Owen Graduate School of Management: Vanderbilt University 2015/2016
Owen Graduate School of Management: Vanderbilt University 2015/2016
Owen Graduate School of Management: Vanderbilt University 2015/2016
School of
The university reserves the right, through its established procedures, to modify the requirements for admission and graduation and to change other rules,
regulations, and provisions, including those stated in this bulletin and other publications, and to refuse admission to any student, or to require the withdrawal of a student if it is determined to be in the interest of the student or the university. All students, full time or part time, who are enrolled in Vanderbilt
courses are subject to the same policies.
Policies concerning noncurricular matters and concerning withdrawal for medical or emotional reasons can be found in the Student Handbook, which is
on the Vanderbilt website at vanderbilt.edu/student_handbook.
In compliance with federal law, including the provisions of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Education Amendment of 1972, Sections
503 and 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) of 1990, the ADA Amendments Act of 2008, Executive Order
11246, the Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act, as amended, and the Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act of 2008,
Vanderbilt University does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of their race, sex, religion, color, national or ethnic origin, age, disability, military
service, or genetic information in its administration of educational policies, programs, or activities; admissions policies; scholarship and loan programs;
athletic or other university-administered programs; or employment. In addition, the university does not discriminate against individuals on the basis of
their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression consistent with the Universitys nondiscrimination policy. Inquiries or complaints should be
directed to the Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, and Disability Services Department, Baker Building, PMB 401809, Nashville, TN 37240-1809. Telephone (615) 322-4705 (V/TDD); Fax (615) 343-4969.
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Owen Graduate School of Management (OGSM) Academic Policies
vanderbilt university
Auditing Courses
Auditing a course is subject to the following conditions:
1. Consent of the instructor before the end of open
2. The instructor sets the conditions under which a course
may be audited. Failure to meet those conditions is justification for withdrawal of the audit designation.
3. Audits carry no credit. No grade is recorded for a
course that has been audited, although the course will appear
on the student's transcript.
4. Grading status may not be changed after open enrollment ends (i.e., an audited course cannot be changed to a
graded course or vice versa).
5. Auditing is not permitted for courses with a waiting list.
Course Withdrawal
A student may withdraw from an elective course after the
official change period and prior to the deadline for withdrawal
published by the Office of Academic Programsthe first
Thursday of the modwith no mark on the record. Students
may not voluntarily withdraw from core courses. The mark
of W is assigned to a student who seeks to withdraw from
a course after the deadline. Permission to withdraw from a
course may be denied for good reason, e.g., if a student is part
of a team and has accepted responsibility for group work or
a presentation. No withdrawals are permitted after the exam
period opens. W marks are not calculated in a students
grade point average.
Each module is followed by three reading days and an official
exam period. The exam is considered part of the course, and
students will not be excused from exams in order to accommodate premature travel plans. All students must take the exam
at the scheduled time, as the Owen School does not publish an
alternate exam schedule. Students who miss their final exams
will be assumed to have defaulted, and the grade of F will be
assigned if the student could not pass the course even with the
final exam. All examinations are conducted under the honor
system. The exam schedule is distributed during the second
week of the module.
Incomplete Grades
An incomplete (I) is given only under extenuating circumstances beyond the control of the student that prevent the
student from meeting all course requirements and only when a
significant body of satisfactory work has been completed. The
I is not intended as a replacement for a failing grade, nor will
it be given to a student who defaults on a final examination.
The request for an incomplete is generally initiated by the
student and must be approved by the instructor. The instructor may initiate the assignment of an incomplete if warranted
by the students extenuating circumstances. These circumstances do not include leaving campus to go home before the
exam period ends or embarking on a school-related trip. In
assigning the grade of I, the instructor specifies (a) a default
grade that counts the missing work as zero and (b) a deadline
by which the missing work must be submitted. That deadline
must be no later than the tenth class day of the next regular
module in residence, assuming the student is able to return to
school for the next module. The incomplete can be extended
beyond the deadline only if the instructor and the assistant
dean of academic programs determine that an extension is
vanderbilt university
Beta Gamma Sigma (BGS) is the international honor society for
students of business and administration. Its purpose is to reward
scholarship and accomplishment and to foster integrity in the
conduct of business operations. To be eligible for BGS, students
must rank in the top 20 percent of their graduating class. Students
are selected on the basis of their cumulative academic record.
Performance Reviews
Students are expected to maintain at least a 3.0 cumulative
GPA during the program and must have a 3.0 GPA to graduate. Students who are consistently at the lower grade levels will
be reminded of Owens expectations and encouraged to seek
extra help to improve their performance.
For courses that earn 2 credits, each F earned counts 1
strike, and each LP or its equivalent earned counts strike.
For courses that earn 1 credit, each F earned counts of a
strike and each LP or its equivalent earned counts of a
strike. A student will be dismissed if he/she has accumulated:
2 strikes at the end of Mod I or
2.5 strikes at the end of Mod II or
3 or more strikes at any time.*
In the event that a student reaches the strike limit, the
student will be withdrawn from any remaining (incomplete)
courses. If a course in which an F is earned is successfully
repeated at Owen then the strike associated with the initial F will
be excluded in calculating the students cumulative strike total.
*See EMBA/AMBA chapters for the application of the strike system in these two
executive MBA programs which are on a semester system.
Good Standing
Students are considered to be in good standing if they have
completed at least one module of coursework, met all financial
obligations, have no honor code or conduct code violations on
their records, and have at least a 3.0 cumulative Grade Point
Average (GPA).
Failure of a Course
A required course that is failed must be re-taken the next time
it is offered at Owen. The original failing grade will remain on
the transcript, but, upon successful completion of the course,
the grade F will not be calculated in the cumulative GPA and
the strike associated with the initial course failure will be
eliminated from the students cumulative strike total. If the
failed required course is not offered again during the students
traditional residency period, the student may petition the
Student Achievement Committee for a suitable alternative for
completion of the graduation requirement. Students may be
required to remain at Owen beyond their original graduation
date in order to meet their graduation requirements.
An elective course that is failed may be re-taken at Owen; the
original failing grade will remain on the transcript, but, upon
successful completion of the course, the grade F will not be
calculated in the cumulative GPA and the strike associated with
the initial course failure will be eliminated from the students
cumulative strike total. Alternately, an elective course that is
failed may be replaced by another course; the original failing
grade will remain on the transcript and will be calculated in the
cumulative GPA and the strike associated with the initial course
failure will remain in the students cumulative strike total.
Instructors may, at their discretion, alter the course
requirements for students who repeat a failed course.
Leave of Absence
Students who are temporarily unable to continue their course
of study or who, for personal reasons, need to leave school
temporarily must request a leave of absence. The request must
be made in writing and addressed to the Office of Academic
Programs. Leaves are granted on a case by case basis after a
student has been in attendance for one module. Leaves require
approval and are permitted for one semester or one academic
year if the student is in good standing, has no disciplinary
actions or honor code violations pending, and has met his or
her financial obligation. Students placed on leave of absence are
required to keep the Office of Academic Programs informed of
their plans to return to school. Students on leave who wish to
return must inform the school of their plans no later than July
1 for the fall semester or November 1 for the spring semester.
In consultation with the Student Achievement Committee, the
Office of Academic Programs may extend a leave of absence.
The mark W will be applied to courses that are not completed when a student has an approved leave of absence.
Courses that are not completed due to an unapproved absence
will result in the grade F.
The policies concerning withdrawal for medical or
emotional reasons can be found in the Student Handbook available at vanderbilt.edu/student_handbook/
Student Complaint and Grievance Procedure
If a student has a grievance, the student should first discuss his
or her concerns regarding an instructor or a course with the
instructor involved. If further discussion is needed, the instructor may consult with the teaching assistants. If the problem still
persists, the student should make an appointment with the assistant dean for academic programs. The assistant dean will discuss
the issue with the associate dean and, if appropriate, make an
appointment for the student to meet with the associate dean.
Prior to the appointment with the associate dean, the student
should send a written statement of the problem or grievance.
Students who discontinue class attendance without a leave of
absence, students who fail to register for a subsequent semesters work without a leave of absence, and students on a leave
of absence who fail to return to Owen following the period of
approved leave without requesting and receiving an extension
will be dismissed from the school. In order to return, such students must reapply for admission and, if applicable, financial aid.
Refunds of Tuition Charges
University policy for the refund of tuition charges provides
a percentage refund based on the time of withdrawal. Students who withdraw officially or who are dismissed from the
university may be entitled to a partial refund in accordance
with the established refund schedule, which may be viewed at
Requests for refunds must be made before the last day of
classes of the semester in which the student was enrolled. Fees
and charges for books and materials are not refundable. Insurance coverage is generally non-refundable.
All requirements for graduation must be met before a student
may participate in the ceremony. Students who are unsure
Vanderbilt University is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to
award bachelors, masters, professional, and doctoral degrees.
Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane,
Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097, or call (404) 679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Vanderbilt University. The
Owen School is accredited by the AACSB. Visit owen.vanderbilt.edu/about-us/facts-and-stats.cfm.
vanderbilt university
students with Americans both on and off campus for friendship and cross-cultural exchange. The weekly World on
Wednesday presentations inform, broaden perspectives, and
facilitate cross-cultural understanding through discussions led
by students, faculty, and staff. International Education Week
in the fall provides the campus with additional opportunities
to learn about world cultures and to celebrate diversity. The
International Lens Film Series (iLens) brings more than forty
international films to campus each year. ISSS provides a range
of programs and activities throughout the year to address
a variety of international student needs and interests. These
programs include International Orientation Leaders and a
selection of holiday parties. The Southern Culture Series is an
opportunity for students to experience Southern culture in
nearby cities such as Memphis, Chattanooga, and Atlanta.
Obtaining Information about the University
Notice to current and prospective students: In compliance with
applicable state and federal law, the following information
about Vanderbilt University is available:
Institutional information about Vanderbilt University,
including accreditation, academic programs, faculty, tuition,
and other costs, is available in the catalogs of the colleges and
schools on the Vanderbilt University website at vanderbilt.edu/
catalogs. A paper copy of the Undergraduate Catalog may be
obtained by contacting the Office of Undergraduate Admissions, 2305 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37203-1727,
(800) 288-0432, (615) 322-2561, admissions@vanderbilt.edu.
Paper copies of the catalogs for the graduate and professional
schools may be available from the individual schools.
Information about financial aid for students at Vanderbilt
University, including federal and other forms of financial aid
for students, is available from the Office of Student Financial
Aid on the Vanderbilt University website at vanderbilt.edu/
financialaid. The Office of Student Financial Aid is located at
2309 West End Avenue, Nashville, Tennessee 37203-1725, (615)
322-3591 or (800) 288-0204.
Information about graduation rates for students at Vanderbilt University is available on the Vanderbilt University website at virg.vanderbilt.edu. Select Factbook, then Student,
then Retention/Graduation Rates. Paper copies of information about graduation rates may be obtained by writing the
Office of the University Registrar, Vanderbilt University, PMB
407701, 2301 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, Tennessee 37240-7701
or by calling (615) 322-7701.
The Vanderbilt University Annual Security Report on
university-wide security and safety, including related policies,
procedures, and crime statistics, is available from the Vanderbilt University Police Department on the university website
at police.vanderbilt.edu/annual-security-report. A paper copy
of the report may be obtained by writing the Vanderbilt
University Police Department, 2800 Vanderbilt Place, Nashville, Tennessee 37212 or by calling (615) 343-9750. For more
information, see Vanderbilt University Police Department
in the following section of this catalog.
A copy of the annual Equity in Athletics Disclosure
Act Report on the Vanderbilt University athletic program
vanderbilt university
Immunization Requirements
The State of Tennessee requires certain immunizations for all
students on university campuses. As such, Vanderbilt University will block student registration for those who are not in
compliance with the requirements.
The requirements include:
1. Varicella vaccine (two injections) is required for all students who have not had documented chickenpox. Any
waivers for this vaccine are very strict, and include only
certain religious or medical exemptions that must be
approved by the medical director of the Student Health
Center. For more information regarding this waiver,
please call the directors assistant at (615) 322-2254 or
email studenthealth@vanderbilt.edu.
2. Measles, mumps, and rubella (2 injections) for all incoming students. Any waivers for this vaccine are very strict,
and include only certain religious or medical exemptions that must be approved by the medical director
of the Student Health Center. For more information
regarding this waiver, please call the directors assistant
at (615) 322-2254 or email studenthealth@vanderbilt.edu.
The Student Health Center requires all incoming students
to complete a Health Questionnaire that includes further
information regarding the state-mandated vaccinations,
as well as information on other strongly recommended
Information regarding this Health Questionnaire is communicated to students by email after admission to Vanderbilt
University. This Health Questionnaire must be returned to the
Student Health Center by May 15 with vaccination information.
Students should go to medschool.vanderbilt.edu/
student-health/immunization-requirements in order to access
more information regarding the immunization requirements.
This site also contains links to the PDFs of the required forms.
All vaccines can be administered at either a private provider office or at the Student Health Center. VUSN students
should review the immunization requirements in the Current
Student Requirements section of this catalog.
A student who does not want to subscribe to the insurance plan offered through the university must complete an
online waiver process at gallagherstudent.com/vanderbilt. This
process must be completed by August 1 for students enrolling
in the fall for annual coverage. Newly enrolled students for
the spring term must complete the online waiver process by
January 4. The online waiver process indicating comparable
coverage must be completed every year by August 1 in order
to waive participation in and the premium for the Student
Injury and Sickness Insurance Plan.
Family Coverage: Students who want to obtain coverage for
their families (spouse, children, or domestic partner) may do
so at gallagherstudent.com/vanderbilt. Additional premiums
are charged for family health insurance coverage and cannot
be put on a students VU account.
vanderbilt university
the use or possession and the student is under the age of 21 at the
time of the disclosure to the parent/guardian.
Vanderbilt Directory
Individual listings in the online People Finder Directory
consist of the students full name,Vanderbilt email address,
and campus mailing address, if available. Students may elect
to add additional contact information to their listings, including school, academic classification, local phone number,
local address, permanent address, cellphone, pager, and fax
numbers. Student listings in the People Finder Directory
are available to the Vanderbilt community via logon ID and
e-password. Students may choose to make their online People
Finder listings available to the general public (i.e., viewable
by anyone with access to the Internet), or to block individual
directory items. Students who have placed a directory hold
with the University Registrar will not be listed in the online
Directory information should be kept current. Students
may report address changes, emergency contact information,
and missing person contact information via the Web by logging in to YES (Your Enrollment Services) https://yes.vanderbilt.edu and clicking on the Address Change link.
Official University Communications
Certain federal statutes require that information be delivered
to each student. Vanderbilt delivers much of this information
via email. Official electronic notifications, including those
required by statutes, those required by University policy,
and instructions from University officials, will be sent to
students' Vanderbilt email addresses: user.name@vanderbilt.
edu. Students are required to be familiar with the contents of
official University notifications, and to respond to instructions
and other official correspondence requiring a response. Some
messages will include links to the YES Communications Tool,
which is a secure channel for official communication of a
confidential nature.
The university makes every effort to avoid inundating
students with nonessential email (often called "spam"), and
maintains separate lists from which students may unsubscribe
for announcements of general interest.
Vanderbilt Child and Family Center
The Vanderbilt Child and Family Center supports the health
and productivity of the Vanderbilt community by providing
resource and referral services and quality early childhood education and care to the children of faculty, staff, and students. The
centers website at childandfamilycenter.vanderbilt.edu provides
information concerning child care, elder care, summer camps,
tutoring services, and school-age child care. Care.com and
the Vanderbilt Sitter Service provide back-up care options for
dependents of all ages and evening, night, and weekend care.
The Child Care Center serves children ages six weeks
through five years. Applications for the waiting list may be
downloaded from the website. The Family Center offers a
vanderbilt university
Extracurricular Activities
Student Centers
A variety of facilities, programs, and activities are provided
in five separate student center locationsAlumni Hall,
The Commons Center, Kissam Center, Sarratt Student
Center|Rand Hall, and the Student Life Center.
Sarratt Student Center|Rand Hall is the main student
center hub, housing a 300-seat cinema, art gallery, art studios,
multicultural space, rehearsal rooms, large lounge spaces, large
and small meeting spaces, and a courtyard. The facility is also
home to Vanderbilt Student Communications, radio station,
TV station, Last Drop Coffee Shop, and the Pub at Overcup
Oak restaurant. Rand Hall houses the Rand Dining Center,
campus store, student-operated businesses, the Anchor
(student organization space), a multipurpose venue, meeting
and seminar rooms, plus large, open lounge space. Some of
the offices located in Sarratt Student Center|Rand Hall include
the Dean of Students, Greek Life, Leadership, and the Office of
Active Citizenship and Service. Also included in this facility is
a Ticketmaster outlet and a United States Postal Service office.
The Vanderbilt Student Life Center is the universitys
community keystone. It is both the fulfillment of students
vision to have a large social space on campus and a wonderful
complement to Sarratt Student Center|Rand Hall. The Student
Life Center has more than 18,000 square feet of event and
meeting space, including the 9,000-square-foot Commodore
Ballroom, which is one of the most popular spaces to have
events on campus. The center is also home to the Center for
Student Professional Development, International Student and
Scholar Services, Global Education Office, and Global Support
The Commons Center is the community crossroads of The
Ingram Commons living and learning community. It has it all:
the Dining Hall and great food; a living room with a concertgrade grand piano, and the occasional live musical performance; a small rec room with cardio equipment, free weights,
and weight machines; meeting and study rooms; and academic
support services like the Writing Studio, the Center for Student Professional Development, and the CASPAR premajor
advising center. The third floor of The Commons Center is the
home of the Department of Political Science.
Alumni Hall is a recent addition to the Vanderbilt student
centers family, although it was actually the original student
center on campus when the building opened in 1925. Reopened in fall 2013 after a yearlong renovation that transformed every space in the facility, Alumni Hall has returned
to its role as a student center after serving other purposes over
the years. In the newly renovated Alumni Hall, students now
have access to an exercise room as well as several new meeting
and event spaces and a new dining option known as Bamboo
Bistro. Offices in the building include the Tutoring Center, the
Writing Studio, and the new Vanderbilt Institute of Digital
Opened in fall 2014, Kissam Center is the fifth student center, and is part of the new Warren College and Moore College
residential living-learning communities. A completely new
facility, Kissam Center is home to more meeting and event
spaces as well as the Kissam Market and Kissam Kitchen.
Recreation and Sports
Physical education is not required for graduate and professional students, but almost two-thirds of Vanderbilt University students participate in sport clubs, intramurals, activity
classes, or other programs offered by Campus Recreation
at the Vanderbilt Recreation and Wellness Center (VRWC).
The large variety of programs available for meeting students
diverse interests include: forty-eight sports clubs with options
from traditional such as baseball, volleyball, and ice hockey to
nontraditional such as quidditch and capoeira; forty intramural sports (softball, flag football, basketball, table tennis, and
soccer); an aquatics program offering swimming lessons for all
ages and abilities as well as unique events like battleship. Red
Cross lifeguarding and CPR are also available. If being outside
is more your style, you can choose from one of more than
twenty adventure trips offered each semester or create your
own adventure and let Campus Recreation staff help with tips
and gear. Need a good workout? Campus Recreation offers
more than eighty group fitness classes a week and a variety
of wellness offerings from learn to box to healthy eating
through Vandy Cooks in the demonstration kitchen, Personalized Nutrition Coaching, and Nutrition Minute grab-and-go
information on a variety of nutrition topics.
