EEPaper I
EEPaper I
EEPaper I
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• The meaning of resistance, its units and their types.
• The constructional details of various types of resistors.
• Colour coding of the resistors.
• Total resistance of two or more resistors connected in
a) series and b) parallel.
• Difference between fixed resistors and variable resistors.
• Specifications of resistors.
• Specific resistance and temperature coefficient of resistance.
• Common troubles in resistors.
1.1 Introduction
It is one of the most important component used in electronic circuits.
Resistance has been defined as the opposition to the flow of current. This
opposition comes from the electrons present in the atom of a material. In materials
like copper, the electrons are more free to move about than the electrons in a
material like rubber. In other words, copper has less resistance than rubber.
2 Electronic Engineering Technician
(b) Carbon Film Resistors are types of carbon resistors made by depositing
a carbon film on a ceramic rod. The value of the resistance is set by cutting a
spiral groove through the film. The groove adjusts the length and the width of the
ribbon so that the desired value of the resistor is reached.
Carbon resistors are available in value varying from 1 to 20 M . These
are made by wrapping a known length of wire of a nickel – chrome always
called nichome over a from made of ceramic Advance and manganin wires are
also used for the construction of wire wound resistors. All these materials have
a much higher resistivity than copper. After taking out leads the entire winding is
coated with a protective coating.
(c) Wirewound Resistors
Since the length of the wire required increases with the ohmic value of the
resistance, the range of these resistors is from less than 1 to several thousand
These resistors are used in circuits carrying high current when relatively
high amounts of power are dissipated. Wire wound resistors are used in precision
instruments where stable and accurate resistance values are required. Wire wound
resistor in shown in fig 1.3.
1.5 Variable Resistors
The most common type of variable resistor is known as the potentiometer
or simply POT as shown in the fig 1.4. This is used as volume control in radio
and TV sets. The resistance value can be varied by the rotation of a shaft fixed
at the end. A volume control is generally combined with an On/Off switch for
power supply which can be operated from the common shaft.
The construction of a potentiometer is shown in fig 1.4. In this
potentiometer, a movable contract slides over a strip of carbon. The resistance
between terminals 1 and 3 is fixed and is the maximum value marked on the
body of the potentiometer.
When the movable arm slides from left to right or a clockwise the
resistance between points 1 and 2 increases and that between points 2 and 3
decreases. The variation of resistance is not uniform in the case of carbon
For uniform variation of resistance and for precision work, wire wound
potentiometers are used. These have wire wound elements in place of carbon
strips are available in 1,2,3 and 4 volts wire-wound potentiometer is shown in
When continuous variation of the resistance is not required, a tapped
resistance is used. Fixed taps are provided at a number of points an a wire-
would resistance. A sliding contact on a bare wire resistance will vary the
resistance in any of the convenient steps. Table 1.6 shows comparison of wire-
wound and metal film carbon resistors.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 5
Fig. 1.5
The differences between the above three types of Resistors are shown in
the table 1.2
Carbon Resistors Metal Film Resistors Wire wound Resistors
1. These are manufactured 1. These are manufac- 1. These are
using the carbon granuals tured by depositing a manufactured using
mixed with resin, binder film of metal alloys us a Nichrome wires.
and flux. ceramic or glass body.
2. These are available in 2. These are available in 2. These are available
high resistance values low resistance values. in the resistance values
ranging from 1 Ω to 10 from 0.1 to Ω150K.
3. These are available in 3. These are available in 3. These are available
the low power ratings the low power ratings at high power ratings in
ranging from 1/8 watt to 2 ranging from 1/8 to 2 w. the order of kilowatts.
4. Carbon resisto rs 4. These are also 4. Wire wound resistors
occupy less space in occupy less space in occupy more space in
circuits due to their small circuits due to their small circuits due to their
in size. in size. large size.
5. The value of the resistor 5. The value of the 5. The value of the
is coded using colour code. resistor is coded using resistor is printed on it.
colour code.
6. These are used at high 6. These are also used 6. These are not used
and low frequencies for for noise less operation at high frequencies due
their noise less operation. at high frequency. to noisy operation.
7. These have low current 7. These have low and 7. These have high
carrying ability. medium current carrying current carrying ability.
6 Electronic Engineering Technician
1.7 Preset
These Presets are just smaller versions of a variable resistor. They can be
easily placed on a PCB and can be adjustable when needed. The value of
resistance is commonly adjusted with the help of a screw-driver. They are mostly
used in applications like adjusting the frequency of and alarm tone or to adjust
sensitivity of circuits. These are also highly precise presets which have multi-turn
± the resistance will increase/decrease only slowly and hence
options. In this type,
the screw has to be rotated many times. Here also the basic slider and track
mechanism is used. The track mechanism is always linear.
Fig. 1.7
Most of the variable resistors are placed directly on the PCB some are
mounted by drilling hole in the case containing the circuit and is connected to the
terminals with the help of a wire.
In recent years, the size as well as the weight of such devices have been
greatly reduced which makes it more suitable for any field of electronics.
1.8 Color Code for Carbon Resistors
The ohmic value and the tolerance of a carbon resistor is indicated by a
color code. Ten colors are used to represent each of the digits from zero to nine
as indicated below in table 1.4.
In the case of carbon resistors having arial leads, the colour bands are
printed near one edge of the resistor as shown in fig 1.2. Reading from left the
first significant figure the second and the third band indicates the multiplier (X10)
or the number of zeroes to be added after the two significant figures. The tolerance
is indicated by the fourth band or by its absence. A gold band indicates 5%
tolerance, silver band 10% tolerance and no band 20% tolerance.
Examples: What is the value and tolerance of a carbon resistor which has
the following bands starting from the left: Brown, Black, Red, Gold.
Brown, Blank, Red, Gold
1 0 00 ‘“ 5%
Example : What is the value and tolerance of a carbon resistor which has
the following bands starting from the left : Brown, Black, Red, Gold.
Brown Black Red Gold
1 0 00 ± 5%
Therefore, the resistor value is 1000 ± 5%
1.9 Resistors Under 1
In their case, the third band is either gold or silver which serves as fractional
multiplier. If the third band is gold, multiply the first two digits by 0.1. If it is
silver, then multiply by 0.01. However, fourth band, as before, gives tolerance.
8 Electronic Engineering Technician
R1 R2 R3
I V1 V2 V3
Fig. 1.9 Resistors in series
When some conductors having resistances R1, R2 and R3 etc are joined
end-on-end, they are said to be connected in series.
Being a series circuit, it should be remembered that
(i) Current is the same through all the three conductors.
(ii) But voltage drop across each is different due to its resistance and is
given by ohm’s Law and
(iii) Sum of the three voltage drops is equal to the voltage applied across
the three conductors
V = V1 + V2 + V3
= IR1 + IR2 + IR3
But V = IR
Where R is the equivalent resistance of the combination.
Therefore IR = = IR1 + IR2 + IR3
or R = = R1 + R2 + R3
The main characteristics of a series circuit are
1. Same current passes through all parts of the circuit.
2. Different resistors have their individual voltage drops.
3. Voltage drops are additive.
4. Applied voltage equals the sum of different voltage drops.
5. Resistances are additive.
6. Powers are additive.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 11
Now, I = current
V is the applied voltage and
R is the equivalent resistance of the combination.
Since V = ___
V + ___ ___
V +V
R R1 R2 R3
or 1 = ___
1 + ___
1 + ___
R R1 R2 R3
The main characteristics of a parallel circuit are
1. Same voltage acts across all parts of the circuit.
2. Different resistors have their individual current.
3. Branch currents are additive.
4. Conductance are additive.
12 Electronic Engineering Technician
2.5 3 1.5
Fig. 1.11
Units = ohm-metre or
1.18 Conductance
Conductance (G) is a reciprocal of resistance.
Units : The unit of conductance is Siemens (S) earlier, this unit was called
mho ( ).
1.19 Effect of Temperature on Resistance
The effect of rise in temperature of metals is large and fairly regular for
normal range of temperature. The temperature or resistance graph is straight
line. Therefore metals have positive temperature co-efficient of resistance.
The increase of resistance of alloys, though in their case, the increase is
relatively small and irregular. For some high resistance alloys like Eureka and
Manganin, the increase in resistance is negligible over a considerable range of
The resistance of electrolytes, insulators and semi conductors is practically
negligible hence they are said to posses zero temperature co-efficient of resistance.
Rheostat is a variable resistor with one terminal fixed and the other terminal
connected. Always it is connected to the circuit in the series. It is available in the
form of wire-wound.
Potentioneter is a variable resistor and is used to taps off of voltage in the
circuit. Always it is connected in parallel to the circuit. It has three terminals.
1. Resistance is defined as the property of opposition to the blow of electric
2. The practical unit of resistance is ohms.
3. Resistors are of two types a) fixed resistors b) variable resistors
4 . Resistors whose value can’t be charged are called fixed resistors. Ex:
carbon resistor and wire wound resistors.
