Silvestre and Atienza
Silvestre and Atienza
Silvestre and Atienza
Martin Atienza and Romana Silvestre appeal to this court from the judgment of the Court of
First Instance of Bulacan convicting them upon the information of the crime of arson as follows:
The former as principal by direct participation, sentenced to fourteen years, eight months, and
one day of cadena temporal, in accordance with paragraph 2 of article 550, Penal Code; and
the latter as accomplice, sentenced to six years and one day of presidio mayor; and both are
further sentenced to the accessories of the law, and to pay each of the persons whose houses
were destroyed by the fire, jointly and severally, the amount set forth in the information, with
Counsel appointed by the court to defend the accused- appellants de oficio, after delivering his
argument, prayed for the affirmance of the judgment with reference to the appellant Martin
Atienza, and makes the following assignments of error with reference to Romana Silvestre, to
1. The lower court erred in convincing Romana Silvestre as accomplice of the crime charged in
the information.
2. Finally, the court erred in not acquitting said defendant from the information upon the ground
of insufficient evidence, or at the least, of reasonable doubt.
The following facts were proved at the hearing beyond a reasonable doubt:
Romana Silvestre, wife of Domingo Joaquin by her second marriage, cohabited with her
codefendant Martin Atienza from the month of March, 1930, in the barrio of Masocol,
municipality of Paombong, Province of Bulacan. On May 16, 1930, the complaining husband,
Domingo Joaquin, filed with the justice of the peace for that municipality, a sworn complaint for
adultery, supported by affidavits of Gerardo Cabigao and Castor de la Cruz (Exhibit B). On
the same date, May 16, 1930, the said accused were arrested on a warrant issued by said
justice of the peace. On the 20th of the month, they were released on bail, each giving a
personal bond of P6,000. Pending the preliminary investigation of the case, the two defendants
begged the municipal president of Paombong, Francisco Suerte Felipe, to speak to the
complaint, Domingo Joaquin, urging him to withdraw the complaint, the two accused binding
themselves to discontinue cohabitation, and promising not to live again in the barrio of Masocol;
Martin Atienza voluntarily signed the promise (Exhibit A). The municipal president transmitted
the defendants' petition to the complaining husband, lending it his support. Domingo Joaquin
acceded to it, and on May 20, 1930, filed a motion for the dismissal of his complaint. In
consideration of this petition, the justice of the peace of Paombong dismissed the adultery case
commenced against the accused, and cancelled the bonds given by them, with the costs against
the complainant.
The accused then left the barrio of Masocol and went to live in that of Santo Niño, in the same
municipality of Paombong.
About November 20, 1930, the accused Romana Silvestre met her son by her former marriage,
Nicolas de la Cruz, in the barrio of Santo Niño, and under pretext of asking him for some nipa
leaves, followed him home to the village of Masocol, and remained there. The accused, Martin
Atienza, who had continued to cohabit with said Romana Silvestre, followed her and lived in the
home of Nicolas de la Cruz. On the night of November 25, 1930, while Nicolas de la Cruz and
his wife, Antonia de la Cruz, were gathered together with the appellants herein after supper,
Martin Atienza told said couple to take their furniture out of the house because he was going to
set fire to it. Upon being asked by Nicolas and Antonia why he wanted to set fire to the house,
he answered that that was the only way he could be revenged upon the people of Masocol
who, he said, had instigated the charge of adultery against him and his codefendant, Romana
Silvestre. As Martin Atienza was at that time armed with a pistol, no one dared say anything to
him, not even Romana Silvestre, who was about a meter away from her codefendant. Alarmed
at what Martin Atienza had said, the couple left the house at once to communicate with the
barrio lieutenant, Buenaventura Ania, as to what they had just heard Martin Atienza say; but
they had hardly gone a hundred arms' length when they heard cries of "Fire! Fire!" Turning
back they saw their home in flames, and ran back to it; but seeing that the fire had assumed
considerable proportions, Antonia took refuge in the schoolhouse with her 1 year old babe in
her arms, while Nicolas went to the home of his parents-in-law, took up the furniture he had
deposited there, and carried it to the schoolhouse. The fire destroyed about forty-eight houses.
Tomas Santiago coming from the barrio artesian well, and Tomas Gonzalez, teacher at the
barrio school of Masocol, and Felipe Clemente, an old man 61 years of age, coming from their
homes, to the house on fire, saw Martin Atienza going away from the house where the fire
started, and Romana Silvestre leaving
As stated in the beginning, counsel appointed by this court to defend the accused-appellant de
oficio, prays for the affirmance of the judgment appealed from with reference to defendant
Martin Atienza. The facts related heretofore, proved beyond a reasonable doubt at the
hearing, justify this petition of the de oficio counsel, and establish beyond a reasonable doubt
said defendant's guilt of arson as charged, as principal by direct participation.