The VRWC is a 289,000-square-foot facility that houses a
25 yard, 16 lane swimming pool; four courts for basketball, volleyball, and badminton; five racquetball and two squash courts;
a four-lane bowling alley; five group fitness class rooms, more
than 14,000 square feet of weight/fitness room space; rockclimbing wall; mat room; seven multipurpose rooms; locker
rooms; and a 120 yard turf field surrounded by a 300-meter
track in the indoor field house. Surrounding the VRWC is a
sand volleyball court and more than seven acres of field space
including three natural grass fields and one turf field.
All students pay a mandatory recreation fee which supports the facilities, fields, and programs (see the chapter on
Financial Information). Spouses must also pay a fee to use the
For additional information, please visit vanderbilt.edu/
vanderbilt university
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt MBA degree must receive the
favorable recommendation of the Owen School faculty, earn
a minimum of 62 credit hours, successfully complete all
required courses as well as an ethics course, earn a cumulative
grade point average of 3.0, complete at least one concentration,
earn fewer than three strikes, and meet all financial obligations to Vanderbilt University. Attendance at all orientationrelated events is required. All requirements must be completed
within three calendar years of the matriculation date.
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
Residence Requirement
The MBA program requires eight modulesthe equivalent of
four semestersof full-time study. Students may not enroll in
more than 10 credit hours per module and must be enrolled
in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester to maintain
full-time status in the MBA program. Students may not exceed
18 credit hours per semester. (Short courses are excluded from
the 18-hour maximum.) Residence for two academic years
is required. The residence requirement is one and one-half
academic years for students in some dual degree and qualified
exchange programs and for graduates of Owens Master of
Science in Finance program.
The standards for exemption are set by the appropriate area
coordinator. Exemptions are granted either by credential or
exam. For MGT 6311 Introduction to Financial Accounting,
MGT 6381 Managerial Statistics, and MGT 6322 Managerial Economics, the Office of Academic Programs reviews all
incoming student transcripts to determine whether the student is exempt by credential. Exemption of MGT 6312 Introduction to Managerial Accounting and MGT 6321 Business in
the World Economy is predicated on passing the exemption
exam. The Office of Academic Programs notifies all students
regarding the schedule of exemption exams and exam results.
Students receive no credit for exempted courses.
Elective Courses
Students may not enroll in courses for which they do not have
the prerequisite course(s), and will be dropped from the course
roster if they have not completed the prerequisite course(s).
Pass/Fail Courses
Certain courses are designated as Pass/Fail. Students may not
take any other courses on a Pass/Fail basis.
Project Work and Independent Study Courses
All project work not associated with an established course
must be approved by the professor who will supervise such
work and the Office of Academic Programs. The Office of
Academic Programs provides guidelines for proposals to be
submitted for such projects. The Office of Academic Programs
will not accept proposals for project or independent study
courses after the first week of the module in which such work
is to be undertaken. Students may apply up to six credit hours
of project and independent study work combined toward fulfilling the MBA credit hour requirement. Independent study
work may not exceed two credit hours per module of study.
Transfer Credit
Up to 12 credit hours may be approved toward the MBA
degree if earned in a pre-approved dual degree program, a
qualified exchange program, or Owens Master of Science in
Finance program. Otherwise, transfer credit is not permitted.
Faculty use the following recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
Core course
Elective course
SP-Superior pass
HP-High pass
LP-Low pass
Maximum 25%
Maximum 30%
At least 35%
At least 25%
Grade Description
Superior Pass
High Pass
Low Pass
Quality Points
MBA students must complete the core and an ethics course:
Course Number
Course Title
Year 1
MGT 6311
Introduction to Financial Accounting
MGT 6331
Managerial Finance
MGT 6342
Leading Teams and Organizations
MGT 6351
Management Communication
MGT 6381
Managerial Statistics
MGT 6322
Managerial Economics
MGT 6361
Marketing Management
MGT 6371
Operations Management
MGT 6312
Introduction to Managerial Accounting
MGT 6355
Strategic Management
MGT 6321
Business in the World Economy
Year 2
MGT 6456
Ethics in Business
Concentrations are based on the foundational business disciplines and require a minimum of 12 credit hours in a single
discipline. Required electives are included in the 12 hours
needed for the concentration. Concentrations are prescribed
by area faculty. As stated in Degree Requirements, students
must complete at least one concentration. The course requirements for each concentration are provided in this section. In
planning course work, the student should note that not every
course is offered every year; check the Courses of Study section
of this bulletin and with the Office of Academic Programs. The
following concentrations are offered:
Credit Hours
General Management
Health Care
Human and Organizational Performance
Operations Management
Students may double count one elective across two concentrations. For example, Corporate Valuation can be counted as
an elective in Finance and Strategy. No more than one elective
may be double-counted across two concentrations.
Course Number
MGT 6410
MGT 6411
Course Title
Financial Reporting I
Financial Reporting II
Credit Hours
8 additional hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6412
MGT 6413
MGT 6416
MGT 6417
MGT 6512
MGT 6513
MGT 6514
MGT 6518
MGT 6510
Course Title
Credit Hours
Taxation of Business and Investment Transactions
Advanced Management Accounting (Not offered 2015/2016)
Advanced Cost Accounting
Accounting Information Systems
Taxation of Business Entities
Financial Statement Analysis
Advanced Financial Reporting for the Multinational Corporation
Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs (Not offered 2015/2016)
Federal Income Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions
vanderbilt university
Course Number
MGT 6430
MGT 6431
Course Title
Corporate Valuation
Credit Hours
8 additional hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6432
MGT 6433
MGT 6435
MGT 6436
MGT 6437
MGT 6438
MGT 6439
MGT 6508
MGT 6530
MGT 6531
MGT 6532
MGT 6533
MGT 6534
MGT 6535
MGT 6536
MGT 6537
MGT 6539
MGT 6545
Course Title
Credit Hours
Corporate Financial Policy
International Financial Markets and Instruments
Applied Investment Management
Bond Markets
Real Estate Financial Analysis
Real Estate Investment and Development
Advanced Real Estate Valuation
Health Care Finance and Accounting
Mergers and Acquisitions
Private Equity and Leveraged Buyouts (short course)
Risk Management
Derivatives Markets
Financial Data Analysis
Derivative Securities Valuation
Active Portfolio Management
Distressed Corporate Restructuring and Reorganization (short course) 1
Hedge Funds (Not offered 2015/2016)
Federal Income Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions
General Management
General management is a customized concentration. A student in consultation with a faculty member and the Office of Academic Programs devises a
curriculum tailored to his/her needs. Guidelines for proposals are available in the Office of Academic Programs. The resulting proposal must be approved
by the professor charged with overseeing the students course of study and by the Office of Academic Programs.
Health Care
Choose 12 credit hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6012/6013
MGT 6014
MGT 6015
MGT 6473
MGT 6500
MGT 6501
MGT 6503
MGT 6504
MGT 6506
MGT 6507
MGT 6508
MGT 6509
MGT 6010/6011
Course Title
Credit Hours
Health Care Quality Improvement (1 credit hour per mod)
Health Care Marketing
Health Care Delivery Organizations
Health Care Operations
Health Care Technology Trends (Not offered 2015/2016)
Health Care Clinical Immersion
Health Care Innovation and Evaluation
Health Care Economics and Policy
Health Care Law and Regulation
Health Care Information Technology (Not offered 2015/2016))
Health Care Finance and Accounting
Modeling and Analysis of Health Care Data
Practice of Transplant Administration
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
Course Title
Strategic Alignment of Human Capital
Credit Hours
MGT 6441
MGT 6540
Leading Change
8 additional hours from the following:
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
MGT 6441
Managerial and Organizational Effectiveness
MGT 6442
Talent Management
MGT 6443
Power and Influence in Organizations (Not offered 2015/2016)
MGT 6444
Leadership: Theory and Practice
MGT 6445
Talent Management
MGT 6446
Compensation Decision Making
MGT 6447
Labor and Employee Relations
MGT 6448
MGT 6449
Innovation Strategy
MGT 6456
Ethics in Business
MGT 6012/6013
Health Care Quality Improvement (1 credit hour per mod)
MGT 6015
Health Care Delivery Organizations
MGT 6544
Controversies and Debates in Business, Management, and Society
MGT 6546
Executive Coaching (short course)
MGT 6547
Training Systems Management (short course) (Not offered 2015/2016) 1
MGT 6548/6549
Special Topics in Organization Studies: Practicum on
Employment Discrimination: EEOC (1 credit hour per mod)
12 hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6462
MGT 6463
MGT 6014
MGT 6460
MGT 6461
MGT 6464
MGT 6465
MGT 6467
MGT 6468
MGT 6560
MGT 6562
MGT 6568
Course Title
Credit Hours
Consumer Analysis
Quantitative Analysis for Marketing Decision Making
Health Care Marketing
Marketing Communications: Advertising and Social Media
Consumer Insights for Marketing Decision Making
Selling Strategy: Promotions, Persuasion, and Public Relations
Marketing Models
New Product Development
Brand Management
Marketing Strategy
Customer Relationship Management (Not offered 2015/2016)
Pricing Strategies
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
vanderbilt university
Operations Management
Course Number
MGT 6472
MGT 6479
Course Title
Supply Chain Management
Management of Service Operations
Credit Hours
8 additional hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6475
MGT 6478
MGT 6492
MGT 6541
MGT 6550/6551
MGT 6572
MGT 6574
MGT 6575
MGT 6577
MGT 6012/6013
MGT 6473
Course Title
Credit Hours
Operations Strategy
Essentials of Project Management
Data Management and Business Intelligence
Product Design I
Consulting for Strategy and Operations Project (2 credit hours per mod)
Strategic Management of Technology
Spreadsheets for Business Analytics
Spreadsheet Macros (VBA) for IT Applications
Managing and Improving Processes
Health Care Quality Improvement (1 credit hour per mod)
Health Care Operations
Course Number
MGT 6526
Course Title
Corporate Strategy
Credit Hours
10 additional hours from the following:
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
MGT 6420
The Future of Energy Markets in a Low Carbon Economy
MGT 6421
Financial Analysis of ESG Data
MGT 6423
Corporate Strategies for Environmental, Social,
and Governmental Issues
MGT 6425
Game Theory and Business Strategy
MGT 6426
Managing the Global Enterprise
MGT 6427
Life Cycle of an Enterprise
MGT 6428
Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
MGT 6429
Social Enterprise Project Planning
MGT 6431
Corporate Valuation
MGT 6440
Strategic Alignment of Human Capital
MGT 6441
Organizational and Managerial Effectiveness
MGT 6449
Innovation Strategy
MGT 6012/6013
Health Care Quality Improvement (1 hour per semester)
MGT 6475
Operations Strategy
MGT 6504
Health Care Economics and Policy
MGT 6508
Health Care Finance and Accounting
MGT 6530
Mergers and Acquisitions
MGT 6540
Leading Change
MGT 6544
Controversies and Debates in Business, Management, and Society
MGT 6545
Doing Business in China
MGT 6550/6551
Consulting for Strategy and Operations Project (2 credit hours per mod)
MGT 6559
Launching the Venture
MGT 6560
Marketing Strategy
MGT 6565
Internet Marketing (short course)
MGT 6568
Pricing Strategies
MGT 6572
Strategic Management of Technology
Strategy-related project courses do not count toward the 12-hour requirement in the strategy concentration unless approved by the area head.
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
Specializations are focused course tracks for students desiring
an in-depth study of the functional area for their chosen career.
Specializations are prescribed by area faculty. Specializations
typically require 20 credit hours of course work. The 20-credithour requirement represents the 12 credit hours earned in the
related concentration plus an additional eight hours. The course
requirements for each specialization are provided in this section.
In planning course work, the student should note that not every
course is offered every year; check the Courses of Study section
of this bulletin and with the Office of Academic Programs. The
following specializations are offered:
Brand Management
Corporate Finance
Human and Organizational Performance
Investment Management
Brand Management
Course Number
MGT 6460**
MGT 6461*
MGT 6462*
MGT 6463*
MGT 6464**
MGT 6465*
MGT 6468*
Course Title
Credit Hours
Marketing Communications: Advertising and Social Media
Consumer Insights for Marketing Decision-Making
Consumer Analysis
Quantitative Analysis for Marketing Decision-Making
Selling Strategy: Promotions, Persuasion, and Public Relations
Marketing Models
Brand Management
Course Title
Credit Hours
Health Care Marketing
New Product Development
Marketing Strategy
Customer Relationship Management (Not offered 2015/2016)
Internet Marketing (short course)
Pricing Strategies
One additional accounting course from the following list (recommended but does not count toward the specialization):
One additional HOP course from the following list (recommended but does not count toward the specialization):
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
vanderbilt university
Corporate Finance
Course Number
MGT 6410*
MGT 6411*
MGT 6412**
MGT 6430*
MGT 6431*
MGT 6432**
MGT 6433
MGT 6530**
MGT 6531**
MGT 6533**
MGT 6537**
* Recommended in Year One
** Recommended in Year Two
Course Title
Credit Hours
Financial Reporting I
Financial Reporting II
Taxation of Business and Investment Transactions
Corporate Valuation
Corporate Financial Policy
International Financial Markets and Instruments
Mergers and Acquisitions
Private Equity and Leveraged Buyouts (short course)
Derivatives Markets
Distressed Corporate Restructuring and Reorganization (short course) 1
Highly recommended electives that do not count toward the specialization:
Course Title
Strategic Alignment of Human Capital
Talent Management
Compensation Decision-Making
Labor and Employee Relations
Credit Hours
Course Title
Managerial and Organizational Effectiveness
Leading Change
Credit Hours
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
Choose 6 credit hours from the following:
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
MGT 6441**
Managerial and Organizational Effectiveness
MGT 6444
Leadership: Theory and Practice
MGT 6448
MGT 6456
Ethics in Business
MGT 6012/6013
Health Care Quality Improvement (1 hour per semester)
MGT 6014
Health Care Delivery Organizations
MGT 6540
Leading Change
MGT 6546
Executive Coaching (short course)
MGT 6547
Training Systems Management (short course) (Not offered 2015/2016) 1
MGT 6548/6549
Special Topics in Organization Studies: Practicum on
Employment Discrimination: EEOC (1 credit hour per mod)
LOP 3270
Leading Globally Diverse Organizations (Peabody College)
* Recommended in Year One
** Recommended in Year Two
Investment Management
Course Number
MGT 6410*
MGT 6411*
MGT 6430*
MGT 6431*
MGT 6433**
MGT 6435**
MGT 6436**
MGT 6533*
Course Title
Financial Reporting I
Financial Reporting II
Corporate Valuation
International Financial Markets and Instruments
Applied Investment Management
Bond Markets
Derivatives Markets
Credit Hours
Course Title
Risk Management
Derivative Securities Valuation
Active Portfolio Management
Credit Hours
NOTE: A student taking two courses in this category is not required to take a secondary elective.
Choose 2 credit hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6432
MGT 6513
MGT 6530
Course Title
Corporate Financial Policy
Financial Statement Analysis
Mergers and Acquisitions
Credit Hours
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
vanderbilt university
Emphases allow students to gain exposure to an additional area
of interest and are prescribed by area faculty. Emphases require
eight hours of course work and do not replace the requirement
that at least one concentration and an ethics requirement be
completed to earn the degree. Students may complete more than
one emphasis, but the same course may be applied to only one
emphasis. Students may also request a customized emphasis in
a particular area. Students must work with a tenured or tenuretrack faculty adviser who will approve the 8 hours of course
work toward the emphasis. An emphasis may not be proposed
in an area that already supports a concentration or specialization.The course requirements for each emphasis are provided in
this section. In planning course work, the student should note
that not every course is offered every year; check the Schedule
of Classes published each semester. The following emphases are
Customized Emphases
A student may choose to customize an emphasis in an area
of interest, for example, Environmental Management. This
requires submission of an approval form and an area advisers
signature. For further information, contact the Office of
Academic Programs.
International Studies
Real Estate
8 hours of course work from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6426
MGT 6428
MGT 6449
MGT 6503
MGT 6518
MGT 6541
MGT 6542
MGT 6556
MGT 6558
MGT 6559
Course Title
Managing the Global Enterprise
Social Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Innovation Strategy
Health Care Innovation and Evaluation
Accounting and Finance for Entrepreneurs
Product Design I
Product Design II
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Writing a Business Plan
Launching the Venture
Credit Hours
Other recommended courses which do not count as part of the 8 hours toward the emphasis:
Course Number
MGT 6444
MGT 6479
Course Title
Leadership: Theory and Practice
Management of Service Operations
Credit Hours
NOTE: Students may petition to have a project course count as credit toward the entrepreneurship emphasis. The project course must have an entrepreneurship component in order to be considered for credit toward the emphasis. Other Owen and Vanderbilt courses will be considered for credit toward
the entrepreneurship emphasis on a case-by-case basis.
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
International Studies
8 hours of course work from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6423
MGT 6426
MGT 6433
MGT 6475
MGT 6526
MGT 6552
MGT 6554
MGT 6555
MGT 6557
MGT 6903
Course Title
Credit Hours
Corporate Strategies for ESG Issues
Managing the Global Enterprise
International Financial Markets and Instruments
Operations Strategy
Corporate Strategy
Project Pyramid
Project Pyramid Immersion
International Business Seminar
Global Business Association Immersion Trip
International Exchange Programs and Maymester courses
Students are also encouraged to have competence in a foreign language and knowledge about non-U.S. culture, politics, history, and law. To facilitate development of this competence, students may take an upper-level course in history, law, or political science as an elective. If their program permits, students
may be authorized to take language courses for credit as electives for the MBA degree, with the following stipulations: course credit may not be earned for
a language course in the native language of the student, nor may a student earn course credit for an English language course. Elective language courses
must be at the intermediate level or above and approved by the Office of Academic Programs.
Real Estate
Course Number
MGT 6437
MGT 6438
Course Title
Real Estate Financial Analysis
Real Estate Investment and Development
Credit Hours
Course Title
Commercial Real Estate Transactions
Property Law for Business
Advanced Real Estate Valuation
Real Estate Capstone (1 credit hour per mod)
Contemporary Issues in Real Estate
Credit Hours
Choose 4 credit hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6434
MGT 6438
MGT 6439
MGT 6739/6829
MGT 6939
Students may request to take courses in the Law School for credit toward the Real Estate Emphasis. Approval is required. Students are advised to check
with the Office of Academic Programs.
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
vanderbilt university
Exchange Programs
Owen participates in exchange programs with the following universities. Exchange programs are permitted in the second year
of the MBA program. Students must be in good standing with
the university and have completed all first-year requirements
with a minimum 3.0 GPA to participate in exchange programs.
Students should review the fact sheet on exchange opportunities
available in the academic programs office and meet with the
Career Management Center, if interested in participating.
Latin America
Alajuela, Costa Rica
Mexico City, Mexico
Santiago, Chile
So Paulo, Brazil
Cergy-Pontoise, France
Oestrich-Winkel, Germany
Milan, Italy
Bergen, Norway
Karlsruhe, Germany
WHUOtto Beisheim School of Management
Vallendar, Germany
Vienna University of Economics and Business
Vienna, Austria
Rotterdam, The Netherlands
Melbourne, Australia
program should notify the Owen School of their status at the time
of application.