5. Resistors whose value can be charged or varied are called variable
resistors. Ex: potentiometer.
6. Presets are the smaller versions of the variable resistor used for finer
adjustments of a circuit sensitivity, frequency etc.
14 Electronic Engineering Technician
7. The resistance values are directly printed on their body in the case of
wire resistors whose values are stable and accurate and can carry high
currents with high power dissipation capabilities.
8. In the case of carbon resistors their values indicated by means of colour
code. They are available in the wattage ratings of 1/8,1/4,1/2,1 2 W.
9. The important specifications of a resistors are a) Resistance value b)
Tolerance and c) Wattage.
10. The main use of resistor are a) to provide required voltage drop in a
circuit b) To limit current and c) to provide load in a circuit.
11. The most common trouble with resistor is open due to excess current
or heat.
12. When two or more resistors are connected in series the total resistance
R = R1 + R2 + R3
13. When 2 or more resistors are connected in parallel, the total resistance
is 1 1 1
= +
R R1 R2
14. The resistance of a material depends on a) length b) area of cross
connection c) nature of material d) temperature.
15. Specific resistance of a material may be defined as the resistance between
the opposite faces of a meter cube of the material.
Units=ohm meter of ohm-centimeter.
16. Conductance is the reciprocal of resistance.
17. Metals have PTC, insulators, eletrolytes have NTC and for certain
alloys like eureka, Marganis etc have negligible resistance charge over
a wide range of temperature.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Define resistance and mention its units.
2. Classify different types of resistors.
3. What are the applications of resistors?
4. What are the specifications of resistors?
5. Define wattage rating of resistors.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 15
Inductors and Transformers
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
1. Faraday’s laws of electromagnetic induction.
2. Lenz’s law
3. Self inductance and mutual inductance.
4. Factors affecting the value of inductance.
5. Constructional details of transformers.
6. Different types of transformer
7. The applications of transformer
8. The specifications of transformer.
2.1 Introduction
In many electronic circuits like frequency tunning circuits,oscillators etc
inductors and transformer forms the basic part of the circuit. In generation and
inducement of AC voltage and current inductors play a vital role. Similarly in
power circuits transformers play a vital role. In this chapteryou will learn about
the basic laws that are used to induce voltages, using electromagnetic induction.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 17
2.3 Inductance
Inductance is the ability of the conductor to produce induced voltage when
the varying current flows through it or it is the property of the coil by which there
produces a opposite polarity’ voltage is called inductance of the coli. This is
measured using the unit ‘HENRY’. Inductance is represented symbolically as
shown in fig.2.2
2.3.1 Inductance
The component which gives a definite value of inductance by wounding a
insulated conductor or a coil on a core is known as an inductor.
2.3.2 Classification of Inductance
Inductance can be classified in to two types.
1. Self inductance
2.3.3 Self Inductance
The ability of a conductor to induce voltage in itself when the current or flux
changes in it is called inductance (or) the property of the coil due to which it
opposes any increases or decreases of current or flux through it is known as self
Imagine a coil of wire to one shown in below fig 2.3 connected to battery
through Rheostat. It is found that when ever an effort is made to increase current
through it. It is always opposed by the instantaneous production of counter emf
of self induction. Energy required to overcome this opposition is supplied by the
battery. Similarly if now an effort is made to decrease the current then again it is
delayed due to production of self induced emf this time in the opposite direction.
This property of coil due to which it opposes any increase or decrease of current
or flux through it is known as self inductance. It is measured in terms of co-
efficient self induction L. We know by experience that initially it is difficult to set
a heavy body on to motion, but once in motion it is actually difficult to stop it.
Similarly a coil having large induction it is initially difficult to established a current
through it, but once established, it is equally difficult to withdraw it. The co-
20 Electronic Engineering Technician
Secon dary
Primary Current
Primary S Secondary
This magnetic field will be variable and also fraction of this field will flows
through the coil L2 which will be placed beside it. According to faradays law of
electromagnetic induction this variable magnetic field cuts the turns of the coil L2
and hence produces some voltage in the coil L2 . This magnitude of the induced
22 Electronic Engineering Technician
emf in turns equals to the rate of change of flux linkages. Thus the ability of one
coil to produce voltage in the near by coil is known as mutual inductance. This
principle is used in transformers.
2.7 Coefficient of Coupling
The fraction of the magnetic flux from one coil linking another coil is the co-
efficient of coupling K between the coils.
It can be expressed as
Flux linkage between L1 and L2
Flux produced by L1
Thus if all the flux of L1 links with L2 then the co-efficient of the coupling
K=1. The co-efficient of coupling increases if the coils are closely placed.
Mathematically co-efficient of coupling K is expressed as
L1 - L2
2.8.1 Inductance in Series
Series connections are of two types
1. Series aiding
2. Series opposing
2.8.2 Series - Aiding
When two coils be so joined in series that their fluxes (mmf) are additive
i.e. in the same direction then such type of connection is known as ‘inductance
series aiding’. This is shown in the below figure 2.5. Let A and B are two coils
connected in series Aiding (i.e. their fluxes be additive).
Let M = Co=efficient of mutual inductance
L1 =Co-efficient of self inductance of coil A
L2 =Co-efficient of self inductance of coil B
Then self induced emf in A is =e1 -L1 di / dt.
Mutually induced emf in A due to change of current in
B is e2 = -M (di / dt)
Then self induced emf in B is e2 = L2 (di / dt)
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 23
e2 B
e2 e2
e1 A
T1 T2 T3
e1 e2
T1 T2 T3 T4
i1 B
i2 L1
L = L 1 + L2……..
Let L1-20 H and L2-40H
Substituting these values in the above equation L = 20 + 40 = 60
H in parallel connection we know that
Total inductance L= I / L 1 + I / L 2
= I/20 + I/40 = 2 + I/40
= I/L = 3/40
L = 40/3 = 13.3 H
2. The inductance of two coils are 10mh, 20mh respectively and its
co-efficient of coupling is 0.75. calculate mutual inductance
Ans: Inductance of first coil L1=10 mil
Inductance of second coil L2=20 mil
Co-efficient of coupling K = 0.75
Mutual inductance M = K L 1- L 2
2. The inductance of two coils are 10mh, 20mh respectively and its
co-efficient of coupling is 0.75. Calculate mutual inductance.
Ans: Inductance of first coil L1 = 10mh
Inductance of second coil L2 = 20mh
Co=efficient of coupling K = 0.75
Mutual inductance M=K L 1- L 2
= 0.75 10 x 10-3 x 20 x 10-3
= 0.0106 OR 10.6 mH
3. The combined inductance of the coils connected in series aiding
is 0.6 H their self inductance are 0.2H and 0.15H respectively. Calculate
mutual inductance and co-efficient of coupling.
Ans: Total inductance in series aiding L = 0.6H
L1= 0.2
L2 = 0.15
26 Electronic Engineering Technician
= 5 / 12
L=12/5=2.4 H
2.11 Applications of Inductors
1. Inductors are used in chokes
2. These are used in receivers as oscillator coils and as antenna coils.
3. These are used in filter circuits.
2.12 Construction and Working of Transformer
The transformer is constructed by wounding a coil on a core. In power
transformer the core is constructed with sheets of soft magnetic material in different
shapes. These are known as laminations. Two types of core shape are in use.
One is “core type” and other is the “shell type”. In power transformers shel type
core is used. These are shown in the below fig 2.8. two copper coils are wounded
on this core. One coil is known as primary winding and another coil is known as
secondary coil. The assembly is placed in a metal case and the ends of the
winding are soldered on a strip for external connection.
Primary Winding
Secondary Winding
Whenever we apply A.C. power to the primary winding according to the
principle of mutual inductance it can induce voltage in the secondary winding.
Here the magnitude of the voltage depends on the no. of turns of the secondary
windings. Thus transformer Induces voltage in the secondary.
1. These are used in power supplies.
28 Electronic Engineering Technician
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student shall be able to understand
• The meaning of capacitor and types.
• Factors affecting the capacitance of a capacitor.
• Dielectric strength and dielectric constant.
• Colour coding of capacitors.
• Losses in a capacitor.
3.1 Introduction
Capacitor is an electronic component which is made by two metallic plates
separated by an insulating material. The device which can store electric charge
in the form of static electricity is called capacitor. Some times these are also
called as condensors. The basic function of the capacitor is as follows
1. In a circuit it may bypass certain frequencies.
2. It can store electrical energy.
3. It can couple signal from one circuit to another circuit.
Hence the study of capacitors, types, dielectrics and characteristics are as
important and is explained as follows.
Paper - I Electronic Engineering Technician 33
3.2 Capacitance
The capacitance of a capacitor may be defined as an amount of charge
required to create unit potential difference between it’s plates. Or capacitance is
the ability of a capacitor to store charge on it’s dielectric. By definition
Where C is the capacitance in Farad’s
Q is the charge in coulombs
V is the voltage in volts.
