Dan Vs Dan
Dan Vs Dan
Dan Vs Dan
This Petition for Review on Certiorari1 seeks to set aside the December 14, 2012
Decision2 and August 29, 2013 Resolution3 of the Court of Appeals (CA) denying the
Petition in CA-G.R. CV No.95112 and herein petitioner's Motion for
Reconsideration,4 respectively, thus affirming the January 4, 2010 Decision5 of the
Regional Trial Court (RTC) of Las Piñas City, Branch 254, in Civil Case No. LP07-0155.
Factual Antecedents
Petitioner Abigael An Espina-Dan and respondent Marco Dan - an Italian national - met
"in a chatroom [o]n the internet"6 sometime in May, 2005. They soon became
"chatmates" and "began exchanging letters which further drew them emotionally closer
to each other"7 even though petitioner was in the Philippines while respondent lived in
Soon after the wedding, respondent returned to Italy. Petitioner followed thereafter, or
on February 23, 2006. The couple lived together in Italy.
On April 18, 2007, petitioner left respondent and flew back into the country.
On September 14, 2007, petitioner filed a Petition8 for declaration of nullity of her
marriage, docketed as Civil Case No. LP-07-0155with the RTC of Las Piñas City,
Branch 254. The Office of the Solicitor General representing the Republic of the
Philippines opposed the petition.
On January 4, 2010, the RTC issued its Decision dismissing the petition on the ground
that petitioner's evidence failed to adequately prove respondent's alleged
psychological incapacity. It held, thus:
Respondent was extremely lazy that he never helped her in doing all
the household chores. He also has extremely poor hygiene. He seldom
takes a bath and brushes his teeth. For him to be able to take a bath,
petitioner would literally push him to the bathroom or hand him his
toothbrush with toothpaste to brush his teeth. She had to put deodorant
on his underarms for he would not do it himself. He refused circumcision.
Sometime in May 2006, she caught him in their house while using
marijuana. When confronted, he get mad and pushed her [hard] and hit
her in the arm, [and told] her to go back to the Philippines. X X X
On 18 April 2007. she flew back to the Philippines. XXX Since then,
there was no communication between them. XX x Petitioner took this as
lack of interest on his part to save their marriage, reason why she
decided to file this petition (TSN, August 11, 2008, pp. 6-10).
She further stated that respondent x x x only gave her moncy for food.
He spent most of his income for video games. If they ran out of food, it
was her mother-in-law who supported them.
The Supreme Court in the case of Santos v. Court of Appeals, (240 SCRA
20, 24) declared that psychological incapacity must be characterized by
(a) gravity, (6) juridical antecedence, and (c) incurability. The incapacity
must be grave or serious such that the party would be incapable of
carrying out the ordinary duties required in marriage; it must be rooted in
the history of the party antedating the marriage, although the overt
manifestations may emerge only after the marriage, and it must be
incurable or, even if it were otherwise, the cure would be beyond the means
of the party involved.
All told, the Court cannot see how the personality disorder of
respondent would render him unaware of the basic marital covenants
that concomitantly must be assumed and discharged by him, At the most,
the psychological evaluation of the parties proved only incompatibility
and irreconcilable differences, considering also their culture differences,
which cannot be equated with psychological incapacity. Along this line,
the aforesaid psychological evaluation made by Ms. Tayag is
unfortunately one sided (and) based only on the narrations made by
petitioner who had known respondent only for a short period of time
and too general to notice these specific facts thereby failing to serve its
purpose in aiding the Court in arriving at a just resolution of this case.
Furnish the Office of the Solicitor General and the Office of the City
Prosecutor, Las Piñas City, for their information and guidance.9
Petitioner moved to reconsider,10 but in an April 28, 2010 Order,11 the RTC held its
Petitioner filed an appeal before the CA, docketed as CA-G.R. CV No. 95112. In its
assailed December 14, 2012 Decision, however, the CA denied the appeal and
affirmed the RTC Decision, declaring thus:
It will be noted [that] Ms. Tayag did not administer psychological tests
on respondent-appellee. The conclusion in the psychological report of
Ms. Tayag that respondent-appellee was suffering from Dependent
Personality Disorder, with underlying Anti-Social traits, was based
merely on information supplied by petitioner-appellant and Violeta
(mother of the petitioner-appellant).
in this case, the only proof which bears on the claim that
respondent-appellee is psychologically incapacitated, is his allegedly
being irresponsible, childish, overly dependent on his mother, addicted
to video games, addicted to drugs, lazy, had poor hygiene, and his
refusal or unwillingness to assume the essential obligations of marriage.
It is worthy to emphasize that Article 36 X X X contemplates downright
incapacity or inability to take cognizance of and to assume the basic
marital obligations; not a mere refusal, neglect or difficulty, much less, ill
will, on the part of the errant spouse.
Petitioner moved for reconsideration, but in its assailed August 29, 2013 Resolution, the
CA stood its ground. Hence, the instant Petition.
Petitioner's Arguments
Petitioner argues that the root cause of respondent's psychological incapacity was
clinically identified, sufficiently alleged in the petition, and proved by adequate
evidence; that respondent's psychological incapacity was shown to be existing at the
time of the celebration of the marriage, and that the same is medically permanent,
incurable, and grave enough as to bring about the inability of respondent to assume his
obligations in marriage, and that as a consequence, respondent is incapable of fulfilling
his duties as a husband under the obligation to live together, observe mutual love,
respect and fidelity, and render mutual help and support to her.
