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Final Docomentation Online Fast FOOD

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Online Fast Food Ordering

University of the Punjab-Gujranwala Campus

Department of Information Technology

Online Ordering Of Feast Food

Final documentation


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Online Fast Food Ordering


This is to certify that following students have successfully completed the final project
named as: Online Ordering Of Fast Food at The University of the Punjab, Gujranwala
Campus, and Gujranwala, to fulfill the partial requirement of the degree of Master in
Information Technology.

Sr. No. Student’s Roll No. Student’s Name

1 MT08007 Nadia Mushtaq
2 MT08014 Fakeha Rauf
3 MT08016 Syeda Narmeen Zahra
4 MT08021 Sawaira Munauf
5 MT08022 Syeda Fozia Noreen

______________________ ______________________
Internal Supervisor Project Coordinator
Name of Internal Supervisor Naveed Ahmad Jhamat

__________________ ___________________
Incharge IT-Department Director General
Naveed Ahmad Jhamat Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ehsan Malik

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Online Fast Food Ordering


It is to certify that I have read the document thoroughly and circumspectly. I am

convinced that the resultant project does not contain any spelling, punctuation or
grammatical mistakes as such. All in all I find this document well organized and I
am in no doubt that its objectives have been successfully met.

Name of Teacher
Name of Institute.


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Online Fast Food Ordering

This project is the direct result of the teamwork. We sincerely thank the instructors and
students who have shared their suggestion with us over last few weeks.

Many thanks go to Prof. Naveed Ahmad Jhamat our Project coordinator and
supervisor, whose management helped us to get this project produced in timely and
efficient manner.

Write to us

We welcome your response to this project .If there is anything you want to mention about
the improvement of this project please let us know:

Sawaira Munauf superior_001@yahoo.com

Syed Fozia Noreen oops_syeda@yahoo.com
Syeda Narmeen Zahra znarmeen@yahoo.com
Nadia Mushtaq pinkkopalia@yahoo.com
Fakeha Rauf ohcontrolyar@yahoo.com

© Department of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab, Gujranwala Campus. 1

Online Fast Food Ordering


Information technology playing a vital role in the business professions now a day.
Web base systems made business deals very easy especially. World Web Developers
have the idea to make an Online Order System as web based for Online Ordering Of Fast
Food. It is a really that customers they want to purchase online but due to complications
they can’t do so. We have providing facilities to the customers of E-OFF. They can
order and purchase products through a credit card. This credit card payment system is
very economical because some commissions cut off from payment. The beauty of this
project why u cook when you just click.

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Online Fast Food Ordering

For Our Beloved Parents and Teachers

“Dedicated to our parents and teachers without whose

wholehearted support, encouragement and guidance it would
have been impossible for us to make this project”

Chapter 1
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Online Fast Food Ordering

1.1 Project Feasibility Report......................................................................................12

1.1.1 Technical Feasibility.......................................................................................12
1.1.2 Operational Feasibility....................................................................................13
1.1.3 Economic Feasibility.......................................................................................13
1.1.4 Schedule Feasibility.........................................................................................13
1.1.5 Specification Feasibility..................................................................................13
1.1.6 Information Feasibility....................................................................................14
1.1.7 Motivational Feasibility...................................................................................14
1.1.8 Legal & Ethical Feasibility.............................................................................14

Chapter 2
2.1 Project Costing....................................................................................................15
2.1.1 Project Cost Estimation by Function Point Analysis....................................16 Computing Function Point.....................................................................16 Calculation of ∑ Fi.................................................................................17 Calculation of Function Points...............................................................18 Total duration of Project........................................................................18 Total Cost of Project...............................................................................18

Chapter 3
3.1 Project Planning...................................................................................................19
3.1.1 Project Scope................................................................................................20
3.1.2 Task Dependency Table................................................................................20
3.1.3 CPM - Critical Path Method........................................................................21 Specify the Individual Activities
1 Determine the Sequence of the Activities................................................21 The Network Diagram............................................................................22 Estimst Activity Completion time............................................................23 Identify the Critical Path.......................................................................23
3.2 Gantt Chart............................................................................................................24
3.3 Introduction to Team student and their skill set....................................................25
3.4 Technologies that are used....................................................................................26
3.5 Tools that are used.................................................................................................27
3.6 Vision Document....................................................................................................28
3.7 Risk List................................................................................................................

