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Delhi Metro

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ADVT. NO.: DMRC/HR/RECTT./I/2019 Dated: 14.12.2019

ON-LINE REGISTRATION AT: From 14.12.2019 (10:00 A.M.)
ONLINE Application Fee to be paid between: From 14.12.2019 to 13.01.2020
Availability of Call Letters on DMRC website for CBT Shall be intimated by email/SMS on registered
email/phone number
The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) Ltd, a Joint Venture company with equal equity participation of the Govt. of India and the
Govt. of the National Capital Territory of Delhi, has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail-based Mass
Rapid Transit System, for Delhi-NCR. The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, the Lifeline of Delhi, prides itself on its ability to nurture its
employees through its unique work culture. Today, DMRC empowered by about 14,500 employees, with MRTS activities spread over
Delhi-NCR, carry about 3 million passengers per day. In addition to the above, DMRC is involved in providing consultancy services to
a number of cities, within India and abroad.
Applications are, hereby, invited from young and dynamic persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Executive & Non-
Executive posts in DMRC.
SECTION – ‘A’ – Regular -Executive Category Posts
Age between (as on 01.12.2019), 18 to 30 Years, i.e., born not earlier than 02.12.1989 and not later than 01.12.2001, for all the posts.
No of vacancies** Medical
including Standards as per
reserved category / backlog vacancies Indian Rly.
Pay Medical
Scale Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required (Brief detail of
in ₹ PwBD medical
* standards are
available at
DMRC’s Web
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - BE/B.Tech. (Electrical) from a Govt. recognized Executive/
RE01 02 01 05 01 07 - 16
Electrical 160000 University/Institute with minimum two years post Technical
qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
BE/B.Tech. in Electronics Engg., Electronics &
Communication Engg., IT, Computer Science,
Computer Science & Engg., Electrical & Electronics
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics & Executive/
RE02 02 01 - - 06 - 09
S&T 160000 Telecommunication Engg., Electronics Technical
Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation &
Control, Instrumentation Engg. from a Govt.
recognized University/Institute with minimum two
years post qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - B.E./B.Tech. (Civil), from a Govt. recognized Executive/
RE03 02 01 03 01 05 - 12
Civil 160000 University/Institute with minimum two years post Technical
qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
BE/B.Tech. in Electrical/Electronics/ Mechanical
/Civil or in equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized
University/Institute or 02 (Two) years full time
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/
RE04 01 02 01 - 05 - 09 MBA with 60% marks/equivalent CGPA having
Operations 160000 Technical
specialization in Marketing/International Business
Operations / Logistics from a Govt. recognized
University / Institute with minimum two years post
qualification work experience
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
Degree in Bachelor of Architecture from a Govt.
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/
RE05 - - 01 - 02 - 03 recognized University and registration with Council
Architect 160000 Technical
of Architecture with minimum two years post
qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
B.E./B.Tech. in Civil Engineering or Post-Graduate
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/
RE06 - - - - 01 - 01 in Mathematics/Statistics/Economics or Masters in
Traffic 160000 Technical
Transport Planning with minimum two years post
qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
B.Tech./B.E. in Mechanical/Electrical/ Electronics
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/Non -
RE07 - - 01 - 03 - 04 discipline from a Govt. recognized
Stores 160000 Technical
University/Institute with minimum two years post
qualification work experience.
CA/ICWA with minimum two years’ post –
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/Non -
RE08 - 02 - - 01 - 03 qualification work experience. Knowledge of
Finance 160000 Technical
SAP/ERP will be preferred.
Page 1 of 8
No of vacancies** Medical
including Standards as per
reserved category / backlog vacancies Indian Rly.
Pay Medical
Scale Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required (Brief detail of
in ₹ PwBD medical
* standards are
available at
DMRC’s Web
Full time LL.B with a minimum of 60%
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - marks/equivalent CGPA from a Govt. recognized Executive/Non
RE09 - - 01 - 02 03
Legal 160000 Institute/University with minimum two years post – Technical
qualification work experience.

SECTION – ‘B’ – Regular -Non-Executive Category Posts

Age between (as on 01.12.2019), 18 to 28 Years, i.e., born not earlier than 02.12.1991 and not later than 01.12.2001, for post codes RNE01 to RNE07,
RNE09, RNE10, RNE13, RNE16 to RNE18;
Age between (as on 01.12.2019), 18 to 30 Years, i.e., born not earlier than 02.12.1989 and not later than 01.12.2001, for post codes RNE08, RNE11,
RNE12, RNE14 and RNE15.
