Fire Smoke Damper - June 2018 in PDF
Fire Smoke Damper - June 2018 in PDF
Fire Smoke Damper - June 2018 in PDF
of energy efficient fans, air handling simplicity and reliability, our business Criteria for testing /certification...........9-11
units, air distribution products, air concept is to develop, manufacture UL certified fire & smoke damper......12-15
conditioning, air curtains and heating and market high-quality ventilation
Electrical connection diagram.............16-17
products. Our products are robust and products. On the basis of our busi-
easy to choose, install and use. ness concept and with our customers Installation & operation instructions. 18-21
systemair 3
Systemair India
Systemair India (100% owned subsidiary of Systemair AB, Sweden) started operations in 2006. Today the company has
its offices pan India in 9 cities- Noida, Hyderabad, Bengaluru, Chennai, Kochi, Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai & Ahmedabad. The
team of 400 dedicated professionals are looking after- sales, technical support, production & logistics.
The company has manufacturing area totaling to 15000 sq mts in its 2 ultra-modern factories located at Greater Noida
& Hyderabad. The strategically located production units manufacture high quality products to support the local market
needs with minimum possible time for delivery.
The Greater Noida factory is a LEED Platinum certified building, with modern laboratories the ATD lab (Air Terminal
Devices) and Acoustic laboratory.
The ATD lab built in compliance with EN & ASHRAE standards boasts of high precise measuring equipments and an inde-
pendent control software to determine air flow patters & velocity profile of air terminal devices.
The Acoustic lab built in compliance with AMCA 210 & AMCA 300 standards uses AMCA nozzles for air flow measure-
ment and AMCA specified pressure taps for pressure drop measurements. The lab can conducts test procedures for max-
imum air flow 45000 Cub. Mt./Hr. with a pressure handling capacity of 3000pa.
•• Axial fans certified as per AMCA international.
•• BSI certificate of constancy of performance, EN12101-3: 2015 for Axial fans & AJR Jet Fans tested to 300oC/2hrs.
•• Follows ETL testing lab U.S.A for performance testing of air distribution products like grilles & diffusers.
•• Combination fire & smoke dampers certified & listed as UL555 for 90 min fire rating & UL555 S for Class 1 leakage.
•• Fire damper series FSD-A-L, FSD-A-S & FSD-A-M certified as per UL555 for 90 min fire rating.
•• Fire dampers certified by CBRI Roorkee (as per UL555 for 120 mins) and also certified as per BS-476 Part 20.
•• Fusible link fire dampers certified for 1.5 hrs of fire rating as per UL555
•• Sound attenuators certified in SRL, U.K for the static insertion loss as per BS 4718-1971.
•• EUROVENT certified BA series of AHUs.
•• EUROVENT hygienic certification for BA-H series of AHUs.
•• BS/EN1886:2008 for casing strength, tightness, thermal resistance, thermal bridging & filter bypass leakage for AHU.
•• EN13053 / 2006 for air flow-static pressure performance, heat transfer and heat recovery performance.
Product Range
The leading edge product range includes
This includes circular & rectangular duct fans, roof fans,
Greater Noida India: LEED certified Platinum rated manufacturing facility. box fans & axial fans.
4 systemair systemair 5
Fire Safety in Ventilation Systems Damper-secured system
Fire Safety • Timer-setting for weekly exercise Damper-secured systems are most suitable for usage in all buildings for day time occupancy, where ventilation often will
Regarding fire safety of ventilation systems, the most impor- • Control panel can be connected to max.16 section controllers be stopped at night. These categories include for instance:
tant is to save lives and valuable inventory and to ensure • Event log for the latest 84 exercises and service receipts are
good working conditions for the rescue team. A fire occur- saved automatically. 1: Offices, industrial and warehouse buildings, certain garages, outbuildings and airport.
rence must be limited before it develops into a disaster. The
requirements for personal safety and the emergency Section controller 2: Teaching rooms, school day-care centers, after-school facilities, day centers.
response capacity are very closely linked to the risk of fire • Max.62 damper units can be controlled and monitored
spreading and stability of the building. Strategically, this • When using more than 62 dampers an extra section controller 3: S
hops, shopping malls, places of public assembly, meeting rooms, canteens, restaurants, cinemas, discotheques
means that in case of a fire, persons must be able to exit the must be connected as a ”slave” and theatres.
building by themselves or with help from the rescue team. • Smoke detector (max. 10 pcs.)
