Jurnal Cooling System PDF
Jurnal Cooling System PDF
Jurnal Cooling System PDF
a r t i c l e in f o abstract
Article history: The heat transfer enhancement for many industrial applications by adding solid nano-
Received 15 November 2013 particles to liquids is significant topics in the last 10 years. This article included the friction
Accepted 2 December 2013 factor and forced convection heat transfer of SiO2 nanoparticle dispersed in water as a
Available online 11 December 2013
base fluid conducted in a car radiator experimentally and numerically. Four different
Keywords: concentrations of nanofluids in the range of 1–2.5 vol% have been used. The flowrate
Laminar changed in the range of 2–8 LPM to have Reynolds number with the range 500–1750.
Nanofluid The results showed that the friction factor decreases with an increase in flowrate and
Heat transfer increase with increasing in volume concentration. Furthermore, the inlet temperature to
Car radiator
the radiator has insignificantly affected to the friction factor. On the other side, Nusselt
number increases with increasing in flowrate, nanofluid volume concentration and inlet
temperature. Meanwhile, application of SiO2 nanofluid with low concentrations can
enhance heat transfer rate up to 50% as a comparison with pure water. The simulation
results compared with experimental data, and there is a good agreement. Likewise, these
results compared to other investigators to be validated.
& 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
1. Introduction
In the last 10 years, there has been more attention paid to enhance the convective heat transfer performance of nanofluids [1],
due to the recognition that in practical applications nanofluids. Experimental studies of friction factor and nanofluids heat
transfer enhancement with the flow velocity and nanofluid volume fraction inside heated tube under laminar flow condition has
been presented by [2–5]. There are many different applications of thermal-fluid systems, including automotive cooling systems
[6]. Base fluids, such as water, ethylene glycol and glycerol, have been used as conventional coolants in automobile radiators for
many years; however, these fluids have low thermal conductivities. The low thermal conductivities have thus prompted
researchers to search for fluids with higher thermal conductivities than that of conventional coolants. Therefore, nanofluids have
been used instead of the commonly used base fluids [7–9]. A numerical study on laminar heat transfer using CuO– and Al2O3–
ethylene glycol and water inside a flat tube of a car radiator was performed by Vajjha et al. [10]. A CFD model of the mass
flowrate of air passing across the tubes of a car radiator was presented by Peyghambarzadeh et al. [11]. The air flow was
simulated using the commercial software ANSYS 12.1, where the geometry was created in the software SOLID WORKS, followed
by creating both the surface mesh and the volume mesh accordingly. The results were compared and verified according to the
2214-157X & 2013 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61 51
known physical situation and existing experimental data. The results serve as a good database for future investigations. New
correlations for the viscosity and thermal conductivity of nanofluids as a function of volumetric particle concentration and
temperature developed from the experiments were used in this paper. The convective heat transfer coefficient and shear stress of
the nanofluid showed marked improvement over the base fluid, showing higher magnitudes in the flat regions of the tube. The
results showed that increasing the nanofluid volume fraction increased the friction factor and convective heat transfer
coefficient; however, there was also an increase in pressure loss as the particle volume fraction increased. A numerical study that
analyzed mixed convection flows in a U-shaped grooved tube “in a radiator” was conducted by Park and Pak [12]. A modified
SIMPLE algorithm for the irregular geometry was developed to determine the flow and temperature field. The results have been
used as fundamental data for tube design by suggesting optimal specifications for radiator tubes. Two liquids, water and an
ethylene glycol/water mixture, used as the coolant fluid in a meso-channel heat exchanger were studied numerically by
Dehghandokht et al. [13]. The predicted results (heat transfer rate, pressure and temperature drops in the coolants) from the
numerical simulation were compared with the experimental data for the same geometrical and operating conditions and
showed good agreement. Additionally, the results showed the heat exchanger was enhanced, with heat transfer rate
approximately 20% higher than that of a straight slab of the same length; the enhanced heat exchanger has a good potential
to be used as a car radiator with reasonably enhanced heat transfer characteristics using an ethylene glycol/water mixture as the
coolant. The application of a copper–ethylene glycol nanofluid in a car cooling system has been studied by Leong et al. [14]. The
friction factor has been evaluated experimentally by [15–17], but heat transfer enhancement using water and ethylene glycol
water in a multi-port serpentine meso-channel heat exchanger has been determined as [18]. The overall heat transfer
coefficient of CuO/water nanofluids investigated experimentally under laminar flow regime in a car radiator by Naraki et al.
