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Air Handling Unit: Sba / Ba

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Air Handling Units

Air Handling Unit

Systemair around the globe

Systemair was founded in

1974 with an innovative
idea of creating an
in-line centrifugal fan
for circular ducts, which
simplified ventilation.

Today, our company is one
of the global leaders in the
field of ventilation & air
conditioning technology,
with its operations spread
across four continents. Our
main focus is to develop
Countries with Sales Subsidiaries
products that supply,
extract, convey, heat, cool
and distribute air energy
efficiently in a building.
Our products are energy
efficient, robust, easy to
select, install and use.
27Production Facilities
Systemair worldwide......................................2-3

Systemair India................................................4-5

Air handling units - overview........................6-7

Example of applications ................................8-9

Components of Air handling units..............10-22

Control panel...................................................23

Selection tools................................................24-29

Always close to you! Unit dimensions.............................................30-39


Few of our valued customers......................44-47

Systemair- we make in India

MARKET-LEADING Systemair started operations in India in 2006 to meet the needs

of fast growing markets. Today, Systemair India Pvt. Ltd. (100%
PRODUCTS AND owned subsidiary of Systemair AB, Sweden), is a reputed
manufacturer in ventilation and air conditioning equipments.
In India, Systemair has 9 offices in Noida, Hyderabad, Bengaluru,
Innovative product Chennai, Kochi, Kolkata, Pune, Mumbai & Ahmedabad and 2 ultra-
development closely modern factories located at Greater Noida & Hyderabad.

tied into external The Greater Noida factory is a LEED Platinum certified building with
an ultra mordern Research & Development center having ATD &
trends are crucial Acoustic laboratory built in compliance with EN 1228 and AMCA
210 & AMCA 300 standards.
to our ability to offer
The team of 400 dedicated professionals are now working in India
market-leading looking after sales, technical support, production & logistics.
products and solutions
that help customers to
meet their challenges –
today and tomorrow.

LEED certified Platinum rated Unit, India.

Manufacturing Facility, India. Acoustic Lab, India.

Systemair India | 5

The wide product range manufactured in India are `Fans’ `Air handling units’ & `Air distribution & Fire safety

Air Distribution &

Fans Air Handling Units Fire Safety


AHU N0 18.02.004

Explore more about air handlers with us >>>

Air Flow Chamber, India. ATD Lab, India.

6 | Air handling units

Air Handling Units

Modular & extremly adaptable

Systemair has a wide range of air handling units for use in various applications from small office premises to larger
industrial applications. Common to all items in the range is that, systems and components have been developed to
satisfy stringent demands for low energy consumption. Heat exchangers, motors and fan units have all undergone
extensive testing, both in the laboratory and out in the field, in order to comply with current and future demands for
low energy consumption.
All products are also manufactured to comply with environmental requirements. To ensure easy installation, many of
these units feature control systems enabled for plug-and-play, i.e. simple start-up.

BA Units Eurovent certified- with 50mm panel


✓✓Casing Strength : D1
✓✓Casing Air Leakage : L1
✓✓Thermal Bridging Factor : TB2
✓✓Thermal Transmittance : T3
✓✓Filter Bypass Leakage : F8

5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00 55.55 m3/s
Air handling units | 7

Facts about AHU

• BA units are Eurovent certified & SBA units are standard units
• Eurovent certified units are available in 50mm panel
• SBA units are available in 25mm & 50mm panels
• Available in 41 different models
• Handles airflows of 1000-178000 CMH
• For use with medium or high air pressure systems.
• Heating and cooling units
• Extensive range of filters & Heat recovery sections
• Static pressure upto 2300pa

SBA Standard Units- with 25mm & 50mm panel

SBA 130
SBA 117
SBA 100
SBA 92
SBA 82
SBA 71
SBA 68 S
SBA 68
SBA 65
SBA 61
SBA 51
SBA 48
SBA 43
SBA 41
SBA 37
SBA 34
SBA 32
SBA 31
SBA 29
SBA 27
SBA 26
SBA 24
SBA 22
SBA 20
SBA 19
SBA 17
SBA 15
SBA 14
SBA 12
SBA 10

5.56 11.11 16.67 22.22 27.78 33.33 38.89 44.44 50.00 55.55 m3/s
8 | Air handling units

Reference: “Seawoods Grand Central”, Mumbai -India

Seawoods grand central is India’s largest Transit –Orient-

ed- Development project in Mumbai.
A unique combination of Commercial, Retail and Hospi-
tality around the world class railway concourse, spread
across 40 acres of land.
Modular air handling units
Air Distribution Products
Fire Safety Products

Air handling units | 9

Examples Of Applications
Our air handling units are designed in modules. The module can be configured for different applications to make up
the heart of any air conditioning system. The flexibility makes it possible to optimize the air handling unit for specific

Comfort Solutions

Simple project implementation for expansion of existing premises or new buildings. Simplifies selection and
planning and includes smart solutions for easier installation.

Compact Solutions
Extreme space-saving solutions and new connections for units that can also be split. Completely adaptable to
satisfy all new demands. Compact air handling units are easier to transport and handle at the construction site.

Flexible Solutions

Flexible solutions with heat recovery and intelligent control functions that are easily adapted to suit current needs
of different recovery systems and configurations.

Plug & Play Solutions

Integrated control systems. Our factory-integrated solutions are designed with various levels of equipment that
can handle everything from the simplest requirement to the toughest demands.

Industrial Solutions

Air humidifiers can be installed in air handling units, which makes it suitable for air cooling, water spray humidifier
and scrubber applications.

Clean Room Solutions

Clean rooms can encompass numerous applications, everything from operating theatres to laboratories.
Systemair’s range of air handling units can satisfy all requirements relating to healthcare, whether these have
to do with air cleanliness, noise levels or demand control.
10 | Air handling units

Components of air handling units

A variety of fans can be offered
based on the requirement.
- Belt driven DIDW centrifugal
FC/BC fans
- Centrifugal plug fan
- Motors with IE1/IE2/IE3
- PM motor with IE4 efficiency

Supply and extract

Units are offered with high quality
& low pressure drop filters of
different particulate efficiency.

Heat transfer coils.

Copper tube aluminium finned
heat transfer coils available in
multiple rows deep and are desi-
gned to give certified performan-
ce output for heating, cooling &
recovery applications

Control system. Inspection doors/

Units can be provided with fully
tested control systems for all handles.
necessary standard functions and Adequate sized inspection doors are
the settings can be easily adjus- provided in each section fitted with high
ted to desired operational values. quality comfortable handles.
Air handling units | 11

Framework of airtight,
elegant & sturdy extruded
aluminium hollow profile with
polyamide thermal break
profile having glass filled
nylon corners & spacers.

EC fan.
A wide range of EC fans can
be offered.

Supply and extract

low-leakage extruded alumi-
nium dampers suitable for ma-
nual or motorised operations.

Base frame.
The base frame is made from
strong galvanized steel with
lifting provision.

VFD. Heat exchanger.

Units are supplied with single speed motors. High quality and energy-efficient
To regulate the fan speed to its actual point, heat exchangers are available: rotary
frequency converters can be provided. heat exchanger, plate type heat exch-
anger, heat pipes or run around coil
heat exchanger.
12 | Air handling units

Casing The enclosure described contains all the air handling

unit sections, which can include some or all of the ones
The metal enclosure that covers all the components
described below:
contained in the Air Handling Unit is sturdy and has no
protruding items to disturb the overall look of the unit.
Inlet Section
Air handling units have a frame composed of an
This section is composed of a standardised length with
extruded aluminium section that outlines the equipment
an air inlet to the air handling unit.
edges perfectly, resulting in a solid, robust and attractive
overall look. This opening can:

These aluminium extruded sections are joined by • Use a volume control damper, that can be equipped
injection-moulded glass-reinforced plastic angle cleats. for manual operation or for subsequent automation.
In these larger sizes, the sections are joined together • Be protected by an air shutter.
by angle cleats made from engineering plastics. The • The combination of the previous two.
assembly is anchored by slot screws, obtaining a solid,
• Be equipped with a simple inlet consisting of a
sturdy structure.
straight flange for easier duct connection;
The unit enclosure is made up of sandwich panels
In addition, a cover to prevent water from entering when
comprising two pieces of galvanised sheets one inside
the equipment is placed outdoors can be provided.
the other.
The inner rack is manufactured of aluzinc or galvanised Mixing Section
steel sheet, whereas the exterior rack of the same This has similar features as the above and two openings,
material has precoated/ aluzinc finish. The insulation each of which contain a control damper.
material between the two racks is either machine
These dampers can be supplied with an extruded
injected polyurethane foam insulation or rockwool /
aluminium section construction. These damper models
glasswool to ensure excellent thermal & sound insulation
have an aluminium airfoil blades.
and potential condensation.
The operating mechanisms for all dampers are installed
in the channel frame. This allows air to circulate
freely and facilitates installation in closed ducts. The
mechanisms and fasteners are made of corrosion-
resistant materials.
The operating mechanism of the dampers may be
manual or equipped for motor-driven operation. In the
latter case, upon request and depending on the damper
size, these controls can be supplied interconnected so
they can be operated by a single servo drive.

Free Cooling Section

This section requires a return fan and a supply fan.
These fans must have three dampers in between to
The AHU panels are manufactured in nominal thickness regulate the volumes of exhaust, return and outside air.
of 25mm & 50mm which are mounted on a frame Therefore, in order to meet their purpose the dampers
composed of an aluminium profile, which outlines the must be motor-driven.
equipment edges precisely.
When the enthalpy of the outside air is less than the
Regardless of the type of structure, all panels on the enthalpy of the recirculated air, i.e., during spring and
access side can be easily dismounted, thereby facilitating autumn, the mixture of outside air and recirculated air is
access to the internal parts of the air handling unit by the controlled to achieve free cooling.
maintenance staff.
Consequently, the relative opening of the dampers
The finished equipment can have a bedplate composed is determined by an enthalpy (or dry temperature)
of channel sections or feet. Based on the project needs, comparator, which sends the respective signal to the
it can also be set on shock absorbers when vibration damper motors.
must be avoided.
Air handling units | 13

In order to ensure the minimum ventilation air required in direct humidification with steam, or other types of
cooling or heating seasons, the outside air inlet damper components.
can be split into two sections (one motor-driven and
another manual that remains fixed). The cross-section Filters
of the damper will be proportional to the minimum One of the purposes of the air handling unit is to ensure
ventilation air flow. the purity of the room air. Air filtering is related to the
This effect can also be achieved more economically by quantity, variety and size of the suspended impurities,
adjusting the stroke of the motor operating the outside the existence of contaminant gases or odours, and the
air damper so it does not close completely. desired filtering efficiency. The various impurities that
can exist in the air are discussed below.
Access Section
This section, which has a hinged access door and is The air contains numerous foreign substances caused by
equipped with an enclosure and handle, is sandwiched natural processes (e.g., wind erosion, sea evaporation,
in the air handling unit configuration to allow access soil movements, volcanic eruptions) and by human
to the lower parts that require surveillance or regular activity (e.g., combustion). Atmospheric dust is a mixture
maintenance. of fog, combustion gases, fine dry particles and fibres.
Air testing normally indicates the presence of soot and
It may also be used to hold any type of auxiliary
smoke, quartz, soil, residue from decomposed animals
component, such as a perforated jet humidifier for
and vegetables, organic substances in the form of
cotton and plant fibres, and metal fragments. The air
also contains other organisms such as micro organisms,
spores and pollen.

