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DNV CN - 31-3

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No. 31.3



Veritasveien 1, N-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11
DET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent Foundation with the object of safeguarding life, property
and the environment at sea and ashore.

DET NORSKE VERITAS AS (DNV AS), a fully owned subsidiary Society of the Foundation, undertakes classification and
certification and ensures the quality of ships, mobile offshore units, fixed offshore structures, facilities and systems, and carries
out research in connection with these functions. The Society operates a world-wide network of survey stations and is
authorised by more than 120 national administrations to carry out surveys and, in most cases, issue certificates on their behalf.

Classification Notes

Classification Notes are publications which give practical information on classification of ships and other objects. Examples of
design solutions, calculation methods, specifications of test procedures, as well as acceptable repair methods for some
components are given as interpretations of the more general rule requirements.

An updated list of Classification Notes is available on request. The list is also given in the latest edition of the Introduction-
booklets to the "Rules for Classification of Ships", the "Rules for Classification of Mobile Offshore Units" and the "Rules for
Classification of High Speed and Light Craft".

In "Rules for Classification of Fixed Offshore Installations", only those Classification Notes which are relevant for this type of
structure have been listed.

Amendments and Corrections:

The formulae on page 10 for the spring constant Ki has been amended with a factor of 3 in the denominator.

© Det Norske Veritas AS 1999

Data processed and typeset by Division Technology and Products, Det Norske Veritas AS
Printed in Norway by Det Norske Veritas AS
06/06/2005 11:01:00 - cn31-3.doc
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In this provision “Det Norske Veritas” shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske

1. General.........................................................................................................................................4
1.1 Introduction...................................................................................................................................4
1.2 Procedure ......................................................................................................................................4
1.3 Definitions ....................................................................................................................................4
2. Cargo Tank Analysis ..................................................................................................................6
2.1 General..........................................................................................................................................6
2.2 Model extent .................................................................................................................................6
2.3 Modelling of geometry .................................................................................................................7
2.4 Elements and mesh size ................................................................................................................9
2.5 Boundary conditions ...................................................................................................................10
2.6 Loading conditions .....................................................................................................................12
2.7 Presentation of input and results ................................................................................................16
2.8 Result evaluation and applicable acceptance criteria .................................................................17
3. Local Structure Analysis ..........................................................................................................21
3.1 General........................................................................................................................................21
3.2 Stiffeners with brackets subjected to large deformations............................................................21
3.3 Other fine mesh models. .............................................................................................................23
3.4 Documentation and result presentation.......................................................................................24
3.5 Acceptance criteria......................................................................................................................24
4. Shear Force Correction ............................................................................................................24
4.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................24
4.2 Rule requirement.........................................................................................................................24
4.3 Allowable shear force .................................................................................................................25
4.4 Corrected shear force ..................................................................................................................25
Appendix A. Boundary Conditions for the Application of Hull Girder Loads..............................28
Appendix B. Checklist for Finite Element Analysis .........................................................................30
Appendix C. Beam Models .................................................................................................................32
C.1 Beam modelling general .............................................................................................................32
C.2 Beam modelling for tankers of type A........................................................................................37
C.3 Beam modelling for tankers type B ............................................................................................39
C.4 Beam modelling for tankers type C ............................................................................................40


4 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

1. General Type A are tankers with 2 longitudinal bulkheads. Such

vessels are typically VLCCs and shuttle tankers
1.1 Introduction with cross ties, and smaller tankers without
cross ties.
For girders being a part of a complex 2- or 3-dimensional
structural system, the Rules require a structural analysis of Type B are tankers with centreline bulkhead. Such
the relevant structure to be carried out. This Classification vessels are typically Suezmax tankers , Aframax
Note describes acceptable methods for such analysis with tankers and shuttle tankers.
focus on finite element calculations within the midship area.
The analysis shall confirm that the stress levels are Type C are tankers without longitudinal bulkheads.
acceptable when the structures are loaded in accordance with Such vessels are typically relatively small
described design conditions. tankers.

Any recognised calculation method or computer program Figure 1.1 shows the different tanker types. Other types of
may be applied, provided the combined effects of bending, tank arrangements shall be handled in an equivalent way.
shear and axial torsional deformations are adequately
considered. For smaller tankers, a 3-dimensional beam analysis or a
combination of 2-dimensional beam analyses may be used. A
Strength analysis carried out in accordance with this note procedure for such calculations is presented in Appendix C.
will be accepted as a basis for class approval in general.

