17012v 24V-r4
17012v 24V-r4
17012v 24V-r4
4 Way DIP Switch – ON
1 2 3 4
The 170.12V &170.24V multifunction alarms are designed to give an alarm output when the reading on a particular SETTINGS
gauge passes a predetermined level. The modules may be set to switch on either a falling or rising level for any
type of gauge as long as the sensing unit is a variable resistance and the sender output is a variable voltage.
1. Check all wiring for correct connections and possible short circuits.
A twenty five turn pot is fitted, allowing fine adjustment across the full scale for most known gauges.
2. Set DIP Switch 1 to ON if you want a short “slosh” delay before the alarm switches.
Alarm output is via normally open relay contacts, which switch to earth internally. Contact rating is 12 or 24 VDC
Note 1: Leave this switch OFF during setting to easily see when the Alarm is turning on.
1.5 Amp resistive. Typical applications are …
3. Set DIP Switch 2 to OFF for 24 VDC or ON for 12 VDC.
• Low fuel level alarm for 4WD vehicles
4. Set DIP Switch 3 to ON & 4 to OFF if you want to have an Alarm Output on rising voltage.
• High temperature alarm for commercial, industrial & marine engines 5. Set DIP Switch 3 to OFF & 4 to ON if you want to have an Alarm Output on falling voltage (see in brackets)
• Low engine oil pressure alarm for commercial, industrial & marine engines Note 2: Only ONE of Switches 3 & 4 can be ON or OFF at a time – otherwise the unit will be in permanent alarm.
• Low gearbox oil pressure alarm for marine engines Note 3: Standard VDO gauges have falling voltage on dropping oil pressure (and rising temperature).
• Low air bag pressure alarm for double bogey suspension systems 6. Temporarily replace the gauge sender with an appropriate variable resistance such as the VDO Gauge Check
This unit may also be used without a gauge if necessary ie: with sender only. Refer wiring diagram. … P/No. 105.001
7. Turn the key on and adjust your variable resistance so the gauge pointer reads at the required “alarm” point.
NOTE: This module is designed as a universal unit to suit as many automotive type applications as possible. However there may be some Turn the pot anticlockwise (clockwise) until the LED indicator is off (on). Then turn the pot slowly clockwise
systems where the input or output signals are not compatible with this unit. Siemens VDO Automotive is not responsible for incorrect fitting (anticlockwise) until the relay contact just closes and the LED indicator comes on (off).
or damage caused by or during the fitting of this module. Note 4: This is a 25 turn pot, it will not be harmed by going past each end.
8. Adjust the resistance setting up and down a few times again to fine tune the switch point.
1. Locate a convenient mounting place in the instrument panel or under the dash near the fuse panel and mount
the 170.12V/170.24V multifunction alarm module. Screws (3/16” or 5mm), double sided tape, or silicone are all 1. Temporarily replacing your alarm circuit with a test light can simplify the setting procedure.
acceptable. Orientation is not critical. 2. When switching relay and solenoid coils with other electronic items around, it is recommended to fit reverse
2. Connect “IGN+” to a switched ignition supply line preferably via a 2 Amp fuse. EMF diodes across all coils.
3. Connect “GND” to a good ground or earth connection. 3. This unit will not work if supply to it fails or the gauge or sender fails. It is good practice to make all circuits fail
4. Connect “SENDER” to the sender terminal on your gauge. Note: Do not change your gauge wiring, merely safe where possible and practical.
piggyback this unit to it.
5. Connect “OUTPUT” to the negative side of a lamp, buzzer or relay coil (12V/24VDC 1.5A resistive max). Note SPECIFICATIONS
this terminal switches internally to ground. Make sure an appropriate fuse also protects the lamp, buzzer or
relay. 1. Dimensions: Approximately 88 x 42 x 29mm overall.
6. When switching relay and solenoid coils with other electronic items connected it is recommended to fit reverse 2. Voltage, Current : 12-14.2 VDC or 22-28.4 VDC Neg Ground, 3mA Alarm off, 90mA Alarm on.
EMF diodes across all coils. 3. Adjustment Range: 2k Ω.
7. If your gauge or sender fails this module will not work. It is good wiring practice to make all circuits failsafe 4. Contact Rating: 12 or 24 VDC 1.5amp, Resistive.
where possible and practical.
For any queries, application data or technical information call your supplier or SIEMENS VDO Automotive on 1 800 335 282
8. Temporarily replacing your alarm circuit with a test light may simplify the setting procedure. 17012v_24v-r4.doc, rev:21/02/08 Printed 06/10/09