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Section I
53 Multiple-Choice Questions
5 Grid-In Questions
Time—90 Minutes

Directions: Each of the questions or incomplete statements below is followed by four suggested
answers or completions. Select the one that is best in each case and then fill in the corresponding circle
on the answer sheet.

1. A dog is following the scent of a jackrabbit. 3. If ATP breakdown (hydrolysis) is inhibited,

Which of the following accurately describes how which of the following types of movement
the dog’s brain integrates information for smell? across cell membranes is also inhibited?
(A) Chemoreceptors in the brain send impulses (A) Movement of oxygen into a cell
for smell in the nasal cavity. (B) Movement of water through aquaporins
(B) Chemoreceptor cells in the nasal cavity send (C) Passage of a solute against its concentration
impulses to the appropriate area of the gradient
brain. (D) Facilitated diffusion of a permeable
(C) Chemoreceptors on epithelial cells of the substance
tongue send hormones to the appropriate
area of the brain.
(D) Receptors originating in the nose send action
potentials to the motor regions of the brain.

2. Thrips are insects that feed on rose pollen.

Scientists noted that the thrips population
increased in the spring and decreased dramatically
during the summer. The researchers hypothesized
that food abundance was the limiting factor for
the population. Which of the following types of
data would be most useful for the scientists to
collect at regular intervals on a designated test
plot of rose plants? 4. Undersea landslides can disrupt marine habitats
by burying organisms that live on the ocean floor.
(A) Amount of sunlight (hours/day) The graph above shows the size of a population of
(B) Mean temperature (∞ C) a certain organism that lives on the ocean floor.
The population was affected by a recent landslide
(C) Density of rose pollen produced (g/m2)
at the time indicated on the graph. Which of the
(D) Amount of pollen produced by each following best predicts how the population will be
flower (g/flower) affected by the landslide?
(A) The surviving organisms will evolve into a
new species.
(B) The reduced population will likely have
allelic frequencies that are different from
the initial population.
(C) The population will adapt to deeper waters to
avoid future landslides.
(D) The reduced population will have a greater
number of different genes than the initial

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5. Which of the following questions is most relevant H + ⫹ HCO⫺ Æ̈ H O ⫹ CO
3 2 2
to understanding the Calvin cycle?
(A) How does chlorophyll capture light? 7. The equation above shows one of the reversible
(B) How is ATP used in the formation reactions that occur in blood. After exercise, an
of 3-carbon carbohydrates? athlete’s blood pH has dropped below the normal
(C) How is NADP+ reduced to NADPH? level. How will normal blood pH be restored?
(D) How is ATP produced in chemiosmosis?
(A) An increase in O2 concentration in the plasma
6. Rosalind Franklin’s x-ray diffraction images will lead to an increase in H+ concentration.
taken in the 1950s most directly support (B) An increase in temperature will lead to an
which of the following claims about DNA? increase in H+ concentration.
(A) The ratios of base pairs are constant. (C) An increase in sweating will lead to a
(B) The nucleotide sequence determines decrease in OH– and H+ concentration.
genetic information. (D) An increase in breathing rate will lead to
(C) The two strands of DNA are antiparallel. a decrease in blood CO2 and H+
(D) The basic molecular structure is a helix.

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8. A researcher is investigating the relationship between the existing species diversity in a community and the
ability of an introduced nonnative species to destabilize the community.
Which of the following graphs is most consistent with the claim that communities with high diversity are more
resistant to change than are communities with low diversity?
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

9. In 1944 Avery, MacLeod, and McCarty

performed transformation experiments using
live, harmless bacteria and extracts from virulent
bacteria treated with various enzymes. Which of
the following enzymes were used and why?
(A) Proteases and RNases to rule out protein and
RNA as the transforming factors
(B) Lipase (an enzyme that facilitates the
breakdown of lipids) to rule out lipoproteins
as the transforming factor
(C) Kinase (an enzyme that facilitates transfer of
a phosphate group from ATP to a substrate
molecule) to show that transformation is
phosphorylation dependent
(D) ATPase to show that transformation is not
dependent on ATP

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Questions 10-13

The figures below show the changes in populations of two species of flour beetles, Tribolium confusum (Figure I)
and Tribolium castaneum (Figure II), in cultures without parasites ( ) and in cultures infected with a parasite (•).
Each data point represents the mean population size from ten culture dishes of equal size and food content.