1.3 Definitions
D - Moulded depth in m, Ref. Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.1.

T - Mean moulded summer draught in m.

TA - Minimum relevant seagoing draught. May be

taken as 0.35D if not known.

E - Modulus of elasticity = 2.06⋅105 N/mm2 for


σ - Normal stress

τ - Shear stress

η - Usage factor

Type A - Tanker with two longitudinal bulkheads

Type B - Tanker with one longitudinal bulkhead

Type C - Tanker with no longitudinal bulkheads

Rules - All references to the Rules are to the DNV

Rules for Ships, January 1998.
Figure 1.1 Tankers of types A, B and C

1.2 Procedure Figure 1.2 and Figure 1.3 shows the nomenclature for a
typical double hull midship section.
Acceptable calculations of 3-dimensional girder systems
should normally be carried out by means of finite element
analysis. An applicable procedure for such calculations is
presented for 3 standard types of tanker in Chapter 2 and 3 of
this Classification Note. These three standard types are in the
following called tankers of type A, B and C where:


Classification Notes No. 31.3 5

January 1999

Section X–X

Web plate


Transverse deck Deck plating &

Transverse deck girder in centre
girder in wing longitudinals
cargo tank
cargo tank X


End bracket
Inner side
Bracket Longitudinal longitudinal
Vertical girder radius BHD plating & BHD
(web frame) Bracket toe
longitudinals Side shell plating
& longitudinals
Cross tie
Centre Wing
Vertical girder
on longitudinal cargo cargo
bulkhead tank tank
Double side water
ballast tank
Horizontal girder
(stringer) Upper
& lower Inner bottom
hopper plating & Hopper plate
corners longitudinals
Bilge plate

Hopper Bilge keel

web plating

Manhole Transverse girder Longitudinal Keel Bottom shell Y Double Outboard girder
or floor plating girder in plating plating & bottom water (margin girder)
centreline longitudinal ballast tank

Section Z–Z Section Y–Y

Panel stiffener
Inner bottom longitudinal
Cut out

Floor stiffener
Backing bracket

Floor plating

Bottom longitudinal

Figure 1.2 Nomenclature for a typical double hull midship section


6 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

Corrugated In the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13, types of analyses called

transverse “cargo tank analysis” and “frame and girder analysis” are
bulkhead described. Two different approaches are shown in Figure 2.1;
One with a coarse mesh 3D-model requiering use of
submodels, and one with a detailed 3D-model without any
submodels. Whichever approach is used, the model or sets of
models applied shall include a proper representation of the
following structure:

• Typical web frame at middle of tanks

• Web frame adjacent to transverse bulkhead
• Transverse bulkhead horizontal stringers including
longitudinal stringers in double side
• Transverse bulkhead vertical girders including
longitudinal girders in double bottom
• Typical swash bulkhead

In the model description and given examples, all these

structures are included in one 3D-model of the cargo tanks
for evaluating the results in these areas directly. This implies
that the “cargo tank analysis” and “frame and girder
Lower stool analysis”, in the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13, are combined into
side plating
one model.
Inner bottom plating
In addition, analyses of local structural parts may be made
for determining the detailed stress level in stiffeners subject
Figure 1.3 Nomenclature for a double hull tanker with to large relative support deflections. Such analyses are
corrugated transverse bulkhead described in Chapter 3 “Local structure analysis”.

It is emphasised that the following description represents one

acceptable approach for performing such calculations, and
that alternative methods may be applicable.

2. Cargo Tank Analysis 2.2 Model extent

The model extent are in general to comprise two tank lengths
2.1 General (1/2 + 1 + 1/2). It should however be noted that for vessels
with structural symmetry about transverse bulkheads models
This chapter gives guidance on how to perform finite
comprising one tank length (1/2 + 1/2) may be used.
element calculations for the girder system within the midship
area of tankers.
2.2.1 Tanker type A
In general the finite element model shall provide results The analysis model amidships should comprise two tank
suitable for evaluating the strength of the girder system and lengths (1/2 + 1 + 1/2) and half breadth (from centreline to
for performing buckling analysis of plate flanges and girder ship’s side) of the vessel. The extent of the model with
webs. This may be done by using a 3D finite element model boundary conditions is visualised in Table 2.1.
of the midship area. Several approaches may be applied;
ranging from a detailed 3D-model of the cargo tanks to a If cross ties are arranged in the centre tanks and asymmetric
coarse mesh 3D-model, supported by finer mesh submodels. loading of wing tanks may occur, a full breadth model of the
Coarse mesh models can be used for calculating vessel has to be considered to examine the increased stresses
deformations and stresses typically suited for buckling for such asymmetric loading. For this loadcase, which is
control. The deformations may be applied as boundary represented by LC A10 in chapter 2.6.1, a separate model
conditions on submodels for finding the stress level in more with one tank length and full breadth may be used.
2.2.2 Tanker type B
The same principles with respect to strength analyses may
normally be used on tanker structures outside the midship The analysis model amidships should comprise two tank
area but within the cargo area, provided special precautions lengths (1/2 + 1 + 1/2) and full breadth of the vessel. The
are taken regarding model extent and boundary conditions. extent of the model with boundary conditions is visualised in
Table 2.2.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 7

