Give An Overview On Management Control System and Its Importance in Different Organizations With Examples?
Give An Overview On Management Control System and Its Importance in Different Organizations With Examples?
Give An Overview On Management Control System and Its Importance in Different Organizations With Examples?
Management control system includes both formal control system and informal
control system. A formal control system requires that an organisation should have
clear-cut rules, procedures, guidelines, plans relating to different managerial
aspects. Such things are needed to guide, direct, motivate the managers and other
employees and coordinate their behaviour to achieve organizational goals.
In an organisation, many formal control systems may exist such as cost accounting
system, management accounting system, production engineering systems, human
resource system, quality maintenance system etc. Informal management control
systems are always unwritten and implicit.
It is through control that managers ensure that the resources of an organization are
obtained and utilized effectively for the attainment of desired objectives; a good
control system offers the following benefits: