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C592 13

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Designation: C592 − 13

Standard Specification for

Mineral Fiber Blanket Insulation and Blanket-Type Pipe
Insulation (Metal-Mesh Covered) (Industrial Type)1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation C592; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year of
original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval. A
superscript epsilon (´) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.
This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 1.6 The values stated in inch-pound units are to be regarded

1.1 This specification covers the composition, dimensions, as standard. The values given in parentheses are mathematical
and physical properties of mineral fiber (rock, slag, or glass) conversions to SI units that are provided for information only
metal mesh covered and industrial type blanket and blanket- and are not considered standard.
type pipe insulation (typically on 24 in. (610 mm) diameters or 1.7 This standard does not purport to address all of the
larger)). Its use is for cooled surfaces at temperatures operating safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the
below ambient to 0°F (−18°C) and on heated surfaces on responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appro-
expansion joints to large diameter vessels and tanks operating priate safety and health practices and determine the applica-
at temperatures up to 1200°F (649°C). Specific applications bility of regulatory requirements prior to use.
outside the actual use temperatures shall be agreed upon
2. Referenced Documents
between the manufacturer and purchaser.
2.1 ASTM Standards:2
1.2 For satisfactory performance, properly installed protec-
C167 Test Methods for Thickness and Density of Blanket or
tive vapor retarders or barriers shall be used on below ambient
Batt Thermal Insulations
temperature applications to reduce movement of moisture/
C168 Terminology Relating to Thermal Insulation
water vapor through or around the insulation towards the
C177 Test Method for Steady-State Heat Flux Measure-
colder surface. Failure to use a vapor retarder can lead to
ments and Thermal Transmission Properties by Means of
insulation and system damage. Refer to Practice C921 to aid
the Guarded-Hot-Plate Apparatus
material selection. Although vapor retarder properties are not
C356 Test Method for Linear Shrinkage of Preformed High-
part of this specification, properties required in Specification
Temperature Thermal Insulation Subjected to Soaking
C1136 are pertinent to applications or performance.
1.3 The orientation of the fibers within the blanket is C390 Practice for Sampling and Acceptance of Thermal
primarily parallel to the heated surface. This specification does Insulation Lots
not cover fabricated pipe and tank wrap insulation where the C411 Test Method for Hot-Surface Performance of High-
insulation has been cut and fabricated to provide fiber orien- Temperature Thermal Insulation
tation that is perpendicular to the heated surface. C447 Practice for Estimating the Maximum Use Tempera-
1.4 This standard does not purport to provide the perfor- ture of Thermal Insulations
mance requirements of hourly-rated fire systems. Consult the C518 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission
manufacturer for the appropriate system. Properties by Means of the Heat Flow Meter Apparatus
C665 Specification for Mineral-Fiber Blanket Thermal Insu-
1.5 See Supplementary Requirements for modifications to
lation for Light Frame Construction and Manufactured
sections in this standard only when specified by purchaser in
the contract or order from the U.S. Military specifications
C680 Practice for Estimate of the Heat Gain or Loss and the
utilized by the U.S. Department of Defense, Department of the
Surface Temperatures of Insulated Flat, Cylindrical, and
Navy, and the Naval Systems Command.
Spherical Systems by Use of Computer Programs
C795 Specification for Thermal Insulation for Use in Con-
tact with Austenitic Stainless Steel
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee C16 on
Thermal Insulation and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee C16.23 on
Blanket and Loose Fill Insulation. For referenced ASTM standards, visit the ASTM website, www.astm.org, or
Current edition approved Nov. 1, 2013. Published December 2013. Originally contact ASTM Customer Service at service@astm.org. For Annual Book of ASTM
approved in 1966. Last previous edition approved in 2012 as C592 – 12. DOI: Standards volume information, refer to the standard’s Document Summary page on
10.1520/C0592-13. the ASTM website.

Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 1

C592 − 13
TABLE 1 Physical Requirements
Properties Type I Type II Type III Type IVA
Maximum use temperature °F (°C) 850 (454) 1200 (649) 1200 (649) 1200 (649)
(see 6.2.1) (Excluding metal-mesh
all facings and metal tie- wires/stitching)

Apparent Thermal ConductivityB

(Excluding all facings and
metal tie-wires/stitching)
max Btu, in./h ft2 °F (W/m K)
Mean Temperature,
°F (°C)
25 (−4) 0.21 (0.030) 0.21 (0.030) 0.23 (0.033) 0.23 (0.033)
75 (24) 0.25 (0.036) 0.25 (0.036) 0.24 (0.035) 0.24 (0.035)
100 (38) 0.27 (0.039) 0.27 (0.039) 0.26 (0.038) 0.26 (0.038)
200 (93) 0.34 (0.049) 0.34 (0.049) 0.31 (0.045) 0.31 (0.045)
300 (149) 0.43 (0.062) 0.42 (0.060) 0.37 (0.053) 0.37 (0.053)
400 (204) 0.55 (0.079) 0.53 (0.076) 0.44 (0.063) 0.44 (0.063)
500 (260) 0.70 (0.101) 0.64 (0.092) 0.52 (0.075) 0.52 (0.075)
600 (316) 0.75 (0.108) 0.60 (0.087) 0.60 (0.087)
700 (371) 0.86 (0.124) 0.70 (0.101) 0.70 (0.101)

Linear Shrinkage, max % at maximum 4.0 4.0 4.0 4.0

use temperature
Water Vapor Sorption,C max % 5.0 5.0 1.25 1.25
by weight
Surface Burning Characteristics
Maximum-flame spread index 25 25 25 25
Maximum smoke developed index 50 50 50 50
Density maximum,D lb/ft3 (kg/m3) 10 (160) 12 (192) 8 (128) 8 (128)
Type IV is for the Industrial Type, non-metal-mesh covered blankets only.
Values for apparent thermal conductivity are for insulation and do not include mesh and wire through insulation thickness. Therefore, Practice C680 or other heat loss
analysis using these data are not possible without accounting for heat losses through attaching media.
Some water sorption characteristics will change after the product is subjected to elevated temperatures within normal service conditions.
The maximum density specified is for the weight design purpose only and includes weight for the facings. Additional density requirements including the density for the
blanket without facing(s) are permitted to be specified by agreement between the purchaser and the manufacturer or seller.

C921 Practice for Determining the Properties of Jacketing 2.2 Other Document:
Materials for Thermal Insulation CAN/ULC-S102 Standard Method of Test for Surface
C1045 Practice for Calculating Thermal Transmission Prop- Burning Characteristics of Building Materials and Assem-
erties Under Steady-State Conditions blies3
C1058 Practice for Selecting Temperatures for Evaluating
and Reporting Thermal Properties of Thermal Insulation 3. Terminology
C1104/C1104M Test Method for Determining the Water 3.1 Terminology C168 shall be the terms used in this
Vapor Sorption of Unfaced Mineral Fiber Insulation specification.
C1114 Test Method for Steady-State Thermal Transmission 3.2 Definitions of Terms Specific to This Standard:
Properties by Means of the Thin-Heater Apparatus 3.2.1 mean temperature—the sum of the cold surface tem-
C1136 Specification for Flexible, Low Permeance Vapor perature and the hot surface temperature divided by two.
Retarders for Thermal Insulation 3.2.2 metal-mesh covered blanket—mineral fiber thermal
C1304 Test Method for Assessing the Odor Emission of insulation held together by metal-mesh facings on one or both
Thermal Insulation Materials sides with heat-resistant metal ties attached through the blanket
C1335 Test Method for Measuring Non-Fibrous Content of from one face to the other.
Man-Made Rock and Slag Mineral Fiber Insulation
3.2.3 metal-mesh covered blanket-type pipe—mineral fiber
C1338 Test Method for Determining Fungi Resistance of thermal insulation sized to fit around a large Nominal Pipe Size
Insulation Materials and Facings (NPS) and held together by metal-mesh facings on one or both
C1617 Practice for Quantitative Accelerated Laboratory sides with heat-resistant metal ties attached through the blanket
Evaluation of Extraction Solutions Containing Ions from one face to the other.
Leached from Thermal Insulation on Aqueous Corrosion
3.2.4 industrial type (faced and unfaced) blanket—mineral
of Metals
fiber thermal insulation without a metal mesh covering.
E84 Test Method for Surface Burning Characteristics of
Building Materials
E136 Test Method for Behavior of Materials in a Vertical 3
Available from Underwriters Laboratories (UL), 2600 N.W. Lake Rd., Camas,
Tube Furnace at 750°C WA 98607-8542, http://www.ul.com.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 2