January 1999

Figure 2.1 Example of a coarse mesh 3D-model of a tanker of type B, and a detailed 3D-model of a tanker of type A.
Submodels will be necessary for the coarse mesh model

2.2.3 Tanker type C 2.3 Modelling of geometry

The analysis model amidships should comprise two tank
2.3.1 General model idealisation
lengths (1/2 + 1 + 1/2) and full breadth of the vessel. The
extent of the model with boundary conditions is visualised in All main longitudinal and transverse geometry shall be
Table 2.3. included in the model. The scantlings shall, according to
DNV Rules, be modelled with reduced scantlings; i.e.
corrosion addition according to the Rules shall be deducted
from the actual scantlings. It should however be noted that
other regulations might describe alternative procedures
where the gross scantlings shall be applied.


8 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

When reduced effectivity of curved flanges are not represented 2.3.3 Stiffeners
by the model formulation itself, the reduced effectivity shall be Continuous stiffeners oriented in the direction of the girders
defined by assigning reduced thickness of plate elements or contribute to the overall bending stiffness of the girders and
cross sectional areas of beam and rod elements. Such reduced shall be included in the model in such a way that the bending
effectivity may be calculated as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3 stiffness of the girder is correctly modelled.
Half thicknesses shall be applied on plates in symmetry planes Non-continuous stiffeners may be included in the model as
on the boundaries of the model. beam element with reduced effectivity. Sectional area of
such stiffeners may be calculated as follows:
2.3.2 Girders
Flanges of girders shall be included in the model. Sniped at both ends 30 % of actual area

Openings in the girder webs will be present in ship structures Sniped at one end 70 % of actual area
for access and pipe penetrations. If such cut-outs affect the
Connected at both ends 100 % of actual area
overall force distribution or stiffness of the girder, the cut-out
shall be accounted for in the model. This may be done by
either: Stiffeners on girders perpendicular to the flanges may be
included in the model when considered important,
− reducing the thickness according to the formula below
alternatively by transferring them to the nearest nodes
instead of introducing additional nodes. Buckling stiffeners
− by geometrical modelling of the cut-out. considered less important for the stress distribution, as sniped
buckling stiffeners, may be ignored. Buckling stiffeners on
For the first approach the mean girder web thickness may be brackets and stringers paralell to the girder flanges, like the
taken as follows: 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc. stiffeners from the free flanges, as shown in
Figure 2.3, may normally be ignored.


tw hco h


Figure 2.2 Mean girder web thickness 1st 1st

2nd 2nd
h − h co 3rd
t mean = ⋅tW 3rd
h ⋅ rco T.BHD


tw = web thickness
2 Figure 2.3 Buckling stiffeners , like the 2nd, 3rd, 4th etc.
l co
rco = 1+ stiffeners from the free flanges on stringers parallell to
2.6 (h − h co )2 the girder flanges may normally be ignored

lco = length of cut-out 2.3.4 Corrugated bulkheads and stools

Corrugated bulkheads shall be included in the model. Slanted
hco = height of cut-out plates (shedder plates) should normally not be included in the
h = height of girder web
It is normally difficult to match the mesh from the
corrugations directly with the mesh from the stool, so a
When rco is larger than 1.2, (rco > 1.2 ), it is advised that the practical approach is to adjust the mesh of the stools in to the
cut-out is included in the model in one of the two ways given
corrugations. The corrugations will then have their true
above. When rco is larger than 2, (rco > 2 ), it is advised that geometrical shape.
the cut-out is geometrically included in the model.
Diaphragms in the stools are to be included in the model.
Smaller openings for access and piping may be ignored.
However, when such openings are ignored this must be
considered when evaluating the results, ref. Chapter 2.8.1.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 9

January 1999

It is proposed to use one or two 4-noded element over the S

depth of the corrugation web. This model formulation gives a

good representation of the response of the corrugated
bulkhead provided supporting brackets are fitted in line with
the corrugation web. Modelling of these brackets do
normally not change the load transfer from the corrugations
to the stool significantly as the vertical flanges are well
supported by the vertical or slanted stool side plate. Such
brackets do therefore not have to be included in a cargo hold S = spacing between
longitudinal stiffeners
analysis due to the fact that finite elements tends to transmit
forces more than the real structure through the nodes sheared
by the neighbouring elements.

