Handout # 02
Handout # 02
Handout # 02
1.1 Introduction
1 2 History of Automatic Control
1.3 Terms and Concepts
1 4 Th
1.4 The CControl
t lS System
t D
i P Process
1.5 Three Examples of the Use of Feedback
1.6 Applications
Control Systems
1 1 Introduction
- direct,
- command.
Control Systems
Control Objective
Control Systems
Control system
Control Systems
Control Systems
Control Systems
Control Systems
1.2 History of Control Systems
Control Systems
Prior to World War II
Control Systems
Sputnik and space age
Control Systems
Control system
Control Systems
Two Types of Control Systems
Control Systems
Open loop and closed-loop
Open-loop closed loop systems
Open-loop control
Control Systems
Control Systems
Closed-loop control
Control Systems
Control Systems
A person steering an automobile by looking at
the a
to’s location on the road and making the
appropriate adjustments.
Control Systems
Control Systems
Manual control system
(for reference)
Intelligent Control 25
Multivariable control system
Control Systems
A robot is a computer-controlled
Control Systems
• Automation - The control of a process by
automatic means.
Control Systems
Design-The process of conceiving or inventing
the forms, parts, and details of a system to
achieve a specified purpose
Feedback signal - A measure of the output of
the system used for feedback to control the
Multivariable control system - A system with
more than one input variable or more than
one output variable.
Control Systems
Negative feedback -The output signal is fed
back so that it subtracts from the input signal.
Control Systems
Robot - Programmable comp
ters integrated with
a manipulator.
Control Systems
1.4 The Control System Design
Engineering design
Control Systems
Approach to control systems
Control system engineers are concerned with
understanding and controlling segments of their
environment, often called systems, to provide
useful economic products and the field of linear
control systems is related to bottom up
approach since it is easy to understand various
modules of operation as the top to down
approach suggests scientific approach.
Control Systems
Control Systems
Control Systems engineering
Control Systems
Given a process,
process how to design a
feedback control system?
Three steps: Controllability, sensitivity and stability done
through the techniques of
• Analysis.
Analysis Analyze the properties of the system
Control Systems
The basis for analysis of a system is
the foundation pprovided byy linear
system theory, which assumes a
cause-effect relationship
p for the
components of a system.
Control Systems
The design process consists of seven main
building blocks, which are arrange into three
1.Establishment of goals and variables to be
controlled and definition of specifications
against which to measure performance
y definition and modeling
3.Control system design and integrated system
simulation and analysis
Control Systems
Control Systems
Design 1
Control Systems
Design 2
Control Systems
Design 3
Control Systems
Control Systems
1 5 Design examples
1.5a) Rotating disk speed
t l
Control Systems
Step 1. Control goal
Control Systems
Step 2. Variable to be controlled
Control Systems
Step 3. Control design specification
Control Systems
Step 4 Preliminary system configuration
Control Systems
Step 4 Preliminary system configuration
Control Systems
With precision components, we could expect
to reduce the error of the feedback system to
one hundredth of error of the open
one-hundredth open-loop
loop system.
Control Systems
1 5b) Insulin delivery system
The blood glucose and insulin concentrations for a healthy person.
Control Systems
Step 1. Control goal
Control Systems
Step 2. Variable to be controlled
Control Systems
Step 3. Control design specification
Control Systems
Step 4 Preliminary system configurations
Control Systems
A drug-delivery system implanted in the body
p p system,
uses an open-loop y , since miniaturized
glucose sensors are not yet available.
Control Systems
1 5c) Controlling the position of a missile
launcher from a remote location
The input is the desired angular position of
the missile launcher,
Th control
The t l system
t consists:
i t
of potentiometer,
power amplifier,
gearing between the motor and the missile
missile launcher
Control Systems
A position open loop control
Control Systems
A position closed loop control
Control Systems
1.6 Applications
Control engineering is not limited to any
engineering discipline but is equally applicable to:
computer science and engineering
g g,
civil engineering,
e ect ca e engineering.
g ee g
Control Systems
Mechatronic systems
Control Systems
Design flow cycle
The control system design process
The control system design process