3.2.1 U.I Units
The unit of the capacitance is Farads and it is very big unit for practical
purposes. Hence sub multiple units micro farad (10’6F) and micro farads or
pico farads (10’12F) are generally used.
3.2.2 Symbol
The capacitor is represented by the following symbol as shown in below fig
6. Polystyrene 10HZ-100KHZ
7. Electrolyte 1HZ-100KHZ
Lead Straight
Lead Performed
Axial Type
Tape and Reel Bulk Package
Lug Type
Non Polarized
Fixed vanes
Plastic gang
Gang Capacitor
Fig. 3.4
Fig. 3.5
The top row is read from left to right and the bottom from right to left. The
dots indicates the following 1. White 2. Digit 3. Digit 4. Multiplier 5. Tolerance
6. Class white for the first dot indicates the coding.
The capacitance value is read from the first three dots. For example if the
colour are red, green and brown for dots 2,3,4 the capacitance is 250pF. If the
first dot is silver, it indicates paper capacitor. For tabular ceramic capacitors,
the colour code is as shown in the fig3.5. The wide colour band indicates the left
end and specifies % the temperature co-efficient. The next three colours indicates
the value of the capacitance. For example brown, black, brown indicates 100pF.
For very small values grey and white are used as for 0.01 and white for 0.10.
For example green, white and black means 50*0.1 or 5pF.
40 Circuit Theory and Electronic Components
Black 1 20 0
Brown 10 1 -30
Red 100 2 -80
Orange 1000 -150 -
Yellow - - -220
Green - 5 -330
Blue - - -470
Violet - - -750
Gray - - 30
White - - 500
stored in the dielectric. This difference can be treated as absorption loss in the
3.8 Capacitance in Series
Let C1, C2, C3 be the three capacitors connected in parallel as shown in the
below fig3.7. This combination is applied to the supply of ‘V’ volts. In parallel
combination p,d across each is same but charge on each is different. Let it be
Q1, Q2, Q3 on C1, C2, C3 respectively.
Fig. 3.6
= 10+1+10/1000
= 21/1000
CAD = 1000/21µF
100F 100F
3.12 Applications
Capacitors are used in various places in electronic circuits. These are as
1. Capacitors are used as ‘filters’ in power supply circuits.
2. Capacitors are used as ‘signal bypass’ elements.
3. Capacitors are used as coupling devices in electronic circuits.
4. Variable capacitors are used in tuning circuits in receiver circuits.
1. The capacitance of a capacitor may be defined as the amount of charge
required to create unit potential difference or it is the ability to store charge.
2. The unit of capacitance is farads (F).
3. The capacitance of a capacitor depends on
(a) Area of plates (b) No. of plates (c) Distance
4. Various losses in a capacitor are
(a) Resistance loss (b) Leakage loss (c) Dielectric loss (d) Absorption
5. When C1, C2 and C3 are the three capacitors connected in series, then
1/CT = 1/C1 + 1/C2 + 1/C3
44 Circuit Theory and Electronic Components
I1 I2
I5 I3
Fig. 4.1
Or I=0
2. Kirchhoff’s mesh law or voltage law(KVL): The algebraic sum of the
products of currents and resistance in each of the conductors in any closed path
(or mesh) in a network plus the algebraic sum of the emf’s in that path is zero..
In other words, IR + e.m.f=0.
4.4 Series and Parallel Circuit
It was already explained in chapter 1, that in a series circuit containing
resistors R1,R2,R3. The total resistance
In a parallel circuit containing resistors R1, R2, R3 the total resistance
1 1 1 1
= + +
R R1 R2 R3
4.4.1 Solved Problems
1. Find the total resistance of the following circuits.
12 8 6
It is clear that the above circuit, the three resistors are connected in series.
R = R1+R2+R3 = 12 + 8 + 6 = 26
2. Calculate the equivalent resistance of the circuit given below
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 49
1 1 1 1 1 4+1 6
= + = + + =
R R1 R2 5 20 20 20
4. Find the current and voltage in each branch in the circuit shown below
1 1 1 1 1 2+1 3
= + = + + =
RBC R1 R2 6 12 12 12
RBC = 12 = 4
RAC = R1+R2 = 4 + 4 = 8
Total Resistance=8
Total current I = V = 24 = 3A
R 8
Current through 4 =3A
Voltage drops across 4 = IR = 3 x 4 = 12V
Therefore Voltage drop between the points B and C = 24 – 12 = 12V
Since 6 and 12 are in parallel, same 12 V of voltage will be developed
across each resistor.
Current through 6 = V/R = 12/6 = 2A
Current through 12 = V/R = 12/12 = 1A
Current through 6 =I, R2 12
=3 = 2A
R1+R2 6+12=2A
Current through 12 =3x 6 =1A
6 +12
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 51
x x
Fig. 4.3
e = - d (NΦ).
= -d (NΦm). cos ωt
e = Em sinθ
= Em sin ωt………………………….. (2)
This equation (2) represents the sinusoidally generated voltage. Similarly
the equation of the induced current is I = Im sinθ
The equation of the induced emf or current reveals that the e m f or
current varies as sine fuction of the time angle ωt. This is shown is graphically in
the below fig 4.3.
Fig. 4.3
4.7 Cycle Frequency Time Period
One complete set of positive and negative values of alternating quantity
is known as a cycle. A cycle may also be defined in terms of angular measure as
“if a coil is rotated for 360o in a magnetic field then it is said to be one cycle”.
This is graphically represented as shown in the below fig 4.4. The number
of cycles/sec is called the frequency of alternating quantity. It is measured in
Hertz. It is also defined as the reciprocal of the time period of the alternating
Fig. 4.4
54 Electronic Engineering Technician
Therefore f = I / T.
Hence the time taken by an alternating quantity to complete one cycle is
called time period T.It is measured in m sec. This is also graphically represented
in the below fig 4.5
3/2 2
Fig. 4.7
In mid ordinate method the time base of the positive half cycle as shown in
fig 4.7 divides into an equal intervals of time each of duration t/n seconds. The
average value of the current is
i1 + i2 + ..... in
Iavg =
According Analytical method Iavg is given by
I avg = 2 I / or 0.637 x max
The Rms value of alternating current is given by that steady(dc) current
which when flowing through a given circuit for given time produces the same
heat as produced by the alternating current flowing through the same circuit for
the same time. This is also given by two methods.
1. Mid ordinate method
2. Analytical method
It is also known as effective value of AC. For finding Rms value of a
symmetrical sinusoidal alternating current either mid ordinate method or analytical
method may be used. For symmetrical non sinusoidal waves the mid ordinate
method would be found more convenient.
According to this mid ordinate method any positive half cycle as shown in
fig 4.7 is divided into n equal intervals of time each of the duration t/n seconds.
Let the mean instantaneous values of currents during these intervals be respective
i1,i2… in fig 4.6. Suppose this alternating current is passed through a circuit
of resistance R ohm.
56 Electronic Engineering Technician
Heat produced in 1st interval = 0.24i12Rt / n cal.
Heat produced in 2nd interval = 0.24i22Rt / n cal
Heat produced in nth interval = 0.24in2Rt / n cal
Heat produced in ‘t’ second is
0.24 Rt (i 12 + i 2 + i 2 )
2 n
Total heat produced in ‘t’ second is =
I = (i 21 + i 2 + i2n )
Rms Value
Form Factor kf =
Average value
0.707 Imax
= = 1.11
0.637 Imax
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 57
Maximul value
Peak Factor = = Im / Im /2 =2 = 1.414
Rms value
VR V= Vm Sin wt
I I= Im Sin wt
v=Vm Sin wt
Fig. 4.8
voltage is zero. Thus the current is lagging the voltage at the time by 90o or the
voltage is leading the current by 90o.
In pure Inductance applied voltage V = Vm sin t
IL = Vm / XL Sin (t - Π/2)
IL = Im Sin (t - Π/2) ( Since Im = Vm / Xl)
V V=Vm Sin wt
Fig. 4.9
V=Vm Sin wt Ic
Fig. 4.10
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 59
Thus when the voltage is at zero position the current is at it’s maximum
position as the capacitor gets charged or the capacitor is fully charged the current
is zero. This shows that the current leads the voltage by 900. From the fig 4.10
it can be seen that in one half cycle energy is absorbed and in the next half cycle
it is returned back resulting in no loss of energy. The voltage and current
relationship can be expressed as
Applied voltage V = Vm sin t
ic = Vm / Xc Sin (t + Π/2)
ic = Im Sin (t + Π/2) (Since Im = Vm/Xc)
4.12 AC Through Resistance in Series with an Inductor
When an alternating voltage is applied to an RL series circuit as shown in
fig 4.11. The current ‘I’ flows through the circuit which produces voltage drop
across each element. The voltage drop across resistance VR is in phase with the
current. This drop is equal to the IR. The voltage drop VL across the inductor is
equal to IXL, which is leading current by 90o. These voltage drops are shown in
the vector diagram, where OA represents VR and OB represents VL.