Particle size is expressed in microns (10-6 m). Air

contains particles with a thickness of up to 0.01 microns
and other particles with a thickness similar to fibres,
leaves, etc. Dust is generally understood to mean
particles under 100 microns. The particle size distribution
of particles in atmospheric dust can be measured in
several ways. Traditionally, a variety of measurement
methods have been used to determine the efficiency of
the different types of filters and no classification system
combining the various criteria in use existed. The first
Door hinge version of the Unified Standard EN 779 was issued to
unify the classification criteria for all filters with an initial
efficiency with atmospheric dust less than or equal to
98%, (Group G: coarsedust filters; Group F: fine-dust
filters). Later, in 1998 the first version of Unified Standard
EN-1822 unifying the classification criteria for HEPA and
ULPA absolute filters was published. The initial efficiency
of these filters with atmospheric dust is greater than

The standardised range for the BA Air Handling Unit

includes three air filtering sections which, combined
with the wide variety of filtering materials, covering an
extensive range of possibilities in filtering efficiency.

View window Door handle

14 | Air handling units




95,00 1)

90,00 m
50,00 (2
rf ac
30,00 Su





0,01 0,1 1 10 20 µm


Extended surface filters Flexible bag filters

Characterised by a specific type of pleat which produces The flexible bag filters allow a high filtering flow rate
a larger filtering surface. The pleat design, as well as in relation to the front surface area. Constructed with
the alignment between the pleats, ensures uniform air fibreglass (greater efficiency) or synthetic fibre (lower
circulation over the surface of the filtering media. efficiency) filtering media.
The extended surface filter is composed of a frame,
filtering media in zigzag layout, and electrowelded mesh Flexible filters have the following advantages:
to hold the media. Its advantages with respect to flat
filters are:
• Lower power requirement.
• Longer filter renewal interval.
• Greater filtering surface;
• Lower energy costs.
• Reduced front air velocity;
• Lower maintenance.
• Greater efficiency;
• Greater dust retention capacity;
These filters have a medium to high efficiency and
• Reduced front surface.
correspond to Classes F5, F6, F7 and F8 of Group F (fine-
dust filters) as per UNE-EN 779.
The filters correspond to Classes G1, G2, G3 and G4 of
Group G (coarse-dust filters) and Class F5, F6 and F7 for
Group F (fine-dust filters), as per UNE-EN 779.

Extended filter. Flexible filter.

Air handling units | 15

Filters can also be classified as

Classification of filter in accordance with EN779
Class Ability to separate Mean value of the
synthetic dust, Am collecting efficiency, E
m Eurovent 4/5 ASHRAE
G1 50<Am<65 - - -

G2 65<Am<80 - - -

G3 80<Am<90 - EU3 G85

G4 90<Am - EU3 G90

F5 - 40<Em<60 EU5 F45

F6 - 60<Em<80 EU6 F65

F7 - 80<Em<90 EU7 F85

F8 - 90<Em<95 EU8 F95

F9 - 95<Em - -

Rigid bag filters Absolute filters

Rigid bag filters have similar filtering capacity as flexible Require careful installation that guarantees complete air-
bag filters with the following advantages: tightness of all gaskets. They are designed to eliminate
virtually even the smallest particles in the air, i.e., those
• Solid, sturdy construction for fast, easy installation.
in continuous suspension (the smallest of these are only
• Compact, reduced-volume design.
visible using electronic microscopes).
They have a medium to high efficiency and correspond
They are specially recommended for:
to Classes F5, F6, F7, F8 and F9 of Group F (fine-dust
• Hospitals.
filters) as per UNE-EN 779.
• Food industries.
Both the rigid and the flexible bag filters are specially
recommended for: • Pharmaceutical companies.

• Hospitals. • Clean rooms.

• Pharmaceutical companies. • Absolute filtering of air in environments with

controlled contamination.
• Food industries.
They should be installed immediately before the space
• Computer rooms.
requiring this virtually sterile air that these filters can
• Office buildings.
They correspond to Classes H10, H11, H12, H13 and H14
Likewise, both rigid bag filters and the flexible bag of Group H: absolute filter, HEPA and ULPA, as per UNE-
filters of Class F8 and F9 trap particles below 6 microns, EN 1822.
which correspond to the smallest particles of those
in temporary suspension that are visible under a

Rigid filter. Absolute Hepa filters.

16 | Air handling units


Continuous suspension particles Temporal suspension particles Thick particles






Visible under electric microsc. Visible under the microscope Visible under the human eye


ø particles 0,1 1 10 100 1 000 Microns


Drop Speed 0,000035 0,0035 0,296 29,6 395 cm/s


209 a
3 500 100 000

350 10 000

35 1 000 PE
TY 3 5 00
PE 00
3,5 100 10
Particles per cubic foot

TY 0
Particles per litre

0,35 *10 10

0,05 1 5 10 50 100



* Counts below 10 particles per cubic foot (0.35 per litre) are dubious.
Example: admissible particles for a Class 10,000 system:
10.000 per cubic foot, 0,5 microns.
1.200 per cubic foot, 1 micron.
70 per cubic foot, 1 micron.
Air handling units | 17

Reference: Delhi Metro “DMRC”, Delhi, India

The “Delhi Metro” is a new era in the sphere of mass urban transportation in India. These modern
Metro are comfortable, air conditioned and eco-friendly. A revolution in the mass transportation
scenario not only in the National Capital Region but the entire country.
Modular air handling units
Air Distribution Products
Tunnel Ventilation Products
Fire Safety Products

18 | Air handling units

determined by the working width of the interior of the

Heat transfer coils
air handling unit and expressed in mm. The depth of the
The cooling and heating units are composed in the
heating/cooling unit is composed of a specific number
enclosure described above, which contains the tube-and-
of rows of tubes facing the direction of air flow. The
fin heat transfer unit, mounted on a special joint cover.
number of rows is calculated according to the air flow
conditions at the inlet and outlet of the unit, based on
the cooling or heating energy used by the equipment.
The number of rows is defined by a number, followed by
the letter “R”.
Based on the above, a unit designated as 20T 3R 950
20 T Height of 20 tubes, equal to 635 mm;
3 R Depth of three tubes
950 Length of finned coil, in mm.
The standardised Air Handling Unit range uses the
following heating/cooling units:
This range can be used with any cooling or heating fluid
except steam, where the length of the finned coil is
slightly lower, since collectors must be mounted on both
For air cooling processes, units composed of copper pipes
sides of the unit instead of one side only, as normally
and aluminium fins (Cu/Al) are normally used.At the
done with other fluids.e deformed under these conditions
bottom, the cooling section has a aluminium/stainless
due to excessive expansion of the metal.
steel pan for collecting condensation and a small hose
to drain the condensation toward the outside. The pan
is slightly tilted for easier drainage, in order to prevent Heat Recovery
the proliferation of harmful bacteria such as Legionella
Rotating regenerative air-to-air recovery unit
Specially designed to transfer sensitive (temperature)
and latent (humidity) heat from the exhaust air to the
Direct expansion units are also used for cooling. These supply air.
units can be equipped with one or two manifolds. For
The supply air stops in one of the halves of the heat
heating processes, the same type of copper/aluminium
recovery unit, while the exhaust air circulates in
units used for cooling is normally used. If the air might
counterflow through the other half.
contain corrosive chemicals, copper tube and fin (Cu/Cu)
units should be used to improve the corrosion resistance
of the equipment. This type of unit is more expensive
than the copper/aluminium unit.
Electrical heating units can also be installed upon
request, depending on the customer’s needs.

Copper tube and aluminium fin heating/cooling

This class of heating/cooling unit is most commonly
installed in air handling units and is composed of a coil of
copper pipes covered with thin aluminium fins to greatly
increase the primary heat transfer surface of the tube,
due to the large transfer surface of the fins.
When the impeller turns, the small air flowing channels
The front air velocity surface (Afo) expressed in m2 is
comprising the impeller are alternately in contact with
determined by the dimensions (width x height) of the air
clean air and with return air, transmitting heat and
handling unit internally.
moisture from one circuit to the other.
The maximum horizontal length of the finned coil is
Air handling units | 19

Static recovery unit heat recovery systems:

• Reduced heating plant power, minimising equipment
sizes in terms of boilers, fuel tank, circulating pumps,
heat pipes and heating units.
• Reduced cooling plant size (compressors and
condensers or cooling towers), circulating pumps, pipe
grid and cooling units. Savings in operating power
consumption for heat and cold generation.
Any of the recovery systems mentioned in this section
can be installed upon request only, as they are not
included in the BA standardised range.

Designed with air-to-air crossflow to transfer sensitive

(temperature) heat; in this type of heat recovery unit, the
supply air is completely separate from the exhaust air, in This section is composed of a centrifugal fan with an
order to prevent any type of contamination from one air anchor bedplate, drive and electric motor or plug-fan.
stream to the other. The centrifugal fan motor assembly is mounted on
• Heat transfer takes place through the plate separating Silentbloc bushings and the discharge outlet is joined to
the two streams. the opening in the enclosure by means of a flexible fire
retardant synthetic seal.
• Two adjacent plates form a small duct for exhaust or
supply air. This allows the unit to run without external transmission
of the small vibrations normally caused by fan motor
• The plate-to-plate distance varies, depending on the size
and efficiency requirements.

Centrifugal fan
Run around heat pipe There are three types of fans that cover all needs: the
Designed to transfer sensitive (temperature) heat, using forward and aerofoil models for low pressures and the
units manufactured with copper pipes and aluminium fins backward for medium and high pressures.
The method is simple and economic, as the return air
flows through one of the units, heating the water that
circulates inside and is then exhausted.
The outside air flows through the other unit, which heats
the air while it cools the circulating water, with the latter
heated again in the return circuit, creating a continuous
sensitive-heat recovery cycle in the air.
Forward curve fan. Backward curve fan.

