section. Instead, they should be
key point is that the reception is based on a cooperative an important part of the IoT connectivity scenario. In other
scheme. Any RBS can receive messages from the transmit- words, 5G will supplement these technologies for making real
ting devices. This reception diversity translates in to a better the future applications and services.
WAVEFORM ’ S C HARACTERISTICS AND C ORRESPONDENT I OT B ENEFITS networks, some OFDM characteristics hinder the use of this
waveform in future mobile networks [58]. Consequently, new
multicarrier techniques, as well as improvements to OFDM,
are being recently studied.
So far, CP-OFDM will remain active in 5G non-standalone
systems, which will be operating in the current 4G frequency
bands [59]. This part of the 5G will enable the EMBB case,
giving users a glimpse of what is yet to come in the future
standalone 5G. OFDM lacks performance to be deployed as
the only 5G radio access technology that can address all the
5G scenarios. The research trend related to other scenarios
is to leave behind the strict synchronism and find a trade-off
between interference, complexity, and cost [1], [7], [60].
In the OFDM system, parallel streams of data are transmit-
ted by orthogonal subcarriers, so no intercarrier interference
(ICI) is observed. Therefore, if proper synchronism is
Technologies that are already available present interesting achieved, a user remains orthogonal to others. The modula-
solutions for IoT connectivity. However, they present draw- tion procedure is carried out through an inverse fast Fourier
backs that hinder IoT full connectivity. In particular, Bluetooth transform (IFFT) at the transmitter side. Demodulation is then
and IEEE 802.15.4 employ modulation techniques that are accomplished using the FFT. For this reason, zero forcing
known for the low energy consumption a fairly good data rate equalization can be easily done in the frequency domain since
for IoT standards, but they lack in coverage area. Wifi HaLow it will be a simple scalar inversion [61]. Hence, OFDM is a
presents a complex PHY structure compared to its competi- simple choice when compared to recently proposed waveforms
tors, which enables 1 km coverage area and the highest data for 5G. Figure 2 illustrates the OFDM transceiver diagram.
rate. However, the OFDM employment in the PHY demands To protect the OFDM symbol against multipath propaga-
high energy consumption due to the strict synchronism needed tion impairments, a copy of part of the end of the symbol
and the high PAPR. Likewise, NB-IoT suffers from the same is placed at its beginning. This copy is called a cyclic prefix
OFDM shortcomings. LPWANs have presented an attractive (CP). By doing so, the channel does not ruin the orthogo-
approach, trading data rate for coverage comparable to cellular nality among subcarriers, and a simple equalization procedure
networks and low energy consumption. These technologies fall can be accomplished. Even though CP protects the OFDM
short in terms of reliability since they operate in the unlicensed symbol, it also causes a reduction in the spectral efficiency
ISM bands. since it does not contain useful user information. In the per-
Given these points, one can notice that some 5G should spective of short packet transmission, i.e., low latency, the
provide enough coverage for addressing IoT smart farming CP means low efficiency in resource utilization since the size
use-cases while employing techniques that are energy effi- of an OFDM symbol could be the same as the CP size [62].
cient. In addition, the scalability and reliability of the licensed Nonetheless, the CP size is proportional to the channel’s delay
spectrum is necessary. profile, and in applications such as smart farming, where the
distance between devices and base stations is tens of kilo-
IV. WAVEFORM C ANDIDATES FOR 5G PHY meters, the CP can become larger than the useful information.
This section presents an overview of the main candidates Figure 3 exemplifies a hypothetical scenario where the OFDM
for 5G PHY, highlighting its drawbacks and improvements symbol is the same length as the CP.
over the current 4G technique. Comparisons will be performed Interference among users, i.e., ICI, is not observed if orthog-
in terms of OOB emission, energy efficiency, complexity, onality is maintained through strict synchronism. Any user
efficiency considering short packet transmission, and latency. using different subcarriers remains orthogonal to others if
Equally, the study compares the PHY from the technologies proper synchronism is achieved. If synchronism is not sat-
presented in Section III with the 5G candidates. Table II sum- isfied, devices will suffer from self interference, as well
marizes the desired characteristics of the 5G PHY waveform as interference with other users. Thus, from IoT’s perspec-
and their relation with the IoT connectivity scenario. tive, lots of energy will be spent until the synchronization
process is finished, and 10 years battery life span will be
impracticable. In addition, OFDM shows high peak-to-average
A. Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing ratio (PAPR), which means that low-efficiency amplifiers
OFDM is the current waveform employed in LTE PHY. must be used [63]. From IoT’s perspective, this leads to
It has been extensively studied and widely deployed in high battery consumption. However, when the synchronization
wired and wireless communication systems, e.g., IEEE process is finished a simple zero-forcing frequency domain
802.11n (WiFi) [56] and Asynchronous Digital Subscriber equalizer can be used for canceling the multipath channel
Line (ADSL) [57]. Indeed, OFDM is a robust multicarrier effect [61].
technique that has become attractive because of its low com- Furthermore, data symbols are shaped with a rectangular
plexity. However, due to the wide range of requirements of 5G filter in the time domain, so subcarriers will be sinc shaped in
x = Ad, (4)
the lowest OOB emission, and therefore it is the candidate for can change according to the user’s need, i.e., if the user needs
roughly synchronized users since it will cause the least amount several RBS, then, the filtering process occurs within this allo-
of interference in adjacent bands, i.e., other users. To compare cated band. As a result, the user’s computational processing
the waveforms, we have used the root raised cosine filter with burden is lightened. Therefore, energy consumption can be
β = 0.1, M = 9 subsymbols, and K = 128 subcarriers for reduced at the user’s terminal. In addition, the reduced filter
GFDM. For FBMC, the PHYDYAS [68] filter was used as a length leads to a lower latency when more than one RB is
prototype filter, and the number of subcarriers was set to 128 allocated.
