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Control Systems Lecture-1 2018

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Control Systems


Dr J. Mudare
• Introduction
• Transfer Functions
• Laplace Transforms
• System response
• Mathematical modelling of control systems
• Discrete systems
• Stability Analysis
What are Control Systems?

• The study and design of automatic Control Systems, a field

known as control engineering, has become important in
modern technical society.
• Automatic control systems play a vital role in the
(technological) process of human civilization.
• In the early days, people used levers and linkages to control
processes which required energy and power beyond
human reach.
• Now, society tends to rely heavily on automatic control
systems for its day to day operation. These control systems
range from very simple to fairly complex in nature.
What are Control Systems?

Simple systems
• Automatic washing machines
• Refrigerators
• Ovens

Complex systems
• Aircraft automatic pilots
• Welding and inspection robots used in manufacturing and
electric power generation and distribution systems.
Elements of control
A system is a collection, set, or arrangement of

A subsystem is part of a system.
-any system may be considered as a subsystem of a larger

An element is the smallest part of a system that can be
treated as a whole(entity).
Elements of control
A block is a set of elements that can be grouped together, with
overall characteristics described by an input/output relationship.

Control means to regulate, direct, or govern.

Automatic implies self-action without any human intervention.
Elements of control

Control System
A control system is a group of physical components forming
a system that controls itself or another system to provide a
desired response.
A control system is a system of devices or set of devices, that
manages, commands, directs or regulates the behaviour of
other device(s) or system(s) to achieve desired results.
Elements of control
A controller is a control system that manages the behavior of another
device or system.

A Compensator is a control system that regulates another system,
usually by conditioning the input or the output to that system.
Compensators are typically employed to correct a single design flaw,
with the intention of affecting other aspects of the design in a
minimal manner.
- A compensator is an additional component or circuit that is inserted
into a control system to compensate for a deficient performance of
the overall system.
Elements of control
Manual Control System
A manual control system is a control system regulated through
human intervention

Open loop control system

An open loop control system is a control system in which the control
(regulating) action is independent of the output.

Closed loop control

A closed loop control system is a control system in which the control
(regulating) action is influenced by the output.
Elements of control
A system in which the value of some output quantity is controlled by
feeding back the value of the controlled quantity and using it to
manipulate the input quantity.

Regulator System
A regulator system is a control system where the reference(input) is
normally fixed.

Servomechanism (Follower system)

A servomechanism(Follower system) is a control system where the
reference(input) varies continuously and the system operates so that
the output follows the input.
Elements of control
Single input - Single output (SISO) System

A Single input- single output (SISO) system is a system where only one
parameter is entered as input and only one parameter represents the

• A home heating (or cooling ) system involves a SISO system. A single

parameter, the desired room temperature, is entered as the
reference variable and results in only one controlled (output)
variable: actual room temperature.
Elements of control
Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) System
(multivariable control systems )
A Multiple Input, Multiple Output (MIMO) System is a system where
several parameters may be entered as input and output is
represented by multiple variables

input output

• A typical home heating system is a SISO system where a single

parameter, room temperature is monitored and controlled. If you
add humidity control to the home heating system (environmental
control system) with both temperature and humidity being
monitored and controlled, the system becomes a MIMO type.
Elements of control
• A chemical process plant typically has several reference inputs and
requires the control of several output variables.

Linear system
A linear system is a system where input/output relationships maybe
represented by a linear differential equation

• Ohm’s law assumes a linear relationship between the voltage drop

across a resistor and the current flow through it. It is certainly valid
over a wide range of currents and voltages but does not hold for very
high current flows through a metal wire.

Time Invariant System

• A time Invariant system is a system described by a differential
equation with constant coefficients
Elements of control
• A spring mass and damper system represents a time-invariant system
if the characteristics of all three components do not change with time

Time Variant Systems

A time variant system is a system described by a differential equation
with variable coefficients.