Petitioner adds that her allegations in the petition for declaration of nullity are
specifically linked to medical and clinical causes as diagnosed by Dr. Tayag, which
diagnosis is contained in the latter's report which forms part of the evidence in the case;
that such diagnosis is backed by scientific tests and expert determination, which
sufficiently prove respondent's psychological incapacity; that Dr. Tayag has
adequately determined that respondent's condition is grave, incurable, and existed
prior to and at the time of his marriage to petitioner; that respondent has been
suffering from Dependent Personality Disorder with Underlying Anti-Social Trait which
deterred him from appropriately discharging his duties and responsibilities as a
married man; that despite considerable efforts exerted by petitioner, respondent
remained true to his propensities and even defiant, to the point of exhibiting violence;
that no amount of therapy - no matter how intensive - can possibly change respondent,
but rather he would always be in denial of his own condition and resist any form of
treatment; and that respondent's condition is deep-rooted and stems from his formative
years - a product of faulty child-rearing practices and unhealthy familial constellation
that altered his emotional and moral development.
In its Comment20 praying for denial, the State calls for affirmance of the CA dispositions,
arguing that no new issues that merit reversal have been raised in the Petition. It
contends that petitioner failed to prove the elements of gravity, juridical antecedence,
and incurability; that quite the contrary, petitioner even admitted that incipiently,
respondent was romantic, funny, responsible, working, and giving money to her; that
petitioner's allegations of video game and drug addiction are uncorroborated, and her
failure to seek medical treatment therefor in behalf of her husband must be considered
against her, that such addictions are curable and could not be the basis for a
declaration of psychological incapacity; that respondent's irresponsibility, immaturity,
and over-dependence on his mother do not automatically justify a conclusion of
psychological incapacity under Article 36 of the Family Code; that the intent of the law
is to confine the meaning of psychological incapacity to the most serious cases of
personality disorders - existing at the time of the marriage -- clearly demonstrating an
utter insensitivity or inability to give meaning and significance to the marriage, and
depriving the spouse of awareness of the duties and responsibilities of the marital bond
one is about to assume; that the psychological evaluation of respondent was based on
one-sided information supplied by petitioner and her mother - which renders the same
of doubtful credibility; and that while personal examination of respondent is indeed not
mandatory, there are instances where it is required - such as in this case, where the
information supplied to the psychologist unilaterally comes from the side of the
petitioner, which renders such information biased and partial as would materially affect
the psychologist's assessment.
Our Ruling
Both the trial and appellate courts dismissed the petition in Civil Case No. LP-07-0155
on the ground that petitioner's evidence failed to sufficiently prove that respondent was
psychologically incapacitated to enter marriage at the time. They held that while
petitioner alleged such condition, she was unable to establish its existence, gravity,
juridical antecedence, and incurability based solely on her testimony, which is
insufficient, self-serving, unreliable, and uncorroborated, as she did not know
respondent very well enough - having been with him only for a short period of time; Dr.
Tayag's psychological report - which is practically onesided for the latter's failure to
include respondent in the study; and the account of petitioner's mother, which is deemed
biased and thus of doubtful credibility.
Petitioner's evidence consists mainly of her judicial affidavit and testimony; the judicial
affidavits and testimonies of hermother and Dr. Tayag; and Dr. Tayag's psychological
evaluation report on the psychological condition of both petitioner and respondent. The
deterınination of respondent's alleged psychological incapacity was based solely on
petitioner's account and that of her mother, since respondent was presumably in Italy
and did not participate in the proceedings.
This is insufficient.
At some point in her accounts, petitioner admitted that before and during their
marriage, respondent was working and giving money to her; that respondent was
romantic, sweet, thoughtful, responsible, and caring; and that she and respondent
enjoyed a harmonious relationship. This belies her claim that petitioner was
psychologically unfit for marriage. As correctly observed by the trial and appellate
courts, the couple simply drifted apart as a result of irreconcilable differences and
basic incompatibility owing to differences in culture and upbringing, and the very short
period that they spent together prior to their tying the knot. As for respondent's claimed
addiction to video games and cannabis, the trial and appellate courts are correct in
their ruling that these are not an incurable condition, and petitioner has not shown that
she helped her husband overcome them - as part of her marital obligation to render
support and aid to respondent.
"What is important is the presence of evidence that can adequately establish the
party's psychological condition.21 "[T]he complete facts should allege the physical
manifestations, if any, as are indicative of psychological incapacity at the time of the
celebration of the marriage"22 such that "[i]f the totality of evidence presented is
enough to sustain a finding of psychological incapacity, then actual medical
examination of the person concerned need not be resorted to."23
With the declared insufficiency of the testimonies of petitioner and her witness, the
weight of proving psychological incapacity shifts to Dr. Tayag's expert findings.
However, her determinations were not based on actual tests or interviews conducted on
respondent himself - but on personal accounts of petitioner alone. This will not do as
Concomitantly, the rulings of the trial and appellate courts - identical in most respects
-are entitled to respect and finality.1âwphi1 The same being correct, this Court finds no
need to disturb them.
With petitioner's failure to prove her case, her petition for declaration of nullity of her
marriage was correctly dismissed by the courts below.
WHEREFORE, the Petition is DENIED. The December 14, 2012 Decision and August 29,
2013 Resolution of the Court of Appeals in CA-G.R. CV No.95112 are AFFIRMED.
(On leave)
Chief Justice
Associate Justice
Associate Justice
I attest that the conclusions in the above Decisionhad been reached in consultation
before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court’s Division.
Associate Justice
Acting Chairperson
Pursuant to the Section 13, Article VIII of the Constitution and the Division Chairperson’s
Attestation, I certify that the conclusions in the above Decision had been reached in
consultation before the case was assigned to the writer of the opinion of the Court’s
Acting Chief Justice