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Survey On Clean Slate Cellular-Iot Standard Proposals

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2015 IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology; Ubiquitous Computing and Communications;

Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing; Pervasive Intelligence and Computing

Survey on Clean Slate Cellular-IoT Standard

Wael Guibene, Keith E. Nolan, Mark Y. Kelly
Intel Labs Europe, Intel, Leixlip, Dublin, Ireland
wael.guibene@intel.com, keith.nolan@intel.com, mark.y.kelly@intel.com

AbstractIn this paper we investigate the proposals made by B. Characterising IoT

various industries for the Cellular Internet of Things (C-IoT).
We start by introducing the context of C-IoT and demonstrate The IoT has become a term that encompasses a wide range
how this technology is closely linked to the Low Power-Wide of new applications and services built on objects that can
Area (LPWA) technologies and networks. An in-depth look and compute and communicate. As a result, it has become a term
system level evaluation is given for each clean slate technology that has a degree of fuzziness; it cannot be dened in terms
and a comparison is made based on its specications.
Index TermsInternet of Things Standards, Clean Slate Pro-
of a single technology, communication protocol, form factor,
posals, Evaluation of C-IoT, Low Power Wide Area application or service.
Atzori et al. [1] surmise that the reason of today apparent
I. I NTRODUCTION fuzziness around this term is a consequence of the name
The internet of things (IoT) is considered to be the third Internet of Things itself, which syntactically is composed of
wave of information technology after internet and mobile two terms. The rst one pushes towards a network oriented
communications. The Internet of Things concept was formally vision of IoT, while the second one moves the focus on generic
proposed in 2005 by the International Telecommunication objects to be integrated into a common framework.
Union (ITU) where they published ITU Internet Report 2005: Perara et al. [2] outline some characteristics of the IoT.
Internet of Things. It was noted in this report that all objects These are:
can exchange information via the networks actively. Intelligence - data generation and transformation into
The IoT is included by the US National Intelligence Council knowledge
(NIC) in the list of six Disruptive Civil Technologies with Architecture - heterogeneous event and time-driven in-
potential impacts on US national power. NIC foresees that by frastructure
2025 Internet nodes may reside in everyday things e.g. food Complex system - granular system of objects each with
packages, furniture, paper documents, and more. It highlights different levels of resources
future opportunities that will arise, starting from the idea that Size considerations - it is predicted that there will be 50-
popular demand combined with technology advances could 100 billion devices connected to the Internet by 2020
drive widespread diffusion of an Internet of Things (IoT) Time considerations - handle billions of parallel and
that could, like the present Internet, contribute invaluably to simultaneous events
economic development. The possible threats deriving from a Space considerations - objects can be deployed over wide
widespread adoption of such a technology are also stressed. geographical areas
Indeed, it is emphasized that to the extent that everyday objects Everything-as-a-service - efcient, scalable, versatile ap-
become information security risks, the IoT could distribute plications and services
those risks far more widely than the Internet has to date.
A. Background C. Introducing Cellular-IoT
IoT is underpinned by an infrastructure comprising con- Recently, 3GPP approved a new item in GERAN named
nected devices. Machine communications is a very large Cellular Internet of Things (C-IoT) [3]to specically emphasis
market that is growing rapidly with reports stating a compound on clean slate proposals on cellular system support for ultra
annual growth rate (CAGR)of well over 20%. However it is low complexity and low throughput, low power Internet of
also a fragmented market, with a diverse range of applications Things applications.
and products. Cisco, Analysys Mason, Market Publishers, This new group was motivated by the signicant growth
Forrester, McKinsey, Ericsson, ABI Research and Strategy of M2M communication and the need to support of multi-
Analytics, have all produced market reports for this market years battery operating IoT devices for indoor/deep-indoor
sector forecasting rapid growth and an ever increasing diversity scenarios.
of IoT applications and services. Analysys Mason forecast that C-IoT face many challenges and 3GPP is looking to evaluate
the fastest-growing M2M sectors will be utilities and smart new proposals for a new access system with regard to the
grids, healthcare, and security. following aspects:

