Moncast - MOA (As of 2019)
Moncast - MOA (As of 2019)
Moncast - MOA (As of 2019)
STARLEE MARKETING INC. a corporation duly organized and existing under Philippine
Laws with office/business address at Trento, Agusan Del Sur represented herein by Mr. REYNANTE
L. PENDON, Manager, hereinafter referred to as the HOST TRAINING ESTABLISHMENT
WHEREAS, MONCAST is a local government owned and operated college offering Bachelor
of Science in Business Administration (BSBA);
WHEREAS, MONCAST is in need of host training establishment that could further enhance
the acquired knowledge, skills and experience of its students taking Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration. There is no employer-employee relationship between the COMPANY and the student-
trainee. A student-trainee shall not be entitled to the compensation/benefits accorded to an employee.
However, the company may grant the TRAINEE a training allowance, if possible, in accordance with
the COMPANY’s existing rules and regulations;
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Revised as November 19, 2018 in compliance to CHED Memorandum Order No. 104 series of 2017 | MonCAST
WHEREAS, both parties shall have the right to pre-terminate the on-the-job training if:
a. the TRAINEE violates the rules and regulations of the COMPANY, or if there is serious
b. the COMPANY does not provide the kind of responsible training as agreed upon; or
c. there is any violation of the foregoing covenants that will warrant the cancellation of this
PROVIDED, that the terminating party shall formally inform the Academic Program Head or
Practicum Coordinator of the grievance before any decision to terminate is made and finalized. The
Academic Program Head or Practicum Coordinator shall intervene in order to rectify the situation in
the interest of all parties concerned.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises and stipulations,
the parties herein affirm to strengthen the partnership in enhancing the necessary knowledge, skills,
values and attitude of the students taking BS Business Administration courses, especially in the conduct
of Supervised Industry Training (SIT) every Second Semester.
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Revised as November 19, 2018 in compliance to CHED Memorandum Order No. 104 series of 2017 | MonCAST
3. Provide necessary technical assistance to the students and coordinate regularly with the manager
4. Ensure that trainees comply with the necessary requirements set by the MONCAST Business
Administration Program and the Host Training Establishment/Trainer Company.
5. Ensure confidentiality of trainer company information gathered by the student trainees.
6. Be responsible for briefing of the on-the-job student-trainees who intend to conduct practicum
exposure in the COMPANY as part of the COLLEGE’s curriculum;
7. Provide the on-the-job student-trainee the basic orientation on work values, behavior, and
discipline to ensure smooth cooperation with the COMPANY;
8. Voluntarily withdraw a student-trainee who is found to misbehave and/or act in defiance to
existing standards, rules, and regulations of the COMPANY and impose necessary college
sanctions to the said student-trainee.
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Revised as November 19, 2018 in compliance to CHED Memorandum Order No. 104 series of 2017 | MonCAST
_____________________________ ________________________________
Signature Over Printed Name Signature of EVELYN M. DINOPOL, CPA, MPA
of Company Representative as COLLEGE Representative
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Revised as November 19, 2018 in compliance to CHED Memorandum Order No. 104 series of 2017 | MonCAST
Before me, a Notary Public, for and in the Municipality of Monkayo, Davao De Oro, Philippines,
this______ day of __________________, 2020, personally appeared the above named persons known
to me to be the same persons who executed the foregoing instrument, consisting of four (4) pages
including this page were the acknowledgment is written, signed by the parties and their two(2) witnesses,
and they acknowledged to me that the same is their own voluntary act and deed and of the entities
represented. The Community Tax Certificates and competent evidence of Identity of the parties were
exhibited to me, the same being that which appears below their respective names and signatures above.
Doc. No.________
Page No.________
Book No.________
Series of ________
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