[19]. The results showed that the overall heat transfer coefficient with nanofluid was more than the base fluid. The overall heat
transfer coefficient increased with the enhancement in the nanofluid concentration from 0 to 0.4 vol%. Conversely, the overall
heat transfer coefficient decreased with increasing the nanofluid inlet temperature from 50 to 80 1C. The implementation of
nanofluid increases the overall heat transfer coefficient up to 8% at nanofluid concentration of 0.4 vol% in comparison with the
base fluid. Theoretical results of nanofluid heat transfer of Maiga et al. [20] have been verified with the correlations of Seider–
Tate [21] for base fluid only. Forced convection heat transfer of both CuO and Fe2O3 nanofluids flow through the car radiator
has been studied experimentally by Peyghambarzadeh et al. [22]. An experimental investigation for the determination of heat
transfer coefficient with SiO2 nanofluid under cooling and heating conditions at fluid inlet temperatures of 20, 50 and 70 1C for
Reynolds number range from 200 to 10,000 and 22 nm size diameter particles suspension in water has been conducted by
Ferrouillat et al. [23]. The heat transfer coefficients at particle volume concentrations of 2.3% and 19% have been determined as
10% and 50% respectively greater than the values obtained with water.
In this paper, an experimental and computational study of forced convection heat transfer in a car radiator with SiO2
nanoparticles suspension in water under laminar flow is presented. The test rig is setup to measure temperatures and
pressure drop between inlet and outlet of the radiator. Furthermore, the CFD model is simulated by finite volume method
and using FLUENT software to solve governing equations. The range of Reynolds number is 250–1750 and the volume
fraction of nanofluid is from 1% to 2.5%. The aim of this study is to enhance heat transfer in the car cooling system. The
comparison among experimental and simulation results are carried out then validated with other researchers data.
2. Experimental work
The test rig shown in Fig. 1a has been used to measure heat transfer coefficient and friction factor in the automotive
engine radiator. This experimental setup includes a reservoir plastic tank, electrical heater, a centrifugal pump, a flow meter,
52 A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61
L d
Fig. 1. (a) Schematic diagram of experimental test rig and (b) flat tube configuration.