Chapter 4
4.1 Requirement Engineering......................................................................................30
4.1.1 Introduction...............................................................................................31
4.1.2 Existing System Business Organization.....................................................31
4.1.3 Business Organization Chart.....................................................................31
4.1.4 Scope of the System....................................................................................31
4.1.5 Summary of Requirements.........................................................................31
4.1.6 Identifying External Entities or Actors......................................................31
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4.1.7 Over specify Entities from Abstract...........................................................32

4.1.8 Capture "shall" Statements and the external entities (Actors) .................32
4.1.9 Allocate Requirements...............................................................................33
4.1.10 Priorities Requirements...........................................................................34
4.2 High Level Use case Diagram..............................................................................36
4.3 Data Flow Diagram (DFD)

Chapter 5
5.1 Use Case Description............................................................................................39
5.1.1 Use Case 1: Log-in..........................................................................................39
5.1.2 Use Case 2: FeedBack.....................................................................................40
5.1.3 Use Case 3: search..........................................................................................41
5.1.4 Use Case 4: Registration................................................................................41
5.1.5 Use Case 5: Placing order..............................................................................42
5.1.6 Use Case 6: Request Processing.....................................................................43
5.1.7 Use Case 7: Payment.......................................................................................44
5.1.8 Use Case 8: Log-out........................................................................................45

Chapter 6
6.1 Use Case Diagram.................................................................................................46
6.1.1 Use Case Diagram...........................................................................................47
Chapter 7
7.1 Sequence Diagram.................................................................................................48
7.1.1 Log-In..............................................................................................................49
7.1.2 Feedback..........................................................................................................50
7.1.3 Registration......................................................................................................51
7.1.4 order................................................................................................................52
7.1.5 Payment...........................................................................................................53
7.1.6 Log-out.............................................................................................................54

Chapter 8
8.1 Collaboration Diagram.........................................................................................55
8.1.1 Log-In..............................................................................................................56
8.1.3 Feedback..........................................................................................................57
8.1.4 Registration.....................................................................................................58
8.1.5 order................................................................................................................59
8.1.6 Payment...........................................................................................................60
8.1.7 Log-out.............................................................................................................61

Chapter 9
9.1 Class Diagram.......................................................................................................63

Chapter 10
10.1 Data Model..........................................................................................................65

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Online Fast Food Ordering


In current competitive scenario every business establishment needs quality processes to

increase their efficiency as well as improve their productivity. It is of vital importance
that manual, time consuming & monotonous operations are automated so as to streamline
the working of an organization. Since, the existing system (manual work) takes more
time and manpower for processing. It is keeping in mind this business philosophy that we
propose an “Online Ordering Of Fast Food”. The objective of this project is to order
online both the individuals and to businesses. At KFC, customer might order for several
© Department of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab, Gujranwala Campus. 1
Online Fast Food Ordering

items but you make only one purchase transaction at the end; an electronic Shopping tray
enables to gather items and pay for them all together in one transaction. Frequently
provides less expensive products and services by allowing consumers to conduct quick
online searches and comparisons.


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Online Fast Food Ordering

Project Feasibility Report

1.1 Project/Product Feasibility Report

Feasibility study is the process of determination of whether or not a project is worth

doing. Feasibility studies are undertaken within tight time constraints and normally

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Online Fast Food Ordering

culminate in a written feasibility report. I have taken two weeks in feasibility study with
my co-developer. The contents and recommendations of this feasibility study helped us
as a sound basis for deciding how to precede the project. It helped in taking decisions
such as which software to use, hardware combinations, etc. We have studied following
types of feasibilities.

♦ Technical
♦ Operational
♦ Economic
♦ Schedule
♦ Specification
♦ Information
♦ Motivational
♦ Legal and Ethical

1.1.1 Technical Feasibility

This project is feasible on technical remarks .The proposed system can run on any
machines supporting Windows and Internet services and works on the best software and
hardware that had been used while designing the system so it would be feasible in all
technical terms of feasibility. We have evaluated ourselves that the whole team has skills
to do project on modern tools and technologies.

1.1.2 Operational Feasibility

We have the desire to provide excellent service to all of our customers, including their
concerns about privacy. Consumers find a product of interest by visiting the website of
the retailer directly, or do a search across many different vendors using a shopping search
engine. For customers it is not only because of the high level of convenience, but also
because of the broader selection; competitive pricing and greater access to information.
For organizations it increases their customer value and the building of sustainable
capabilities, next to the increased profits. We provide our customer help whenever

1.1.3 Economic Feasibility

Economical feasibility determines whether there are sufficient benefits in creating to
make the cost acceptable, or is the cost of the system too high. As this signifies cost-
benefit analysis and savings. On the behalf of the cost-benefit analysis, the proposed
system is feasible and is economical regarding its pre-assumed cost for making a system.
We classified the costs of Online Delivering of Fast Food according to the Phase in
which they occur. As we know that the system development costs are usually one-time
costs that will not recur after the project has been completed. For calculating the
Development costs we evaluated certain cost categories viz.

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Online Fast Food Ordering

1. Personal costs
2. Computer usage
3. Supply and equipments costs
4. Cost of any new computer equipments and software.

1.1.4 Schedule Feasibility

The total time to complete the project is roughly six months we have divide into segment
and Tasks are given to each member of the group and they are accountable to complete
the task before Dead line up. The connectivity of different modules is scheduled so
project is also feasible with respect to schedule.