No of vacancies** Medical Standards as per
including Indian Rly. Medical
Post reserved category / backlog vacancies Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required
Code (Brief detail of medical
in ₹ ExS PwBD
SC ST OBC EWS UR TOTAL standards are available at
* *
DMRC’s Web site)
Three years Engineering Diploma# in
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - Electrical / equivalent trade from a Aye-one (A-1) category,
RNE01 11 02 - 02 11 03 - 26
Electrical# 115000 Govt. recognized University / not below Aye-three (A-3)
Three years Engineering Diploma# in
Electronics, Computer Engg.,
Information Technology, Electronics
& Communications, Electronics &
Communications Industry Integrated,
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - Aye-one (A-1) category,
RNE02 11 13 09 06 27 09 - 66 Electrical & Electronics, Electronics /
Electronics# 115000 not below Aye-three (A-3)
Microprocessor, Electronics &
Telecommunications, Instrumentation
Technology, Electronics and
Instrumentation Engg. from a Govt.
recognized University/Institute.
Three years Engineering Diploma# in
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - Aye-one (A-1) category,
RNE03 07 07 15 05 25 08 - 59 Civil/equivalent trade from a Govt.
Civil# 115000 not below Aye-three (A-3)
recognized University/Institute.
Three years Engineering Diploma# in
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - Civil/ Environmental/ Electrical/ Aye-one (A-1) category,
RNE04 01 - 02 - 05 01 - 08
Environment# 115000 equivalent trade from a Govt. not below Aye-three (A-3)
recognized University/Institute.
Three years Engineering Diploma# in
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - Mechanical/Electrical/Electronics/
RNE05 - - 01 - 04 - - 05 Aye-three (A-3)
Stores# 115000 Civil/equivalent trade from a Govt.
recognized University/Institute.
B.Sc. (three years course) from a and Minimum Physical
37000 - Govt. recognized University, with Standards: –
RNE06 Fire Inspector 01 01 02 - 03 01 - 07
115000 one-year Fire Safety course from a Height-167 cms.,
Govt. recognized University/Institute. Weight-51 kg., Chest-81
cms. & 86 cms. expanded
Architect 37000 - Diploma# in Architecture from a Govt.
RNE07 - 01 - 03 - - 04 Aye-three (A-3)
Asstt.# 115000 recognized University / Institute.
Minimum 60% marks in BCA/B.Sc.
(Electronics)/B.Sc. (IT)/B.Sc. (Maths)
from a Govt. recognized University or
Minimum 60% marks in three years
Diploma in Computer Science of
Application or Minimum 60% marks
Asstt. 37000 - in ‘A’ level Diploma in Department of
RNE08 04 02 04 02 11 03 - 23 Bee-Two (B-2)
Programmer 115000 Electronics Accredited Computer
Courses with minimum two years post
– qualification experience in ERP or
Software Development including
actual programming or Network
Administration. Working experience
in ERP, preferably in SAP.
LL.B with minimum 50% marks from
37000 -
RNE09 Legal Asstt. 01 - - - 04 - - 05 a Govt. recognized University/ Cee-One (C-1)
Institute or National Law School.
Three/Four years Graduation course in
35000 – any discipline from a Govt.
RNE10 Relations 58 46 57 38 187 55 - 386 Aye-One (A-1)
110000 Recognized University, and computer
literacy (Certificate in Computer
Page 2 of 8
No of vacancies** Medical Standards as per
including Indian Rly. Medical
Post reserved category / backlog vacancies Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required
Code (Brief detail of medical
in ₹ ExS PwBD
SC ST OBC EWS UR TOTAL standards are available at
* *
DMRC’s Web site)
Application Course of a minimum 6
weeks duration).
B.Com./equivalent from a Govt.
Accounts 35000 – recognized University/Institute with
RNE11 08 02 13 04 21 06 02 48 Cee-One (C-1)
Asstt. 110000 minimum two years’ post –
qualification work experience.
Three years Engineering Diploma@ in
Civil/equivalent trade from a Govt.
35000 –
RNE12 Stores Asstt. 01 - 02 - 05 01 - 08 recognized University/Institute or Cee-One (C-1)
B.Sc.@ with Physics, Chemistry &
Maths with minimum two years post
– qualification work experience.
Bachelor degree in Journalism &
Mass Communication or similar
relevant field from a Govt. recognized
35000 –
RNE13 Asstt./CC - - 01 - 03 - - 04 University / Institute or PG Diploma Cee-One (C-1)
in Journalism & Mass Communication
or similar relevant field from a Govt.
recognized University / Institute.
B.A./B.Sc./B.Com. from a Govt.
35000 – recognized University/Institute with
RNE14 Office Asstt. 01 - 03 - 04 01 01 08 Cee-One (C-1)
110000 minimum two years’ post –
qualification work experience.
Graduate in any discipline from a
Govt. recognized University with one-
year course in Office Management
and Secretarial Practice/equivalent.