The Owen School requires 62 hours for graduation and
the Law School requires 88 hours. The Law School will grant
transfer credit for 12 hours of course work taken at the Owen
School; similarly, the Owen School will grant transfer credit
toward the management degree for 12 hours of Law School
course work. Transfer credits must be the equivalent of a C
grade or better. Law School courses appear with the grade P
(Pass) on the Owen School transcript.
Applicants to the dual-degree program must make application to and be admitted by each school separately. Rejection by
one school does not negate acceptance by the other school, but
this acceptance would then be for the regular degree program,
not the dual-degree program.
MSF/JD. See page 49 for information on the MSF/JD
By combining course work from both the Owen Graduate
School of Management and the School of Medicine, students
can pursue both the MBA and the M.D. in five years.
Dual-degree students spend their first three years in the
School of Medicine and apply to Owen in their third year.
They then enroll in the Owen School for year four and take
courses in both schools in year five, thus completing both
degrees in five years. The Owen School grants 12 hours (2
units) of transfer work for courses completed in the School of
Medicine; the School of Medicine, in turn, counts 12 hours of
Owen course work as 2 units toward the M.D.
Since MBA/M.D. students complete additional course work
and rotations in the summer semesters, students should contact
the School of Medicine for curriculum guidelines.
Management/College of Arts and Science
By combining one and one-half years of study in the Owen
School with three and one-half years in Vanderbilts College
of Arts and Science, students may obtain both the bachelor of
arts and the MBA in five years (ten semesters). The bachelor of
arts from the College of Arts and Science is awarded at the end
of the fourth year under the senior-in-absentia program, and
the MBA from the Owen School after the fifth year.
In accordance with regulations governing the senior-inabsentia program, all Arts and Science program requirements
plus 105 hours counting toward the degree from the college
with a grade point average of 2.0, must be completed by the
end of the first semester of the fourth year. Management
381 and 311 may be counted toward the 105 hours unless the
student has taken the Arts and Science equivalent(s) to that or
those course(s).
Students must apply to the Owen School for admission to
the five-year program during their junior year. Students are
subject to normal Owen School admission requirements, and
no student is assured of admission to the Owen School by
virtue of completion of the requirements listed above. Students
who are accepted will be registered in the Owen School for
three semesters (a minimum of 50 hours). Up to 15 hours of
Owen School courses approved by the College of Arts and Science may be counted toward completion of the undergraduate
degree. Upon acceptance to the Owen School, students should
contact the Office of Academic Programs at the Owen School
for an advising appointment.
vanderbilt university
Financial Aid
The scholarship or other financial aid commitment of the College of Arts and Science will not be continued automatically
beyond the seventh semester for students enrolled in the fiveyear program. Eighth semester financial aid is the students
vanderbilt university
(Information and dates subject to change)
Summer 2015
U.S. Business Communication
and Culture Program
Fall Semester 2015
Orientationall incoming students
First Day of Classes, Module I
Labor Day*
Last Day of Classes, Module I
Module I Exam Period
Short/Immersion Courses
First Day of Classes, Module II
Thanksgiving Break
Last Day of Classes, Module II
Module II Exam Period
Winter Break
July 15August 4
August 1014, MondayFriday
August 17, Monday
September 7, Monday*
October 1, Thursday
October 58, MondayThursday
October 1216, MondayFriday
October 19 Monday
November 20November 29, FridaySunday
December 10, Thursday (Health Care MBA, check with instructors)
December 1417, MondayThursday
December 18, 2015January 10, 2016, FridaySunday
**Classes do not meet on Monday, January 18 (MLK holiday), but will meet on Friday, January 22.
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt MBA through the EMBA program must receive the favorable recommendation of the Owen
School faculty, earn a minimum of 60 credit hours, successfully complete all required courses, earn a cumulative grade
point average of 3.0, earn fewer than three strikes, and meet
all financial obligations to Vanderbilt University. Attendance
at the July Math and Statistics Camp, the week in residence in
August, the international residency, and all class meetings are
required. All requirements must be completed within three
calendar years of the matriculation date.
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course
numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at
this website: registrar.vanderbilt.edu/faculty/course-renumbering/
Residence Requirement
The EMBA program requires six terms of full-time studytwo
fall and spring semesters and two summer terms. Students must
be enrolled in a minimum of 10 credit hours during fall and spring
semesters and 6 credit hours during summer semester to maintain
full-time status. Students must be enrolled in 32 credit hours in
the first year and 28 credit hours in the second year to maintain
full-time status. Residence for two calendar years is required.
Course Number
Course Title
Year 1, Fall
EMGT 7711
Financial Accounting
EMGT 7722
Managerial Economics
EMGT 7744
EMGT 7782
Statistics for Managerial Decisions
Year 1, Spring
EMGT 7712
Managerial Accounting
EMGT 7731
Managerial Finance
EMGT 7732
Corporate Value Management
EMGT 7745
Leadership Team Dynamics
EMGT 7749
Organizational Behavior
EMGT 7777
Operations Management
Year 1, Summer
EMGT 7721
EMGT 7761
Marketing Management
Year 2, Fall
EMGT 7727
Global Enterprise I
EMGT 7733
Corporate Financial Policy
EMGT 7742
Strategic Alignment of Human Capital
EMGT 7755
Business Strategy
EMGT 7779
Operations Topics
Year 2, Spring
EMGT 7728
Global Enterprise II and International Residency
EMGT 7754
Creating and Launching the Venture
EMGT 7758
Strategy Project I
EMGT 7762
Marketing Strategy
Year 2, Summer
EMGT 7740
EMGT 7746
Ethics in Business
EMGT 7747
Special Topics in Executive Management
EMGT 7759
Strategy Project II
Total Required Course Credit Hours
Credit Hours
vanderbilt university
Course exemptions are not permitted.
Pass/Fail Courses
There is one Pass/Fail course in the EMBA curriculum: EMGT
7762 Marketing Strategy. No other course taken in the Owen
Graduate School of Management and used to meet graduation
requirements may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not permitted.
Faculty use the following recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
SP-Superior pass
HP-High pass
LP-Low pass
Maximum 25%
At least 35%
Grade Description
Superior Pass
High Pass
Low Pass
Quality Points
Refund %
Executive MBA
(Information and dates subject to change)
Summer 2015
Math and Statistics Camp,
Family BBQ follows
on July 11
June 27, July 11, and July 18, Saturdays
Fall Semester 2015
Week in Residence
(First-year Students)
August 28, SundaySaturday, First day of classes
First Day of Classes for
Second Year EMBAs
August 15, Saturday
Second Day of Classes at Owen August 29, Saturday
Third Day of Classes
September 12, Saturday
Fourth Day of Classes
September 26, Saturday
Fifth Day of Classes,
Partner Day follows
October 10, Saturday
Sixth Day of Classes
October 24, Saturday
Seventh Day of Classes
November 7, Saturday
Eighth Day of Classes
November 21, Saturday
Ninth Day of Classes
December 5, Saturday
Tenth Day of Classes
December 12, Saturday
Spring Semester 2016
First Day of Classes
Second Day of Classes
Third Day of Classes
Fourth Day of Classes
Fifth Day of Classes
Sixth Day of Classes
Seventh Day of Classes
Eighth Day of Classes
Ninth Day of Classes
Tenth Day of Classes
Summer Semester 2016
First Day of Classes
Second Day of Classes
Third Day of Classes
Fourth Day of Classes
Fifth Day of Classes,
Family BBQ follows
Friends and Family
Celebration Ceremony
January 9, Saturday
January 23, Saturday
February 6, Saturday
February 20, Saturday
March 5, Saturday
March 19, Saturday
April 2, Saturday
April 16, Saturday
April 30, Saturday
May 7, Saturday
May 21, Saturday
June 4, Saturday
June 18, Saturday
July 9, Saturday
July 16, Saturday
vanderbilt university
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt MBA through the AMBA program must receive the favorable recommendation of the Owen
School faculty, earn a minimum of 60 credit hours, successfully complete all required courses, earn a cumulative grade
point average of 3.0, earn fewer than three strikes, and meet
all financial obligations to Vanderbilt University. Attendance
at the July Math and Statistics Camp, the week in residence in
August, the four in-country residencies, and all class meetings
are required. All requirements must be completed within three
calendar years of the matriculation date.
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course
numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at
this website: registrar.vanderbilt.edu/faculty/course-renumbering/
Residence Requirement
The AMBA program requires six terms of full-time study.
Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 10 credit hours
during fall and spring semesters and 6 credit hours during
summer semester to maintain full-time status. Residence for
two calendar years is required.
Course Number
Course Title
Year 1, Fall
EMGT 7711
EMGT 7722
EMGT 7744
EMGT 7782
Financial Accounting
Managerial Economics
Statistics for Managerial Decisions
Credit Hours
Year 1, Spring
EMGT 7712
Managerial Accounting
EMGT 7731
Managerial Finance
EMGT 7732
Corporate Value Management
EMGT 7745
Team Dynamics
EMGT 7749
Organizational Behavior
EMGT 7777
Operations Management
Year 1, Summer
EMGT 7721
EMGT 7761
Marketing Management
Year 2, August
EMGT 7741
EMGT 7752
Year 2, October
EMGT 7723
Corporate Social Responsibility
EMGT 7724
Strategic Management for Emerging Markets
Year 2, January
EMGT 7726
Competitiveness and Strategy
EMGT 7753
Family Business
Year 2, April
EMGT 7743
Leading a Global Innovation Strategy
EMGT 7756
Creating and Launching New Ventures
Capstone ProjectEMGT 7650 [2], 7651 [2], 7652 [2], and 7653 [2]runs throughout the program
Owen School / Americas Master of Business Administration for Executives (AMBA) Program
Course exemptions are not permitted.
Pass/Fail Courses
There are no Pass/Fail courses in the AMBA curriculum. No
course taken in the Owen Graduate School of Management
and used to meet graduation requirements may be taken on a
Pass/Fail basis for AMBA.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not permitted.
Faculty use the following recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
SP-Superior pass
HP-High pass
LP-Low pass
Maximum 25%
At least 35%
Grade Description
Superior Pass
High Pass
Low Pass
Quality Points
Performance Reviews
Students are expected to maintain at least a cumulative 3.0
GPA during the program and must have a cumulative 3.0 GPA
to graduate. Students who are consistently at the lower grade
levels (earning an LP or an F) will be reminded of our academic
expectations and standards for progression in the program and
encouraged to seek extra help to improve their performance.
In general, a course grade of F earns 1/2 strike per credit
hour and each LP earns 1/4 strike per credit hour. For example,
in 2-credit hour courses, each F earns 1 strike and each LP
earns 1/2 strike.
Students will be dismissed if they accumulate:
2.5 strikes at the end of the fall or spring terms or
3 strikes at any time in the program.
In the event that a student reaches the strike limit, the student
will be withdrawn from any remaining (incomplete) courses.
If the course in which the F is earned is successfully repeated
at Owen, then the strike associated with the initial F will be
excluded in calculating the students cumulative strike total.
AMBA Academic Awards
THE AMERICAS MBA is presented annually to a graduating
student from the Americas MBA program who has achieved
the strongest record in personal, professional, and academic
performance in meeting the requirements of the degree.
Refund %
vanderbilt university
Americas MBA
(Information and dates subject to change)
Summer 2015
Family Barbecue
Fall Semester 2015
First Day of Residency, SFU
Simon Fraser University
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Last Day of Residency, SFU
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt Master of Accountancy program
must receive the favorable recommendation of the OGSM
Residence Requirement
The Master of Accountancy program requires four modulesthe equivalent of two semestersof full-time study.
Students must be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours
per semester to maintain full-time status. Residence for one
academic year is required.
Course Number
Course Title
MGT 6315
Communication, Leadership, and Ethics in Accounting
MGT 6316
Engagement Documentation
MGT 6331
Managerial Finance
MGT 6410
Financial Reporting I
MGT 6415
Audit Institutions and Processes
MGT 6417
Accounting Information Systems
MGT 6419
Advanced Audit Topics
MGT 6317
Business Ethics in Accounting
MGT 6322
Managerial Economics
MGT 6411
Financial Reporting II
MGT 6412
Taxation of Business and Investment Transactions
MGT 6414
Research in Financial Reporting
MGT 6515
Audit Internship (or electives)
MGT 6416
Advanced Cost Accounting
MGT 6418
Strategic Management
MGT 6511
Advanced Financial Reporting
MGT 6512
Taxation of Business Entities
MGT 6517
Introduction to Law and Business
Credit Hours
vanderbilt university
Exemptions of required courses are determined on an individual basis in consultation with the faculty director and the
Office of Academic Programs. A substitute course(s) must be
taken in place of the exempt course(s). The Office of Academic Programs reviews all incoming student transcripts to
determine whether the student is exempt by credential from
MGT 6322 Managerial Economics. All students are encouraged to review all other required courses before matriculating
in the program and to alert the MAcc faculty director when
their prior course work suggests they would be better served
exempting a required course(s).
Substitute courses taken in place of exempt courses and
courses that replace internship credits are elective courses.
Students may not enroll in courses for which they do not
have the prerequisite course(s), and will be dropped from
the course roster if they have not completed the prerequisite
Pass/Fail Courses
There is one Pass/Fail course in the Master of Accountancy
curriculum: MGT 6515 Audit Internship. No other course
taken in the Owen Graduate School of Management and used
to meet graduation requirements may be taken on a Pass/Fail
Independent/Directed Study and Project Courses
Independent/directed study and project courses cannot be
used to meet graduation requirements. Such courses are
appropriate for students who find that they are short a modest
number of credit hours for CPA licensure.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not permitted.
A common grading system is used in all Owen Graduate
School of Management courses. Grade assignment for MAcc
students differs from the other Owen degree programs in one
regard-traditional letter grades appear in the students transcripts instead of SP/HP/P/LP. Owen faculty use the following
recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
MGT 322 and 331 All other courses
Maximum 25%
Maximum 30%
At least 35%
At least 25%
Quality Points
Master of Accountancy
(Information and dates subject to change)
Fall Semester 2015*
First Day of Classes, Module I
Last Day of Classes, Module I
Module I Exam Period
Immersion Week
Winter Break
vanderbilt university
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt MAcc Valuation program must
receive the favorable recommendation of the OGSM faculty,
Residence Requirement
The MAcc Valuation program requires four modulesthe
equivalent of two semestersof full-time study. Students must
be enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours per semester to
maintain full-time status. Residence for one academic year is
Course Number
Course Title
MGT 6315
MGT 6401
Credit Hours
MGT 6316
Engagement Documentation
MGT 6402
Financial Economics II
MGT 6405
Financial Modeling
MGT 6410
Financial Reporting I
MGT 6519
Audit Institutions
MGT 6519
Audit Institutions, continued
MGT 6410
Financial Reporting II
MGT 6412
Taxation of Business and Investment Transactions
MGT 6414
Research in Financial Reporting
MGT 6431
Corporate Value Management
MGT 6516
Accounting Valuation Internship or electives
MGT 6416
Advanced Cost Accounting
MGT 6418
Strategic Management
MGT 6511
Advanced Financial Reporting
MGT 6513
Financial Statement Analysis
MGT 6517
Introduction to Law and Business
Exemptions of required courses are determined on an individual basis in consultation with the faculty director and the
Office of Academic Programs. A substitute course(s) must be
taken in place of the exempt course(s). Students are encouraged to review all required courses before matriculation in the
program and to contact the MAcc faculty director when their
prior course work suggests that they would be better served
exempting a required course.
Substitute courses taken in place of exempt courses and courses
that replace Internship Credits are elective courses. Students
may not enroll in courses for which they do not have the prerequisite course(s), and will be dropped from the course roster if
they have not completed the prerequisite course(s).
Pass/Fail Courses
There is one Pass/Fail course in the MAcc Valuation curriculum:
MGT 6516 Audit Internship. No other course taken in the
Owen Graduate School of Management and used to meet
graduation requirements may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
Quality Points
OWEN SERVICE AWARD is presented to graduating students who have demonstrated outstanding effort and energy
in leadership and community involvement and passion for
student life. The awards are reserved for students who unselfishly focus on making the Owen Graduate School of Management a better place for everyone.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not permitted.
A common grading system is used in all Owen Graduate
School of Management courses. Grade assignment for MAcc
students differs from the other Owen degree programs in one
regard-traditional letter grades appear in the students transcripts instead of SP/HP/P/LP. Owen faculty use the following
recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
Maximum 30%
At least 25%
vanderbilt university
Master of Accountancy Valuation
(Information and dates subject to change)
Summer 2015
Financial Economics
Immersion Week
Winter Break
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt MMHC degree must receive
the favorable recommendation of the Owen School faculty,
earn a minimum of 30 credit hours, successfully complete all
Residence Requirement
The MMHC program requires six modulesthe equivalent of
three semestersof full-time study. Students must be enrolled
in a minimum of 10 credit hours per semester to maintain fulltime status. Residence for one calendar year is required.
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
EMGT 7803
Economics of Health Care Delivery
EMGT 7821
Managerial Economics
EMGT 7874
Spreadsheets for Business Analytics I
EMGT 7842
Leading Teams in Organizations
EMGT 7861
Strategic Marketing of Health Care Services
EMGT 7875
Spreadsheets for Business Analytics II
EMGT 7850
Capstone Project
EMGT 7871
Operations Management
EMGT 7878
Configuring and Optimizing Health Care Operations
EMGT 7818
Financial Management of Health Care Institutions
EMGT 7831
Managerial Finance
EMGT 7851
Capstone Project (continued)
EMGT 7809
Health Care Accounting
EMGT 7811
Financial and Managerial Accounting
EMGT 7852
Capstone Project (continued)
EMGT 7853
Capstone Project (continued)
EMGT 7856
Strategic Management
EMGT 7857
Strategies for High Performance Health Care Organizations
vanderbilt university
Course exemptions are not permitted.
Pass/Fail Courses
There is one Pass/Fail course in the MMHC curriculum:
Spreadsheets for Business Analytics. No other MMHC courses
may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not permitted.
Faculty use the following recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
SP-Superior pass
HP-High pass
LP-Low pass
Maximum 25%
At least 35%
Grade Description
Superior Pass
High Pass
Low Pass
Quality Points
Refund %
Master of Management in Health Care
(Information and dates subject to change)
Fall Semester 2015
Module I
Module II
August 15
August 20
October 22
Thanksgiving Break
November 26
Winter Break
January 14
March 14
May 16
July 21
vanderbilt university
Academic Policies
Degree Requirements
Candidates for the Vanderbilt MSF degree must receive the
favorable recommendation of the Owen School faculty, earn
a minimum of 33 credit hours, successfully complete all
Residence Requirement
The MSF program requires four modulesthe equivalent of
two semestersof full-time study. Students must be enrolled
in a minimum of twelve credit hours per semester to maintain
full-time status. Residence for one academic year is required.