The applied voltage is given by the vector sum of the voltage drops
V = VR + V 2
= (IR)2 + (IXL)2
= I2 (R2 + X 2 )
= I (R2 + X L)
= V / (R2 + X L )
The quantity R2 + X L is known as the impedance of the circuit it has
the same property as that of the resistance. In fig. 4.11. CDE triangle shows that
impedance triangle. Here CD represents the resistance reactance and CE
represents the impedance. This satisfies the relation as represented by the
impedance equation. Z = (R2 + X2 )
60 Electronic Engineering Technician
The power in AC circuit is given by the product of the voltage and that part
of the current which is in phase with voltage P=VIcostΦ.
PF: The power factor of RL series circuit is defined as the ratio between
resistance and impedence of that circuit.
PF = R/Z = R / (R2 + X 2 )
VR 90o
Circuit Diagram Voltage Triangle Impedance Triangle
Fig. 4.11
V = V 2 + V2
= (IR)2 + (IXC)2
= I2 (R2 + X C )
= I (R2 + X C )
I = V / (R2 + XC )
= V/Z
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 61
VR I 0 R a
V Vc Xc
Fig. 4.12
= I (R2 + (XL-XC)2)
Vs 2 V
=Vs ( ) + ( s )2
ILT = ( 1 )2 + ( 1 )2
Vs =
1 1
( )2 + ( )2
(G)2 + (BL)2
Fig. 4.14
64 Electronic Engineering Technician
Vs IRt
Fig. 4.15
In making the vectors of this situation the current through the resistor is laid
off no horizontal axis and current through the capacitor on the vertical axis
because the capacitive current leads the resistive current by 900 which is shown
in below fig. Here the resistive current is in the phase with the applied voltage.
The resultant vector represents the total current in the circuit and the angle
which makes the vector IR is the phase angle.
It = I2 + Ic2
Tangent of the angle is equal to IRT / ICT = V/R / V/ Xc = Xc / R
This it can be seen that total current in a parallel RC circuit is always greater
than current in either branch.
It = Vs (1/RT)2 + (1/XCT)2
= (G)2 + (Bc)2
= It / Y
4.17 RLC Parallel Circuit
When all the three elements i.e. resistance, inductance and capacitance are
connected in parallel then the circuit is said to be RLC parallel circuit. These are
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 65
shown in fig 4.16 the circuit can be solved by converting the resistance into the
corresponding reciprocals inductive, capacitive reactance into corresponding
susptances by applying the following equations.
Y = G2 + B2
VS = It / Y = It / G2 + B2
Circuit Diagram
IL cosB V XC
IL sin
Solved Problems
1. Find the amplitude of the following quantity e = 100 sin 200t
Ans : We know that e = Em = sin t
Compairing the abvoe with the given equation e = 100 sin 200 t
Amplitude Em = 100 V
2. Find the frequency of the following AC voltage e = 50 sin 200 t
Ans. We know that e = 50 sin 200 t
Compairing the above with the standard equation
E = Em = sin 2ft we can get
Em = 50 V 200 t = 200 t
f = 200 t / 200 t = 100 HZ
66 Electronic Engineering Technician
Frequency f = 50 Hz
Time period T = 1/f = 1/50 = 0.02 sec
9. In a RL series circuit 3 resistance is connected in a series with an
inductive reactance of 4 find its impedance.
Ans : In a RL series circuit impedence Z = (R2 + XL )
= 32 + 42
= 25 = 5
10. Find out the impedance of RC series circuits having the resistance of
1000 with 1F capacitance connected a cross supply frequency of 60 Hz.
Ans : Given Data R = 1000 C= 1F, f=60 HZ
1 1
We know that the capacitive reactance XC = =
2fc 260 x 1 x 10-6
= 2651.5
In RC series circuit Z = (R2 + X L )
= (1000)2 + (2651.5)2
= 2833.8
11. In a RL series circuit 300 resistance is connected in series with an
inductance of 80 mH across 25 V, 800 Hz, AC Supply find its impedance and
power factor.
Ans : Given data R = 300 L = 80 mH f = 800 Hz
Inductive reactance XC = 2 fc = 2 x 2.14 x 800 x 80 x 10-3
XL = 402
Impedance of RL series circuit Z = (R2 + X 2 )
= (300)2 + (402)2
= 501.6
Power factor R / Z = 300 / 501.6 = 0.598
68 Electronic Engineering Technician
= (6)2 + (11.3)2
= 12.8
13. A capacitor having a capacitance of 10 F is connected in series with
a non inductive resistance of 120across a 100V, 50 Hz supply. Calculate its
capacitance reactance, impedance and power factor.
Ans : Given data C = 10F R = 120 F = 50 Hz
1 1
Capacitive reactance XC = = = 318.47
2fc 2 x 3.14 x 50 x 10 x 10-6
Impedance of RL series circuit Z = (R2 + XL)
= (120)2 + (318.47)2
= 340
Power factor R/Z = 120 / 340 = 0.3529
14. A coil resistance 10 ohms and inductance 0.1 H is connected in series
with a capacitance of 150 f across a 200V, 50 Hz supply. Determine impedance
and power factor.
Ans : Given data R = 10 L = 0.1 H C= 150f f = 50 Hz
From the data XL = 2 fL
= 2 x 3.14 x 50 x 0.1 = 31.4
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 69
Capacitive reactance XC = 1 1
= = 21.2
2fc 2 x 3.14 x 50 x 150 x 10-6
VL 90O I
1 C
- Xc
R Very Small
R Very Large
Fig. 4.19
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 73
Max Value
0.707 max
f1 fo f2 f
Fig. 4.20
4.25 Q Factor
The quality factor Q is the ratio of the reactive power in the inductor or
capacitor to the true power in the resistance in series with the coil or capacitor.
Maximum energy stored
The quality factor Q = 2 Energy dissipated / cycle
Max Value
0.707 max
f1 fo f2 f
= 389 KHz
2. Determine the resonant frequency for the circuit shown in fig 4.22
10 0.5 mH 10 f
Fig. 4.22
= 2.25 KHz
3. For the circuit shown in Fig. determine the impedance and resonant
frequency as resonance.
Fig. 4.23
76 Electronic Engineering Technician
= = 159.2 KHz
2 0.1 x 10 x 10-6
10. One complete set of positive and negative half cycles is known as a
11. The total number of cycles completed in one second is known as
frequency and it is measured in Hertz (Hz) or cycles / sec.
12. The average value of an alternating current is expressed by that
steady current which transfers across any circuit the same chrges as
is transferred by that steady current.
13. The RMS value of an A.C is given by that steady or d.c. current which
when flowing through a given circuit for given time produces the same
heat as produced by that alternating current when flowing through the
same circuit for thesame time.
14. Any series RLC circuit is said to be in electrical resonance when its net
reactance is zero.
15. In a series RLC circuit the current is maximum, and the impednace is
minimum in series RLC circuit.
16. In a parallel resonant circuit, current is minimum and impedance is
maximum at resonant frequency.
17. Resonant circuits are used in oscillators radio and Television receivers
for frequency selection.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Define electric current and mention its units.
2. Define the term resistance and state its units.
3. Define (a) Conductance and (b) Admittance. Write its units.
4. Define power and state its units.
5. State and explain ohms law.
6. State and explain Kirchhoff’s laws
7. Write the principle used in AC voltage generation.
8. Write the equation for AC voltage and write the meaning of each term in
9. What is meant by cycle and time period of a cycle.
10. What is meant by frequency and write its unit.
78 Electronic Engineering Technician
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• The different types of wires.
• Different gauges of wire and their current capacity.
• Familiar with different wire joints.
• Various connectors used in electronic circuits.
• Get an idea of terminators used in Electronic circuits.
• The need of contactor and their types
• Get an idea about a switch and their types and applications
• The concept of relay, types and their applications.
5.1 Wires
Single strand wire, consists of one piece of metal wire. Stranded wire is
composed of a bundle of wires to make a larger conductor.
Stranded wire is more flexible than single strand wire of the same total
cross-sectional area, is used where there is little need for flexibility in the wire.
80 Electronic Engineering Technician
cross the exposed wires. Cut off the excess wires and pinch the ends down
with pliers, solder the joint together and wrap tape around it.
5.2.3 Tap splice
A tap splice also called a tap joint and is used to connect a conductor to a
running wire. To make a tap splice strip about 11/2 inches off running the wire.
Taking the running wire and wrap it once round the running wire. Now wrap the
end of the wire through the loop you just made. Then wrap the connecting wire
around the running wire about six times. Make sure the wire points away from
the original turn, solder the joint wrap around it.