35000 – 01 Shorthand Speed-80 wpm/English
RNE15 Stenographer - - 03 - 06 01 09 Cee-One (C-1)
110000 Typing Speed-40 wpm/English.
Desirable – proficiency in shorthand/
typing in Hindi with minimum two
years’ post – qualification work
ITI (NCVT/SCVT)$ in Electrician
Maintainer / 25000 –
RNE16 28 - 14 10 49 14 - 101 Trade, from a Govt. recognized Bee-One (B-1)
Electrician 80000
ITI(NCVT/SCVT)$ in Electronic
Mechanic, Information
communication Technology System
Maintenance, Information
Maintainer / Technology, Mechanic Computer
25000 –
RNE17 Electronic - 44 - 14 86 20 - 144 Hardware, Mechanic cum Operator Bee-One (B-1)
Mechanic Electronic Communication System,
Mechanic Industrial Electronics,
Radio & TV Mechanic, Power
Electronics System from a Govt.
recognized University/Institute.
ITI (NCVT/SCVT)$ in Fitter, Lift &
Maintainer / 25000 –
RNE18 - - - 01 17 02 - 18 Escalator Mechanic from a Govt. Bee-One (B-1)
Fitter 80000
recognized University/Institute.
SECTION – ‘C’ – Executive posts on Contract basis for 02 years
Age between (as on 01.12.2019), 18 to 30 Years, i.e., born not earlier than 02.12.1989 and not later than 01.12.2001, for all the posts.
No of vacancies** Medical
including Standards as per
reserved category vacancies Indian Rly.
Pay Medical
Scale Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required (Brief detail of
in ₹ PwBD medical
* standards are
available at
DMRC’s Web
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - BE/B.Tech. (Electrical) from a Govt. recognized Executive/
CE01 - - - - 01 - 01
Electrical 160000 University/Institute with minimum two years’ post – Technical
qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
BE/B.Tech. in Electronics Engg., Electronics &
Communication Engg., IT, Computer Science,
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/
CE02 02 02 03 01 09 - 17 Computer Science & Engg., Electrical & Electronics
S&T 160000 Technical
Engg., Electrical Engg., Electronics &
Telecommunication Engg., Electronics
Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation &
Page 3 of 8
No of vacancies** Medical
including Standards as per
reserved category vacancies Indian Rly.
Pay Medical
Scale Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required (Brief detail of
in ₹ PwBD medical
* standards are
available at
DMRC’s Web
Control, Instrumentation Engg. from a Govt.
recognized University/Institute with minimum two
years’ post – qualification work experience.
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
BE/B.Tech. in Computer Engineering / Computer
Science / Computer Technology / Information
Technology or Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent
CGPA in MCA, from a Govt. recognized
University/Institute with minimum two years’ post –
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/
CE03 01 - 01 - 05 - 07 qualification work experience in ERP or Software
IT 160000 Technical
Development including actual programming or
network administration. Working experience in
ERP, preferably in SAP, knowledge of Cyber
Security covering global best practices, policy &
procures and its compliances system audit etc. is
Minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - B.E./B.Tech. (Civil), from a Govt. recognized Executive/
CE04 09 07 20 07 30 - 73
Civil 160000 University/Institute with minimum two years’ post – Technical
qualification work experience.
CA/ICWA with minimum two years’ post –
Asstt. Manager/ 50000 - Executive/Non
CE05 01 - 02 - 05 - 08 qualification work experience in relevant field.
Finance 160000 – Technical
Knowledge of SAP/ERP will be preferred.

SECTION – ‘D’ – Non-Executive posts on Contract basis for 02 years

Age between (as on 01.12.2019), 18 to 28 Years, i.e., born not earlier than 02.12.1991 and not later than 01.12.2001, for post codes CNE01 to CNE03,
CNE05 to CNE06;
Age between (as on 01.12.2019), 18 to 30 Years, i.e., born not earlier than 02.12.1989 and not later than 01.12.2001, for post code CNE04
No of vacancies** Medical Standards as per
including Indian Rly. Medical
Post reserved category vacancies Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required
Code (Brief details of medical
in ₹ ExS PwBD
SC ST OBC EWS UR TOTAL standard are available at
* *
DMRC’s Web site)
Three years Engineering Diploma#
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - in Electrical / equivalent trade from Aye-one (A-1) category,
CNE01 17 10 27 12 54 17 - 120
Electrical# 115000 a Govt. recognized University / not below Aye-three (A-3)
Three years Engineering Diploma#
in Electronics, Computer Engg.,
Information Technology,
Electronics & Communications,
Electronics & Communications
Industry Integrated, Electrical &
Jr. Engineer/ 37000 - Aye-one (A-1) category,
CNE02 17 14 24 12 58 18 - 125 Electronics, Electronics /
Electronics# 115000 not below Aye-three (A-3)
Microprocessor, Electronics &
Instrumentation Technology,
Electronics and Instrumentation
Engg. from a Govt. recognized
Three years Engineering Diploma#
Jr. Engineer / 37000 – in Civil/equivalent trade from a Aye-one (A-1) category,
CNE03 19 10 16 13 81 20 - 139
Civil # 115000 Govt. recognized not below Aye-three (A-3)
Minimum 60% marks in
BCA/B.Sc. (Electronics)/B.Sc.