Course Number
Course Title
Credit Hours
MGT 6401
Financial Economics I
MGT 6406
Professional Development and Communication
MGT 6311
Introduction to Accounting
MGT 6402
Financial Economics II
MGT 6403
MGT 6405
Financial Modeling
MGT 6404 Econometrics
MGT 6431
Corporate Value Management
MGT 6533
Derivatives Markets
Accounting Requirement
MSF students are required to complete two credit hours of accounting. Students may be exempt from MGT 6311 Introduction to Financial Accounting
based upon their previous accounting studies. Standards for exemption are determined by the MSF program committee, and individual exemptions must
be approved by the MSF program director. Students who are exempted from MGT 6311 Introduction to Financial Accounting are required to take MGT
6410 Financial Reporting and are strongly encouraged to take MGT 6411 Financial Reporting.
MSF students are required to take at least 16 credit hours of
elective courses. A minimum of 8 credit hours must be chosen
from the list of finance elective courses. Elective courses
approved by the MSF Program Committee may be used to
meet graduation requirements. To enroll in and receive credit
for a course that is not an approved elective, students should
consult with the program director. Students may not enroll in
courses for which they do not have the prerequisite course(s)
and will be dropped from the course roster if they have not
completed the prerequisite course(s).
MSF students must choose a minimum of eight credit hours from the following:
Course Number
MGT 6432
MGT 6433
MGT 6435
MGT 6436
MGT 6510
MGT 6530
MGT 6531
MGT 6532
MGT 6534
MGT 6535
MGT 6536
MGT 6537
Course Title
Corporate Financial Policy
International Financial Markets and Instruments
Applied Investment Management
Bond Markets
Federal Income Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions
Private Equity and Leveraged Buyout (short course)
Risk Management
Financial Data Analysis
Derivative Securities Valuation
Active Portfolio Analysis and Trading
Corporate Restructuring (short course)
Credit Hours
Course Title
Credit Hours
Business in the World Economy
Managerial Economics
Financial Reporting I and II (2 credit hours per mod)
Taxation of Business and Investment Transactions
Advanced Management Accounting (Not offered 2015/2016)
Advanced Cost Accounting
Financial Analysis of Environmental, Social, and Governance Data
Corporate Strategies for Environmental, Social, and Governance Issues 2
Commercial Real Estate Transactions (short course)
Real Estate Financial Analysis
Real Estate Investment and Development
Advanced Real Estate Valuation
Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis
Taxation of Business Entities
Financial Statement Analysis
Introduction to Law and Business
Property Law for Business Students (short course)
Advanced Spreadsheets for IT Applications
The following courses are in high demand by MBA students as they satisfy curriculum requirements. Enrollment is limited and on a space-available
basis. Consult the Office of Academic Programs for further information.
MGT 6425
Game Theory and Business Strategy
MGT 6448
MGT 6456
Ethics in Business
MGT 6524/6525
Seminar in Monetary and Fiscal Policy (1 credit hour per mod;
both mods required)
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
vanderbilt university
Exemptions of required courses are determined on an individual basis in consultation with the MSF program director
and the Office of Academic Programs. A substitute course(s)
must be taken in place of the exemption(s).
Pass/Fail Courses
There is one Pass/Fail course in the MSF curriculum: MGT
6406, Professional Development and Communication. No
other credit-hour course taken in the Owen Graduate School
of Management and used to meet graduation requirements
may be taken on a Pass/Fail basis.
Independent/Directed Study, Capstone Courses,
and Project Courses
No more than 2 credit hours of project work not associated with
an established course may be used to meet graduation requirements. All project work must be approved by the professor who
will supervise such work and the MSF program director. The
Office of Academic Programs provides guidelines for proposals
to be submitted for such projects. Projects must be supervised
by a member of the finance faculty and cannot be graded on a
Pass/Fail basis. The Office of Academic Programs will not accept
proposals for project or independent study courses after the first
week of the module in which such work is to be undertaken.
Transfer Credit
Transfer credit is not permitted. (See MSF dual degree curriculum for transfer policy for MSF/JD candidates.)
Faculty use the following recommended grade distribution:
Letter grade
Core course
Elective course
SP-Superior pass
HP-High pass
LP-Low pass
Maximum 25%
Maximum 30%
At least 35%
At least 25%
Grade Description
Superior Pass
High Pass
Low Pass
Quality Points
Curriculum Requirements
A total of 24 credit hours at the Owen Graduate School of Management are required for the MSF/JD22 hours from finance courses and 2 hours from
an accounting course. 9 hours of transferred credit from the Law School will be granted to earn the 33 credit hours required for the degree. The
class schedule is as follows:
Course Number
MGT 6401
MGT 6311
MGT 6402
MGT 6403
MGT 6405
MGT 6404
MGT 6431
MGT 6533
Course Title
Credit Hours
Financial Economics I
Introduction to Accounting
Financial Economics II
Financial Modeling
Corporate Valuation
Derivatives Markets
MSF/JD students are required to take 8 credit hours of finance electives. These are listed below. Note that not all classes are offered in every mod.
Course Number
MGT 6432
MGT 6433
MGT 6435
MGT 6436
MGT 6510
MGT 6530
MGT 6531
MGT 6532
MGT 6534
MGT 6535
MGT 6536
MGT 6537
Course Title
Corporate Financial Policy
International Financial Markets and Instruments
Applied Investment Management
Bond Markets
Federal Income Taxation of Mergers and Acquisitions
Mergers and Acquisitions
Private Equity and Leveraged Buyouts (short course)
Risk Management
Financial Data Analysis
Derivative Securities Valuation
Active Portfolio Analysis and Trading
Corporate Restructuring (short course)
Credit Hours
MSF/JD students may take a maximum of one of the following electives with approval of the MSF program director:
MGT 6437
MGT 6438
MGT 6439
NOTE: New course numbers took effect in fall 2015. Former course numbers are included in course descriptions in this catalog and at this website:
vanderbilt university
Master of Science in Finance
(Information and dates subject to change)
Summer 2015
MSF Orientation
Financial Economics I and
Professional Communication
Fall Semester 2015
Orientationall incoming students
First Day of Classes, Module I
Labor Day*
Last Day of Classes, Module I
Module I Exam Period
Short/Immersion Courses
First Day of Classes, Module II
Thanksgiving Break
Last Day of Classes, Module II
Module II Exam Period
Winter Break
**Classes do not meet on Monday, January 18 (MLK holiday), but will meet on Friday, January 22.
Topics include the time value of money, capital budgeting, measuring risk
in financial markets, market efficiency and an introduction to options. [2]
MGT 6342. Leading Teams and Organizations. [Formerly MGT 342]
Exposes students to the principles of leadership and their application in
business contexts. Through experiential exercises and cases, students
are given the tools to analyze and develop their ability to lead others in
groups and organizations. A major emphasis is placed on the dynamics of
small group processes, with students provided the opportunity to become
aware of how they personally work in teams. [2]
MGT 6351. Management Communication. [Formerly MGT 351A] The
course helps students develop strong presentation and interpersonal
communication skills, a unique personal brand, and the ability to tailor their
communication style to the intended audience. Weekly oral presentations,
impromptu speaking exercises, videotape reviews, immediate feedback,
and peer ranking help students master a full range of communication tools.
MGT 6352. Managerial Writing. [Formerly MGT 352] The course advances business writing skills by exploring language constructs, audience
frames of reference, grammatical structure, and vocabulary. By identifying
individual strengths and weaknesses, each student creates an action plan
to improve their written communication skills. Students develop a portfolio of business writing examples. Each class session requires students
to submit a written deliverable based on applied business situations and
respond to detailed feedback. [1]
MGT 6355. Strategic Management. [Formerly MGT 355] This course
introduces tools and concepts for identifying, formulating, and implementing corporate strategy. This includes frameworks that tie together internal
capabilities, external conditions, and acquisition and deployment of assets
for the purpose of improving the performance of the organization. Skills
will be developed in conceptualizing strategy and thinking through the impact of changes in the internal and external environments of companies.
Students will apply critical thinking, problem solving, financial analysis, and
communication strategies to realistic management situations. Topics included are self-assessment, team building, case analysis, data gathering
and synthesis, management writing and presentations, and management
simulations. [2]
MGT 6361. Marketing Management. [Formerly MGT 361] Designed to
introduce students to basic marketing principles and concepts. Marketing
is the business function that manages customer value. Successful organizations integrate the objectives and resources of the organization with the
needs and opportunities in the marketplace to create customer value and
(thereby) create value for the firm. Effective implementation of marketing
concepts requires knowledge of key relationships between internal (company) and external (competitors and customers) environments and how they
are influenced by the marketing mix (product management, pricing, distribution channels and promotion strategy). Students are challenged to apply the
principles they learn in class to current, real world marketing situations. [2]
MGT 6371. Operations Management. [Formerly MGT 371] An overview
of operations management in both service and manufacturing organizations with an emphasis on international operations. Topics include operations strategy, process analysis, quality control, queuing, and enterprise
planning systems, lean manufacturing, and supply chain management. [2]
MGT 6381. Managerial Statistics. [Formerly MGT 381] This course
provides an introduction to how statistical methods provide a direct way
of dealing with a wide range of managerial problems. It focuses on exploratory data analysis, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis, and
uses these methods to study the most important types of business models, and to develop even better ones. Students have the opportunity to
use business data of their choice to construct models for estimation and
prediction that solve problems in which they have a particular interest. [2]
MGT 6401. Financial Economics I (MSF and MAccVal). [Formerly
MGT 401] This is an intensive one-week course offered prior to Mod 1
to provide students with an introduction to the central themes of finance.
We study the basic problems in corporate financial management and investments. The course is organized around the theme of asset valuation.
Topics covered include the time value of money, stock and bond valuation,
derivative pricing, and market efficiency. [2]
MGT 6402. Financial Economics II (MSF and MAccVal). [Formerly
MGT 402] This Mod 1 MSF course continues the study of corporate financial management and investments initiated in MGT 6401. In this course,
we focus on the yield curve, the price behavior of risky securities, the
Capital Asset Pricing Model, capital budgeting, and the investors portfolio
optimization problem. We also examine several advanced topics including
the Black-Scholes option pricing model and hedge funds. [2]
MGT 6403. Econometrics (MSF). [Formerly MGT 403A] Measurement,
specification, and estimation of microeconomic models for the purposes
of testing hypotheses and forecasting. Analysis of specification of errors
in single equation estimation of economic relations and an introduction to
the estimation and application of simultaneous equation models. [2]
MGT 6404. Econometrics (MSF). [Formerly MGT 403B] Measurement,
specification, and estimation of microeconomic models for the purposes
of testing hypotheses and forecasting. Analysis of specification of errors
in single equation estimation of economic relations and an introduction to
the estimation and application of simultaneous equation models. [2]
MGT 6405. Financial Modeling (MSF and MAccVal). [Formerly MGT
405] Financial modeling refers to the practice of building a mathematical
or computational model to assist in financial decision-making. The key
tools of financial modeling are statistics, regression analysis, optimization
techniques, and Monte Carlo simulation. This course focuses on the application of these tools to financial problems using Microsoft Excel and
real-time data. [2]
MGT 6406. Professional Development and Communications (MSF).
[Formerly MGT 404] The course teaches students to develop communication strategies for realistic business situations. Skills development focuses
on networking, personal branding, business writing, oral presentations,
and career management. Instructors use videotaping, feedback, and peer
evaluations extensively. [1]
MGT 6410. Financial Reporting I. [Formerly MGT 411A] This is the first
part of the financial reporting course. This two-mod course provides students
with refined tools to prepare, understand, and analyze financial statements.
The fundamentals of assets, liabilities, and equities covered in MGT 6311
will be reviewed, and the more complex issues surrounding these elements
will be unpacked, analyzed, and interpreted. In addition, students will be
exposed to the link between the economics of corporate transactions and
how those transactions are accumulated, summarized, and reported in the
financials of firms. The course considers the financial reporting framework
that has been established by International Financial Reporting Standards but
will primarily focus on the financial reporting standards established by the
Financial Accounting Standards Board (US GAAP). By the completion of this
course, students will be comfortable with the preparation of financial statements and the accompanying notes, as well as the economic implications of
transactions that are included therein. Students will improve their familiarity
with how accounting information is used to evaluate economic conditions
and make organizational decisions. Prerequisite: MGT 6311. [2]
MGT 6411. Financial Reporting II. [Formerly MGT 411B] This is the second part of the financial reporting course. This two-mod course provides
students with refined tools to prepare, understand, and analyze financial
statements. The fundamentals of assets, liabilities, and equities covered
in MGT 6311 will be reviewed, and the more complex issues surrounding
these elements will be unpacked, analyzed, and interpreted. In addition,
students will be exposed to the link between the economics of corporate
transactions and how those transactions are accumulated, summarized,
and reported in the financials of firms. The course considers the financial
reporting framework that has been established by International Financial
Reporting Standards but will primarily focus on the financial reporting
standards established by the Financial Accounting Standards Board (US
GAAP). By the completion of this course, students will be comfortable with
vanderbilt university
the preparation of financial statements and the accompanying notes, as
well as the economic implications of transactions that are included therein.
Students will improve their familiarity with how accounting information is
used to evaluate economic conditions and make organizational decisions.
Prerequisite: MGT 6311. [2]
MGT 6412. Taxation of Business and Investment Transactions. [Formerly MGT 412] This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of federal income taxation that apply to business and financial transactions typical
of most taxpayers, such as choice of business entity; measurement of taxable income (loss) from operations; acquisitions and dispositions of property; nontaxable exchanges; cost recovery; compensation and retirement
planning; and investment and personal financial planning. The objectives
of the course are to educate students about the role taxes play in financial
and managerial decision-making; provide them with a working knowledge
of those principles of tax law that are of wide application and importance;
develop their intuition about the likely tax consequences of business and
investment transactions; begin developing in them an appreciation of tax
planning as a process for maximizing wealth; and give them a good foundation for increasing their tax knowledge through advanced courses, selfeducation, or on-the-job training. To help students understand and become
conversant with the fundamental concepts of federal income taxation, the
instructor uses a problem-oriented approach that requires students to apply the more important principles of tax law to discrete factual situations.
Prerequisite: Mgt. 6311 or consent of the instructor. [2]
MGT 6413. Advanced Management Accounting. [Formerly MGT 413]
This course builds on the tools learned in MGT 6312, Introduction to
Managerial Accounting. The course has more of a marketing focus than
a manufacturing one and develops skills managers need to make profit
enhancing decisions. It uses case studies to explore in depth the actual
application of managerial accounting techniques to real world management problems. The cases relate to companies whose managers have
developed innovative ways of using financial data to run their companies.
Prerequisite: MGT 6311. [2] (Not offered 2015/2016)
MGT 6414. Research in Financial Reporting (MAcc). [Formerly MGT
414A] This accounting course is designed to provide students with the
ability to research and provide analytical accounting recommendations
for difficult and complex financial reporting issues. This course covers all
accounting standards issued regardless of whether the client is public or
private, or for-profit or non-profit, or national or international. Because of
the multiple numbers of standard setters that exist globally, students need
to understand how to find answers to critical issues. [2]
MGT 6415. Audit Institutions and Processes (MAcc). [Formerly MGT
415A] This course serves those entering the audit service line of an international public accounting firm. It fosters the development of a fundamental understanding of the assurance service market and associated
engagement-level processes. The focus is (1) the nature and value of external audits of corporate financial statements, (2) the structure and performance of the public accounting profession, (3) approaches to assessing
the risk of material misstatement and evaluating financial statement assertions, and (4) the conceptual and practical problems attest providers face.
The emphasis throughout the course is professional judgment as opposed
to off-the-shelf mechanical rules. [2]
MGT 6416. Advanced Cost Accounting. [Formerly MGT 416] Accounting addresses the measurement, aggregation, and evaluation of economic
information useful for decision making. This information is frequently consolidated, organized, and presented in the form of financial statements.
MGT 6410 and 6411 address general purpose external financial reports,
primarily the balance sheet, income statement, and statement of cash
flows. These statements are provided to individuals outside the firm who
do not have the authority to compel management to provide the information they desire. These statements are further described as external
because their primary users are groups and individuals outside of the firm,
such as shareholders, security analysts, and other interested parties. This
course focuses on internally available information, much of which is not
required for disclosure in the external financial statements. Analysis of
such proprietary, internal information, the product of the firms managerial
accounting systems, will be the course focus. Users of these internal information sources are managers, directors, investment bankers, consultants,
internal and external auditors. This course is not available for students
who have taken MGT 6413. Prerequisite MGT 6311 or equivalent. [2]
MGT 6425. Game Theory and Business Strategy. [Formerly MGT 425]
Game theory is a discipline that offers a systematic way of analyzing problems of strategic behavior in interactive situations. This course develops
basic concepts from game theory and applies them to business strategy.
Some of the concepts to be considered include (1) decision tree analysis;
(2) looking forward and reasoning backward; (3) anticipating the moves
of the rival; (4) inducing cooperation; (5) strategic use of commitments,
threats, promises, and credibility; (6) preemptive moves and deterrence;
and (7) creating and using ones reputation strategically. The strategic significance of these concepts will be demonstrated through business case
studies. Prerequisite: MGT 6321. [2]
Approaches to valuation include dividend discount models, cash flow
models, and valuation by multiples. Financial statement data are used in
developing cash flow forecasts, and market data are used in estimating
the cost of capital. The effects of firm financing policy, corporate taxes,
and potential investment options are given special consideration. Applications include capital budgeting, the evaluation of potential mergers and acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. The objective of the course is to
show how to manage companies to add value. Prerequisite: MGT 6331. [2]
MGT 6432. Corporate Financial Policy. [Formerly MGT 432B] Examines major policies and financial decisions of a corporation. The topics
considered are corporate governance and management compensation
plans, optimal capital structure, uses of various financial instruments,
bankruptcy and reorganization, security issuance and going private, dividend policy, and repurchase decisions. Prerequisite: MGT 6431. [2]
MGT 6433. International Financial Markets. [Formerly MGT 433A]
Presents financial issues for firms and investors participating in global markets. The topics considered are the international monetary system, foreign
exchange markets and the determinants of exchange rates, managing exchange risk, international investments and raising capital in global financial
markets. Prerequisite or Corequisite: MGT 6431. [2]
MGT 6434. Commercial Real Estate Transactions. [Formerly MGT
439C] This course will provide a brief overview and introduction to selected topics in the law governing the purchase and financing of real estate,
with a particular focus upon commercial transactions. Topics will likely
include the following: negotiation and drafting of the purchase sale contract, the buyers due diligence investigation (including coverage of title
investigation and the role of title insurance), remedies for breach of contract, negotiation and drafting of the commercial lease, the mortgage deed
of trust, negotiation and drafting of mortgage documentation (e.g., mortgagees rights to rents, prepayment rights), foreclosure, and the impact of
bankruptcy upon the mortgagees rights. [1short course]
MGT 6435. Applied Investment Management. [Formerly MGT 435A]
The range of available investment opportunities continues to grow at an
increasing rate. The ability to (a) quantify the expected return/risk properties of these different opportunities, (b) decide on the optimal allocation
of investment funds across available opportunities, and (c) assess the
performance of specific strategies after the fact is called applied investment management. This course is intended to provide students with an
operational knowledge of applied investment management. The problems
addressed are those of the managers of pension funds, endowments, private wealth accounts, mutual funds, hedge funds, and the like. A variety
of quantitative techniques including simulation are used to show the actual
practice of investment management. Prerequisite: MGT 6430. [2]
MGT 6436. Bond Markets. [Formerly MGT 435B] Explores the government, municipal, and corporate debt markets. Topics reviewed include the
term structure of interest rates, interest rate risk, duration and convexity,
and mortgage backed securities. Prerequisite: MGT 6430. [2]
MGT 6437. Real Estate Financial Analysis. [Formerly MGT 437] The
purpose of this course is to introduce students to pro forma real estate
investment analysis and associated basic concepts and terminology. The
course will also incorporate an intensive introduction to ARGUS, the real
estate industry standard software for projecting cash flows, transaction
analysis, and valuation. Prerequisite: MGT 6432. [2]
MGT 6438. Real Estate Development. [Formerly MGT 438] This course
will provide an introduction to the practices of real estate investment and
development. The course will start by presenting the characteristics of the
various types of real estate and will make an effort to introduce students to
real-world examples of each property type. The course will then focus on
real estate development, from both an academic and a practical perspective. From an academic perspective, we will examine the development of
real estate as a component of the greater spectrum of available real estate
investments. We will then put this academic understanding to work by
examining the practicalities of developing real estate through a series of
cases and real-world situational examples. Finally, the course will explore
careers in real estate, from the perspective of MBA students looking to enter this fun and exciting field. This class does not count toward the finance
concentration. Prerequisite: MGT 6431 and MGT 6437. [2]
vanderbilt university
MGT 6439. Advanced Real Estate Valuation. [Formerly MGT 439] The
course covers valuation, financing strategies and ownership structures
for the primary commercial property types. In addition, coverage of the
pricing and analysis of mortgages, leases, and mortgage-backed securities will be examined. Moreover, important elements in the management
of real estate portfolios will be introduced and discussed. Class has a
strong emphasis on outside speakers who are actively engaged in the
commercial real estate business. Prerequisite: MGT 6430 and MGT 6431
or permission of instructor. [2]
MGT 6440. Strategic Alignment of Human Capital. [Formerly MGT
440] The course is designed to help managers and entrepreneurs improve
business results by making better decisions about the management of human capital. Focus will be on mapping business models, identifying pivot
points where human capital investments have the highest marginal value,
and designing programs that align employees skills and efforts with the
achievement of organizational strategies. While students anticipating a career in human resource management and organizational development will
benefit from this class, it is explicitly designed to give general managers
the knowledge and skills they need to develop frameworks to diagnose
problems, propose solutions, and make effective resource allocation decisions. Prerequisite: MGT 6342. [2]
MGT 6441. Managerial and Organizational Effectiveness. [Formerly
MGT 441] Examines the effects of organization design on organizational
learning and performance. Traditional as well as innovative designs for
organizational structures and processes will be explored. Topics include
the impact of environment, technology, culture, and power and politics on
organizational design, and the emergence of new organizational designs.