1.1.5 Specification Feasibility

Required specification of hardware and software foe the completion of this project are
feasible .The specification of software is win xp, internet explorer, Visual Studio ,
Rational Rose , Ms Word And hardware specification require Pentium four process
1.3mhz,Hard Disk 80 40 GB minimum ,Ram 512mb all these specification are
available .

1.1.6 Information Feasibility

We have covered all the information regarding to the Online Ordering of Fast Food as it
is not based on any company so general information is unique products, online vendor
registration, online ordering, high security, Product classification and searching. Product
display with description and price.

1.1.7 Motivational Feasibility

The probability that the organization is sufficiently motivated to support the development
and implementation of the application with necessary user participation, resources
training, time etc.

1. The Online Ordering of Fast Food (e-OFF) web application is intended to

provide complete solutions for customers through a single get way using the
internet as the sole medium
2. Enable vendors to setup online shops, customer to browse through the shop and
purchase them online without having to visit the shop physically.
3. It will be user-friendly, ‘quick to learn’ and reliable.
4. Easy interface and Predictable service systems in which the customer understands
the transaction processing, Brand credibility to influence the trust in customers.
We will try to recognize by as many other sites as possible

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Online Fast Food Ordering

1.1.8 Legal & Ethical Feasibility

This project supports legally and ethically to all customers .we provides our disclaimer
and our privacy policy to customer. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you
may also have other legal rights that vary from state to state.


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Online Fast Food Ordering

Project Costing

2.1.1 Project Cost Estimation by Function Point Analysis

2.1.1 Computing Function Points:

Following is a table in which cost estimation is done by using function point:

Type of Component Count Complexity of Component Total

Low Average High

No. of Inputs (EIs) 9*3 4*4 -*6 43


No. of Outputs (EOs) 5 5*4 -*5 -*7 20

No. of Inquiries (EQs) 3 3*3 -*4 -*6 9

No. of files (ILFs) 5 3*7 2*100 -*15 41

© Department of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab, Gujranwala Campus. 1

Online Fast Food Ordering

No. of external files (ELFs) 1 1*5 -*7 -*10 5

Count Total Total Number of Unadjusted function Point 118

2.1.2 Calculation of ∑ (Fi)

Sr # Questions Scale
1 Does the system require reliable backup and recovery? 3
2 Is data communication required? 5
3 Are there distributed processing functions? 0
4 Is performance critical? 5
5 Will the system run in an existing, heavily utilized operational 3

6 Does the system require online data entry? 5

7 Does the online data entry require the input transaction to be built over 3
multiple screens or operations?

8 Are the master files updated online? 2

9 Are the inputs, output, files, or inquires complex? 3
10 Is the internal processing complex? 5
11 Is the code designed to be reusable? 5
12 Are conversion / installation included in the design? 3

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13 Is the system designed for multiple installations in different 0


14 Is the application designed to facilitate change and ease of use by the 5


∑ (Fi) 47

2.1.3 Calculation of Function Point (FP)

FPestimated = Count Total * (0.65 + 0.01*∑ (Fi))

= 118 * (0.65 + 0.01*47)

= 118 * 1.12
= 132.16

2.1.4 Project Duration

Average productivity = 6 FP / Person-month

Effort month = FPestimated / Productivity

= 132.16 / 6
= 22.02666 Person month

Duration of Project = Effort month / No. of persons

=22.02666 / 5
= 4 and half months (approx)

2.1.5 Total cost of the Project

Labor rate =10,000

Cost per FP = Labor rate / Average Productivity

Where Average Productivity is 8

Cost per FP = 10,000 / 6

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= 1666

Total Project Cost = FP * Cost per FP

= 132.16*1666
= 220178


Project Planning

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Online Fast Food Ordering

3.1.1 Project Scope

Initial functional requirements will be: -

Secure registration for Customers.Customers can order for specific no. of

items(quantity maximum 9) and checkout finally with the entire order.Adequate
payment through credit card. Regular updates to registered customers about new
arrivals.Uploading ‘Deal Packages’.Maintaining database of regular customer on
the basis of order.Operational Manager is responsible for internal affairs like
processing orders, assure home delivery, getting customer's delivery-time
feedback, updating


Browsing through the KFC site to see the foods items that are available. Adequate
searching mechanisms for easy and quick access to particular products and
services. Feedback mechanism, so that customers can give feedback for the
product or service which they have purchased.

1.1.2 Task Dependency Table



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3.1.3 CPM (Critical Path Method)

The Critical Path Method, abbreviated CPM, or Critical Path Analysis, is a

mathematically based algorithm for scheduling a set of project activities. It is an
important tool for effective project management.

Project schedule plan is the main plan included in any Project Management Plan.
CPM was developed by the DuPont Corporation in 1957.Critical path determines the
shortest time to complete the project and it is the longest duration path through a network
of tasks.
Project schedule is responsible for bringing project time, cost and quality under control.

