Astm A182 PDF
Astm A182 PDF
Astm A182 PDF
Designation: A 182/A 182M – 05a Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry
Used in USDOE-NE Standards
Grade Heat Treat Type Austenitizing/Solutioning Cooling Quenching Cool Tempering Temperature,
Temperature, Minimum Media Below °F [°C] Minimum or
or Range, °F [°C]A Range, °F [°C]
Low Alloy Steels
F1 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
F2 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
F 5, F 5a anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F9 anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F 10 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 91 normalize and temper 1900-1975 [1040-1080] air cool 1350–1470 [730–800]
F 92 normalize and temper 1900-1975 [1040-1080] air cool 1350–1470 [730–800]
F 122 normalize and temper 1900-1975 [1040-1080] air cool 1350–1470 [730–800]
F 911 normalize and temper 1900-1975 [1040-1080] air cool or liquid 1365–1435 [740-780]
F 11, Class 1, 2, 3 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
F 12, Class 1, 2 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
F 21, F 3V, and F anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F 22, Class 1, 3 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1250 [675]
F 22V normalize and temper or 1650 [900] air cool or liquid 1250 [675]
quench and temper
F 23 normalize and temper 1900-1975 [1040-1080] air cool 1350–1470 [730–800]
accelerated cool
F 24 normalize and temper 1800-1975 [980-1080] air cool 1350–1470 [730–800]
or liquid
FR anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize 1750 [955] air cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F 36, Class 1 normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1100 [595]
F 36, Class 2 normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1100 [595]
quench and temper 1650 [900] accelerated air cool 1100 [595]
or liquid
Martensitic Stainless Steels
F 6a Class 1 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1325 [725]
temper not required 1325 [725]
F 6a Class 2 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1250 [675]
temper not required 1250 [675]
F 6a Class 3 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1100 [595]
F 6a Class 4 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1000 [540]
F 6b anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 400 [205] 1150 [620]
F 6NM normalize and temper 1850 [1010] air cool 200 [95] 1040-1120 [560-600]
Ferritic Stainless Steels
F XM-27 Cb anneal 1850 [1010] furnace cool
F 429 anneal 1850 [1010] furnace cool
F 430 anneal not specified furnace cool
TABLE 1 Continued
Grade Heat Treat Type Austenitizing/Solutioning Cooling Quenching Cool Tempering Temperature,
Temperature, Minimum Media Below °F [°C] Minimum or
or Range, °F [°C]A Range, °F [°C]
Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 304 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304L solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304N solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304LN solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 309H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 310 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 310H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 310MoLN solution treat and quench 1900–2010 [1050–1100] liquid 500 [260]
F 316 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316L solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316N solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316LN solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 317 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 317L solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 347 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 347H solution treat and quench 2000 [1095] liquid 500 [260]
F 348 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 348H solution treat and quench 2000 [1095] liquid 500 [260]
F 321 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 321H solution treat and quench 2000 [1095] liquid 500 [260]
F XM-11 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F XM-19 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 20 solution treat and quench 1700-1850 [925-1010] liquid 500 [260]
F 44 solution treat and quench 2100 [1150] liquid 500 [260]
F 45 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 46 solution treat and quench 2010-2140 [1100-1140] liquid 500 [260]
F 47 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 48 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 49 solution treat and quench 2050 [1120] liquid 500 [260]
F 56 solution treat and quench 2050-2160 [1120-1180] liquid 500 [260]
F 58 solution treat and quench 2085 [1140] liquid 500 [260]
F 62 solution treat and quench 2025 [1105] liquid 500 [260]
F 63 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 64 solution treat and quench 2010-2140 [1100-1170] liquid 500 [250]
F 904L solution treat and quench 1920-2100 [1050-1150] liquid 500 [260]
7. Chemical Composition 7.4 Steel grades covered in this specification shall not
7.1 A chemical heat analysis in accordance with Specifica- contain an unspecified element, other than nitrogen in stainless
tion A 961/A 961M shall be made and conform to the chemical steels, for the ordered grade to the extent that the steel
composition prescribed in Table 2. conforms to the requirements of another grade for which that
7.2 Grades to which lead, selenium, or other elements are element is a specified element having a required minimum
added for the purpose of rendering the material free-machining content. For this requirement, a grade is defined as an alloy
shall not be used. described individually and identified by its own UNS designa-
7.3 Starting material produced to a specification that spe- tion or Grade designation and identification symbol in Table 2.
cifically requires the addition of any element beyond those 7.5 Product Analysis—The purchaser may make a product
listed in Table 2 for the applicable grade of material is not analysis on products supplied to this specification in accor-
permitted. dance with Specification A 961/A 961M.