as well. For Windowed GFDM, a cosine window was applied. Given these points, Table III presents a summary of the main
OFDM and UFMC also have 128 subcarriers. characteristics of the waveform candidates [77], [85], [86]. The
In UFMC, a post-sub-band filtering aims to reduce the row that compares the OOB emission of the waveforms can
pronounced OOB emission of OFDM [82]. The number of be further comprehended with the help of Fig. 10.
subcarriers within a sub-band can be chosen according to the
requirements. The main advantage upon other candidates is the
low complexity and easy system migration, since it is based VI. F INAL R EMARKS AND F UTURE R ESEARCH
on the current LTE radio access technology. As an example, The availability and reliability required by some critical
for LTE compatibility it can be set equivalently to the smallest IoT applications go against the desired 10 years battery life
possible resource allocation of LTE’s resource grid, a resource span of other more relaxed IoT applications. Thus, defining
block (RB), which is composed by 12 OFDM subcarriers [83]. an approach for the PHY that fits all the IoT scope becomes
When compared to FBMC in terms of latency, UFMC shows challenging. This paper has shown that recent technologies
advantages. Since UFMC deploys the filtering operation in a present attractive solutions to address the IoT requirements.
group of subcarriers, the filter is broader in frequency, and As shown, these technologies will not be totally replaced by
shorter in time. As a result, the block size is shorter, and the 5G cellular network since some of the current technolo-
latency is reduced [64]. In comparison to GFDM, UFMC does gies employ drastically different PHY techniques from the 5G
not show intrinsic interference within one sub-band allowing PHY candidates. Moreover, this paper presented an overview
a simpler receiver design. In general, the UFMC transceiver of 5G PHY capabilities to enable the IoT connectivity through
design is less costly in terms of computational complexity than the future 5G mobile network. The range of requirements that
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Ivo Bizon Franco de Almeida received the five-year Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues (S’01–M’06–SM’06)
B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering is a Professor with the National Institute of
from the Instituto Nacional de Telecomunicações, Telecommunications (Inatel), Brazil; a Senior
Brazil, in 2016 and 2018, respectively. He is Researcher with the Instituto de Telecomunicações,
currently pursuing the Ph.D. degree with the Portugal; and a Visiting Professor with the Federal
Technische Universiät Dresden, Germany, where University of Piauí, Brazil. He has authored or coau-
he is a Research Associate with the Vodafone thored over 700 papers in refereed international
Chair Mobile Communications Systems. His cur- journals and conferences, 3 books, and 2 patents.
rent research interests include signal processing, He was a recipient of the several Outstanding
machine/deep learning, and multicarrier modulation Leadership and Outstanding Service Awards by
techniques for future wireless systems. IEEE Communications Society and several best
papers awards. He is the Leader of the Internet of Things Research Group
(CNPq), the Director for Conference Development, IEEE ComSoc Board
of Governors, an IEEE Distinguished Lecturer, the Technical Activities
Committee Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Latin America Region Board,
the President of the scientific council at ParkUrbis, Covilhã Science and
Technology Park, the Past-Chair of the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee
on eHealth and the IEEE ComSoc Technical Committee on Communications
Software, a Steering Committee Member of the IEEE Life Sciences Technical
Community, and the Publication Co-Chair and a Member Representative of
the IEEE Communications Society on the IEEE Biometrics Council. He is
the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal on E-Health and Medical
Communications and an Editorial Board Member of several high-reputed jour-
Luciano Leonel Mendes received the B.Sc. nals. He has been the general chair and the TPC chair of many international
and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering from conferences, including IEEE ICC, IEEE GLOBECOM, IEEE HEALTHCOM,
National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel), and IEEE LatinCom. He is a member of the Internet Society and a Senior
Brazil, in 2001 and 2003, respectively, and the Member ACM.
Doctoral degree in electrical engineering from
Unicamp, Brazil, in 2007. Since 2001, he has been
a Professor with Inatel, where he has coordinated
the Master Program from 2010 to 2013. He has
led several research projects funded by FAPEMIG, Mauro A. A. da Cruz received the five-year B.Sc.
FINEP, and BNDES. From 2013 to 2015, he was a degree (licentiate) in informatics engineering from
Visiting Researcher with the Vodafone Chair Mobile the Universidade Católica de Angola, Angola, and
Communications Systems, Technical University of Dresden, where he has the M.Sc. degree from Inatel. He is currently pur-
developed his post-doctoral program sponsored by CNPq. Since 2015, he has suing the Ph.D. degree with an international joint
been the Research Coordinator of the Radiocommunication Reference Center, supervision between University Haute-Alsace and
Inatel. His main area of interest is solutions for 5G PHY, a research field where National Institute of Telecommunications (Inatel).
he has published several papers in the last years. He has also been a CNPq His research interests include Internet of Things
level 2 research fellow since 2016. In 2017, he was an Elected Research (IoT), middleware for IoT, and mobile computing.
Coordinator of the 5G Brasil Project.