The Critical Path Method (CPM) is a schedule network analysis technique. Which is a
replica of the activities and events of a project as a network. Activities are depicted as
nodes on the network and events that signify the beginning or ending of activities are
depicted as arcs or lines between the nodes. We have utilized the CPM to manage our
CPM provides the following benefits
• Provides a graphical view of the project.
• Calculates the time required to complete the project.
• Shows which activities are critical to maintaining the schedule and which are

Steps in CPM Project Planning

1. Specify the individual activities.
2. Determine the sequence of those activities.
3. Draw a network diagram.

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4. Estimate the completion time for each activity.

5. Identify the critical path (longest path through the network)
6. Update the CPM diagram as the project progresses. Specify the Individual Activities

From the work breakdown structure, a listing can be made of all the activities in the
project. This listing can be used as the basis for adding sequence and duration
information in later steps. Determine the Sequence of the Activities

Some activities are dependent on the completion of others. A listing of the immediate
predecessors of each activity is useful for constructing the CPM network diagram.

There are many activities that are dependent on each other therefore in
“ELECTROPEDIA” following activities are dependent

Logical design → Scope

Cost analysis → Logical Design
Physical Design → Logical Design, Cost Analysis
Construction → Physical Design
Testing/debugging → Physical Design, Construction
Implementation →Testing/debussing
Operation → Physical Design, Construction, Testing, Implementation Draw the Network Diagram

Once the activities and their sequencing have been defined, the CPM diagram can be
drawn. CPM originally was developed as an activity on node (AON) network, but some
project planners prefer to specify the activities on the arcs.

Start T1 T2 T6 T3


End T8 T7
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Online Fast Food Ordering

PATH1= T1  T2  T4  T5T7T8
PATH2= T1  T2  T4  T5  T6  T7  T8
PATH3= T1  T2  T3  T5  T6  T7T8
PATH3= T1  T2  T3  T5  T7  T8 Estimate Activity Completion Time

The time required to complete each activity can be estimated using past experience or the
estimates of knowledgeable persons. CPM is a deterministic model that does not take into
account variation in the completion time, so only one number is used for an activity's
time estimate.



T2 T1 1

T3 T2 2

T4 T2 2

T5 T3,T4 2

T6 T5 2

T7 T5,T6 3

T8 T7 1

© Department of Information Technology, University Of The Punjab, Gujranwala Campus. 1

Online Fast Food Ordering Identify the Critical Path

The critical path is the longest-duration path through the network. The significance of the
critical path is that the activities that lie on it cannot be delayed without delaying the
project. Because of its impact on the entire project, critical path analysis is an important
aspect of project planning.


T1 1 0 1 1 1 0 0

T2 1 1 2 1 2 0 0

T3 2 2 4 3 5 1 1

T4 3 2 5 2 5 0 0

T5 2 5 7 5 7 0 0

T6 2 7 9 7 9 0 0

T7 3 9 12 9 12 0 0

T8 1 12 13 12 13 0 0

Pictorial Representation of Critical Path

T1 T2  T4  T5  T6  T7  T8

3.2 Gantt chart:

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Online Fast Food Ordering

3.3 Introduction to Team members and their skill set

This project is going to be build by the five team members their names and skill set is
given below.

Syeda Fozia Noreen:

Fozia undoubtedly the most talented programmer, and is responsible for all the
programming related to the website. She is responsible for web designing developing ftp
client, online customer registration and integrating them to main system.

Syeda Narmeen Zahra:

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Narmeen is responsible for documenting the project she is designing all the use cases
charts and diagrams single handedly, she will also assist Ms. Noreen in designing the
website regarding the project.

Sawaira Munaf:
She is designing the front end of website and she will also assist Ms. Narmeen in
documentation of the website regarding the project.

Nadia Mushtaq:
She is responsible for managing the database .and she will also assist Ms. Narmeen and
Ms. Noreen in collection of data for documentation and for designing the website .is also
responsible for designing the segment of online products.

Fakeha Rauf:
She is reposnible for the designing of website and its nonfunctional requirements. She
have expertise in adobe photoshop and corel draw.

3.4 Technologies that are used

ASP (Active Server Pages)

ASP.NET (Active Server Pages .NET) is a web development technology from Microsoft.
Part of the .NET Framework, ASP.NET allows developers to build dynamic web
applications and web services using compiled languages like VB.NET and C#. Using
Visual Studio, the development tool from Microsoft, web developers can develop very
compelling applications using ASP.NET, with the ease of drag-and-drop server controls.
Currently in its next major release, ASP.NET 2.0 is slated to be released in November
In the early days of the Web, the contents of web pages were largely static. Pages needed
to be constantly, and manually, modified. To create websites that were dynamic and
would update automatically, a number of server-side technologies sprouted up, including
Microsoft's Active Server Pages (ASP). ASP executed on the server side, with its output
sent to the user's web browser, thus allowing the server to generate dynamic web pages
based on the actions of the user.
These server-side technologies are important contributions to the development of the
Web. Without them, web applications that we've become accustomed to today, such as
Amazon.com, eBay.com, and so on, would not be possible. In this article, I will delve
into ASP.NET, with a look at what it is, how it works, and the newest important features
of 2.0.