The calculated response for designs without such brackets S

should however be adjusted to represent the reduced
efficiency of the web. Alternatively, a model with a fine
element mesh of the web, or a separate evaluation, may be
2.4 Elements and mesh size
The performance of the model is closely linked to the type-,
shape- and aspect ratio of elements, and the mesh topology
that is used. The mesh described here is adequate for
representing the cargo tank model and frame and girder Figure 2.4 Mesh on typical web frame
model as defined in the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13. The
• Two elements between transverse girders. A more
following guidance on mesh size etc. is based on the
refined mesh may be considered for easier description of
assumption that 4-noded shell or membrane elements in
brackets on horizontal stringers and brackets on vertical
combination with 2-noded beam or truss elements are used.
girders at transverse bulkhead. See Figure 2.5. The effect
Higher order elements such as 8-noded or 6-noded elements described in Figure 2.9 should then be noted.
with a coarser mesh than described below may be used
provided that the structure and the load distribution are
properly described.

In general the mesh size should be decided on the basis of

proper stiffness representation and load distribution of tank
and sea pressure on shell- or membrane elements.
Min. 2 el.
2.4.1 Plating
4-noded shell or membrane elements may be used in
connection with mesh size as described below. 3-noded shell
or membrane elements with constant strain shall normally
not be used. It may however be used to a limited extent for
avoiding poor mesh transitions.

The element mesh should preferably represent the actual Figure 2.5 Alternative mesh in longitudinal direction
plate panels between stiffeners so that the stresses for the The figure shows horizontal stringer and cross ties.
control of yield and buckling strength can be read and
averaged from the results without interpolation or • For determination of stresses in large brackets mesh
extrapolation. sizes equal to stiffener spacing may be accepted,
provided that considerable discontinuities (knuckles)
In practise, the following may be applied:
along curved free flanges are avoided. An acceptable
mesh is shown in Figure 2.6. The mesh at the bracket
• There should be minimum three elements over the
toes may be terminated at the nearest node as long as
height of girders. The mesh should in general, and as far
this does not influence the force distribution in the
as practical, follow the stiffener system on the girders.
bracket. It is emphasised that this relatively coarse mesh
See Figure 2.4.
is only suited for determination of the stress in the
• One element between longitudinals. See Figure 2.4. This
middle of the bracket’s free edge as described in 2.8.1.
contributes to a correct load transfer from the
longitudinal to the transverse frame.


10 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

Other stiffeners including buckling stiffeners and free flanges

Bracket flange of girders may be modelled as 2-noded beam- or truss
not to be elements with effective cross sectional areas calculated
connected to according to the Rules.
the plating
Curved flanges are to be represented with their true
effectivity in the model, as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3.

Stiffeners inside stools may in general be represented by

beam elements or alternatively by shell or membrane

2.5 Boundary conditions

Figure 2.6 Mesh on transverse brackets Symmetric boundary conditions are in general to be applied
at the ends of the model. For half breadth models, symmetry
• Inside hopper tank areas the mesh should in general is to be applied along the centreline of the model.
follow the stiffener system. The mesh should be fine
The model may be supported in the vertical direction by
enough to represent the shape of large openings in the
applying vertical springs at the lines formed by the
web frame inside the hopper tank. See Figure 2.7.
intersections between side and transverse bulkheads, inner
side and transverse bulkheads, and longitudinal bulkhead and
transverse bulkheads. The spring constant, Ki, should be
equally distributed along the line forming the intersection.
The spring constant may be calculated as follows, ignoring
the effect of bending deflection:

8 ASi E
Ki =
7.8 × 3 × l t


ASi = shear area of i.

lt = the length of one cargo tank.

