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Demarcation of Space

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To understand the concept of space making and conventional medium/elements practiced
or adopted for demarcating a space or an enclosure.
In mathematical terms, Space is defined as the unlimited or incalculably great three-dimensional
realm or expanse in which all material objects are located and all events occur. While in
architecture, Space and place are two fundamental concepts with a purpose of living or dwelling.
Space is not something predetermined and fixed; In fact, it is the personal location which
defines the space. Moreover, the perception of space is only possible in the presence of the
perceptible objects therefore space is the relation among objects.
Space, can be classified into three types of geographical space, living space and (interior or
central) architectural space.
While space is an open and abstract area, place is not considered as a subjective and abstract
concept, it rather is a location or a part of space which obtains its particular identity through the
factors inside it and has a meaning and value. Place is the base of a direct connection with the
world and the human life spot and it means beyond the position and origin. Therefore, it is full of
meaning, physical reality and human experiences and is considered as the center of sensible
In fact, place can be considered as the synthesis of space organization and the built form.

Fig. 1: the components that create the sense of place

Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1687404814000571
Table 1 indicates the characteristics of a place from the point of view of some scholars.
Table 1.
Space and place characteristics.

Space can and should be perceived
through the capabilities (potentially) of
movement or lack of such capabilities
and how that movement took action, flow
or stoppage
Mere space has two features: Spatium
and Extensio
Space is created by a specific set of
natural and artificial things whose
architecture is involved in its creation
Everything which has no space is not
architecture. Every building creates two
spaces at the same time: interior space
and exterior space. Interior space is the
essence and basis of architecture
Architectural space can be perceived
objectively and feel directly and it can
identify by its defining elements
The relation between inside and outside,
which is the first aspect of objective
space, shows that spaces have various
levels of extension and surrounding
Giedion agreed that the architecture can
be perceived by two main aspects:
organizing of space and built form
Space can be identified by its limitation
elements and its character followed by
the condition and the order established
among these elements. These elements
include: floor, ceiling, wall, material and
surface, openings

Spaces obtain their pure existence
from the place and not from mere
space. Spaces, which we come across
among them, have been formed by the
place. The purity of these places is
hidden in things like buildings
If space gives the possibility of
movement, place creates pause
The Unity of gestalt, form and space
are the characteristics of places and
where the living occurs
The place does not need to be
occupied or determined by a particular
object. Even the environmental
conflicts are enough to determine a
The place can be considered as a result
of the interaction of three components:
human behavior, concepts and physical
Paolo Portoghesi did sometimes define
it as the system of places
The place is a combination of memory,
sensory experiences and narratives
The place can be realized as the
synthesis of space organization and
built form and its meaning is indicated
by architectural language or tradition
The most important role among the
factors which give character to a place
is opposition to the environment. It
means topologies, form, and material
and color opposition

In the phenomenology approach, space

has distinctly definable elements which
include: dialectic of inside and outside,
centrality, surrounding, territory and
Source: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1687404814000571

Primary Elements
All pictorial form begins with the point that sets itself in motion.
The point moves and the line comes into being the first dimension.
If the line shifts to form a plane, we obtain a two dimensional element.
In the movement from plane to spaces, the clash of planes gives rise to body (three-dimensional)
A summary of the kinetic energies which move the point into a line,
The line into a plane and the plane into a spatial dimension.
--Paul Klee the Thinking Eye: The Notebooks of Paul Klee (English Translation) 1961
As conceptual elements, the point, line plane, and volume are not visible except to the minds
eye. While they do not actually exist, we nevertheless feel their presence. We can sense a point at
the meeting of two lines, a line marking the contour of a plane, a plane enclosing a volume, and
the volume of an object that occupies space.

As the prime generator of form, the

Point indicates a position in space.
A point extended becomes a Line with properties of:
A line extended becomes a Plane with properties of:
Length and width
A plane extended becomes a Volume with
properties of:
Length, width depth
form and space

A point marks a position in space. Conceptually,

it has no length, width or depth, and is therefore
static, centralized, and directionless

As the prime element in the vocabulary of form, a point can serve to mark:
the two ends of a line
the intersection of two lines

the meeting of lines at the corner of a plane or volume

the center of a field

Although a point theoretically has neither shape nor form, it begins to make its presence felt
when placed within visual field. At the center of its environment, a point is stable and dominating
its field.
When the point is moved off-center, however, its field becomes more aggressive and begins to
compete for visual supremacy. Visual tension is created between the point and its field.
A point has no dimension. To visibly mark a position in space or on the ground plane, a point
must be projected vertically into a linear form as a column obelisk, or tower. Any such columnar
element is seen in plane as a point and therefore retains the visual characteristics of a point.
Two points describe a line that connects them. Although the points give this line finite length, the
line can also be considered a segment of an infinitely longer path.
Two points established in space by columnar elements or centralized forms can define an axis, an
ordering device used throughout history to organize building forms and spaces.
In plan, two points can denote a gateway signifying passage from one place to another. Extended
vertically, the two points define both a plane of entry and an approach perpendicular to it.
Vertical linear elements, such as columns, obelisks, and towers, have been used throughout
history to commemorate significant events and establish particular points in space.
Vertical linear elements can also define a transparent volume of space.