• Temperature sensor with reset on the control panel,40 °C 4: E
lderly housing, treatment rooms and wards in hospitals, nursery homes, homes and institutions for people with
Buildings, especially inventory contain an amount of com- (default) physical or mental difficulties, nurseries and kinder- gartens.
bustible material. A correct fire safety system can prevent • Detailed error message on each damper
heat and smoke from spreading through the ventilation • Stop of the fan/unit
system. Should for example a too early destabilization of the • External fire detection system or signal device
building occur, a collapse can cause a disaster risk of a sig- • Start and control of smoke fan
nificant size. Fire safety in ventilation plants is thus necessary • Service signal Spreading of smoke and fire through the duct system
in modern buildings. • Differential pressure transmitter for monitoring & control of fan
• IP 54 box enclosed The duct system must be such designed, that the risk of smoke and fire spreading to other fire cells, fire sections or sim-
Fire control system • Main power supply 230 V AC ilar building units is not increased.
Systemair’s fire control system has been prepared for easy & • Power supply 24 V DC for 5 dampers
simple installations. It is configurable & therefore extremely • The section controller can work without any control panel. Penetration of fire sections must be ensured with fire- and smoke dampers BRS. Penetration of fire cells must be secured
flexible. The fire control system contains all the necessary with smoke dampers RS. For usage category 1, 2 and 3, there will be some exceptions for penetration of fire cells, for
functions such as monitoring, testing and verifying the oper- Damper module example, if there is already established automatic fire alarm- and warning systems, sprinkler- and warning systems, small-
ation of fire & smoke dampers, smoke dampers, smoke • One damper module used by each fire & smoke damper, er secondary rooms for short stay or if there is established a direct escape route to the outside from the room.
evacuation dampers and communicating with the unit and smoke damper or smoke evacuation damper
the smoke extract fan. • Mounting bracket included Systemair fire control system ensures that smoke dampers and fire- and smoke dampers closes by fire and by night stop.
• Terminals and cable clamp for connection of damper and bus
Key features: cable. Detection of fire must be made for each fire section in the exhaust duct. Smoke dampers between cells are activated by
• Disables the dampers and disconnects the fan/unit in case the shared detector of the current fire section.
of a fire Power supply
• Weekly tests of dampers and the smoke extract fan, to • The section controller can supply the first 5 dampers At fire detection, you can choose to let supply- and exhaust fans continue to run, and only close the smoke dampers and
ensure that they are operational • Hereafter use a power supply for every 8 dampers
fire- and smoke dampers that are operating the fire affected section.
• Manual testing is possible • Max. 100 m cable to the farthest damper
• Ensures that the dampers are open during normal opera- • Max. total bus length 1200 m.
Air intake- and exhaust dampers must also be closed. You can also choose to stop the supply- and exhaust fans. Then all
tion, and ventilation is functioning as planned
smoke dampers and fire- and smoke dampers must close.
• When smoke/fire is detected, you can choose to have all Smoke detector for duct type
dampers closed and shut down the ventilation in the • Smoke detector for measuring/detection of smoke in the duct
Weekly exercise of smoke dampers and ensuring that the dampers are open during normal operation. It is possible to do
entire building or only in the current fire section system
manual testing of dampers.
• Detailed error message on each damper • Air velocity between 0.2 and 20 m/s.
• 24V supply & control via the bus system for each damper.
Temperature sensor type
The fire control system consists of the following compo- • The temperature sensor detects a set temperature due to fire
nents: and transmit the signal to the section controller.