Figure 2.7 Typical mesh in hopper area
i = is the side, inner side or
• One element or more should be used for each web and longitudinal bulkhead
flange on the corrugations in corrugated bulkheads. This
is normally satisfactory for determining the stress level
in the bulkhead. Alternatively, unbalanced vertical forces for each loading
condition may be applied at the intersections between
2.4.2 Longitudinals and stiffeners longitudinal and transverse bulkheads and at the intersection
between double side and transverse bulkheads. The
Longitudinals and other continuous stiffeners including
distribution of unbalanced vertical forces between double
stiffeners on transverse bulkheads should be included in the
side and longitudinal bulkhead may be decided based on a
model. These structural parts may be represented by 2-noded
shear flow calculation or according to the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1
eccentric beam elements.
If the program used can not consider eccentricity of profiles,
The boundary conditions for the different tanker types are
precautions shall be taken so that the model give the correct
described in the following subchapters.
section modulus for double and single skin structures.
However, axial area and shear area of such stiffeners should It should be noted that the boundary conditions for tankers of
only represent the profile without the plate flange. type A described in Table 2.1 and the boundary conditions
for tankers of type B described in Table 2.2 will result in a
Special attention should be paid when connecting a beam
fictitious compression force caused by loads on the
element to one node of a shell or membrane element. The
transverse bulkheads. However, for these vessels the
end of the beam elements may then be assumed as hinged in
longitudinal girder stresses do normally not need to be
the calculation. This will affect the load distribution. The
considered (Ref. Chapter 2.8.1). For tankers of type C these
mentioned effect may be avoided by an overlap between the
longitudinal girder stresses need to be calculated. The
beam and shell elements.
boundary conditions in Table 2.3 introduce a correction for
the fictitious compression force.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 11

January 1999

2.5.1 Tanker type A When longitudinal stresses in double bottom or other

For tankers of type A applicable boundary conditions are longitudinal structure are to be considered, boundary
given below. Table 2.1 shows boundary conditions with conditions following the principles in Table 2.3 with a
symmetry in the ends of the model and in the centreline. counteracting force may be applied.

Line C is the intersection between the vertical part of the When a full breadth model is made the boundary conditions
shell and the transverse bulkhead. Line D is the intersection are to follow the principles for tankers of type B with respect
between the vertical part of the inner side and the transverse to fixation in the transverse direction.
bulkhead. Line E is the intersection between the transverse
bulkhead and the longitudinal bulkhead.

Table 2.1 Boundary conditions for tankers of type A

Location Displacement Rotation
δx δy δz θx θy θz n eB
Plane A X - - - X X
Plane B X - - - X X
Centreline - X - X - X ne
Line C, D, E S/Fv

Line E

Line D
X Restricted from displacement or rotation

Line E

Line D

Line C
- Free

Line C
S Springs (S/Fv means springs or forces)
FV Vertical forces. When vertical forces are applied the z
model must in addition be restricted from translation in
the vertical direction by fixing it in one node, taken as the x

intersection between, outer side, deck and one transverse y


2.5.2 Tanker type B Line C is the intersection between the vertical part of the side
shell and the transverse bulkhead. Line D is the intersection
Basically the same boundary conditions apply as for tankers between the vertical part of the inner side and the transverse
of type A. However, for these vessels unsymmetrical loading bulkhead. Line E is the intersection between the transverse
conditions about the centreline apply. This leads to boundary bulkhead and the longitudinal bulkhead. Line C and D are to
conditions as given in Table 2.2, when the longitudinal be present on both sides of the model.
stresses for double bottom and deck are not considered.

Table 2.2 Boundary conditions for tankers of type B

Location Displacement Rotation
δx δy δz θx θy θz Pla
Plane A X - - - X X B

Plane B X - - - X X
Line E

Line C, D, E S/Fv
Line E

Line D

Point a and b X ne
Line C
Line D

X Restricted from displacement or rotation

Line C

- Free a
S Springs (S/Fv means springs or forces)
FV Vertical forces. When vertical forces are applied the model x
must in addition be restricted from translation in the y
vertical direction by fixing it in one node


12 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

When longitudinal stresses in double bottom or other the middle tank is empty and surrounding tanks are full, as
longitudinal structure are to be considered, boundary for load condition LC-C1. The magnitude of the force will
conditions following the principles in Table 2.3 with a vary for each loadcase but shall in general be equal to the net
counteracting force may be applied. load on the transverse bulkhead.

Point a is the point of intersection between the bottom, Line C is the intersection between the vertical part of the
centreline and transverse bulkhead. shell and the transverse bulkhead. Line D is the intersection
between the vertical part of the inner side and the transverse
Point b is the point of intersection between the deck, bulkhead. Line C and D are to be present on both sides of the
centreline and transverse bulkhead. model.