ferritic-austenitic stainless steels, the test specimen may be as shown in Fig. 11a of Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
taken from any convenient location. The usage of subsize specimens due to material limitations
8.5 Tension Tests: must have prior purchaser approval.
F 122 K91271 11 % chromium, 2 % 0.07–0.14 0.70 0.020 0.010 0.50 0.50 10.00–12.50 0.25–0.60 0.04– V 0.15–0.30
F 911 K91061 9 % chromium, 1 % 0.09–0.13 0.30–0.60 0.020 0.010 0.10–0.50 0.40 8.5–9.5 0.90–1.10 0.060–0.10 W 0.90–1.10
molybdenum, 0.2 % Al 0.04
vanadium plus N 0.04–0.09
columbium and V 0.18–0.25
nitrogen B 0.0003–
F 11 K11597 1.25 % chromium, 0.05–0.15 0.30–0.60 0.030 0.030 0.50–1.00 1.00–1.50 0.44–0.65
Class 1 0.5 % molybdenum
F 11 K11572 1.25 % chromium, 0.10–0.20 0.30–0.80 0.040 0.040 0.50–1.00 1.00–1.50 0.44–0.65
Class 2 0.5 % molybdenum
F 11 K11572 1.25 % chromium, 0.10–0.20 0.30–0.80 0.040 0.040 0.50–1.00 1.00–1.50 0.44–0.65
Class 3 0.5 % molybdenum
F 12 K11562 1 % chromium, 0.05–0.15 0.30–0.60 0.045 0.045 0.50 max 0.80–1.25 0.44–0.65
Class 1 0.5 % molybdenum
F 12 K11564 1 % chromium, 0.10–0.20 0.30–0.80 0.040 0.040 0.10–0.60 0.80–1.25 0.44–0.65
Class 2 0.5 % molybdenum
F 21 K31545 chromium-molybdenum 0.05–0.15 0.30–0.60 0.040 0.040 0.50 max 2.7–3.3 0.80–1.06
F 3V K31830 3 % chromium, 1 % 0.05–0.18 0.30–0.60 0.020 0.020 0.10 2.8–3.2 0.90–1.10 0.015– V 0.20–0.30
TABLE 2 Continued
Identifi- UNS Grade --`,,```,,,,````-`-`,,`,,`,`,,`--- Composition, %
cation Desig-
F 36 K21001 1.15 % nickel, 0.10–0.17 0.80–1.20 0.030 0.025 0.25–0.50 1.00–1.30 0.30 0.25–0.50 0.015–0.045 N 0.020
F 6b S41026 13 % chromium, 0.15 1.00 0.020 0.020 1.00 1.00–2.00 11.5–13.5 0.40–0.60 Cu 0.50
0.5 % molybdenum
F 6NM S41500 13 % chromium, 4 % 0.05 0.50–1.00 0.030 0.030 0.60 3.5–5.5 11.5–14.0 0.50–1.00
Ferritic Stainless Steels
F XM- S44627 27 chromium, 1 0.010 0.40 0.020 0.020 0.40 0.50 25.0–27.5 0.75–1.50 0.05–0.20 N 0.015
27CbF molybdenum Cu 0.20
F 429 S42900 15 chromium 0.12 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.75 0.50 14.0–16.0
F 430 S43000 17 chromium 0.12 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.75 0.50 16.0–18.0
Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 304G S30400 18 chromium, 8 nickel 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 8.0–11.0 18.0–20.0
molybdenum, low
F 316NH S31651 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.0–14.0 16.0–18.0 2.00–3.00
modified with
molybdenum and
F 316LNH S31653 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.0–14.0 16.0–18.0 2.00–3.00
modified with
molybdenum and
F 317 S31700 19 chromium, 13 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.0–15.0 18.0–20.0 3.0–4.0
nickel, 3.5 molybdenum
F 317L S31703 19 chromium, 13 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.0–15.0 18.0–20.0 3.0–4.0
nickel, 3.5 molybdenum
TABLE 2 Continued
Identifi- UNS Grade Composition, %
cation Desig-
F 20 N08020 35 nickel, 20 .07 2.00 0.045 0.035 1.00 32.0–38.0 19.0–21.0 2.00–3.00 8xCmin Cu 3.0–4.0
TABLE 2 Continued
Identifi- UNS Grade Composition, %
and tungsten
F 60 S32205 22 chromium, 5.5 0.030 2.00 0.030 0.020 1.00 4.5–6.5 22.0–23.0 3.0–3.5 N 0.14–0.20
nickel, 3 molybdenum,
modified with nitrogen
F 61 S32550 26 chromium, 6 nickel, 0.040 1.50 0.040 0.030 1.00 4.5–6.5 24.0–27.0 2.9–3.9 Cu 1.50–2.50
3.5 molybdenum with N 0.10–0.25
nitrogen and copper
All values are maximum unless otherwise stated.
