UPMRC Notification 2021
UPMRC Notification 2021
UPMRC Notification 2021
Applications are invited from young, dynamic and motivated persons of Indian nationality for direct recruitment through online registration in the following category of
posts in UPMRC : -
Executive Category posts to be filled up on direct recruitment basis .
Post Name of Post Grade (IDA) No of vacancies** Minimum Education Qualification Age as on Medical
Code in Rs including 01.03.2021 Standards as
reserved categories per Indian
Rly. Medical
E01 Assistant Manager/ 50,000- 06 B.E./B.Tech. in
Operations 1,60,000/- (UR-04, OBC-01, SC- Electrical/Electronics/Electronics &
01, *Women-01) Communication/or equivalent from a Govt. 21 to 28 Executive
recognized University/Institute with Years (Technical)
minimum 60% marks for UR/OBC vacancies
and with minimum 50% marks for reserved
vacancies of SC only
Non-Executive Category posts to be filled up on direct recruitment basis .
Post Name of Post Grade No of vacancies** Minimum Education Qualification Age as on Medical
Code (IDA) in including 01.03.2021 Standards as
Rs. reserved categories per Indian
Rly. Medical
NE01 Station Controller 33,000- 186 Three years Engineering Diploma in Electrical/
cum Train Operator 67,300/- (UR-76, EWS-18 OBC- Electronics/ Electronics & Telecommunication or
(SCTO) 50, SC-39, ST-3, equivalent# from a Govt. recognized 21 to 28 Aye-One
Women- 37*, Ex.SM - University/Institute with minimum of 60% marks Years (A-1)
9*, Dependent of for UR/EWS/OBC vacancies and with minimum category
Freedom Fighters-3*) 50% marks for reserved vacancies of SC/ST only.
Candidates with higher qualification in respective disciplines can also apply.
*Reservation for Ex-serviceman (ExSM) of UP, Dependent of Freedom Fighters (D.F.F.) of UP and Women candidates of UP is on horizontal basis as per Govt of UP letter
No.18/1/99/Ka-2/2006 dated 09.01.2007, letter No.9/4/2/15/Ka-2/2015 dated 28.08.2015 and letter No.-1/2019/4/1/2002/Ka-2/19T.C.-II dated 18.02.2019.
**All vacancies are provisional and subject to increase/decrease.
Candidates can apply for more than one post as per their qualifications. However, they must note that the written test may be held on one or more days at different
cities (centers). As such candidates applying for more than one post must keep this combination in mind. Separate application fee for each post shall be paid.
Candidates after selection may be posted at Lucknow/Kanpur/Agra or any other city, as per administrative requirement.
Candidates to be eligible for the post of Maintainer (Post Code- NE 02, NE03 & NE 04) must have ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in specific trades only, Candidates
having higher qualification viz BE/B.Tech/Diploma etc but not having ITI in specific trades, are not eligible for these posts of Maintainer.
The examination date(s) are tentative which can be preponed or postponed in case of unavoidable circumstances.
Qualification:- The candidates while applying for the posts should have minimum educational qualification as per the notification as on the closing date of
Minimum marks in the required educational qualification for various categories will be 60% for candidates applying for UR, EWS & OBC vacancies and 50%
marks for candidates applying for vacancies reserved for SC/ST.
Selection process:.
(i) For the post of Assistant Manager/Operations (post code-E01) , the selection methodology will comprise two -stage process – Written Test followed by
document verification & medical examination in Executive (Technical) category.
(ii) For the post of Station Controller cum Train Operator (post code-NE01), the selection methodology will comprise three-stage process – Written Test, Psycho
Aptitude Test followed by document verification & Medical examination in Aye-one (A-1) category.
(iii) For the post of Maintainer (post codes NE-02, NE-03 & NE-04) the selection methodology will comprise two-stage process – Written Test followed by
document verification & medical examination in Bee-One (B-1) medical category.
@ Biometric data of the candidate will be captured/taken at the time of written test/CBT through electronic means only. The same will be verified/matched at each
and every stage of recruitment process and candidates whose biometric data is not matched at any stage of recruitment will not be allowed to subsequent stage of
recruitment, he/she will be disqualified. Biometric verification will be done through electronic means only & no alternate method will be used for Biometric
Note : UPMRC reserves the right to introduce additional phase of written examination in compelling circumstances for screened candidates on the basis of performance in
written test and decision regarding calling such number of candidates shall be decided by UPMRC only.
Medical Examination: All candidates shall have to undergo the medical fitness test(s) and meet the medical standards as per Indian Railway Medical Manual for
various posts. Candidature of medically disqualified candidates will be cancelled. Candidates having undergone lasik surgery are not suitable for any posts.
