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An American National Standard

Designation: A 182/A 182M 01a Endorsed by Manufacturers Standardization

Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry
Used in USDOE-NE Standards

Standard Specification for

Forged or Rolled Alloy-Steel Pipe Flanges, Forged Fittings,
and Valves and Parts for High-Temperature Service1
This standard is issued under the fixed designation A 182/A 182M; the number immediately following the designation indicates the year
of original adoption or, in the case of revision, the year of last revision. A number in parentheses indicates the year of last reapproval.
A superscript epsilon (e) indicates an editorial change since the last revision or reapproval.

This standard has been approved for use by agencies of the Department of Defense.

1. Scope 2. Referenced Documents

1.1 This specification2 covers forged low alloy and stainless 2.1 In addition to the referenced documents listed in Speci-
steel piping components for use in pressure systems. Included fication A 961, the following list of standards apply to this
are flanges, fittings, valves, and similar parts to specified specification.
dimensions or to dimensional standards such as the ASME 2.2 ASTM Standards:
specifications that are referenced in Section 2. A 234/A 234M Specification for Piping Fittings of
1.2 For bars and products machined directly from bar, refer Wrought Carbon Steel and Alloy Steel for Moderate and
to Specifications A 479/A 479M and A 739, for the similar Elevated Temperatures3
grades available in those specifications. Products made to this A 262 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-
specification are limited to a maximum weight of 10 000 lb lar Attack in Austenitic Stainless Steels4
[4540 kg]. For larger products and products for other applica- A 275/A 275M Test Method for Magnetic Particle Exami-
tions, refer to Specification A 336 for the similar grades nation of Steel Forgings5
available in that specification. A 336/A 336M Specification for Alloy Steel Forgings for
1.3 Several grades of low alloy steels and ferritic, marten- Pressure and High-Temperature Parts5
sitic, austenitic, and ferritic-austenitic stainless steels are in- A 370 Test Methods and Definitions for Mechanical Testing

cluded in this specification. Selection will depend upon design of Steel Products4
| |||

and service requirements. A 403/A 403M Specification for Wrought Austenitic Stain-
1.4 Supplementary requirements are provided for use when less Steel Piping Fittings3
||||| ||

additional testing or inspection is desired. These shall apply A 479/A 479M Specification for Stainless and Heat-

only when specified individually by the purchaser in the order. Resisting Steel Bars and Shapes for Use in Boilers and
Other Pressure Vessels4
|||| ||

1.5 This specification is expressed in both inch-pound units

and in SI units. However, unless the order specifies the A 484/A 484M Specification for General Requirements for

applicable M specification designation (SI units), the mate- Stainless Steel Bars, Billets, and Forgings4

rial shall be furnished to inch-pound units. A 739 Specification for Steel Bars, Alloy, Hot-Wrought, for

1.6 The values stated in either inch-pound units or SI units Elevated Temperature or Pressure-Containing Parts, or
| ---

are to be regarded separately as the standard. Within the text, Both5

the SI units are shown in brackets. The values stated in each A 763 Practices for Detecting Susceptibility to Intergranu-
system are not exact equivalents; therefore, each system must lar Attack in Ferritic Stainless Steels4
be used independently of the other. Combining values from the A 788 Specification for Steel Forgings, General Require-
two systems may result in nonconformance with the specifi- ments5
cation. A 961 Specification for Common Requirements for Steel
Flanges, Forged Fittings, Valves, and Parts for Piping
E 112 Test Methods for Determining the Average Grain
This specification is under the jurisdiction of ASTM Committee A01 on Steel,
Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys and is the direct responsibility of Subcommittee
A01.22 on Steel Forgings and Wrought Fittings for Piping Applications and Bolting
Materials for Piping and Special Purpose Applications. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.01.
Current edition approved Sept. 10, 2001. Published December 2001. Originally Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.03.
published as A 182 35 T. Last previous edition A 182/A 182M 01. Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 01.05.
2 6
For ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code applications see related Specifi- Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.01.
cation SA-182 in Section II of that Code.

Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International 1 Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 09/25/2002
13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M
E 165 Test Method for Liquid Penetrant Examination7 beam melting. Because of difficulties that may be met in
E 340 Test Method for Macroetching Metals and Alloys6 retaining nitrogen, vacuum melting or remelting processes
2.3 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Codes:8 should not be specified for Grades F XM-11, F 304LN,
Section IX Welding Qualifications F 316LN, F 304N, F 316N, F XM-19, F 44, F 45, F 48, F 49,
SFA-5.4 Specification for Corrosion-Resisting Chromium F 50, F 51, F 52, F 53, F 54, F 55, F 58, F 59, F 60, F 62, or
and Chromium-Nickel Steel Covered Welding Electrodes F 904L.
SFA-5.5 Specification for Low-Alloy Steel Covered Arc- 5.3 A sufficient discard shall be made to secure freedom
Welding Electrodes from injurious piping and undue segregation.
SFA-5.9 Specification for Corrosion-Resisting Chromium 5.4 The material shall be forged as close as practicable to
and Chromium-Nickel Steel Welding Rods and Bare the specified shape and size. Except for flanges of any type,
Electrodes forged or rolled bar may be used without additional hot
SFA-5.11 Specification for Nickel and Nickel-Alloy Cov- working for small cylindrically shaped parts within the limits
ered Welding Electrodes defined by Specification A 234/A 234M for low alloy steels
B 16.5 Dimensional Standards for Steel Pipe Flanges and and martensitic stainless steels and Specification A 403/
Flanged Fittings A 403M for austenitic and ferritic-austenitic stainless steels.
B 16.9 Steel Butt-Welding Fittings Elbows, return bends, tees, and header tees shall not be
B 16.10 Face-to-Face and End-to-End Dimensions of Fer- machined directly from bar stock.
rous Valves 5.5 Except as provided for in 5.4, the finished product shall
B 16.11 Forged Steel Fittings, Socket Weld, and Threaded be a forging as defined in the Terminology section of Specifi-
B 16.34 ValvesFlanged, Threaded and Welding End cation A 788.

3. Ordering Information 6. Heat Treatment9

3.1 It is the purchasers responsibility to specify in the 6.1 After hot working, forgings shall be cooled to a tem-
purchase order, information necessary to purchase the needed perature below 1000F [538C] prior to heat treating in
material. In addition to the ordering information guidelines in accordance with the requirements of Table 1.
Specification A 961, orders should include the following infor- 6.2 Low Alloy Steels and Ferritic and Martensitic Stainless
mation: SteelsThe low alloy steels and ferritic and martensitic
3.1.1 Additional requirements (See 6.2.2, Table number 2 stainless steels shall be heat treated in accordance with the
footnotes, 8.3, and 17.2), and requirements of 6.1 and Table 1.
3.1.2 Requirement, if any, that manufacturer shall submit 6.2.1 Grade F 22V shall be furnished in the normalized and
drawings for approval showing the shape of the rough forging tempered, or liquid quenched and tempered condition. The
before machining and the exact location of test specimen minimum austenitizing temperature shall be 1650F [900C],
material (see 8.3.1). and the minimum tempering temperature shall be 1250F
4. General Requirements 6.2.2 Liquid QuenchingWhen agreed to by the purchaser,
4.1 Product furnished to this specification shall conform to liquid quenching followed by tempering shall be permitted
the requirements of Specification A 961, including any supple- provided the temperatures in Table 1 for each grade are
mentary requirements that are indicated in the purchase order. utilized.
Failure to comply with the general requirements of Specifica- MarkingParts that are liquid quenched and tem-
tion A 961 constitutes nonconformance with this specification. pered shall be marked QT.
In case of conflict between the requirements of this specifica- 6.2.3 Alternatively, Grade F 1, F 2, and F 12, Classes one
tion and Specification A 961, this specification shall prevail. and two may be given a heat treatment of 1200F (650C)
minimum after final hot or cold forming.
5. Manufacture 6.3 Austenitic and Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless SteelsThe
austenitic and ferritic-austenitic stainless steels shall be heat | ---
5.1 The low-alloy ferritic steels may be made by the

treated in accordance with the requirements of 6.1 and Table 1.