Once the fan model is selected, check the respective

behaviour curve to obtain the unique characteristics.
Based on two essential factors (air flow and total static
pressure), the following is obtained:
•  Revolutions per minute
•  Efficiency, in %
•  Input power at the shaft, in kW;
•  Mean sound power level of the octave bands, in dB;
•  Air outlet velocity, in m/s;
In order to ensure proper system operation in winter,
facilities with an extremely low outside air temperature •  Dynamic pressure, in mm w.g.
must use glycol water. •  Peripheral velocity, in m/s.
Benefits achieved from the installation of any of these
20 | Air handling units

Plug fan Special design: -30/+60 ˚C.

Plug fan built into an acoustically insulated air handling All fans are fully balanced both statically and
unit. A plug fan supplies air at the fan section outlet dynamically. The fan and motor are built on a stable base
with a low and even air speed. In certain situations it frame that is connected to the unit casing with rubber
can, therefore, be an advantage to position air handling vibration isolators. These are designed for high levels of
components on the outlet side of the fan. vibration absorption.
The fan inlet is flexible connected to the unit casing. This
ensures a good vibration absorption.

EC fan
The EC fan is equipped with a Single Inlet Centrifugal
Impeller with High Efficiency Backward curved blades
and external rotor EC (Electronically Commutated) motor,
Plug fan.

Single inlet plug fan with open outlet into the air
handling unit. The fan impeller is fitted directly to the
motor shaft. This fan type has low sound power levels in
the lower frequencies. Efficiency up to 75%.
The motor is supplied with a 1-speed motor. In order to EC fan.

regulate the fan speed to its actual operating point the

motor must be fitted with a frequency converter.
energy optimized for operation without spiral housing for
The frequency converter can continuously control the fan high efficiency and favourable acoustic behaviour. The
speed and airflow. Power consumption can be greatly high efficiency backward curved impeller with rotating
reduced by operating the fan at lower speed. diffuser, made of high performance composite material
Operating temperatures: / welded aluminum sheet material, with external rotor
Standard design: -10/+40 ˚C motor balanced together statically and dynamically


Aerofoil Fans

Most efficient of the centrifugal fans General ventilation/air conditioning

Most efficient operating conditions are achieved with maxi-

Mainly large systems
mum flow of 40-50%

Power is also peaked at the maximum efficiency level Significant energy savings in large industrial fresh air systems
Backward Curved

Efficiency is slightly lower General ventilation/air conditioning


Certain industrial applications where air foil fans might be

Similar efficiency with Aerofoil fan
exposed to corrosion and wear

Fan should not be operated on the right side of maximum

Mainly for low pressure ventilation/air conditioning applications
Forward Curved

Most efficient operating conditions are achieved with maxi-

mum f low of 50-60%

Lower maximum efficiency than the other centrifugal fans

Air handling units | 21

according to DIN ISO 1940 Part 1. Panel humidifier

The EC fan is capable of being fitted in horizontal Composed of a standardised enclosure, including a
or vertical position in the AHU, depending on the stainless steel drip pan at the bottom.
application. Inlet cone is provided with a nozzle for The enclosure houses the humidifier panel, which has
volume flow measurement of the fan. crosswise corrugated channels to ensure minimum air
resistance as well as a large contact surface between
the air and water, thereby releasing moisture into the
Silencers circulating air.

The baffles of the silencer section are constructed of The top of the panel contains a water manifold, to which
natural galvanized steel sheet, with a peak at the air the water is pumped through the pipework from the drip
inlet end to decrease the head loss. The baffles are also pan by means of a small submersible electrical pump.
filled with a sound-insulating material composed of Water is distributed vertically downwards by gravity,
fibreglass with an appropriate density. This material is coating the entire inner panel surface with an extremely
also heat-resistant and its outer face is protected against fine film. As the air flows by the panel horizontally
air erosion. through the spaces provided, turbulent flow conditions
are established, thereby resulting in efficient transfer of
There are two options:
heat and moisture.
• PA. The sound insulation is protected against erosion
due to air flow by a flame-retardant protective layer.
Air scrubber, composed of an enclosure with a large drip
This is the most common approach in ventilation and
pan at the bottom. The tray contains enough water to
air conditioning systems.
create steady state conditions in the scrubber system
• PAM. Similar to PA, but with an additional polyester-
and is equipped with hoses to connect the circulating
film coating (Melinex).
pump (supplied when requested by the client) and water
Used for applications with acidic, alkaline or oily supply, drain and overflow fittings.
gases, as it can be steam-cleaned.
Recommended for hospitals, since bacterial colony The water travels through a distribution branch with
formation is not possible. spray nozzles. Two distribution branches may be used to
These two models can be constructed with four lengths increase the efficiency of the humidifier.
of baffle.

A drop separator with blades designed to hold drops in

the air is installed on the air outlet side, ensuring that no
Humidifier drops are carried to other sections.

Two different types of air humidifiers can be installed in

BA air handling units. In both cases, the units are adiaba-
Air cooler application
tic humidifiers.
The above example shows that this type of panel may be
used as a cooling medium, since its behaviour is typical
of an adiabatic cooling or constant enthalpy process.
Based on the above data, when heat dissipation of
200,000, kcal/h is needed in a space where the inside
temperature should be maintained at no more than
29ºC, it is possible to calculate the air flow that should be
introduced and therefore also removed from the local.
The air flow required will be:


22 | Air handling units

In order to calculate the humidifier’s efficiency, use the The saturation efficiency will be:
following formula to determine the saturation efficiency


SE = ________ X 100

This percentage is reasonable, since the maximum level
Where: that can be expected from this type of humidifier is
Tse = dry bulb temperature of inlet air. 90%, as shown in actual practice.
Tss = dry bulb temperature of outlet air. When this example is applied to a specific case in
Th = wet-bulb temperature of air. which an air flow of 30000 m3/h, is circulating and the
moisture content of the air at the inlet (xe) is 8.6 g/kg
Based on the psychrometric chart (a diagram is shown
and at the output (xs) is 14.4 g/kg, then the amount of
on this page), air with inlet conditions of 38º C (Tse)
moisture added is:
and 21º C (Th) is converted in the humidifier finding the
process at the wet-bulb line of 21º C until reaching an
outlet temperature of 24º C (Tss).

Air handling units | 23

Control System

BA AHU is available with preinstalled, preconfigured

& fully integrated control system. It is a user friendly
system where functions & parameters can be selected
from the inbuilt Human machine interface (HMI) of the
controller or through building management system. The
operating data, set points, alarms, operating status &
time settings are displayed on the controller.
The control system is preloaded with design tempera-
ture, relative humidity, pressure drops etc., time settings
& control sequence which simplifies field commissioning.
The set points can be modified in the field if required.
The control system is capable of performing various
function such as

• Temperature control for supply air or room conditions.

• Relative humidity control
• Dew point control
• Constant air volume control for supply air
• Enthalpy control
• Excessive pressure drop alarm
• Heat recovery control
• Run around coil heat exchanger control
• Electric heater control
• Cooling/heating coil water flow control
• Integration of DX coil with outdoor condensing unit
• Fresh/return/bypass/mixing/supply air damper control
• Redundancy control for EC fans
• AHU shut off from external fire signal
• Open protocol (BACnet/Modbus over RS 485/LON) to
communicate with all Building Management Systems.
• Possibility to access the control system remotely
through WEB
• Possibility to add additional control/alarm points as per
customer’s need
• Logging of various parameters
• VAV integration
24 | Air handling units

Selection Tools
We have developed this overview to make it easier for you to get an idea of which product best suits your
specific needs. More detailed analysis or planning usually requires additional information, which is where
the following tools come in.

Software Program
BA Selection Program named SystemairBAAHU is tested
& certified by EUROVENT.
• customers can chosse various construction/
manufacturing options viz. sheet thickness, insulating
materials, fin material , manifols material etc.
• customers can design unit sections based on required
application viz. mixing section, filteration level,
recovery section, coolinh / heating section & choose
fan/ motor of their choice.
• it actaully lets customers decide sectional possibilities
in order to decide the dimensions of space required to
place a unit.
• Divide the equipment into modules, in accordance with
the project requirements;
• Obtain all technical information for the equipment
selected, including the curves for the selected fan and
its operating point;
• Estimate the cost of the equipment.
The BA Selection Program is user-friendly and highly

Product catalogue and

specification data

More detailed technical information, sufficient

to carry out complete planning, is available in
separate catalogues and specification data.
These describe all incorporated functions, avail-
able accessories, and additional technical data.
Air handling units | 25

Quick Selection
1. These fast selection criteria are included to help the user choose the equipment for the design specifications.
Nevertheless, this selection method is not precise enough to indicate the equipment that best fits your
requirements. If more precise information is necessary, please use our computer-aided selection program or
our Sales Department can be contacted.

2. The following formula must be used to determine the air velocity (m/s):

Flow rate m3/s

Air velocity = = m/s
Afo m2

3. The data used to determine the number of rows of the units are based on the following values:

inlet air 26,4ºC, 48,4% RH.

outlet air 13,0ºC, 92,0% RH.

inlet air 18,0ºC

outlet air 30,0ºC.

4. The fan features refer to operation in facilities with free inlet and ducted supply outlet, and do not take into
account any air flow fittings.

5. The absolute fan power consumption does not include losses attributable to the drive.
26 | Air handling units

Air Handling Unit Selection (BA)

BA 130
BA 117
BA 100
BA 92
BA 82
BA 71
BA 68S
BA 68
BA 65
BA 61
BA 54
BA 51
BA 48
BA 43
BA 41
BA 37
BA 34
BA 32
BA 31
BA 29
BA 27

0 20000 40000 60000 80000 100000 120000 140000 160000 180000 200000

BA 26
BA 24
BA 22
BA 20
BA 19
BA 17
BA 15
BA 14
BA 12
BA 10
BA 9
BA 7
BA 6
BA 5
BA 4
BA 3
BA 2
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000 35000 40000

SELECTION DIAGRAM Air flow rate, in m3/h.

Air handling units | 27

Selection in a sample project Pressure drops in mm w.g.