6 systemair systemair 7
Smoke-ventilated system Criteria for Testing/Certifications
Underwriters’ laboratories (UL LLC.) UL 555 /UL 555 S
Smoke-ventilated systems can be used in all buildings, but For supply air systems, where the extract system in the Scope 1.5 Under these requirements combination fire and
are especially suitable for usage in buildings whose upper operated fire sections or similar fire units are designed as 1.1 These requirements cover fire dampers that are smoke dampers, corridor dampers and fire dampers
floors are higher than 22 meters above the ground. smoke-ventilated system, can reasonable safety for the intended for use where air ducts penetrate or for dynamic systems are exposed to standardized
Another category for example residential buildings & discharge of smoke to the outside be achieved by: terminate at openings in walls or partitions; in air heat and airflow conditions and are evaluated for
youth housing, where there is a requirement for 24 hours Converted system, where the supply air system is transfer openings in partitions; and where air ducts dynamic closure under these conditions.
of operation of the ventilation system. In hotels, hostels, designed as a smoke-ventilated duct system, extend through floors as specified in the Standard
inns, dorms and guesthouses there is a requirement for supplemented with a smoke fan or coupled with the for Installation of Air-Conditioning and Ventilating 1.6 Combination fire and smoke dampers and corridor
full automatic fire alarm- & warning systems, if there are smoke fan in the extract system. Systems, NFPA 90A. Fire dampers are intended for dampers shall also comply with the applicable re-
more than 10 beds. installation in accordance with codes such as the quirements in the Standard for Smoke Dampers, UL
All residential fire units are performed with a minimum of
BOCA National Mechanical Code, SBCCI Standard 555S.
Alternatively there must be established a damper-ensured 30 Pa smoke resistance. A smoke resistance including
connected ducts and possible flexible connections must Mechanical Code, ICBO Uniform Mechanical Code,
system, which must be either for 24 hours of operation or 1.7 Fire dampers for dynamic systems are intended for
everywhere be performed as material class A2-s1, d0 and the International Mechanical Code.
with an automatic fire alarm- and warning system, which use where the airflow is operational at the time of
is required if there are more than 10 beds. Usage catego- with a melting point of at least 850 °C. The smoke fan can
1.2 Fire dampers are evaluated for use as either: fire, such as in a smoke control system, or from oth-
ry 6 Elderly housing, treatment rooms and wards on hos- be the extract fan for the normal operation or a separate
a) Fire Dampers for Static Systems - For HVAC sytems er situations in which the fan system is operational
pitals, nurseryhomes, homes and institutions for people fan exclusively for smoke extraction. The connection point
that are automatically shut down in the event of a at the time of a fire.
with fysical or mental difficulties, nurseries and kinder- for the smoke fan must be at or above the upper channel
system branching to the operating area, so that smoke fire or for air transfer openings in walls or partition
gartens. All buildings where a complete automatic fire 1.8 Where fire dampers are required in ducts that pen-
will not be sucked down into a duct system with branches. b) Fire Dampers for Dynamic Systems - For HVAC sys-
alarm- and warning system is demanded. etrate fire barriers and where the duct is also used
tems that are operational in the event of a fire.
A smoke-ventilated system must be such designed, that A smoke fan must be able to withstand the occurring c) Combination Fire and Smoke Dampers - For loca- as part of a smoke control system, the system de-
smoke in the system is discharged to the outside with temperature for 60 min. after the fire has started, valid tions in HVAC systems where a fire damper and a signer shall ascertain which type of fire damper is
reasonable safety. A smoke-ventilated system cannot be from a normal-temperature operating fan with a minimum smoke damper are required at a single location. appropriate for the application. Fire dampers for dy-
combined with fire-, flame- and/or smoke damper, which of 1 hours operation and at an ambient temperature of 20 d) Corridor Dampers - For locations in HVAC Systems namic systems are evaluated only for dynamic clo-
prevents the discharge of smoke that has entered the °C without cooling from wind or rain. Functional where air ducts penetrate or terminate at openings sure under heated airflow conditions. Combination
system. In a smoke-ventilated system, the smoke must requirement is documented by manufacturer. in the ceilings of interior corridors when permitted fire and smoke dampers and corridor dampers that
run via a duct, by-passing parts of the system with large by authority having jurisdiction. have an elevated temperature rating are evaluated
The temperature at the smoke fan is set as a mixing
flow resistance or components in which the risk of clog- for dynamic closure under heated airflow conditions
temperature, consisting of 945 °C from the fire room, and
ging of the smoke particles from a fire is high. This 1.3 Under these requirements a fire damper is subjected and they are also evaluated to operate under heat-
20 °C from the remaining rooms (the mixing temperature
includes filters, heat recovery components, heating- and to a standard fire exposure, controlled to achieve ed air conditions.