With respect to the accused-appellant Romana Silvestre, the only evidence of record against
her are: That, being married, she lived adulterously with her codefendant Martin Atienza, a
married man; that both were denounced for adultery by Domingo Joaquin, Romana Silvestre's
second husband; that in view of the petition of the accused, who promised to discontinue their
life together, and to leave the barrio of Masocol, and through the good offices of the municipal
president of Paombong, the complaining husband asked for the dismissal of the complaint; that
in pursuance of their promise, both of the accused went to lived in the barrio of Santo Niño, in
the same municipality; that under pretext for some nipa leaves from her son by her former
marriage, Nicolas de la Cruz, who had gone to the barrio of Santo Niño, Romana Silvestre
followed him to his house in the barrio of Masocol on November 23, 1930, and remained there;
that her codefendant, Martin Atienza followed her, and stayed with his coaccused in the same
house; that on the night of November 25, 1930, at about 8 o'clock, while all were gathered
together at home after supper, Martin Atienza expressed his intention of burning the house as
the only means of taking his revenge on the Masocol resident, who had instigated Domingo
Joaquin to file the complaint for adultery against them, which compelled them to leave the
barrio of Masocol; that Romana Silvestre listened to her codefendant's threat without raising a
protest, and did not give the alarm when the latter set fire to the house. Upon the strength of
these facts, the court below found her guilty of arson as accomplice.
Article 14 of the Penal Code, considered in connection with article 13, defines an accomplice to
be one who does not take a direct part in the commission of the act, who does not force or
induce other to commit it, nor cooperates in the commission of the act by another act without
which it would not have been accomplished, yet cooperates in the execution of the act by
previous or simultaneous actions.
Now then, which previous or simultaneous acts complicate Romana Silvestre in the crime of arson
committed by her codefendant Martin Atienza? Is it her silence when he told the spouses,
Nicolas de la Cruz and Antonia de la Cruz, to take away their furniture because he was going
to set fire to their house as the only means of revenging himself on the barrio residents, her
passive presence when Martin Atienza set fire to the house, where there is no evidence of
conspiracy or cooperation, and her failure to give the alarm when the house was already on
The complicity which is penalized requires a certain degree of cooperation, whether moral,
through advice, encouragement, or agreement, or material, through external acts. In the case of
the accused-appellant Romana Silvestre, there is no evidence of moral or material cooperation,
and none of an agreement to commit the crime in question. Her mere presence and silence while
they are simultaneous acts, do not constitute cooperation, for it does not appear that they
encouraged or nerved Martin Atienza to commit the crime of arson; and as for her failure to
give the alarm, that being a subsequent act it does not make her liable as an accomplice.
The trial court found the accused-appellant Martin Atienza guilty of arson, defined and
penalized in article 550, paragraph 2, of the Penal Code, which reads as follows:
2. Any person who shall set fire to any inhabited house or any building in which people are
accustomed to meet together, without knowing whether or not such building or house was
occupied at the time, or any freight train in motion, if the damage caused in such cases shall
exceed six thousand two hundred and fifty pesetas.
While the defendant indeed knew that besides himself and his codefendant, Romana Silvestre,
there was nobody in De la Cruz's house at the moment of setting fire to it, he cannot be
convicted merely arson less serious than what the trial court sentenced him for, inasmuch as that
house was the means of destroying the others, and he did not know whether these were
occupied at the time or not. If the greater seriousness of setting fire to an inhabited house, when
the incendiary does not know whether there are people in it at the time, depends upon the
danger to which the inmates are exposed, not less serious is the arson committed by setting fire
to inhabited houses by means of another inhabited house which the firebrand knew to be empty
at the moment of committing the act, if he did not know whether there were people or not in the
others, inasmuch as the same danger exists.
With the evidence produced at the trial, the accused-appellant Martin Atienza might have
been convicted of the crime of arson in the most serious degree provided for in article 549 of
the Penal Code, if the information had alleged that at the time of setting fire to the house, the
defendant knew that the other houses were occupied, taking into account that barrio residents
are accustomed to retire at the tolling of the bell for the souls in purgatory, i.e., at 8 o'clock at
For all the foregoing considerations, we are of the opinion and so hold, that: (1) Mere passive
presence at the scene of another's crime, mere silence and failure to give the alarm, without
evidence of agreement or conspiracy, do not constitute the cooperation required by article 14
of the Penal Code for complicity in the commission of the crime witnessed passively, or with
regard to which one has kept silent; and (2) he who desiring to burn the houses in a barrio,
without knowing whether there are people in them or not, sets fire to one known to be vacant at
the time, which results in destroying the rest, commits the crime of arson, defined and penalized
in article 550, paragraph 2, Penal Code.
By virtue wherefore, the judgment appealed from is modified as follows: It is affirmed with
reference to the accused-appellant Martin Atienza, and reversed with reference to the
accused-appellant Romana Silvestre, who is hereby acquitted with
one-half of the costs de oficio. So ordered.
Avanceña, C.J., Johnson, Street, Malcolm, Villamor, Ostrand, Romualdez, and Imperial, JJ.,