tubes, valves, a fan, a DC power supply; 10 thermocouples type T for temperature measurement, manometer tube with
mercury and heat exchanger (automobile radiator). An electrical heater (1500 W) inside a plastic storage tank (40 cm height
and 30 cm diameter) put to represent the engine and to heat the fluid. A voltage regular (0–220 V) provided the power to
keep the inlet temperature to the radiator from 60 to 80 1C. A flow meter (0–70 LPM) and two valves used to measure and
control the flowrate. The fluid flows through plastic tubes (0.5 in.) by a centrifugal pump (0.5 hp and 3 m head) from the
tank to the radiator at the flowrate range 2–8 LPM. The total volume of the circulating fluid is 3 l and constant in all the
experimental steps. Two thermocouples (copper–constantan) types T have been fixed on the flow line for recording the inlet
and outlet fluid temperatures. Eight thermocouples type T have been fixed to the radiator surface to ensure more of surface
area measurement. Two thermocouples type T also fixed in front of the fan and another side of radiator to measure air
temperatures. Very small thickness and high thermal conductivity of the copper flat tubes caused to make the inside
temperature of the tube with the outside one are equated. A handheld ( 40 1C to 1000 1C) digital thermometer with the
accuracy of 70.1 1C used to read all the temperatures from thermocouples. Calibration of thermocouples and thermometers
carried out by using a constant temperature water bath and their accuracy estimated to be 0.15 1C [19]. Two small plastic
tubes with 0.25 in. diameter connected at inlet and outlet radiator and joined to U-tube mercury manometer with the
accurate scale 0.5 mm Hg to measure the pressure drop on the inlet and outlet of it. The car radiator has louvered fin and 32
flat vertical copper tubes with flat cross sectional area. The distances among the tube rows filled with thin perpendicular
copper fins. For the air side, an axial force fan (1500 rpm) installed close on axis line of the radiator. The DC power supply
(type Teletron 10–12 V) used to turn the axial fan instead of a car battery. The thermal properties of nanofluids have been
measured by [24] and used in this study. The pH values of nanofluid have been measured using OAKTON device shown in for
the nanofluid volume concentration of (1–2.5%). The pH values before and after experimental tests referring to nanofluids
stability and changing in thermal properties. If the pH values of the suspension decrease, the force among particles will
increase which the moving of the nanoparticles suspension lead to enhance the heat transfer process. So, to augment heat
transfer for many applications should keep low values of the nanofluid pH [25]. The pH meter has been calibrated using a
single point calibration technique, with a Hatch standard buffer solution of pH 7.00 70.02. According to [24] to find out the
pH values, samples with pH of 8.2, 8.6, 9.3 and 10.2 were prepared. Samples checked after finishing each test but found no
visible sedimentation. SiO2 nanoparticles with volume concentration (1, 1.5, 2.0 and 2.5 vol%) and 30 nm size diameter
added to base fluids (deionized water). The thermal properties of SiO2 nanoparticle and base fluids are shown in Table 1.
According to Newton's cooling law the following procedure followed to obtain heat transfer coefficient and corresponding
Nusselt number as [26]:
Q ¼ hAΔT ¼ hAs ðT b T s Þ ð1Þ
A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61 53
Table 1
Thermal property of nanoparticle and base fluids.
Materials Density (Kg/m3) Specific heat (J/kg 1C) Thermal conductivity (W/m 1C) Viscosity (Pa s) References
Table 2
Uncertainties of measured parameters.
1 Dh 4.68 mm 0.78
2 Re 250–1750 4.3
3 Nu 8–22 2.42
The uncertainty analysis performed by calculating the measurements error. The Reynolds number uncertainty range may
be come from the errors in the measurement of volume flowrate (Eq. (5)) and hydraulic diameter of the tubes (Eq. (8)). The
uncertainty of Nusselt number refers to the errors in the measurements of volume flowrate (Eq. (5)), hydraulic diameter
(Eq. (8)), and all the temperatures (Eqs. (2) and (3)). According to uncertainty analysis described by [28], the measurement
errors of the main parameters are summarized in Table 2. Furthermore, to check the reproducibility of the experiments,
some runs were repeated later which proved to be excellent.
Pure Water
Grid: 18x345
Grid: 36x345
Grid: 72x345
Grid: 108x345
Darcy Eq (13)
Friction Factor
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
Pure Water
Grid: 18x345
Grid: 36x345
Grid: 72x345
20 Grid: 108x345
Shah-London Eq (14)
Nusselt Number
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
Fig. 3. Grid independent test. (a) Friction factor and (b) Nusselt number.
A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61 55
3. Theoretical analysis
The assumptions of the study undertaken were steady, incompressible and Newtonian laminar fluid flow with constant
thermo-physical properties of the nanofluid. Additionally, heat conduction in the axial direction and wall thickness of the
tubes was neglected. Assuming, also, all thermal properties estimated at bulk temperature of the fluid.