Air velocity, m/s
Horizontal air handling unit, composed of the following Section
2.50 2.75 3.00 3.25 3.50
E 2 2 3 3 4
• Air mixture.
M 2 2 3 3 4
• Extended surface filters. FC 2 2 3 3 4
• Cooling unit based on chilled water. F 9 11 13 15 18

• Hot-water heating unit. FB 19 23 27

FA 56 58 60
• Low-pressure fan section.
S-234 (700 mm) 2 2 3 3 4
Technical data: S-334 (1050 mm) 2 3 3 4 5
• Air flow rate: 19,200 m3/h; S-434 (1400 mm) 3 3 4 4 5
• External static pressure: 45 mm w.g.; S-534 (1750 mm) 3 4 4 5 6
HP 11 13 15
• Cooling power: 107 kw;
HL 8 9 10
• Chilled water temperature: 7ºC;
BF 2R 5 6
• Temp. difference of chilled water: 5ºC; BF 3R 7 8
• Conditions of inlet air: 26.4ºC BS, 48.4% RH; BF 4R 9 10 NOTUSED
• Conditions of outlet air: 14ºC BS, 86.2% RH; BF 5R 10 12
BF 6R 12 14
• Temperature rise of motor: approx. 1ºC;
BC 1R 3 3 4 4 5
• Heating power: 196 kw;
BC 2R 4 5 6 7 7
• Hot water temperature: 85ºC; BC 3R 6 7 8 9 10
• Temp. difference of heated water: 15ºC; BC 4R 7 8 9 11 12
• Conditions of inlet air: 18.0ºC BS;
Code Section
• Conditions of outlet air: 26.4ºC BS. E Air inlet
M Air mixture
FC Free Cooling
F Extended surface filters
BA Air Handling Unit Selection FB Bag filters
FA Absolute filters
Using the quick selection table, the appropriate model for
BF Cooling unit
a flow rate of air of 19,200 m3/h and an air velocity of BC Heating unit
2.7 m/s is the A Access
BA-20 with a cross sectional area (afo) of 2.22 m2. HP Panel humidifier
Step 1: HL Air scrubber humidifier
V Fan
To determine the air velocity through the unit:
S Silencer
First, divide the flow rate of air expressed in m3/h by
3600 seconds to obtain the flow rate of air in m3/s:
Determination of the number of rows in the unit
19.200 / 3.600 = 5,33 m3/s
Divide this flow rate, in m3/s, by the afo for the BA-20 air CALEFACCIÓN
Heating, water 85/70º Cooling, water 7/12º
Air velocity Air velocity
handling unit, in m2, to obtain the air velocity in m/s: 2.5 3.0 3.5 m/s. 2.0 2.5 3.0 m/s.

Air velocity through heating/cooling unit= 5,33/2,22 = KCAL/HR. KCAL/HR.

2,4 m/s 600.000
Step 2: 500.000
To determine the number of rows and depth of each 6R
400.000 110.000
cooling and heating unit, with an air velocity of 2.4 m/s: 4R 5R
300.000 100.000
Cooling, water at 7-12ºC, 99100 -kcal/h = 4R 3R
4R 90.000
Heating, water 85/70ºC, 69120 kcal/h = 1R 80.000
1R 3R
28 | Air handling units

Step 3: The input power can then be used to calculate the motor
Determine the static pressure of the air handling unit by output:
adding the various pressure drops for the unit for an air Motor output = 6.0 kw. x 1.2 = 7.5 kw (10HP)
velocity of 2.4 m/s: Step 5:
• Air mixing section (M) 30 pa Determine the dimensions and weight of the air handling
• Extended surface filter section (F) 72 pa unit:
• Heating unit (BC) 2R 35 pa
Section Dimensions Weights
• Cooling unit (BF) 4R 85 pa
______________ M 550 mm 104 kg
F 0 mm 8 kg
Total sum for the air handling unit 24 mm w.g.
BC (2 R) 175 mm 60 kg
• Available static pressure 45 mm w.g.
______________ BF (4 R) 580 mm 215 kg
V 1215 mm 382 kg
Total static pressure 69 mm w.g.

Step 4: ___________________________________

Determine the operating conditions of the fan, in this TOTAL 2478 mm 769 kg
case for low speed, 560 model, on the respective curves: The air handling unit will have the following dimensions
The pressures indicated on the curves are “total and weight:
pressures”. Therefore, the dynamic pressure (Pd) for Length 2478 mm
19,200 m3/h of air flow must be added to the static Width 2154 mm
pressure obtained earlier: Height 1542 mm
Total pressure (Pd + Pe) = 6.6 mm + 69 rnm =76.28mmw.g. Weight 746 kg
Total pressure (Pt)76.28 mm w.g. = 76.28 x 9,80665 = 740 Pa The air outlet mouth air are 715 x 715 mm.
The following values are obtained from the intersection The air inlets are 505 x 415 and 858 x 815 mm.
of the air flowrate and total pressure:
Revolutions: 776 r.p.m.
Input power: 6.2 kw $'+

Sound power: 87 dB ' ,$ 0 ( 7 5 2 * ,5 $ 1 7 ( PP : + ( ( / ' ,$ 0 ( 7 ( 5

3 2 7 ( 1 = $ & 8 6 & ,1 ( 7 7 ,
Efficiency: 64 %

% ( $ 5 ,1 * 3 2 : ( 5
U .J P
Air outlet velocity: 10.4 m/s
1 P

5 ( 1 ' 7 2 7 9 /$ ,0 3 ( / / ( 5 7 2 7 $ / ( ) )
72 7$/ 3 5 ( 6 6 8 5 (

/ 5

* ,5 , P
5 30
/ 5 . . .

Sections Kg Sections Kg 5

E 26 HP 100 2

M 33 HL 190 0

FC 56 V (w/o motor) 53 7

F 22 BF 2R 46 4

FB 40 BF 3R 51 2

FA 55 BF 4R 55
A (Each 175-mm clear) 11 BF 5R 59
S-234 (700 mm) 32 BF 6R 63
S-334 (1050 mm) 37 BC 1R 29
S-434 (1400 mm) 42 BC 2R 33
S-534 (1750 mm) 47 BC 3R 38
BC 4R 42
Bedplate - weight per metre 16
3 5 ( 6 6 ,2 1 ( 7 2 7 $ / (

/ : $ LQ G % $

Power (HP) Kg Power (HP) Kg P V

0,33 5 1,5 16 ;

0,5 5 2 16


Air handling units | 29

Reference: Airport “CIAL”, Cochin, India

Cochin International airport is a mega HVAC project, designed as a 2 level terminal with arrival at
ground level and departure on first level. Having provision for 112 check-in counters, 100 immi-
gration counters, 19 boarding gates, 15 aerobridges, capable to handle 15 aircrafts during peak
Modular AHU with heat recovery wheel
Air Distribution Products
Fire Safety Products
Air Curtains

30 | Air handling units

Unit dimensions with centrifugal fans

In order to facilitate the work of designing an air handling unit based on the numerous options available, we have
provided specifications for the most common unit combinations. These examples should help to speed up the process
of designing your preferred unit with the right functions. Choose the unit version that best matches your preferences.

= outdoor air = supply air = extract air = exhaust air


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 - 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405
Panel 25
height 1246 1550 1550 1850 1850 1850 1880 - 1880 2358 2358 2668 2968 2984 2984 2984 2984 3348 3348

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 - 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405
Panel 50
height 1246 1550 1550 1850 1850 1850 1880 - 1880 2358 2358 2668 2968 2984 2984 2984 2984 3348 3348

Length 2805 2805 2805 2980 2980 2980 2980 - 2980 2980 3330 3330 3330 3330 3565 3740 3740 3740 3740
Weight 394 435 454 565 607 641 668 - 727 824 1049 1178 1312 1392 1592 1748 1837 2045 2080

Length 2865 2865 2865 2865 2865 2865 3040 - 3040 3040 3215 3390 3565 3390 3565 3565 3740 3740 3740
Weight 409 453 468 573 616 647 742 - 806 964 1069 1221 1423 1442 1643 1732 1895 2113 2148

Length 3330 3330 3330 3330 3330 3505 3505 - 3505 3505 3680 3855 3855 3855 4090 4090 4265 4265 4265
Weight 426 476 489 561 605 696 728 - 799 907 1116 1274 1417 1567 1713 1809 1977 2203 2243

Length 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 3565 3565 - 3565 3565 3740 3915 3915 3915 4090 4090 4265 4265 4265
Weight 442 495 509 584 629 725 757 - 875 1032 1157 1321 1468 1621 1768 1867 2040 2277 2317

Length 3330 3330 3330 3680 3680 3680 3680 - 3680 3680 3855 4030 4030 4030 4265 4265 4440 4440 4440
Weight 422 468 487 598 659 700 752 - 816 916 1076 1226 1329 1444 1645 1717 1895 2109 2144

Length 3390 3390 3390 3740 3740 3740 3740 - 3740 3740 3915 4090 4090 4090 4265 4265 4440 4440 4440
Weight 439 487 507 623 686 741 781 - 848 953 1116 1272 1378 1497 1699 1774 1957 2181 2216

Length 3855 3855 3855 4030 4030 4205 4205 - 4205 4205 4205 4555 4555 4555 4790 4615 4965 4965 4965
Weight 454 509 522 594 657 755 812 - 888 999 1143 1322 1434 1619 1766 1778 2035 2267 2307

Length 3915 3915 3915 4265 4265 4440 4265 - 4265 4265 4440 4615 4440 4615 4790 4790 4965 4965 4965
Weight 472 529 548 634 699 819 796 - 917 1021 1204 1372 1423 1676 1824 1909 2102 2345 2385

Length 3330 3330 3330 3680 3680 3680 3680 - 3680 3680 3855 4030 4030 4030 4265 4265 4440 4440 4440
Weight 436 482 502 615 677 718 770 - 836 938 1098 1250 1341 1518 1659 1731 1910 2125 2160

Length 3390 3390 3390 3740 3740 3740 3740 - 3740 3740 3915 4090 4090 4090 4265 4265 4440 4440 4440
Weight 453 503 523 640 704 747 801 - 869 976 1140 1298 1392 1511 1714 1789 1972 2198 2233

Length 3855 3855 3855 4030 4030 4205 4205 - 4205 4205 4205 4555 4555 4555 4790 4615 4965 4965 4965
Weight 468 523 537 611 675 773 830 - 908 1021 1165 1346 1446 1693 1780 1792 2050 2283 2323

Length 3915 3915 3915 4265 4265 4440 4265 - 4265 4265 4440 4615 4440 4615 4790 4790 4965 4965 4965
Weight 486 545 564 651 717 825 816 - 938 1044 1228 1398 1437 1690 1839 1924 2117 2362 2402

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

Air handling units | 31


Dim. 26 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130

width 2259 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 - 3386 3685 - - - - -

height 3630 3653 3676 4250 3676 3676 4060 4250 4910 4910 5220 5520 5520 5520 - 5520 5520 - - - - -

width 2259 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 - 3386 3685 - - - - -

height 3630 3653 3676 4250 3676 3676 4060 4250 4910 4910 5220 5520 5520 5520 - 5520 5520 - - - - -