2.5.3 Tanker type C Point a is the point of intersection between the bottom,
centreline and transverse bulkhead.
Applicable boundary conditions are shown in Table 2.3.
Point b is the point of intersection between the deck,
Tankers of type C normally have several longitudinal girders
centreline and transverse bulkhead.
in the double bottom. The stresses referred to as longitudinal
girder bending stresses in the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 shall Point c is the point where the counteracting longitudinal
therefore be calculated. The boundary conditions in Table force is applied.
2.3 introduce a longitudinal counteracting force in the
longitudinal direction. The force shall only be applied when

Table 2.3 Boundary conditions for tankers of type C

Location Displacement Rotation

δx δy δz θx θy θz Pla
Plane A L(*) - - - X X B

Plane B X - - - X X b

Line C
Line C, D S/Fv Pla

Line D
Point a and b X A

Point c Fh
Line D
Line C

X Restricted from displacement or rotation x c a

L Linearly dependant of point c y
(*) Fh
Could be given as forced displacement in x direction for
all nodes, following Hook’s law
- Free
S Springs (S/Fv means springs or forces)
FV Vertical forces. When vertical forces are applied the
model must in addition be restricted from translation in the
vertical direction by fixing it in one node
Fh Counteracting longitudinal force

In addition, dynamic loading conditions relevant for

2.6 Loading conditions
estimating the fatigue life are normally to be considered. A
The basic loading conditions as described in Pt.5 Ch.3 of the brief description of the fatigue loading conditions is given in
Rules shall normally be considered. The loading conditions Chapter 2.6.4.
for different types of tankers, described in subchapters
below, are based on these conditions. These loading For the determination of static and dynamic pressure see the
conditions are to be regarded as minimum conditions. Other Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13
conditions given in the loading manual are to be considered
when relevant. The cargo density used in the calculations shall in general
not be less than 1.025 t/m3.

The loading should be applied in the form of lateral pressure

on shell elements, (or line loads on membrane elements).


Classification Notes No. 31.3 13

January 1999

2.6.1 Tanker type A

Loading conditions as given in Table 2.4 apply. LC-A10 is
for vessels with cross ties in centre tanks. This condition is
only applicable if no reservation against this condition is
given in the loading manual. The "Internal pressure : Static"
given in Table 2.4 is normally to be taken as given in Pt.3
Ch.1 Sec.4 C300 (5). It should however be noted that
dynamic internal pressure, p = (g0 + 0.5av)ρh, must be
considered in case of heavy liquid.

Table 2.4 Rule loading conditions for tankers of type A

LC External Internal
Draught Condition Figure
No pressure pressure

A1 T Sea Dynamic Static

A2 T Sea Dynamic Static

A3 TA Sea Dynamic Static

A4 TA Sea Dynamic Static

A5 TA Sea Dynamic Static

A6 0.25D Harbour Static Static

A7 0.25D Harbour Static Static

A8 0.35D Harbour Static Static

A9 TA Sea Dynamic Static

A10 0.25D Harbour Static Static


14 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

2.6.2 Tanker type B

Loading conditions as given in Table 2.5 apply for tankers of
type B. The "Internal pressure : Static" given in Table 2.5 is
normally to be taken as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 C300 (5). It
should however be noted that dynamic internal pressure, p =
(g0 + 0.5av)ρh, must be considered in case of heavy liquid.

Table 2.5 Rule loading conditions for tankers of type B

LC External Internal
Draught Condition Figure
No pressure pressure

B1 T Sea Dynamic Static

B2 T Sea Dynamic Static

B3 TA Sea Dynamic Static

B4 TA Sea Dynamic Static

B5 0.25D Harbour Static Static

B6 0.35D Harbour Static Static

B7 TA Sea Dynamic Static

Note! In case the web frame structure is unsymmetrical, the

unsymmetrical loading conditions (LC-B2, LC-B3 and LC-
B5 ) should in addition be run with opposite loading in tanks.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 15

January 1999

2.6.3 Tanker type C

Loading conditions as given in Table 2.6 apply for tankers of
type C. The "Internal pressure : Static" given in Table 2.4 is
normally to be taken as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.4 C300 (5). It
should however be noted that dynamic internal pressure,
p = (g0 + 0.5av) ρh, must be considered in case of heavy