C592 − 13
3.2.5 industrial type (faced and unfaced) blanket-type Expanded metal lath, (painted finish, not flattened,
pipe—mineral fiber thermal insulation without a metal mesh not galvanized) having diamond-shaped openings, weighing
covering and sized to fit around a large Nominal Pipe Sizes 2.5 lb/yd2 (1400 g/m2).
(NPS) 6.2.3 Other kinds or compositions of facings are permitted
to be specified.
4. Classification
6.3 Manufacture/Fabrication:
4.1 Mineral fiber blanket insulation covered by this speci- 6.3.1 Metal mesh facing(s) shall be secured to the insulation
fication shall be classified into the four types shown in Table 1. face on one or both side(s) with minimum (diameter) No. 28
TYPE I, II, and III are classified as metal-mesh covered gage (0.32 mm), 300 Series alloy, non-ferrous stainless steel tie
blankets and TYPE IV is classified as industrial type, non- wires or stitching no greater than 12 in. (305 mm) apart passing
metal-mesh covered (faced & unfaced) blanket. The classifi- vertically through the blanket. Spacing (attachment pattern) for
cation is based upon the maximum use temperature and vertical steel tie wires and stitching must include rows within
apparent thermal conductivity. 2 in. (51 mm) from all edges of the blanket.
6.3.2 Minimum (diameter) No. 28 gage (0.41 mm) galva-
5. Ordering Information nized steel tie wires or stitching is permitted to be used for
5.1 The type, dimensions, maximum use temperature, and securement with galvanized steel facings.
metal mesh covering or facings for one or both sides, or a 6.4 Any non-metal mesh-facings for industrial type blanket
combination thereof, shall be specified by the purchaser. A and blanket-type pipe shall be adhered to the insulation face on
product certification shall be specified in the purchase order. one or both side(s).
6. Materials and Manufacture 7. Physical Requirements
6.1 Composition—Mineral fiber blanket shall be composed 7.1 Handling and Transporting—Each piece of blanket
of rock, slag, or glass processed from the molten state into insulation shall be coherent to permit handling / transportation
fibrous form, bonded with or without an organic binder; the and installation as a unit.
metal-mesh covered blanket is secured with tie-wires or metal
stitching. Asbestos shall not be used as an ingredient or 7.2 The blanket insulation type shall conform to the follow-
component part of the product. ing requirements in Table 1: maximum use temperature,
density (for weight design purposes only), apparent thermal
6.2 Facings: conductivity, water vapor sorption, and surface burning char-
6.2.1 Types of facings for one or both sides of blanket units acteristics.
shall be specified. When both sides are to be faced, units are
permitted to have the same or different types on the two sides. 7.3 Odor Emission—A detectable odor of objectionable The user of this specification is advised that the nature recorded by more than two of the five panel members