open-hearth, electric-furnace, or basic-oxygen process with


6.3.1 Alternatively, immediately following hot working,

separate degassing and refining optional. Unless followed by

while the temperature of the forging is not less than the


separate refining, the basic oxygen process shall be limited to

|||| ||

minimum solutioning temperature specified in Table 1, forg-

steels containing not over 6 % chromium.
ings made from austenitic grades (except grades F 304H,
5.2 The stainless steels shall be melted by one of the

F 316H, F 321, F 321H, F 347, F 347H, F 348, and F 348H)

||||| ||

following processes: (a) electric-furnace (with separate degas-

may be individually rapidly quenched in accordance with the
sing and refining optional); (b) vacuum-furnace; or (c) one of
requirements of Table 1.
| |||

the former followed by vacuum or electroslag-consumable


remelting. Grade F XM-27Cb may be produced by electron-


A solution annealing temperature above 1950F [1065C] may impair the
resistance to intergranular corrosion after subsequent exposure to sensitizing
conditions in F 321, F 321H, F 347, F 347H, F 348, F 348H. When specified by the
Annual Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 03.03. purchaser, a lower temperature stabilization or resolution annealing shall be used
Available from American Society of Mechanical Engineers, Three Park subsequent to the initial high temperature solution anneal (see Supplementary
Avenue, New York, NY 100165990. Requirement S10).

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International 2 Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 09/25/2002
13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M
6.3.2 See Supplementary Requirement S8 if a particular be machined, as permitted by 5.4, and the parts machined from
heat treatment method is to be employed. such bar, without heat treatment after machining, shall be
6.4 Time of Heat TreatmentHeat treatment of forgings furnished to the annealing requirements of Specification A 479
may be performed before machining. or this specification, with subsequent light cold drawing and
6.5 Forged or Rolled BarForged or rolled austenitic straightening permitted (see Supplementary Requirement S3 if
stainless bar from which small cylindrically shaped parts are to annealing must be the final operation).

TABLE 1 Heat Treating Requirements

Austenitizing/Solutioning Cooling Quenching Cool Tempering Temperature,

Grade Heat Treat Type Temperature, min, F (C)A Media Below F (C) min, F (C)
Low Alloy Steels
F1 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
F2 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
F5, F 5a anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F9 anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F 91 normalize and temper 1900-2000 [1040-1095] air cool 1350 [730]
F 92 normalize and temper 1900 [1040] air cool 1350 [730]
F911 normalize and temper 1900-2000 [1040-1095] air cool or liquid 1350 [730]

F 11, Class 1, 2, 3 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool

normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
| |||

F 12, Class 1, 2 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1150 [620]
||||| ||

F 21, F 3V, and F anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool

normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
F 22, Class 1, 3 anneal 1650 [900] furnace cool
|||| ||

normalize and temper 1650 [900] air cool 1250 [675]

F 23 normalize and temper 1900 [1040] air cool 1350 [730]


accelerated cool

F 24 normalize and temper 1800 [980] air cool 1350 [730]


or liquid

FR anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
| ---

normalize 1750 [955] air cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 1250 [675]
Martensitic Stainless Steels
F 122 normalize and temper 1900 [1040] air cool 1350 [730]
F 6a Class 1 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1325 [725]
temper not required 1325 [725]
F 6a Class 2 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1250 [675]
temper not required 1250 [675]
F 6a Class 3 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1100 [595]
F 6a Class 4 anneal not specified furnace cool
normalize and temper not specified air cool 400 [205] 1000 [540]
F 6b anneal 1750 [955] furnace cool
normalize and temper 1750 [955] air cool 400 [205] 1150 [620]
F 6NM normalize and temper 1850 [1010] air cool 200 [95] 1040-1120 [560-600]
Ferritic Stainless Steels
F XM-27 Cb anneal 1850 [1010] furnace cool
F 429 anneal 1850 [1010] furnace cool
F 430 anneal not specified furnace cool

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International 3 Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 09/25/2002
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M

TABLE 1 Continued
Austenitizing/Solutioning Cooling Quenching Cool Tempering Temperature,
Grade Heat Treat Type Temperature, min, F (C)A Media Below F (C) min, F (C)
Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 304 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304L solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304N solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 304LN solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 309H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 310 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 310H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 310MoLN solution treat and quench 19002010 [10501100] liquid 500 [260]
F 316 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316H solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316L solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316N solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 316LN solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 317 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 317L solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 347 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 347H solution treat and quench 2000 [1095] liquid 500 [260]
F 348 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 348H solution treat and quench 2000 [1095] liquid 500 [260]
F 321 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 321H solution treat and quench 2000 [1095] liquid 500 [260]
F XM-11 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F XM-19 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 10 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]

F 20 solution treat and quench 1700-1850 [925-1010] liquid 500 [260]

F 44 solution treat and quench 2100 [1150] liquid 500 [260]
| |||

F 45 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 46 solution treat and quench 2010-2140 [1100-1140] liquid 500 [260]
||||| ||

F 47 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]
F 48 solution treat and quench 1900 [1040] liquid 500 [260]

F 49 solution treat and quench 2050 [1120] liquid 500 [260]
F 56 solution treat and quench 2050-2160 [1120-1180] liquid 500 [260]
|||| ||

F 58 solution treat and quench 2085 [1140] liquid 500 [260]
F 62 solution treat and quench 2025 [1105] liquid 500 [260]

Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steels


F 50 solution treat and quench 1925 [1050] liquid 500 [260]

| ---

F 51 solution treat and quench 1870 [1020] liquid 500 [260]

F 52C liquid 500 [260] B
F 53 solution treat and quench 1880 [1025] liquid 500 [260]
F 54 solution treat and quench 1920-2060 [1050-1125] liquid 500 [260]
F 55 solution treat and quench 2010-2085 [1100-1140] liquid 500 [260]
F 57 solution treat and quench 1940 [1060] liquid 175 [80]
F 59 solution treat and quench 1975-2050 [1080-1120] liquid 500 [260]
F 60 solution treat and quench 1870 [1020] liquid 500 [260]
F 61 solution treat and quench 1920-2060 [1050-1125] liquid 500 [260]
F 904L solution treat and quench 1920-2100 [1050-1150] liquid 500 [260]
Minimum unless temperature range is listed.
Not applicable.
Grade F 52 shall be solution treated at 1825 to 1875F [995 to 1025C] 30 min/in. of thickness and water quenched.