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As a recent birth in the programming language family, C# has two programming
languages parents C++ and Java. C# contains many C++ features but also adds the object
oriented features from java.
C# is a programming language from Microsoft designed specifically to target the .NET
Framework. Microsoft's .NET Framework is a runtime environment and class library that
dramatically simplifies the development and deployment of modern, component-based
When the .NET Framework and C# language compiler were shipped in final form in
January 2002, both the platform and programming language had already garnered much
industry attention and widespread use among Microsoft-centric early adopters. Why this
level of success? Certainly, the C# language and the .NET Framework address many of
the technical challenges facing modern developers as they strive to develop increasingly
complex distributed systems with ever-shrinking schedules and team sizes.
However, in addition to its technical merits, one of the main reasons for the success that
the language and platform has enjoyed thus far is the unprecedented degree of openness
that Microsoft has shown. From July 2000 to January 2002, the .NET Framework
underwent an extensive public beta that allowed tens of thousands of developers to "kick
the tires" of the programming environment. This allowed Microsoft to both solicit and
react to developer community feedback before finalizing the new platform.
Additionally, the key specifications for both the language and the platform have been
published, reviewed, and ratified by an international standards organization called the
European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA). These standardization efforts
have led to multiple third-party initiatives that bring the C# language and the .NET
platform to non-Microsoft environments. They have also prompted renewed interest
among academics in the use of Microsoft technologies as teaching and research vehicles.
Lastly, although the language and platform are shiny and new, the foundations for the C#
language and the .NET Framework have been years in the making, reaching back more
than half a decade. Understanding where the language and platform have come from
gives us a better understanding of where they are headed.

3.5 Tools that are used:

Visual Studio, Ms Visio, Ms Word, Adobe Photoshop

Visual Studio
Microsoft Visual Studio is an integrated Development Environment (IDE) from
Microsoft, it can be used to console and graphical applications along with Windows form
application, Web Sites, Web applications and Web Services in both native code together
with managed code for all platform supported by Microsoft windows.

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Ms Visio
Microsoft Visio is diagramming software for Microsoft Windows. It uses vector graphics
to create reverse diagram. It is currently available in two editions standard and
Standard and professional interface share both same interface.

Ms Word
Microsoft Word is the flagship product of the Office suite, and has been one of the
cornerstones of Microsoft's success in both the home software and business sectors. The
first versions were developed in 1981 under a different name, but the brand was born in
1983 when Microsoft produced the Multi-Word Tool for Xenix, a Microsoft-developed
operating system based on UNIX.
New versions were soon developed for MS-DOS, Apple Macintosh and other major
operating systems. However, it remained a relatively complex piece of software that
could only be easily operated by text commands, which acted as a barrier to entry for the
casual user. Word processing remained a highly technical skill, with basic formatting
requiring that the user memorize dozens of key combinations and text inputs. Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Photoshop is a graphics editing program developed and published by Adobe
System, Photoshop has ties with other Adobe software for media editing, animation, and
authoring. The .PSD (Photoshop Document), Photoshop's native format, stores an image
with support for most imaging options available in Photoshop. These include layers with ,
, , transparency, text, and , , and settings. This is in contrast to many other file formats
(e.g. .EPS or .GIF) that restrict content to provide streamlined, predictable functionality.

3.6 Vision Document

The project e-OFF which is being documented. The unlimited strategic vision would be
to enable customers in limited area, uploading the order into a computer and onto the
Internet for the appropriate action (storage and/or purchasing). While we can create such
a strategic vision in our minds, I am not aware of anyone actually pursuing that vision.
The project is being developed by the team members and they are agree to develop the
project in the agreed time and estimated budget in the documented above and all the team
members have ability to make the project successful to full fill the user requirement
according to their specification

3.7 Risk List

The risk factors that are involved with this project are as follows.

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1. All the software tools being used for the development of project is not licensed
and not have the writes. If any restriction will be imposed by the government on
the software of this type then project will be infected and may got in trouble

2. Now all team members and the entire stake holders are agree to use this
technology and tool and the development of the project and also agree on the cast
and the schedule of completion if any change will take place from the stakeholder
from the organization side than the schedule of the project will be affected and
also cast.
3. For the time being the entire stake holders are agree on the specification. If any
change will be occur from the user side than project will be over schedule and
also will be over cost.
4. Lack of coordination between team members also can cause the project out of
mentioned schedule.

