D 4169 - 01°
Standard Practice for 1
Performance Testing of Shipping Containers and Systems
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1. Scope
1.1 This practice provides a uniform basis of evaluating, in
4 laboratory. the ability of shipping units to withstand the
distibution environment, This is accomplished by subjecting
them to a test plan consisting of a sequence of anticipated
hhazard elements encountered in vatious distibution cycles,
This practice is not intended to supplant material specifications
oF existing. preshipment test procedures.
1.2 The suitability of this practice for use with hazardous
‘materials has aot been determined.
13 This standard does not purport 10 address all of the
safety. concerns,
responsibilty of the user of this standard 10 establish appro
priate safety and health practices and determine the applica
bility of regulators limitations prior 10 use. Specific precau
tionary statements are given in 1.1
if any, associated with its use. It isthe
2, Referenced Documents
2 ASTM Standards
D612 Test Method for Determining Compressive
tance of Shipping Containers, Components, and Unit
D880 Test Method for Impact Testing for Shipping Con-
tainers and Systems*
D951 Test Method for Water Resistance of Shipping Con-
lainers by Spry Method”
1D 996 ‘Terminology of Packaging and Distribution Environ-
D990 Test Methods
Containers ?
14003 Methos of Programmable Horizontal Impact Test
for Shipping Containers >
1D 4332. Practice for Conditioning Containers, Packages, oF
Packaging Components. for Testing >
D4728 Test Method for Random Vibration
for Vibration Testing of Shipping
Testing of
"his cin ier the json of ASTM Commitee B10 on Paskaging
nis to tes expo of Subcom DI021 om Shipping Conte uo
Syste Applian of Psfrmance Test Meo
* Annual Book of ASTM Stondards, ol 15.08,
Shipping Containers
D 5276 Test Method for Drop Test of Loaded Containers by
Free Fall?
D527 ‘Test Method for Performing Programmed Horizan-
tal Impacts Using an Inclined “Tester”
D 5487 Test Method for Simulated Drop of Loaded Con-
tainers by Shock Machines =
D @0SS Test Methods for Mechanical Handling of Unitized
Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Crates”
D179 Test Methods for Rough Handling of Unitized
Loads and Large Shipping Cases and Crates”
22° Military Standards:
MIL-STD-2073-1 DOD. Standard Practice
for Miltary
3. Terminology
3.1. Definitions — General definitions for the packaging. and