Linear members that possess the necessary material strength can perform structural functions. In
these three examples, linear elements:
express movement across space
provide support for an overhead plane
Form a three-dimensional structural frame for architectural space
A line can be an imagined element rather than a visible one in architecture. An example is the
axis, a regulating line established by two distant points in space and about which elements are
symmetrically arranged.
Although architectural space exists in three dimensions, it can be linear in form to accommodate
the path of movement through a building and link its space to one another.
Buildings also can be linear form, particularly when they consist of respective spaces organized
along a circulation path. As illustrated here, linear building forms have the ability to enclose
exterior spaces as well as adapt to the environmental conditions of a site.
Two parallel lines have the ability to visually describe a plane. A transparent spatial membrane
can be stretched between them to acknowledge their visual relationship. The closer these lines
are to each other, the stronger will be the sense of plane they convey.
A series of parallel lines, through their repetitiveness, reinforces our perception of the plane they
describe. As these lines extend themselves
along the plane they describe, the implied
plane becomes real and the original voids
between the lines revert to being mere
interruptions of the planar surface.
The diagrams illustrate the transformation
of a row of round columns, initially
supporting a portion of a wall, then
evolving into square piers which are an
integral part of the wall plane, and finally
becoming pilastersremnants of the
original columns occurring as a relief
along the surface of the wall.
The column is a certain strengthened part
of a wall, carried up perpendicular from
the foundation to the topA row of
columns is indeed nothing but a wall, open
and discontinued in several places. Leon
Battista Alberti
In addition to the structural role columns
play in supporting an overhead floor or
roof plane, they can articulate the
penetrable boundaries of spatial zones
which mesh easily with adjacent spaces.

These two examples illustrate how columns can define the edges of an exterior space defined
within the mass of a building as well as articulate the edges of a building mass in space.

A line extended in a direction other than its intrinsic direction becomes a plane. Conceptually, a
plane has length and width, but no depth.

Shape is the primary identifying characteristic of a plane. It is determined by the contour of the
line forming the edge of a plane. Because our perception of shape can be distorted by perspective
foreshortening, we the true shape of a plane only when we view it frontally.
The supplementary properties of a plane its surface color, pattern and textureaffect its visual

weight and stability.

In the composition of a visual construction, a plane serves to define the limits the limits or
boundaries of a volume. If architecture as a visual art deals specifically with the formation of
three-dimensional volumes of mass and space, then the plane should be regarded as a key
element in the vocabulary of architectural design.

Planes in architecture define three - dimensional volumes of mass and space. The properties of
each planesize, shape, color texture-as well as their spatial relationship to one another

ultimately determine the visual attributes of the form they define and the qualities of the space
they enclose. In architectural design, we manipulate three generic types of planes.

Overhead Plane
The overhead plane can be either the roof plane that shelters the interior spaces of a building
from the climatic elements, or the ceiling plane that forms the upper enclosing surface of a room.
Wall Plane
The wall plane, because of its vertical orientation, is active in our normal field of vision and vital
to the shaping and enclosure of architectural space.
Base Plane
The base plane can be either the ground plane that serves as the physical foundation and visual
base for building forms, or the floor plane that forms the lower enclosing surface of a room upon
which we walk.

Architectural form is the point of contact between mass and spaceArchitectural forms,
textures, materials, modulation of light and shade , color, all combine to inject a quality or spirit
that articulates space. The quality of the architecture will be determined by the skill of the

designer in using and relating these elements, both in the interior spaces and in the spaces around
Edmund N.Bacon
The Design of Cities
FORMS are the physical component of buildings. They are the tangible elements that make up a
building, such as its brick walls, stained glass windows, wooden columns, copper roof, stone
paved paths, garden layout, etc. Forms can contain other forms: for example, a wall can contain a
window. While they are discreet elements, they are comprised of building materials such as
bricks, sand, and glass that can be considered discreet forms in and of themselves.
The characteristic outline or surface configuration of a particular form. Shape is the principal
aspect by which we identify and categorize forms.
In addition to shape, forms have visual properties:
The physical dimensions of length, width, and depth of a form. While these dimensions
determine the proportions of a form, its scale is determined by its size relative to other forms in
its context.
A phenomenon of light and visual perception that may be described in terms of an individuals
perception of hue, saturation, and tonal value. Color is the attribute that most clearly
distinguishes a form from its environment. It also affects the visual weight, of a form.
The visual and especially tactile quality given to a surface by the size, shape, arrangement, and
proportions of the parts. Texture also determines the degree to which the surfaces of a form
reflect or absorb incident light.