Prerequisite: MGT 6342. [2]
MGT 6442. Talent Management. [Formerly MGT 442] The study of
the process by which firms project their human resource needs and the
policies and practices they use to meet these needs. Firms must identify,
acquire, develop, and allocate scarce and difficult-to-retain talent to ensure the achievement of business objectives. Topics include employment
branding, lateral hiring, talent shortages, career paths, internal development, and managing non-traditional sources of labor. This class will allow
current and future entrepreneurs, general managers, and human resource
professionals to design and implement effective, cutting-edge talent management systems. [2]
MGT 6443. Advanced Corporate Valuation. This course builds on Corporate Valuation (MGT 6431) by applying the methods of intrinsic valuation
(discounted cash flow) and relative valuation (multiples) to more interesting
and real world situations. Topics to be discussed include valuing young,
start-up firms, firms with abnormal or negative earnings, and distressed
firms. We will focus on the challenges in valuing these firms in simple
situations, but also discuss the implications of valuing these types of firms
in the context of leveraged buy outs. Assessment in this course will be
based on group project work, class participation, and an individual valuation project. Prerequisite MGT 6431 [2]
MGT 6444. Leadership: Theory and Practice. [Formerly MGT 444]
Focuses on leadership theory and its application to students careers.
Leadership concepts include traits, situations, communication, power, vision, integrity, emotional intelligence, and courage. Students develop a
fundamental understanding of theory and research, and acquire skills and
self-insight to become effective leaders. Prerequisite: MGT 6342. [2] (Not
offered 2015/2016)
MGT 6445. Talent Sourcing and Acquisition. [Formerly MGT 445] Talent sourcing and acquisition is the process by which organizations identify, recruit, evaluate, engage, and deploy talent. Students will develop a
practical understanding of employment law, job and competency analysis,
labor market segmentation, employment branding, internal and external
recruitment, talent assessment methods (biodata, personality testing, performance testing, structured interviews, and assessment centers), and
utility analysis. Emphasis will be placed on developing talent sourcing and
acquisition systems that are reliable, valid, legal, and useful. Prerequisite:
MGT 6342. [2] (Not offered 2015/2016)
MGT 6446. Compensation Decision-Making. [Formerly MGT 446]
Analysis of approaches to the motivation of human performance through
increasing their firms spending on reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Increasingly, they say that global warming and the environment is the social issue that will most affect shareholder value for companies in their
industry. This course will examine corporate responses to climate change
to assess the legal, economic, and social influences on firm environmental
behavior. Greenhouse gasses are coming under both state and federal
regulation in the US and abroad. In addition, much private regulation of
firm environmental behavior occurs in the shadow of public environmental
laws. Whether due to pressure from consumers, investors or the public at
large, firms are voluntarily reducing greenhouse gas emissions as well as
other forms of pollution beyond what is currently required under the law.
The course will draw on theoretical and empirical literature to explore the
incentives for firms to comply and over-comply with environmental laws,
to participate in voluntary programs, and to address environmental issues
in corporate transactions. The course is designed for both Owen and Law
students. It will be highly interdisciplinary, drawing upon fields such as
law, business, economics, and social psychology. Part one of a two-mod
course (Mods 1 and 2). [2 credits total; 1 credit per mod]
MGT 6455. The Law and Business of Climate Change. [Formerly
MGT 455B] The course is designed for both Owen and Law students. It
will be highly interdisciplinary, drawing upon fields such as law, business,
economics, and social psychology. This is part two of a two-mod course
sequence MGT 5454 and MGT 6455. [2 credits total; 1 credit per mod]
MGT 6456. Ethics in Business. [Formerly MGT 456] Considers management practice and business leadership from a personal ethical perspective.
We explore how ethical concerns color, change, detract, and/or add to
ones approach to life in work and other organizations, as both leader and
member. The issues raised and discussed create opportunities to inquire
into our own ethics and to gain insights into our own approaches to leadership and collaborative work. We consider a range of approaches people
in businesses use to assure (and fail to assure) ethical business practice.
Circumstances drawn from case studies and contemporary events, as
well as experiences of members of the class, are used as springboards for
discussions. This is a required course in the MBA curriculum. [2]
MGT 6460. Marketing Communications: Advertising and Social
Media. [Formerly MGT 460] This course covers the overall communications strategy with prime emphasis on the role of advertising and theories of how advertising works. Typical topics covered include targeting,
creative strategy, media strategy, including an emphasis on social media,
budgeting, setting communications objectives, and advertising agency
management. Complements MGT 6464, Sales Promotion. Assignments
include readings, cases, written case reports, and advertising group projects. Prerequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6461. Consumer Insights for Marketing Decision-Making.
[Formerly MGT 461A] This course is designed to provide an overview of
qualitative marketing research and its use in making effective marketing
decisions. Because MBA students are not typically training for careers
in market research, the course emphasizes two things that are very relevant for a marketing manager: (1) how to evaluate the design of research
studies to assess whether the results are valid and meaningful, and (2)
how to analyze and interpret market research data for marketing decision
making. We examine a variety of qualitative research techniques including focus groups, observation, in-depth interviews, ZMET, and projective
techniques. This course provides students with hands on experiences
conducting actual research relevant to real world issues. Prerequisite or
corequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6462. Consumer Analysis. [Formerly MGT 462] At its basic premise,
marketing is an attempt to influence consumers toward a purchasing act
(and oftentimes a non-act). This course seeks to provide insights into consumer pedagogies (e.g., psychology, sociology, social psychology) used
in developing effective marketing strategies. In addition to learning how a
deeper appreciation of consumer behavior analysis can inform the design of
effective marketing, you will also gain a better understanding of yourself as
a participant in marketing influence. Assignments include readings, cases,
written case reports, and group projects. Prerequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6463. Quantitative Analysis for Marketing Decision-Making.
[Formerly MGT 461B] This course is designed to provide an overview of
survey research and its use in making effective marketing decisions. Because MBA students are not typically training for careers in market research,
the course emphasizes the analysis and interpretation of market research
data for marketing decision making, and the design of research studies
so that the results are both meaningful and valid. The course focuses on
descriptive research, primarily survey research, as well as touching briefly
on causal research (e.g., experimentation and test marketing). The best
way to learn the material in this course (even for a marketing manager who
may not actually engage in data analysis in the future) is through a hands
on experience. Towards this end, students will design and implement a
questionnaire, collect data, and analyze the data using statistical software.
The course will apply many of the statistical techniques learned thus far in
the Owen MBA program, such as t-tests, ANOVA, regression, and correlation. Additionally, we will discuss data reduction (e.g., factor analysis),
scale reliability (e.g., Cronbach alpha) and more advanced marketing data
analysis techniques, such as conjoint analysis, perceptual mapping, and
cluster analysis. The emphasis in this course will be on the interpretation
and proper use of marketing research techniques, with the goal of training
knowledgeable marketing managers who can evaluate the quality of marketing research conducted by others and use the information effectively in
making strategic marketing decisions. Prerequisite: MGT 6361.[2]
MGT 6464. Selling Strategy: Promotions, Persuasion and Public
Relations. [Formerly MGT 464] This course equips students with the
tools necessary to craft an effective integrated strategy for the promotion
of goods and services. Students will learn about the variety of consumer
and trade-oriented sales promotions available to marketers and how to
design such promotions for maximum sales as well as branding impact.
The course will also consider how business success can be facilitated by
a strong sales effort. To this end, the course will cover the role of selling
in the broader marketing plan, as well as principles of successful selling.
Sales promotion and selling are the two main foci of the course, but other
integrated marketing communications tools will be covered including public relations, direct marketing, sponsorships, and merchandizing. Although
the principles of effective advertising are exclusively covered in MGT 6460,
this course will cover optimal strategies for the integration of sales promotion and advertising, with particular focus on the life cycle of the brand.
The course serves as a complement to MGT 6460, but neither course
serves as prerequisite for the other. Prerequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6465. Marketing Models. [Formerly MGT 461C] Marketing decisions are primarily the purview of CEOs, CMOs, consultants, and marketing managers, but, increasingly, marketing has permeated throughout
companies such that all managers must consider their customers. Marketing decisions are optimal when they are fact based, and marketing models
are informed by both data and judgment. Models will be studied, created, and tested for all elements of marketing: clustering customers into
segments, forecasting market sizes, customer relationship management
database systems, diffusion rates for new products, advertising budgeting,
pricing models, etc. Prerequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6467. New Product Development. [Formerly MGT 467] The new
product development process is examined from idea to launch, covering
elements such as idea generation and screening to market scoping and
testing. As part of the course, students will collaborate in teams to work
on a new product development project for an actual company. Multiple
techniques will be applied, including concept testing, conjoint analysis,
forecasting, new product diffusion structures and rates, etc. Prerequisite:
MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6468. Brand Management. [Formerly MGT 468] A business
thrives or withers as a function of the health and success of its brands.
This course will give students the tools to develop and execute effective
brand strategies in the aim of building and maintaining strong brands that
endure over time, and that can withstand competitive threats. Emphasis
will be given to category management, and students will learn how to develop and position product lines, when (and when not) to pursue brand extensions, and the principles of creating, preserving, and leveraging brand
equity. Prerequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6472. Supply Chain Management and Information. [Formerly
MGT 472] An introductory course on managing material and information
flows throughout the supply chain, including aspects of product design
vanderbilt university
and configuration, inventory planning, network configuration, and channel management. Topics include managing products with short life cycles,
strategic alliances and information sharing, supplier development, and
electronic supply hubs. Prerequisite: MGT 6371. [2]
MGT 6473. Health Care Operations. [Formerly MGT 473] The health
care industry is large and growing. Faced with rising costs and quality
issues, health care organizations are under unprecedented pressure to
improve efficiency and quality. Consequently, there is a big opportunity
for health care organizations to better manage their operations. In this
course, we will analyze operational issues in health care organizations using both qualitative and quantitative principles of operations management.
The course focuses on three areas of health care operations management: (1) designing health care delivery systems, (2) capacity planning and
decision making under uncertainty, and (3) process failure, learning, and
improvement. The course is largely case based. Case settings include
hospitals as well as other organizations such as pharmaceutical companies. Grades are based on class participation, three case write-ups (done
in groups), and a group project. The course builds on the core course in
operations management, and will benefit students interested in consulting,
operations management, and/or health care. Prerequisite: MGT 6371. [2]
MGT 6475. Operations Strategy. [Formerly MGT 475] Includes the importance of manufacturing strategy to overall business strategy, as well as
its relationship to other functional strategies in the firm. Additional topics
include management of process technology, location and capacity management, and manufacturing performance measurement and how these
issues affect competitive advantage. Lectures, outside readings, guest
speakers, and cases are used to illustrate these concepts. Prerequisite:
MGT 6371.[2]
MGT 6478. Essentials of Project Management. [Formerly MGT 478]
Using a mix of lectures, cases, and hands-on exercises, this intensive,
multi-day short course covers key concepts and issues in project management. The course emphasizes practical tools and techniques for leading a team through the initiation, planning, execution, and close-out phases of a project. As part of the course, students will collaborate in applying
selected team-based project management tools to a multi-segment case
scenario. Specific course topics include the role of projects in supporting organizational strategy, understanding and measuring project success,
elements of effective project initiation, stakeholder management, the work
breakdown structure, project uncertainty assessment, project scheduling
techniques, tools for project monitoring, project closure and learning, and
the skills and capabilities of the effective project manager. [1short course]
MGT 6479. Management of Service Operations. [Formerly MGT 479]
The service sector has become the dominant sector in the global economy, yet productivity growth in the service sector has consistently lagged
that of the manufacturing sector. Consequently, there is a big opportunity
for service firms to better manage their operations. Service operations differ fundamentally from manufacturing operations. For example, customers are often present and can participate in the delivery of a service. The
course focuses on three aspects of managing service operations: design
of service delivery systems, management of service capacity and demand,
and service quality and growth. The course uses a mix of lectures, cases, and simulations. The course covers a wide variety of service settings.
Grades are based on class participation, a simulation, two case write-ups
(done in groups), and a group project. Prerequisite: MGT 6371. [2]
MGT 6480. Business Forecasting. [Formerly MGT 480] Forecasting is an
integral part of managerial planning and decision making. Effective management decision making is dependent upon understanding what data are necessary to the business context and how that data must be transformed to
yield useful information. This course is designed to provide the conceptual
framework and practical experience that will enable the student to effectively use business data to make predictions and forecasts. It will introduce
those forecasting methods that have proven to be the most useful in practice: smoothing methods, multi-regression, time series regression, and BoxJenkins (ARIMA) models. Minitab will be used to make these techniques
accessible. Major topics include: (1) concepts of forecasting models, (2)
how to find the best model, (3) methods for evaluating model performance,
and (4) inferential procedures that gauge the accuracy of predictions and
the effects of predictors. Prerequisite: MGT 6381. [2]
current state of innovation within the health care industry worldwide with
very specific emphasis on the state of health care innovation in the U.S. [2]
MGT 6504. Health Care Economics and Policy. [Formerly MGT 503]
Introduces students to the institutional detail of the health care industry
which affects the fundamental business challenges in delivery, financing,
and technology companies. The objective of the course is to establish a
base comfort level and understanding of the complex interrelationships
among the players in the industry and how this structure has evolved over
time. Students will understand the shortcomings of current systems and
the important issues which must be addressed to create value in health
care systems. Students will leave the course with an improved ability to
frame the important questions in health care which will drive business
strategy. Prerequisite: MGT 6501. [2]
MGT 6506. Health Care Law and Regulation. [Formerly MGT 505] Provides a brief overview of the U.S. health care system and a focused look
at health care policy processes and implications. It includes an analysis of
what policy is, how it is implemented, the effects of various policy decisions, and real life examples of policy in action. The course recognizes that
health care services consume an ever-increasing percentage of the gross
domestic product and thus have far-ranging impact on the economy of
the United States and the lives of all of us as individuals. The course, therefore, is designed for graduate students from a variety of disciplines who
are interested in how policy affects the delivery of health services, the
economic landscape, and society in general. [2]
MGT 6507. Health Care Information Technology. [Formerly MGT 506]
The course is an introduction to the role of information technology in the
health care industry. Although designed around technology applications
for health care, the course focuses on critical issues around IT management applicable across any industry. Whether you are directly responsible
for managing an IT group or will interact significantly with an IT department,
the concepts developed in this course should prove valuable. Designed
around a strategic level, health care IT implementation project, the course
explores several IT related topics including the role of IT in organizational
strategy, technology procurement, needs assessment, project management, economic justification, user support and technology, and business
risk management. (Not offered 2015/2016) [2]
MGT 6508. Health Care Finance. [Formerly MGT 507] This course examines business opportunities within the health care industry and the financial
considerations necessary for effective management of health care service
sector businesses. Our rapidly changing health care industry increasingly
demands that executives consider financial implications when making informed business decisions. As such, this course relies on a case study
approach to give participants the opportunity to apply finance concepts
to scenarios faced by real world health care organizations. Course material, case studies, class discussions, and assigned projects will explore
various approaches for navigating the health care industry transformation
from volume to value through the application of patient-centered care delivery, clinical integration, and provider consolidation. Learning objectives
include the ability to evaluate hospital financial performance, recommend
improvements, and guide future forecasts; generate ideas to strengthen
physician alignment, identify important considerations in the development of
pay-for-performance compensation, and gain working knowledge of physician practice valuation; as well as discuss innovative business solutions that
address health care industry trends. [2]
MGT 6509. Modeling and Analysis of Health Care Data. [Formerly
MGT 509] This course will focus on the key managerial questions in the
health care industry, the unique institutional data that is available, and
how to develop models to address these questions. Topics will include
benchmarking financial, operational, and clinical performance at both and
organizational and market level. Students will be required to develop a
basic familiarity with SAS programming. [2]
MGT 6010. Practice of Transplant Administration. [Formerly MGT
605A] The Practice of Transplant Administration course links the clinical, financial, and operations functions of a hospital transplant center in
a real world setting. Through lectures on the business of transplantation
and transplant clinical processes, a strong understanding of the business
and clinical aspects will be gained. Attendance at the National Practice of
Transplantation Workshop in San Diego in the fall is expected. This opportunity provides an immersion into transplant administration and the opportunity to interact with transplant business professionals from around the
country. This program is the first in the country to be offered at a graduate
business school and is done in partnership with the Vanderbilt Transplant
Center. [2 credits per mod] This is a two-mod course: 6010 and 6011.
MGT 6011. Practice of Transplant Administration. [Formerly MGT
605B] Continuation of MGT 6010 at the Vanderbilt Transplant Center [2
credits per mod] This is a two-mod course sequence that includes MGT
6010 and MGT 6011.
MGT 6012. Health Care Quality Improvement. [Formerly MGT 459C]
Students from the graduate schools of business, medicine, and nursing
will work together in teams throughout the course to facilitate interdisciplinary learning. Topics to be covered throughout the course include:
key readings in research and innovation in quality improvement science,
leadership and teambuilding for quality improvement, change management, organizational design for the continuous learning organization, and
the business case for quality improvement. Students will also participate
in an introductory simulation at Vanderbilts CELA lab and have access
to resources at VUMC to bring a real-world perspective to the course. [1
credit per mod] This is a two-mod course: 6012 and 6013.