Table 2.6 Rule loading conditions for tankers of type C

LC External Internal
Draught Condition Figure
No pressure pressure

C1 T Sea Dynamic Static

C2 TA Sea Dynamic Static

C3 0.35D Harbour Static Static

C4 TA Harbour Static1) Static2)

1), 2) Pressure to be taken as given in Pt3. Ch.1 Sec.13


16 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

2.6.4 Fatigue loads model the sea pressure is to be taken as the roll dominated
pressure pdr. The internal tank pressure is to be taken as the
In order to include stresses caused by relative deflection in pressure caused by vertical acceleration av. In case the model
the fatigue assessment of longitudinals, dynamic load cases covers a tank in the fore or aft end of the ship, an evaluation
as specified in Table 2.7 are to be applied to the cargo hold should be made if also the pitch dominated sea pressure pdp
model. The results from these loadcases may also be used for should be included.
fatigue assessment of other structural parts, e.g. hopper
knuckles. It is emphasized that this is pure dynamic load cases for
evaluation of the structures’ fatigue life. The static part is
The fatigue loadcases will be the same for tankers of type A, therefore not included.
B and C.
The further procedure for fatigue calculations is given in the
The external and internal dynamic pressures are to be mentioned classification note.
calculated according to Classification Note 30.7 “Fatigue
Assessment of Ship Structures”. For a midship cargo hold

Table 2.7 Dynamic loadcases for the evaluation of structures’ fatigue life

Draught Condition External pressure Internal pressure Figure

D1 T Full load Sea Dynamic -

D2 T Full Load Sea - Dynamic

D3 TA Ballast Sea Dynamic -

D4 TA Ballast Sea - Dynamic

2.7 Presentation of input and results • Free flange sectional area considering efficiency of
curved flanges
The requirements given in DNV Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 • Beam section properties
A300 regarding proper documentation of the model shall be • Boundary conditions
followed. A practical guidance is given in the following. In
• Load cases
Appendix B, examples of checklists for internal verification
of FEM analyses are given.
2.7.2 Presentation of results
2.7.1 Presentation of input data The stress presentation should be based on element
A reference to the set of drawings (drawing numbers and membrane stresses or gauss membrane stresses at the middle
versions) the model is based on should be given. The of element thickness, excluding plate bending stress, in the
modelled geometry is to be documented preferably as an form of iso-stress contours in general. Numerical values
extract directly from the generated model. The following should also be presented for highly stressed areas (e.g. areas
input shall be reflected: where stress exceeds 60% of allowable limits or areas in way
of openings not included in the model).
• Plate thickness
The following should be presented:


Classification Notes No. 31.3 17

January 1999

• Deformed shapes stresses, as they are typical for double bottom

• Transverse or vertical membrane stress of shell/plate structures, and may be taken as results from
elements in the cargo tank analysis. For tankers of Type
− Bottom A and Type B with long tanks and without
− Inner bottom longitudinal girders in double bottom, σDBL
− Deck may normally be neglected (σDBL=0), ref.
− Side shell comments below.
− Inner side including hopper tank top
σS = Longitudinal hull girder bending stresses
− Longitudinal bulkhead
defined as MS/Zi , where MS is the still water
− Transverse bulkhead bending moment and Zi is the section modulus
• Longitudinal membrane stresses when relevant. Ref. at the considered position (i) based on gross
2.8.1 scantling. (No corrosion addition deducted).
• Shear stress of transverse and longitudinal girders Design limits for sagging or hogging moment
• Membrane stresses of transverse and longitudinal girders to be applied as values for MS. MS is defined
• Equivalent (Von-Mises) stress of transverse girders in DNV Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5
• Axial stress of free flanges. In case the flange is
represented by a bar only the axial force may be σW = Longitudinal hull girder bending stresses
available. caused by wave bending moment MW, which
• The unbalanced forces and moments should be given for correspond to a probability of exceedance of
all loadcases. 10-8. σW = MW/Zi . MW is defined in DNV
Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5
2.8 Result evaluation and applicable acceptance σWR = Longitudinal hull girder bending stresses
criteria caused by reduced wave bending moment
In the following, procedures for handling results and for MWR, which corresponds to a probability of
applying acceptance criteria are described. Acceptance exceedance of 10-4. MWR = 0.59MW.
criteria are in general given in the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13
and Pt.5 Ch.3.
Relevant stress components related to hull girder, girders and
2.8.1 Evaluation of results stiffeners are defined in Figure 2.8. Longitudinal stress
Fictitious longitudinal stresses may occur in the model due to
For buckling control the following longitudinal stresses may assumptions that are made for the boundary conditions.
normally be considered: These effects are due to ”semi global bending” of the hull
girder and a fictitious compression force when the middle
σL = σDBL + σS + σW tanks are empty as described in 2.5.3. When the longitudinal
girder stresses are evaluated, typically for girders in double
or bottom, the magnitude of these effects should be considered
as follows:
σLR = σDBL + σS + σWR
• Longitudinal stresses obtained from a cargo hold model
where :
as described in this Classification Note may normally be
σL = Sum of longitudinal stresses based on wave neglected for tankers of Type A and Type B, where the
bending moment with a probability of 10-8 of breadth of tanks is small compared with their length and
exceedance. without longitudinal girders in double bottom.
• Tankers of type C normally have longitudinal girders in
σLR = Sum of longitudinal stresses based on wave the double bottom. For these vessels it is advised that the
bending moments with a probability of 10-4 of fictitious compression force is eliminated for the mid
exceedance. tank by applying boundary conditions as described in
Table 2.3, or by manual corrections after the calculation.
σDBL = Longitudinal girder bending stresses resulting
from bending of large stiffened panels
between transverse bulkheads, due to local
load on an individual cargo tank. These
stresses are often referred to as double bottom