Length 3740 3740 3740 4265 4265 4265 4500 4675 5025 5025 5375 5375 5375 5550 - 5550 5550 - - - - -
Weight 2165 2252 2339 2985 3030 3061 3301 3507 4028 4144 4622 4887 5278 5437 - 5604 6392 - - - - -

Length 3740 3740 3740 4265 4265 4265 4500 4675 4675 5025 5375 5375 5375 5550 - 5550 5550 - - - - -
Weight 2233 2323 2413 3073 3090 3149 3317 3609 3786 4263 4755 5024 5335 5626 - 6261 6579 - - - - -

Length 4265 4265 4265 4790 4790 4790 5200 5375 5375 5725 5900 5900 5900 6075 - 6075 6250 - - - - -
Weight 2334 2429 2524 3185 3206 3271 3467 3768 3953 4442 4835 5037 5283 5696 - 5953 6717 - - - - -

Length 4265 4265 4265 4790 4790 4790 5200 5375 5550 5725 5900 5900 5900 6075 - 6250 6250 - - - - -
Weight 2408 2506 2604 3280 3301 3366 3571 3879 4305 4570 4972 5178 5433 5855 - 6577 6894 - - - - -

Length 4440 4440 4440 4965 4965 5140 5200 5375 5375 6075 6075 6075 6075 6250 - 6250 6250 - - - - -
Weight 2229 2317.5 2406 3056 3073 3173 3296 3583 3755 4574 4706 4973 5200 5626 - 5926 6491 - - - - -

Length 4440 4440 4440 4965 4965 5140 5200 5375 5725 6075 6075 6075 6075 6250 - 6250 6250 - - - - -
Weight 2302 2393 2484 3149 3165 3267 3396 3690 4156 4705 4919 5116 5352 5787 - 6092 6669 - - - - -

Length 4965 4965 4965 5490 5490 5665 5900 6075 5725 6775 6600 6600 6600 6775 - 6775 6950 - - - - -
Weight 2398 2494.5 2591 3256 3249 3383 3462 3844 3680 4872 4919 5123 5205 5885 - 6275 6816 - - - - -

Length 4965 4965 4965 5490 5490 5665 5900 6075 6600 6775 6600 6600 6600 6775 - 6950 6950 - - - - -
Weight 2477 2576 2675 3356 3376 3484 3650 3960 4675 5012 5136 5270 5450 6016 - 6408 6984 - - - - -

Length 4440 4440 4440 4965 4965 5140 5200 5375 5375 6075 6075 6075 6075 6250 - 6250 6250 - - - - -
Weight 2245 2325.5 2406 3056 3101 3173 3296 3559 3755 4574 4781 4973 5200 5626 - 5926 6491 - - - - -

Length 4440 4440 4440 4965 4965 5140 5200 5375 5375 6075 6075 6075 6075 6250 - 6250 6250 - - - - -
Weight 2319 2401.5 2484 3149 3165 3267 3396 3666 3871 4705 4919 5116 5352 5787 - 6092 6669 - - - - -

Length 4965 4965 4965 5490 5490 5665 5900 6075 5725 6775 6600 6600 6600 6775 - 6775 6950 - - - - -
Weight 2414 2502.5 2591 3256 3277 3383 3462 3820 3680 4872 4994 5123 5205 5885 - 6275 6816 - - - - -

Length 4965 4965 4965 5490 5490 5665 5900 6075 6250 6775 6600 6600 6600 6775 - 6950 6950 - - - - -
Weight 2494 2584.5 2675 3356 3376 3484 3650 3936 4390 5012 5136 5270 5450 6016 - 6408 6984 - - - - -

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

32 | Air handling units


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 - 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 25
height 1246 1550 1550 1850 1850 1850 1880 - 1880 2358 2358 2668 2968 2984 2984 2984 2984 3348 3348 3630

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 - 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 50
height 1246 1550 1550 1850 1850 1850 1880 - 1880 2358 2358 2668 2968 2984 2984 2984 2984 3348 3348 3630

Length 3330 3330 3330 3330 3330 3330 3330 - 3330 3505 3680 4380 4380 4555 4615 4790 4790 4790 4790 4790
Weight 395 457 491 562 612 666 706 - 765 888 979 1293 1403 1525 1571 1738 1817 2021 2038 2065

Length 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 3390 - 3390 3565 3740 4440 4615 4965 5140 5140 4790 4790 4965 4965
Weight 413 477 513 586 639 695 736 - 797 925 1006 1343 1503 1719 1781 1961 1964 2207 2299 2277

Length 3855 3855 3855 3680 3680 3855 3855 - 3855 4030 4030 4905 4905 5080 5140 5140 5315 5315 5315 5315
Weight 427 498 526 558 610 721 766 - 837 971 1046 1389 1508 1700 1692 1799 1957 2179 2201 2234

Length 3915 3915 3915 3915 3915 4090 3915 - 3915 4090 4265 4965 4965 5490 5665 5665 5315 5315 5490 5490
Weight 446 519 554 597 652 773 751 - 866 993 1094 1443 1548 1898 1906 2096 2109 2371 2468 2452

Length 3680 3680 4030 4030 4030 4030 4030 - 4205 4205 4380 5080 5255 5430 5840 5840 5840 5490 5490 5840
Weight 395 462 487 552 601 654 693 - 780 880 971 1282 1437 1561 1687 1842 1976 2141 2145 2290

Length 3740 3740 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 - 4090 4265 4440 5140 5490 5490 5840 5840 5490 5490 5490 5665
Weight 413 482 505 577 637 687 723 - 782 918 998 1333 1513 1621 1751 1928 1928 2155 2215 2290

Length 4205 4205 4555 4380 4380 4555 4555 - 4730 4730 4730 5605 5780 5955 6365 6190 6365 6015 6015 6365
Weight 427 503 522 548 599 709 753 - 852 963 1038 1378 1542 1736 1808 1903 2116 2299 2308 2459

Length 4265 4265 4615 4615 4615 4790 4615 - 4615 4790 4965 5665 5840 6015 6365 6365 6015 6015 6015 6190
Weight 446 524 546 588 650 765 738 - 851 986 1086 1433 1558 1800 1876 2063 2073 2319 2384 2465

Length 3680 3680 4030 4030 4030 4030 4030 - 4030 4205 4380 5080 5255 5605 5840 5840 5840 5490 5490 5665
Weight 383 442 483 552 610 659 693 - 750 880 971 1282 1437 1595 1687 1861 1976 2084 2137 2210

Length 3740 3740 4090 4090 4090 4090 4090 - 4090 4265 4440 5140 5315 5490 5490 5490 5840 5490 5490 5665
Weight 400 462 505 577 628 683 723 - 782 918 998 1315 1493 1625 1752 1928 2047 2163 2215 2290

Length 4205 4205 4555 4380 4380 4555 4555 - 4555 4730 4730 5605 5780 6130 6365 6190 6365 6015 6015 6190
Weight 415 483 518 548 608 714 753 - 822 963 1038 1378 1542 1770 1808 1922 2116 2242 2300 2379

Length 4265 4265 4615 4615 4615 4790 4615 - 4615 4790 4965 5665 5665 6015 6015 6015 6365 6015 6015 6190
433 504 546 588 641 761 738 - 851 986 1086 1415 1538 1804 1877 2063 2192 2327 2384 2465

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

Air handling units | 33


Dim. 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 - 3386 3685 - - - - -
height 3653 3676 4250 3676 3676 4060 4250 4910 4910 5220 5520 5520 5520 - 5520 5520 - - - - -

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 - 3386 3685 - - - - -
height 3653 3676 4250 3676 3676 4060 4250 4910 4910 5220 5520 5520 5520 - 5520 5520 - - - - -

Length 4965 5140 5665 5315 5840 6425 7475 7475 7475 7475 7475 8175 8350 - 8525 8525 - - - - -
Weight 2279.5 2494 2799 2705 3068 3607 4076 4352 4489 4833 4975 5631 6268 - 6246 6622 - - - - -

Length 5052.5 5140 5665 5840 7065 6425 7475 6425 7475 7475 7475 7650 8350 - 8525 8525 - - - - -
Weight 2430.5 2584 2899 3131 3553 3722 4200 4080 4628 5084 5242 5569 6458 - 6444 6833 - - - - -

Length 5490 5665 6190 5840 6365 7125 8175 7825 8175 8000 8000 8700 8875 - 9050 9225 - - - - -
Weight 2456.5 2679 2999 2881 3278 3773 4337 4277 4787 5046 5125 5636 6527 - 6595 6947 - - - - -

Length 5577.5 5665 6190 6365 7590 7125 8175 7300 8175 8000 8000 8175 8875 - 9225 9225 - - - - -
Weight 2613.5 2775 3106 3342 3770 3976 4470 4599 4935 5301 5396 5667 6687 - 6760 7148 - - - - -

Length 6015 6190 6365 6540 6540 6775 8175 8175 8175 8175 8175 8875 9050 - 9225 9225 - - - - -
Weight 2394.5 2499 2742 2941 3014 3260 4066 4289 4489 4843 4975 5631 6003 - 6260 6622 - - - - -

Length 5752.5 5840 6365 6540 6540 6775 8175 8175 8875 8175 8175 8875 9050 - 9225 9225 - - - - -
Weight 2404 2518 2899 3131 3170 3368 4200 4497 4930 4990 5232 5814 6458 - 6444 6833 - - - - -

Length 6540 6715 6890 7065 7065 7475 8875 8525 8875 8700 8700 9400 9575 - 9750 9925 - - - - -
Weight 2571.5 2684 2942 3117 3224 3426 4327 4214 4787 5056 5125 5636 6262 - 6609 6947 - - - - -

Length 6277.5 6365 6890 7065 7065 7475 8875 9050 9575 8700 8700 9400 9575 - 9925 9925 - - - - -
Weight 2587 2709 3106 3342 3387 3622 4470 5016 5237 5207 5386 5912 6687 - 6760 7148 - - - - -

Length 5752.5 5840 6365 6540 7765 7125 8175 8175 8175 8175 8175 8875 9050 - 9225 9225 - - - - -
Weight 2321 2432 2799 3030 3437 3607 4066 4352 4489 4833 4975 5631 6268 - 6246 6622 - - - - -

Length 5752.5 5840 6365 6015 6540 6775 8175 8175 8175 8175 8175 8875 9050 - 9225 9225 - - - - -
Weight 2404 2518 2899 2800 3170 3368 4210 4497 4638 4990 5137 5814 6458 - 6444 6833 - - - - -