7. Chemical Composition 8. Mechanical Properties

7.1 A chemical heat analysis in accordance with Specifica- 8.1 The material shall conform to the requirements as to
tion A 961 shall be made and conform to the chemical mechanical properties for the grade ordered as listed in Table 3.
composition prescribed in Table 2. 8.2 Mechanical test specimens shall be obtained from pro-
7.2 Grades to which lead, selenium, or other elements are duction forgings, or from separately forged test blanks pre-
added for the purpose of rendering the material free-machining pared from the stock used to make the finished product. In
shall not be used. either case, mechanical test specimens shall not be removed
7.3 Starting material produced to a specification that spe- until after all heat treatment is complete. If repair welding is
cifically requires the addition of any element beyond those required, test specimens shall not be removed until after
listed in Table 2 for the applicable grade of material, is not post-weld heat treatment is complete, except for ferritic grades
permitted. when the post-weld heat treatment is conducted at least 50F
7.4 Product AnalysisThe purchaser may make a product [30C] below the actual tempering temperature. When test
analysis on products supplied to this specification in accor- blanks are used, they shall receive approximately the same
dance with Specification A 961. working as the finished product. The test blanks shall be heat

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International 4 Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 09/25/2002
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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M
treated with the finished product and shall approximate the by subsequent machining.
maximum cross section of the forgings they represent. 8.4 For annealed low alloy steels, ferritic stainless steels,
8.3 For normalized and tempered, or quenched and tem-

| ---
and martensitic stainless steels and also for austenitic and
pered forgings, the central axis of the test specimen shall ferritic-austenitic stainless steels, the test specimen may be

correspond to the 14 T plane or deeper position where T is the

taken from any convenient location.
maximum heat treated thickness of the represented forging. In

8.5 Tension Tests:

addition, for quenched and tempered forgings, the midlength of

|||| ||
8.5.1 Low Alloy Steels and Ferritic and Martensitic Stain-
the test specimen shall be at least T from any second heat
less SteelsOne tension test shall be made for each heat in
treated surface. When the section thickness does not permit this

each heat treatment charge.

||||| ||
positioning, the test specimen shall be positioned as near as
possible to the prescribed location, as agreed to by the When the heat-treating cycles are the same and the

| |||
purchaser and the supplier. furnaces (either batch or continuous type) are controlled within
625F [614C] and equipped with recording pyrometers so

8.3.1 With prior purchase approval, the test specimen for

ferritic steel forgings may be taken at a depth (t) corresponding that complete records of heat treatment are available, then only
to the distance from the area of significant stress to the nearest one tension test from each heat of each forging type (Note 1)
heat treated surface and at least twice this distance (2 t) from and section size is required instead of one test from each heat
any second surface. However, the test depth shall not be nearer in each heat-treatment charge.
to one treated surface than 34 in. [19 mm] and to the second NOTE 1Type in this case is used to describe the forging shape such
treated surface than 112 in. [38 mm]. This method of test as a flange, ell, tee, etc.
specimen location would normally apply to contour-forged
8.5.2 Austenitic and Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steel
parts, or parts with thick cross-sectional areas where 14 T 3
GradesOne tension test shall be made for each heat.
T testing (8.3) is not practical. Sketches showing the exact test
locations shall be approved by the purchaser when this method When heat treated in accordance with 6.1, the test
is used. blank or forging used to provide the test specimen shall be heat
8.3.2 Metal BuffersThe required distances from heat- treated with a finished forged product.
treated surfaces may be obtained with metal buffers instead of When the alternative method in 6.3.1 is used, the test
integral extensions. Buffer material may be carbon or low-alloy blank or forging used to provide the test specimen shall be
steel, and shall be joined to the forging with a partial forged and quenched under the same processing conditions as
penetration weld that seals the buffered surface. Specimens the forgings they represent.
shall be located at 12-in. [13-mm] minimum from the buffered 8.5.3 Testing shall be performed in accordance with Test
surface of the forging. Buffers shall be removed and the welded Methods and Definitions A 370 using the largest feasible of the
areas subjected to magnetic particle test to ensure freedom round specimens. The gage length for measuring elongation
from cracks unless the welded areas are completely removed shall be four times the diameter of the test section.

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Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
TABLE 2 Chemical RequirementsA

Identifi- UNS Grade Composition, %

cation Designa-
Carbon Manga- Phos- Sulfur Silicon Nickel Chromium Molybde- Colum- Titan- Other Elements
Symbol tion
nese phorus num bium ium
Low Alloy Steels

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International

F1 K12822 carbon-molybdenum 0.28 0.600.90 0.045 0.045 0.150.35 0.440.65
F 2B K12122 0.5 % chromium, 0.050.21 0.300.80 0.040 0.040 0.100.60 0.500.81 0.440.65
0.5 % molybdenum
F 5C K41545 4 to 6 % chromium 0.15 0.300.60 0.030 0.030 0.50 0.50 4.06.0 0.440.65
F 5aC K42544 4 to 6 % chromium 0.25 0.60 0.040 0.030 0.50 0.50 4.06.0 0.440.65
F9 K90941 9 % chromium 0.15 0.300.60 0.030 0.030 0.501.00 8.010.0 0.901.10
F 91 K90901 9 % chromium, 1 % 0.080.12 0.300.60 0.020 0.010 0.200.50 0.40 8.09.5 0.851.05 0.060.10 N 0.030.07
molybdenum, 0.2 % Al 0.04
vanadium plus V 0.180.25
columbium and
F 92 9 % chromium, 1.8 % 0.070.13 0.300.60 0.020 0.010 0.50 0.40 8.509.50 0.300.60 0.040.09 V 0.150.25
tungsten, 0.2 % N
vanadium plus 0.0300.070
columbium Al 0.04
W 1.502.00
F 911 9 % chromium, 1 % 0.090.13 0.300.60 0.020 0.010 0.100.50 0.40 8.510.5 0.901.10 0.0600.10 W 0.901.10
molybdenum, 0.2 % Al 0.04
vanadium plus N 0.040.09
columbium and V 0.180.25
nitrogen B 0.0003

F 11 K11597 1.25 % chromium, 0.050.15 0.300.60 0.030 0.030 0.501.00 1.001.50 0.440.65
Class 1 0.5 % molybdenum
F 11 K11572 1.25 % chromium, 0.100.20 0.300.80 0.040 0.040 0.501.00 1.001.50 0.440.65
Class 2 0.5 % molybdenum
A 182/A 182M

F 11 K11572 1.25 % chromium, 0.100.20 0.300.80 0.040 0.040 0.501.00 1.001.50 0.440.65
Class 3 0.5 % molybdenum
F 12 K11562 1 % chromium, 0.050.15 0.300.60 0.045 0.045 0.50 max 0.801.25 0.440.65
Class 1 0.5 % molybdenum
F 12 K11564 1 % chromium, 0.100.20 0.300.80 0.040 0.040 0.100.60 0.801.25 0.440.65
Class 2 0.5 % molybdenum
F 21 K31545 chromium-molybdenum 0.050.15 0.300.60 0.040 0.040 0.50 max 2.73.3 0.801.06

F 3V K31830 3 % chromium, 1 % 0.050.18 0.300.60 0.020 0.020 0.10 2.83.2 0.901.10 0.015 V 0.200.30

molybdenum, 0.25 % 0.035 B

Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.

