Food Delivery App Proposal V1 PDF
Food Delivery App Proposal V1 PDF
Food Delivery App Proposal V1 PDF
Version 1.0
World Wellness
Document History
This document is the property of SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd. The information contained herein is PRIVATE & CONFIDENTIAL. Neither
the whole document, nor any part can be reproduced, disclosed to other parties, nor used for purposes other than for which it has
been supplied unless prior written permission is obtained from SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd.
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Table of Contents
1 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY…............................................................................................................... 5
2 BUSINESS PROPOSAL…................................................................................................................ 6
2.1 Features …........................................................................................................................... 6
2.1.1 Content Management and Content Publishing ….................................................................. 6
2.1.2 Admin Analytical Dashboard …............................................................................................ 6
2.2 Key Users Roles …................................................................................................................ 7
2.3 UI/UX Design ….................................................................................................................... 8
2.3.1 Emerging Visual and UX Design Trends …......................................................................... 10
2.3.2 Emerging Web & Mobile Technology Trends ….................................................................. 11
2.3.3 Approach ….................................................................................................................... 12
3 IDEATION FOR FUTURE EXPANSION…........................................................................................ 14
3.1.1 Phase II – Dynamic Visualization, Virtual Assistance and Outreach Program ….................... 14
3.1.2 Phase III – Business Process Automation …...................................................................... 15
4 TECHNICAL PROPOSAL…............................................................................................................ 16
4.1 Digital Experience Admin Platform: Laravel …......................................................................... 16
4.1.1 Background …................................................................................................................. 17
4.1.2 Platform Key features ….................................................................................................. 17
4.1.3 User Account Management …........................................................................................... 17
4.1.4 System Architecture …..................................................................................................... 18
4.2 Server Hosting …................................................................................................................ 19
5 PROJECT AND VENDORS REQUIREMENTS …................................................................................ 20
5.1 Project Scope ….................................................................................................................. 20
5.2 Project Management and Governance …............................................................................... 20
5.3 Delivery and Methodology …................................................................................................ 21
5.4 Project Services …............................................................................................................... 21
5.4.1 Requirements Gathering and Analysis …........................................................................... 21
5.4.2 Prototyping and Development …...................................................................................... 22 Design …................................................................................................................. 22 Development …....................................................................................................... 22
5.4.3 SIT, UAT and Remediation Works …................................................................................. 22
5.4.4 Training …...................................................................................................................... 23
5.4.5 Deployment and Go-Live Switch-Over …........................................................................... 23
5.4.6 Warranty Support …........................................................................................................ 23
5.5 Quality Assurance Management…........................................................................................ 23
5.5.1 Quality Assurance Methodologies ….................................................................................. 24
5.5.2 Bug Life Cycle …............................................................................................................. 25
5.5.3 Security Testing …........................................................................................................... 25
5.5.4 Code Review …............................................................................................................... 26
5.6 Risk Assessment ….............................................................................................................. 27
5.7 Project Assumptions …........................................................................................................ 28
5.8 Project Organization …........................................................................................................ 29
5.8.1 Team Structure …........................................................................................................... 29
5.8.2 Roles and Responsibilities …............................................................................................ 30
5.9 Project Timeline ….............................................................................................................. 32
5.10 Manage Services – Support and Maintenance Services …....................................................... 33
5.11 Release Management …...................................................................................................... 33
5.11.1 Application ….............................................................................................................. 33
6 COMMERCIAL PROPOSAL …........................................................................................................ 34
6.1 Cost …............................................................................................................................... 34
6.2 Payment Schedule …........................................................................................................... 34
6.2.1 Project Implementation Services …................................................................................... 34
6.2.2 Hosting …....................................................................................................................... 34
6.2.3 Annual Application Maintenance Services …...................................................................... 34
6.3 Payment Terms …............................................................................................................... 34
6.4 Sales and Services Tax (SST) …........................................................................................... 34
6.5 Assumptions …................................................................................................................... 35
7 AGREEMENT & CONFIRMATION.................................................................................................. 35
This proposal intended to present the implementation strategy approach for the below:
• Rebrand World Wellness image towards public
• Implementation of Mobile App infrastructure platform using IONIC
• Modernize World Wellness Mobile App content strategies in terms of
o App performance
o App analytic
o User Experience on Design works
o Content branding and promotions
o User Friendly Mobile App
In this project, SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd will play a role of project management, implementation and
system integration. SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd will use PHP-Laravel for admin infrastructure technologies.
We provide IT solutions and services in Enterprise Content Management, Business Process Automation,
Application Development & Maintenance across various industries. Our engagement exposure spreads from
domestic enterprises to global businesses.
SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd will establish a digital content journey to conceptualize, design, develop and
implement a unique user experience on the Mobile App & Admin Portal.