Spaces are the voids between a buildings forms. They are defined by (and define) the
relationship between these forms. Spaces are not real in the same sense that forms are: they are
only experienced in time by the person inhabiting the building. Spaces do not exist
independently of this individual experience. This leads us to an important consideration we tend
to easily overlook: architects are, by definition, in the business of designing for experience.
Most interestingly, forms and spaces cannot exist independently of each other. They are
inextricable parts of a whole: they are the yin and the yang of architecture.

Our visual field normally consists of heterogeneous elements that differ in shape, size, color, or
orientation. To better comprehend the structure of the visual field, we tend to organize its
elements into two opposing groups: positive elements which are perceived as figures and
negative elements which provide a background for the figures.
Our perception and understanding of a composition depends on how we interpret the visual
interaction between the positive and negative elements within its field
At times, the relationship between figures and their background is so ambiguous that we visually
switch their identities back and forth almost simultaneously.
In all cases, however, we should understand that figures, the positive elements that attract our
attention, could not exist without a contrasting background, therefore, are more than opposing
elements. Together, they form an inseparable realitya unity of oppositesjust as the elements
of form and space together form the reality of architecture.
At the scale of a building site, there are various strategies for relating the form of a building to
the space around it. A building can:
A. form a wall along an edge of its site and define a positive outdoor space
B. surround and enclose a courtyard or atrium space within its volume
C. merge its interior space with the private outdoor space of a walled site
D. enclose a portion of its site as an outdoor room
E. stand as a distinct form in space and dominate its site
F. stretch out and present a broad face to a feature of its size
G. stand free within its site but have private exterior spaces be an extension of its interior
H. stand as a positive form in negative space
A vertical linear element, such as a column, obelisk, or tower, establishes a point on the ground
plane and makes it visible in space. Standing upright and alone, a slender linear element is
nondirectional except for the path that would lead us to its position in space. Any number of
horizontal axes can be made to pass through it.


a defined

volume of space, a column will generate a spatial field about itself and interact with the spatial
enclosure. A column attached to a wall buttresses the plane and articulates its surface. At the
corner of a space, a column punctuates the meeting of two wall planes. Standing free within a
space, a column defines zones of space within the enclosure.

When centered in a space, a column will assert itself as the center of the field and define
equivalent zones of space between itself and the surrounding wall planes. When offset, the
column will define hierarchical zones of space differentiated by size, form, and location.

No volume of space can be established without the definition of its edges and corners. Linear
Elements serve this purpose in marking the limits of spaces that require visual and spatial
continuity with their surroundings.


established a
membrane by
the visual
between their shafts. Three or more columns can be arranged to define the corners of a volume of
space. This space does not require a larger spatial context for its definition, but relates freely to

The edges of the volume of space can be visually reinforced by articulating its base plane and
establishing its upper limits with beams spanning between the columns or with an overhead
plane. A repetitive series of column elements along its perimeter would further strengthen the
definition of the volume.

Exploring and challenging the conventional medium of space making
Human beings have been designing spaces to host our interactions to stage our experiences
for thousands of years. In traditional architecture, we have a rich field that can serve as a
springboard to for the design of effective information environments. However, much of the
discussion in the field of information architecture has
focused on linguistic approaches to the structuring of
information environments. The designers of many of
these virtual spaces have thus far approached these
design challenges as literary exercises on one extreme,
and as visual design exercises on the other.

All too often, architectural designs rely more heavily

on just one primary sense the visual one. The other
senses are unfortunately frequently neglected. This is
unfortunate since it is through the senses that
architecture can have profound effect. For instance, architectural building can more truly relate
to the surrounding culture through all of the senses. Addressing historic, traditional or presentday cultural patterns can make a work of architecture a success when the senses are not ignored.


The architect must act as a composer that orchestrates space into a synchronization for function
and beauty through the senses and how the human body engages space is of prime importance.
As the human body moves, sees, smells, touches, hears and even tastes within a space the
architecture comes to life.
The rhythm of an architecture can be felt by occupants as a result of the architects composition
or arrangement of all the sensorial qualities of space. By arranging spatial sensorial features, an
architect can lead occupants through the functional and aesthetic rhythms of a created place.
Architectural building for all the senses can serve to move occupants elevating their
Architectural space is about layering for all of the senses. Like a musical composition, spatial
features come together into a symphony for occupants to experience. Bringing a space to life
means that architectural function and form is not just primarily for the visual sense. By engaging
all of the senses, form and function may be more fully expressed so occupants can have deeper,
more meaningful moments feeling the bouquet of their surroundings in all of its dimensions.

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