must be at least 100 °C). The fire room is usually
cooling coils etc. A by-pass duct is equipped with a smoke specified temperatures throughout a specified time
determined as the fire cell with the largest air volume - for
evacuation damper that is closed at normal operation period, followed by the application of a specified 1.9 Tests conducted in accordance with these require-
systems with variable air volume, uses the maximum air
with voltage (currentless open). A smoke-ventilated sys- standard hose stream. This exposure by itself is not ments are intended to demonstrate the perfor-
volume rate. For calculation of the maximum flue gas
tem is generally performed as a duct class EI 30/E60 representative of all fire conditions; conditions vary mance of fire dampers during the period of fire
temperature, the maximum air volume in the fire room is
A2-s1,d0, which also includes ducts in installation shafts with changes in the amount, nature, and distribu- test exposure and are not intended to determine
used. For remaining rooms, use diversity factor 0.2 for the
and unexploitable attics. tion of fire loading, ventilation, compartment size acceptability of fire dampers for use after exposure
difference in air volume between minimum and maximum
and configuration, and heat sink characteristics of to fire.
An exception to this is ducts in the ventilation room, air volume without incalculation of other diversity factors.
the compartment. These requirements provide a
ducts in the open air (outdoor) and ducts that only serve 1.10 It is the intent that tests conducted in accordance
The air volume depends on the building’s density and is relative measure of fire performance of fire damp-
one fire section and are located within this. Ducts in an with the test methods described herein develop
typically smaller than the air volume. The volume must be er assemblies under these specified fire exposure
unexploitable attic, which only serves one fire section data to enable regulatory authorities to determine
sufficient to ensure the system´s required smoke conditions. Any variation from the construction or
and are located within this, must be insulated with mini- the acceptability of fire damper assemblies for use
resistance, however pressure limited to a maximum of conditions that are tested such as method of instal-
mum 50 mm insulation class A2-s1,d0. Branches from a in locations where fire resistance of a specified du-
100 Pa negative pressures at the upper branch to the lation and materials has the potential to substan-
fire insulated duct should be fire insulated corresponding ration is required.
operating area. This negative pressure must be maintained tially change the performance characteristics of the
to the diameter of the branch, but a minimum of 0.2 m.
at maximum and minimum opening of diffusers and fire damper assembly.
For an extraction system, reasonable safety for the dis- 1.11 Fire dampers are intended to close automatically
dampers in systems with variable air volume.
charge of smoke to the outside can be achieved by: upon the detection of heat by the use of a fusible
1.4 Fire dampers for static systems (no air flow through
Smoke-ventilated system with smoke fan in operation, link or other heat responsive device.
the damper) are intended to close automatically
where all residential fire cells is performed with a mini-
upon the detection of heat by a heat responsive de-
mum of 50 Pa smoke resistance.
8 systemair systemair 9
1.12 These requirements do not cover: Salt spray exposure test Cycling test Operation test
a) Performance of the fire damper assembly in A damper sample is exposed to salt spray in a test cham- The cycling test pre -conditions the smoke damper to Following the completion of the leakage test, smoke
walls, partitions, or floors constructed of materi- ber for a period of 120 hours. After this exposure, the becom e a used damper before other tests are carried damper is then subject to an opera-tion test at ambient
als other than those tested. damper must close (and latch if a latch is provided). This out on the damper. A smoke damper shall continue to temperature to rated pressure and airflow. This test is
b) The performance of the fire damper assembly test demonstrates a damper’s ability to function after a function as intended after being mechanically operated bi-directional in that the smoke damper is tested with
when installed using methods other than those more severe fouling than the damper is likely to experi- for 20,000 full -stroke (that is close and r e-open ) in air flow from both directions. The smoke damper shall
fire tested. operations, while using the recommended actuator. function as intended, and without damage to the dam-
ence during its intended application.