(IT)/B.Sc. (Maths) from a Govt.
recognized University or Minimum
60% marks in three years Diploma
in Computer Science of
Application or Minimum 60%
Asstt. 37000 -
CNE04 - - - - 01 - - 01 marks in ‘A’ level Diploma in Bee-Two (B-2)
Programmer 115000
Department of Electronics
Accredited Computer Courses with
minimum two years post –
qualification experience in ERP or
Software Development including
actual programming or Network
Administration. Working

Page 4 of 8
No of vacancies** Medical Standards as per
including Indian Rly. Medical
Post reserved category vacancies Manual.
Name of Post (IDA) Essential Qualification Required
Code (Brief details of medical
in ₹ ExS PwBD
SC ST OBC EWS UR TOTAL standard are available at
* *
DMRC’s Web site)
experience in ERP, preferably in
Diploma# in Architecture from a
Architect 37000 -
CNE05 01 - 02 01 06 01 - 10 Govt. recognized University / Aye-three (A-3)
Asstt. # 115000
Bachelor degree in Journalism &
Mass Communication or similar
relevant field from a Govt.
35000 - recognized University / Institute or
CNE06 Asstt./CC - - - - 03 - - 03 Cee-One (C-1)
110000 PG Diploma in Journalism & Mass
Communication or similar relevant
field from a Govt. recognized
University / Institute.
#For the post of Junior Engineer in all disciplines and Architect Assistant (viz post codes RNE01, RNE02, RNE03, RNE04, RNE05,
RNE07, CNE01, CNE02, CNE03, CNE05), candidate must possess Diploma in the relevant field. Candidates with higher
qualification viz. B.E./B.Tech./B.Sc. etc. in respective disciplines but not having diploma in the relevant field, shall not be eligible
and cannot apply.
For the post of Stores Asstt, viz. post code RNE12, candidate must possess Diploma in the relevant field or B.Sc. in Physics,
Chemistry & Maths. Candidates with higher / other qualification viz. B.E./B.Tech. etc. but not having diploma/B.Sc. in the relevant
field, shall not be eligible and cannot apply.
$For the posts of Maintainer (Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, and Fitter), viz., post codes (RNE16, RNE17, RNE18), candidates
must have completed ITI in the specified trades. Candidates having higher qualification, viz. B.E./B.Tech./Diploma etc., but not
having ITI in the specific trades, shall not be eligible and cannot apply for the posts of Maintainers from post codes RNE16 to RNE18).
*on horizontal basis, **All vacancies are provisional and subject to increase / decrease.
• Candidates can apply for more than one post as per their qualifications.
• Candidates after selection are likely to be posted, anywhere in India.
Qualification: - As prescribed above. Candidates who are appearing at the qualifying exam, qualifying of which would make them educationally
eligible for the posts but have not yet been informed of the results, will also be eligible for applying for the posts. Such candidates will be
admitted to the examination, if otherwise eligible, but their candidature would be provisional. If they do not produce proof of having passed the
essential qualification by/on the date of publication of result of CBT/Psycho Test/Skill Test by DMRC for Non-executive posts or on date of
GD &/or Interview for Executive posts, their candidature is liable to be cancelled. The proof of passing/result shall be declaration in the
public domain through newspapers/websites, etc.
Reservation for Persons with Benchmark Disability (PwBD): Reservation for requisite number of PwBD candidates against non-technical
posts, is provided in post code RNE11, RNE14 & RNE15. Only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who have not
less than 40% of the relevant disability. Such candidate will be required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by the Medical Board duly
constituted by the Central or State Government (Format is available on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com).
Candidates falling in the following categories of the disability may apply, viz.:
Post Code Post Category of disability No. of posts reserved
RNE11 Accounts Asstt. OL, BL, MW, LV, HH 02
RNE14 Office Asstt. OA, OL, BL, OAL, B, LV 01
RNE15 Stenographer OA, OL, BL, OAL, B, LV 01
OA: One arm affected; OL: One leg affected; BL: Both legs affected; MW: Muscular Weakness; OAL: One arm & one leg affected; B: Blind;
LV: Low Vision; HH: Hearing Impaired. N.B.: Extant rules regarding relaxation in standards of examination etc. shall be intimated on DMRC’s
website: - www.delhimetrorail.com
Job Profile indicative:
The job profile of Asstt. Managers (Electrical/S&T/Civil) pertains to management of various Maintenance Systems & processes, in connection
with operation & maintenance of Metro Trains/tracks/works etc., and also for installation/ execution of various systems in DMRC Project etc.