vanadium plus boron 0.0010.003

| |||
and titanium
F 3VCb ... ... 0.100.15 0.300.60 0.020 0.010 0.10 0.25 2.73.3 0.901.10 0.0150.070 0.015 V 0.200.30
Cu 0.25

||||| ||
Ca 0.0005

F 22 K21590 chromium-molybdenum 0.050.15 0.300.60 0.040 0.040 0.50 2.002.50 0.871.13

|||| ||
Class 1

F 22 K21590 chromium-molybdenum 0.050.15 0.300.60 0.040 0.040 0.50 2.002.50 0.871.13

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Class 3


13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
F 22V K31835 2.25 % chromium, 1 % 0.110.15 0.300.60 0.015 0.010 0.10 0.25 2.002.50 0.901.10 0.07 0.030 Cu 0.20

molybdenum, 0.25 % V 0.250.35
vanadium B 0.002

| ---
Ca 0.015 D
TABLE 2 Continued
Identifi- UNS Grade Composition, %
cation Designa-
Carbon Manga- Phos- Sulfur Silicon Nickel Chromium Molybde- Colum- Titan- Other Elements
Symbol tion
nese phorus num bium ium
F 23 K41650 2.25 % chromium, 1.6 % 0.040.10 0.100.60 0.030 0.010 0.50 1.90-2.60 0.05-0.30 0.02 V 0.200.30

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International

tungsten, 0.25 % 0.08 B
vanadium, plus 0.00050.006
molybdenum, N 0.030
columbium, and boron Al 0.030
W 1.451.75
F 24 2.25 % chromium, 1 % 0.050.10 0.300.70 0.020 0.010 0.150.45 2.202.60 0.901.10 0.06-0.10 V 0.200.30
molybdenum, 0.25 % N 0.12
vanadium plus titanium Al 0.020
and boron B 0.0015
FR K22035 2 % nickel, 1 % copper 0.20 0.401.06 0.045 0.050 1.602.24 Cu 0.751.25
Martensitic Stainless Steels
F 122 K92930 11 % chromium, 2 % 0.070.14 0.70 0.020 0.010 0.50 0.50 10.0012.50 0.250.60 0.04 V 0.150.30
tungsten, 0.2 % 0.10 B 0.005
vanadium, plus N 0.0400.100
molybdenum, Al 0.040
columbium, copper, Cu 0.301.70
nickel, nitrogen, and W 1.502.50
F 6a S41000 13 % chromium 0.15 1.00 0.040 0.030 1.00 0.50 11.513.5
F 6b S41026 13 % chromium, 0.15 1.00 0.020 0.020 1.00 1.002.00 11.513.5 0.400.60 Cu 0.50
0.5 % molybdenum

F 6NM S41500 13 % chromium, 4 % 0.05 0.501.00 0.030 0.030 0.60 3.55.5 11.514.0 0.501.00
Ferritic Stainless Steels
F XM- S44627 27 chromium, 1 0.010 0.40 0.020 0.020 0.40 0.50 25.027.5 0.751.50 0.050.20 N 0.015
27CbE molybdenum Cu 0.20
A 182/A 182M

F 429 S42900 15 chromium 0.12 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.75 0.50 14.016.0
F 430 S43000 17 chromium 0.12 1.00 0.040 0.030 0.75 0.50 16.018.0
Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 304F S30400 18 chromium, 8 nickel 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 8.011.0 18.020.0
F 304H S30409 18 chromium, 8 nickel 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 8.011.0 18.020.0
F 304LF S30403 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 8.013.0 18.020.0

Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.

low carbon
F 304NG S30451 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 8.010.5 18.020.0
modified with nitrogen
F 304LN S30453 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 8.010.5 18.020.0
modified with nitrogen
F 309H S30909 23 chromium, 13.5 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 12.015.0 22.024.0
F 310 S31000 25 chromium, 20 nickel 0.25 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 19.022.0 24.026.0
F 310H S31009 25 chromium, 20 nickel 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 19.022.0 24.026.0
F 310MoLN S31050 25 chromium, 22 nickel, .020 2.00 0.030 0.010 0.050 20.523.5 24.026.0 1.602.60 N .09 .15

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13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
modified with
molybdenum and
nitrogen, low carbon
F 316F S31600 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 10.014.0 16.018.0 2.003.00
modified with

-- | | ||| ||||| || || |||| || | | || | | | ---

TABLE 2 Continued
Identifi- UNS Grade Composition, %
cation Designa-
Carbon Manga- Phos- Sulfur Silicon Nickel Chromium Molybde- Colum- Titan- Other Elements
Symbol tion
nese phorus num bium ium
F 316H S31609 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 10.014.0 16.018.0 2.003.00
modified with

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International

F 316LF S31603 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 10.015.0 16.018.0 2.003.00
modified with
molybdenum, low
F 316NG S31651 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.014.0 16.018.0 2.003.00
modified with
molybdenum and
F 316LNG S31653 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.014.0 16.018.0 2.003.00
modified with
molybdenum and
F 317 S31700 19 chromium, 13 nickel, 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.015.0 18.020.0 3.04.0
3.5 molybdenum
F 317L S31703 19 chromium, 13 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 11.015.0 18.020.0 3.04.0
3.5 molybdenum
F 321 S32100 18 chromium, 8 nickel 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 9.012.0 17.019.0
modified with titanium
F 321H S32109 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 9.012.0 17.019.0
modified with titanium
F 347 S34700 18 chromium, 8 nickel 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 9.013.0 17.020.0
modified with

F 347H S34709 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 9.013.0 17.020.0
modified with
F 348 S34800 18 chromium, 8 nickel 0.08 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 9.013.0 17.020.0 Co 0.20
A 182/A 182M

modified with Ta 0.10

F 348H S34809 18 chromium, 8 nickel, 0.040.10 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 9.013.0 17.020.0 Co 0.20
modified with Ta 0.10
F XM-11 S21904 20 chromium, 6 nickel, 0.040 8.010.0 0.060 0.030 1.00 5.57.5 19.021.5 N 0.150.40
9 manganese
F XM-19 S20910 22 chromium, 13 nickel, 0.06 4.06.0 0.040 0.030 1.00 11.513.5 20.523.5 1.503.00 0.10 N 0.200.40
5 manganese 0.30 V 0.100.30

Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.