978-1-5090-0154-5/15 $31.00 2015 IEEE 1596

DOI 10.1109/CIT/IUCC/DASC/PICOM.2015.240
Improved indoor coverage: This applies for indoor/deep- work involving TVWS has created the foundation for the
indoor scenarios where generally RF signals penetration development of real-world tests and trials. These are needed to
is quite limited. Novel C-IoT proposed PHYs and tech- better understand how the techniques and systems developed
nologies have to demonstrate coverage capabilities for over the past decade could play a useful role in deployed
these scenarios systems. Somewhat similar trials being carried out involving
Support for massive number of low throughput devices: TVWS and in some cases, M2M, are currently underway
The target applications for the C-IoT will need to transmit wordwide.
few bytes of data, yet the trafc to be supported is IoT deployments can leverage a combination of communi-
huge, as the C-IoT is expected to cover 55% SOM cations protocols e.g. MQTT, CoAP and Thread.
(shares of market) of the estimated 50 Billion to 250 In summary, IoT infrastructure now comprises:
Billion connected devices by 2020. The support of these A plethora of communications technologies and protocols
devices should be made possible using either the GSM A myriad of potential applications and services
exiting infrastructure and spectrum or fragmented unused Volumes of connected IoT devices on a scale unlike
spectrum in the licensed operator band. what we have experienced during previous waves of
Delay sensitivity: Two types of data trafc is dened. The information technology.
delay tolerant non critical one, where data transmission
Vision Mobile predict that the top IoT platforms in 2020
latency is not critical, e.g reading a meter. Whereas, the
will be cross-vertical. Sector-specic platforms will be niche
second type of data is delay-critical and it is suggested
or in decline. Therefore to progress to a cross-vertical IoT
that a delay requirement of 4 seconds is appropriate
approach, a platform that can support the development and
for the UL measured from the trigger event to the
deployment of new IoT applications and services and reduce
packet being ready for transmission from the base station
the commercialisation complexity yet support the ve key IoT
towards the network (e.g alarms).
characteristics is required. This leads us to the concept of the
Ultra low cost: Devices operating under C-IoT should
IoT elastic abstraction layer.
remain very cheap from cost and operation perspectives.
Low power consumption: Power consumption is a key
requirement inherited by C-IoT from the LPWA tech-
nologies and networks with a target battery life of 10
Network architecture: The study should identify a Core
Network architecture, security framework and Radio Ac-
cess Network-Core Network interface, and associated
protocol stacks for M2M which are suitable for the
M2M/IoT market in the 2017 and onwards timeframe
From a technical perspective, IoT now leverages a wide
range of communications technologies and protocols com-
bined with application/service requirements that range from
low bandwidth- high latency to high bandwidth-high frequency
acquisition and short range.
Wireline technology examples include Ethernet, optical - Fig. 1. LPWA Target Characteristics
bre, BACnet, LONWorks, X10, CEBus. Cellular communica-
tions technologies include GPRS, EDGE, HSPA, LTE, LTE+. Figure (1), shows how LPWA technologies (SigFox,
Mesh networking technologies include Zigbee, ZWave, Neul and LoRa) compare to classical cellular technologies
Flexnet, Wireless HART. (3G/4G/5G) and to mesh technologies (ZigBee) in terms of
Low-power wide-area technologies include SigFox, LoRA, latency, cost, power consumption and geographical coverage.
Adaptrum, WEIGHTLESS, and IEEE 802.22.
Powerline carrier technologies include PRIME and G3, and III. C LEAN S LATE P ROPOSALS FOR C ELLULAR -I OT
wireless local/metropolitan area network technologies include
WiFi and WiMAX. A. 3GPP LTE Rel-13 Machine Type Communication
Sub-1 GHz spectrum segments have been proven popular In the standardization efforts, the 3GPP group introduced in
for new wireless communications services since the transition its release 13, the Machine Type Communication (MTC) [5] in
from analogue to digital television and subsequent band clear- LTE. MTC aims at reducing devices cost, power consumption,
ance. Unused available spectrum segments in the UHF/VHF extending coverage and handling massive numbers of devices.
bands, known as television white space (TVWS) have been More specically, the 3GPP consortium recommends the fol-
the subject of over a decade of research. Early theoretical lowing in terms of MTC denition and specications :