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Online Fast Food Ordering


Requirement Engineering

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Online Fast Food Ordering

4.1 Introduction

• The Online Ordering of Fast Food (e-OFF) web application is intended to provide
complete solutions for customers through a single get way using the internet as the sole
medium. The administration module will enable a system administrator to approve and
reject requests for ordering the fast food.
• This document is meant to delineate the features of e-OFF so as to serve as a guide to
the developers on one hand and a software validation document for the prospective
client on the other.

4.1.1 Scope of Project

In this project, we will be designing a simple online ordering fast food system using
object oriented technology. The site will provide a soothing experience of fast food
ordering for customers, while at the same time allowing us to explore design patterns and
other features object oriented technology.

4.1.2 Existing System Business Organization

4.1.3 Business Organization Chart

4.1.4 Summary of Requirements

Food, fun & Festivity, this is what KFC is all leading the market since its inception, KFC
provides the ultimate chicken meals for a chicken loving nation. Be it colonel sanders
secret original recipe chicken or the hot & spicy version, every bite brings a yum on our
face. At KFC we can proudly say, “We do chicken right”.
Near G.D.A Trust
Plaza, G.T. Road,

For Delivery:
The system will allow a single owner to sell various products under one roof i.e KFC.The
concept, at its very basic, provides for an environment that allows the following:

Shop Owner:

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Online Fast Food Ordering

• Any person wishing to setup shop in the mall can send a proposal to the mall
• The mall owner approves the proposal and confirms the deal.
• Shop owners can then setup and maintain their own shop(s) in the Mall.


• Customers when visit the website, have to registered themselves on a central

• After registration, the customer is allocated a login and select the food of his/her
choice for ordering.
• Priviledges customer can change the order, but visitor can’t change their order
after the selection processing.
• He or She then log-off after ordering from the site.

4.1.5 Identify External Entities

Following are the external entities or actors that interact directly with the website.
1. Registered Users (customers)
2. Administrator
3. System

1.1.6 Capture Shall Statement

Identify “shall” statements, as they would be all functional requirements.

External entity Initial requirements

Administrator “shall” control the database and

Administrator keep track of all records of customers and
product details.

Administrator Administrator “shall” View the details of

product and update the record .

System System “Shall” provide registrations process.

System System “shall” provide help to customer when


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Online Fast Food Ordering

System System “Shall” Process the given item and

subtract the discount .

Customers Customers “shall” have a valid login id to enter

into the site.

Customers ”shall ” view/edit his personal

Customers details, payment details, and details about
services provided.

Customers ”shall ” view all available deals and

Customers can compare them and make a choice for

Customers Customer “shall” logout of the site after


Allocate requirements
Allocate the requirements in the use cases.

Para # External entity Initial requirements

1.0 Administrator Administrator “shall” control the database of food


1.0 Administrator Admin “Shall” Add the record of food item.

1.0 Administrator Admin “Shall” DELETE the record of food item.

2.0 System System “Shall” provide help to customer when


2.0 System System “Shall” provide registrations process.

2.0 System System “Shall” Provide Sale Process which include

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Online Fast Food Ordering


3.0 Customers Customers “Shall” register himself to the system

3.0 Customer Customer “Shall” log on to the system

3.0 Customer Customer “Shall” change his/her password

3.0 Customers Customers ”Shall ” view/edit his personal details,

payment details, and details about services provided.

3.0 Customers Customers ”Shall ” view all available deals of

packages and can compare them and make a choice
for ordering.

3.0 Customer Customer ” Shall” view the status of their order by

providing order number

3.0 Customer Customer “Shall” make payment through credit


3.0 Customers Customer “Shall” logout of the site after ordering.

Prioritized Requirement
Para # Initial requirements Use case name

1.0 Administrator “Shall” control the database of food items. UC_ Control _Database

1.0 Administrator “shall” Add the record of food items. UC_ Control _Database

1.0 Administrator “shall” DELETE the record of food items. UC_ Control _Database

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Online Fast Food Ordering

2.0 System “shall” provide help to customer when needed. UC_ Help_Customer

2.0 System “Shall” provide registrations process. UC_ Registration

2.0 System “Shall” Provide Sale Process which include UC_Sale_Process


3.0 Customers “shall” register himself to the system UC_ Registration

3.0 Customer shall log on to the system UC_ Registration

3.0 Customer shall change his password UC_Mantain_Account_Info

3.0 Customers ”shall ” view/edit his personal details, payment UC_Maintain_Account_Info

details, and details about services provided.

3.0 Customers ”shall ” view all available deals/food items UC_View_Products

and can compare them and make a choice for ordering.