The single-phase method can be adopted by using infinitesimal (less than 100 nm) solid particles in the liquid. The
dimensional conservation equations at steady state are the continuity, momentum and energy equations [26]
ð∇V Þ ¼ 0 ð10Þ
pure water
0.3 1%CFD
Friction Factor
0.25 1.5%EXP.
0.2 2%EXP.
0.15 2%CFD
0.1 2.5%CFD
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
0.25 1.5%CFD
0.2 2%CFD
0.15 2.5%EXP.
0.1 Darcy Eq (13)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
pure water
0.35 1%EXP.
Friction Factor
0.25 1.5%CFD
0.2 2%CFD
0.1 Darcy Eq (13)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
Fig. 4. Friction factor at different Reynolds number: (a) at 60 1C; (b) at 70 1C and (c) at 80 1C.
56 A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61
A low Reynolds number was used as an input parameter, and the pressure treatment was adopted using the SIMPLE scheme.
For all the governing solutions, when the residuals were lower than 10 6, solutions were considered converged. The results of the
simulation were compared with the equation for the friction factor which correlated by Darcy–Weisbach equation (Eq. (13)) and
Nusselt number which correlated by Shah–London equation (Eq. (14)) for laminar flow respectively as [29]
f¼ ð13Þ
Nuav ¼ 1:953 ReDh Pr DLh for RePrDh =L Z 33:33
Nuav ¼ 4:364 þ 0:0722 ReDh Pr DLh for RePrDh =L o 33:33
SiO2–water nanofluid volume concentrations of 1%, 1.5%, 2% and 2.5% at a base temperature of 25 1C were used as the
input fluids. For comparison purposes, water was also used as the working fluid. CFD studies were performed with uniform
49 pure water
44 1%EXP.
Nusselt Number
34 1.5%CFD
24 2.5%EXP.
19 2.5%CFD
Shah-London Eq (14)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
pure water
54 1%EXP.
Nusselt Number
44 1.5%EXP.
24 2.5%CFD
Shah-London Eq (14)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
pure water
54 1.5%EXP.
Nusselt Number
44 2%EXP.
34 2.5%EXP.
24 Shah-London Eq (14)
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
Fig. 5. Nusselt number at different Reynolds number: (a) at 60 1C; (b) at 70 1C and (c) at 80 1C.
A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61 57
velocity profile at the inlet, and a pressure outlet condition was used at the outlet of the radiator. The walls of the radiator
tubes were assumed to be perfectly smooth. The Reynolds number was varied from 500 to 1750 at each iteration step as
input data. The output data are the friction factor and Nusselt number.
Grids independence was determined using the GAMBIT software and was found for 72 345 with subdivisions in the
axial directions and the face of the flat area. The grid independence test for the physical model performed to determine the
most suitable size of the mesh faces. In this study, rectangular cells were used to mesh the surfaces of the tube wall, and the
surfaces of the gap, as shown in Fig. 2. Grid independence was checked using different grid systems, and four mesh faces
were considered, 18 345, 36 345, 72 345 and 108 345 for pure water. The friction factor and Nusselt number have
been determined for all four mesh faces, and the results all agreed with each other and Eqs. (13) and (14). All four mesh faces
could have been used, and in this study, the mesh face with 12,000 cells was adopted because it was the best in terms of
accuracy, as shown in Fig. 3.
pure water
90 1%EXP.
80 1.5%EXP.
70 2%EXP.
60 2.5%EXP.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Flowrate (LPM)
pure water
100 1%EXP.
90 1.5%EXP.
80 2%EXP.
70 2.5%EXP.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Flowrate (LPM)
pure water
105 1%EXP.
95 1.5%EXP.
85 2%EXP.
75 2.5%EXP.
0 2 4 6 8 10
Fowrate (LPM)
Fig. 6. Outlet temperature at different volume flowrate: (a) at 60 1C, (b) at 70 1C and (c) at 80 1C.