The job profile of Asstt. Managers/Operations pertains to Station/Train/staff management, Roster preparation, OCC, commuter grievances
redressal, safety SoPs, traffic integration & property business etc.
The job profile of Asstt. Manager/Traffic pertains to design, conduct and interpret transport & travel surveys, design research methods and
survey techniques for proposed transportation projects, analyzing and interpreting traffic data gathered from transport studies, use mathematical
models to forecast the effects of road improvements, policy changes/or public transport schemes, multimodal integration, prepare techno-
feasibility report and traffic report, alternate analysis for project, economic analysis of project, other works as allotted by Consultancy Wing.
The job profile of Asstt. Managers/Architect entails responsibility of finalizing the architectural designs and providing design support during
construction as well as coordinating with all the agencies involved.
The job profile of Asstt. Managers/Stores involves Material Management & Store related works.
The job profile of Asstt. Managers/Finance involves Financial management, SAP/ESS, pay & allowances etc.
The job profile of Asstt. Managers/ Legal involves drafting contracts, briefs, notices, memoranda, circulars, correspondence, orders, reports,
and other legal forms, attending lawsuits at various courts in Delhi or elsewhere, checking documents or papers for compliance and correctness,
conducts arbitration and mediation services, legal advisor to company or any other function assigned.
The job profile of Asstt. Managers/IT involves IT system management including programming language, data base concept, IT security, project
management, system design & development, ERP system etc.
=> Assistant Managers of all posts shall be required to undergo training in train driving, to obtain competency and should be
prepared/required to operate trains from time to time, if required.
The job profile of Jr. Engineers include maintenance of various Electrical (Rolling Stock/Lift/Escalators/E&M/Power supply, stores etc),
Electronics (Signaling & Telecom, Automatic Fair Collection, Rolling Stock, SCADA, Stores etc), Civil (P.Way & Works) & Mechanical

Page 5 of 8
systems and train maintenance, handling/operating Tower Wagon/Shunting etc. in shift duty including night shift. JEs can also be deputed as
SC/TO after due training, passing psychometric test & medical fitness test, as per the requirement of the Corporation.
The job profile of Asstt. Programmers entails looking after diverse works of Signaling/Telecom/Automatic Fare Collection Systems including
hardware & software maintenance of various Electronic systems and maintenance etc. in shift duty including night shift.
The job profile of Jr. Engineers/Environment involves assisting in preparation of work/reports for various construction projects, Environment
clearance, Land acquisition reports, preparation of documents for ISO IMS including night shifts.
The job profile of Jr. Engineers/Stores entails assistance/supervision in Material Management & Store related works including night shifts
The job profile of Fire Inspector entails supervising & Inspection of fire management at DMRC stations/offices/depots etc including night shifts
The job profile of Customer Relations Assistant (CRA) entails interaction with the commuters at Customer Care Centres (CCC) and catering to
their needs & problems, looking after the affairs of Metro Stations including operation control centres in shift duty including night shift. Their
career progression will be towards Station Controller/Train Operator. The job requires highest standard of medical fitness, including naked
vision of 6/6, the details of which are also available at DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. The candidates meeting the required medical
standards may only apply.
➢ The duty hours of Customer Relations Assistant (CRA) may depend on the ridership/footfall of the stations/CCC and may range from 8 to
12 hours daily.
The job profile of Store Assistant pertains to assisting in Material Management & Store related works including night shifts
The job profile of Legal Assistant is to attend court cases, prepare legal brief, liaise with advocates and legal authorities, attend arbitration and
other legal/quasi legal matters in various courts/tribunals, etc.
The job profile of Accounts Assistant comprises looking after establishment, expenditure, budget, salary, bills, reimbursement etc. extensively
The job profile of Architect Asstt. entails responsibility for checking the drawings and details and providing design support on site
The job profile of Asstt./CC entails providing assistance in organization & execution of different events, manage calendars (press visits, events,
campaigns, exhibitions), maintain contact databases and mailing lists with updates, create project-specific media lists to support PR team,
perform a variety of different administrative tasks.
The job profile of Office Assistants pertains to HR/Administration Department entailing dealing with various HR activities like Recruitment,
training, allowances, increments, pay bills, leave rules, medical attendance & treatment rules, PF, IR, maintenance & processing of employees
particulars in SAP/ERP etc.
The job profile of Stenographer entails taking shorthand, providing secretarial assistance, record management, etc.
The job profile of Maintainers (Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, and Fitter) pertain to upkeep & maintenance of various Maintenance Systems
& processes, in connection with operation & maintenance of Metro Trains, and also for installation/ execution of various systems like Lifts,
Escalators, Track, Structure, Traction/OHE, E&M, Signaling, Telecom/Automatic Fare Collection, Train Coaches, P. Way, works, Stores
Depots etc., in shift duty including night shift.
Note: All job profiles may include any duty/duties entrusted, from time to time.