2.1 Features
2.1.1 Content Management and Content Publishing
In this project, the merging of our technical software team and UI/UX team to rebrand and setup the
design framework for the new Food Delivery Mobile App Backend Admin in PHP-Laravel platform. PHP-
Laravel serves as a CMS (Content Management System) which streamlines the creation, publishing and
management of content on Food Delivery Mobile App. User has the ownership of the content, which means
user has the ability to post new content, update current content, and archive outdated content from the
portal. In another words, content requires frequent updates can be easily handled by World Wellness
users in future. Such as:
• News & Announcement
• Latest Product
• Categories
• Store Location
• Manufacturers
• Product Variant
• Stock Management
• Order Summary
• Departments info, organization hierarchy and contact information
2.2 Key Users Roles
Food Delivery Mobile App Admin Portal built in PHP-Laravel will have 2 major user roles:
• Content Contributor
o For content owner such as HR and marketing team to contribute the Mobile App content
(such as news & announcement, vacancies, project details, training details etc) in real-time,
with intuitive interfaces and drag-and-drop content authoring and layout capabilities
designed for the non-technical users
• Administrator
o Analyzes visitor traffic, and measures website effectiveness.
o To perform analysis and fine tuning on the targeting segments
o Manage and assign content contributors
SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd will work with the product managers and stakeholders to ensure a timely
delivery and whilst meeting all business requirements.
Expected design outcomes:
2.3.1 Emerging Visual and UX Design Trends
2.3.2 Emerging Web & Mobile Technology Trends
2.3.3 Approach
We aim to put users at the center of everything and create brand experience, which connects, engages,
promotes dialogue and delivers tangible benefits to World Wellness. The success of this project lies in
agile methodology. Our think, create, release and engage strategy will be the pillars of this engagement
blending various components for a holistic solution
As explained in the above diagram we will set clear objective for business, will understand the needs and
wants of the end customer alongside ensuring World Wellness brand is highly reflected in the work we
We will follow agile methodology and refined experience to ensure the shortest design cycle with quality
outcome. We will provide user journeys for defined platforms to demonstrate the treatment and
adaptability on different platforms.
We have identified high-level principles for the project as below.
For this project, we will create a design, which portrays the dominant following terms:
• Simplicity
• Minimalism
• Clear Layouts
• App-style Interfaces
• Simplification of UI, and
• Focusing on typography
Design principals will also help to enforce that we should be adding personal touches wherever possible
and creating an impact through typography.
While working on user journey’s we will look through some signature interactions with the choreography
definition. At all these thought processes user will be at the heart of design thinking.
As a part of initial workshop we will identify all basic flows and will create the layout structure to be followed
across the similar user journeys. The separate layout will be created for tablet and smartphones to ensure
the client is present with the information in most effective manner.
Various alterations will be defined for master layout – even for landscape vs. portrait.
Since we will be dealing with customer data and real money we will work very closely to ensure how the
data is shown on the various screen sizes and switch from the portrait to landscape. We will work with the
client project team to define the content structure long with the flexible adjusting layouts using responsive
web design techniques.
We will possibly categorize the content type and create the rules for content display according to devices.
Outreach Program
To engage with Entrepreneur with e-Campaign program, we can extend the Food Delivery App to create
space for Entrepreneur to advertise, perform business matching and promotion via World Wellness.
To outreach to public users, the site visitors can give comments, suggestions and feedbacks to World
Wellness via the App.
4.1 Digital Experience Portal Platform: PHP-Laravel
4.1.1 Background
Laravel is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the foundation
— freeing you to create without sweating the small things.
4.1.2 Platform Key features
The key features of PHP-Laravel below can be utilized to create World Wellness Admin Panel for Mobile
App in Phase I, and for future expansion for subsequent phases.
• Content Publishing
o User friendly What-You-See-Is-What-You-Get (WYSIWYG) content
authoring and designing tools for World Wellness team.
o Approval workflow for content authorization before publishing to productive World
Wellness Admin Panel & Mobile App
• Engage
o Demographic feature for marketers to gather and evaluate information about website
visitors, define segments, and create personalized recommendations and promotions.
o Sophisticated customer-segment-based targeting, personalizing & promotions, to display
the recommended contents to end user.
o Supports implicit (without the need of the visitor’s decision, such as geo-location, time,
search engine referrals for keywords) and / or explicit (visitor’s data that the visitor has
decided to share with, such as age, gender, religion, etc) segmentation
• Multi Device
o Centralized management and delivery of Websites to desktop browser, and various types
of mobile device types, including iPhone, iPad, Android phones
o Support optimal viewing experience with responsive design.
Once users are created and configured, they must be associated, by means of roles, with the sites they are
to work in.
4.1.4 System Architecture
At its base, Laravel is a web application framework with
expressive, elegant syntax. We’ve already laid the
foundation — freeing you to create without sweating
the small things.
4.2 Server Hosting
SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd will work with our hosting partner: AMAZON to provide the hosting services.
5.1 Project Scope
SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd is responsible for define, design, development, host and maintain Food Delivery
Mobile App that meets all the requirements and functionalities specified by our Business Analyst (B.A). The
scope of work includes
• Push notification with firebase
• Order status push notification
• Configuration Management and Change Management
• Decision Analysis and Resolution
• Measurement and Analysis
• Product and Process Quality Assurance
The Prototyping Model is a systems development method (SDM) in which a prototype (an early approximation
of a final system or product) is built, tested, and then reworked as necessary until an acceptable prototype is
finally achieved from which the complete system or product can now be developed. This model works best in
scenarios where not all the project requirements are known in detail ahead of time. It is an iterative, trial-and-
error process that takes place between the developers and the users.