5.2.4 Fixture splice
Fixture splices or fixture joints are used to connect wires of different sizes.
This joint requires five inches of insulation stripped off the wire. Hold the wires
together and then twist them few times with a pliers. Both wires must twist for
the joint to be tightened cut both ends of the wire so that they are same length
and then take the twisted joint and bend it, so that it lines up with wires. Take the
cut ends, and extend them perpendicular to the wire, and twisted portion. Wrap
these two ends in the same direction as the twist solder the joints together and
wrap around it.
5.3 Connectors
Connectors are used in electronic circuits for various purposes and are of
several types. When complex electronic circuits are assembled, it will not be
possible to have all of the circuit functions in one circuit board or block and
interconnecting one part with the others requires suitable connectors. Connectors
are of several types, one has a particular area for its use.
1. Coaxial connectors, normal, BNC etc.
2. Instrumental connectors.
3. D series connection
4. Edge connectors of PCB
5. Euro card connectors
6. Jack and plug type connectors
7. Din series audio conncetors
8. Modulator connectors for PCBs.
82 Electronic Engineering Technician
5.3.4 N Connectors
These connectors have a threaded coupling. N connectors have a
impedence of 50ohms and has a rated voltage of 1000v. The frequency range
over which these can respond connector is 10 GHz.
The ultra high frequency connectors can respond upto 200 MHZ. Theses
connectors have a impedance of 50 ohms and rated voltage of 500v. UHF
connectors have threaded coupling and are widely used in video applications.
The manufacturing costs is comparatively lower than the other type of connectors.
5.3.5 PCB Connectors
PCB connectors are available as edge connectors and euro card connectors.
Edge connectors are multi way single or double row connectors. The standard
spacing for the connecting fingers is 4 mm. The spacing will be small for specific
applications. Edge connectors are available with different pin configurations.
The standard spacing for the connecting fingers is 4 mm. The spacing will be
small for specific applications. The standard edge connectors have 10,12,16,18
and 22 pins. The edge connectors are used to interconnect the circuit boards.
5.4 Terminators
When constructing and using coaxial cable, it is important to close off any
exposed coaxial cable ends. This is known as terminating the cable. Coaxial
cable terminators also known as “F” terminators are screw in metal connectors
that seal the exposed end of a coaxial cable. The terminators emulate a connection
to a video measurement or computer accessory and formed a closed loop in the
cabling system instead of an open one which can result in signal loss.
The terminator is a round non electrical component that allows the single
wire exiting out of the coaxial cable to fit inside of it. These components keep
extraneous signals from equipment or unwanted radio signals from entering into
the signals being carried by the coaxial cable. A terminator also keeps the moisture
from entering through the exposed end of the cable.
5.5 Contactors
A contactor is an electrically controlled switch used for switching a power
circuit, similar to a relay except with higher current ratings. A contactor is a
controlled by a circuit which has much lower power level than the switched
86 Electronic Engineering Technician
Contactors come in many forms with varying capacities and features. Unlike
a circuit breaker a contactor is not intended to interrupt a short circuit current.
Contactors range from those having a breaking current of several amperes and
24 VDC to thousands of amperes and many kilo volts. The physical size of the
contactors ranges from a device small enough to pick up with one hand to large
devices approximately a metre yard on a side.
Contactors are used to control electric motors, lighting, heating, capacitor
banks and other electrical loads. Various types of contactors are
1. Power contactors
2. Capacitors switching contactors
3. DC contactors
4. MCH contactors
5. Definite purpose contactor etc.
5.6 Terminals
Terminals are connecting points on instruments or connecting boards. These
are used to connect signal sources with the circuit or measuring instruments with
the circuits one end of the terminal is rigidly fixed to the panel board and the
other end has a threaded turntable knob. Terminals of various ratings are available
250v ,5A to 250V, 30A are available in the market.
In this switch it can be seen that there is only one throw and one pole to be
connected. Hence it is also called as single pole throw switch. In short SPST
according to no. of poles and throws used in a switch these are classified as
1. Single pole sing throw (SPST) switch
Fig 5.11
2. Single pole double throw (SPDT) switch.
3. Double pole single throw(SPST) switch
4.Double pole double throw (DPDT) switch.
Fig 5.12
Single pole single throw switch is one in which there is one pole and one
throw to be connected as shown in the figure.
Single pole double switch throw is one in which independent circuits are to
be connected using two throws but still connecting one pole as shown in the fig.
It is also called as SPDT.
Double pole single throw switch is one in which two poles are be connected
in a single throw. In short it is called as DPST.
5. Insulation resistance
6. Change over time and bound effects.
Some of the switches ranging are given below
1. Toggle switch ratings
Max operating voltage 250/440V AC
Operating current 5-10Amps
Life (electrical) 5000 Amperes
Mechanical 100000 operations
Contact resistance 100 milli ohms
Insulation resistance 100 M ohms
2. Rotatory switch ratings
Contact resistance 10 milli ohms
Insulation resistance 100 M ohms
Life 7500 operations at full load
5.7.3 Applications of switches
Switches are needed i) to switch power supplies to circuits ii) to pass
electrical signals to selective parts of composite circuit iii) to switch one among
several components parts in to a common circuit.
However specific applications of different switches are given below:
1. Toggle switches are used in electric and electronic instruments.
2. Rotatory switches are used in band switches in receivers.
3. Piano switches are used in tape recorders, radios, instruments where
wide range of function is to be selected.
4. Key board switches are used in computers.
5. Key or level switches are used for motor vehicles for ignition.
6. Push button switches are used in power supplies.
7. DPDT switches are used as band switches in radios.
90 Electronic Engineering Technician
5.8 Relay
Relay is an electromechanical device employed to control large power to
perform switching operation. Thus relays are actually switches. They can have
several poles and several contacts. The type of contacts could be normally
open and normally closed.
5.8.1 Classification of Relays
These can be broadly classified as
1. Eletromagnetic relays
2. Thermal relays
3. Electronic relays and
4. Miscellaneous relays
According to their operating characteristics these are classified as follows
1. Solenoid type
2. Moving coil type
3. Armature type
4. Electro dynamic type
Depending on their applications they are classified as
1. General purpose relays
2. Telephone relays
3. Latch in relays
4. Time delay relays
5. Reed relays
6. Polarized relays
7. Inter locking relays
8. High temperature relays
9. Frequency relays
5.8.2 Electromagnetic relays
Electro magnetic relay is the first man made electrical device. It was invented
in the year 1836 by the great scientist “Morse”. It was first used in telegraphy in
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 91
1850. Relay has got important place in the automatic and semi automatic
equipments. Relay is such a electronic device which can turn ON/OFF any
external circuit in special circumstances.
The principle of relay is mainly based on electromagnetism. A simple relay
can be compared with 1 pole relay switch. The difference is only that simple
switch is a normal switch where as relay is automatic switch to some extent. It
has a coil in it when this coil gets supply, then it becomes electromagnet and
attracts the strip pole towards itself and changes the position of the switch.
When supply is cut off the coil demagnetizes and thus switch comes to normal
position. In a simple single pole relay there are totally five ends. Out of these
two ends p1 and p2 are one ends of the coil. End A is known as pole end C is
known is known as normal connection and c is orderly connection. When coil
of relay does not gets the supply then pole A remains touched with the end n/c
and this state of relay is called normal state or off state. As it is shown in the fig
7.6 when the coil of relay gets the supply the core of the coil becomes
electromagnet and the pole A which is connected with long strips gets attracted
towards the electromagnet. As a result of which a pole A make contact with end
o/c end c. In this way the contacts of relay switches only changes when it gets
the supply. As soon as the supply to the coil cuts off the relay comes backs to its
normal position
P1 P1
P2 C C
Soldering and PCB’s
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• The concept of soldering
• The different types of soldering
• The need of soldering flux
• The importance of temperature controlled soldering and de soldering
• The need of PCB’s in electronic equipment and their types.
• The steps involved in PCB preparation
• The steps involved in screen printing.
6.1 Introduction
Soldering is the process of joining two metallic conductors together at a
relatively low temperature of 500 and 600o Fahrenheit. The joint where the two
metal conductors are to be joined or fused is heated, with a device called soldering
Iron and then an alloy of tin and lead called solder is applied which melts and
covers the joint. The solder cools and solidifies quickly to ensure good and
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 95
durable connection between the joined metals. Covering the joints with solder
also prevents oxidation. Faulty solder joints remain one of the major causes of
equipment failure.
6.2 Soldering Lead Types
Fig 6.1
Solder used for electronics is a metal alloy, made by combining tin and lead
in different proportions. We can usually find this proportions marked on the
various types of solder available.
The grades of solder available contain the percentage of tin to lead
respectively as 40-60, 50-50 and 60-40, The 60-40 (60 tin 40 lead) solder
melts easily and makes soldering easy and safe without damage to the surface
or components being soldered. This type of solder is most suitable for electronic
work. Solder is usually available in the form of wires of different sizes.