58 A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61
CFD simulations were performed using FLUENT software with the solver strategy, and the GAMBIT software used to
analyze the problems. The governing equations have been solved by using the control volume approach for simulating the
governing equations numerically. Using FLUENT software for CFD analysis has been done in the literature, and a detailed
description of the mathematical model can be found in [30]. There are distinct steps to design a region using CFD: in the first
step, the pre-process stage, the geometry of the problem was constructed as a flat tube, and the computational mesh was
generated in GAMBIT. The next step involves creating a physical model and choosing the boundary conditions and other
parameters required to define the model setup and solving stage. All scalar values and velocity components of the problem
were calculated at the center of the control volume interfaces, where the grid schemes are used intensively. Throughout the
iterative process, the residuals were continually monitored. When the residuals for all governing equations were less than
10 6, all solutions were assumed to be converging. Finally, the results were obtained when the FLUENT iterations
converged, which was defined by a set of convergence criteria. The friction factor and Nusselt number inside the flat tube
could then be defined throughout the computational domain in the post-process stage.
The friction factor at different Reynolds number and nanofluid volume concentration is shown in Fig. 4. It appears that
the friction factor decreases with increasing in Reynolds number and nanofluid volume concentration. Fig. 4a–c illustrates
the effect of inlet temperature on the friction factor. It seems that slightly effect of inlet temperature and nanofluid volume
concentration on the friction factor. A reason related to the slow flow is generated high friction factor. The friction factor at
Reynolds number less than 1000 has been given the maximum deviation is 82% but after that the maximum deviation
0.3 1%EXP at 60 oC
1%CFD at 60 oC
0.25 1%EXP at 70 oC
Friction factor
1%CFD at 70 oC
1%EXP at 80 oC
1%CFD at 80 oC
Darcy Eq (13)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Flowrate (LPM)
1%EXP at 60 oC
30 1%CFD at 60 oC
1%EXP at 70 oC
25 1%CFD at 70 oC
Nusselt Number
1%EXP at 80 oC
20 1%CFD at 80 oC
Shah-London Eq (14)
0 2 4 6 8 10
Flowrate (LPM)
Fig. 7. The effect of inlet temperature on: (a) friction factor and (b) Nusselt number.
A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61 59
appears 40%. Fig. 5 shows Nusselt number at different Reynolds number and nanofluid volume concentration. The Nusselt
number increases with increasing of Reynolds number and nanofluid volume concentration. The deviation is approximately
40% when adding the nanoparticles on base fluid (pure water). Likewise, Fig. 5a–c demonstrates the effect of inlet radiator
temperature on Nusselt number. The highest values of Nusselt number found at inlet temperature 80 1C followed by at 70 1C
and finally at 60 1C inlet temperature. The maximum values of Nusselt number are 17.8, 21 and 25 at 60, 70 and 80 1C
respectively. This refers to high heat transfer from the radiator when high inlet temperature would apply. Fig. 6 shows the
outlet temperature of the radiator (Tout) with different volume flowrate circulating and nanofluid volume concentrations.