• A rocket burning fuel represents a time-variant system. The mass of

the rocket does not remain constant during a flight but changes as
fuel is burned. Thus the differential equation describing the rocket
dynamics at the time of lift-off does not properly represent the
system after a significant amount of fuel has been burned.
Branches of Control Engineering

• Here we are going to give a brief listing of the

various different methodologies within the sphere
of control engineering.
• Oftentimes, the lines between these methodologies
are blurred, or even erased completely.
Branches of Control Engineering
Classical Controls
• Control methodologies where the ODEs that
describe a system are transformed using the
Laplace, Fourier, or Z Transforms, and manipulated
in the transform domain.

Modern Controls
• Methods where high-order differential equations
are broken into a system of first-order equations.
• The input, output, and internal states of the system
are described by vectors called "state variables".
Branches of Control Engineering
Robust Control
• Control methodologies where arbitrary outside
noise/disturbances are accounted for, as well as
internal inaccuracies caused by the heat of the
system itself, and the environment.

Optimal Control
• In a system, performance metrics are identified, and
arranged into a "cost function". The cost function is
minimized to create an operational system with the
lowest cost.
Branches of Control Engineering
Adaptive Control
• In adaptive control, the control system changes its
response characteristics over time to better control
the system.

Nonlinear Control
• The youngest branch of control engineering,
nonlinear control encompasses systems that cannot
be described by linear equations or ODEs, and for
which there is often very little supporting theory
Branches of Control Engineering
Game Theory
Game Theory is a close relative of control theory, and
especially robust control and optimal control theories. In
game theory, the external disturbances are not considered
to be random noise processes, but instead are considered
to be "opponents". Each player has a cost function that
they attempt to minimize, and that their opponents
attempt to maximize.
Functioning of a Control System

• All Control systems, whether simple or complex, function in

a very similar manner.
• The controller(brain of the control system) compares the
actual value of the controlled variable to the desired value
and tries to manipulate the process in such a fashion the
controlled variable approaches the desired value.
• Operation of a control system is no different than tasks
routinely carried out by humans. Consider the task of
reaching for a glass on a table.
• The objective of the task is fairly simple: the hand has to
be moved so that it touches the glass. The entire process
can be summarised as follows:
Functioning of a Control System

Reaching for a glass

Functioning of a Control System
• Reference input (Objective): Reach for the glass
• Controller (Human brain): look at the glass (feedback) and
determine(estimate) the distance between the hand and
the glass.
• Manipulate (final control element): Move the arm toward
the glass
• Feedback (eye): Get a new estimate of the distance
between the hand and the glass.
• Loop (repeat): Move the arm until feedback (eye) indicates
that the hand has reached the glass.
Functioning of a Control System

Information flow: reaching for a glass

Functioning of a Control System
• The visual feedback is the single most important part of
the whole process. Without visual feedback (or auditory
or any other kind), it is not possible to reach for the glass.
• Movement of the human hand is very imprecise. It cannot
move through a precise distance on command (desire),
but the use of (visual) feedback allows the hand
movement to be very precisely controlled.
Block Diagrams

• A Control System consists of a number of components

connected to perform a desired function. These
components vary in nature and may be electrical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, or mechanical.
• Control system theory is not concerned with the
physical nature of components and or the type of
energy exchange that may be taking place. Once a
component (system or subsystem) is reduced to a
mathematical model, it can be represented as a black
box (block), with the component operation described
by the mathematical function.
• This process is repeated for all the parts of the system,
so the system is reduced to a number of interconnected
black boxes.
Block Diagrams
• These interconnected blocks can be combined into
a single block (mathematical expression). This
overall mathematical expression contains all the
necessary information about the performance of
the original control system.
• This greatly simplifies the analysis and design
process, where the signal flow between these
components is of most concern.
• Block diagrams also lend themselves to easier
simulation using operational amplifiers as well as
digital computers.
Block Diagrams
Definition of a block diagram
• In a block diagram representation, every
component (or subsystem) is represented as a
rectangular block containing one input and one
• All the blocks are connected by arrows representing
the signal flow path.
• The operation of the component is described by the
mathematical function enclosed within the block.
Block Diagrams

Simple block diagram

Block Diagrams
Example 2.1
An operational amplifier has a voltage gain of 10. Figure 2.2 is a block
diagram representation of this amplifier.