maximum use temperature of some facings and adhesives will shall constitute rejection of the material when tested in
be lower than the maximum use temperature of the insulation. accordance with 11.6.
For example, usually galvanized hexagonal wire-woven net- 7.4 Corrosiveness to Steel, Copper, Aluminum—When
ting and tie wires or stitching perform well under continuous tested and evaluated in accordance with Specification C665 in
exposure to temperatures up to 392°F (200°C). Exposure to 11.7, the corrosion resulting from the unfaced insulation
temperatures above this limit will cause the outer free zinc blanket in contact with metal plates shall be judged to be no
layer to peel. Though there are potential or occasional concerns greater than comparative plates in contact with sterile cotton.
for corrosion conditions at various temperatures, galvanized 7.4.1 The use of Practice C1617 is an acceptable alternative
wire, stitching, or facings are not recommended for tempera- to the test procedure in 7.3 for corrosiveness to steel with the
tures above 500°F (260°C). In addition, the user of this mass loss corrosion rate of the steel test sample exposed to the
specification shall ensure that sufficient insulation thickness is unfaced insulation extract not to exceed that of the 5 ppm
installed so that none of the accessory items (facings, adhesive, chloride solution.
coatings, and lagging) are exposed to temperatures above their 7.5 Non-Fibrous (Shot) Content—The averaged maximum
maximum use temperature. As a general rule, Practice C680 shot content of mineral fiber rock or slag type products shall
shall be used to determine surface temperatures.) not exceed 25 % by weight as defined in 11.3.
6.2.2 Standard Types of Metal Mesh Used as Facings: Woven netting, No. 20 to 22 gage (0.88 to 0.73 mm) 7.6 Maximum Use Temperature—When tested in accor-
diameter, galvanized wire mesh, 1 in. (25 mm) hexagonal dance with 11.1, the blanket insulation shall not warp, flame, or
shaped. glow during hot surface exposure. No evidence of melting or Woven netting, nonferrous No. 20 to 22 gage (0.82 fiber degradation shall be evident upon post test inspection.
to 0.64 mm) diameter, 300 series stainless steel wire mesh, 1 7.7 Maximum Exothermic Temperature—When tested in
in. (25 mm) hexagonal shaped. accordance with 11.1, the internal temperature shall not at any Stucco expanded metal lath, (painted finish, not time exceed the hot surface temperature by more than 100°F
flattened, not galvanized) having 1.5 in. (38 mm) diamond- (55.5°C). The 100°F (55.5°C) criterion applies during heat-up
shaped openings, No. 18 gage (1.2 mm) thickness, weighing as well as steady state conditions. Exceeding this limit consti-
1.8 lb/yd2 (1010 g/m2). tutes noncompliance to specification.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 3