c) Measurement of heat transmission through a fir- pers or their compo¬nents and shall completely close,
damper assembly. during each of three opening and closing cycles. The test
d) Measurement of the degree of control or limitation Time-temperature curve Temperature degradation/Cycling test pressures\differential created in the closed position shall
of the passage of smoke or products of combus-
The smoke damper (including its actuator) shall be sub- be not less than the Leak-age Classification rating (that is
tion through the fire damper assembly.
ject this test before air leakage test. The smoke damper 1000, 2000, or 3000 Pa)
is position in an oven during the temperature degradati-
on c y¬cli ng test. The elevated temperatures are to be in Leakage test
increments of 100°F (56°C), and the minimum tempera- The smoke damper is subject to the leakage test at am-
A summary of the tests required to qualify dampers to
ture is to be 250°F (121°C). The damper is to be exposed bient temperature. The amount of leakage measured
the standard is as under:
to the elevated temperature, ±5 percent, for 30 minutes during this test shall determine the leakage class of the
in the13,completely
2014 SMOKE
closed position. After the DAMPERSsmoke
30-minute - UL 555S
damper, in accordance to the criteria set out in 23
Fire endurance test and hose stream test period and while at the elevated temperature, the dam- table below. This test is bi-directional in that the smoke
Dampers are exposed to a standard test fire for a period per shall function as intended while being operated th- damper is tested with air flow from both directions. The
of either 1½ or 3 hours. This standard test fire is con- rough three complete operation cycles. The closing time smoke damper used for this test is to be the one pre-
shall not exceed 75 seconds nor shall the reopening time viously subject to the Cycling Test and Temper a¬tu re
trolled to follow the time temperature curve illustrated.
Immediately after conclusion of this fire test, the dampers of the damper exceed 75 seconds. The damper is to be Degradation/ Cycling Test. The smoke damper is cycled 3
16 General
cycled by using the actuator that has also been subjected times before leakage measurements are taken.
are subjected to a high pressure hose stream test during
which water, at a nozzle pressure of 30 psi for 1½ hour to the test temperature.
dampers and 45 psi for 3 hour dampers is applied to the
16.1 The highest leakage obtained on the representative samples tested in accordance with the Leakage
dampers from a distance of 20 ft. The hose stream test
Tests, Section 10, shall determine the leakage classification for the overall design, as specified in Table
provides an extreme shock that ensures the dampers are 16.1.
structurally strong enough to withstand the rigors of the
severest fire conditions. Exception: For dampers smaller than 1 square foot (0.09 m2) in size, the maximum leakage shall be the
same as that for a damper sized 1 square foot.
Operational reliability cycle test
Table 16.1
Fire Smoke Dampers intended for operation by gravity or
Leakage classifications
spring force (not driven by an actuator) must be cycled
open and closed 250 times. Fire Smoke Dampers that are
Smoke dampers are subject to the following test: Classification Leakage, ft3/min/ft2 (m3/s/m2×196), at standard air conditions
driven by an electric or pneumatic actuator must be cycled
open and closed (by their actuator) 20,000 times. If the At 4.5 inches water (1.1 kPa)
1. Cycling test
Fire Smoke Damper is also intended for use as a volume I 8
2. Temperature degradation/cycling test
control damper, it must be cycled open and closed (by its II 20
3. Operation test
modulating actuator) 100,000 times. These operational III 80
4. Air leakage test
cycling tests are accomplished prior to the temperature At 8.5 inches water (2.1 kPa) At 12.5 inches water (3.1 kPa)
degradation and leakage tests (described below) and en- Tests are carried out in according to the sequence as I 11 14
sure that the damper will function reliably after repeated shown above on the same smoke damper. II 28 35
operations. III 112 140
16.2 Leakage at the prescribed pressure differences shall be no greater than the values shown in Table
16.1, within each classification.