Selection process:
For Executive cadre posts, viz., under SECTION ‘A’ & ‘C’ (for post codes RE01 to RE09 and CE01 to CE05), the selection methodology will
comprise a three-stage process –CBT (two papers), Group Discussion &/or Personal Interview followed by Medical Examination in
Executive(Technical/Non-technical) category, as the case may be.
For Non- Executive posts, viz. under SECTION ‘B’ & ‘D’ (for post codes RNE01 to RNE09, RNE11 to 14 and CNE01 to CNE06), the selection
methodology will comprise a two-stage process – CBT (two papers), followed by Medical Examination in the prescribed medical standard.
For the posts of Customer Relations Asstt., viz. RNE10, the selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process – CBT (two papers),
Psycho test (qualifying only) followed by Medical Examination in the prescribed medical standard.
For the posts of Stenographer, viz. RNE15, the selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process – CBT (two papers), Skill Test
(qualifying only) followed by Medical Examination in the prescribed medical standard.
For the Maintainers posts (Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, and Fitter) under, viz., RNE16 to RNE18, the selection methodology will comprise
a two-stage process – CBT (One paper), followed by Medical Examination in the prescribed medical standard.
The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude and physical fitness. Candidates will have to
pass through each stage successfully (including Medical examination), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates, who fail
in the prescribed medical test, will not be offered any alternative employment and decision of the Corporation shall be final on this issue. Dates
of CBT examination, result and all recruitment related information shall be available only on Website: http://www.delhimetrorail.com
and candidates must remain in constant touch with it.
Computer Based Test (CBT): The CBT will consist of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II, to be held on the same day at the same centre).
Paper-I will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions, bilingual (Hindi/English), on General Awareness, General Intelligence &
Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude (General English for Maintainer-Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, and Fitter) and / knowledge of the
discipline/trade. There will be a total of 120 questions, each carrying equal marks. There will be negative marking. For every wrong answer
1 rd marks will be deducted. The Paper-I shall be of 1.5 hours duration.
Paper-II (Not for Maintainers post, viz., from RNE16 to RNE18) will consist of objective type questions on General English to judge the
knowledge of English language. There will be a total of 60 questions, each carrying equal marks. There will be negative marking. For every
wrong answer 1/3rd marks will be deducted. The Paper-II shall be of 45 minutes’ duration.
Candidates who qualify separately in Paper-I & Paper-II and rank high on the merit list within the zone of consideration shall be called, based
on the overall merit of CBT (both Paper-I & Paper-II together), category wise, for Medical Examination/GD &/or Interview, at Delhi/NCR.
Candidates (for all categories of posts) called for joining, shall be paid sleeper class Railway fare for journey by the shortest route between
Railway Station nearest to hometown & Delhi.
Normalization method: Normalization method will be applicable for evaluating CBT results, where the CBT is held in more than one shift.
Psycho test for Customer Relations Asstt: The psycho test will be of Qualifying Nature.
Skill Test for Stenographer: The skill test will be of Qualifying Nature. The candidates will have to appear for the stenography test. The
candidates will be given one dictation for 10 minutes in English at the speed of 80 w.p.m. The matter will have to be transcribed on computer
only. The transcription time will be of 40 minutes (English).
Medical Examination: All candidates shall have to undergo the medical fitness test(s) and meet the medical standards prescribed by DMRC
for various posts. Expenses for the first-time medical examination of the candidate will be borne by DMRC. However, in case a candidate
seeks extension for joining or re-examination, subject to extant rules, then for the second time medical examination/re-examination, if the need
so arises, the expenditure for the medical test/s will be borne by the candidate himself/herself. Candidates having undergone lasik surgery are
not suitable for any posts except Asstt. Programmer, Legal Asstt., Accounts Asstt., Stores Asstt., Asstt./CC, Office Asstt., Stenographer.

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Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the corporation is satisfied after
such an inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects
for appointment to the service. It will be the responsibility of the employee that his/her, character and antecedents, is done in time.
Surety Bond: The candidates selected for post under Executive Cadre/Non Executive Cadre will have to execute a surety bond to serve the
corporation for a minimum period of three years (exclusive of the period in which one remained on LWP or EOL) and also a prior notice of 90
days, will be required before seeking resignation from the corporation.
Post Codes Post Surety Bond
RE01 to RE09 & CE01 to CE05 Executive posts ₹3,00,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (₹83,000/- plus GST)
RNE01, RNE02, RNE04, RNE05, Jr. Engineer (Electrical, Electronics/
RNE06, RNE07, RNE08, RNE09, Environment/Stores), Asstt. Programmer & Fire ₹1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (₹30,000/- plus GST)
CNE01, CNE02, CNE04, CNE05 Inspector, Architect Asstt., Legal Asstt.