It seems that the outlet temperature increases with increasing in the volume flowrate and decreasing in nanofluid volume
concentration. The outlet temperature at pure water is the highest which referred the heat transfer increasing from the
radiator. It should be noted that all the data in Fig. 6a, b and c obtained when the radiator inlet temperatures were 60, 70
and 80 1C, respectively. It also showed that the outlet temperature increases with increasing of inlet temperature and the
difference between inlet and outlet temperature for each run. This means the heat transfer increases with increasing of inlet
temperature too. Fig. 7a shows the friction factor at different volume flowrates and different inlet temperatures. It appears
that the friction factor decreases with increasing of volume flowrate and slightly decreases with increasing of the inlet
temperature. Darcy equation (Eq. (13)) is also indicated as solid black line for pure water. The friction factor of 1% nanofluid
increases by approximately 15% as compared with pure water. On the other side, Fig. 7b illustrates Nusselt number at
different Reynolds numbers and inlet temperatures. The Shah–London equation (Eq. (14)) is also indicated as solid black line
for pure water. The Nusselt number increases with increasing of volume flowrate and inlet temperature. The Nusselt
number of 1% nanofluid at 80 1C has 52% deviation than pure water but 32% at 60 1C. Fig. 8 indicates the percentage of heat
transfer enhancement depending on nanofluid volume concentration and inlet temperature to the radiator. The percentage
enhancement can be evaluated by
Nunf Nuw
Enhancement % ¼ 100 ð15Þ
It is observed that the heat transfer enhancement increases with increasing of nanofluid volume concentration and inlet
temperature respectively. The values of heat transfer enhancement are from 31% to 46% for nanofluid volume concentration
Enhancement %
Enhancement %
EXP at CFD at EXP at CFD at EXP at CFD at
60 oC 60 oC 70 oC 70 oC 80 oC 80 oC
Fig. 8. (a) The effect of nanofluid volume concentration and (b) the effect of inlet temperature.
60 A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61
from 1% to 2.5% while the values of heat transfer enhancement are from 39% to 56% for inlet temperature from 60 to 80 1C.
This refers to nanofluid volume concentration affected more than inlet temperature on heat transfer enhancement, but
significantly of using all of them. Fig. 9 demonstrates that the experimental and simulation data agreed with other
investigator data to be validated. Fig. 9a shows the friction factor results from the experimental and simulation work and
experimental data of [15,17] and the curve fitting data of [16]. The present work agreed with data of [15,16] with deviation,
not more than 9% because their data has been done on Al2O3 nanofluid, but the present work has been done on SiO2
nanofluid. On the other hand, Fig. 9b shows the validation of Nusselt number from experimental and simulation work with
curve fitting data of [20]. It seems that there is a good agreement with the maximum deviation 7% may be related to size
diameter all type of nanofluids.
5. Conclusions
The friction factor and forced convection heat transfer enhancement of SiO2 suspended in water carried out. Significant
increases of the friction factor and heat transfer enhancement observed with the volume concentration of nanoparticles
addition. The maximum values of friction factor increased to 22% for SiO2 nanoparticles dispersed in water with 2.5% volume
concentration. A highest Nusselt number enhance up to 40% obtained for SiO2 nanoparticles in water. The simulation results
showed that the friction factor and Nusselt number action of the nanofluids were highly depended on the volume
concentration and Reynolds number. On the other side, the experimental study concluded that there was a significant
increasing in Nusselt number and agreeing with the numerical study. The friction factor decreases with increasing of volume
flowrate and the inlet temperature. The friction factor at Reynolds number less than 1000 has a maximum deviation 82% but
after that the maximum deviation becomes 40%. A highest Nusselt number enhancement is 56% obtained for SiO2
nanoparticles in water as a base fluid. The experimental results showed that the Nusselt number behavior of the nanofluids
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
17 Shah-London Eq (14)
Sieder-Tate Corelation [21]
Curve fitting of [20]
0 500 1000 1500 2000
Reynolds Number
Fig. 9. Validation of (a) friction factor and (b) Nusselt number.
A.M. Hussein et al. / Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 2 (2014) 50–61 61
was highly depended on the volume concentration and the volume flowrate. The Nusselt number of 1% SiO2 nanofluid at
80 1C has 52% deviation than pure water but 32% at 60 1C. There is a good agreement among present data of friction factor
with data of [15–17] and Nusselt number data with data of [18,20]. The results proved that SiO2 nanofluid have high
potential for hydrodynamic flow and heat transfer enhancement and are highly appropriate to industrial and practical
applications. When adding nanoparticles to the base fluid the possible enhancement of car engine cooling rates will improve
otherwise the engine heat remove or reduce size cooling system. The small cooling systems have led to benefit almost every
aspect of car performance and increased in fuel economy.
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