C592 − 13
7.8 Non-Combustibility—When the blanket insulation, with 10. Sampling
all facings removed, is tested in accordance with 11.10, the 10.1 Inspection and qualification of the insulation shall be in
recorded temperature rise shall not exceed more than 54°F accordance with Practice C390 or as otherwise specified in the
(30°C) with no flaming and weight loss exceeding 5 %. purchase order or contract as agreed upon between the
7.9 Stress Corrosion to Austenitic Stainless Steel—When purchaser, supplier, or the manufacturer, or a combination
specified, shall be tested and evaluated in accordance with thereof.
11. Test Methods
7.10 Fungi Resistance—Shall be tested in accordance with
11.1 Maximum Use and Exothermic Temperature Rise—The
11.12; growth no greater than that on a comparative item
insulation blanket without any facings shall be tested in
(white birch wood) shall be considered to have passed the test
accordance with Test Method C411 and the hot surface
method criteria.
performance section of Practice C447 at the maximum use
temperature of the insulation and at the maximum recom-
8. Dimensions and Permissible Variations
mended thickness stipulated by the manufacturer for that
8.1 Dimensions: temperature. The test surface shall be at the intended surface
8.1.1 Standard sizes of metal-mesh blanket insulation and temperature when test begins. No special requirements for heat
non-metal-mesh industrial type blanket insulation shall be as up shall be specified by the manufacturer.
follows: 11.2 Density:
Standard sizes of metal-mesh blanket insulation 11.2.1 The thickness and density of insulation shall be
Length 48 in. (1219 mm) and 96 in. tested in accordance with Test Methods C167.
(2438 mm)
(except for Nominal Pipe
11.2.2 The maximum density of a rock, slag or glass type of
Sizes (NPS) system blanket insulation shall not exceed that shown in Table 1.
24 in. (610 mm) and When density is part of the purchase contract, the delivered
36 in. (914 mm)
Thickness 1 to 6 in. (25 mm to 152 mm)A
product density shall be calculated on the basis of single
= in 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) package units excluding the container and facing weights and
Standard sizes of non-metal-mesh industrial type blanket insulation with a tolerance of not more than –10 % on the individual
Length 48 in. (1219 mm), 96 in. (2438 mm) and container contents.
= to 25 ft. (7.62 m) 11.3 Non-Fibrous (Shot) Content:
(except for Nominal Pipe Sizes (NPS) 11.3.1 The maximum non-fibrous (shot) content that would
Width 24 in. (610 mm), 36 in. (914 mm),
be retained on all screens (sieves) up to and including
= 100-mesh (150 µm) screen (sieve) as determined by the test
and 48 in. (1219 mm)
Thickness 1 to 6 in. (25 mm to 152 mm)B method and calculation procedure in Test Method C1335.
= in 1⁄2 in. (13 mm) increments
11.3.2 A minimum of three specimens per lot (shipment)
It is acceptable for thickness over 2 in. (51 mm) to be composed of two or more shall determine the averaged non-fibrous (shot) content. The
blankets plied together to establish total thickness before facings applied. manufacturer shall furnish certification of the shot content of
Consult manufacturer for maximum available thickness. the delivered product if so specified at time of purchase.
8.2 Dimensional Tolerances—The average measured length, 11.4 Apparent Thermal Conductivity:
width, and thickness shall differ from the standard dimensions 11.4.1 The thermal conductivity as a function of tempera-
from the manufacturer by not more than the following: ture for the representative specimens shall be determined with
Blanket Blanket-Type Blanket-Type data obtained from a series of thermal tests utilizing Test
Pipe Roll Methods C177, C518, or C1114 as appropriate for the material
Length ± 1⁄2 in. (13 ± 1⁄4 in. (6 -0 in., excess
mm) mm) permitted
under study. Specimen shall be tested unfaced and at a
± 1⁄4 in. (6 Not applicable ±1⁄2 in. (12.7 maximum thickness of 2 in. (51 mm).
mm) mm) Test Method C518 shall not be used at temperatures
Thickness ± 1⁄4 in. (6 +1⁄4 in. (6 -1⁄8 in. (3mm),
= mm), mm), (excess or resistances other than those in the range of the calibration.
–1⁄8 in. (3 mm) –1⁄8 in. (3 mm) permitted) Test Method C1114 shall not be used at tempera-
8.2.1 Pipe Diameters (Fit and Closure)—When fitted tures or resistance ranges other than those with comparable
around the appropriate size pipe, by banding on 9-in. (229-mm) results to Test Method C177.
centers, the longitudinal seams on both sides of the pipe Mineral fiber blanket-type insulations for pipes are
insulation shall close along the entire length of the section or typically used at 24-in. (610-mm) or larger diameter surfaces.
piece. Thermal calculations shall be based on a flat surface.
11.4.2 The test method selected shall have proven correla-
tion with Test Method C177 over the temperature range of
9. Workmanship
conditions used. In cases of dispute, Test Method C177 shall be
9.1 The insulation blanket shall have good workmanship the final authority for material having flat geometry.
and shall not have defects that adversely affect its installation 11.4.3 Practice C1058 shall be used to obtain recommended
and performance qualities. test temperature combinations for testing purposes.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 4