MGT 6013. Health Care Quality Improvement. [Formerly MGT 459D]
Continuation of MGT 6012. [1 credit per mod] This is a two-mod course
sequence: MGT 6012 and MGT 6013.
MGT 6014. Health Care Marketing. [Formerly MGT 459E] The course
will examine marketing in the industry in three key aspects: 1) how purchasing decisions are made in health care; 2) how those decisions can be
influenced through use of marketing technologies and; 3) how to design,
budget for and execute marketing plans that meet strategic objectives.
The course will develop competencies in recognizing marketing problems
in business strategy, in asking the correct questions to understand marketing problems, in formulating effective value propositions for end-users
and channel controllers and designing efficient solutions to solving those
marketing problems. The course will have utility both for learners who expect to practice marketing in a health care setting and for learners who will
practice other disciplines in health care management, finance, information
technology and strategy. Marketing strategies that are clearly articulated,
supported by data, and insightful can lead to profitable results, competitive advantage and business success. Health care marketing theory and
models will be presented and discussed and set the stage for case exploration, individual and team assignments and exercises. A hallmark of
the course is active student engagement and participation. The course is
most valuable for students who will work for a health care organization, will
consult with health care organizations, or are with a company that offers
health care-related products or services. Others interested in understanding the dynamics of the market-driven forces in health care will also benefit.
Prerequisite: MGT 6361 or permission of instructor. [2]
MGT 6015. Health Care Delivery Organizations. [Formerly MGT 459F]
In recent years, there has been a surge in the efforts to apply management
principles to improve health care delivery. Although a growing number of
health care organizations have adopted various management innovations
(e.g., lean production, team-based structures, etc.), the resultsmeasurable improvements in the efficiency, efficacy, and quality of care delivery
have been mixed. This course examines the mixed results in the light of
the distinctive features of health care organizations. We will discuss how
these organizational features lead to ineffective implementation of management innovations, and identify managerial strategies for successfully
leading process improvement initiatives in health care organizations. [2]
MGT 6510. Special Topics in Accounting: Federal Income Taxation
of Mergers and Acquisitions. [Formerly MGT 539F] This course is designed primarily for the student who wants a general understanding of
the basic principles and concepts of federal income taxation that apply
to corporate mergers, acquisitions and LBOs. Topics include taxable and
tax-free stock and asset acquisitions, incorporation transactions, nonacquisitive reorganizations, current and liquidating distributions to shareholders, stock redemptions, and survival of net operating losses and other
tax attributes. To help students understand and become conversant with
vanderbilt university
the fundamental concepts of federal income taxation, the instructor uses
a problem-oriented approach that requires students to apply the more
important principles of tax law to discrete factual situations. Prerequisite:
Mgt. 6311 or consent of the instructor. [2]
MGT 6511. Advanced Financial Reporting and Analysis). [Formerly
MGT 511] Examination of the nature and financial reporting aspects of various business transactions including corporate acquisitions, mergers, the formation of other strategic alliances, and accounting for governmental entities.
Topics include accounting for business combinations and consolidations,
joint ventures, and foreign currency translation, variable interest entities, derivatives and hedge accounting, and financial reporting under Governmental
Accounting Standards. Prerequisite: MGT 6410 and MGT 6411. [2]
MGT 6512. Federal Taxation of Business Entities. [Formerly MGT
512] This course focuses on the fundamental concepts of federal income
taxation that apply to corporations and shareholders. A cradle to grave
organizational approach is used, emphasizing organization and capital
structure of the corporation, dividends and other distributions, stock redemptions, corporate divisions, taxable and tax-free mergers and acquisitions, and liquidation of the corporation. The objectives of the course are
not to make students tax experts, but to sensitize them to the tax implications of transactions involving corporations and shareholders so that, as
business managers, entrepreneurs, or advisers, they can spot the tax concerns or opportunities, identify the major tax issues, ask good questions of
the tax experts, and understand the answers received as a critical step
in making business and financial decisions that maximize wealth. To help
students understand and become conversant with the fundamental concepts of federal income taxation, the instructor uses a problem-oriented
approach that requires students to apply the more important principles of
tax law to discrete factual situations. Prerequisite: Mgt. 6311 or consent
of the instructor. Mgt. 6412 is highly recommended. [2]
MGT 6513. Financial Statement Analysis. [Formerly MGT 513] Accounting addresses the measurement, aggregation, and evaluation of
economic information useful for decision making. In Financial Statement
Analysis, we will focus on a subset of this construct, which is labeled general purpose external financial accounting and reporting. General purpose
statements are those provided to individuals who do not have the authority to compel management to provide information they desire. These
individuals differ from taxing authorities or others who have not only specialized needs, but also the authority to compel enterprises to furnish the
information they desire. General purpose statements are those viewed as
suitable for investors, creditors, and other resource providers. External
statements are those available to individuals outside of the firm. Managers, directors, and others may have access to additional internal (and often proprietary) information. This course provides a broad framework for
using financial statements and other SEC-required regulatory disclosures
in business analyses. Emphasis is placed on developing a critical, general managers perspective for interpreting required financial disclosures,
understanding the types of financial information available in the public
domain and their purposes, developing an appreciation of (some of) the
inherent ethical conflicts that may color managers and sell-side analysts
disclosures, and formulating an approach to evaluating an enterprises
overall financial reporting and the implications of that analysis from the
perspective of a potential shareholder or creditor. The course objectives
are reinforced through the course reading materials, assigned problems,
in-class problem solving, and class discussions. This course is useful for
individuals planning careers in investment banking, portfolio management,
corporate finance, management consulting, and security analysis. Pre- or
corequisite: MGT 6410 and MGT 6411 (can be taken concurrently). [2]
MGT 6514. Advanced Financial Reporting for Multinational Corporations. Financial reporting information is organized and presented in consolidated financial statements. This course focuses on general purpose external financial reports, primarily the balance sheet, income statement, and
statement of cash flows. Emphasis is placed on key topics of interest to
the global financial executive for the purpose of becoming a discerning user
of this financial information. We develop a thorough understanding of the
consolidation process, whereby the financial statements of the parent entity
are combined with acquired subsidiaries over which the parent has control.
This process ensures individuals have a sound understanding of the acquisi-
seminar presentations and discussions. This is a two-mod course with
MGT 6525. [1]
MGT 6525. Seminar in Monetary Fiscal Policy. [Formerly MGT 524A]
Continuation of MGT 6534. Students must take both mods of this course.[1]
MGT 6526. Corporate Strategy. [Formerly MGT 526] Focuses on the
challenges of formulating corporate-level strategies and their implementation. In contrast to business-level strategy, which addresses competitive
advantage in a single market or industry, we analyze how competitive
advantage can be created through the configuration and coordination of
activities across multiple markets and industries. As part of the course, distinctive challenges that face multinational corporations are also discussed.
Students will gain experience in discovering, diagnosing, and solving corporate-level problems including corporate diversification, strategic alliances,
multi-market interaction, and global strategies. Prerequisite: MGT 6355. [2]
MGT 6530. Mergers and Acquisitions. [Formerly MGT 530] Covers
some of the major corporate finance activities of investment banks including: mergers and acquisitions, and takeovers and takeover defenses,
as well as private financing, asset restructuring, capital restructuring, leveraged buyouts, management buyouts, and leveraged recapitalizations.
This course is meant to familiarize students with institutional details and to
present a variety of case situations in which corporate valuation, industry
and financial analysis, strategic decision making, and financial contracting
and design are practiced. Casework represents an integral part of this
course and is used to challenge students to structure their own analysis
of how corporate finance can be used to create value for shareholders.
Prerequisite: MGT 6431. [2]
MGT 6531. Private Equity and Leveraged Buyouts. [Formerly MGT
531] This course examines the financial, economic, and legal strategies that
underlie private equity transactions in the United States and other countries.
The course begins by examining how private equity firms raise money from
institutional and individual investors and structure private equity funds. We
will discuss the legal, financial, and economic motivation for the different
types of private equity fund structures. The course then turns to how private
equity funds select, invest, and manage their portfolio companies. We will
discuss how venture capital firms, a particular (and very important) type
of private equity investor, provide capital to start-up firms, and how other
private equity firms provide capital to help more established companies,
both public and private, grow and restructure. One common theme that
runs through this course is how financial instruments and legal contracts
between the parties involved in private equity transactions address predictable conflicts of interest. The course will center on the study of cases that
highlight important concepts and issues in private equity transactions using actual historical situations. Students are expected to do fundamental
analysis of the companies and transactions presented in the cases as well
as to discuss how the legal environment at the time of the case affects their
recommendations. Prerequisite: MGT 6431. [1short course]
MGT 6532. Risk Management. [Formerly MGT 532] Considers techniques
for risk management of financial institutions. Topics include value at risk systems for managing risk, the application of portfolio theory to risk management, forecasting risk and correlations, regulatory approaches to risk control,
and regulatory capital requirements. Prerequisite: MGT 6436, 6533. [2]
MGT 6533. Derivatives Markets. [Formerly MGT 435C] The objective of
the course is to provide students with a working knowledge of derivative
contract markets, valuation, and risk management. The course begins by
providing a description of derivative markets and why they exist. The focus
then turns to valuation. The reason is that it is only through understanding
valuation and its assumptions that risk exposures can be measured. And, it
is only through accurate risk measurement that risk can be managed. With
the tools of valuation and risk measurement in hand, the focus then turns
to a variety of actual valuation and risk management problems faced by
individuals, firms, institutions, and governments. Included among them are
hedging commodity price risks, valuing employee stock options, designing stock price collars, creating passive and dynamic portfolio insurance,
structuring protected equity notes, managing interest rate risk exposures,
swapping fixed for floating interest rate payments, and managing currency
risk exposures. Whenever possible, current derivatives market-related issues are integrated into classroom discussions. Prerequisite: MGT 6430. [2]
MGT 6534. Financial Data Analysis. [Formerly MGT 534] Introduces
students to the many databases used in empirical research in finance,
including CRSP, Compustat, TAQ (NYSE, Amex, and Nasdaq-NMS transaction data) and NASTRAQ (Nasdaq trades, inside quotes, and individual
dealer and ECN quotes). The course will use the SAS programming language to access these databases and to analyze the data. The course is
intended for MSF students and MBAs who are interested in more analytically oriented finance positions. Prerequisite: MGT 6331. [2]
MGT 6535. Derivative Securities Valuation. [Formerly MGT 535A] Examines the pricing of derivative securities. Focuses on futures, options,
and exotic securities. A number of valuation techniques are examined
which include numerical approaches. Prerequisite: MGT 6533. [2]
MGT 6536. Active Portfolio Analysis and Trading. [Formerly MGT 536]
Takes the perspective of a quantitatively oriented equities portfolio manager. It examines portfolio theory, portfolio selection models, equilibrium
asset pricing models such as the CAPM and the APT, earnings estimation,
and the evaluation of portfolio performance. The course is designed for
very quantitatively oriented students. Prerequisite: MGT 6331. [2]
MGT 6537. Corporate Restructuring. [Formerly MGT 539G] This
course is designed to provide students with a general understanding of a
variety of financial restructuring and reorganization techniques. Each topic
that we discuss describes a transaction that restructures or reorganizes
the firm in some particular way. The specific objectives of the course include (1) to help build a framework for analyzing various corporate restructuring transactions primarily through techniques of financial analysis,
(2) to provide a broad overview of corporate restructuring approaches
which can then be critically applied to solve business problems, and (3)
to establish an economic perspective from which to assess the corporate and social consequences of alternative corporate restructuring and
reorganization techniques. While corporate restructuring and reorganizations have become common, mainstream transactions, the course material is also designed to help students solidify their understanding of how
modern corporations should be managed under conditions of financial
distress. In order to fully understand financial and economic aspects of the
bankruptcy process, we will also examine the legal framework created by
the Bankruptcy Code. This link is important because the Code exerts an
important influence on the behavior of corporate managers in financially
distressed corporations. MGT 6431, Corporate Valuation should be taken
before enrolling in this class. [1short course]
MGT 6538. Property Law for Business Students. [Formerly MGT
439B] This course provides insights into some of the main issues or problems in American property law that can have the largest impact on real
estate development and leasing. Some foundational concepts and vocabulary are reviewed, and then the course focuses on potential legal pitfalls
in the formation and interpretation of real estate contracts, achieving compliance with zoning and environmental remediation requirements, the role
of easements and covenants (especially in the contexts of condominiums
and homeowners associations), and potential risks from and responses
to condemnation of property by the government and changes in regulations that reduce market value, such as down-zoning or building moratoria.
One goal of the course is to provide students with the resources to be
intelligent consumers of legal advice, and in particular to know when potentially difficult legal issues are implicated and an expert legal analysis is
required. Prerequisite: MGT 6331. [1short course]
MGT 6540. Leading Change. [Formerly MGT 540] Examines all aspects of dealing with the people aspects of organizational change from
the perspective of a change leader or consultant. This course is practical
and hands on with an audit of an organizational change, a corporate
turnaround simulation, videos, speakers, case incidents, and personal
feedback assessments. Topics covered include personal change, models and frameworks for change, new methods for changing corporate
culture and mindsets, approaches for strategy execution, and techniques
for implementing new organization designs and technologies. Prerequisite: MGT 6342 or permission of instructor. [2]
MGT 6541. Product Design I: Need finding and User-Based Design.
[Formerly MGT 541] This is the first in a two-course sequence in product
design and development. Part 1 of the sequence teaches a framework and
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uses tested methods that aspiring innovators, entrepreneurs, and new
product developers can use to understand the needs that drive adoption
by users of a new product or service. The students will work in teams to
produce a design brief accompanied by a detailed set of specifications
for a new product or service. This requires us to choose a user group, to
gather a sufficient quantity and variety of data to understand them, to analyze the data, and then to articulate our findings in ways that make them
actionable and useful to designers. Methods we will learn and employ will
include camera studies, interviews, creating composite character profiles,
brainstorming, and user-driven prototyping. [1]
MGT 6542. Product Design IIDevelopment and Commercialization. [Formerly MGT 542] This is the second in the two-course sequence
in product design and development. Part 2 of the sequence takes as its
input the design brief and detailed specifications for an established user
need, and then guides students through an industry-tested process for
developing a complete product in prototype form. The process phases
include generating and testing product concepts, developing a prototype,
modeling the product and overall project financial returns, securing intellectual property, developing appropriate retail packaging, performing market
testing, and establishing an optimum product price. The course culminates
in a product fair in the Owen lobby where invited product development and
consumer marketing experts, acting as retail buyers, simulate the competitive process that decides those products will end up on shelves (and those
that wont). Prerequisite: MGT 6541 (no exceptions). [1]
MGT 6544. Controversies/Debates in Business, Management, and
Society. [Formerly MGT 544] This course is a vehicle for analysis and
debate on current, controversial issues related to business, management,
economics, and society. Course objectives blend skills and substance.
With respect to skills, there will be material on the nature of argument
and analysis, with a goal of creating meaningful improvement in students
ability to develop and deploy goal-directed persuasive arguments. With
respect to substance, an objective of the course is to expand students indepth knowledge of key issues of the day related to business, economics,
and management practice. Prerequisite: MGT 6342. [2]
MGT 6546. Executive Coaching. [Formerly MGT 546] Coaching is the
application of a set of concepts, skills, and activities to develop employee
knowledge, skill, or ability and to move employees from current performance to a higher level. The use of coaching to develop employees has
grown dramatically in recent years. As McKinsey & Companys War for
Talent survey reveals, executives believe that coaching is important for
their development and is far more beneficial than traditional training. However, most executives believe their companies do not do a good job of
providing coaching, and most employees report wanting more coaching
and better quality coaching than they are currently getting. This course focuses on the concepts, skills, and activities that constitute effective coaching and how to use coaching both to work on areas that need improvement and to build on employee strengths. In particular, we will explore the
following topics: theories of coaching, types of coaching, characteristics
of helping relationships, listening, questioning, assessment, feedback giving, goal setting, action planning, and ongoing support. [1short course]
MGT 6547. Training Systems Management. [Formerly MGT 547] Corporations invest over $50 billion per year for training and development
programs with estimates for increased funding needed for new employees as baby boomers begin to retire. As companies worldwide struggle
with an ever-mobile work force, the continuous search for skilled labor,
and rapid technological advancements, employee training has become a
key strategic focus in order to compete in the global marketplace. This
course will address all elements of a systematic process for managing
corporate training programs that meet targeted business needs including
organizational assessments, training budgets, training evaluation, ethical
considerations, generational and cultural issues, and strategic planning,
to name a few. All supervisors and managers need to have a solid understanding of the training process within corporations in order to stay
competitive and to recruit and retain a highly skilled workforce. Students
will be assessed on class participation, group activities, and a final paper.
[1short course] (Offered every other year; not offered 2015/2016)
MGT 6548. Special Topics in Organization Studies: Practicum on
Employment Discrimination: EEOC. [Formerly MGT 549A] The purpose
business plan, and students give frequent presentations of their ideas
to their classmates, investors, and experienced entrepreneurs for critical
feedback that accelerates the development of their business idea. At the
end of the course students present their plans to a panel of entrepreneurs
and investors. [2]
MGT 6559. Launching the Venture. [Formerly MGT 554D] Studies the
critical post-business plan and funding, pre-revenue stage of a start-up
venture, an extremely busy time in the companys life. This segment of
the companys life is often referred as the B-to-C round funding phase.
This course assumes that you, the entrepreneur, have your initial business
plan and your initial funding and that your venture is getting underway. It
focuses on the execution of the venture including product or service development, developing your go to market strategy, company and product/service positioning, identifying the market influencers and developing
effective strategies to win them over, company introduction to the market,
product and service introduction, later-stage business plan strategies, and
later-stage funding strategies. The course will run as a live simulation. [2]
MGT 6560. Marketing Strategy. [Formerly MGT 560] Builds on the
strategic groundwork laid in core marketing and offers students an opportunity to apply their marketing strategy skills. Students will compete in
an elaborate, multi-period marketing simulation (StratSimMarketing). As
in the real market, there will be winners and losers, and students grades
will be based partially on how well they perform against competitors in this
simulation. In addition, the course will introduce research on special topics such as competitive conjectures and response, channel management,
and multi-firm collaboration. Prerequisite: MGT 6361. [2]
MGT 6562. Customer Relationship Management. [Formerly MGT 562]
Provides an introduction to the study of customer satisfaction and customer
relationship management. Topics addressed included satisfaction measurement, linking satisfaction to firm performance, customer profitability and
lifetime value, and predictive analytics for database marketing. This course
is taught from a quantitative perspective, with particular emphasis placed
upon measuring (and ultimately optimizing) the behavioral and financial impact of customer satisfaction and loyalty programs. To this end, a variety of
data analysis techniques will be utilized throughout the term, including logistic regression, simulation, and optimization. Measurement (survey) methods
and issues are also an integral focus of the course. Prerequisite: MGT 6460
or 6462 or consent of instructor. [2] (Not offered 2015/2016)
MGT 6565. Internet Marketing Strategy. [Formerly MGT 565] This
covers the fundamentals of Internet Marketing, Search Engine Marketing,
Email Marketing, E-Commerce Promotions and Online Merchandising.