We need to be careful not to move any elements of the joint during the cool
down period. Movements may cause what is known as disturbed joint. A
disturbed joint has a rough, irregular appearance and looks dull instead of bright
and shiny. A disturbed solder joint may be unreliable and may require rework.
6.3 Soldering Iron
He a t i n g Handle
Copper Tip
Fig 6.3
While de-soldering tools are helpful A full holder station is an essential item.
The solder station comprises equipments for solder and de-soldering. The de-
soldering elements of the solder station normally comprises a heated element,
with a central hole that is connected to a vaccum pump. In this way the solder
station can be used, to effectively apply heat and remove the solder from the
joint. This means that a solder station will be the most effective tool rework is
undertaken, with minimum of risk to the board.
6.7 Need of PCB in electronic equipments
The printed circuit boards are usually termed as PCB. These are used to
avoid most or all the disadvantages of conventional electronic boards. Due to
the following advantages PCBs are needed in the electronic equipments.
These advantages are as follows
1. These are small in size and gives clear conception.
2. These are efficient in performance and gives all the information on the
3. Connections of the circuits on the PCB is solved and there is no chance
for loose connections.
4. Servicing or fault tracing in PCBs is easy.
5. They are accurate. The only disadvantage is that once the board is
prepared no more changes are possible.
98 Electronic Engineering Technician
The basic materials required for the manufacture of copper clad laminates
are 1.Filler 2. Resin 3.Copper coil.
6.10 Preparation of PCB layout
Layout means components positions on a copper lay out. The circuit diagram
with components that is the diagram, which shows the spacing for their
components, and their inter connection tracks on a copper clad is known as
layout of PCB. This layout allocates spacing for different components, supply
tracks, inter components connection track, as per the circuit diagram.
The various steps involved in the preparation of PCB layout are as follows:
1. Drawing or art work is the first step in the preparation of PCB layout.
2. While drawing a PCB layout we have to kept in mind about the sizes of
components of the circuit.
3.The art work is usually carried out on a transparent base foil or on trace
paper or drawing sheet according to the printing method used for PCB.
4. For small board ink drawing and strip art work is used where as for
large boards black taping is widely used.
5. For simple efficient design of art work, self adhesive tapes, and pads are
6. While drawing layout draw lines and small circles across each component
draw two parallel lines for supply, earth and circles associated with
base collector and emitter of the transistor.
7. Draw the connections without over lapping and out line of the layout is
8. After completion of art work the lines and circles are fixed using self
adhesive tapes and pads respectively.
9. The design of art work becomes simple and more efficient.
10. After fixing the boundaries of the PCB, pads exactly and properly
wherever desired and taping of conductors is completed giving the actual
circuit layout.
11. The below fig 6.4 shows the simple PCB layout for a power supply
12. While preparing a PCB layout some other considerations must kept in
mind. They are
100 Electronic Engineering Technician
(i) The diameter of the solder pad should be selected such that any
component lead should fit in appropriately.
(ii) Sufficient solder pad size must be provided to avoid damage due to
drilling of holes.
(iii) The conductor width should always be less than the solder pad diameter
preferably about one third.
(iv)The pattern around the holes should be maintained uniformly as small as
(v) When the components like transistors or diodes are to be mounted in a
fixed direction then it is required to index the orientation, on the art
work. This helps not onlyl in PCB assembling but also in trouble shooting.
Ink Screen
Fixing Frame
|PCB Table
5. Whirler coating.
The photo resist coating dries up very fast and thus formed on the laminate
is very sensitive to light. The entire preparation of the board is done in dark
room under a safe red or orange light the dried on photo sensitive.
Laminate is then exposed to ultra violet light in contact with the circuit
master negative. After exposure the laminate is developed with a suitable solvent
developer. In this process of developing the unwanted photo resist layer is
removed and the laminate is now ready for etching and finishing. Once the circuit
pattern is obtained the board is drilled and the protective coating is applied as in
the screen printing method. Holes are drilled using high speed micro drills.
Sometimes the printed circuit boards are punched to make holes. Thus PCBs
are prepared using photo processing method. This method is very useful for
accurate printing. But is some costlier than screen printing. Due to accurate
printing this method is used in professional applications.
6.14 Etching drilling and cleaning of PCB
The process of removing the unwanted copper and forming copper pattern
on the laminate or PCB is known as etching. In the preparation of PCB sometimes
we may obtain different copper patterns. Some of them are enlarged copper
conductor size, track shorting, over hangings etc from actual copper pattern. In
this case we have to remove their extra or unwanted copper patterns using this
etching process. In this process using enchants like ferric chloride, cupric chloride
chromic acid or alkaline ammonia. We can remove the unwanted copper. Spray
etching and bubble etching methods are used for etching process. Among these
spray etching offers high etching uniformity and a fast etching rate.
The printed circuits boards are to be cleaned and prepared for the layout
of the circuit. Insufficient cleaning of the PCBs may leads to difficulties in final
preparation. The organic elements like oil and greases are present variably. This
may be due to the equipment used for shearing, drilling or punching. These are
to be removed with a suitable solvent. The finger prints formed while handling
PCBs may be removed by rinsing in water and blowing with compressed air or
by scrubbing with abrasives.
6.15 Steps used in PCB printing
In the previous topics we have learned the different processes come across
in PCB printing. These different steps are given here in the sequential order.
1. Preparation of copper clad laminate
104 Electronic Engineering Technician
SMD Components
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• The concept of Surface Mount Technology (SMT)
• The advantages and disadvantages of SMT over the pin through hole
method of mounting components.
• Become familiar with various SMD components
• Become familiar with various SMD packages
• Explain the SMT soldering methods
• Become familiar with SMT soldering stations
7.1 Introduction
Surface mount technology(SMT): It is a method of constructing
electronic circuits in which the components are mounted directly on to the surface
of printed circuit boards (PCBs). In the industry it is largely replaced through
hole technology construction method of fitting components with wire leads in to
holes in to the circuit board.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 109
Fig 7.1
were some of the first that were used. They are not in widespread use now as
much smaller components are generally required. However they may find use in
applications where larger power levels are needed or where other considerations
require the larger size.
The connections to the printed circuit board are made through metallised
areas at either end of the packages.
Transistors and Diodes: These components are often contained in a small
plastic package. The connections are made via leads which emanate from the
package and are bend so that they touch the board. The leads are always used
for these packages. In this way it is easy to identify which way round the device
must go.
Integrated circuits: There is a variety of packages which are used for
integrated circuits.
The package used depends upon the level of interconnectivity required.
Many chips like the sample logic chips may only require 14 or 16 pins, whereas
other likes the VLSI processors and associated chips can require up to 200 or
more. In view of the wide variation of requirements there is a number of different
packages available.
For the smaller chips, packages such as the SOIC (Small Outline Integrated
Circuit) may be used. These are effectively the SMT version of the familiar DIL
(Dual In Line) packages used for the familiar 74 series logic chips. Additionally
there are smaller versions including TSOP (Thin Small Outline Package) and
SSOP (Shrink Small Outline Package).
The VLSI chips require a different approach. Typically a package known
as a quad flat pack is used. This has a square or rectangular footprint and has
pins emanating on all four sides, Pins again are bent out of the package in what
is termed a gull-wing formation so that they meet the board. The spacing of the
pins is dependent upon the number of pins required. For some chips it may be
as close as 20 thousandths of an inch. Great care is required when packaging
these chips and handling them as the pins are very easily bent.
Other packages are also available. One known as a BGA (Ball Grid Array)
is used in many applications. Instead of having the connections on the side of the
package, they are underneath. The connection pads have balls of solder that
melt during the soldering process, thereby making a good connection with the
board and mechanically attaching it. As the whole of the underside of the package
can be used, the pitch of the connections is wider and it is found to be much
more reliable.
112 Electronic Engineering Technician
A smaller version of the BGA, known as the micro BGA is also being used
for some ICs. As the name suggests it is a smaller version of the BGA.
7.5 SMT in Use
SMT is used almost exclusively for the manufacture of electronic circuit
boards these days. Now it is found that SMDs are far more widely used than
traditional leaded components, and as a result, traditional leaded components
are considerably less common. Some components, particularly high density ICs
may only be available in SMT packages. While there is still a need for many
traditional components, SMDs now form the main line stream for components.
7.6 SMT/SMD Component Packages
Surface Mount Technology (SMT) components come in a variety of
packages. The different SMT packages can be categorized by the type of
component, and there are standard packages for each.
7.7 Passive Rectangular Components
These SMT components are mainly resistors and capacitors which form
the bulk of the number of components used. There are several different sizes
which have been reduced as technology has enabled smaller components to be
manufactured and used.