Grade F 2 was formerly assigned to the 1 % chromium, 0.5 % molybdenum grade which is now Grade F 12.
The present grade F 5a (0.25 max carbon) previous to 1955 was assigned the identification symbol F 5. Identification symbol F 5 in 1955 was assigned to the 0.15 max carbon grade to be consistent with ASTM
specifications for other products such as pipe, tubing, bolting, welding fittings, and the like.
For Grade F22V, rare earth metals (REM) may be added in place of calcium, subject to agreement between the producer and the purchaser. In that case the total amount of REM shall be determined and reported.
Naming system developed and applied by ASTM.
Grade F XM-27Cb shall have a nickel plus copper content of 0.50 max %. Product analysis tolerance over the maximum specified limit for carbon and nitrogen shall be 0.002 %.
Grades F 304, F 304L, F 316, and F 316L shall have a maximum nitrogen content of 0.10 %.
Grades F 304N, F 316N, F 304LN, and F 316LN shall have a nitrogen content of 0.10 to 0.16 %.
A 182/A 182M – 05a
Grade Symbol Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, min, Elongation in 2 in. Reduction of Brinell Hardness
min, ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa]A [50 mm] or 4D, Area, min, % Number
min, %
Low Alloy Steels
TABLE 3 Continued
Grade Symbol Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, min, Elongation in 2 in. Reduction of Brinell Hardness
min, ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa]A [50 mm] or 4D, Area, min, % Number
min, %
F 46 78 [540] 35 [240] 40 50 ...
F 47 75 [525] 30 [205] 40 50 ...
F 48 80 [550] 35 [240] 40 50 ...
F 49 115 [795] 60 [415] 35 40 ...
F 56 73 [500] 27 [185] 30 35 ...
F 58 109 [750] 61 [420] 35 50 ...
F 62 95 [655] 45 [310] 30 50 ...
F 63 80 [550] 32 [220] 25 ... 192 max
F 64 90 [620] 40 [275] 35 50 217 max
F 904L 71 [490] 31 [215] 35 ... ...
Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 50 100–130 65 [450] 25 50 ...
F 51 90 [620] 65 [450] 25 45 ...
F 52 100 [690] 70 [485] 15 ... ...
F 53 116 [800]F 80 [550]F 15 ... 310 max
F 54 116 [800] 80 [550] 15 30 310 max
F 55 109–130 80 [550] 25 45 ...
F 57 118 [820] 85 [585] 25 50 ...
F 59 112 [770] 80 [550] 25 40 ...
F 60 95 [655] 70 [485] 25 45 ...
F 61 109 [750] 80 [550] 25 50 ...
Determined by the 0.2 % offset method. For ferritic steels only, the 0.5 % extension-under-load method may also be used.
For sections over 5 in. [130 mm] in thickness, the minimum tensile strength shall be 70 ksi [485 MPa].
For sections over 5 in. [130 mm] in thickness, the minimum tensile strength shall be 65 ksi [450 MPa].
Longitudinal. The transverse elongation shall be 25 % in 2 in. or 50 mm, min.
Longitudinal. The transverse reduction of area shall be 45 % min.
For sections over 2 in. [50 mm] in thickness, the minimum tensile strength shall be 106 ksi [730 MPa]; the minimum yield strength shall be 75 ksi [515 MPa].
8.7.2 The Charpy V-notch test specimens shall be obtained 11. Retreatment
as required for tension tests in 8.2, 8.3 and 8.5. One set of three
11.1 If the results of the mechanical tests do not conform to
Charpy V-notch specimens shall be taken from each tensile
the requirements specified, the manufacturer may reheat treat
specimen location.
the forgings and repeat the tests specified in Section 8.
8.7.3 The longitudinal axis and mid-length of impact speci-
men shall be located similarly to the longitudinal axis of the
12. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance
tension test specimens. The axis of the notch shall be normal to
the nearest heat-treated surface of the forging. 12.1 Forgings shall conform to the requirements of Speci-
8.7.4 The Charpy V-notch tests shall meet a minimum fication A 961/A 961M.
energy absorption value of 40 ft-lbf [54 J] average of three 12.2 The forgings shall be free of scale, machining burrs
specimens. One specimen only in one set may be below 40 which might hinder fit-up, and other injurious imperfections as
ft-lbf [54 J], and it shall meet a minimum value of 35 ft-lbf [48 defined herein. The forgings shall have a workmanlike finish,
J]. and machined surfaces (other than surfaces having special
8.7.5 The impact test temperature shall be 0 °F [−18 °C]. requirements) shall have a surface finish not to exceed 250 AA
(arithmetic average) roughness height.