Length 6277.5 6365 6890 7065 8290 7825 8875 8525 8875 8700 8700 9400 9575 - 9750 9925 - - - - -
Weight 2498 2617 2999 3206 3647 3773 4327 4277 4787 5046 5125 5636 6527 - 6595 6947 - - - - -

Length 6277.5 6365 6890 6540 7065 7475 8875 9050 8875 8700 8700 9400 9575 - 9925 9925 - - - - -
2587 2709 3106 3011 3387 3622 4480 5016 4945 5207 5291 5912 6687 - 6760 7148 - - - - -

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

34 | Air handling units


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 25
height 1346 1650 1650 1950 1950 1950 1980 1780 1980 2458 2458 2768 3068 3084 3084 3084 3084 3448 3448 3730

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 50
height 1346 1650 1650 1950 1950 1950 1980 1780 1271 2458 2458 2768 3068 3084 3084 3084 3084 3448 3448 3730

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 324 377 419 487 543 591 639 594 730 839 929 1050 1241 1325 1437 1571 1656 1836 1929 2014

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 337 393 437 510 565 614 663 623 758 870 963 1087 1283 1370 1482 1619 1707 1896 1990 2076

Length 3210 3210 3385 3385 3385 3385 3385 3385 3385 3560 3560 3560 3735 3910 3930 3930 3930 3930 3930 4280
Weight 359 416 462 533 594 647 701 653 792 916 1015 1146 1337 1474 1559 1703 1814 2013 2094 2223

Length 3230 3230 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580 3580 3580 3755 3930 3930 3930 3930 3930 3930 3930
374 433 482 558 622 678 727 685 822 950 1051 1187 1382 1523 1608 1756 1870 2079 2161 2212


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 25
height 673 825 825 975 975 975 990 890 990 1229 1229 1384 1534 1542 1542 1542 1542 1724 1724 1865

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 50
height 673 825 825 975 975 975 990 890 281 1229 1229 1384 1534 1542 1542 1542 1542 1724 1724 1865

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 146 170 190 219 244 266 290 266 332 381 421 477 568 605 650 720 758 839 894 914

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 152 177 198 231 258 276 300 281 345 395 436 494 587 626 670 742 781 866 922 942

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 178 207 229 268 299 325 349 328 398 458 508 573 673 720 787 851 898 997 1035 1100

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
185 216 239 279 307 338 363 342 413 475 527 593 696 744 812 877 926 1030 1068 1134

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

Air handling units | 35


Dim. 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 3753 3776 4350 3776 3776 4160 4350 5010 5010 5320 5620 5620 5620 3776 5620 5620 4340 5010 5010 5620 6060

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 3753 3776 4350 3776 3776 4160 4350 5010 5010 5320 5620 5620 5620 3776 5620 5620 4340 5010 5010 5620 6060

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 2162 2310 2776 2990 3040 3193 3362 3549 3784 4108 4374 4838 4995 4659 5317 5551 5241 5804 6531 8314 7915

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
Weight 2227.5 2379 2859 3073 3124 3294 3455 3650 3888 4218 4489 4970 5131 4807 5458 5702 5416 6071 6507 8547 8154

Length 4367.5 4455 4455 4630 4630 4825 4825 4825 4825 5000 5000 5000 5175 4650 5175 5175 4825 4825 4825 5000 5175
Weight 2368 2513 2927 3020 3076 3453 3626 3892 4147 4448 4730 5120 5360 4864 5631 5880 5728 6400 6736 8790 8511

Length 4192.5 4455 4455 4455 4630 4825 4825 4825 4825 4825 5000 5175 5175 4650 5175 5175 4825 4825 4825 5000 5175
2400.5 2589 3016 3058 3166 3561 3790 4003 4261 4462 4857 5329 5502 5024 5778 6037 5918 6685 7000 9030 8759


Dim. 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 1876.5 1888 2175 1888 1888 2080 2175 2505 2505 2660 2810 2810 2810 1888 2810 2810 2170 2505 2505 2810 3030

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 1876.5 1888 2175 1888 1888 2080 2175 2505 2505 2660 2810 2810 2810 1888 2810 2810 2170 2505 2505 2810 3030

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 1003.5 1093 1407 1424 1446 1517 1596 1692 1838 1927 2120 2249 2319 2199 2472 2578 2473 2738 2922 4312 3627

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
Weight 1033.5 1125 1448 1464 1487 1572 1641 1741 1889 1980 2177 2310 2382 2271 2537 2648 2564 2912 3075 4423 3737

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 1158.5 1217 1369 1566 1594 1676 1766 1857 1946 2181 2254 2589 2676 2460 2845 2973 2768 3066 3609 4002 4288

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
1194 1254 1411 1609 1637 1722 1814 1909 1999 2238 2312 2660 2749 2536 2921 3054 2852 3159 3432 4124 4417

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

36 | Air handling units


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 25
height 1346 1650 1650 1950 1950 1950 1980 1780 1980 2458 2458 2768 3068 3084 3084 3084 3084 3448 3448 3730

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 50
height 1346 1650 1650 1950 1950 1950 1980 1780 1271 2458 2458 2768 3068 3084 3084 3084 3084 3448 3448 3730

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 208 237 270 313 347 379 421 372 472 544 607 710 818 893 943 1058 1145 1300 1356 1378

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 216 247 282 329 365 393 437 392 490 564 629 735 855 924 973 1091 1179 1341 1398 1420

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 240 274 309 362 402 438 480 434 538 621 694 806 923 1008 1080 1189 1285 1458 1497 1564

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
249 286 323 377 414 455 500 453 558 644 720 834 964 1042 1115 1226 1324 1505 1544 1612


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 25
height 673 825 825 975 975 975 990 890 990 1229 1229 1384 1534 1542 1542 1542 1542 1724 1724 1865

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 50
height 673 825 825 975 975 975 990 890 990 1229 1229 1384 1534 1542 1542 1542 1542 1724 1724 1865

Length 2160 2160 2335 2335 2335 2335 2335 2335 2510 2510 2510 2510 2860 2860 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055
Weight 148 172 192 224 246 272 292 272 337 384 423 480 571 610 689 727 763 843 915 934

Length 2180 2180 2355 2355 2355 2355 2355 2355 2530 2355 2530 2530 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055
Weight 154 180 200 233 256 282 303 284 349 380 438 496 591 631 709 748 786 870 943 962

Length 2685 2685 2860 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 2860 3035 3385 3385 3405 3230 3405 3405 3580 3580
Weight 180 213 227 220 244 327 352 332 409 467 490 576 676 785 810 788 903 1001 1078 1103

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 3055 2880 2880 3055 2880 3055 3055 3230 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580 3580
Weight 187 222 241 244 269 360 318 299 418 448 526 596 636 810 834 883 931 1034 1112 1137

Length 3035 3035 3385 3385 3385 3385 3735 - 3735 3735 4085 4435 4785 4960 5330 5680 5680 5855 6030 6030
Weight 218 246 283 328 366 400 455 - 459 574 657 797 884 1021 1120 1246 1343 1527 1593 1618

Length 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3755 - 3755 4105 4105 4455 5155 4980 5330 5680 5680 5855 6030 6030
Weight 226 256 294 341 381 418 471 - 473 617 680 830 933 1056 1157 1288 1386 1579 1646 1690

Length 3560 3560 3910 3735 3735 3910 4260 - 4260 4260 4435 4960 5310 5485 5855 6030 6205 6380 6555 6555
Weight 250 287 318 324 364 455 515 - 531 657 724 893 989 1196 1241 1307 1483 1685 1756 1787

Length 3580 3580 3930 3930 3930 4105 4280 - 4280 4630 4630 4980 5505 5505 5855 6205 6205 6380 6555 6555
259 298 335 352 394 496 486 - 542 685 768 930 978 1235 1282 1423 1531 1743 1815 1865

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

Air handling units | 37


Dim. 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 3753 3776 4350 3776 3776 4160 4350 5010 5010 5320 5620 5620 5620 3776 5620 5620 4340 5010 5010 5620 6060

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 3753 3776 4350 3776 3776 4160 4350 5010 5010 5320 5620 5620 5620 3776 5620 5620 4340 5010 5010 5620 6060

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 1561 1744 2079 2116 2142 2330 2424 2543 2770 2908 3114 3267 3363 3162 3547 3677 3573 3890 4118 5558 4930

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
Weight 1605.5 1791 2137 2173 2200 2404 2489 2613 2844 2986 3196 3354 3453 3265 3640 3839 3699 4101 4309 5711 5083

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 1716 1868 2041 2258 2290 2489 2594 2708 2878 3162 3248 3607 3720 3423 3920 4072 3868 4218 4805 5248 5591

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
1766 1920 2100 2318 2350 2554 2662 2781 2954 3244 3331 3704 3820 3530 4024 4245 3987 4348 4666 5412 5763


Dim. 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 1876.5 1888 2175 1888 1888 2080 2175 2505 2505 2660 2810 2810 2810 1888 2810 2810 2170 2505 2505 2810 3030

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
height 1876.5 1888 2175 1888 1888 2080 2175 2505 2505 2660 2810 2810 2810 1888 2810 2810 2170 2505 2505 2810 3030

Length 3142.5 3230 3755 3755 3755 3775 3775 3775 3775 3775 3775 3950 3950 3775 3950 3950 3775 3775 3775 3950 3950
Weight 974.5 1015 1412 1442 1464 1536 1602 1698 1772 1995 2056 2257 2329 2220 2475 2587 2479 2740 2920 3410 3636

Length 3142.5 3230 3755 3755 3755 3775 3775 3775 3775 3775 3950 3950 3950 3775 3950 3950 3775 3775 3775 3950 3950
Weight 1004 1046 1453 1470 1505 1579 1648 1748 1970 2048 2182 2318 2392 2292 2540 2657 2559 2914 3073 3514 3746

Length 3667.5 3755 4280 4280 4280 4475 4475 4125 4475 4300 4300 4475 4475 4300 4475 4650 4475 4475 4475 4650 4650
Weight 1151.5 1200 1612 1618 1674 1702 1863 1623 2070 2208 2206 2262 2588 2569 2824 2912 2804 3065 3245 3735 3961

Length 3667.5 3755 4280 4280 4280 4475 4475 4650 4475 4300 4475 4475 4475 4475 4650 4650 4475 4475 4475 4650 4650
Weight 1187 1237 1660 1681 1722 1833 1918 2267 2277 2265 2336 2416 2621 2608 2856 2972 2874 3229 3388 3829 4061

Length 6292.5 6555 6555 6555 6555 7100 7100 7450 8150 8150 8150 8500 8500 - 8500 8500 - - - - -
Weight 1878 2138 2252 2289 2318 2640 2736 2938 3214 3360 3461 3697 3810 - 3830 4221 - - - - -