17 General
10 systemair systemair 11
17.1 Each damper shall be legibly marked with:
Fire Damper - Motorized Fire Damper- Fusible Link Operated
UL555 1½ Hour Fire Rating UL555 1½ Hour Fire Rating
Model FSD–A –S, FSD –A–L, FSD –A–L1 & FSD–A–M Fire dampers are designed with 2v double skin aero foil blade, to be Model FSD (F)-F-V-S-F90, FSD (F)-F-V-L-F90 & FSD (F)-F-V-M-F90 fire dampers are designed with 3V single skin bla-
installed in static systems vertically. de, to be installed in static systems vertically
Jamb Seals:
frame le metal compression type.
0.3mm thick stainless steel, flexib- Closure Device: Helical Spring
Jamb Seals:
le metal compression type I I
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
A1 OCT 15 A
Model FSD(FS)–A–L-F90–C1 and FSD(FS)–A–S-F90–C1, Combination fire & smoke damper designed with 2v double skin
aero foil blade and qualified for closure in dynamic systems with velocities to 2000 fpm and pressures to 4” WC for
vertical installation.
Standard Construction
2mm (14 gauge) galvanized steel.
Formed from four hat channel
Frame: shaped piece 165 mm wide having
flanges for connecting damper to
1mm (20 gauge) galvanized steel,
2V groove style
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
1.5 metre power
cable with 5AMP. plug
COM N/C BLK RED - + O/P 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 N/O COM N/C N/O COM D=6mm 10 mm
175 mm
+ O/P
123 mm
* For spring return actuators,use connection nos.1,2,3,4,5,6 & 7 RESET
* For non-spring return actuators,use connection nos. 1,2,3,4,5,6, & 7.
*** Damper Status indications (OPEN/CLOSE) shall be available only if either AUX.contacts or SW1
microswitch connections are done at points 4,5,6 & 7.
Mounting of retaining angles should be as shown in figure above. Holes of dia. 8.5 mm shall be made in the angles.
The first hole for joining the angles to sleeve shall be made such that it falls at a distance of 20mm from corner of
sleeve. M8 Hex Nut & Bolt (MS Material) should be used to secure the retaining angle with sleeve. Hole to hole pitch
should be equidistant but not exceeding 210 mm.
5. Use two 3.9x13mm self-drilling screws to secure TRD sensor with sleeve.
6. Mount to Actuator with the help of Actuator mounting plate & self-drilling screw 4.2 X 19mm.Fix Actuator Mount-
ing plate with the help of Self Drilling Screw 3.9 X 13mm.
Note: TRD Sensor will be common for all the actuator(s) connect with the damper.
Head Office
Certificate Number 20180410-R27629
Report Reference R27629-20180226
Issue Date 2018-APRIL-10
Standard(s) for Safety: UL 555 - Standard for Safety for Fire Dampers
Additional Information: See the UL Online Certifications Directory at for additional information
Only those products bearing the UL Certification Mark should be considered as being covered by UL's
Certification and Follow-Up Service.
Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please
contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at
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Standard(s) for Safety: UL 555, Standard for Safety for Fire Dampers
UL 555S, Standard for Smoke Dampers
Additional Information: See the UL Online Certifications Directory at for additional information
Only those products bearing the UL Certification Mark should be considered as being covered by UL's
Certification and Follow-Up Service.
Any information and documentation involving UL Mark services are provided on behalf of UL LLC (UL) or any authorized licensee of UL. For questions, please
contact a local UL Customer Service Representative at
Page 1 of 1
92/2A Bidhan Nagar Road, Kolkata, West Bengal 700067
Tel: +91 983 0420 473
138/1655, Karnavati Appartment, Paras Nagar,
Sola Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380063
Tel: +91 9624 448 912
Office No. G 16, Neo Corporate Plaza, RamChandra Lane
Ext., Kanchpada, Malad W, Mumbai-400064
Tel: +91 08108124863
Office No 7B , B wing Manorama Apartments
Near Leapbridge School, Lane no 7, Prabhat Road,
Tel: +91 20 66215872
Plot No. 8-84/14/11; Opp. Sai Geetha Ashram
Devaryamzal, Medchal Dist, Hyderabad 500078, India
Tel: + 91 40 40176396
40 Sindhoora, MLA Layout, Block 4, RMV 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560094
Tel: +91 80 2341 7922 / 6922 Systemair India (H.O)