Well cover topics such as working with interactive agencies, structuring
Internet business development deals, creating online promotional campaigns, tracking and reporting online marketing initiatives, budgeting and
forecasting for online customer acquisition efforts, user interface and design strategies, and understanding key drivers of success for affiliate marketing, search engine marketing, email marketing, and new and upcoming
forms of online marketing within virtual worlds, online gaming, and social
media. Prerequisite: 6361. [1short course]
MGT 6568. Pricing Strategies. [Formerly MGT 568] Considers the
theory and practice of setting prices. We will bring together economic
frameworks and models of consumer behavior to analyze different pricing frameworks (e.g., value pricing, cost-plus) and tactics (segmentation,
bundling). Pricing examples from various industries and legal aspects of
pricing will also be discussed. Prerequisite: MGT 6355, 6361. [2]
MGT 6572. Strategic Management of Technology. [Formerly MGT
572] Focuses on the strategic management of technology and innovation in established firms. The conceptual framework of the course is an
evolutionary process perspective on technology strategy and innovation.
The fundamental ideas underlying this evolutionary perspective are (1) that
a firms technology strategy emerges from its technological competencies and capabilities, (2) that technology strategy is shaped by external
(environmental) and internal (organizational) forces, and (3) that the enactment of technology strategy, through the experience it generates, serves
to further develop the firms technological competencies and capabilities.
Cases, readings, and lectures are utilized. [2]
MGT 6574. Spreadsheets for Business Analytics. [Formerly MGT
574] Uses Microsoft Excel 2013 (with a comparison to 2011 for Mac users) to demonstrate the power of fast analytics for business intelligence.
Advanced features of Excel are coveredpivot tables, data tables, subtotals, form controls, auto and advanced filters, numerous advanced worksheet functions (including array functions), and efficient downloading of
data from the internet. Knowledge of these capabilities contributes to a
culture of data-driven decision making within companies. Illustrations from
actual company projects demonstrate the power and versatility of course
concepts. Applications include optimization modeling (linear, 0-1, and
nonlinear programming) and simulation of financial and operations problems. Financial applications include portfolio optimization, short-term cash
flow planning, capital budgeting, and arbitrage models. Operations applications include supply chain optimization, aggregate production planning,
facility location, and personnel scheduling. Prerequisite: A knowledge of
Excels SUM, MIN, MAX, and AVERAGE functions, copying and pasting
formulas with relative and absolute cell references (such as $A$1), and
formatting the number of decimal places in data cells. A test is available
from the instructor to determine whether students will need help from the
instructor to stay in the class. [2]
MGT 6575. Spreadsheet Macros (VBA) for IT Applications. [Formerly MGT 575] Covers the use of Microsoft Excel and the programming
language VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) within Excel for obtaining,
managing, and processing information. Example areas covered include
(1) automatically producing customized mass e-mails and summary reports, (2) updating Excel databases with 100 or more sheets, (3) copying
from a users workbook to a separate master workbook for analysis and
returning solutions, and (4) solving a series of optimization models for various exchange rates. Most of the managerial problems used for illustration
involve financial and operations applications. Illustrations from actual company projects demonstrate the power and versatility of course concepts
No prior exposure to VBA or any other programming language is required.
Prerequisite: MGT 6574. [2]
MGT 6577. Managing and Improving Processes. [Formerly MGT 577]
Processes are the fundamental way in which work gets done in organizations. This course is all about processeshow to analyze, control, and
improve them. Students learn to map a process, analyze it for waste and
value-added content, and apply essential principles of lean work systems
to bring about improvement. The course introduces the improvement
model and also covers statistical process controla foundational tool in
Six Sigma programs. Students learn how to construct, analyze and use
statistical process control charts in both manufacturing and service settings. The course includes opportunities for experiential learning: students
engage in a hands-on team-based process improvement simulation and
complete a field assignment in which they analyze a process in an organization. Prerequisite: MGT 6371. [2]
MGT 6599. Advanced Business Research. [Formerly MGT 599C] Ever
spend too much time looking for business information needed for a pitch
or proposal? Would you like to learn hands-on techniques to find the precise data you need? We all use the Internet yet it is only the tip of the information iceberg. Taking this course will teach you to use the Internet more
effectively and how to go beyond it to fee-based information resources.
You will learn where to begin your research when you arent familiar with a
topic, youll learn search techniques, and how to tap into the infinite world
of information industry. Real world business problems take creative solutions and knowing how to locate the right information quickly will improve
your effectiveness through better problem solving and decision making.
[1 short course]
MGT 6614. Independent Study in Accounting. [Formerly MGT 615]
Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. [Variable credit]
MGT 6635. TVA Investment Challenge. [Formerly MGT 635] Students
manage an investment portfolio for the Tennessee Valley Authority in competition with other universities in Tennessee. Prerequisite: Permission of
instructor. [2 credits in total over 4 mods, beginning in January and ending
in December]
MGT 6644. Independent Study in HOP. [Formerly MGT 645] [Variable
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MGT 6654. Independent Study in Marketing. [Formerly MGT 655] Prerequisite: Consent of instructor. [Variable credit]
MGT 6739. Real Estate Capstone Project. [Formerly MGT 439D] This
is a project-oriented, two-mod course offered in conjunction with the University of Tennessee-Knoxvilles School of Architecture. Students will be
involved in proposing a comprehensive plan for a large-scale real estate
development project. There are no formal lectures for this course. Instead,
Owen student teams will be expected to work to meet various deadlines,
together with their counterparts at UT Knoxville. The deadlines will consist
of presentations of various aspects of the project as it progresses in stages.
The presentations will be made to a mixed audience of real estate professionals. This course does not count toward the finance concentration. [1]
MGT 6839. Real Estate Capstone Project. [Formerly MGT 439F] This
is the second half of capstone project continuing from MGT 6739. Prerequisite: 6739 [1]
MGT 6902. Practical Issues in Business Internships. [Formerly MGT
902] This course will examine common types of problems encountered by
managers in various business settings. To gain practical, hands-on experience, students will observe or act as business managers while interning
in an industrial, marketing, consulting, or financial firm for a two- to fourmonth period. Students will utilize the analysis and problem-solving skills
gained in their first-year curriculum to solve real-world business challenges
in an unfamiliar environment. The second part of the course will be discussions focusing on the internship experience. Critical to the discussion is
the focus on the interdisciplinary aspects of business problems and applicability of the integrative approach to problem solving required in most
firms over a wide range of industries. Students will be expected to write a
full report concerning their internship experience. This course is designed
for international students interested in Curricular Practical Training and the
credits earned do not apply to the hours for the MBA degree. [1]
MGT 6903. International Exchange. [Formerly MGT 903] Students participate in a module or semester term abroad as an exchange student
with one of our partner institutions. Credits taken on exchange must be
approved for MBA credit before they are applied to the MBA degree as
transfer courses. [Variable credit]
MGT 6906. US Business, Communication and Culture Program.
[Formerly MGT 907] This class is a three-week program for international
students prior to matriculation that serves to orient international students
to life and school in the United States and specifically at Owen. Students
will have language instruction, class simulations, lectures, field trips and
social events. For some students, this is a required condition of admission
to Owen. No academic credit.
MGT 6939. Contemporary Issues in Real Estate. [Formerly MGT
439G] This seminar course is designed to provide students in real estate
with real-time awareness of current issues in the field. The course will
begin with a review of current market trends in all product types (warehouse, industrial, multifamily, retail, office) and selected geographies. This
is facilitated by the Annual Urban Land Institutes report Emerging Trends.
This years offering will include speakers discussing current conflicts in
urban planning, the political landscape for real estate development, the
economics of green development and current financing trends. Its purpose is to bring soon-to-be graduates pursuing opportunities in real estate
up to speed on issues affecting the industry so they are better prepared
for interviews and job placement. The course is specifically designed for
2nd year MBA candidates who have taken the prerequisites of MGT 6437
(Real Estate Finance) and MGT 6438 (Development and Acquisition), but
other students with similar backgrounds may enroll with permission of the
instructor. [1]
integral part of this course. Aside from an intense cultural immersion, the
week-long international residency is composed of about ten organized
corporate visits as a class, as well as time for each study group to set
up individual meetings. These meetings provide students with real-world
input for the global market entry plan they are working on for their specific course deliverables. Through this immersion program, students have
met with business leaders and alumni in Vienna, Budapest, Santiago, So
Paulo, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Shanghai, and Hong Kong to discuss
business issues in an international context. The location of the residency is
determined in spring of the students first year by the Executive MBA program office. Criteria for this selection include timely global business trends
that will lead to the best learning experience and access to the expansive
global Owen alumni network. [4]
EMGT 7731. Managerial Finance. [Formerly EMGT 731] This class provides the framework for analyzing the various components needed to value real assets, as well as an introduction to the valuation of financial assets.
Topics include the time value of money, capital budgeting, measuring risk
in financial markets, market efficiency and an introduction to options. [2]
EMGT 7732. Corporate Value Management. [Formerly EMGT 732]
(Second course in a three-course sequence). This course focuses on
providing students with a strong theoretical and applied understanding of
the key tools used in equity valuation and stock selection. Approaches to
valuation include dividend discount models, cash flow models, and valuation by multiples. Financial statement data are used in developing cash
flow forecasts, and market data are used in estimating the cost of capital.
Applications include capital budgeting, the evaluation of potential mergers
and acquisitions, and corporate restructuring. [2]
EMGT 7733. Corporate Financial Policy. [Formerly EMGT 733] (Third
course in a three-course sequence). The course takes as given the real
assets purchased by a corporation to maximize the value of the company,
and then asks How should the firm pay for these assets? The topics will
include the mix of debt and equity (optimal capital structure), conflicts of
interest between bond and stockholders, dividend policy, corporate governance and executive compensation, and bankruptcy/reorganization. [2]
EMGT 7740. Negotiation. [Formerly EMGT 758] Designed to provide
students from all functional backgrounds with skills needed to approach
negotiations with confidence. This includes a framework for analysis,
knowledge about ones own tendencies in negotiation, and a chance to
experiment with negotiating techniques in various contexts. Topics include
integrative and distributive negotiations, individual differences in bargaining styles, coalitions, team negotiations, negotiating through agents, and
ethical issues in negotiation. The course uses readings and cases, with
considerable emphasis placed on negotiation simulations. [2]
EMGT 7741. Cross Cultural Management (AMBA). [Formerly EMGT
751] Cross Cultural Management (AMBA). In this course students will develop cultural intelligence through exposure to the dilemmas and opportunities that arise within international and multi-cultural work environments
needed when dealing with a global business environment. Strategies for
adopting organizational practices that address these issues will be discussed. The focus of the course is on the interaction between people
in international work settings rather than interactions between specific
countries and/or cultures. The second part of the course addresses the
human resources implication of global business, including the significance
of multinational complexity and diversity (cultural, economic, demographic,
etc.) as well as the interplay among human resource functions (employee
procurement, allocation, utilization), types of employees, and countries of
operation. (SFU) [2.5]
EMGT 7742. Strategic Alignment of Human Capital. [Formerly EMGT
742] Draws on the approaches learned in Organizational Behavior to provide
a critical view of HR practices in organizations. Topics include organizational and environmental factors affecting personnel, manpower planning,
career development, personnel selection, job design, performance appraisal, and reward systems. [2]
EMGT 7743. Leading a Global Innovation Strategy (AMBA). [Formerly
EMGT 743] Everybody wants innovationor do they? This course presents a framework for understanding how individuals and organizations sabotage their own best intentions to encourage creativity and outside the box
thinking. This course demonstrates that the antidote to this self-defeating
behavior is to identify which of the six major types of constraints are hindering innovation: individual, group, organizational, industry-wide, societal, or
technological. Once innovators and other leaders of organizational change
understand exactly which constraints are working against them and how to
overcome them, they can create conditions that foster innovation instead
of stopping it in its tracks. Upon completion students will be able to understand the most common causes of innovation failure, assess innovation
capabilities in themselves and their organizations, diagnose the constraints
that stand in the way of a successful innovation, become better at ideageneration and assessment, and develop a successful innovation strategy
for their organizations. [2.5]
EMGT 7744. Leadership. [Formerly EMGT 744] Focuses on leadership
and change in organizations. Taught as an intensive two-day module. The
course examines leadership qualities such as vision, communication, influence, self-awareness, leader self-management, and relationship building.
It covers strategies for leading change, including the creation of employee
readiness and buy-in, building coalitions, selling the vision, and short-term
wins. The course is taught via personal assessments, videos, readings,
cases, and deliberate practice exercises outside the classroom. [1]
EMGT 7745. Leadership Team Dynamics. [Formerly EMGT 744B] Focuses on team dynamics with special attention given to the dynamics in
each EMBA students C-team. This course asks students to observe and
use concepts such as self-managing team behaviors, team dysfunctions,
personality differences and team roles, individual separateness versus
team commitment, handling conflicts and differences in grade aspirations,
schedules, and agendas. This course occurs over the first year, and includes three sessions with the EMBA programs Group Doctor. [1]
EMGT 7746. Ethics in Business. [Formerly EMGT 746] We explore how
ethical concerns color, change, detract, and/or add to ones approach
to life in work and other organizations, as both leader and member. The
issues raised and discussed create opportunities to inquire into our own
ethics and to gain insights into our own approaches to leadership and collaborative work. We consider a range of approaches people in businesses
use to assure (and fail to assure) ethical business practice. Circumstances
drawn from case studies and contemporary events, as well as experiences of members of the class, are used as springboards for discussions. [1]
EMGT 7747. Special Topics in Executive Management. [Formerly
EMGT 799A] Various topics for further study in Executive Management. [1]
EMGT 7749. Organizational Behavior. [Formerly EMGT 749] This course
is about managing people in organizations. Topics include action planning,
managing groups and teams, how to motivate people, power and influence
in organizations, leadership, and managing oneself. The course uses cases
to analyze real-world managerial situations, and each student is asked to
analyze management situations in their current workplace. [2]
EMGT 7752. Global Strategy (AMBA). [Formerly EMGT 752] Examines
elements of strategic thinking, strategic analysis, the tasks and processes
associated with strategy formulation and implementation, and the implications of aligning operations and culture of an enterprise to match the
requirements of its strategy in a global context (SFU) [2.5]
EMGT 7753. Family Business (AMBA). [Formerly EMGT 753]Familyowned businesses thrive in Mexico, with a favorable regulation and trade
environment. At the end of this course, the student will know the particular
characteristics of family enterprises and will recognize their great potential
for development as well as the risks involved. The student will assimilate
basic ideas for the management of these enterprises, basically focused on
the prevention of conflicts, and will learn important elements to plan the
continuity of the company. For those who partner with family businesses,
students will gain an appreciation for the unique dynamics of managing
and evaluating these relationships. (ITAM) [2.5]
EMGT 7754. Creating and Launching the Venture. [Formerly EMGT
754] Studies the critical post-business plan and funding, pre-revenue
stage of a start-up venture, an extremely busy time in the companys life.
This segment of the companys life is often referred to as the B-to-C round
funding phase. This course assumes that you, the entrepreneur, have your
initial business plan and your initial funding and that your venture is getting
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underway. It focuses on the execution of the venture including product
or service development, developing your go to market strategy, company and product/service positioning, identifying the market influencers
and developing effective strategies to win them over, company introduction to the market, product and service introduction, later-stage business
plan strategies, and later-stage funding strategies. The course will run as
a live simulation. [2]
EMGT 7755. Business Strategy. [Formerly EMGT 755] The first half of
a two-course sequence that culminates in the production of a strategic
plan for an organization. The sequence focuses on the role of the general manager to ensure the long-range viability and legitimacy of the firm
through goal setting and the formulation and implementation of competitive business strategies. It emphasizes strategy formulation and current
techniques of industry and competitor analysis. [4]
EMGT 7756. Creating and Launching New Ventures (AMBA). [Formerly EMGT 756] In this course students will develop cultural intelligence
through exposure to the dilemmas and opportunities that arise within
international and multi-cultural work environments needed when dealing
with a global business environment. Strategies for adopting organizational
practices that address these issues will be discussed. The focus of the
course is on the interaction between people in international work settings
rather than interactions between specific countries and/or cultures. The
second part of the course addresses the human resources implication of
global business, including the significance of multinational complexity and
diversity (cultural, economic, demographic, etc.) as well as the interplay
among human resource functions (employee procurement, allocation, utilization), types of employees, and countries of operation. [2.5]
EMGT 7758. Business Strategy Project I. [Formerly EMGT 757A] The
second half of a two-course sequence on business strategy. Students start
with some formal instruction then choose a firm to produce a formal strategic plan. The plan includes close analysis of business objectives, industry,
competitors, finances, operations, and marketing to formulate both shortand long-range goals. The final report is formally presented to senior managers of the business and to select faculty or industry analysts. [2]
EMGT 7759. Business Strategy Project II. [Formerly EMGT 757B] A continuation of the second half of a two-course sequence on business strategy.
Students work closely with a firm they have selected to produce a formal
strategic plan. The plan includes close analysis of business objectives, industry, competitors, finances, operations, and marketing to formulate both
short- and long-range goals. The final report is formally presented to senior
managers of the business and to select faculty or industry analysts. [2]
EMGT 7761. Marketing Management. [Formerly EMGT 761] Examines
the role of marketing in the firm. Topics include marketing planning and
decision making, product life cycles, brand management and service decisions, pricing, channels of distribution, and marketing communication. [4]
EMGT 7762. Marketing Strategy. [Formerly EMGT 762] Examines the
role of marketing in the firm. Topics include marketing planning and decision making, product life cycles, brand management and service decisions, pricing, channels of distribution, and marketing communication. [2]
EMGT 7777. Operations Management I. [Formerly EMGT 777] An overview for executive students of operations management in both service and
manufacturing organizations. Topics include process analysis, quality control,
queuing, enterprise planning systems, managing capacity and inventory, supply chain management, lean manufacturing, and time-based competition. [4]
EMGT 7779. Topics in Operations. [Formerly EMGT 779] The service
sector has become the dominant sector in the global economy, yet productivity growth in the service sector has consistently lagged that of the
manufacturing sector. Consequently, there is a big opportunity for service
firms to better manage their operations. This introductory course on service operations covers design of service delivery systems, management
of service capacity and demand, management of quality in services, and
management of global service operations. The course will further your
case analysis skills. [2]
EMGT 7782. Statistics for Managerial Decisions. [Formerly EMGT
782] This course provides an introduction to important methods of statistical inference and data analysis for managers. It begins with a study of
conditional probability, probability trees, and important probability distributions. These ideas are used to study a wide range of managerial problems
and they provide a natural introduction to exploratory data analysis, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. These statistical methods are
used to study the most important types of business models, and develop
even better ones. Students have the opportunity to use business data of
their choice to construct models for estimation and prediction that solve
problems in their own work. [4] [4] (Limited to first-year Executive MBA
students only)
EMGT 7650. Capstone Project (AMBA). [Formerly EMGT 750A] Capstone Project (AMBA) Part one of a four part series. This course is an integrated cross-cultural strategy project that spans the entire curriculum. [2]
EMGT 7782. Statistics for Managerial Decisions. [Formerly EMGT
782] This course provides an introduction to important methods of statistical inference and data analysis for managers. It begins with a study of
conditional probability, probability trees, and important probability distributions. These ideas are used to study a wide range of managerial problems
and they provide a natural introduction to exploratory data analysis, hypothesis testing, and regression analysis. These statistical methods are
used to study the most important types of business models, and develop
even better ones. Students have the opportunity to use business data of
their choice to construct models for estimation and prediction that solve
problems in their own work. [4]
EMGT 7803. Economics of Health Care Delivery. [Formerly EMGT
803] This course introduces students to the institutional and regulatory
detail that impacts the fundamental business challenges within the health
care industry. The course will establish a base comfort level and understanding of the complex interrelationships among the players in the industry, how this structure has evolved over time, and how these system-wide
challenges are likely to affect business policy in the future. Students will
develop an improved ability to frame the important questions and utilize
innovative practices that will drive successful business strategy. [2]
EMGT 7809. Health Care Accounting. [Formerly EMGT 809] The impact of business issues facing the health care industry on service sector
organization will be addressed. Students will apply organizational frameworks to assess the effectiveness of alternative organizational models
including departmental organization, service line organization, and coordination of service delivery across functionally organized delivery to maximize delivery system performance. [2]
EMGT 7811. Financial and Managerial Accounting. [Formerly EMGT
811] Objectives are to gain knowledge of the functions, limitations, and
challenges of financial accounting and to develop the capability to evaluate critically and understand financial accounting theory and practice. It
will also introduce concepts in cost accounting that will develop students
ability to generate cost data from computerized systems and to creatively
use data for management decisions. The course uses real-world data
and examples to illustrate the analysis of cost and revenue data for profitmaximizing decisions. [2]
EMGT 7818. Financial Management of Financial Institutions. [Formerly EMGT 818] The course focuses on the unique attributes of financial management for health care organizations including the not-for-profit
nature of many service providers as well as the unique characteristics of
delivery channels and payer systems. This course utilizes real industry
data to explore financial and accounting practices and controls through
the eyes of the senior executives who use this information to assess company performance and plan for the future. [2]
EMGT 7874. Spreadsheets for Healthcare Analytics. [Formerly EMGT
874A] This is part one of a two part course. Uses Microsoft Excel to teach
the power of fast analytics for health-care management decision making.