C592 − 13
11.4.4 As specified in Practice C1045, the range of test 12. Qualification Requirements
conditions must include at least one test where the hot surface 12.1 The following requirements shall be employed for the
temperature is greater than, or equal to, the hot limit of the purpose of initial material or product qualification:
temperature range of desired data and at least one test where 12.1.1 Maximum use and exothermic temperatures,
the cold surface temperature is less than, or equal to, the cold 12.1.2 Apparent thermal conductivity,
limit of the temperature range desired. Additional tests, at least 12.1.3 Non-combustibility,
two, shall be distributed somewhat evenly over the rest of the 12.1.4 Water vapor sorption,
temperature range. 12.1.5 Odor emission,
11.4.5 Conduct final analysis of the thermal data in accor- 12.1.6 Surface burning characteristics,
dance with Practice C1045 to generate a thermal conductivity 12.1.7 Corrosiveness,
versus temperature relationship for the specimen. 12.1.8 Shot content,
11.4.6 The final step of Practice C1045 analysis would be to 12.1.9 Flexibility, and
calculate the thermal conductivity using the equations gener- 12.1.10 Fungi resistance.
ated at a set of mean temperatures for comparison to the
specification. 13. Inspection While it is recommended that the specification data
be presented as thermal conductivity versus temperature, 13.1 The following requirements are employed for the
several existing specifications shall contain mean temperature purpose of acceptance sampling of lots or shipments of
data from tests conducted at specific hot and cold surface qualified insulation:
temperatures. In these cases, the thermal conductivity as a 13.1.1 This test does not address the effects of thermal
function of temperature from the Practice C1045 analysis will bridging due to the effect of any tie wire system,
provide different results. To insure that the data are compatible, 13.1.2 Density (when specified) (shall be calculated in
a Practice C680 analysis, using the thermal conductivity versus accordance with 11.2.2),
temperature relationship from Practice C1045 and the specific 13.1.3 Dimensional tolerances,
hot and cold surface temperatures, is required to determine the 13.1.4 Compliance with facing type specification, facing
effective thermal conductivity for comparison to the specifica- attachment, and
tion requirements. 13.1.5 Workmanship.
11.5 Surface Burning Characteristics—Test the surface 14. Rejection
burning characteristics in accordance with Test Method E84.
For Canada, test in accordance with Test Method CAN/ULC- 14.1 Failure to conform to the requirements in this specifi-
S102. When the referenced Canadian document in this stan- cation shall constitute cause for rejection. Rejection shall be
dard is referred to in applicable Canadian building codes, the reported to the manufacturer or the supplier promptly and in
editions, referenced by those building codes; shall govern. The writing. The manufacturer and supplier have the right to verify
test shall be performed with any facing in place, if facing is the results causing the rejection and inspect the rejected
intended to be the end product. Tests for unfaced mineral fiber products.
blankets are allowed provided the facings are constructed with
15. Certification
inorganic materials and contain no organic adhesives.
15.1 When specified in the purchase order or contract, the
11.6 Odor Emission—The insulation shall be tested in
purchaser shall be furnished certification that samples repre-
accordance with Test Method C1304.
senting each lot have been either tested or inspected as directed
11.7 Corrosiveness to Steel, Copper, and Aluminum—The in this specification and the requirements have been met. When
insulation shall be tested in accordance with the corrosiveness specified in the purchase order or contract, a report of the test
method of Specification C665 or Practice C1617. results shall be furnished.
11.8 Water Vapor Sorption—The insulation shall be tested
in accordance with Test Method C1104/C1104M for determin- 16. Packaging and Marking
ing vapor sorption of unfaced mineral fiber insulation. 16.1 Packaging—Unless otherwise specified, the insulation
11.9 Linear Shrinkage—The insulation shall be tested in shall be packed in the manufacturer’s standard commercial
accordance with method described in Test Method C356. containers.
11.10 Non-combustibility—Shall be determined with pass- 16.2 Marking—Unless otherwise specified, each container
ing the requirements of Test Method E136. shall be plainly marked as follows:
16.2.1 Blanket Insulation—Manufacturer name, address and
11.11 Stress Corrosion Performance for Use on Austenitic phone number of manufacturer, product name, type, descrip-
Stainless Steel—When specified, test in accordance with Speci- tion of facing(s), quantity in square feet (meters) and number
fication C795. All test specimens must include the facing and of pieces, nominal dimensions, manufacturers lot or date code,
adhesive if intended to be the end product. and identification of the material in the container.
11.12 Fungi Resistance—Test in accordance with Test 16.2.2 Pipe Insulation—Manufacturer name, address and
Method C1338 using a white birch tongue depressor as the phone number of manufacturer, product name, type, descrip-
comparative item. tion of facing(s), quantity in linear feet (meters) and number of