3.0 Customer shall view the status of their order by UC_View _Order
providing order number

3.0 Customer shall make payment through credit card. UC_Payment

3.0 Customer “shall” logout of the site after purchasing UC_ Registration

4.1.8 High level use case diagram

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S y s te m

US_Re g i s t r a t i o n

U S_He l_Cp u s t
C u s t o me r

US_Ma i n t_A/C
ai n

Syst em
U S_R e g _P
i sr o

US_P a y me n t

U S_S a l_Pe r o

US_V i e_Pwr o d

US_V i e_Or
w der A d mi n i s t r a t o r
US_C o n t _DB
r ol

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Online Fast Food Ordering

4.1.9 Data

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Online Fast Food Ordering


Use Case Description

5.1 Usecase Description

Following are the use cases that we have used in our project

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Online Fast Food Ordering

5.1.1Usecase UC1: Login


Brief description:
System provides access privilege to the customer wants to the services after gaining

Customer and administrator must be valid user of the system to use the services.

Post conditions:
Customer logs in successfully and use the services provided in the website.

Main Success Scenario (Complete Normal Flow):

1. Customer must visit website.
2. Enters “ID” and “Password”.
3. Repeats step 2 until the “ID” and “Password” provided is correct.

4. Now Customer is Logged In and he/she can use all the services
provided on the website.
5 After using the services he/she signs out of the website by clicking
the ‘Logout’ button

Alternative Flows:
1. If the customer clicks “Sign In” button without filling the “ID” and “Password”
a. When the customer doesn’t type anything in the “ID” field it will show a
prompt message, the message will be “Please Enter ID”
b. When the customer doesn’t type anything in the “Password” field it will
show a prompt message, the message will be “Please Enter Password”
2. If a customer enters wrong “ID” “Password”;
a. An alert message of “Incorrect Password” will appear.
b. Customer/administrator will enter the correct “ID” and
“Password” and logs in.
3. If a Customer forgot the “Password”.
a. Customer has to contact the administrator.

5.1.2 Usecase UC3: Feedback


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1. Customer

Brief description:
Customers may be give comments after visiting our website.
Customers or visitors may be give answer according to our questionnaire.
Customers or visitors may also give extra description
about our website

Customers or visitors must visit our website

Post conditions:
Successfully posted the comments and fill questionnaire on website
and leave the Website

Main Success Scenario (Complete Normal Flow):

1. Customers or visitors visit the web site.

2. Go to feedback interface
3. Customers or visitors will click on the feedback button
4. A page will be loaded with text fields like Posted a comment, fill the questionnaire
5.Customers or visitors successfully post a comment by pressing post Comment

6. Customers or visitors fill in the questionnaire according to question.

Alternative Flow:
The condition that triggers the alternative flow
Customers or visitors forget to press post comment butt
Customers or visitors forget to fill questionnaire requirement

5.1.3 Usecase UC4: Search


Brief description:
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Online Fast Food Ordering

This use case is about the Search of the Food Items.The Admin
and Customer will search the Food Items from the Food Items Database But the
Customer will search for view or for order

Administrator must be valid Admin of the system for Search the
products. Administrator must Logged In. Customer must be authorized customer of the
system for the Search of the Products. Customer must Logged In.

Post conditions:
Administrator is Logged In.
Customer is Logged In.
Administrator has successfully Search the Products.
Customer has successfully Search the Products.

Main Success Scenario (Complete Normal Flow):

1 The use case will start when the Admin or Customer have to search some food items
for ordering or for view.
2 Customer and Admin both are logged In.
3 Customer and Admin will select the Food Items for search.
4 Customer and Admin has successfully Search the required food items
5 This is the end of the use case

Alternative Flows
If the Customer/Administrator selected “Search the Products”
When there is no products exist in the inventory system then display message no Products

5.1.4 Usecase UC5: User Registration

1. Customer.

Brief description:
This use case is about the registration process of the customer.
which steps does the customer will take to complete the registration process,all are
mentioned and described here.

Customer must knows the URL

Post conditions:
a. Website must open when customer enters the URL
b. After collecting information from user this user must be registered

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Online Fast Food Ordering

Main Success Scenario (Complete Normal Flow):

1. Customer enters the URL of E Shopping Mall.
2. For registration user will click on the button “Sign Up”
3. A new page will appear to user
4. This page will collect the information about the user
5. This page will collect the following information

a. User Name
b. User Password
c. User Confirm Password
d. User Email
e. Street address
f. Country
g. Phone no.

6. Customer will enter the all above data into required fields
7. When customer has entered all data now customer will click the button “Submit”
8. The page will be submitted and the user information stored in database.

Alternative Flows
The customer is not register when it doesn’t request for registration.
He\she just visit the page.

The system will not allow the customer to be registered because of insufficient
information provided by the customer.

5.1.5 Usecase UC6: Place Order

The Customer

Brief description:
Administration provides the services to the customer to order for items from the website.

a. Customer must be valid user of the system to place order.
b. Customer must Logged In.

Post conditions:
a. Customer is Logged In.
b. Customer has successfully placed order.

