XII Biology QP
XII Biology QP
XII Biology QP
1. 10 Oogonia yield 10 primary oocytes, then how many ova are produced on completion 1
of Oogenesis?
(a) 5 (b) 10
(c) 20 (d) 40
6. A Polypeptide chain consist of sequence of 1500 amino acids .Can you guess how 1
many nucleotide bases must there be present in the processed mRNA of an eukaryotic
cell to message for it .
(a)500 (b)1500
© 4500 (d)None of the above
7. Which one of the following ancestors of Man used hides to protect their body and 1
buried their dead?
(a) Neanderthal Man (b) Homo habilis
(c) .Homo erectus (d) .Ramapithecus
9. Match the items in column ‘A’ and Column ‘B’ and choose the correct answer. 1
A Lady bird i) Methanobacterium
B Mycorrhiza ii) Trichoderma
C Biological control iii) Aphids
D Bio gas iv) Glomus
(a) A-(ii), B-(iv), C-(iii), D-(i)
(b) A-(iii), B-(iv), C-(ii), D-(i)
(c) A-(iv), B-(i), C-(ii), D-(iii)
(d) A-(iii), B-(ii), C-(i), D-(iv)
10. While isolating DNA from bacteria , which of the following enzymes are not required? 1
(a) Lysozyme (b)Ribonuclease
( c ) Protease (d)Deoxyribonuclease
11. Which of the following statements does not hold true for restriction enzymes? 1
(a) It recognizes a palindromic sequence
(b) Its an endonuclease
(c ) Its isolated from bacteria
( d) It can produce the different kind of sticky ends in different DNA molecules.
Question No. 13 to 16 consist of two statements – Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Answer these
questions selecting the appropriate option given below:
a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.
b) Both A and R are true and R is not the correct explanation of A.
c) A is true but R is false.
d) A is false but R is true
14. Assertion (A) : Second infection of the same pathogen is quickly eliminated. 1
Reason (R) : Pre -formed memory B and T cells elicit a quick and vigorous attack on
15. Assertion (A) : “Saheli” is an oral contraceptive pill for females containing nonsteroidal 1
Reason (R) : It is “once in a week” pill with high contraceptive value and side effects.
17. Explain with the help of an example the relationship between restriction Endonuclease 2
and a Pallindromic nucleotide sequence.
18. (A) Mention the type of evolution that has brought the similarity as seen in potato tuber 2
and sweet potato.
(B) According to Hardy Weinberg’s principle the allele frequency of a population
remains constant. How do you interpret the change of frequency of alleles in a
20 Write the source and the effect on the human body of the following Drugs. 2
a) Morphine
b) Cocaine
21. What is meant by “alien species” invasion? Name one plant and one animal alien 2
species that are a threat to our Indian native species.
22. A schematic representation of Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is given below. Answer 3
the questions that follows:
23. (a) Mention any 2 problems that are taken care of by Reproduction and Child Health 3
Care programme.
(b) What is amniocentesis and why there is a statutory ban on it?
24. Trace the development of a megaspore to the formation of mature embryo sac in a 3
flowering plant with the help of labeled diagram.
25. Name a disorder and give its karyotype and write the symptoms which a human male 3
suffer as a result of an additional X chromosome.
27. Study the age pyramids A, B & C of the Human population given below and answer 3
the question that follows.
i) Name the group of organisms and the substrate they act on to produce
ii) Identify the products A ,B,D, E and discuss their significance.
Explain how do Flocs& activated sludge help in sewage treatment .
30. Study the graph given below and answer the questions that follows . 4
i) Name the naturalist who studied the kind of relationship shown in the graph
.write the observation made by him.
ii) When would the slope of the line “b’ become stepper?
iii) Write the situations as discovered by ecologists when the value of “Z” lies
0.1 and 0.2
31. The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events 1 TO 13 in human 5
a) Identify the figure that illustrates corpus luteum and name the pituitary hormone
that influences its formation.
b) Specify the endocrine function of corpus luteum. Why is it essential?
c) Draw a neat sketch of ovum with following labels: zonapellucida, corona radiata
and perivitelline space
a) Write the type of and location of the genes causing thalassemia in human.
b) State the cause and symptoms of the disease.
c) Why are colour blindness and thalassemia categorized as Mendelian disorders?
d) About 8% of human male population suffers from colour blindness whereas only
about 0.4% of human female population suffers from this disease. Write an explanation
to show how it is possible
32. Answer the following questions based on Meselson and Stahl’s experiment: 5
(i) Write the name of the chemical substance used as source of nitrogen in the
experiment by them.
(ii) Why did the scientists synthesize the light and the heavy DNA molecules in the
organism used in the experiment?
(iii) How did the scientists make it possible to distinguish the heavy DNA molecule
from the light DNA molecule? Explain.
(iv) Write the conclusion the scientists arrived at, after completing the experiment.
Study the diagram showing replication of HIV in Humans and answer the questions that
i) What type of viruses causes AIDS? Name its Genetic Material. Or the group
name of such viruses which possesses this type of genetic material.
ii) Does this virus follows central dogma or it deviates from it ?
iii) Name the enzyme “B” acting on “X” to produce molecule “C”.
iv) What does NACO means and write its role in preventing AIDS?
v) What do you mean by the statement that “ Incubation period for AIDS may
vary from one month to ten years”.
33. a) IVF is becoming more popular in current scenario that is helping childless couples to 5
bear a child. Describe the different steps that are carried out in this technique.
b) Would you consider Gamete Intrafallopian Transfer (GIFT) as an IVF ? Give reason
to support your answer.