F 10 S33100 20 nickel, 8 chromium 0.100.20 0.500.80 0.040 0.030 1.001.40 19.022.0 7.09.0
F 20 N08020 35 nickel, 20 chromium, .07 2.00 0.045 0.035 1.00 32.038.0 19.021.0 2.003.00 8xCmin Cu 3.04.0
3.5 copper, 2.5 1.00
F 44 S31254 20 chromium, 18 nickel, 0.020 1.00 0.030 0.010 0.80 17.518.5 19.520.5 6.06.5 Cu 0.501.00
6 molybdenum, low N 0.180.22
F 45 S30815 21 chromium, 11 nickel 0.050.10 0.80 0.040 0.030 1.402.00 10.012.0 20.022.0 N 0.140.20
modified with nitrogen Ce 0.030.08

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and cerium

13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
F 46 S30600 18 chromium, 15 nickel, 0.018 2.00 0.020 0.020 3.74.3 14.015.5 17.018.5 0.20 Cu 0.50
4 silicon
F 47 S31725 19 chromium, 15 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 13.017.5 18.020.0 4.05.0 N 0.10
4 molybdenum
F 48 S31726 19 chromium, 15 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 0.75 13.517.5 17.020.0 4.05.0 N 0.100.20
4 molybdenum

-- | | ||| ||||| || || |||| || | | || | | | ---

TABLE 2 Continued
Identifi- UNS Grade Composition, %
cation Designa-
Carbon Manga- Phos- Sulfur Silicon Nickel Chromium Molybde- Colum- Titan- Other Elements
Symbol tion
nese phorus num bium ium
F 49 S34565 24 chromium, 17 nickel, 0.030 5.07.0 0.030 0.010 1.00 16.018.0 23.025.0 4.05.0 0.10 N 0.400.60

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International

6 manganese, 5
F 56 S33228 32 nickel, 27 chromium 0.040.08 1.00 0.020 0.015 0.30 31.033.0 26.028.0 0.61.0 Ce 0.050.10
with columbium Al 0.025
F 58 S31266 24 chromium, 20 nickel, 0.030 2.04.0 0.035 0.020 1.00 21.024.0 23.025.0 5.26.2 N 0.350.60
8 molybdenum, 2 Cu 1.002.50
tungsten with nitrogen W 1.502.50
F 62 N08367 21 chromium, 25 nickel, 0.030 2.0 0.040 0.030 1.00 23.50 20.00 6.007.00 N 0.180.25
6.5 molybdenum 25.50 22.00 Cu 0.75
Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 50 S31200 25 chromium, 6 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.045 0.030 1.00 5.56.5 24.026.0 1.202.00 N 0.140.20
modified with nitrogen
F 51 S31803 22 chromium, 5.5 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.030 0.020 1.00 4.56.5 21.023.0 2.53.5 N 0.080.20
modified with nitrogen
F 52 S32950 26 chromium, 3.5 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.035 0.010 0.60 3.55.2 26.029.0 1.002.50 N 0.150.35
1.0 molybdenum
F 53 S32750 25 chromium, 7 nickel, 0.030 1.20 0.035 0.020 0.80 6.08.0 24.026.0 3.05.0 N 0.240.32
4 molybdenum, modified Cu 0.50
with nitrogen
F 54 S39274 25 chromium, 7 nickel, 0.030 1.00 0.030 0.020 0.80 6.08.0 24.026.0 2.53.5 N 0.240.32
modified with nitrogen Cu 0.200.80
and tungsten W 1.502.50

F 55 S32760 25 chromium, 7 nickel, 0.030 1.00 0.030 0.010 1.00 6.08.0 24.026.0 3.04.0 N 0.200.30
3.5 molybdenum, Cu 0.501.00
modified with nitrogen W 0.501.00L
and tungsten
F 57 S39277 26 chromium, 7 nickel, 0.025 0.80 0.025 0.002 0.80 6.58.0 24.026.0 3.04.0 Cu 1.202.00
3.7 molybdenum W 0.801.20
A 182/A 182M

N 0.230.33
F 59 S32520 25 chromium, 6.5 nickel, 0.030 1.50 0.035 0.020 0.80 5.58.0 24.026.0 3.05.0 N 0.200.35
4 molybdenum with Cu 0.503.00
F 60 S32205 22 chromium, 5.5 nickel, 0.030 2.00 0.030 0.020 1.00 4.56.5 22.023.0 3.03.5 N 0.140.20
3 molybdenum, modified
with nitrogen

Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.

F 61 S32550 26 chromium, 6 nickel, 0.04 1.50 0.040 0.030 1.00 4.56.5 24.027.0 2.93.9 Cu 1.502.50
3.5 molybdenum with N 0.100.25
nitrogen and copper
F 904L NO8904 21 chromium, 26 nickel, 0.020 2.0 0.040 0.030 1.00 23.028.0 19.023.0 4.05.0 Cu 1.002.00 N
4.5 molybdenum 0.10
All values are maximum unless otherwise stated.
Grade F 2 was formerly assigned to the 1 % chromium, 0.5 % molybdenum grade which is now Grade F 12.
The present grade F 5a (0.25 max carbon) previous to 1955 was assigned the identification symbol F 5. Identification symbol F 5 in 1955 was assigned to the 0.15 max carbon grade to be consistent with ASTM
specifications for other products such as pipe, tubing, bolting, welding fittings, etc.

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For Grade F22V, rare earth metals (REM) may be added in place of calcium, subject to agreement between the producer and the purchaser. In that case the total amount of REM shall be determined and reported.

13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Grade F XM-27Cb shall have a nickel plus copper content of 0.50 max %. Product analysis tolerance over the maximum specified limit for carbon and nitrogen shall be 0.002 %.
Grades F 304, F 304L, F 316, and F 316L shall have a maximum nitrogen content of 0.10 %.
Grades F 304N, F 316N, F 304LN, and F 316LN shall have a nitrogen content of 0.10 to 0.16 %.
Grade F 321 shall have a titanium content of not less than five times the carbon content and not more than 0.70 %.
Grade F 321H shall have a titanium content of not less than 4 times the carbon content and not more than 0.70 %.
Grades F 347 and F 348 shall have a columbium content of not less than ten times the carbon content and not more than 1.10 %.
Grades F 347H and F 348H shall have a columbium content of not less than 8 times the carbon content and not more than 1.10 %.
% Cr + 3.3 3 % Mo + 16 3 % N = 40 min.

-- | | ||| ||||| || || |||| || | | || | | | ---

A 182/A 182M

TABLE 3 Tensile and Hardness Requirements

Grade Symbol Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, min, Elongation in 2 in. Reduction of Brinell Hardness
min, ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa]A [50 mm] or 4D, Area, min, % Number
min, %
Low Alloy Steels