RNE03, CNE03 Jr. Engineer/Civil ₹1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (₹1,40,000/- plus GST)
Customer Relations Asstt., Accounts Asstt.,
RNE10, RNE11, RNE12, RNE13,
Stores Asstt., Asstt./CC, Office Asstt., ₹1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (₹20,000/- plus GST)
RNE14, RNE15, CNE06
Maintainers - (Electrician, Electronic Mechanic,
RNE16, RNE17, RNE18 ₹1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (₹20,000/- plus GST)
and Fitter)
Training: The selected candidates (both Regular & Contract), will undergo intensive training for prescribed duration before posting on the job.
The Corporation has the right to enhance or reduce the training period at its discretion for any or all the trainees.
Probation: The selected candidates (on regular posts) on appointment will be on Probation for a period of two years (including period of
training). During the probation period, candidates shall be required to pass various examinations. The service of the candidate during probation
period can be terminated by the corporation if the performance of candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, in accordance with the terms &
conditions of offer of appointment & receipt of satisfactory police report. The probation period will exclude LWP or EOL.
Pay & Emoluments: The pay & emoluments for direct recruits and contracts employees shall be as per pay scales under the IDA (Industrial
DA as applicable from time to time and other benefits which include Perks, HRA or lease, Medical benefit, EPF, Gratuity, and Insurance etc.
as per extant rules of the Corporation as applicable to Direct Recruit employees from time to time.
Concessions & Relaxations:
 Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (of Central List) (Formats are available on DMRC’s
website), for reserved posts.
 Upper age relaxations by 5 years for candidates belonging to Jammu & Kashmir who had ordinarily been domiciled in that state between
01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989.
 Upper age for Ex-servicemen will be length of service + 3 years, subject to a maximum age of 40 years. The Ex-servicemen are those
who are covered in the definition, as per extant rules of Ministry of Defence/Govt of India.
 Reservation for Ex-Servicemen, wherever applicable, shall be treated as horizontal reservation, i.e., reservation to Ex-Servicemen
belonging to any category (UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS) will be adjusted within the category to which the selected Ex-Serviceman candidate
 Upper age relaxation by 10 years for PwBD Unreserved candidates, 15 years for PwBD SC/ST candidates and 13 years for PwBD OBC
candidates (of central list) for posts where reservation for PwBD is admissible.
 Existing DMRC employees who have completed at least 3 years continuous service in DMRC as on 01.12.2019, will be given upper-age
relaxation/limit to the extent, as summarized below:
For Executive posts (post codes RE01 to RE09 and CE01 to CE05), the maximum age relaxation:
UR – by 5 years, OBC – by 8 years & SC/ST – by 10 years
For Non-Executive posts (post codes RNE01 to RNE18 and CNE01 to CNE06), the upper-age limit of the employee is:
UR – 40 years, OBC – 43 years & SC/ST – 45 years
Payment of online application fee:
1. UR, EWS & OBC (including Ex-servicemen) candidates are required to pay a Non-refundable fee of ₹500/- (exclusive of transaction
processing charges) and SC/ST/PwBD & Women candidates are required to pay a non-refundable fee of ₹250/- (exclusive of transaction
processing charges).
2. Recruitment Fee including transaction processing charges once paid will not be refunded under any circumstances. Candidates are therefore
requested to verify their eligibility, the closing date for submission of online application before paying the application fee plus transaction
processing charges.
3. If a candidate wants to apply for more than one post, he/she will have to pay separately for each post.
How to apply
1. Candidates are required to apply online through website www.delhimetrorail.com only. No other means/mode of application will be accepted
and there shall be no need to submit any hard copies of the uploaded documents.
2. Candidates are required to have a valid personal e-mail ID and valid mobile number. It should be kept active during the currency of this
recruitment process. In case a candidate does not have a valid personal e-mail ID, he/she should create his/her new e-mail ID before applying
online. Under no circumstances, he/she should share/mention e-mail ID to/of any other person.
3. Candidates are first required to go to the DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com and click on the link “Career”.
4. Thereafter, he/she may open the recruitment notification titled “DMRC/HR/RECTT./I/2019”.
5. He/she should thoroughly go through the vacancy notification first to know the eligibility, age criteria, etc.
6. On Successful Completion of registration an application sequence No. and password will be generated. (User id & password shall be received
on e-mail and mobile number).
7. Candidates should fill up the application form having all the details relating to age, personal details, educational qualification etc. online in
the application form. Candidates will have to upload scanned copy of: -
a) Recent passport size color photo (maximum of 80 KB Size in JPEG/JPG format)
b) Recent scanned signature (maximum of 80 KB Size in JPEG/JPG format)
c) Category/Caste certificate (OBC/SC/ST/EWS/PwBD)-maximum 1 MB size, in JPG/JPEG format.
d) Date of birth proof document as per guidelines (Maximum 1 MB size, in JPG/JPEG format).
e) Qualifying marks certificate/Last Semester marks sheet (maximum 1 MB size, in JPG/JPEG format).
f) Credit/Debit Card/Net banking etc. for transaction of exam fee, as only online payment is applicable.
