Hear My Cry
By: Mildred D. Taylor
Pre-Reading Questions
1) What is equality? (Write your own definition)
2)What problems do you think the concept of
separate but equal caused?
3) Infer how the segregation of blacks and whites
affected African-Americans.
4) Infer how the segregation of blacks and whites
affected Caucasians.
5) Why do you think a term like equality is
difficult to define?
Chapter 1
1. How do Cassie and her brothers react to the
news? Is their reaction as intense as you might
expect? What does this reveal about the social
environment they live in?
2. Who is Jeremy? Describe him. What is unique
about him, and what role do you think he might
play in this story?
3. How do the students react to the news about
school? What does this reveal about the
conditions at their school?
Chapter 1 cont
4. Describe Cassie. What is her personality like? What is her
attitude toward school, and why do you think she has this
5. Describe Little Man. What is his personality like? What is his
first reaction to the book he is given? After he decides to accept
it and opens it, what further reaction does he have? Why?
6. What is Mrs. Logans reaction to the news Miss Crocker brings
about her childrens behavior? What does this tell us about her?
7. What predictions can you make about possible future
developments in the story?
Chapter 2
1. What are the Logan kids doing at the beginning of the
chapter? What does this tell us about the familys situation?
2. Describe Mr. Morrison. Based on what he says to Mrs.
Logan, what kind of person does he seem to be? What is the
real reason he was fired from his job?
3. What did the white mob say as an excuse for attacking John
Henry Berry? What do you think is the real reason they
attacked him? What is the sheriffs reaction to the woman who
tells him about the attack, and what does this tell us?
4. What does Mr. Logan tell his kids about the Wallaces store,
and what does this show about him? What connection can you
guess the Wallace store might have to the burnings of the
Chapter 3
1. What attitude do Mama and Big Ma have
toward the kids trouble with the school bus and
resentment about not having their own school
busWhat advice do they give the kids? What do
you think of their advice?
Chapter 3 cont
3. How do the Logan kids decide to deal with the misery and
humiliation of being splashed every day by the school bus?
How do you feel about their prank? Do you think revenge is
sometimes justified (an eye for an eye), or should we
always turn the other cheek?
Chapter 4
1. Based on his words and actions in this chapter,
describe T.J.s personality. How do you feel about him?
2. How do the Logan kids get T.J. to reveal what he
knows about the night men? What does he say that
makes them feel relieved?
3. Do you think T.J. is telling the truth about just
wanting to read Mrs. Logans book about the ancient
Egyptians? Why might he be interested in them?
Think carefullyput yourself in his place.
4. Why do you think Stacey keeps his distance from
Mr. Morrison at firstwhy is he so aloof? Why do you
think he later changes his mind about Mr. Morrison?
Chapter 4 cont
5. Describe Stacey. What are his values (what is important to
him), and what things does he do in the chapter to show this?
Explain his code of honor.
6. Why do you think Mr. Morrison decides not to tell Mrs. Logan
about the kids going to the Wallace store? Why do you think
Stacey decides to tell her himself?
Chapter 5
1. What does Cassie mean when she says that T.J.
has already wheedled his way back into Staceys
good graces? What do she and Big Ma think of
T.J., and why?
2. What is Cassies reaction to Strawberry, and
why? What expectations did she have, and why
do you think she might have had such
Chapter 5 cont
3. Why does Big Ma park her wagon at the back of
the field? What is Cassies reaction to this, and what
does her reaction tell us about her?
4. Why is Cassie so interested in seeing Mr. Jamison?
What does her attitude toward him tell us about
5. What foreshadowing is there in this chapter
regarding T.J.? Why do you think he wants a
handgun so badly, and what prediction can you
make based on this?
Chapter 5 cont
6. Why do you think T.J. and Stacey dont react more strongly
to Mr. Barnetts unfair treatment? Remember, they have been
to Strawberry before. What attitude do they have toward
whites prejudices against them?
7. How does Hazel (the woman who was next to the Logans at
the market) react to Cassies situation, and what does this tell
us? How would you have dealt with the situation if you were
8. Why do you think Lillian Jean is so mean to Cassie, and what
does this tell us about the phenomenon of racism? Why is
Jeremys attitude different? Do you think Jeremy shows a kind
of bravery in this chapter?
9. What is the significance of this chapter for Cassie? Why is
her experience so deeply traumatic?
Chapter 6
1. Why is Cassie angry with Big Ma? Why does Stacey tell her
not to blame Big Ma?
2. Why do you think Uncle Hammers eyes sometimes have
a cold, distant glaze even though he can obviously be a
warm, caring man? Describe him based on what he says and
does in this chapter.
3. Why do you think Uncle Hammer wanted to buy a Packard
like Mr. Grangers?
4. Why doesnt Big Ma want Cassie to tell her story about the
Simmses, and why do you think Mrs. Logan lets her tell it?
5. Why does Uncle Hammer laugh when Cassie tells him that
she complained about Mr. Barnetts unfair treatment of them?
Chapter 6 cont
6. What do you think Uncle Hammer means when he says, You think
my brother died and I got my leg half blown off in their German war to
have some red-neck knock Cassie around anytime it suits him?
7. What is the way of things, according to Mrs. Logan? How does she
explain the existence of racism? Why does she say that people like Mr.
Simms hold on to their racist beliefs so hard?
Chapter 7
1. Why did Stacey give his coat to T.J.? What does this
show about Stacey and T.J.s personalities?
2. How does Uncle Hammer handle this situation (involving
Staceys coat), and why do you think he does thisis it
because hes a mean person?