F1 70 [485] 40 [275] 20.0 30.0 143192

F2 70 [485] 40 [275] 20.0 30.0 143192
F5 70 [485] 40 [275] 20.0 35.0 143217
F 5a 90 [620] 65 [450] 22.0 50.0 187248
F9 85 [585] 55 [380] 20.0 40.0 179217
F 91 85 [585] 60 [415] 20.0 40.0 248 max
F 92 90 [620] 64 [440] 20 45 269 max
F 911 90 [620] 64 [440] 18 40.0 187248
F 11 Class 1 60 [415] 30 [205] 20 45 121174
F 11 Class 2 70 [485] 40 [275] 20.0 30.0 143207
F 11 Class 3 75 [515] 45 [310] 20 30 156207
F 12 Class 1 60 [415] 32 [220] 20 45 121174
F 12 Class 2 70 [485] 40 [275] 20.0 30.0 143207
F 21 75 [515] 45 [310] 20.0 30.0 156207
F 3V, and F 3VCb 85110 [585760] 60 [415] 18 45 174237
F 22 Class 1 60 [415] 30 [205] 20.0 35.0 170 max
F 22 Class 3 75 [515] 45 [310] 20.0 30.0 156207
F 22V 85110 [585780] 60 [415] 18.0 45.0 174237
F 23 74 [510] 58 [400] 20.0 40.0 220 max
F 24 85 [585] 60 [415] 20.0 40.0 248 max
FR 63 [435] 46 [315] 25.0 38.0 197 max
Martensitic Stainless Steels
F 122 90 [620] 58 [400] 20 40 250 max
F 6a Class 1 70 [485] 40 [275] 18 35.0 143207
F 6a Class 2 85 [585] 55 [380] 18 35.0 167229
F 6a Class 3 110 [760] 85 [585] 15 35.0 235302
F 6a Class 4 130 [895] 110 [760] 12 35.0 263321
F 6b 110135 [760930] 90 [620] 16 45.0 235285
F 6NM 115 [790] 90 [620] 15 45.0 295 max
Ferritic Stainless Steels
F XM-27Cb 60 [415] 35 [240] 20.0 45.0 190 max
F 429 60 [415] 35 [240] 20.0 45.0 190 max
F 430 60 [415] 35 [240] 20.0 45.0 190 max
Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 304 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 304H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 304L 70 [485]C 25 [170] 30 50 ...
F 304N 80 [550] 35 [240] 30D 50E ...
F 304LN 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 309H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 310 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 310 MoLN 78 [540] 37 [255] 25 40 ...
F 310H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 316 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 316H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 316L 70 [485]C 25 [170] 30 50 ...
F 316N 80 [550] 35 [240] 30D 50E ...
F 316LN 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 317 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 317L 70 [485]C 25 [170] 30 50 ...
F 347 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 347H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 348 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 348H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 321 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 321H 75 [515]B 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F XM-11 90 [620] 50 [345] 45 60 ...
F XM-19 100 [690] 55 [380] 35 55 ...
F 10 80 [550] 30 [205] 30 50 ...
F 20 80 [550] 35 [240] 30 50 ...
F 44 94 [650] 44 [300] 35 50 ...
F 45 87 [600] 45 [310] 40 50 ...
F 46 78 [540] 35 [240] 40.0 50.0 ...
F 47 75 [525] 30 [205] 40.0 50.0 ...

-- | | ||| ||||| || || |||| || | | || | | | ---

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13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M

TABLE 3 Continued

Grade Symbol Tensile Strength, Yield Strength, min, Elongation in 2 in. Reduction of Brinell Hardness
min, ksi [MPa] ksi [MPa]A [50 mm] or 4D, Area, min, % Number
min, %
F 48 80 [550] 35 [240] 40.0 50.0 ...
F 49 115 [795] 60 [415] 35 40 ...
F 56 73 [500] 27 [185] 30 35 ...

F 58 109 [750] 61 [420] 35 50 ...


F 62 95 [655] 45 [310] 30 50 ...

| |||

Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steels

||||| ||

F 50 100130 65 [450] 25 50 ...


F 51 90 [620] 65 [450] 25 45 ...

|||| ||

F 52 100 [690] 70 [485] 15 ... ...

F 53 116 [800]F 80 [550]F 15 ... 310 max

F 54 116 [800] 80 [550] 15 30 310 max


F 55 109130 80 [550] 25.0 45 ...



F 57 118 [820] 85 [585] 25 50 ...

| ---

F 59 112 [770] 80 [550] 25 40 ...

F 60 95 [655] 70 [485] 25 45 ...
F 61 109 [750] 80 [550] 25.0 50 ...
F 904L 71 [490] 31 [215] 35 ... ...
Determined by the 0.2 % offset method. For ferritic steels only, the 0.5 % extension-under-load method may also be used.
For sections over 5 in. [130 mm] in thickness, the minimum tensile strength shall be 70 ksi [485 MPa].
For sections over 5 in. [130 mm] in thickness, the minimum tensile strength shall be 65 ksi [450 MPa].
Longitudinal. The transverse elongation shall be 25 % in 2 in. or 50 mm, min.
Longitudinal. The transverse reduction of area shall be 45 % min.
For sections over 2 in. [50 mm] in thickness, the minimum tensile strength shall be 106 ksi [730 MPa]; the minimum yield strength shall be 75 ksi [515 MPa].

8.6 Hardness Tests: Charpy V-notch specimens shall be taken from each tensile
8.6.1 Except when only one forging is produced, a mini- specimen location.
mum of two pieces per batch or continuous run as defined in 8.7.3 The longitudinal axis and mid-length of impact speci-
8.6.2 shall be hardness tested in accordance with Test Methods men shall be located similarly to the longitudinal axis of the
and Definitions A 370 to ensure that the forgings are within the tension test specimens. The axis of the notch shall be normal to
hardness limits given for each grade in Table 3. The purchaser the nearest heat treated surface of the forging.
may verify that the requirement has been met by testing at any 8.7.4 The Charpy V-notch tests shall meet a minimum
location on the forging provided such testing does not render energy absorption value of 40 ft-lbf [54 J] average of three
the forging useless. specimens. One specimen only in one set may be below 40
8.6.2 When the reduced number of tension tests permitted ft-lbf [54 J], and it shall meet a minimum value of 35 ft-lbf [48
by is applied, additional hardness tests shall be made on J].
forgings or samples as defined in 8.2 scattered throughout the 8.7.5 The impact test temperature shall be 0F [18C].
load (Note 2). At least eight samples shall be checked from
each batch load and at least one check per hour shall be made 9. Grain Size for Austenitic Grades
from a continuous run. When the furnace batch is less than 9.1 All H grades shall be tested for average grain size by
eight forgings, each forging shall be checked. If any check falls Test Methods E 112.
outside the prescribed limits, the entire lot of forgings shall be 9.1.1 Grades F 304H, F 309H, F 310H, and F 316H shall
reheat treated and the requirements of 8.5.1 shall apply. have a grain size of ASTM No. 6 or coarser.
9.1.2 Grades F 321H, F 347H, and F 348H shall have a
NOTE 2The tension test required in 8.5.1 is used to determine
material capability and conformance in addition to verifying the adequacy grain size of ASTM No. 7 or coarser.
of the heat-treatment cycle. Additional hardness tests in accordance with
8.6.2 are required when is applied to ensure the prescribed 10. Corrosion Testing for Austenitic Grades
heat-treating cycle and uniformity throughout the load.
10.1 Corrosion testing is not required by this specification.
8.7 Notch Toughness RequirementsGrades F 3V, F 3VCb, 10.2 Austenitic Grades shall be capable of meeting the
and F 22V. intergranular corrosion test requirements described in Supple-
8.7.1 Impact test specimens shall be Charpy V-notch Type, mentary Requirement S4.
as shown in Fig. 11a of Test Methods and Definitions A 370.
The usage of subsize specimens due to material limitations 11. Retreatment
must have prior purchaser approval. 11.1 If the results of the mechanical tests do not conform to
8.7.2 The Charpy V-notch test specimens shall be obtained the requirements specified, the manufacturer may reheat treat
as required for tension tests in 8.2, 8.3 and 8.5. One set of three the forgings and repeat the tests specified in Section 8.

