Directions. The following is the Cariñosa Dance Literature. Identify the names of every figure and write
down the number of figure based on the sequencing of dance steps given.
Music Introduction
a. Starting with R foot take three-steps sideward right (cts. 1,2,3). Point L foot
(cts 1,2,3). R hand in reverse “T” position and L hand on waist. Kumintang
R hand when point L foot……………………………………………………………….....2M
b. Repeat (a) starting with L foot and moving sideward left.
Reverse position of hands………………………………………………………………….2M
c. Repeat (a) and (b) three more times……………………………………………………….12M
Partners face each other. Throughout this figure, Girl holds skirt and boy places hands on waist.
a. Starting with R foot, take three steps forward to meet at center (cts 1,2,3). Step
L foot close to R (ct 1) pause (cts 1,2,3)……………………………………………………2M
b. Take four touch step in front, R and L alternately. Look at each other…………………….4M
c. Starting with R foot, take four steps forward to partner’s place, passing each other
Shoulder (cts. 1,2,3,1). Turn right about to face each other and close
R to L foot (cts. 2,3)………………………………………………………………………..2M
d. Repeat all (a-c), finishing in proper places. ………………………………………………..8M
a. Starting with R foot, take three steps forward to center, Girl holds skirt, boy places
Hands on waist (cts. 1,2,3). Girl kneels on R while boy passes around on right of
Girl to stand behind her and faces the same direction as girl. Partners place hands
On waist (cts. 1,2,3)………………………………………………………………………..2M
b. Boy points R and L foot four times alternately in front, looking at girl over his R
And L shoulder alternately. Girl in the meantime, looks at partner over her R
And L shoulder alternately, Both place hands on waist…………………………………….4M
c. Boy- Turn right about. Girl stands and exchanges places with boy as in Figure II(c)……….2M
d. Repeat all (a-c), but this time boy kneels down and girls fans over his R and L
shoulder alternately as she points her R and L foot alternately. Finish in proper places……….8M
a. Partners meet at center as in Figure II (a) (cts. 1,2,3,1). Boy takes handkerchief from
pocket. Partners hold handkerchief at corners in a particular position between their
faces with boy hands on top at face level (cts. 2,3)………………………………………….2M
b. Partners point R and L foot alternately four times as in Figure II (b). invert
handkerchief at every measure, that is one measure with boy’s hand on top and his
L foot pointed forward. When his hands are down, boys look at partner’s face from
below and when they are up, he looks over handekerchief………………………………….4M
c. Girl releases hand kerchief. Partners exchange places as in figure II (c)……………………2M
d. Repeat all (a-c), finishing in proper places. This time girl keeps handkerchief
At the end of this figure………………………………………………………………………8M
Note: if only one pair is dancing, partners may go to any direction so long as they finish in proper places
at the end of this figure.
a. Partners turn R shoulders toward each other. Starting with R foot, take eight waltz step
forward moving around clockwise. Girl holds handkerchief at one corner and places it
over her R and L shoulder, alternately at every measure, looking back at boy at the same
time. Boy follows behind girl, stretching out R and L hand alternately as if trying to catch
the free end of the
b. Turn right about and repeat (a) counter clockwise, Girl leads again. Finish in proper
a. Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps to meet at center. Girls arms in lateral position
Moving sideward right and left, boys hands on
b. With girl leading, partners take six waltz steps forward moving around clockwise. Same
Position of hands as in (a) but with girl’s fingers fluttering in time with the music as she
Looks over her R and L shoulders, alternately at boy who is following her
c. Turn right about (b) counter clockwise. This time boy leads. Girls holds skirt, boy’s arms
in lateral position, fluttering fingers, he winks at girl once in a while. Finish side by side,
girl at right side of boy……………………………………………………………………………6M
Execute a three-step turn right in place and bow to each other girl holding skirt,