Length 6292.5 6555 6555 6555 6555 7100 7100 7450 8150 8150 8150 8500 8500 - 8500 8500 - - - - -
Weight 1945.5 2201 2321 2357 2387 2716 2848 3027 3311 3474 3567 3825 4004 - 3953 4352 - - - - -

Length 6817.5 7080 7080 7080 7080 7800 7800 7800 8850 8675 8675 9025 9025 - 9025 9200 - - - - -
Weight 2055 2323 2452 2465 2528 2806 2997 2863 3512 3573 3611 3702 4069 - 4179 4546 - - - - -

Length 6817.5 7080 7080 7080 7080 7800 7800 8325 8850 8675 8675 9025 9025 - 9200 9200 - - - - -
2128.5 2392 2528 2568 2604 2970 3118 3546 3618 3691 3721 3923 4233 - 4269 4667 - - - - -

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

38 | Air handling units


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 2 2A 3 3A 4 5 6 7S 7 9 10 12 14 15 17 19 20 22 24 26
Nomenclature Thickness

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 25
height 1346 1650 1650 1950 1950 1950 1980 1780 1980 2458 2458 2768 3068 3084 3084 3084 3084 3448 3448 3730

width 874 915 958 1004 1128 1229 1281 1575 1430 1430 1559 1625 1625 1765 1846 2000 2154 2405 2405 2259
Panel 50
height 1346 1650 1650 1950 1950 1950 1980 1780 1271 2458 2458 2768 3068 3084 3084 3084 3084 3448 3448 3730

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 208 237 270 313 347 379 421 372 472 544 607 710 818 893 943 1058 1145 1300 1356 1378

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 216 247 282 329 365 393 437 392 490 564 629 735 855 924 973 1091 1179 1341 1398 1420

Length 2685 2685 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 2860 3035 3035 3035 3035 3385 3385 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
Weight 240 274 309 362 402 438 480 434 538 621 694 806 923 1008 1080 1189 1285 1458 1497 1564

Length 2705 2705 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 2880 3055 3055 3055 3055 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3405 3580
249 286 323 377 414 455 500 453 558 644 720 834 964 1042 1115 1226 1324 1505 1544 1612


Unit Type/ Panel
Dim. 27 29 31 32 34 37 41 43 48 51 54 61 65 68S 68 71 82 92 100 117 130
Nomenclature Thickness

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
Panel 25
height 3753 3776 4350 3776 3776 4160 4350 5010 5010 5320 5620 5620 5620 3776 5620 5620 4340 5010 5010 5620 6060

width 2335.5 2412 2412 2710 2744 2710 2770 2710 2822 2850 2822 3078 3232 5488 3386 3685 5540 5644 5700 6000 6000
Panel 50
height 3753 3776 4350 3776 3776 4160 4350 5010 5010 5320 5620 5620 5620 3776 5620 5620 4340 5010 5010 5620 6060

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 1561 1744 2079 2116 2142 2330 2424 2543 2770 2908 3114 3267 3363 3162 3547 3677 3573 3890 4118 5558 4930

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
Weight 1605.5 1791 2137 2173 2200 2404 2489 2613 2844 2986 3196 3354 3453 3265 3640 3839 3699 4101 4309 5711 5083

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4475 4475 4475
Weight 1716 1868 2041 2258 2290 2489 2594 2708 2878 3162 3248 3607 3720 3423 3920 4072 3868 4218 4805 5248 5591

Length 3667.5 3755 3930 4105 4105 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475 4125 4475 4475 4125 4125 4125 4475 4475
1766 1920 2100 2318 2350 2554 2662 2781 2954 3244 3331 3704 3820 3530 4024 4245 3987 4348 4666 5412 5763

Dimensions in mm. Weight in kgs.

Air handling units | 39
40 | Air handling units

Resulting Class according to EN 1886 : 2007






Performance Characteristics tested to EN 13053 /2006 standard for






Air handling units | 41

BA unit performance certificate

Eurovent Certita Certification S.A.S. - 48/50, rue de la victoire - 75009 PARIS FRANCE
R.C.S. PARIS 513 133 637 - NAF 7120B

Accreditation #5-0517 Products and Services Certification

according to NF EN ISO/CEI 17065:2012 - Scope available on
COFRAC is signatory of EA MLA, list of EA members is available in

Certification Diploma N° : 13.10.004

Eurovent Certita Certification certifies that

Air Handling Units


Located at
Industrivägen 3
739 30 Skinnskatteberg, Sweden
Software for calculation of performances
Trade name

have been assessed according the requirements of following standard


The list of certified products is displayed at :


Manufacturing places

is authorised to use the EUROVENT CERTIFIED PERFORMANCE mark
in accordance with the rules specified in the Operational Manual

Erick MELQUIOND Approval date : 2013/10/29

President Re-checked on : 2018/02/22
Valid until : 2019/06/30

Claris version: Prod 7.2 (09/02/2018)

42 | Air handling units

Quality Management ISO certificate

Certificate No: Initial certification date: Valid:
176390-2015-AQ-IND-RvA 12, April, 2006 12, April, 2018 - 11, April, 2021

This is to certify that the management system of

Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd.

HO & Unit 1: Plot No. 3, Ecotech-1, Sector-31, Kasna, Greater Noida – 201 308,
Uttar Pradesh, India
and the sites as mentioned in the appendix accompanying this certificate

has been found to conform to the Quality Management System standard:

ISO 9001:2015

This certificate is valid for the following scope:

Design, development, manufacture, marketing, supply and service of HVAC

Place and date: For the issuing office:

Chennai, 09, April, 2018 DNV GL – Business Assurance
ROMA, No. 10, GST Road, Alandur,
Chennai - 600 016, India

Sivadasan Madiyath
Management Representative

Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
Air handling units | 43

Certificate No: 176390-2015-AQ-IND-RvA

Place and date: Chennai, 09, April, 2018

Appendix to Certificate
Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd.
Locations included in the certification are as follows:
Site Name Site Address Site Scope
Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd. HO & Unit 1: Plot No.3, Design, development, manufacture,
Ecotech-1, Sector-31, Kasna, marketing, supply and service of HVAC
Greater Noida – 201 308,
Uttar Pradesh, India
Systemair lndia Pvt. Ltd. Unit 2: Plot No. 8-84/14/11, Manufacture, marketing, supply and
Opp. Sai Geetha Ashram, service of HVAC products
Devaryamzal, Medchal Dist.,
Hyderabad – 500 078,
Telangana, India

Lack of fulfilment of conditions as set out in the Certification Agreement may render this Certificate invalid.
ACCREDITED UNIT: DNV GL Business Assurance B.V., ZWOLSEWEG 1, 2994 LB, BARENDRECHT, NETHERLANDS. TEL:+31102922689. assurance.dnvgl.com
Page 1 of 1
44 | Air handling units

Few of our valued customers

Pharmaceuticals / Clean Room
1 ACG-Pithampur 42 IPCA Laboratories Ltd.
2 ACME Formulation-Baddi 43 Jodas Expoim Pvt. Ltd.-Hyderabad
3 Actoverco-Iran 44 Johnsons & Johnsons Ltd.
4 Agila Specialities Pvt. Ltd. 45 Life Pharma-Dubai
5 Ahlcon Parenterals India Ltd. 46 Mankind Pharma Limited
6 Akorn India Pvt. Ltd. 47 Marck Parentrals
7 Aleor Dermaceuticals Ltd. 48 Martin &Harris Labs Ltd.
8 Alkem Laboratories, Baddi 49 Mayer Organics Pvt. Ltd.,
9 Alpha Pharma Healthcare (I) Pvt. Ltd.-Thane
50 Medical Cyclotron Centre-Kolkata
10 Apotex
51 MICO, B’lore
11 Ashrae Clean Room, Hy’bad
52 Morepan Lab. Baddi
12 Atra Pharmaceuticals
53 Mylan Laboratories
13 Avantis Pharma
14 BCG Vaccine Laboratories-Tamilnadu 54 Nabros Pharma Pvt. Ltd.
15 Bengal Chemical, Kolkata 55 Neon Pharma
16 Biocon Pharma 56 Nicolas Piramal, Mumbai
17 Biocon SDN BHD-Malaysia 57 Okasa Remedies Daman
18 Biological E Limited-Hyderabad 58 Optimus Pharma-Hyderabad
19 BSL / German Remedies Ltd., Goa 59 Pan Pharma, Baroda
20 Cipla Limited-Bengaluru/Pune/Sikkim
60 Parsan Oversease (P) Limited
21 Cosmo Laboratories, Ludhiana
61 Perrigo API India Pvt. Ltd.
22 Dhanuka Laboratories Ltd.
62 Pfizer, Mumbai
23 Dr. Actoverco-Iran
63 Project at Myanmar
24 Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories
25 East African (India) Overseas 64 Ranbaxy Laboratory-Dewas,Toansa,Baddi,
Mohali, Poanta Sahib
26 E-Biological, Pune
65 Sangre-La Pharma
27 EISAI Pharmaceuticals India Pvt. Ltd.-Vizag
28 Elysium Pharmaceuticals Limited 66 Scott Edil Adv. Reseach Lab & Education Ltd.
29 Emami Limited- Dongari/ Vapi 67 Sekh Saria Chemicals
30 Emami Research Park 68 Sequent Pharma
31 Fresenius Kabi Oncology Ltd. 69 Serum Institute-Pune
32 Goa Formulation Ltd. 70 Shree Ji Laboratory Pvt. Ltd.
33 Gufic-Ahmedabad 71 Sidmak Laboratories (I) Pvt.Ltd.
34 HBL Limited-Tamilnadu
72 Stelis Biopharma-Bangalore
35 Hellios Pharma, Baddi
73 Sudair Pharma
36 Hindustan Liver Limited
74 Sun Pharma Sikkim-II & Dadra
37 Hospira, Vishakhapatnam
75 Sunpharma-Basaka
38 HPL Pharmaceutical, Bangladesh
39 Immacule-Nalagarh 76 Swiss Garnier Genexiaa Sciences-Sikkim
40 Innova Captab, Baddi 77 Syngene International Ltd.
41 INTAS Pharmaceuticals, Ahmedabad 78 Teva-Gajraula, Malanpur
79 Torrent Pharmaceuticals Ltd., Dahej, Baddi,
Ahmedabad, Indrad
Air handling units | 45

80 Troikaa Pharmaceuticals Ltd. 32 SAIL IISCO-Burnpur

81 Unichem Laboratories-Pithampur, Roha 33 SBC, Hyderabad
82 USV Ltd., Baddi, Mumbai, Daman 34 Scott Edil Advance Research Lab & Edu. Ltd.