3. Why does Mr. Logan allow Mr. Morrison to tell his story in
front of the kids? What things does he tell the Logans
4. What evil scheme do the Wallaces have to do harm to
the African-American community?
Chapter 7 cont
6. What things do the Logans enjoy at
Christmastimewhat are the sources of their
happiness? Why do you think things like their
Christmas meal and store-bought licorice are so
important to them?
7. What significant thing does Jeremy do in this
chapter, and why do you think he does it? What
personality traits does this show?
8. State whether you agree or disagree with this
statement, and explain why: Although Jeremy
seems timid and fearful, he is actually rather
Chapter 7 contpart 2
9. What is Mr. Logans attitude toward Staceys friendship with
Jeremy, and why do you think he has this attitude? What
foreshadowing is there in his comments about blacks who hang
around with whites?
10. What kind and helpful things does Mr. Jamison say and do in
this chapter? What warning does he give them about Harlan
Granger, and what explanation does he give for Grangers dislike
of the Logans and their crusade to punish the Wallaces?
11. Why does Harlan Granger visit the Logans? In what ways
does he threaten them? What secret might he have at the end
of the chapter? How do the Logans react to his threats?
Chapter 8
1. Why do you think Stacey insists that no one tell
anyone about how Cassie is dealing with Lillian Jean?
2. What does T.J. mean when he says that Cassie is
Uncle Tomming Lillian Jean? Hint: It has to do with
the famous book Uncle Toms Cabin.
Chapter 8
6. Why do you think Cassie decides to get
revenge on Lillian Jean? How is her plan cunning?
Chapter 8
9. What is the real reason that Mr. Granger has Mrs.
Logan fired? What justification does he give for
firing her? Why do you think Mr. Wellever obeys
10. Why is losing her job especially painful for Mrs.
11. What terrible thing do the Logans find out T.J.
has done? Why do you think he did it? How do
the Logan kids react to his betrayal? What reaction
does T.J. have?
Chapter 9
1. What is ironic about Cassies statement that she
volunteered to sacrifice school and help her
father and Mr. Morrison plow the field?
2. Why doesnt Jeremy like his brothers and sisters?
Why is this shocking to Stacey? What good personality
characteristic of Jeremys does this show?
3. According to Jeremy, how do R.W. and Melvin treat
T.J.? Why is Stacey concerned about this treatment?
4. According to Mrs. Logan, why do R.W. and Melvin
hang out with T.J.? Why does T.J. hang out with them?
5. What foreshadowing occurs after Mr. Jamisons visit?
6. What is Mr. Logan waiting for before he goes back to
his railroad job? For what reasons does he
decide to leave?
Chapter 9
7. What measure taken by the white landowners,
and what threat made by the Wallaces, make Mr.
Avery, Mr. Lanier, and others withdraw from the
plan to shop in Vicksburg?
8. How does Stacey react to Mr. Avery and Mr.
Laniers decision? How does Mr. Logan react to
Chapter 9
10. Why does Mr. Logan insist on taking Stacey
with him to Vicksburg, and why does Mrs. Logan
Chapter 10
1. How does Stacey feel about his fathers injury,
and how does Mr. Logan react to this? What does
Staceys blaming himself tell us about him?
2. Why do you think Mr. Morrison decides to move
Kaleb Wallaces car off the road the way he does?
3. Why does Mr. Morrison insist on staying with
the Logans despite the danger hes in? What does
this tell us about him?
4. Why cant the Logans report the Wallaces
attack to the police? 5. How would you describe
the Logan kids relationship with Jeremy?
5. How would you describe the Logan kids
relationship with Jeremy?
Chapter 10 cont
6. Where does Jeremy spend a lot of time and even sleep?
Why do you think he does thiswhat does it tell us about him?
7. What bad news does Mr. Morrison bring to the Logans? Why
has the bank done this? Do you think such a thing could
happen today?
8. How do the Logans manage to pay off the loan and keep
their land? What does this tell us about Hammer?
9. Why do you think Hammer lives in Chicago now? Why does
David insist that he go back there after making the payment
to the bank?
10. Describe T.J.s appearance and behavior when he stops by
the Revival. How do the Logans react to him? Why do you
think he wanted to come by? What things does T.J. not
understand that make Cassie feel sorry for him?
Chapter 11
1. Interpret the song that Mr. Morrison is singing
at the beginning of Chapter 11.
2. Explain the deviousness of R.W. and Melvins
plan to let T.J. take the blame for what happened
at the Barnetts store. Why shouldnt the plan
have worked, and why did it work? What is the
irony of their going to the Averys house to
arrest T.J.? What do they intend to do before Mr.
Jamison arrives?
3. How does Cassie explain Staceys lifelong
friendship with T.J. and his willingness to help T.J.?
Chapter 11 cont
4. Do you think that any of the members of the
lynch mob would have killed T.J. by themselves?
What does this tell us about the nature of racism
and hate?
5. What is the sheriff and Mr. Grangers attitude
toward the lynch mobs activities?
Chapter 12
1. What does Mr. Logan mean when he says,
This things been coming a long time, baby, and
just happened to be the one foolish enough to
trigger it?
2. What is significant about the way the people of
the community put out the fire? Why do you think
Mildred Taylor chose to plot the story this way?
3. How did Mr. Logan save T.J.? What sacrifice did
he make to save him? Why did he choose this
way of dealing with the situation?
Chapter 12 cont!
4. What do you think will happen to T.J.? What will
happen to R.W. and Melvin? Why?
5. What do you think the fire, the rain, and the
land could be symbols of?
6. Why do you think Mildred Taylor chose to end
the story right after the night of the lynch mob
and the fire?