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10. Under which of the following conditions is 12. In Figure I, the difference between the two curves
the observed number of beetles per culture dish can best be attributed to which of the following?
the greatest?
(A) The difference between controlled laboratory
(A) T. confusum with parasite at 500 days conditions and the natural environment
(B) T. confusum without parasite at 300 days (B) The effect of the host on its parasite
(C) T. castaneum with parasite at 100 days (C) The influence of competition for limited
(D) T. castaneum with parasite at 600 days resources
(D) The natural variation among populations
11. The data over the duration of the experiment
provide the strongest support for which of the 13. If the experiment was continued for an additional
following conclusions regarding the effect of the 500 days, the population density of T. castaneum
parasite on Tribolium populations? with the parasite would most likely stabilize at a
value closest to which of the following?
(A) T. confusum is adversely affected by the
parasite, while T. castaneum is not. (A) 5 beetles/culture dish
(B) T. castaneum is adversely affected by the (B) 10 beetles/culture dish
parasite, while T. confusum is not. (C) 20 beetles/culture dish
(C) Both T. confusum and T. castaneum are (D) 25 beetles/culture dish
adversely affected by the parasite.
(D) Both T. confusum and T. castaneum show
increased fitness in the presence of the

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14. Beaked whales feed at various depths, but they
defecate at the ocean’s surface. Nitrogen-rich
whale feces deposited in surface waters supply
nutrients for algae that are eaten by surface-
dwelling fish. Which of the following best
predicts what would happen if the whale
population decreased?
(A) There would be a reduction in surface
nitrogen concentration, which would cause
an algal bloom.
(B) The surface fish populations would decline
due to reduced populations of algae.
(C) The remaining whales would accumulate
mutations at a faster rate.
(D) The remaining whales would be forced to
forage in the deepest parts of the ocean.

15. The processes illustrated in the models depicted above all

result in which of the following?
(A) Transcription
(B) An increase in genetic variation
(C) An increase in the chromosome number
(D) Horizontal gene transfer

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16. The vertebrate forelimb initially develops in the
embryo as a solid mass of tissue. As development
progresses, the solid mass near the end of the
forelimb is remodeled into individual digits.
Which of the following best explains the role
of apoptosis in remodeling of the forelimb?
(A) Apoptosis replaces old cells with new ones
that are less likely to contain mutations.
(B) Apoptosis involves the regulated activation
of proteins in specific cells of the
developing forelimb that leads to the death
of those cells.
(C) Apoptosis involves the destruction of extra
cells in the developing forelimb, which
provides nutrients for phagocytic cells.
(D) Apoptosis in the developing forelimb triggers
the differentiation of cells whose fate was
not already determined.

17. What most likely causes the trends in oxygen concentration shown in the graph above?
(A) The water becomes colder at night and thus holds more oxygen.
(B) Respiration in most organisms increases at night.
(C) More organisms are respiring at night than during the day.
(D) Photosynthesis produces more oxygen than is consumed by respiration during the day.

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18. Data regarding the presence (+) or absence (-) of
five derived traits in several different species are
shown in the table below.
Species 1 2 3 4 5
V + + + - -
W + + - - -
X + - - + +
Y - - - - -
Z + - - - +

Which of the following cladograms provides the

simplest and most accurate representation of the
data in the table?




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19. A common laboratory investigation involves putting a solution of starch and glucose into a dialysis bag and
suspending the bag in a beaker of water, as shown in the figure below.

The investigation is aimed at understanding how molecular size affects movement through a membrane.
Which of the following best represents the amount of starch, water, and glucose in the dialysis bag over the
course of the investigation?
(A) (B)

(C) (D)

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Questions 20-22

Rhagoletis pomonella is a parasitic fly native to North America that infests fruit trees. The female fly lays her
eggs in the fruit. The larvae hatch and burrow through the developing fruit. The next year, the adult flies emerge.
Prior to the European colonization of North America, the major host of Rhagoletis was a native species of
hawthorn, Crataegus marshallii. The domestic apple tree, Malus domestica, is not native to North America, but was
imported by European settlers in the late 1700s and early 1800s.
When apple trees were first imported into North America, there was no evidence that Rhagoletis could use them
as hosts. Apples set fruit earlier in the season and develop faster, where hawthorns set later and develop more
Recent analysis of Rhagoletis populations has shown that two distinct populations of flies have evolved from the
original ancestral population of flies that were parasitic on hawthorns. One population infests only apple trees, and
the other infests only hawthorns. The life cycles of both fly populations are coordinated with those of their host trees.
The flies of each population apparently can distinguish and select mates with similar host preferences and reject
mates from the population specific to the other host tree. There is very little hybridization (only about 5 percent)
between the two groups.

20. The divergence between the two populations of 21. Initially, which of the following isolating
Rhagoletis must have occurred very rapidly mechanisms is likely to have been the most
because important in preventing gene flow between
the two populations of Rhagoletis?
(A) the apple tree was imported into North
America with European settlement (A) Gamete incompatibility
approximately 200 years ago (B) Temporal isolation
(B) flies were imported into North America with (C) Mechanical isolation
European settlement approximately (D) Reduced hybrid viability
200 years ago
(C) long-distance rail transport of fruit increased 22. Matings between individuals from the
only after the American Civil War two populations of Rhagoletis produce hybrid
(1861–1865) flies that appear to be healthy and have normal
(D) heavy use of gunpowder during the life spans. The eggs laid by these hybrid flies,
American Civil War (1861–1865) led to however, hatch less often than those of flies from
increased mutation rates in many natural either of the two populations. What isolating
populations of plants and animals mechanism seems to be important in this hybrid
(A) Prezygotic isolation
(B) Mechanical isolation
(C) Reduced hybrid fertility
(D) Habitat isolation

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