The goal will be to simultaneously introduce the topics of probability, statistics, optimization, simulation, and advanced features of Excel 2010 (upgrading to 2013 soon) for Windows users and 2011 for Mac users. Students in analytical fields will obviously benefit from this knowledge. Even
students who wont perform analyses directly will benefit, since they will
be able to supervise analysts properly and make sound judgments regarding software adoption. After introducing basic probability, the course will
cover statistics concepts, measures of centrality and spread, histograms,
the normal distribution, and an overview of confidence intervals. Optimization modeling will emphasize personnel scheduling, equipment rental, and
choice of vendors. Simulation models will illustrate queuing applications
for finding patients: waiting times. All examples will be in the medical context. Advanced features of Excel will be covered: pivot tables, conditional
formatting, auto and advanced filters, charts, text and other advanced
worksheet functions, and efficient downloading of data from the internet.
Knowledge of these contributes to a culture of data-driven decision making within companies. [1]
EMGT 7875. Spreadsheets for Healthcare Analytics. [Formerly EMGT
874B] This is the second part of the two course sequence with EMGT
7874. [1]
EMGT 7878. Configuring and Optimizing Health Care Operations.
[Formerly EMGT 878] This course will help students understand and assess the operational efficiency, effectiveness, and efficacy of health service
delivery. Conceptual frameworks from the operations course including
lean production will be extended and applied within the context of hospitals and other medical service providers, group practices, and insurance
companies. [2]
vanderbilt university
Gulf Stream, FL
Franklin, TN
Charlotte, NC
Nashville, TN
Ridgeland, MS
Nashville, TN
Houston, TX
Atherton, CA
Fort Worth, TX
Nashville, TN
New Orleans, LA
Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN
Bonita Springs, FL
Atlanta, GA
Nashville, TN
La Jolla, CA
Rutgers, NJ
Nashville, TN
Nashville, TN
Bethesda, MD
Atlanta, GA
Nashville, TN
El Dorado, AR
New York, NY
Orinda, CA
Los Altos, CA
Boston, MA
Dallas, TX
Brentwood, TN
Atlanta, GA
Emerita/Emeritus Trustee
New York, NY
Lexington, KY
Nashville, TN
San Antonio, TX
vanderbilt university
JEFFREY R. BALSER, M.D., Ph.D., Vice Chancellor for Health Affairs and Dean of the School of Medicine
MARK D. BANDAS, Ph.D., Associate Provost and Dean of Students
VANESSA BEASLEY, Ph.D., Dean of The Ingram Commons
CAMILLA PERSSON BENBOW, Ed.D., Dean of Peabody College
LAUREN A. BENTON, Ph.D., Dean of the College of Arts and Science
DOUGLAS L. CHRISTIANSEN, Ph.D., Vice Provost for University Enrollment Affairs and Dean of Admissions and Financial Aid
JOSEPH D. COMBS, M.A., Interim Dean of Libraries
PHILIPPE M. FAUCHET, Ph.D., Dean of the School of Engineering
JOHN G. GEER, Ph.D., Vice Provost for Academic and Strategic Affairs and Interim Dean of the Graduate School
CHRIS GUTHRIE, J.D., Dean of the Law School
M. ERIC JOHNSON, Ph.D., Dean of Owen Graduate School of Management
LINDA D. NORMAN, D.S.N., Dean of the School of Nursing
EMILIE M. TOWNES, Ph.D., Dean of the Divinity School
MARK WAIT, D.M.A., Dean of Blair School of Music
Endowed Chairs
vanderbilt university
This chair, like the Justin Potter chair, was established through the generosity of Mrs. Potter.
YASIN ALAN,Assistant Professor of Management
B.Sc. (Texas A & M 2006); M.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. (Cornell 2008, 2012,
CLIFFORD A. BALL,Professor of Finance and Statistics; Faculty Director,
Ph.D. Program
B.S., M.S. (Nottingham [U.K.] 1974, 1975); Ph.D. (New Mexico State
BRUCE BARRY,Brownlee O. Currey, Jr., Professor of Management;
Professor of Management; Professor of Sociology
B.A., M.A. (Virginia 1980, 1981); Ph.D. (North Carolina 1991)[1991]
JOSEPH D. BLACKBURN, JR., James A. Speyer Professor of
Production Management, Emeritus
B.E. (Vanderbilt 1963); M.S. (Wisconsin 1964); Ph.D. (Stanford
JESSE A. BLOCHER,Assistant Professor of Management
B.S. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1997); M.S. (Massachusetts
Institute of Technology 1998); Ph.D. (North Carolina 2012)[2012]
JAMES F. BLUMSTEIN, University Professor of Constitutional Law
and Health Law and Policy; Professor of Medicine; Professor of
B.A., LL.B., M.A. (Yale 1966, 1970, 1970)[1970]
GERMAIN B. BOER,Professor of Accounting, Emeritus; Senior Lecturer
in Management; Director, Center for Entrepreneurship
B.S. (Saint Edwards 1960); M.B.A. (Texas Tech University 1961);
Ph.D. (Louisiana State 1964)[1977]
NICOLAS P. B. BOLLEN,E. Bronson Ingram Chair in Finance; Professor
of Finance
B.A. (Cornell 1988); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Duke 1993, 1997)[2001]
MICHAEL W. BOWLING,Adjunct Professor of Management
M.B.A. (Vanderbilt 1997)[2009]
JAMES W. BRADFORD, JR.,Professor of the Practice of Management
B.A. (Florida 1969); J.D. (Vanderbilt 1973)[2002]
NICOLE BRANGER,Visiting Professor of Management
Abitur ( 1992); Diploma, Ph.D. (Karlsruhe [Germany] 1997, 2001);
Habilitation (Frankfurt [Germany] 2005)[2005]
MICHAEL R. BURCHAM,Senior Lecturer in Management/Policy
B.S. (Mississippi 1983); M.B.A. (Belmont 1989); D.H.A. (Medical
University of South Carolina 2003)[2004]
PAUL K. CHANEY,E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Accounting;
Professor of Accounting
B.S. (Indiana, Fort Wayne 1975); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Indiana, Bloomington
1977, 1983)[1984]
WILLIAM G. CHRISTIE,Frances Hampton Currey Professor of Finance;
Professor of Finance; Professor of Law
B.Comm. (Queens [Canada] 1978); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Chicago 1980,
CHERRIE C. CLARK, Associate Professor of the Practice of
B.A. (Vanderbilt 1978); M.B.A. (Dartmouth 1981) [2015]
COREY M. CLEEK,Adjunct Professor of Management; Adjunct
Professor of Managerial Studies
B.S. (Tennessee 1995); M.B.A. (Duke 2000)[2009]
MARK A. COHEN,Justin Potter Professor of American Competitive
Enterprise; Professor of Management; Professor of Law
B.S.F.S. (Georgetown 1978); M.A., Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon 1983,
LARRY J. LEBLANC,Professor of Operations Management
B.S. (Loyola, New Orleans 1969); M.S., Ph.D. (Northwestern 1971,
CATHERINE F. LEE,Assistant Professor of Accounting
B.S.E. (Princeton 2003); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Chicago 2007, 2013)[2013]
JONATHAN L. LEHMAN,Adjunct Professor of Management
A.B. (Colgate 1982); M.B.A. (Harvard 1986)[2005]
CRAIG M. LEWIS,Madison S. Wigginton Chair in Management;
Professor of Management; Professor of Law
B.S. (Ohio State 1978); M.S., Ph.D. (Wisconsin 1982, 1986)[1986]
EDWARD W. LOMICKA,Adjunct Professor of Management
M.B.A. (Vanderbilt 1998)[2014]
PRAKASH LOUNGANI,Adjunct Professor of Management
B.A. (Elphinstone [India] 1980); M.A., Ph.D. (Rochester 1983,
SALVATORE T. MARCH,Associate Dean, Faculty and Research; David
K. Wilson Professor of Management; Professor of Management
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (Cornell 1972, 1975, 1978)[2000]
BRIAN T. MCCANN,Associate Professor of Strategic Management
B.A. (Wright State 1990); M.B.A. (Vanderbilt 2004); Ph.D. (Purdue
RICHARD L. OLIVER,Professor of Management, Emeritus
B.S.M.E. (Purdue, Calumet 1967); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Wisconsin 1969,
DAVID A. OWENS,Professor of the Practice of Management and
Innovation; Professor of the Practice of Engineering Management
B.S., M.S., Ph.D. (Stanford 1987, 1993, 1998)[1998]
KIMBERLY PACE,Professor of the Practice of Management
B.A. (Millsaps 1992); M.M. (Shenandoah University 1994)[2005]
MIGUEL PALACIOS,Assistant Professor of Finance
B.S. (Universidad de Los Andes [Colombia] 1997); M.B.A. (Virginia
2001); M.A., Ph.D. (California, Berkeley 2005, 2009)[2009]
TAE-YOUN PARK,Assistant Professor of Management
B.A. (Chung-Ang [Korea] 2003); M.B.A. (Seoul National [Korea] 2005);
Ph.D. (Minnesota 2012)[2012]
DAVID C. PARSLEY,E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Economics and
Finance; Professor of Economics and Finance
B.S. (Kentucky, Lexington 1977); A.M. (Indiana, Bloomington 1979);
Ph.D. (California, Berkeley 1990)[1990]
STEVEN S. POSAVAC,E. Bronson Ingram Professor of Marketing;
Professor of Marketing
B.A. (Knox 1992); M.S., Ph.D. (Utah 1995, 1998)[2007]
DAVID L. RADOS,Professor of Management, Emeritus
B.S. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology 1955); M.B.A. (Harvard
1960); Ph.D. (Stanford 1968)[1977]
RANGARAJ RAMANUJAM,Professor of Management
B.E. (Anna [India] 1986); M.B.A. (Indian Institute of Management,
Calcutta 1988); M.S., Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon 1995, 2000)[2008]
MARK BRIAN RATCHFORD,Assistant Professor of Marketing
B.A. (Virginia Polytechnic Institute 1994); M.B.A. (Rochester 2004);
Ph.D. (Colorado 2010)[2009]
WAYNE JOSEPH RILEY,Adjunct Professor of Health Care Management
B.A. (Yale 1981); M.P.H. (Tulane 1988); M.D. (Morehouse 1993);
M.B.A. (Rice 2002)[2007]
GARY D. SCUDDER,James A. Speyer Professor of Production
Management; Professor of Operations Management; Faculty Director,
International Programs
B.S., M.S. (Purdue 1974, 1975); Ph.D. (Stanford 1981)[1990]
JAMES K. SEWARD,Adjunct Professor of Management
Ph.D. (Wisconsin 1987)[2008]
JEFFREY SMILEY,Adjunct Professor of Management
B.S.E.E. (Lipscomb 1988); M.B.A. (Vanderbilt 1992)[2011]
RITA B. SOWELL,Adjunct Professor of Management
B.S. (Tennessee 1982); M.S. (Tennessee State 1991)[1994]
HANS R. STOLL,Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker Jr. Professor of
Finance, Emeritus
B.A. (Swarthmore 1961); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Chicago 1963, 1966)[1980]
MICHAEL D. STUART,Assistant Professor of Management
M.Acct., B.S. (Brigham Young 2002, 2002); Ph.D. (Arkansas
RANDALL S. THOMAS,John S. Beasley II Professor of Law and Business;
Professor of Management; Director, Law and Business Program
B.A. (Haverford 1977); Ph.D., J.D. (Michigan 1983, 1985)[1999]
LARRY VAN HORN,Associate Professor of Management; Associate
Professor of Law; Associate Professor of Health Policy; Faculty
Director, Health Care Program
B.A., M.P.H., M.B.A. (Rochester 1989, 1990, 1992); Ph.D.
(Pennsylvania 1997)[2006]
BART VICTOR,Cal Turner Professor of Moral Leadership; Professor of
Moral Leadership
A.B. (California, Berkeley 1977); M.S. (Bank Street College of
Education 1979); Ph.D. (North Carolina 1985)[1999]
W. KIP VISCUSI,University Distinguished Professor of Law, Economics,
and Management; Professor of Management; Professor of
Economics; Co-Director, Ph.D. Program in Law and Economics
A.B., M.P.P., A.M., Ph.D. (Harvard 1971, 1973, 1974, 1976)[2006]
TIMOTHY J. VOGUS,Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior
B.A. (Michigan State 1995); Ph.D. (Michigan 2004)[2004]
ROBERT E. WHALEY,Valere Blair Potter Professor of Finance; Professor
of Management
B.Comm. (Alberta [Canada] 1975); M.B.A., Ph.D. (Toronto [Canada]
1976, 1978)[2006]
RICHARD H. WILLIS,Anne Marie and Thomas B. Walker Jr. Professor of
Accounting; Professor of Accounting
B.S. (South Alabama 1983); M.Stat. (Ohio State 1984); M.B.A. (Duke
1992); Ph.D. (Chicago 1998)[2006]
BURCH S. WOOD,Adjunct Professor of Management
B.A., M.B.A. (Vanderbilt 1998, 2010)[2014]
vanderbilt university
Academic advising 5
Academic awards 28, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Academic concentrations 17
Academic policies 4, 16, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46
Accounting concentration 17
Accreditation 7
Adding courses 5
Administration, Owen School 69
Administration, university 68
Americas MBA (AMBA) 34
Anti-harassment 11
Anti-retaliation 11
Attendance, class 5
Auditing 5
Awards 28, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Bachelor of arts 27
Bachelor of music 28
Bachelor of science 27
Beta Gamma Sigma 6
Bicycle registration 10
Black Cultural Center, Bishop Joseph Johnson 9
Blair School of Music 28
Board of Trust, university 67
Bookstore (Barnes & Noble at Vanderbilt) 8
Brand Management specialization 21
MAcc 39
MAcc Valuation 42
MBA 30
MSF 50
Capstone project 34, 48
Chaplain 9
Child care 13
Class attendance 5
College of Arts and Science 27
Commencement 7
Commodore Card (ID card) 8
Communications, Official University 13
Concentrations 17
Confidentiality of student records 4, 12
Core course exemptions 8
Corporate Finance specialization 21, 22
Course change perioddrop/add 5
Course evaluations 6
Course failure 6
Courses of study 51
Courses taken outside the Owen School 6
CPA exam 37, 39, 40, 42
Credit hours 5
Customized emphases 24
Degree requirements 16, 27, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46, 49
Degrees offered, Vanderbilt 7
Directory, Vanderbilt 13
Disabilities, services for students with 11
Dismissal 7
Divinity School 27
Doctor of medicine 27
Dropping courses 5
Dual degrees 27, 28, 49
Elective courses 16, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 25, 38, 41, 47, 49
Emergency phones 14
Emphases 24
Endowed chairs 69
Entrepreneurship emphasis 24
Equal opportunity 2, 11
Escort, campus walking 13
Examinations 5
Exchange programs 26
Executive MBA (EMBA) 31
Exemptions 16, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Extracurricular activities 14
Faculty 70
Failure 6
Fees 15
FERPA 4, 12
Finance concentration 17, 18
Financial aid 28
Financial clearance 6
Fisk University 27
Five-year programs 27, 28
General Management concentration 17, 18
Good standing 6
Grade point average 116, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Grades 5, 16, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Graduation requirements, student responsibility for meeting 4
Grievance procedure 7
Health Care concentration 17, 18
Honor system 4
Honors 6
Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) concentration 17, 19
Human and Organizational Performance (HOP) specialization 21, 22
Incomplete work 5
ID Card 8
Independent study 16, 38, 41, 48
Insurance, student 11
International Student and Scholar Services 8
International Studies emphasis 24, 25
Investment Management specialization 21, 23
Jewish Life, Schulman Center for 10
Juris doctor 27, 49
Law School 27, 49
Leave of absence 6
LGBTQI Life, Office of 9
Management/Blair School of Music 28
Management/College of Arts and Science 27
Management/Divinity 27
Management/Engineering 27
Management/Fisk University 27
Management/Law 27, 49
Management/Medicine 27
Marketing concentration 17, 19
Master of accountancy 37
Master of accountancy valuation 40
Master of business administration (MBA) 16
Master of divinity 27
Master of management in health care (MMHC) 43
Master of science in finance (MSF) 27, 46
Maymester study abroad 26
Mission, goals, and values, Vanderbilt University 7
Non-Owen students in Owen courses 6
Nondiscrimination 2, 11
Online course materials (Blackboard) 6
Operations Management concentration 17, 20
Parking 10
Pass/fail courses 16, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Performance reviews 6, 32, 35
Police department, Vanderbilt 13
Professional standards 4
Project Safe 10
Project work 16, 38, 41, 48
Real Estate emphasis 24, 25
Recreation facilities 15
Refunds 7, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Registration system 4
Required courses 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46
Residence requirement 16, 31, 34, 37, 40, 43, 46
Scholarships 28
School of Engineering 27
School of Medicine 27
Secondary electives, investment management 23
Security notices 14
Specializations 21
Sports 15
Strategy concentration 17, 20
Student centers 14
Student conduct 4
Student Health Center 10
Student records, confidentiality of 4
Transcripts 4
Transfer credit 16, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
Tuition, Blair/Owen 28
Tuition refunds 7, 32, 35, 38, 41, 44, 48
University information 7,8
Vandy Vans 13
Vehicle registration 10
Withdrawal from a course 5
Women's Center, Margaret Cuninggim 9
vanderbilt university