The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude and physical fitness. Candidates will have to pass through each stage
successfully (including biometric verification, document verification and prescribed medical examination), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates
who fail in the prescribed medical test, will not be given any alternative employment and decision of the Corporation is final on this issue.
Date(s) of written examination, result of written examination and all recruitment related information shall be available only on authorized web site:
http://www.upmetrorail.com and candidates must remain in constant touch with it.
Written Test: Objective type Computer Based Test (CBT) for the posts will be held on one or more days. Question paper will be bilingual i.e in English and Hindi.
It will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions to judge the knowledge of English language, General Awareness, Logical Ability, Quantitative Aptitude and
knowledge of the discipline.
(i) There will be a total of 140 questions for categories E-01 & NE-01. Each carrying equal marks.
(ii) There will be a total of 100 questions for categories from NE-02 to NE-04. Each carrying equal marks.
(iii) There will be negative marking. For every wrong answer 1/3 marks will be deducted.
(iv)The Paper shall be of 2 hours duration.
Candidates who qualify in the written test for Station Controller cum Train Operator and rank high on the merit list within the zone of consideration in as decided by
UPMRC shall be called, for Psycho Aptitude test/Document verification/LTI Verification/Medical Examination, at Lucknow. Psycho aptitude test is the qualifying
test and candidates eight times of the number of vacancies (in all categories with respect to prescribed reservation) will be called for psycho aptitude test. The candidates
qualifying the psycho aptitude test and high in the merit list will be called for Biometric/document verification and Medical examination.
Note : Examination will be conducted Online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode.
Examination Centers: Computer based Test (CBT) will be held at Lucknow, Kanpur, Agra, Prayagraj, Varanasi, Gorakhpur, Meerut, Jhansi, Bareilly, Gautam
Buddha Nagar (Noida), Greater Noida , Ghaziabad, Aligarh, Moradabad and Muzaffarnagar or any other city of UP (as per requirement).
UPMRC, however, reserves the right to cancel any of the Examination City/Centre and/or add some other cities/centers depending upon the response, administrative
feasibility or any force –majeure conditions etc. No reimbursement shall be made to the candidates appearing for the written test/CBT/ Psycho Test/Document
Candidates must carry Admit Card, One passport Size Photograph (Same as in the application form), A valid photo Identity Card such as Passport, Driving
License, Voter ID, Adhaar Card, Pan Card or any other valid photo identity proof (same as mentioned in the Application Form) while reporting for CBT, Psycho
aptitude test and Document verification.
Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the corporation is satisfied after such an inquiry, as
may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service.
ii) The candidate selected for Executive posts will have to execute a Surety Bond of Rs. 3,00,000 plus GST to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three
years (exclusive of the period in which he/she remained on LWP or EOL) and also a three months prior notice or leave salary in lieu of short notice period plus GST will be
required before seeking resignation from the corporation.
iii) The candidate selected for SC/TO posts will have to execute a Surety Bond of Rs. 1,50,000 plus GST to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three
years (exclusive of the period in which he/she remained on LWP or EOL) and also a three months prior notice or leave salary in lieu of short notice period plus GST will be
required before seeking resignation from the corporation.
iv) The candidate selected for Maintainer posts will have to execute a Surety Bond of Rs. 75,000 plus GST to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three
years (exclusive of the period in which he/she remained on LWP or EOL) and also a three months prior notice or leave salary in lieu of short notice period plus GST will be
required before seeking resignation from the corporation
v) The amount of Surety bond will be forfeited in case of non-compliance of the above conditions.
Training & Probation: The selected candidates on appointment will be on Probation & training for a period of two years (including period of training), where they
will undergo intensive training for prescribed duration. The Corporation has the right to enhance or reduce the training period at its discretion for any or all the trainees.
During the probation period, candidates may be required to pass various examinations. The service of the candidate during probation period can be terminated by the
corporation if the performance of candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, in accordance with the terms & conditions of offer of appointment. The probation period will
exclude LWP or EOL. After successful completion of probation period depending upon their satisfactory performance, candidates are likely to be confirmed in UPMRC on
permanent basis.
Pay & Emoluments: The pay & emoluments for direct recruits employees shall be as per pay scales under the IDA (Industrial DA) as applicable from time to time
and other benefits which include Perks etc. as per extant rules of the Corporation as applicable to Direct Recruit employees from time to time.