Of these sizes, the 1812 , and 1206 sizes are now only used for specialized
components or ones requiring larger levels of power to be dissipated. The 1603
and 0402 SMT sizes are the most widely used.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 113
PLCC – Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier. This type of package is square and
uses 3-lead pins with a spacing of 1.27 mm
QSOP – Quarter Size Small Outline Package. It has a pin spacing of
0.635 mm.
VSOP – Very Small Outline Package. This is smaller than the QSOP
and has pin spacing of 0.4, 0.5 or 0.65mm.
LQFP – Low Profile Quad Flat Pack. This package has pins on all four
sides. Pin spacing varies according to the IC, but the height is 1.4mm.
PQFP – Plastic Quad Flat Pack. A square plastic package with equal
number of gull wing style pins on each side. Typically narrow spacing
and often 44 or more pins. Normally used for VLSI circuits.
CQFP – Ceramic Quad Flat Pack. A ceramic version of the PQFP.
TQFP – Thin Quad Flat Pack. A thin version of the PQFP.
BGA – Ball Grid Array. A package that uses pads underneath the
package to make contact with the printed circuit board.
Before soldering the pads appear as solder balls, giving rise to the name.
By placing the pads underneath the package there is more room for them, thereby
overcoming some of the problems of the very thin leads required for the quad
flat packs. The ball spacing on BGA is typically 1.27 mm.
7.12 SMD Package Applications
SMT surface mount technology packages are used for most printed circuit
designs that are going to be manufactured in any quantity. Although it may appear
there is a relatively wide number of different packages, the level of standardization
is still sufficiently good. In any case it arises mainly out of the enormous variety
in the function of the components.
7.13 SMD Resistor and its Construction
Surface Mount Device, SMD, resistors are the most widely used electronic
component. Everyday millions are used to produce the electronic equipment
from cell phones to televisions and MP3 players and commercial communications
equipment to high technology research equipment.
SMD resistors are rectangular in shape. They have metallised areas at either
end of the body of the SMD resistor and this enables them to make contact with
the printed circuit board through the solder. The resistor itself consists of a ceramic
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 115
substrate and onto this is deposited a metal oxide film. The thickness, and the
length of the actual film determines the resistance. In view of the fact that the
SMD resistors are manufactured using metal oxide, means that they are quite
stable and usually have a good tolerance.
7.14 SMD Resistor Packages
SMD resistors come in a variety of packages. As the technology has moved
forward so the size of the resistor packages has fallen. The main packages with
their sizes are summarized below:
2512 6.3 x 3.1 0.25 x 0.12
2010 5.00 x 2.60 0.20 x 0.10
Fig 7.5
1812 4.6 x 3.0 0.18 x 0.12
1210 3.20 x 2.60 0.12 x 0.10
1206 3.0 x 1.5 0.12 x 0.06
0805 2.0 x 1.3 0.08 x 0.05
0603 1.5 x 0.08 0.06 x 0.03
0402 1.0 x 0.5 0.04 x 0.02
0201 0.6 x 0.3 0.02 x 0.0
Fig 7.3
MLP package 28-pin chip, upside down to show the size
116 Electronic Engineering Technician
0 1 2 3 4
Various SMD chips, desoldered
0 1 2 3 4
SMD capacitors (on the left) with two through
Fig 7.5
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• The difference between primary and secondary cells.
• Applications of batteries
• The resultant voltage and current in series and parallel grouping of cells.
• The constructional details and working of lead acid cell, nicket iron cell
and nickel cadmium cells.
• The indications of a fully charged cell and their maintenance
• Maintenance free batteries and button cells.
8.1 Introduction
Batteries are extensively used as a power source in all portable electronic
equipment. They can produce electrical (D.C) power at the expense of chemical
Cell and Battery
A cell is a single unit whereas a battery is a group of cells.
120 Electronic Engineering Technician
+. . . .
- - - - -
Fig 8.1
Fig 8.2
1 The anode becomes dark chocolate brown in colour (PbO2) and cathode
becomes grey metallic lead (Pb).
2 Due to consumption of water, the specific gravity of H2SO4 is increased
to about 1.28.
3 There is a rise in voltage to about 2V.
4 Energy is absorbed by the Cell.
8.11 Specifications of Storage Batteries
The following specifications are to be considered while selecting a storage
1 Cell voltage in volts and Amp-hour capacity.
2 Power/weight in wats/kg.
3 Energy/weight in wh/kg.
4 Charge/discharge efficiency in percentage.
5 Self discharge rate in % per month.
6 Life period in years.
7 Conversion efficiency.
8 Storage capacity in Ampere-hour.
8.12 Indications of a Fully Charged Cell
Voltage: During charging, the terminal potential of a cell increases and
provides an indication to its state of charge. A fully charged lead acid cell has a
terminal voltage of about 2 volts.
(i) Specific Gravity: The specific gravity of the electrolyte of a fully charged
lead acid cell is about 1.28. This can be measured by means of hydrometer.
(ii) Gassing : When the cell is fully charged, the charging current result is
that hydrogen is given off at the cathode and oxygen at the anode. The process
is being known as gassing and it will give another indication of a fully charged
(iii) Colour of Plates: When the cell is fully charged, the positive plate
gets converted into Pbo2 (chocolate brown) and the negative plate to spongy
lead (grey).
124 Electronic Engineering Technician
9. In alkaline cells the specific gravity of the electrolyte does not change
during charging and discharging.
10. Button cells are miniature type cells used in toys hearing aids etc.
Short Answer Type Questions
1.What is the difference between a cell and a battery?
2. Distinguish between primary and secondary cells?
3. Write the applications of batteries?
4. What are the active materials contained in the lead acid cell?
5. Write the different types of batteries used in daily life?
6. Write some important specifications of storage batteries?
7. Give the indications of fully charged cell?
8. What precautions should be taken to enhance the life of lead acid battery?
9. Determine the total voltage in the given grouping of cells?
1.5V 1.5V 1.5V 1.5V
a) b)
1.5V 1.5V
1.5V 1.5V
1.5V 1.5V
Microphones and
Loud Speakers
Learning Objectives
After completing this unit, the student will be able to understand
• Microphones and their specifications
• Classification of microphones
• Constructional details and working of carbon, moving coil, condender,
crystal and ribbon microphones
• Constructional details and working of PMMC loud speaker
• The need for baffle and their types.
9.1 Introduction
Microphones and Loud Speakers are used as input and output devices
in electronic units like Amplifiers, Receivers and Transmitters. These are also
known as Transducers. Transducers are the devices which converts one type of
energy in to another form. For example microphone converts sound signal into
corresponding electrical signal. Similarly loudspeaker converts electrical signal
into corresponding sound waves. This chapter deals with the principles involved
in various microphones and loudspeakers their construction working and
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 129
9.2 Microphones
Microphones is acoustic transducer which converts sound pressure
variations into electrical signals of the same proportions as in pressure variations.
Its circuit symbol is represented as shown in fig 9.1
Fig 9.1
9.3 Specifications
Microphones can be specified using the following characteristics. They are
1. Sensitivity
2. Signal to noise ratio
3. Frequency response
4. Output Impedance
5. Non-linear distortion
6. Directivity.
9.4 Familiarization of Different Microphones
Microphones are familiar according to their manufacturing. These are
1. Moving Coil Microphone (or) Dynamic Microphone.
2. Ribbon Microphone
3. Carbon Microphone
4. Condenser Microphone
5. Crystal Microphone.
9.5 Different Types of Microphones based on Impedance
Based on impedance among these conductor and crystal microphones are
high impedance microphones, carbon has medium impedance, Ribbon and
moving coil has lowest impedance. The impedance values of different
microphones are shown in below table.
130 Electronic Engineering Technician
Fig 9.2
2. Bidirectional Directivity
If a microphone pick ups or receives signals only in opposite directions
then such type of microphone is known as bidirectional microphone. Ex. Ribbon
microphone has Bidirectional Directivity. Polar diagram of Bidirectional directivity
in shown in fig 9.3.
Fig 9.3
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 131
Fig 9.4
Pole as peripheral pole piece. This type of magnet gives uniform magnetic field
in the gap between the pole pieces. Diaphragm is of non-magnetic material and
is light weight. It is fixed to the body of the magnet with the help of springs coil
is wound on card board cylinder which is attached to the diaphragm. The coil is
single layered enameled wire. A protective cover is used to save the delicate
diaphragm and coil assembly from being mishandled. A silk cloth partition is
used to separate the upper chamber from the lower chamber. A small tube is
used in the lower chamber to give access to the free atmosphere.
Pole piece
Fig 9.5
When sound waves strike the diaphragm it moves and hence coil moves in
and out in the magnetic field. This motion changes the flux through the coil which
results in emf being produced in the coil due to electromagnetic induction. The
value of emf depends on the rate of change of flux and hence on the motion of
the coil. The displacement of the coil depends on the pressure of sound waves
on the diaphragm. Thus this microphone induces more voltage. The induced
voltage is the faithful replica of the sound pressure variation.