83 35 Sekhsaria Chemicals
36 Serum Institute, Pune
84 Watson Pharma Limited
37 Texas Instrument, B’lore
85 West Pharma
38 Thermax Solar Power Plant, Jaisalmer
86 Wockhardt Ltd.
39 Tmcb-2 Bombay Dyeing
40 Unitech Hi-Tech Structures Limited.-Kolkata
41 Vacmet India Ltd.
42 Warner Lambert
1 Amway India Enterprises Pvt. Ltd.
2 Apollo Tyres
3 Asian Paints Ltd., Mumbai
4 BARC-Mysore 1 AIIMS, New Delhi
5 BHEL, Bhopal 2 Alexis Hospital-Nagpur
6 Bosch Ltd. 3 Apollo Hospital
7 British High Commission 4 Apollo Reach Hospital-Trichy
8 CGPL, Mundra 5 Cancer Hospital-Bathinda
9 Colgate, Baddi 6 Centre for Digestive & Kidney Disease, Mumbai

10 ETA/Warner Lambert 7 Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Medical College & Hospital

11 Exxon Co./ Voltas Ltd., Bangalore 8 Dr. L.H. Hiranandani Hospital,

12 Godrej Hospital, Mumbai 9 EPR Centre (Vitane)
13 HB Estate, Gurgaon 10 Escorts Heart Institute
14 IEML, NOIDA 11 ESIC Hospitals
15 IGIB, NewDelhi Eternal Healthcare Centre & Research Insti-
tute Pvt. Ltd., Jaipur
16 IOCL, Barauni ,Bihar
13 Fortis Hospital, New Delhi
17 IOCL, Faridabad
14 Godrej Hospital-Mumbai
18 IOCL, Medinipur, WB
15 Hiranandani Hospital-Mumbai
19 JMI, New Delhi
16 Jaypee Medical Center
20 JRRCRL-Jaipur
17 Krishna Heart Institute, Amedabad
21 Mars International India Pvt. Ltd.
18 Manipal Medical Institute, Nepal
22 MES-Manesar, Jabalpur, Shimla
19 Mata Chanan Devi Hospital
23 NABARD, Lucknow
20 Max Hospital, Shalimar Bagh, New Delhi
24 NCBS, Bangalore
21 Sanjay Gandhi Hospital, New Delhi
25 Oberoi Airport Services, New Delhi
22 Shillong Hospital
26 Om Kar Builder
23 Sir Ganga Ram Hospital, New Delhi
27 Paradip Refinery IOCL
24 Tata Memorial Cancer Hospital-Vizag
28 Price Water House, Calcutta
25 Trauma Center, New Delhi
29 Procter & Gamble, Singapore
26 Udgir Hospital
30 Punj Lloyd Ltd., Gurgaon
27 West Bengal Hospital
31 Rajwest Power Plant
46 | Air handling units

Hotels Commercial Office

1 Aakriti Hotel, Greater Noida 1 Amanora Park Town-Pune
2 Bharat Hotel Limited, Jaipur 2 American Embassy School, New Delhi
3 Botanix Resorts-Gurgaon 3 Amity-Noida
4 Dusit Devrana Hotel, New Delhi-I 4 Anjaneya Building-Bangalore
5 Fortune Hotel, Gurgaon 5 Ansal Plaza Mall, Ghaziabad
6 Ganapath Hotel-Mysore 6 British High Commission
7 Garden-Galeria 7 BSL/Eagelton –The Golf Village, Bangalore
8 Goa Hotels (Hyatt Goa) HRW 8 BSNL, New Delhi
9 Grand Hyatt, Goa 9 Callnet India Pvt. Ltd.
10 Grand Hyatt-Cochin 10 Cargo Complex, New Delhi
11 Hotel Hyatt Regency, Calcutta 11 Cyber Park, Gurgaon
12 Hotel Intercontinental-Dhaka 12 Cyber Walk, Manesar
13 Hotel Kaniska, New Delhi 13 Daksh Call Centre, Gurgaon
14 Hotel Marriott, New Delhi 14 DHL Airfreight, Gurgaon
15 Hotel Shang RE-LA 15 Era Infra Engineering Limited
16 Hotel Udaivilas, Udaipur 16 Global Business Park, Gurgaon
17 Hotel Yak & Yeti, Nepal 17 Godrej IT Park, Mumbai
18 Hyatt Andaz-New Delhi 18 Golden Heights, Bangalore
19 IBIS hotel, New Delhi 19 IIL, Hyderabad
20 ITC Gardenia-Bangalore 20 IIT, Kanpur
21 ITC Green Bharat 21 IIT-Mumbai
22 ITC Ltd., Gurgaon 22 Inorbit Mall-Pune, Malad, Mumbai, Vasi
23 Jas Hotel at Amritsar 23 I-Park, Gurgaon (Amendment)
24 JW Marriot 24 ISRO, Lucknow
25 KBJ Grand-Varanasi 25 Jaipur Central Developers P. Ltd.
26 Kenwood Hotel, Mumbai 26 Jaipur Stock Exchange
27 Lemon Tree Hotel, Hyderabad 27 Jindal Saw, Gurgaon
28 Malsi Hotel, Dehradun 28 JMI-New Delhi
29 MBD Hotels, Jalandhar 29 Khalsa Heritage, Punjab
30 Novotel Hotel, Gurgaon 30 LIC Mumbai
31 Piccadily Hotels Pvt. Ltd. 31 LMT School of Management, Punjab
32 Powai Plaza, Mumbai 32 Lodha I Think-Mumbai
33 Radisson Hotel-Guwahati 33 Manjeera Mall
34 Raj Chopra Mussoorie Hotel 34 Market City, Kurla
35 Royal Orchid Hotel at Jaipur 35 Mind Space Club, Mumbai
36 Sheraton Hotel-Gr. Noida, New Delhi, Jaipur 36 Mind Space, Hyderabad
37 Taj-Bangalore, Kolkata, Mumbai, Hyderabad 38 Motherson Corporate Office, Noida
38 The Oberoi 39 MTNL Mumbai
39 Tip Top Hotel-Pune 40 New District Court-Chandigarh
40 Today Hotel 41 Orchid Agora, Gurgaon
41 Waves Hospitality Pvt. Ltd. 42 Orchid Square, Gurgaon
42 Westin Hotel-Gurgaon 43 Parinee, Mumbai
Air handling units | 47

44 Park View Business Tower 1 Accenture Services, Bengaluru
45 Parliament Library, New Delhi 2 ARN IT Park, Greater Noida
46 Pothys Textiles, Chennai 3 CIS Udyog Vihar, Gurgaon
47 Power Finance Corporation 4 Cognizant Technology Service, Chennai
48 Prasar Bharti, New Delhi 5 Computer Associates, B’lore
49 PSP Projects Pvt. Ltd.-Gandhinagar
50 Punj Lloyd-Gurgaon 6 E-Serve International, Mumbai
51 Raheja Building, 1A 7 Hughes Software, Gurgaon
52 RITES Ltd., Gurgaon 8 I Gate-Pune
53 Ritnand Balved Education Foundation, 9 Infosys Ltd., Bengaluru, Mangalore, Pune,
Lucknow Trivenderum
54 Seawoods-Navi Mumbai 10 IT Square, Greater Noida
55 Shopat Mantri, Bengaluru 11 Net Apps-Bangalore
56 Shri Guru Ram Das Institute of Dental Sci- 12 Oxygen at Noida
ence & Research 13 Phillips Software, Bangalore
57 SRMT Mall-Kakinada 14 Phoenix Infocity Pv.t Ltd.
58 Star TV India-Mumbai 15 Pune Embassy Projects Pvt. Ltd.,
59 Thimphu Tech Park, Bhutan 16 S.P. Infocity, Manesar
60 TOD-Hyderabad 17 Tata Teleservices, New Delhi
61 TG Arla Dairy Products Lftz Enterprises- 18 TCS Salt Lake-Calcutta
Nigeria 19 TCS, Bangalore
62 Unitech Business Park, Gurgaon 20 Tidel Park, Chennai
63 Vatika-Tech Park, City, Hospitality 21 Wipro Limited
64 Vipul Business Park-Gurgaon
65 Voltas / TCS Salt Lake, Calcutta
66 WHO, Delhi
67 Windsor, Mumbai
68 YKK India

1 Bangabandhu military museum, Bangladesh
Technical Assistance
2 Cochin International Airport Ltd. & Customer Care Services
3 Delhi Metro Rail Corporation
Systemair India provides to all customers a Technical
4 Shivaji Stadium, New Delhi
Assistance Service by highly qualified and exprienced
5 TN Assembly Building
team having specialization in both Industrial and comfort
6 Rashtrapati Bhawan facilities. We also offer a service for commissioning
7 DU Commom Wealth Games and technical advice for the equipment supplied to
8 Airport Authority of India our valued customers. Kindly feel free to contact us or
request a quote for such services.
9 IAAI Guwahati Airport, Calcutta
10 ULCC Infrastructure (P) Ltd.
11 Hyderabad International Airport
Tel. +91 (0120) 476 3100 / 3140
12 Delhi International Airport
48 | Air handling units


A-19, First Floor, Sector-64 Noida, U.P 201307
Tel: +91 120 4639 700


92/2A Bidhan Nagar Road, Kolkata, West Bengal -700067
Tel: +91 983 0420 473


Office No. G 16, Neo Corporate Plaza, RamChandra Lane
Ext., Kanchpada, Malad West, Mumbai-400064
Tel: +91 08108124863

Office No 7B , B wing Manorama Apartments
Lane no 7, Prabhat Road, Pune-411004
Tel: +91 9823987810

138/1655, Karnavati Appartment, Paras Nagar,
Sola Road, Naranpura, Ahmedabad-380063
Tel: +91 9624 448 912 / 9823987810


Plot No. 8-84/14/11; Opp. Sai Geetha Ashram;
Devaryamzal, Medchal Dist, Hyderabad 500078
Tel:+91 40 40176398 / 9686454434

40 Sindhoora, MLA Layout, Block 4, RMV 2nd Stage,
Bengaluru, Karnataka - 560094 SYSTEMAIR INDIA
Tel: +91 80 2341 6922 / 9686454434 (Head office & Manufacturing Plant India)

Cochin LEED Platinum campus

53/1690 B, 2nd Floor. Meppullil Building, Plot No.03, ECOTECH I, Sector-31,
Vyttila Ernakulam , Kerala -682019 Kasna, Greater Noida, U.P - 201308.
Systemair IN / AHU / 09/ 2018

Tel: +91 904 8181 300 / 9686454434 Tel: +91 120 4763 100
Chennai Fax: +91 120 4763 101
Tel: +91 9686454434


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