Introducing a new UE category for MTC operations
Reduced UE bandwidth to 1.4 MHz in both Uplink
and Downlink
Reduced maximum transmit power with an inte-
grated PA implementation at the level of the UE
Reduced support for DL transmission modes
Relaxation of the UE processing capabilities (re- Fig. 3. Semtech CSS DL/UL Frame
duced support of CSI/CQI, restricted modulation
(Chirp Spread Spectrum) modulation for both uplink and
Provide power consumption reduction for the UE cate- downlink. This modulation allows data communication and
gory/type dened above, both in normal coverage and positioning from deep indoor to fast moving outdoor devices,
enhanced coverage, to target ultra-long battery life at the cost of a lower spectral efciency compared to the
Opt for half duplex (FDD/TDD) as they are particularly narrow band alternative with tunable datarates.
benecial from device complexity and power consump-
tion point of view
B. Nokias Narrow-band LTE-M Proposal
Inspired from the 3GPP recommendations, Nokia derived
its LTE-M [6]proposal for C-IoT. Nokias proposal focused
on the subGHz licensed spectrum, by designing LTE-M to t
in refarming only one GSM channel, or make it deployable
on a guard band of an existing LTE networks.
In LTE-M, each channel is comprised of 12 subcarriers with
subcarrier spacing of 15 kHz, so a total of 180 KHz occupied
bandwidth using either existing or modied LTE channels.
Some of the channels such as data channels already t into
180 kHz (equivalent to 1 physical resource block, or PRB, in
LTE). Other channels will need some modications to t into Fig. 4. Localization Principle based on DToA
180 kHz.
The narrow-band communication is using less than 180 KHz
bandwidth for UL and DL. These 200 KHz or spectrum can
be either a decommissioned GSM channel or any unoccupied
licensed band owned by the operator in the subGHz spectrum.
The proposed narrow band approach achieves 20dB improve-
ment in link budget compared to GSM using only 17dBm
(50mW) RF output power from the UE (device) at 122bits/sec
Fig. 2. LTE-M DL/UL Frames
and can be in increased up to 7.8kbits/sec.
Fig 2) illustrates the UL and DL frames in the 180 KHz
D. Neul/Huawei Narrow-band Proposal
LTE-M proposal. In the DL frame, Channels are TDM to-
gether where M-subframe combines multiple 1ms subframes. Neuls proposal is also based on 180 KHz UL/DL channels
New PBCH and synchronization signals are introduced and bandwidth for C-IoT and targets deployment in GSM or LTE
scheduling resolution is in subframes instead of PRB. LTE-M guard bands [8]
is designed to support QPSK and 16-QAM. In the DL channel, each 180 kHz resource block is divided
LTE-M operates in half-duplex mode with a maximum into 12 channels, spaced by 15 kHz. This modulation allows
datarate of 200 kbps in both UL and DL with no multiband both TDMA and FDMA access schemes and is conceptually
support of fallback modes. si;ilar to OFDM. Each Channel is individually modulated
(BPSK, QPSK, 16QAM) and pulse-shaped to minimize spec-
C. Semtechs Combined Narrow-band and CSS Proposal tral side-lobes. The PHY data-rate is between 375 bps and 36
Semtechs PHY layer for C-IoT combines the LoRa mod- kbps.
ulation, already used in the unlicensed subGHz ISM bands, a For the UP channels, each 180 kHz resource block is split
chirp spread spectrum modulation (CSS), and an ultra narrow- into 36 UL channels distant by 5 kHz allowing also FDMA
band [7]. and TDMA multiple access schemes. Each UL channel is
Semtechs CSS PHY proposal allows both communication individually modulated in (D)QPSK, (D)BPSK or GMSK and
and ranging (localization). Ranging is achieved using a CSS pulseshaped to minimize inter-user interference.