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13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M
12. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance 13.1.3 Defects shall be completely removed prior to weld-
12.1 Forgings shall conform to the requirements of Speci- ing by chipping or grinding to sound metal as verified by
fication A 961. magnetic particle inspection in accordance with Test Method
12.2 The forgings shall be free of scale, machining burrs A 275/A 275M for the low alloy steels and ferritic, martensitic,
which might hinder fit-up, and other injurious imperfections as or ferritic-austenitic stainless steels, or by liquid penetrant
defined herein. The forgings shall have a workmanlike finish inspection in accordance with Test Method E 165 for all
and machined surfaces (other than surfaces having special grades.
requirements) shall have a surface finish not to exceed 250 AA 13.1.4 After repair welding, the welded area shall be ground
(arithmetic average) roughness height. smooth to the original contour and shall be completely free of
defects as verified by magnetic-particle or liquid-penetrant
13. Repair by Welding inspection, as applicable.
13.1 Weld repairs shall be permitted (see Supplementary 13.1.5 The preheat, interpass temperature, and post-weld
Requirement S9 of Specification A 961) at the discretion of the heat treatment requirements given in Table 4 shall be met.
manufacturer with the following limitations and requirements: Austenitic stainless steel forgings may be repair-welded with-
13.1.1 The welding procedure and welders shall be qualified out the post-weld heat treatment of Table 4, provided purchaser
in accordance with Section IX of the ASME Boiler and approval is obtained prior to repair.
Pressure Vessel Code. 13.1.6 Repair by welding shall not exceed 10 % of the
13.1.2 The weld metal shall be deposited using the elec- surface area of the forging nor 3313 % of the wall thickness of
trodes specified in Table 4 except as otherwise provided in the finished forging or 38 in. [9.5 mm], whichever is less,
Supplementary Requirement S5. The electrodes shall be pur- without prior approval of the purchaser.
chased in accordance with ASME Specifications SFA-5.4, 13.1.7 When approval of the purchaser is obtained, the
SFA-5.5, SFA-5.9 or SFA-5.11. The submerged arc process limitations set forth in 13.1.6 may be exceeded, but all other
with neutral flux, the gas metal-arc process, the gas tungsten- requirements of Section 13 shall apply.
arc process, and gas shielded processes using flux-core con- 13.1.8 No weld repairs are permitted for F 6a Classes 3 and
sumables, may be used. 4.

TABLE 4 Repair Welding Requirements

| |||

||||| ||

Grade Symbol Recommended Preheat and Interpass Minimum Post Weld Heat-
Temperature Range; F [C] Treatment Temperature
F [C]

Low Alloy Steels

|||| ||

F1 E 7018-A 1 200400 [95205] 1150 [620]


F2 E 8018-B 1 300600 [150315] 1150 [620]


F5 E 502-15 or 16 400700 [205370] 1250 [675]


F 5a E 502-15 or 16 400700 [205370] 1250 [675]


F9 E 505-15 or 16 400700 [205370] 1250 [675]

| ---

F 91 9 % Cr, 1 % Mo, VCbN 400700 [205370] 1300 [705]

F 92 9 % Cr, 0.5 % Mo, 1.5 % W, 400700 [205370] 1300 [1705]
F 911 9 % Cr, 1 % Mo, 1 % W, VCbN 400700 [205370] 1300 [705]
F 11, Class 1, 2, E 8018-B 2 300600 [150315] 1150 [620]
and 3
F 12, Class 1 and 2 E 8018-B 2 300600 [150315] 1150 [620]
F 21 E 9018-B 3 300600 [150315] 1250 [675]
F 3V, and F 3VCb 3 % Cr, 1 % Mo, 14 % V-Ti 300600 [150315] 1250 [675]
F 22 Class 1 E 9018-B 3 300600 [150315] 1250 [675]
F 22 Class 3 E 9018-B 3 300600 [150315] 1250 [675]
F 22V 2.25 % Cr, 1 % Mo, 0.25 % 300600 [150315] 1250 [675]
F 23 2.25 % Cr, 1.6 % W, 0.25 % 300-600 [150315] 1250 [675]
F 24 2.25 % Cr, 1 % Mo, 0.25 % V 200400 [95205]B 1250 [675]B
Martensitic Stainless Steels
F 122 11 % Cr, 2 % W, MoVCbCuN 400700 [205370] 1300 [705]
F 6a, Class 1 E 410-15 or 16 400700 [205370] 1250 [675]
F 6a, Class 2 E 410-15 or 16 400700 [205370] 1250 [675]
F 6b 13 % Cr, 112 % Ni, 12 % Mo 400700 [205370] 1150 [620]
F 6NM 13 % Cr, 4 % Ni 300700 [150370] 1050 [565]
Ferritic Stainless Steels
F XM-27Cb 26 % Cr, 1 % Mo NRC NR
F 429 E 430-16 400700 [205370] 1400 [760]
F 430 E 430-16 NR 1400 [760]
FR E 8018-C2 NR NR

COPYRIGHT 2002; ASTM International 12 Document provided by IHS Licensee=BP Amoco/5928366101, User=, 09/25/2002
13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M

TABLE 4 Continued
Grade Symbol ElectrodesA Recommended Preheat and Interpass Minimum Post Weld Heat-
Temperature Range; F [C] Treatment Temperature
F [C]
Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 304 E 308-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQD
F 304L E 308L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 304H E 308-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 304N E 308-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 304LN E 308L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 309H E 309-15 or 16E NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 310 E 310-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 310H E 310-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 310MoLN E 310Mo-15 or 16 NR 19202010 [10501100] + WQ
F 316 E 316-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316L E 316L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316H E 316-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ

| ---
F 316N E 316-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 316LN E 316L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ

F 317 E 317-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ

F 317L E 317L-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ

F 321F E 347-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ

F 321HF E 347-15 or 16 NR 1925 [1050] + WQ

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F 347 E 347-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ
F 347H E 347-15 or 16 NR 1925 [1050] + WQ

F 348 E 347-15 or 16 NR 1900 [1040] + WQ

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F 348H E 347-15 or 16 NR 1925 [1050] + WQ
F XM-11 XM-10W NR NR

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F XM-19 XM-19W NR NR
F 10F ... ... ...

F 20 E/ER-320, 320LR NR 17001850 [9251010] + WQ

F 44 E NiCrMo-3 NR 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 45F ... ... ...
F 46 ... ... ...
F 47 . . .G ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 48 . . .G ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 49 . . .G ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 58 E NiCrMo-10 ... 2100 [1150] + WQ
F 62 E NiCrMo-3 NR 2025 [1105] + WQ
Ferritic-Austenitic Stainless Steels
F 50 25 % Cr, 6 % Ni, 1.7 % Mo NR NR
F 51 22 % Cr, 5.5 % Ni, 3 % Mo NR NR
F 52 26 % Cr, 8 % Ni, 2 % Mo NR NR
F 53 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 4 % Mo NR NR
F 54 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 3 % Mo, NR NR
F 55 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 3.5 % Mo NR NR
F 57 25 % Cr, 7 % Ni, 3 % Mo, 1.5 % NR NR
Cu, 1 % W
F 59 E Ni CrMo-10 NR NR
F 60 22 % Cr, 5.5 % Ni, 3 % Mo NR NR
F 61 26 % Cr, 9 % Ni, 3.5 % Mo NR NR
F 904L E NiCrMo-3 NR 19202100 [10501150] + WQ
Electrodes shall comply with ASME SFA 5.4, SFA 5.5, and corresponding ER grades of SFA-5.9 or SFA-5.11.
Not required for not below 0.500 in. [12.7 mm].
NR = not required.
WQ = water quench.
Filler metal shall additionally have 0.04 % minimum carbon.
Purchaser approval required.
Match filler metal is available. Fabricators have also used AWS A 5.14, Class ER, NiCrMo-3 and AWS A 5.11, Class E, NiCrMo-3 filler metals.

