Organizational Diagnosis of Hotel Industry
Organizational Diagnosis of Hotel Industry
Organizational Diagnosis of Hotel Industry
derived by doing business and also implies how happy they’re with their transactions and
overall experience with a firm or organization. Service quality assesses how well a delivered
Rationale. Since a decade, the service sector has gained substantial economic
importance in India. Meeting the standards and expectations of the customers as well as
underconsumption due to poor quality are the major challenges faced by the hotel industry.
• To study and analyze any service gaps prevailing with respect to hotel
dependent variable.
quality has on behavioral intentions and to identify new areas for further
The article, “Customer perception of service quality in luxury hotels in New Delhi,
India: an exploratory study” by Mohsin and Lockyer (2010) assesses the perceptions of
customers on service quality of luxury hotels in New Delhi, India and helps managers to
identify the various hotel management areas that need attention to meet and exceed the
customer expectations. This study used a survey and interview technique, with a large sample
of 271 hotel guests as participants, was conducted at different four- and five-star hotels
consenting to participate. Front office, room service as well as the restaurant were chosen for
the study because they were the most representative of guest contact and service delivery
process. The questionnaire used 7-point Likert scale and most parts of the survey also used
Importance-Performance Analysis (IPA) type questions. The IPA analysis revealed that, for
responses relating to front office, room service and in-house café/restaurant, the importance
score was statistically significant to and higher than performance rating. Overall, this study
indicated the significant difference between the expectations and actual experiences of the
Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP)” by Gupta and Srivastava (2011) proposed a method to
evaluate service quality in India and take into consideration the case study of Taj Lake Palace
Hotel (five-star) located in Udaipur. Combining the most representative model, American
Customer Satisfaction Index Model (ASCI) with the most prominent feature of hotel
industry, i.e., hotel service quality based on customer satisfaction model (HSQ-CS model)
was built to acquire the perceived service quality, in form of questionnaire, which used 5-
point Likert scale. Four set of questions regarding the overall hotel impression, reception hall,
guestroom and the restaurant, with a total of 32 questions were included. The findings
showed that the service quality of reception hall is most important for customer satisfaction.
The article, “A Service Quality Model Applied on Indian Hotel Industry to Measure
the Level of Customer Satisfaction” by Sharma (2014) attempts to identify the level of
customer satisfaction in third category of hotels in India, particularly in Ujjain city. The
SERVQUAL model (Parasuraman et al.,1988), having its foundation in the gap model, was
applied to measure the perceived and obtained value of service quality and thereby, to
decipher the level of satisfaction acquired by the customers. The data was collected using a
with a sample size of 30 hotel customers. The findings suggested that the government hotel’s
service quality was quite better than private hotel. The factors of government hotel such as
hotel empathy, competence, access and credibility obtained positive difference between
perceptions and expectations as compared to private hotel wherein only two factors, empathy
Odisha Using Servqual Model” by Debashish and Dey (2015) empirically evaluates service
quality based on SERVQUAL scale, consisting of five dimensions of service quality namely,
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy, for its usefulness in luxury
hotels in Odisha, India. The questionnaire with a 5 point Likert scale was administered to
eight luxury hotels consisted of two parts- first part measured the perceptions of guests on
hotel attributes using a modified SERVQUAL model and the second part was designed to
capture demographic and travelling characteristics of the guests. The findings suggested that
tangibility, that is, the physical facilities of the hotel, equipment used and the personnel
appearance was seen to be the most important dimension of perceived service quality.
and Evaluating Behavioral Intention Model in Hotel Industry: An SEM approach” by Bhakar
et al., (2015) evaluated the causal relationship between service quality and customer
satisfaction and their effects on behavioral intentions of customers in hotel industry. Survey
was carried on using 29-item scale developed for measuring logistic service quality by
Olorunniwo, Hsu and Udo (2006) was used to collect the data on variable-service quality,
whereas, four item scale developed by Westbrook and Oliver (1991) was used to collect data
on customer satisfaction and three item scale developed on the basis of suggestions given by
Zethmal et al., (1996) was used to measure behavioral intentions, all the three variables were
tested on basis of Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) method. The results indicated a
strong predicted effect of service quality on both behavioral intention as well as customer
satisfaction, whereas customer satisfaction was found to have insignificant positive causal
effect on behavior intentions of customers. Service quality was also found to be a significant
• The studies consider only selected few hotels in India and is therefore, limited to
• The studies consider only few models and dimensions of service quality which make
• Three articles study luxury hotels and it is doubtful if their conclusions can be applied
• Knowing how the customers perceive service quality and more so, being able to
assess and evaluate service quality can prove to be beneficial to the hotel industry in
studying the customer’s attitudes and seeking their feedback will help the hotel
explore the different kind of customer preferences and different economic hotels.
• Since the findings showed that SERVQUAL scale is suitable for measuring
service quality in their hotels, the management may use this to study the same
• SEM and HSQ-CS can be expanded to other economic hotels to measure the
• These studies need to be replicated in different sizes of cities for generalizing the
• The models of service quality must be built by taking into consideration Indian
• The hotels must be proactive while offering quality services while also
customizing them according to the needs of the customers; offering free and
Bhakar, S.S., Bhakar, S. & Bhakar, S. (2015). Customer Satisfaction or Service Quality-
Debasish, S.S. & Dey, S. (2015). Customer Perceptions of Service Quality towards Luxury
Gupta, P. & Srivastava, R.K. (2011). Analysis of Customer Satisfaction in Hotel Service
Mohsin, A. & Lockyer, T. (2010). Customer perceptions of service quality in luxury hotels in
Sharma, C. (2014). A Service Quality Model Applied on Indian Hotel Industry to Measure