Slavery in The 21st Century Article Questions
Slavery in The 21st Century Article Questions
Slavery in The 21st Century Article Questions
Directions: Read the article by ALESSANDRA Potenza and answer the following questions:
Background info: More than 27 Million people worldwide are living under some form of slavery, including in the US.
According to the UN, human-trafficking is the second largest criminal industry in the world, behind drug trafficking.
1. What is human trafficking and why is it considered slavery?
2. What factors do you think might make a person vulnerable to human trafficking?
3. What do you think it will take to eliminate modern day slavery? Explain you answer.
4. How is modern day human trafficking similar and different to what occurred during the African slave trade?
Similar Different
1. According to the US Department of State, the number of 4. In the U.S. the ________abolished slavery.
people living in modern-day slavery in the world today is A. 13th Amendment C. 15th Amendment
B. 14 Amendment D. 19th Amendment
A. 27 million C. 150,000
B. 4 million D. 60,000
2. Which was true of slavery in the Roman Empire? 5. According to the article, how do people typically become
A. Slaves made up about 5% of the population at the height of modern-day slaves?
Rome’s power. A. They are kidnapped and sold at private auctions
B. Slavery was illegal, so working slaves were usually concealed B. They are lured by the promise of jobs and a better life.
from view. C. They are ordered into servitude by corrupt governments.
C. Prisoners of war and people who couldn’t pay their debts D. They are forcefully taken as prisoners of war.
were forced into slavery.
D. All of the above
3. What led to an increased demand for slaves in America in 6. Today, slavery is recognized as criminal
the early 19th century? A. in every nation on earth.
A. the end of indentured servitude B. only in the world’s most economically developed nations.
B. the legalization of slavery C. in about half of the world’s countries.
C. the expansion of cotton plantations D. only in the Western Hemisphere.
D. none of the above.