Topic 2 (Resistor) : Name: Amelinda Azalia Savira Class: EK-3A
Topic 2 (Resistor) : Name: Amelinda Azalia Savira Class: EK-3A
Topic 2 (Resistor) : Name: Amelinda Azalia Savira Class: EK-3A
II. Materials
Carbon composition resistors (CCR) consist of a solid cylindrical resistive element
with embedded wire leads or metal end caps to which the lead wires are attached
The resistive element is made from a mixture of finely powdered carbon and an
insulating material, usually ceramic. A resin holds the mixture together. The resistance is
determined by the ratio of the fill material (the powdered ceramic) to the carbon. Higher
concentrations of carbon, which is a good conductor, result in lower resistance. Carbon
composition resistors were commonly used in the 1960s and earlier, but are not popular
for general use now as other types have better specifications, such as tolerance, voltage
dependence, and stress. Carbon composition resistors change value when stressed with
over-voltages. Moreover, if internal moisture content, from exposure for some length of
time to a humid environment, is significant, soldering heat creates a non-reversible change
in resistance value.
Carbon composition resistors are still available, but relatively expensive. Values
ranged from fractions of an ohm to 22 megohms. Due to their high price, these resistors
are no longer used in most applications. However, they are used in power supplies and
welding controls.[8] They are also in demand for repair of vintage electronic equipment
where authenticity is a factor.
III. Characteristic
4 Bands Resistor Color Code Calculation
In the above 4 bands resistor:
IV. Function
The main function of resistors in a circuit is to control the flow of current to other
components. Take an LED (light) for example. If too much current flows through an LED
it is destroyed. So a resistor is used to limit the current. When a current flows through a
resistor energy is wasted and the resistor heats up. The greater the resistance the hotter it
gets. The battery has to do work to force the electrons through the resistor and this work
ends up as heat energy in the resistor.
An important property to know about a resistor is how much heat energy it can
withstand before it's damaged. MadLab resistors can dissipate about a 1/4 Watt of heat
(compare this with a domestic kettle which uses up to 3 000 Watts to boil water).
It's difficult to make a resistor to an exact value (and in most circuits it is not critical
anyway). Resistances are given with a certain accuracy or tolerance. This is expressed
as being plus or minus so much of a percentage. A 10% resistor with a stated value of
100 ohms could have a resistance anywhere between 90 ohms and 110 ohms. The
MadLab resistors are 5% (that's what the gold band means) which is more than enough
Real resistances vary over an enormous range. In the Lie Detector there is a 1 000
000 ohms resistor alongside a 470 ohms resistor. In circuit diagrams you will often see
an 'R' instead of omega to represent ohms. This is a convention that dates from before
the days of computers and laser printers when Greek letters were rarely found on
typewriters. The letter 'k' means a thousand and its position shows the position of the
decimal point.
V. Aplications
current noise(optical detecting circuit)
Noise of resistors is divided into thermal noise and current noise. Thermal noise is
logically determined by resistance, absolute temperature and frequency range, and has
no relation with resistor material. The effective value in unit interval of frequency is
extremely small and distributed uniformly in frequency domain, which leads to main
factor of deterioration of S/N in broad band amplifier of wireless frequency. Normally,
no problem occurs in low frequency range under audio frequency. The current noise, on
the contrary, depends much on material, the lower the frequency, the larger the noise
becomes. In the frequency range under kHz, the effective value of unit interval of
frequency is larger than thermal noise; especially under a few Hz, it increases
incomparably. Optical detecting circuit as below which amplifies micro detecting signal
with large gain, or applications like elctrocardiographic monitors which handle micro
voltage near direct current, current noise rather than thermal noise would be the main
factor of deterioration of S/N. In these purposes, thin film chip resistors with excellent
current noise characteristics like RN73R, RN73H, MF, RNS, MRS are suitable.