We clearly see that if LTE inspired proposals (Rel 13
and LTE-M) inherit OFDMA access schemes in TDD/FDD
half/full duplex modes, the other proprietary PHY proposals
tend to be full duplex.
The table shows also see that all clean slate proposals meet
the requirements in terms of occupied BW so they can all t
in a GSM channel and/or an LTE guard band.
The achievable data-rates with these proposals vary from
few Bps to few Kbps in adaptive systems and 200Kbps for
LTE-M but with a xed data-rate.
Fig. 5. Neul-Huawei DL/UL Channelization
In this paper, we compared the different clean slate pro-
posals for C-IoT. Many improvement and features are brought
E. SigFox UNB Proposal by these proposals compared to the already proposed LPWA
SigFox further enhanced its UNB solution for ISM bands technologies such as localization based on differential time
in C-IoT by introducing the cooperative ultra narrow band (C- of arrival. The different proposals seem to be respecting the
UNB) technology as a PHY layer for its proposal [9]. constraints on BW and low power consumption and thus can
The UL channel modulation is D-BPSK and devices trans- replace the already existing LPWA technologies.
mit at 24 dBm. The UL channel ts on 200 KHz GSM, Some improvements are yet to be expected as these tech-
where the 200 KHz are divided in 160 Hz micro-channels. nologies serve only few bits to kbits per second, which
The achievable datarate with such modulation is 160 bps. can be a real disadvantage especially for several network
As far as the DL is concerned the data-rate is xed to 600bps monitoring operations or rmware update over the air. A
with a 2GFSK modulation with BT=1.0 and a F=+/-800 Hz good compromise is to have proposals capable to achieve
bits to hundreds of kbits per seconds data-rates allowing bi-
directional, energy efcient and low power operations as well
as capable to serving high volume of connected devices.
[1] L. Atzori, A. Iera, and G. Morabito, The Internet of Things: A survey,
Computer Networks, vol. 54, no. 15, pp. 27872805, 2010..
[2] C. Perera, A. Zaslavsky, P. Christen, and D. Georgakopoulos, Con-
textaware computing for the internet of things: A survey, IEEE Com-
munications Surveys and Tutorials, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 414454, 2014..
[3] 3GPP GERAN Documentation [online]
[4] Ericsson White paper : LTE release 13 Uen 284 23-8267, April 2015
[5] 3GPP, Standardization of Machine-type Communications V0.2.4
[6] Ratasuk, R., Mangalvedhe, N., Ghosh, A., Vejlgaard, B. (2014,
Fig. 6. SigFox DL/UL Proposal September). Narrowband LTE-M System for M2M Communication.
In Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2014 IEEE 80th (pp.
1-5). IEEE. Chicago
[7] 3GPP TSG GERAN 65, GP-150075, Combined narrow-band and
IV. C OMPARISON OF C-I OT P ROPOSALS Spread Spectrum physical layer coverage and capacity simulations,
Table I is summarizing main characteristics of the different Semtech, Mar. 2015.
[8] 3GPP TSG GERAN 65, GP-150075, New Study Item on Cellular
clean slate C-IoT proposals. System Support for Ultra Low Complexity and Low Throughput Internet
The different proposals are compared in terms of used BW, of Things, Neul, April. 2014.
uplink and downlink data-rates and full/half duplex operating [9] 3GPP TSG GERAN 65, GP-150057, C-UNB technology for Cellular
IoT - Physical Layer, SigFox Wireless, Mar. 2015.

Technology Bandwidth UL datarte DL datarate Duplex

3GPP Rel 13 1.4 MHz N/A N/A Full/Half Duplex (FDD)
LTE-M 180 KHz 200 Kbps 200 Kbps Full/Half Duplex (TDD/FDD)
Semtech CSS/NB 180 KHz 122 bps-7.8 Kbps 122 bps-7.8 Kbps Full Duplex
SigFox UNB 180 KHz 160 bps 600bps Full Duplex
Neul/Huawei NB 180 KHz 200 bps-45 Kbps 375bps- 36kbps Full Duplex

TABLE I: Comparison of main clean-slate C-IoT technologies



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