Lesson 3 (Philippine Folk Dance) Cariñosa
Lesson 3 (Philippine Folk Dance) Cariñosa
Lesson 3 (Philippine Folk Dance) Cariñosa
This flirtation dance is known throughout the Philippines. Cariñosa means affectionate, loveable, or
amiable. With a fan and handkerchief, the dancers go through hide- and seek movements and other flirting
acts expressing tender feelings for one another. There are many versions of this dance but the hide-and-seek
movements are common to all.
COSTUME. Girls wears balintawak style costume or patadyong and camisa and Boy in barong
tagalog and trousers in any color. Girl has a fan hanging at right side of waist and Boy has a handkerchief in
his pocket.
FORMATION. Partners stand facing each other, at six feet apart. When facing the audience, Girl is
at right of the Boy. Any number of couples may take part in this dance.
NOTE: In the original form Figure I is used as an intermission. It is omitted in this arrangement for
it makes the dance long and monotonous.
Music Introduction.
Execute a three-step turn right in place and bow to each other. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on
waist 2M
Three Steps and Point
Music A
(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps sideward right (cts. 1, 2, 3). Point L foot in front (cts. 1, 2, 3). R
hand inverse “T” position and L hand on waist. Kumintang R hand pointing L
(b) Repeat (a) starting with L foot and moving sideward left. Reverse position of
(c) Repeat (a) and (b), three more times ………………………………………………..12M
Music B
Partners face each other. Throughout this figure, Girl holds skirt and Boy places hands on wrist.
(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward to meet at the center (cts. 1, 2, 3). Step L close to R
(ct.1), pause (cts. 2, 3)…………………………………………….2M
(b) Take four touch steps in front, R and L alternately.
Look at each other……………………………………………………………………...4M
(c) Starting with R foot, take four steps forward to partner’s place, passing each other by R shoulder
(ctgs. 1, 2, 3, 1)……………………………………………….…2M
(d) Repeat all (a-c), finish in proper places…………………………………………….3M
Music A
(a) Partners meet at center as in figure II (a) (cts. 1, 2, 3, 1). Turn right about to be in back-to-back
position a little bit to right of partner (cts. 2, 3). Girl hold skirt, Boy places hands on waist.
(b) Point R foot in front and shake R index finger at partner over R shoulder L hand on waist (cts. 1,
2). Step R sideward to be side by side with partner by L shoulder, place R hand on waist (ct. 3).
Repeat three more times, pointing L, R, L and shaking L, R, L index finger alternately at partner.
Partners are standing by each other’s R shoulder when shaking R index finger to partner and by
L shoulders when shaking L index finger to partner. Free hands on waist (3M)
(c) Turn right about and exchange places as in figure II (c)……………………….8M
Hide and Seek with Fan
Music B
Kneeling and Fanning
Music A
(a) Starting with R foot, take three steps forward to center. Girl holds skirt, Boy places hands on
waist (cts. 1, 2, 3). Girl – Kneel on R while Boy passes around on right of Girl to stand behind
her and faces the same direction as Girl. Partners place hands on waists (cts. 1, 2, 3)
(b) Boy – Point R and L foot four times alternately in front, looking at Girl over her R and L
shoulder alternately. Girl in the meantime, Looks at partner over her R and L shoulder
alternately. Both place hands on waists…………………………4M
(c) Boy – Turn right about. Girl stand and exchange place as in figure II (c)……2M
(d) Repeat all (a-c), but this time Boy kneels down and Girl fancs Boy over his R and L shoulder
alternately as she points her R and L foot alternately. Finish in proper
Hide and Seek with Handkerchief
Music B
(a) Partners meet at center as in Figure II (a) (cts. 1, 2, 3, 1). Boy takes handkerchief from pocket.
Partners hold handkerchief at corners a perpendicular position between their faces with Boy’s
hands on top at face level (cts. 2, 3)…………2M
(b) Partners point R and L foot alternately four times as in Figure II (b). Invert handkerchief at every
measure, that is, on one measure with Boy’s hands on top while pointing R foot and the next
measure with Girl’s hands on top while pointing with L foot. When own hands are down, look at
partners face from below and when up, look above
(c) Girl releases handkerchief. Partners exchange as in Figure II (c)………………2M
(d) Repeat all (a-c), finishing in proper places. This time Girl keeps handkerchief at the end of this
NOTE: In the Bicol regions the hide-and-seek movement is done with two handkerchiefs crossed
diagonally. Each dancer holds a handkerchief at two corners which is diagonally folded (triangular form).
While dancers point the R foot, the R hands are held obliquely right upward and the L hands are obliquely
left downward, thus the handkerchiefs are closed like the letter X in front between them. The position of
hands is reversed when pointing L foot. They change position of hands at every measure. They peep through
the opening of the handkerchiefs above and below alternately. The Girl peeps above with R hands are up and
the boy, when the L hands are up.
Flirting with Handkerchief
Music A
NOTE: If one pair is dancing, partners may go to any direction so long as they finish in proper places
at the end of this figure.
(a) Partners turn R shoulders toward each other. Starting with R foot, take eight waltz step forward
moving around clockwise, Girl – Hold handkerchief at one corner and place it over her R and L
shoulder alternately at every measure, looking back at Boy at the same time. Boy in the
meantime follows behind Girl, stretch out R and L hand alternately as if trying to catch the free
end of the
(b) Turn right about and repeat (a) counterclockwise, Girl leads again.
Finish in proper places………………………………………………………………….8M
Music B
(a) Starting with R foot, take two waltz steps to meet at center. Girls arms in lateral position moving
sideward right and left, boys hands on waist.
(b) With Girl leading in front, partners take six waltz steps forward moving around clockwise. Same
position of hands as in (a) but Girls fingers fluttering in time with the music as she looks over
her R and L shoulder alternately at Boy who is following her
Pomelo fruits serve as an important source of income of the people of Sulu. The movements of the
dance compare sua’s gentle leaves, slender branches, attractive fruits, and fragrant flower to a lady.
Creative Imagery: Fans transform into tiny sails, face mirrors, butterflies, shields, and leaves. Sua-
ku-Sua’s traditional steps are with Chinese influence.