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Chap1 Properties Sol

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1. a) + 6y( t ) = 4 x ( t )

This is an ordinary differential equation with constant coefficients, therefore, it is linear and time-
invariant. It contains memory and it is causal.

b) + 4 ty( t ) = 2 x( t )

This is an ordinary differential equation. The coefficients of 4t and 2 do not depend on y or x, so the
system is linear. However, the coefficient 4t is not constant, so it is time-varying. The system is also
causal and has memory

y[ n] + 2 y[ n − 1] = x[ n + 1]

This is a difference equation with constant coefficients; therefore, it is linear and time-invariant. It is
noncausal since the output depends on future values of x. Specifically, let x[n] = u[n], then y[-1] = 1.

d) y(t) = sin(x(t))

check linearity:
y1 ( t ) = sin( x1 ( t ))
y 2 ( t ) = sin( x 2 ( t ))
Solution to an input of a 1 x1 ( t ) + a 2 x 2 ( t ) is sin(a 1x 1 ( t ) + a 2 x 2 ( t )) .
This is not equal to a1y1 ( t ) + a 2 y 2 ( t ) .
As a counter example, consider x1 ( t ) = π and x 2 ( t ) = π / 2 , a1 = a 2 = 1

the system is causal since the output does not depend on future values of time, and it is memoryless
the system is time-invariant

e) + y 2 ( t ) = x( t )

The coefficient of y means that this is nonlinear; however, it does not depend explicitly on t, so it is time-
invariant. It is causal and has memory.

f) y[ n + 1] + 4 y[ n] = 3x[ n + 1] − x[ n]

Rewrite the equation as y[ n] + 4 y[ n − 1] = 3x[ n] − x[ n − 1] by decreasing the index.

This is a difference equation with constant coefficients, so it is linear and time-invariant. The output does
not depend on future values of the input, so it is causal. It has memory.
h) y[ n] = x[2 n]

has memory since the output relies on values of the input at other the the current index n,

causal? Let x[n] = u[n-2], so x[1] = 0. Then y[1] = x[2] = 1, so not causal.

linear? Let y1 [n] = x1[2n] and y2 [n] = x2[2n]. The response to an input of x[n] = ax1[n]+bx2[n] is

y[n] = ax1[2n]+bx2[2n], which is ay1[2n]+by2[2n], so this is linear

time-invariant: Let y1[n] represent the response to an input of x[n-N], so y1[n] = x[2(n-N)]. This is also
equal to y[n-N], so the system is time-invariant.

i) y[ n] = nx[2 n]

This is similar to part h), except for the n coefficient. Similar to above, it is noncausal, has memory and is
linear. Check time-invariance:

Let y1[n] represent the response to an input of x[n-N], so y1[n] = nx[2(n-N)]. This is not
equal to y[n-N] = (n-N)x[2(n-N)], so the system is time-varying.

j) + sin( t ) y( t ) = 4 x( t )

This is an ordinary differential equation with coefficients sin(t) and 4. Neither depends on y or x, so it is
linear. However, the explicit dependence on t means that it is time-varying. It is causal and has memory.

d2y dy dx
k) + 10 + 4 y( t ) = + 4 x( t )
2 dt dt

This is an ordinary differntial equation with constant coefficients, so it is linear and time-invariant. It is
also causal and has memory.

2. The response to 4u(t) is 4(1-e-2t)u(t). The response to 4u(t-1) is 4(1-e-2(t-1))u(t-1). So the response to
x(t) = 4u(t) - 4u(t-1) is y(t) = 4(1-e-2t)u(t) - 4(1-e-2(t-1))u(t-1).

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