5.4 Project Services
5.4.1 Requirements Gathering and Analysis
(b) Identify and document all business requirements and functionalities to assist users in performing
their duties
(d) Review and assess the functionalities and technical requirements, including suggestion of optimised
options for both functionalities and technical requirements.
(e) Prepare and develop the documentations as set out in the Deliverables of Requirements Analysis.
(a) Conduct system design workshops
(b) Identify and document the solution’s integration, interfaces and compatibility with other systems
which the solution is required to integrate
(c) Identify all reusable component/services provided and used by the solution
(d) Develop the documentation as set out in the Deliverables of Design.
- Software Design Specification Development
(a) Develop the relevant modules and interface
- Page / Portlet / Form Creation
- Search
(b) Ensure compliance to security control requirements throughout the system development process;
(c) Ensure the solution is in line with the design specifications;
(d) Ensure the workability within the Programs and interoperability between Programs and Developed
(a) Prepare and develop the documentations as set out in the Deliverables of Requirements Analysis.
(i) Test plan, approach and strategy
(ii) Test case and test scripts (SIT and UAT)
5.4.4 Training
within every phase of a system development life cycle. The Agile software development life cycle is followed for
the development model which is a combination of repetitive and incremental model of multiple processes. The
model 100% focuses on delivering a working software product that provides complete customer satisfaction and
Functional Testing
Non-Functional Testing
Vulnerability Counter-measure
• Use of multifactor authentication
• Session isolation
2 Broken Authentication
• Idle session timeouts
• Using secured cookies
5.6 Risk Assessment
The unpredictable and dynamic nature of software development poses numerous risks and challenges to
the organizations. We consider a project to be successful if it meets all three to the following requirements.
• Completed On-time
• Completed within budget
• Completed within required functionality
Based on our experience delivering numerous IT related projects throughout various industries, At this early
stage we could perceived that there are three main factors that might contribute to be the most riskiest for
this project.
• Unrealistic schedules and budget
• More functionality than required
• Continuing requirement changes
5.7 Project Assumptions
The project assumptions are as follows
o Resource Assumptions
▪ SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd have the necessary expertise to build and delivery the
proposed solution
▪ Management will ensure that project team members are available as needed to complete
project tasks and objectives.
▪ The Steering Committee and customers will participate in the timely execution of the
Project Plan
▪ Project team members will adhere to the Communications Plan.
▪ All project participants will abide by the guidelines identified within Project Plan
o Scope Assumptions
▪ The Project Plan may change as new information and issues are
o Cost Assumptions
▪ Project is delivered timely without additional labours, extra services and indirect costs
5.8 Project Organization
Our Project Team is responsible for delivering this project in a way that meets your project goals and objectives.
Our team places a great deal of emphasis on strong project management, including excellent communication,
extensive planning, timely change management and a predictable overall outcome.
The key focus of the project committee will be to attend the biweekly project meeting and assist in advising if
the progress is up to par and what are the areas would both parties like the project group to improve upon.
5.8.2 Roles and Responsibilities
Roles Responsibilities
Project Director 1) Ensure that the appropriate resources are assigned to tasks, and that
resources are effectively utilized;
2) Monitor project’s financial status;
3) Manage project within budget limits;
4) Ensures integrity of project;
5) Provide overall direction and oversee operational aspects of the System
project; and
6) Function as point of escalation for project issues and resolutions.
Technical Team Leader 1) Provide technical advisory and assistance for the system development;
2) Review software coding method and standard; and
3) Coordinate/communicate with the development team for the
development works.
PHP Developer 1) Design, develop and maintain all aspects of Laravel related module;
Roles Responsibilities
5.9 Project Timeline
Training 1 week
Total 13 Weeks
5.10 Manage Services - Support and Maintenance Services
The following services are covered in response to the specified areas:
6.1 Cost
The following details the total cost for the effort, as per the scope and implementation plan specified in the
scope of work above.
6.2.2 Hosting
• 100% Upon signing of hosting agreement
6.5 Assumptions
The reimbursement of travelling expenses and allowances to Any of the Site is per diem basis.
1. Contract is neither transferrable nor refundable during the development & yearly maintenance if any
2. General Suppor-8 x 5 support model, Working day Only. Response time: 4Hour.
(Dedicated- 24x7 Support subject to separate agreement)
3. Any third-party tools / API / Plugin / SMS Gateway Fee / Payment Gateway charge will be borne by
4. SMD Webtech is not liable for loss of business or profit due to hardware or software related incidents.
Note* - Any additionally functionality, Onsite Support, Additional Training, Enhancement, Change Request and
customization are chargeable.
By signing below, I/We agree to accept this proposal contract for World Wellness and any custom solution already
agreed upon with SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd.
Software Provider: SMD Webtech (M) Sdn Bhd Company/Client : World Wellness