8. Applicant must read declaration and preview application form before submission, also they can take a print out of the application form.
9. Applicant will be redirected to payment gateway post submission of application form. After successful transaction a payment
acknowledgment slip (with unique application sequence number, transaction ID, applicant name, category, exam fee and post applied for)
will be generated and should be downloaded for any future communication regarding application form.
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10. Until the payment is successfully made, the candidate will not be registered for the test.
General: Most Important
1. While applying for the posts, the applicant should ensure that he/she fulfils the eligibility and other norms mentioned above on the specified
dates and that the particulars furnished by him/her are correct in all respects. In case, it is detected at any stage of recruitment that a candidate
does not fulfill the eligibility norms/criteria and/or that he/she has furnished any incorrect/false information or has suppressed any material
fact(s), his/her candidature will stand cancelled. If any of these shortcomings is/are detected even after appointment, his/her services are liable
to be terminated.
2. The validity of the Panel shall be two years from the date of its approval.
3. The selection of candidate by DMRC does not confer any right to the candidate for appointment.
4. Candidates employed in Govt.Dept./PSU/ Autonomous Body must produce ‘NOC’ from the present employer on the date of GD &/or
Interview/Psycho Test/Skill Test/Medical Examination.
5. Caste, EWS & PwBD Certificate should be in prescribed formats, for seeking reservation/relaxation etc.. (All these formats are available on
DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com). No other format will be acceptable. EWS vacancies are tentative and subject to further directives
of the Government of India and outcome of any litigation. The appointment would be provisional and subject to the Income and Asset certificate
being verified through the proper channels and if the verification reveals that the claim to belong to EWS is fake/false the services will be
terminated forthwith without assigning any further reasons and without prejudice to such further action as may be taken under the provisions
of the Indian Penal Code for production of fake/false certificate. The Income and Asset Certificate issued by any one of the authorities
mentioned in the prescribed format as given on our website shall only be accepted as proof of candidate's claim as belonging to EWS.
6. Candidates should keep sufficient numbers of same Photographs in reserve for future use, which they use in the application form.
7. Request for change of mailing address /e-mail address and Mobile Number will not be entertained under any circumstances.
8. Court of jurisdiction for any dispute will be at Delhi only.
9. DMRC reserves the right to fix the minimum standard/qualifying marks for each component of selection for any/all posts.
10. Candidates must remain in constant touch with DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com for information regarding dates of CBT, result of
CBT, schedule of GD & / or Interview/Psycho Test/Skill Test Standards of Vision for Medical test etc. The eligible candidates, whose
applications are available on the Master list, may download the admit card through DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com only, as per
schedule & instructions notified on DMRC’s website in advance.
11. The link for accessing the admit card for CBT will also be sent on the registered email of the candidate. A candidate, however, has to download
his/her admit card from DMRC website www.delhimetrorail.com only. DMRC will not be responsible for any information issued/posted on
any other website than DMRC’s, viz., www.delhimetrorail.com.
12. The issue of Admit Card to appear in the CBT/Psycho Test/Skill Test/GD &/or Interview/Medical fitness test or the fact of having passed these
tests or having been placed on the final merit list, would not be a proof of candidate’s eligibility. The candidature will be purely provisional
subject to eligibility and other verification, before, or, after appointment in DMRC. The onus of ensuring that the candidate meets all the
eligibility requirements will rest on the candidate himself/herself, all through the recruitment process. Candidates will be allowed to appear in
the CBT/Psycho Test/Skill Test/GD &/or Interview/Medical fitness test purely on provisional basis and no candidate has a right to appointment
or any compensation, only on the ground of having appeared in, or, having passed the written or any other screening test.
13. DMRC is not responsible for any printing error that might have inadvertently crept in.
14. Canvassing in any form will disqualify the candidate.
15. Bringing mobile phone/Communication device in the examination Hall will be deemed GUILTY OF MISCONDUCT & suitable action
including immediate expulsion of candidate from the examination hall will be taken.
N.B.: Candidates should refer to advertisement given in the Employment News or on DMRC’s website only, for the purpose of applying for the
jobs. DMRC has not authorized any other agency/vendor/website to publish the instant advertisement and application form or issue of
admit cards online. The only and accepted mode of submission of application has exhaustively been explained from para. 1 to 10 under
title “How to apply”. In case of any discrepancy in advertisements published in various newspapers/Employment News etc., the contents
as available on DMRC’s website i.e. www.delhimetrorail.com, will prevail.
Any update, corrigendum etc. of this advertisement will be posted in DMRC’s website only. Hence, candidates are requested to
keep in regular touch with the website, i.e. www.delhimetrorail.com

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