14. Inspection 16.2 For forgings made to specified dimensions, when

14.1 Inspection provisions of Specification A 961 apply. agreed upon by the purchaser, and for forgings made to
dimensional standards, the application of identification marks
15. Rejection and Rehearing as required in 17.1 shall be the certification that the forgings
15.1 The purchaser shall comply with the provisions of have been furnished in accordance with the requirements of
Specification A 961. this specification.
16.3 Test reports, when required, shall include certification
16. Certification that all requirements of this specification have been met. The
16.1 In addition to the certification requirements of Speci- specification designation included on test reports shall include
fication A 961, the following certification requirements apply: year of issue and revision letter, if any. The manufacturer shall

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13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M
provide the following where applicable: postweld heat treated in accordance with Table 4, the letters
16.3.1 Type heat treatment, Section 6, WNS shall be marked following the specification designa-
16.3.2 Product analysis results, Section 8 of Specification tion.
A 961, 17.1.3 When test reports are required, the markings shall
16.3.3 Tensile property results, Section 8 (Table 3), report consist of the manufacturers symbol or name, the grade
the yield strength and ultimate strength, in ksi [MPa], elonga- symbol, and such other markings as necessary to identify the
tion and reduction in area, in percent, part with the test report (17.1.1 and 17.1.2 shall apply).
16.3.4 Chemical analysis results, Section 7 (Table 2), 17.1.4 Parts meeting all requirements for more than one
16.3.5 Hardness results, Section 8 (Table 3), class or grade may be marked with more than one class or
16.3.6 Grain size results, Section 9, and grade designation such as F 304/F 304H, F 304/F 304L, etc.
16.3.7 Any supplementary testing required by the purchase 17.2 Bar CodingIn addition to the requirements in 17.1,
order. bar coding is acceptable as a supplemental identification
method. The purchaser may specify in the order a specific bar
17. Product Marking coding system to be used. The bar coding system, if applied at
17.1 In addition to the marking requirements of Specifica- the discretion of the supplier, should be consistent with one of
tion A 961, the manufacturers name (Note 3) or symbol shall the published industry standards for bar coding. If used on
be permanently marked on each forging. small parts, the bar code may be applied to the box or a

NOTE 3For purposes of identification marking, the manufacturer is

substantially applied tag.

considered the organization that certifies the piping component was

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manufactured, sampled, and tested in accordance with this specification 18. Keywords
||||| ||

and the results have been determined to meet the requirements of this 18.1 austenitic stainless steel; chromium alloy steel;
specification. chromium-molybdenum steel; ferritic/austenitic stainless steel;

17.1.1 Quenched and tempered low alloy or martensitic ferritic stainless steel; martensitic stainless steel; nickel alloy
|||| ||

stainless forgings shall be stamped with the letters QT follow- steel; notch toughness requirements; pipe fittings; steel; piping

ing the specification designation. applications; pressure containing parts; stainless steel fittings;

17.1.2 Forgings repaired by welding shall be marked with stainless steel forgings; steel flanges; steel forgings, alloy; steel

the letter W following the Specification designation. When valves; temperature service applications, elevated; temperature
| ---

repair-welded austenitic stainless steel forgings have not been service applications, high; wrought material


In addition to any of the supplementary requirements of Specification A 961, the following

supplementary requirements shall apply only when specified by the purchaser in the order.

S1. Macroetch Test corrosion tests performed in accordance with Practice E of

S1.1 A sample forging shall be sectioned and etched to Practices A 262.
show flow lines and internal imperfections. The test shall be S4.2 Intergranular corrosion tests shall be performed on
conducted according to Test Method E 340. Details of the test specimens of ferritic stainless steels as described in Practices
shall be agreed upon between the manufacturer and the A 763.
purchaser. S4.3 For both the austenitic and ferritic stainless steels,
details concerning the number of specimens and their source
S2. Heat Treatment Details and location are to be a matter of agreement between the
S2.1 The manufacturer shall furnish a detailed test report manufacturer and the purchaser.
containing the information required in 16.3 and shall include
all pertinent details of the heat-treating cycle given the forg- S5. Special Filler Metal
ings. S5.1 In repair welded F 316, F 316L, F 316H, and F 316N
S3. Material for Optimum Resistance to Stress-Corrosion forgings, the deposited weld metal shall conform to E 308
Cracking composition wire. Forgings repair welded with E 308 weld
metal shall be marked F __ W 308.
S3.1 Austenitic stainless steel shall be furnished in the
solution-annealed condition as a final operation with no sub- S6. Hardness Test
sequent cold working permitted, except, unless specifically
prohibited by the purchaser, straightening of bars from which S6.1 Each forging shall be hardness tested and shall meet
parts are machined is permitted to meet the requirements of the requirements of Table 3.
Specification A 484/A 484M. S7. Alternate Heat Treatment (Grade F 91 and F 92)
S4. Corrosion Tests S7.1 Grade F 91 shall be normalized in accordance with
S4.1 All austenitic stainless steels shall pass intergranular Section 6 and tempered at a temperature, to be specified by the

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13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.
A 182/A 182M
purchaser, less than 1350F [730C]. It shall be the purchasers E 112. Details of the test shall be agreed upon between the
responsibility to subsequently temper at 1350F [730C] mini- manufacturer and the purchaser.
mum to conform to the requirements of the specification. All
mechanical tests shall be made on material heat treated in S10. Stabilization Treatment
accordance with Section 6. The certification shall reference this
S10.1 Subsequent to the solution anneal for Grades F 321,
supplementary requirement indicating the tempering tempera-
F 321H, F 347, F 347H, F 348, and F 348H, these grades shall
ture applied. The notation S7 shall be included with the
be given a stabilization heat treatment at 1500 to 1600F [815
required marking of the forging.
to 870C] for a minimum of 2 h/in. [4.7 min/mm] of thickness
S8. Heat Treatment of Austenitic Forgings and then cooling in the furnace or in air. In addition to the
marking required in Section 17, the grade designation symbol
S8.1 The purchaser shall specify the heat treatment method
shall be followed by the symbol S10.
(in 6.1 or in 6.3.1) that shall be employed.
S8.2 The manufacturer shall provide a test report containing
S11. Grain Size Requirements for Non-H-Grade
the information required in 16.3 and shall include a statement
Austenitic Steels Used Above 1000F [540C]
of the heat treatment method employed.
S11.1 Non-H grades of austenitic stainless steels shall have
S9. Grain Size for Austenitic Grades a grain size of No. 7 or coarser as determined in accordance
S9.1 Forgings made from austenitic grades other than H with Test Methods E 112. The grain size so determined shall be
grades shall be tested for average grain size by Test Method on a certified test report.

ASTM International takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned

in this standard. Users of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights, and the risk

of infringement of such rights, are entirely their own responsibility.

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This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and
if not revised, either reapproved or withdrawn. Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards

and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
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make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.

This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,

United States. Individual reprints (single or multiple copies) of this standard may be obtained by contacting ASTM at the above

address or at 610-832-9585 (phone), 610-832-9555 (fax), or service@astm.org (e-mail); or through the ASTM website
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13:20:50 MDT Questions or comments about this message: please call the Document
Policy Management Group at 1-800-451-1584.

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