Form and Space
Form and Space
Form and Space
Size - The physical dimensions of length, width, and In architecture, we are concerned with the shapes of:
depth of a form. While these dimensions determine the
Floor, wall, and ceiling planes that enclose space
proportions of a form, its scale is determined by its size
Door and window openings within a spatial
relative to other forms in its context.
Color - A phenomenon of light and visual perception Silhouettes and contours of building forms
that may be described in terms of an individual’s
perception of hue, saturation, and tonal value. Color is the
attribute that most clearly distinguishes a form from its Circle - A plane curve every point of which is equidistant
environment. It also affects the visual weight of a form. from a fixed point within the curve
Texture - The visual and especially tactile quality given Triangle - A plane figure bounded by three sides and
to a surface by the size, shape, arrangement, and having three angles
proportions of the parts. Texture also determines the
degree to which the surfaces of a form reflect or absorb Square - A plane figure having four equal sides and four
incident light. right angles
C. The form of the spatial void rendered as a figure THE UNITY OF OPPOSITES FORM DEFINING
Architectural form occurs at the juncture between
mass and space. In executing and reading design 1. HORIZONTAL ELEMENTS: BASE PLANE
drawings, we should be concerned with both the
form of the mass containing a volume of space as Base Plane :
well as the form of the spatial volume itself. A horizontal plane laying as
a figure on a contrasting background defines a
simple field of space. This field can be
visually reinforced in the following ways.