Figure 2.2

• A complete amplifier has a number of passive components associated

with it and it also requires a power supply for operation.
• The block diagram does not provide that information. Its sole
purpose is to describe the relationship between input and output
Block Diagrams
Example 2.2
Figure 2.3 represents a differentiator function. This
differentiator maybe mechanical, fluidic or electronic in
nature, but this information is not available from the block
diagram .

Figure 2.3
Block Diagrams
Summing point
• The summing point is the block used to represent the
addition and/or subtraction of signals.
• It is shown as a small circle connected to arrows
representing signal lines.
• Incoming lines are further identified with either a
positive or negative sign, indicating the addition or
subtraction process.
• Output of a summing point is again a signal, shown
with an outgoing arrow. No sign is attached to this
outgoing signal.
• It is also known as a summing junction.
Block Diagrams
Summing point
Block Diagrams
Take off point
• A takeoff point is used when a signal needs to be routed to
two or more blocks. It can be thought of as an electrical
junction with voltage being sent to all connected terminals.
• It is represented as a dot (solid circle) with arrows away
from it
Block Diagrams
Block diagram representation of an equation
• Algebraic equations and mathematical functions
can be very conveniently represented using block
a. y = mx + c
Block Diagrams
b. z = 1.2x -10y + 25

where m = 1.2 c = 10
Block Diagrams
Block Diagram representation of Control Systems
• A pictorial diagram of a process generally conveys
information about the physical components used in the
process and does not provide information about the
interaction of control signals.
• For the purpose of analysis it is vital to know the way
control information is being transferred from one
component to another.
• Once components are replaced by equivalent blocks and
these blocks are connected through signal-flow lines. The
pictorial view has been transformed into an equivalent
block diagram.
Block Diagrams

Figure 2.7 level control system

Block Diagrams
Figure 2.7 shows the main components of a level control system.
Before this pictorial can be transformed into a block diagram, an
understanding of system operation and components interaction
need to be developed. Two basic questions can be asked.

1. What is being controlled?

The main objective of this control system is to maintain
(control) the fluid level (controlled variable) in the tank
(process, or plant) at the desired value (set point, or

2. How is it being controlled?

Fluid level in the tank cannot be directly controlled. It can
be controlled only by changing (manipulating) the water
flow (manipulated variable) into the tank.
Block Diagrams
Control system operation
• The operator sets the desired level at the controller panel
• The difference between SP(set point) and MV (measured
value) generates an error signal (E = SP – MV).
• If the error signal is positive, then it indicates to the
controller that actual level is lower than desired level and
an actuating signal is generated, which opens the flow
control valve (FCE- final control element) to allow a higher
flow rate into the tank.
• On the other hand, if the actual level is higher than the
desired level, then the valve opening is reduced to reduce
inflow rate.
Block Diagrams
• If the control system has been set up (tuned) properly, then
the level will reach the desired value.
• The control cycle continues to monitor the fluid level, and if
it changes due to variation in outflow rate (which is
externally controlled), then the controller will manipulate
the flow rate to maintain the fluid level.
• Once a clear-cut understanding of control system operation
is developed, a block diagram representation can be
prepared (figure 2.8).
Block Diagrams

Figure 2.8 Block diagram representation of a level control system

Block Diagrams
Transfer functions
• In control theory functions called transfer functions are
commonly used to characterize the input-output
relationship of components or systems that can be
described by linear, time-invariant differential equations.

Definition: Transfer function

• The transfer function of a linear, time-invariant differential
equation is defined as the ratio of the laplace transform of
the output(response function) to the laplace transform of
the input(driving function) under the assumption that all
the initial conditions are zero.
Transfer functions
Transfer functions
Transfer function of a closed loop system
• Closed loop control systems can be divided into two categories,
based upon the nature of the feedback signal.