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 5

C592 − 13
pieces, nominal dimensions including pipe size if applicable, 17. Keywords
manufacturers lot or date code, and identification of the 17.1 blanket insulation; blanket-type pipe insulation; facing;
material in the container. metal-mesh covered; mineral fiber insulation; stitching; tie
16.3 When specified in the purchase order or contract, each wires; vibration resistance
container shall be marked with the appropriate Specification
C592 type.


The following supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by purchaser in the
contract or order for the U.S. Military specifications utilized by the U.S. Department of Defense,
Department of Navy and Naval Sea Systems Command.

S1. Add 1.8 to Section 1, Scope: treated /vibrated.

S1.1 1.8 The Supplementary Requirements and exceptions S5. 11.1.3 Detrimental heat / vibration affects the overall
are for thermal insulation materials on piping, machinery, physical characteristics of the blanket when comparing to a test
equipment for non-nuclear shipboard applications, and not specimen. Obvious observations, for example, are the bolts
applicable on nuclear submarines. cutting through the insulation material which cause large
quantities of fiber or insulation blanket pieces to drop off the
S2. Amend and Add subsections to 6.1 Composition: test stand holder during or after the test.
S2.1 Amend last sentence 6.1—Asbestos and ceramic (re- S6. Replace 11.8 Water Vapor Sorption:
fractory) fibers shall not be used as an ingredient or component
S6.1 11.8 Water Vapor Sorption—The insulation shall be
part of the product.
tested in accordance with Test Method C1104/C1104M for
S2.2 Add— 6.1.1 Binder—The organic binder shall not exceed
determining vapor sorption of unfaced mineral fiber insulation.
1.5 % by mass of the total mineral fiber blanket mass less any
The moisture absorption percent will be determined after 6 h at
facings, adhesives, and securement wires.
120°F (49°C) and 90 % relative humidity.
S3. Amend 6.1 Standard Types of Metal Mesh Used as S7. Add 11.13 to Section 11, Test Methods::
S7.1 11.13 Resistance to Vibration:
S3.1 Delete 11.13.1 Scope—This is a method of determining the sag,
settlement, or shake down of the mineral fiber blanket insula-
S4. Amend 6.3 Manufacture/Fabrication:
tion without the attachment of any tie wires or metal mesh
S4.1 6.3.1 The blanket insulation shall be secured between coverings (facings). The comparison is between the measured
the wire mesh facings, or members by 300 series stainless steel mass and sag of the sample material before applying to heating
tiewire or stitching no greater than 7 in. (178 mm) apart apparatus; heating to a designated temperature; removing
passing vertically through the blanket. Spacing for vertical sample to a vibration machine; vibrating to a designated
wires must include rows within 1 in. (25 mm) from all face frequency, amplitude, and duration; removal from vibrating
edges of the blanket. machine; and measuring its change in mass and or sag.
S4.2 Replace 6.3.2. 11.13.2 Significance and Use—It is possible that vibration after
S4.2.1 6.3.2 Type IV blanket shall not be secured between any heating will create excessive sagging or loss of structural
wire mesh facings, tie-wires, or stitching. All other physical integrity of the insulation, adversely affecting overall thermal
properties shall be identical to Type III as shown in Table 1. performance.
11.13.3 Apparatus:
S5. Add 7.11 Resistance to Vibration to Section 7, Physical Electrically heated hot-plate furnace capable to heat
Requirements: uniformly one side of a 24 in. (610 mm) by 36 in. (914 mm)
S5.1 7.11 Resistance to Vibration—The insulation blanket panel at controlled and maintain temperatures of 750 6 10°F
without supporting members or tie wires, or both, shall not sag, (400 6 12°C) is shown in Fig. S7.1.
settle, or shake down beyond criteria when tested in accor- Vibration Machine, capable of timed end-plane
dance within Supplementary Requirements 11.13 Resistance to vibrations at 12 Hz and 0.131 in. (3 mm) amplitude (total
Vibration vertical displacement 0.131 in. (3 mm)) is shown in the
S5. 11.1 Rejection Criteria: following Fig. S7.2.
S5. 11.1.1 Sag difference of 3 in. (76 mm) between before the Balance Scale, capable of weighing 4 in. (102 mm)
test specimen and after the same test specimen has been heat by 24 in. (610 mm) by 36 in. (914 mm) sample up to 24 lb 6
treated /vibrated. 0.7 oz (10.9 kg 6 1 g).
S5. 11.1.2 Mass loss difference of 15 % between before the Ruler capable of measuring up to 36 in. (914 mm)
tested specimen and after the same test specimen has been heat with 61⁄32 in. (61 mm) tolerance.

Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); 6

C592 − 13

FIG. S7.1 Electrically Heated Hot-Plate Furnace

11.13.4 Specimens—Cut with a knife one test specimen piece Measurement Recorded
(representative thickness by 24 in. (610 mm) by 36 in. (914 Descriptions Measurements
Mass of specimen before heating and
mm) of mineral fiber blanket without tie wires, facings, etc. vibration
The mass of the specimen shall be determined to within 6 1
gram and the density shall be calculated for identity purposes Average 10 Sag, end up; before =
if multiply samples are to be tested. The dimensions of each Average 10 Sag, end down; before =
specimen shall be determined by averaging 10 measurements
to with in 1⁄32 in. (1 mm) in each dimension. The same test Average 10 Sag, other end up; before =
specimen shall be compared before and after heat treating/ Average 10 Sag, other end down;
vibration. before
11.13.5 Procedure for Test Specimen:
Test specimen “sag” average lengths = The test specimen shall be placed on a rigid horizon-
tal surface with 6 in. (152 mm) of the long dimension of the Mass of specimen after heating and
insulation extending beyond the edge of the surface. The vibration

vertical distance from the horizontal surface to the bottom on Average 10 Sag, end up; after =
the insulation furthest from the edge shall be measured to 61⁄32
in. (61 mm) at ten equally spaced locations. The specimen Average 10 Sag, end down; after =

shall be turned over and the sag measurements repeated. The Average 10 Sag, other end up; after =
sag measurements shall be repeated on the opposite end of the
specimen to provide four each “sag” average lengths. Average 10 Sag, other end down; after = The measurements shall be completed within 5 to 30 Any pertinent unusual observation >>>
min after the specimen is positioned. The average of the 40
measurements shall be identified as the control specimen sag 11.13.6 Procedure for Heat and Vibration:
length. Place test specimen on the hot-plate furnace surface. Record the following measurements for comparison: Subject one face (bottom side) of the specimen to the following

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FIG. S7.2 Vibration Machine

time temperature schedule heat-up. Expose the top face to Remove specimen from furnace taking particular
ambient room temperature. care not to drop or lose any blanket insulation.
Ramp Time Temperature After the heat treated specimen has been cooled
0–10 min Ramp from room temperature to 250°F (121°C) significantly to handle, horizontally move the blanket insula-
10–20 min Ramp from 250°F (121°C) to 500°F (260°C) tion to the horizontal mounting holder on the vibration ma-
20–30min Ramp from 500°F (260°C) to 750°F (399°C)
30–300 min Hold at 750°F (399°C) chine. Impale the heat treated blanket with the heated side of
After 300 (±5) min Turn off heat and allow to cool to the blanket toward the removed horizontal vibration holder on
room temperature for 17 to 24 h six equally spaced 3⁄8 in. (10 mm) diameter bolts and fasten

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with 1 in. (25 mm) washers on the outside face/surface of the Shv = average 40 measurements of sag on the heat/vibrated
blanket material. Attached the vibration holder with the at- specimen
tached blanket insulation in a vertical configuration on to the Sdhv = total sag difference, between test specimen and
vibration machine. heated/vibrated specimen. Operate vibration machine for 6 h at 12 Hz and
amplitude total displacement 0.131 in. (3 mm). Calculate mass loss differences in percent as follows: During Vibration, make note of any pertinent obser- W c 2 W hv
vation. 5 ~ P dhv! %
Wc After vibration time has expired, removed the holder
with the pinned blanket insulation from the vibration machine where:
and lay the flat side (insulation on upper side) of holder Wc = mass of test specimen,
horizontally on the table. Remove the 1 in. (25 mm) washer Whv = mass of heat/vibrated specimen,
and carefully remove the “heated/vibrated” specimen for Pdhv = percent difference between test specimen and heated/
weighing and sag testing. vibrated specimen.
11. 13.6.7 Move control/vibrated test specimen back to the 11.13.8 Precision and Bias:
original horizontal surface referenced in paragraph Precision—It is not possible to specify the precision
and perform the total sag testing procedures per of the procedure in 11.13 Resistance to Vibration because the
through only test data and details for 28 mineral fiber high temperature
11.13.7 Calculations : insulation specimens were provided by Tennessee Technologi- Calculate the sag difference(s) as follows: cal University for the Naval Ship Systems Engineering Station.
S c 2 S hv 5 S dhv This test research report by Dr. David W. Yarbrough has been
filed at ASTM International Headquarters.
where: Bias—No information can be presented on the bias
Sc = average 40 measurements of sag on the control of the procedure in 11.13 Resistance to Vibration because no
specimen, material having an acceptable reference value is available.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned
in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk
of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards
and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above
address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
(www.astm.org). Permission rights to photocopy the standard may also be secured from the ASTM website (www.astm.org/

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