Main Success Scenario (Complete Normal Flow):

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Online Fast Food Ordering

1. Customer selects the food items for order.

2. Customer enters the quantity of the products.
3. Customer adds the items to the tray by clicking the “Add to tray” button.
4. Now customer can view his selected food items.

Alternative Flows
If the customer orders a quantity of the product that is not
available, “Sorry, this quantity is out of stock” message will be displayed.

5.1.6 Usecase UC6:Processing Request


Breif Discription:
This use case is about the processing of the request that is placed by the registered
customer. The request is processed by the admin.

The customer placed the order but is not processed and cannot get the confirmation

A customer will receive the confirmation message of the placed order.

Normal Flow
1 This use case will start when the order is place and processed by the admin.
2 Admin will view the placed order.
3 Compare the order with the menu list.
4 Accept the order.
5 Send request for payment.
6 Show confirmation message.
7 Customer will view the confirmation message.
8 This is the end of the use case.

Alternative Flow:
When admin reject the request or order.

Exceptional Flow:
The system does not generate the confirmation message or if there is any problem

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in comparing the ordered item.

5.1.7Usecase UC7: Payment

2. Customer

Breif Discription:
This use case is about the payment required by the admin and the customer pay it.
The whole use case is about processing the payment.

The payment for the placed ordered is not been made.

The payment for the order is made and the confirmation message is being generate
by the admin and viewed by the customer.

Normal Flow:
1 The use case will start when customer is going to pay for the placed order.
2 Admin will display the payment.
3 Admin will request for the payment.
4 Request for pin code by the admin.
5 The customer sees the price for the order.
6 Customer will enter the pin code.
7 Enter the amount.
8 Admin will check it for verification.
9 Admin will generate the confirmation message.
10 A customer will view the message.
11 This is the end of the use case.

Alternative Flow:
If the customer does not enter the correct pin code or correct amount.

Exceptional Flow:
If the system will not properly verify the account or if it can’t generate the message.

5.1.8 Usecase UC8: Log-Out

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Breif Discription:
This use case is about the logging out of the customer.

The customer remained log in.

The customer is logged out.

Normal Flow:
1This use case will start when the customer has to sign out.
2The customer will click the button of Log out.
3After clicking the sign out, the customer will log out from the site.
4This is the end of the use case.

Alternative Flow:
If the customer does not properly click the log out button.

Exceptional Flow:
If the system does not work properly.


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Use Case diagram (refined and up dated)

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Registeration «uses»

«extends» SalePro «uses»
Customer «extends» Payment


Control DB
FeedBack «uses»

Order Admin


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Sequence diagram

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7.1.1 Login

:CustomerDAL :DB





Successfuly Log-In()

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Online Fast Food Ordering

7.1.2 Feedback

:FeedBackInterface :FeedBackDAL :DataBase

Enter Comments ()

SubmittComments ()

Invalid ()

Re-enter Comments ()
Valid ()

SaveInDB ()

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Online Fast Food Ordering

7.1.3 Registration

:RegistrationInterface :Customer DAL :DataBase



Fill SIgn-Up Form()

Valid Input()
Add In DB()

Log-In Created()

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Online Fast Food Ordering

7.1.4 Order

:Category :MealDAL :MealTray:Shipping:DataBase



Chek Availbility



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7.1.5 Payment

:Category :MealDAL :MealTray :Payment :Shipping :DataBase



Chek Availbility()





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Online Fast Food Ordering

7.1.6 Log-Out

:Log-Out Interface :DataBase


Save Info In DB()

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Collaboration diagram

8.1 Collaboration Diagram

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8.1.1 Login

1:Enter Pswd, id
2:Check( id,pswd)



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8.1.2 Feedback

4:Renter Comments
1:Enter Comments

2: SubmittComments


6:Save In DB
:Database :feedbackDAL

8.1.3 Registration

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Online Fast Food Ordering

1:Sign Up
2:Fill SignUpForm 3:Valis Input


2:Page Load

5:Add in DB
:Database :CustomerDAL

8.1.4 Order

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Online Fast Food Ordering

1:Select Category(id,Qty)

2:Check Availability
4:S 3:A
el vai
ec lab
tM le
Customer ea


:MealTray :MealDAL

ave 7:Update


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Online Fast Food Ordering

8.1.5 Payment

1:Select Category(id,Qty)

2:Check Availability
4:S 3:A
el vai
ec lab
tM le
Customer ea




:MealTray :MealDAL :DataBase

ave 7:Update

:Payment :Shipping

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8.1.6 Log-Out

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1: Logout
Logout Interface



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Class diagram

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Data model

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User (Customer ) FoodItem

PK email PK Code

Name Name
Gender Quantity
streetAddress Price
ContactNumber CID
userName imageURL
Password Description

Shipping shopCategory

PK shippingID PK ItemID

deliveryInstruction Name
instructions Description

S ale SaleLineItem

P K receip tN o
saleD ate Quantity

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