1. Sensitivity: 30 Micro Volts
2. S/N Ratio: 30 db
3. Frequency Response: 60Hz – 8KHz.
4. Distortion less than 5%
5. Output Impedance = 25 ohms.
These are widely used in PA System and in broad cast studios.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 133
Ribbon Foil
Built-in matching
Permanent magnet with pole
pieces extended
The main parts of ribbon microphone are permanent magnet and ribbon
conductor. The permanent magnet is a specially designed horse shoe magnet
with extended pole pieces. It provides strong magnetic field. These are shown
in the fig 9.6.
The ribbon is a light aluminium foil. It is corrugated at right angles to its
length to provide greater surface area. It is suspended in the magnetic field of
the permanent and the stiffness of suspension is small. The whole unit is enclosed
in a circular or rectangular baffle. The shape of the baffle is not purely circular or
rectangular, but is rather irregular and depends on the structure of the magnet.
When the ribbon placed in a magnetic field is made to move at right angles
to the magnetic field by the force of sound pressure there is a change of magnetic
flux through the ribbon conductor. Due to this change of magnetic flux an emf is
induced across the ribbon. This emf is proportional to the rate of change of flux
which is proportional to the force of sound waves striking the ribbon. It is also
called pressure gradient microphone or Velocity Microphone.
It is very suitable for dramas due to its figure of eight polar diagram.
134 Electronic Engineering Technician
Metal Piston
Metal valve
Metal plate Fine Carbon granules
Metal case
Carbon Microphone
Battery Tra nsformer
Fig 9.7 Carbon Microphone
Metal back
1. It is used as standard microphone for calibrating other microphones.
2. It is used in sound level meters.
3. It is used in professional high fidelity recording
9.12 Crystal Microphone
A crystal microphone is based on the principle of “Piezo electric effect”
which is defined as “Difference of potential between the opposite faces of some
crystals is produced when these are subjected to mechanical pressure”. The
crystals which shows this effect are Quartz, Tourmaline, Rochelsalt and Ceramic.
Spring Spring
Output termi-
Insulating terminals
Fig 9.9 Crystal Microphone
The constructional details of Crystal Microphone are shown in the above
fig 9.9. The crystal is cut along certain planes to form a slice. Metallic foil
electrodes are attached to the two surfaces to carry the potential differences to
the output terminals. Two thin crystal slices suitably cut are placed in an insulating
holder with an air space between them. A large number of such elements are
combined and increase an emf. A diaphragm made of aluminium is attached to
the crystal surface through a push rod. The whole unit is encases in a protective
case. There is a protective cover over the diaphragm.
When there is a sound waves of compression it compresses the crystal. In
case of rare fraction converse takes place and the crystal is extended and is
under tension. Due to this compression and extension a varying potential
difference is generated which is proportional to the mechanical pressure applied
to the crystal by the sound waves.
138 Electronic Engineering Technician
S/N Ratio: 40dB
Frequency Response: 100 – 8KHz.
Distortion = < 1%
Directivity = omini directional
Output Impedance = 1M ohm.
These are used for the following purposes
1. Home recording system
2. Amateur communications
3. Mobile Communications.
9. 13 Loud Speaker
Loudspeaker is a Transducer which converts electrical signals of Audio
frequency to sound waves of the same frequency. Loudspeakers are used as
output devices in Radio Receivers, T.V. Receivers and P.A. systems. According
to construction these are as follows:
1. PMMC Local speakers
2. EMMC Loudspeakers
3. Horn Loud Speakers
4. Head Phones
Further according to frequency reproduced these are classified as follows:
1. Woofer 2. Squeaker 3. Tweeter
The speakers which reproduce low frequencies from 16Hz to 1000 Hz are
called Woofers. The speakers which reproduce high frequencies from 1000Hz
to 20000 Hz are called tweeters. Squeaker is used to reproduce frequencies
from 500 to 5000 Hz. The symbol of Loudspeaker is as shown in fig 9.10.
Fig 9.10
Sl.No Parameter Moving Coil Ribbon Carbon Condenser Crystal
1 Sensitivity 90dB 110dB 20dB 50dB 26dB
2 S/N ratio 30dB 50dB Poor 40dB 40dB
3 FrequencyResponse 60 to8KHz 20 to 12KHz 250 to 5KHz 40 toKHz 100 toKHz
4 Impedance 2.5 0.25 100 100M 1M
5 Distortion 5% 1% 10% 1% 1%
6 Directivity Omini Bidirectional Omini Omini Omin
9.14 Comparison of Microphones
140 Electronic Engineering Technician
Permanent magnet
Ppaer Coone
Term inals
voice coil
magnet it is also called permanent magnet type speaker. The coil is attached to
a conical diaphragm made of paper. It is called paper cone. The cone is
corrugated having circular corrugation. A flexible strip of rubber around its
periphery is used to support it. The spider springs are used to support the
complete diaphragm and also provide the required stiffness to restrain the motion.
The spiders also keep the coil centered so that the motion is vertical and linear.
Leads from the voice coil are centered to the cone surface. From there these
are brought to the terminals mounted on the metal frame.
When audio current flow through the voice coil placed in a magnetic field a
force equal to BIL newtons act on the coil and moves it to and fro. The paper
cone attached to the coil also moves and causes compression and rarefaction
cycles in the air. Thus audio current is finally converted into sound waves.
Different characteristics like power handling impedance frequency response
and directivity etc. are known as rating of loud speakers. These are as follows:
Power Handling : Few mill watts to hundreds of watts.
Impedance : 2 to 32 ohms
Frequency response: 200 Hz – 5000 Hz
Directivity : Omin directional
9.16 Baffles
Rigid flat material used to extend the edges of a loudspeaker cone is called
Baffles. The term Baffle is commonly used for a place surface. A baffle increases
the effective length of the acoustical transmission path between the front and the
back of the radiator.
Necessity of a Baffle
There is air on both sides of the cone, the front as well as the back. Hence
the cone radiates sound from both sides. However when the cone moves forward
there is compression of the air in the front but rarefaction at the back. When the
cone moves backwards compression in the back and rarefaction in the front
occurs. Thus the sound waves produced in the rear air are of opposite phase.
The sound waves from the rear leak round the sides and meet the sound waves
in the front. If the path difference is small as compared to ë/2 the two waves will
almost cancel each other causing response of the speaker to drop off sharply.
When the frequency of radiated waves is low the wavelength is large and hence
the path difference between rear and front sides is quite small. This will allow
142 Electronic Engineering Technician
low frequency waves to arrive from rear to the front almost 1800 out of phase,
reducing the radiated energy substantially. To save the low frequencies from
attenuation it is necessary to increase the path difference by using a physical
barrier the baffle. This is explained with the fig 9.12 shown in below.
Fig 9.12
When a loud speaker is mounted in a closed box with an opening in the
front that serves the purpose of infinite baffle because the waves from the back
of the cone will not be able to come to the front side. Such a closed box is called
an enclosure and is shown in below figure 9.13.
Bass Reflex Enclosures
In this system radiation from the back of the cone is used to strengthen the
front radiation rather than weaken it. This design is shown in fig 9.13. Here the
port or cut is so designed that it permits flow of air from the rear to the front with
additional path difference of ë/s. Thus the phase difference between the back
wave coming out from the port and the front wave caused directly by the cone
is 180 + 180 = 3600 and therefore the two waves reinforce each other.
Fig 9.13
1. Microphone is an acoustic transducer which converts sound waves into
corresponding electical signals.
2. The important specifications of microphones are (a) sensitivity (b) S/N
ratio (c) frequency response and (d) output impedance.
3. Moving coil microphone works on Faradays laws of electromagnetic
induction. It has better frequency response of 60 Hz to 8 kHz.
4. Ribbon microphone also works on electromagnetic induction. It has an
excellent audio frequency response and its is particularly used for studio
5. Crystal microphone works on the principal of Piezo electrical effect.
6. Loud crystal is a transducer which converts electrical signals into sound
7. A single loud speaker cannot cover on entire audio frequency range.
Therefore Woofer, Driver and Tweeter speakers are used to cover low,
mid and high frequency ranges.
8. A baffle increases the effective length of the acoustical transmission path
between the front and the back of the radiation path.
Short Answer Type Questions
1. Define Microphone and Loudspeaker?
2. What is meant by Transducer?
3. What is meant by Piezo electric effect?
4. What are the applications of Microphones and Loudspeaker?
5. Write the ratings of a Loudspeakers?
6. What is meant by Baffle and what are the 3 types?
7. Write the differences between the Loudspeaker and headphone?
8. Classify different types of Microphones?
Long Answer Type Questions
1. Write the principles construction and working of moving coil microphones.
2. Explain the principles construction and working of Ribbon microphones.
Paper - I Circuit Theory and Electronic Components 145