(last name)_MOA (BSIT)
(last name)_MOA (BSIT)
(last name)_MOA (BSIT)
Witnesseth that:0
WHEREAS, the COMPANY supports this program and is willing to give the students of the
COLLEGE, currently enrolled in the Department of Information Technology course-related
work assignments and expose them to actual learning experiences;
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the foregoing premises, the parties hereby
bind themselves to undertake this Agreement, under the following terms and conditions:
1. The duration of the program shall be equivalent to 500 working hours unless
otherwise agreeably amend by the COMPANY and the COLLEGE.
2. The COLLEGE shall be responsible for enrolling and briefing the student-trainees
who intend to conduct student internship in the COMPANY as part of the
COLLEGE’S curriculum.
3. The COLLEGE shall provide the student-trainees with the basic orientation on work
values, behavior, and discipline to ensure smooth cooperation with the COMPANY.
4. The COLLEGE shall provide the COMPANY with information about the
complementary knowledge, skills, and attitudes that the student-trainees are expected
to imbibe during the internship as aligned to its Information T echnology program
8. The COMPANY shall provide free relevant instruction and training to the student-
trainees, consistent with its policies, rules, and regulations. It shall treat the student-
trainees in a professional manner and shall not subject them to tasks and work
assignments that are risky, dangerous, or unrelated to the purpose of this Agreement.
10. The student-trainee shall be personally responsible for any and all liabilities arising
from gross negligence in the performance of their duties and functions while under
11. The parties shall not divulge any information that they may have access to. Any such
information will only be used for academic purposes. The student-trainees
a. pledge not to divulge to any third party, or to use for any purpose other than the
purpose permitted by COMPANY, all information or knowledge concerning the
facilities, equipment, operating method, etc. of the COMPANY that become
known upon entering the place and facilities of the COMPANY with the
permission of the COMPANY; and
b. pledge not to assert or declare any rights, including filing an application for
industrial property rights, such as inventions and designs, based on the
information and knowledge that become known to the COLLEGE.
12. During the training period, the COMPANY shall assess the student-trainee’s
performance in accordance with the reasonable expectations and instructions and
shall complete and return a Student Performance Rubric Form to the assigned Faculty
Coordinator. The COMPANY shall also provide a Certificate of Completion
certifying the number of hours completed by the student-trainee.
13. Both parties shall have the right to pre-terminate the Internship if:
a. the STUDENT-TRAINEE violates the rules and regulations of the COMPANY,
or if there is serious misconduct.
b. the COMPANY does not provide the kind of responsible training as agreed upon;
c. there is any violation of the foregoing covenants that will warrant the cancellation
of this Agreement.
PROVIDED, that the terminating party shall formally inform the Faculty Coordinator of
the grievance before any termination is made and finalized. The Faculty Coordinator
shall mediate in order to rectify the situation in the interest of all parties concerned.
14. Appropriate waivers should be signed by the student-trainees and their parents in
favor of the COLLEGE and the COMPANY in relation to any loss, damage, injury,
accident or death that may happen to the student-trainee during the training period
unless such loss, damage, injury, accident or death resulted from the fault or gross
negligence of the COLLEGE and/or the COMPANY.
15. This Memorandum of Agreement shall become effective upon signature of both
parties and implementation will begin immediately and shall continue to be valid
hereafter until written notice is given by either party thirty (30) days prior to the date
of intended termination.
16. This Memorandum of Agreement shall be subjected to and construed in accordance
with the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. Both parties hereby submit to the
exclusive jurisdiction at the courts of Taguig City, Metro Manila, Philippines to the
exclusion of other venues and courts.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed this Memorandum of Agreement at
____________________ this _______ day of ________________________, 20__.
__________________________________ _____________________________
College President HR DEPARTMENT
___________________________________ _____________________________
Reagan B. Ricafort Assistant Human Resources Manager
College Dean, IICT