The reservation for Economically Weaker Section (EWS) of UP, Scheduled Caste of UP/Schedule Tribe of UP/Other backward classes (Non creamy
layer/NCL) candidates of UP shall be admissible in accordance with the provisions of relevant government orders issued in this behalf from time to time as adopted by Uttar
Pradesh Government. Benefits of reservation will be given only to the candidates who are originally domicile of state of UP. The candidates who are not originally domicile
of UP are not entitled to get the benefit of reservation. Such candidates will be treated as General (Unreserved) Category candidates. Candidates claiming reservation under
reserve class category shall have to submit valid certificate issued by the “Competent Authority” on prescribed format (Annexure- I, Annexure II, Annexure III,
Annexure-IV, Annexure-V and Annexure-VI). Certificate of Dependent of Freedom Fighters issued by District Magistrate/Additional District Magistrate will be
accepted only. In case of women candidates, the caste certificate/domicile certificate issued from father side shall only be treated valid.
Reservation for Ex-Servicemen (Ex.SM) of UP, Dependents of Freedom Fighters (DFF) of UP and Women Candidate of UP wherever applicable, shall be
treated as horizontal reservation i.e., reservation to Ex-Servicemen of UP, Dependents of Freedom Fighters of UP and Women Candidate of UP belonging to any category
(UR/SC/ST/OBC/EWS) will be adjusted within the category to which the selected Ex-Serviceman of UP, Dependents of Freedom Fighters of UP and Women Candidate of
UP belongs.
All reserved category candidate of UP must mention their community/sub-community in the application form.
Candidates claiming reservation/age relaxation in more than one category will be entitled to only one concession whichever is more beneficial to them.
Age Relaxations:
Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST/OBC candidates for reserved posts. If any SC/ST/OBC candidate avails benefit of age relaxation, he will be
considered against reserved post only.
Only candidates of UP domicile are entitled for such relaxation.
Upper age for Ex-servicemen of UP (Ex.SM) will be length of service + 3 years, subject to a maximum age of 40 years. The Ex-servicemen are those who are
covered in the definition, as per extant rules of Ministry of Defense/ Govt. of India. Candidates applying as Ex-Servicemen should be retired on 01.03.2021 and earlier.
No relaxation is admissible in upper age limit for Dependants of Freedom Fighters candidates.
N.B.: Candidates should refer to advertisement given on UPMRC’s website only i.e. www.upmetrorail.com for the purpose of applying for the jobs. UPMRC has not
authorized any other agency/vendor to publish the instant advertisement and application form. The only and accepted mode of submission of application has exhaustively
been explained from para 1 to 16 under title “How to apply”. In case of any discrepancy in advertisements published in various newspapers, the contents as put on
UPMRC’s website i.e. www.upmetrorail.com, will prevail. UPMRC will not be responsible for any material published or uploaded on any fake website.
Any update, corrigendum etc. of this advertisement will be posted on our website only. Hence, candidates are requested to keep in regular touch with our website
i.e. www.upmetrorail.com.
Disclaimer: Term and Conditions given in the advertisement are guideline only. In case of any ambiguity decision of UPMRC will be final.
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IV. vf/klwfpr uxjikfydk ls brj 200 oxZ xt vFkok blls vf/kd dk vkoklh; Hkw[k.MA
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Áekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd Jh@Jherh@dqekjh --------------------------------------------------------------lqiq=@lqiq=h Jh -------------------------------------------------
--------------------------------- fuoklh xzke ------------------------------------------------------------------------ rglhy ------------------------------------------------------------------ uxj ----------------------------
--------------------------------------- ftyk ------------------------------------------------------------- mÙkj Áns'k jkT; dh ------------------------------------------------------------------- fiNM+h tkfr ds
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1994 ¼;Fkksl'a kksf/kr½ dh vuqlwph ,d ds vUrxZr ekU;rk ÁkIrgSA
;g Hkh Áekf.kr fd;k tkrk gS fd Jh@Jherh@dqekjh -------------------------------------------------------- iwoksZDr vf/kfu;e] 1994
¼;Fkksla'kksf/kr½ dh vuqlwph&nks ¼tSlk fd mÙkj Áns'k yksd lsok½ ¼vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa] vuqlwfpr tutkfr;ksa vkSj vU; fiNM+s oxkZas ds
fy, vkj{k.k½ ¼la'kks/ku½ vf/kfu;e] 2001 }kjk Áfr LFkkfir fd;k x;k gS ,oa tks mÙkj Áns'k yksdlsok ¼ vuqlwfpr tkfr;ksa] vuqlwfpr
tutkfr;ksa vkSj vU; fiNM+s oxksaZ ds fy, vkj{k.k½ ¼la'kks/ku½ vf/kfu;e] 2002 }kjk la'kksf/kr dh x;h gS] ls vkPNkfnr ugha gSA buds
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vf/kfu;e] 1957 esa ;Fkkfofgr NwV lhek ls vf/kd lEifRr Hkh ugh gSaA
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