HPR Unexpected Circumstances
HPR Unexpected Circumstances
HPR Unexpected Circumstances
3. If your circumstances are affecting your study for longer than Date of birth: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
six weeks:
• Please also consider submitting an application for “Special I have assessed that the student has been hampered, to a
Consideration (Ongoing Support)” online. significant degree, by health condition or exceptional situation
• Your health professional will need to complete a from undertaking or preparing for their academic assessment
“Registration for Ongoing Support” form. task(s).
4. Your personal information is managed under the Privacy and (Estimated) Start Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and the Health Records Act 2001
(Vic). All personal information collected by the University is
governed by the University’s Privacy Policy at:
(Estimated) End Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
policy.unimelb.edu.au/MPF1104 OR
By signing this document, I declare that all the information supplied by myself and the
health professional is complete, true and correct in every particular and acknowledge
that the University may terminate my studies if I have misrepresented my past and/or * In the case of ongoing impact, the student can also register for
present circumstances and that this termination may take place at any stage during the ongoing support:
course undertaken. I understand that the University reserves the right to inform other
tertiary institutions if any of the material presented to support my application is found to go.unimelb.edu.au/mb4x
be false. All documents submitted become the property of the University of Melbourne.
I give permission for the University of Melbourne to contact my health professional to
verify the information on this form if needed, and for relevant information to be provided
by my health professional to the University of Melbourne.
Student number: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Please contact the Student Equity and Disability Services team
t: +61 3 8344 0836 e: equity-disability@unimelb.edu.au
Version 2.0 - Last Modified: June 5, 2019 12:29 PM | The University of Melbourne - CRICOS Provider Code: 00116K 1 of 2
Health Professional Report
DETAIL OF IMPACT Additional documentation can also be attached to this form if required.
Does the student’s condition significantly disadvantage of impact their ability to undertake the following
types of assessment? (please tick as applicable)
Please describe how the student’s circumstances impact on their ability to complete, attend or prepare for the academic
assessment task/s by the designated deadline/s.
If this medical assessment has occurred 4 days after the due date of academic assessment, based on your professional
opinion or advice please outline why the student was unable to apply on time.
Practitioner’s Professional
Name: Practitioner’s
Address of
Telephone no.:
Date: D D / M M / Y Y Y Y
Privacy statement
The collection of personal information by the University of Melbourne (University) is governed by the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (Vic) and Health Records Act 2001 (Vic) (together, Privacy Laws). The University is also considered
to be a data controller for the purposes of the EU General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR) in relation to the collection of personal information from individuals located in the EU. The University is committed to protecting your
privacy and processing your personal information fairly and lawfully in compliance with the Privacy Laws and the GDPR, as applicable. The University is requesting the information on this form to assess the impact of a student’s
circumstances on their studies. You can contact us at equity-disability@unimelb.edu.au or on +61 3 8344 0836. Further details about how we handle your personal information can be found in our Student privacy statement (https://about.
Version 2.0 - Last Modified: June 5, 2019 12:29 PM | The University of Melbourne - CRICOS Provider Code: 00116K 2 of 2