9. Grain Size for Austenitic Grades
9.1 All H grades and grade F 63 shall be tested for average 13. Repair by Welding
grain size by Test Methods E 112.
9.1.1 Grades F 304H, F 309H, F 310H, and F 316H shall 13.1 Weld repairs shall be permitted (see Supplementary
have a grain size of ASTM No. 6 or coarser. Requirement S9 of Specification A 961/A 961M) at the discre-
9.1.2 Grades F 321H, F 347H, and F 348H shall have a tion of the manufacturer with the following limitations and
grain size of ASTM No. 7 or coarser. requirements:
9.1.3 Grade F 63 shall have a grain size of ASTM No. 3 or 13.1.1 The welding procedure and welders shall be qualified
finer. in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code.
10. Corrosion Testing for Austenitic Grades 13.1.2 The weld metal shall be deposited using the elec-
10.1 Corrosion testing is not required by this specification. trodes specified in Table 4 except as otherwise provided in
10.2 Austenitic grades shall be capable of meeting the Supplementary Requirement S5. The electrodes shall be pur-
intergranular corrosion test requirements described in Supple- chased in accordance with ASME Specifications SFA-5.4,
mentary Requirement S4. SFA-5.5, SFA-5.9, or SFA-5.11. The submerged arc process
defects as verified by magnetic-particle or liquid-penetrant 13.1.9 Post-weld heat treatment times for F 36 are: for Class
inspection, as applicable. 1, up to 2 in. [50 mm] in thickness, 1 h per in. [25 mm], 15
13.1.5 The preheat, interpass temperature, and post-weld minutes minimum, and over 2 in. [50 mm], 15 minutes for each
heat treatment requirements given in Table 4 shall be met. additional in. of thickness or fraction thereof; for Class 2, 1 h
Austenitic stainless steel forgings may be repair-welded with- per in. [25 mm], 1⁄2 h minimum.
TABLE 4 Continued
Grade Symbol Electrodes Recommended Preheat and Post Weld Heat-Treatment
Interpass Temperature Temperature, Minimum or
Range, °F [°C] Range, °F [°C]
F 310H E 310-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 310MoLN E 310Mo-15 or 16 NR 1920–2010 [1050–1100] + WQ
F 316 E 316-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316L E 316L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316H E 316-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316N E 316-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316LN E 316L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 317 E 317-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 317L E 317L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 321B E 347-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 321HB E 347-15 or 16 NR 1925 [1050] + WQ
F 347 E 347-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 347H E 347-15 or 16 NR 1925 [1050] + WQ
F 348 E 347-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 348H E 347-15 or 16 NR 1925 [1050] + WQ
F XM-11 XM-10W NR NR
F XM-19 XM-19W NR NR
F 20 E/ER-320, 320LR NR 1700–1850 [925–1010] + WQ
F 44 E NiCrMo-3 NR 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 45B ... ... ...
F 46 ... ... ...
F 47 . . .G ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 48 . . .G ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 49 . . .G ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 58 E NiCrMo-10 ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 62 E NiCrMo-3 NR 2025 [1105] + WQ
F 904L E NiCrMo-3 NR 1920–2100 [1050–1150] + WQ
Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 50 25 % Cr, 6 % Ni, 1.7 % Mo NR NR
F 51 22 % Cr, 5.5 % Ni, 3 % Mo NR NR
F 52 26 % Cr, 8 % Ni, 2 % Mo NR NR
F 53 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 4 % Mo NR NR
F 54 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 3 % Mo, NR NR
F 55 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 3.5 % Mo NR NR
F 57 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 3 % Mo, 1.5 % NR NR
Cu, 1 % W
F 59 E Ni CrMo-10 NR NR
F 60 22 % Cr, 5.5 % Ni, 3 % Mo NR NR
F 61 26 % Cr, 9 % Ni, 3.5 % Mo NR NR
Electrodes shall comply with ASME SFA 5.4, SFA 5.5, and corresponding ER grades of SFA-5.9 or SFA-5.11.
Purchaser approval required.
Not required for not below 0.500 in. [12.7 mm].
NR = not required.
WQ = water quench.
Filler metal shall additionally have 0.04 % minimum carbon.
