Dpes 03 1
Dpes 03 1
Dpes 03 1
Actuator STG6
KG6-04 to KG64-04
Actuators STG16-01
to STG90-01
The DPES-03 was primarily designed for use with Heinzmann all electronic Analogue and Digital speed
governors. It is also an excellent service test simulator for the older Dorman engine range with Heinzmann
analogue governors and more recently, the Perkins 4000 series engines with Pandaros digital speed control.
The engine governor simulator comes with a hand carry case including all leads, for digital and analogue
governors including associated battery and mains power pack.
The primary use of the unit is to enable the speed governor to be tested and set up in closed loop speed control
without the engine having to be run. Excellent service tool.
Full calibration of the analogue speed governor range can be accomplished in both Isochronous and Droop
Speed control. For engines using the digital Pandaros speed governor, all necessary cables with USB to RS232
interface are supplied for customers with Heinzmann DC-Desk and Perkins Packager software allowing closed
loop governor testing without the engine having to be run.
Simulated load is also possible for Droop and Isochronous speed control allowing full actuator movement over
the full 0 – 100% actuator travel.
Actuator feedback adjustments for the KG range of the analogue governors can be made with the internal
0 – 10VDC calibrated display. There is also a test facility within the DPES-03 unit which will allow the
over-speed testing of the engine governor whilst the engine is running.
Digital governor test features are also included in the package with an inline position display of the actuator fuel
rack for the Pandaros digital speed governor on the Perkins 4000 series engine.
A comprehensive variable frequency generator with full adjustment over the range 0 to 10,000 Hz is also
included for calibrating speed switches or other such equipment.
DPES‐01 Sales 12 02 2012
DPES-03 Engine Speed Governor Simulator
DPES-03 Specification:
Actuator Feedback Test Over the Range:1.5v to 5.0 v Actuator Feedback Test ……...1,5V to 5 VDC
Engine Simulator to Set Isochronous / Droop Speed and Output Impedance …………… 1 K Ohm
Load Characteristics Actuator Load Adjustment …….0% to 100%
Frequency Generator for Speed Switch Testing: Range Speed Droop Adjustment ……..0% to 10%
10Hz to 10,000 Hz.
DPES-03, Option for either Heinzmann Analogue or Digital Frequency Generator ……… 10Hz to 10,000 Hz
Speed Governors for test operation in full closed loop
Frequency Output ……………… 6 v pk/pk
speed control without the need to run the engine.
Output Impedance …………… 1 K Ohm
DPES-03 with
Over-speed and
Digital Feedback Droop Test
DPES-03 Frequency
Governor Technical Solu ons
Enterprise House ‐ Harmire Enterprise Park ‐ Barnard Castle ‐ County Durham ‐ DL12 8XT
Tel: 0044 (0) 1833 696712 Fax: 0044 (0)1833 696713 Email: sales@governor‐ts.com website: www.governor‐ts.com
DPES‐01 Sales 12 02 2012