Figure 2.10 Negative feedback closed loop system

Transfer functions
Negative feedback closed-loop system
• Figure 2.10 shows one of the simplest forms of a negative
feedback closed loop control system. It has one block in the
forward path and one block in the feedback path.
• Practically, all control systems can be reduced to this
simplified form. Block G represents the gain of all the
blocks in the forward path, and block H represents the gain
of all the blocks in the feedback path.
• Our objective is to reduce this control system to just a
single block
Transfer functions
• The following relationships can be determined from the
block diagram:

Feedback signal = output x feedback path gain = CH (2.1)

Error signal E = input – feedback signal = R – CH (2.2)
Output signal C = error signal x forward path gain = EG (2.3)

• Substituting the value of the error signal from (2.2) to (2.3)

Output C = (R - CH) x G
C = RG – CGH
C + CGH = RG
C(1 + GH) = RG
Transfer functions

Figure 2.11 reduced form of a closed loop control system

Transfer functions
Some observation can be drawn from this relationship:
• The control system transfer function is a property of
the system.
• The transfer function is dependent only upon its
internal structure and components.
• The transfer function is independent of the input
applied to the System.

When an input signal is applied to a closed loop control

system, an output is generated, which is dependent not
only upon the input, but also upon the system transfer
Transfer functions
Positive feedback closed loop System

Figure 2.12 positive feedback closed-loop system.

Transfer functions
• Figure 2.12 shows a simple positive feedback closed loop
control system. It again has one block in the forward path
and one block in the feedback path.

• The transfer function of the positive-feedback closed loop

control system can be similarly determined and is given as

Feedback signal = output x feedback path gain = CH (2.4)

Error signal E = input + feedback signal = R + CH (2.5)
Output signal C = error signal x forward path gain = EG (2.6)
Transfer functions
• Substituting the value of the error signal from (2.5) to (2.6)

Output C = (R + CH) x G
C = RG + CGH
C - CGH = RG
C(1 - GH) = RG

• Output C = closed loop transfer function x input R

Transfer functions
Comparison of Positive-feedback and Negative-Feedback systems

Negative feedback closed loop system

• The transfer function (CLTF) is generally less than 1.
• The CLTF remains a finite value as long as the denominator is
greater than zero.
• It is commonly used in control systems.

Positive –feedback closed loop System

• The CLTF tends to be very large as GH (loop gain) approaches 1.
• It is generally restricted to specialized applications, such as
Transfer functions
Unity Feedback Systems
• If feedback gain is unity (H = 1), the control system block
diagram can be further simplified (figure 2.14).
• In this case, the feedback signal reaching the summing
point is the same as the controlled output.
• A number of control input analysis techniques are based
upon the use of a unity feedback configuration.

When the feedback is unity (H = 1)

Transfer functions

Figure 2.14 Unity gain feedback System

Transfer functions
Conversion to a Unity feedback system
• Any closed-loop system can be converted into an
equivalent unity feedback system (Figure 2.15). The
transfer function of a normal negative feedback system
with forward gain G and feedback gain H is given as

TF =
1 + GH

• Multiplying and dividing by feedback gain H gives

1 GH
TF =
H 1 + GH
Transfer functions

Figure 2.15 Equivalent unity gain feedback system

Block Diagram Simplification
• Even a simple closed loop control system may contain a
large number of blocks and may involve multiple feedback
(or feedforward) paths.
• It is necessary to reduce the block diagram to a simplified
form before an overall transfer function can be obtained.
• The following set of rules aids in the simplification of block
Block Diagram Simplification
Block Diagram Reduction Rules

1. Combine all cascade blocks

2. Combine all parallel blocks
3. Eliminate all minor (interior) feedback loops
4. Shift summing points to the left
5. Shift takeoff points to the right
6. Repeat Steps 1 to 5 until the canonical form is obtained.
Block Diagram Simplification
Basic rules with block diagram transformation
Block Diagram Simplification
Table 2: Basic rules with block diagram transformation

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