Match filler metal is available. Fabricators have also used AWS A 5.14, Class ER, NiCrMo-3 and AWS A 5.11, Class E, NiCrMo-3 filler metals.
the like.
In addition to any of the supplementary requirements of Specification A 961/A 961M, the following
supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the order.
S1. Macroetch Test S4.3 For both the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels,
S1.1 A sample forging shall be sectioned and etched to details concerning the number of specimens and their source
show flow lines and internal imperfections. The test shall be and location are to be a matter of agreement between the
conducted according to Test Method E 340. Details of the test manufacturer and the purchaser.
shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the
S5. Special Filler Metal
S5.1 In repair-welded F 316, F 316L, F 316H, and F 316N
S2. Heat Treatment Details forgings, the deposited weld metal shall conform to E 308
composition wire. Forgings repair welded with E 308 weld
S2.1 The manufacturer shall furnish a detailed test report
metal shall be marked F __ W 308.
containing the information required in 16.2 and shall include
all pertinent details of the heat-treating cycle given the forg- S6. Hardness Test
S6.1 Each forging shall be hardness tested and shall meet
the requirements of Table 3.
S3. Material for Optimum Resistance to Stress-Corrosion
Cracking S7. Alternate Heat Treatment (Grade F 91 and F 92)
S3.1 Austenitic stainless steel shall be furnished in the S7.1 Grade F 91 shall be normalized in accordance with
solution-annealed condition as a final operation with no sub- Section 6 and tempered at a temperature, to be specified by the
sequent cold working permitted, except, unless specifically purchaser, less than 1350 °F [730 °C]. It shall be the purchas-
prohibited by the purchaser, straightening of bars from which er’s responsibility to subsequently temper at 1350 °F [730 °C]
parts are machined is permitted to meet the requirements of minimum to conform to the requirements of the specification.
Specification A 484/A 484M. All mechanical tests shall be made on material heat treated in
accordance with Section 6. The certification shall reference this
S4. Corrosion Tests supplementary requirement indicating the tempering tempera-
S4.1 All austenitic stainless steels shall pass intergranular ture applied. The notation “S7”shall be included with the
corrosion tests performed in accordance with Practice E of required marking of the forging.
Practices A 262.
S4.2 Intergranular corrosion tests shall be performed on S8. Heat Treatment of Austenitic Forgings
specimens of ferritic stainless steels as described in Practices S8.1 The purchaser shall specify the heat-treatment method
A 763. (in 6.1 or in 6.3.1) that shall be employed.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 182/A 182M – 05, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved June 1, 2005)
(1) Deleted 6.2.1, heat treatment requirements for F22V, and (7) Added Grade F 64, UNS S30601, to Tables 1-3.
added heat treatment requirements for this grade to Table 1. (8) Revised Tables 1-4 and added 13.1.9 to provide for new
(2) Corrected the minimum tempering temperature in °C for Grade F 36, Classes 1 and 2.
(9) Revised 1.2 and 2.2 to reference A 965/A 965M.
(3) Moved Grade 904L from the Austenitic-Ferritic portions to
the Austenitic portions of Tables 1-4. (10) Revised 5.1 to remove restriction on use of basic oxygen
(4) Corrected the nominal chemistry description in the Grade process on ferritic steels containing more than 6 % Cr.
column of Table 2 for F58. (11) Revised 5.2 to remove restriction of use of remelting
(5) Corrected the significant figures in Table 2 for the compo- processes on nitrogen-alloyed stainless steels.
sition of F62. (12) Revised 7.4 to extend application of grade substitution
(6) Added Grade F 63, UNS S32615, to Section 9 and to rules to ferritic steels.
Tables 1-3.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 182/A 182M – 04a, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved March 1, 2005)
(1) Added normalizing temperature range for F92, F23, F24, (4) Added UNS numbers to F92, F911, F3VCb, and F24 in
and F122 and revised normalizing temperature range for F91 Table 2.
and F911 in Table 1. (5) Revised minimum post-weld heat treatment temperatures
(2) Added tempering temperature range for F91, F92, F23, and added ranges for post weld heat treatment temperatures for
F24, and F122 and revised tempering temperature range for F91, F92, F911, F23, F24, and F122 in Table 4.
F911 in Table 1.
(3) Changed Chromium range from “8.5-10.5” to “8.5-9.5” in
Table 2.
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 182/A 182M – 04, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved October 1, 2004)
Committee A01 has identified the location of selected changes to this specification since the last issue,
A 182/A 182M – 02, that may impact the use of this specification. (Approved March 1, 2004)
This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or (e-mail); or through the ASTM website