18 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

Upper deck



Hull Girder Bending Double Bottom Bending Local Bending of Longitudinal

Figure 2.8 Stress components related to hull girder, girders, stiffener and plates

It should also be noted that the stiffener bending stress is not Mean shear stress
a part of the girder bending stresses. The magnitude of the
stiffener bending stress included in the stress results depends The mean shear stress, τmean, is to be used for the capacity
on the mesh division and the element type that is used. This check of a plate. This may be defined as the shear force
is shown in Figure 2.9 where the stiffener bending stress, as divided on the effective shear area. For results from finite
calculated by the FE-model, is shown depending on the mesh element methods the mean shear stress may be taken as the
size (valid for 4-noded shell elements). One element between average shear stress in elements located within the actual
floors results in zero stiffener bending. Two elements plate field, and corrected with a factor describing the actual
between floors result in a linear distribution with shear area compared to the modelled shear area when this is
approximately zero bending in the middle of the elements. relevant. For a plate field with n elements the following
When a relatively fine mesh is used in the longitudinal apply:
direction the effect of stiffener bending stresses should be

∑ (τ ⋅ A )
isolated from the girder bending stresses when buckling and
i i
stress level are checked.
i =1
τ mean =


Ai = the effective shear area of element i.

τi = the shear stress of element i.

Aw = effective shear area according to the

Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.3.
Figure 2.9 Normal stress caused by local load on the
stiffener, depending on number of elements along the


Classification Notes No. 31.3 19

January 1999 Stress level in girder brackets

Experience has shown that stresses calculated at the middle
of a bracket’s free edge (Ref. Figure 2.12) is of the same
magnitude for models with mesh size as described in Chapter
2.4.1 as for models with a finer mesh. The stress at the
middle of the brackets free edge refers to the stress at the mid
30% of the span. For brackets of well proven designs the
evaluation of stress may therefore be limited to a check of
the stress at this free edge. Figure 2.10 shows where to take
out stresses at the free edge of girder brackets. However, a
fine mesh model should be made when the bracket design of
the toe areas needs to be verified.


Figure 2.10 Bracket stress may be taken in the middle of

the bracket’s free edge Shear stress in the hull girder.

It is not necessary to consider hull girder shear stresses in
longitudinal bulkheads and ship side unless special boundary
conditions as well as loads are applied. The shear strength of
the hull girder will normally be evaluated in accordance with
the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5.


20 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

2.8.2 Buckling control and related acceptance criteria

Table 2.8 gives examples of areas to be checked for buckling
and the applicable method and accept criteria. In case of any
differences in the acceptance criteria given here compared
with those given in the Rules for Ships, the latter shall apply.

Table 2.8 Examples of areas to be checked and procedure to be used for buckling control

Item Remarks
Buckling of girder plate flanges 1) Uniaxial buckling in transverse direction to be analysed based on mean transverse compressive stress
in: with ψ = 1 and allowable usage factor, η=0.8
2) Uniaxial buckling in longitudinal direction to be analysed according to Sec.14 based on hull girder
• Double bottom (including stress σal = σS + σW.
bottom and inner bottom) 3) Bi-axial buckling to be analysed based on longitudinal stress and mean transverse stress. When the
• Double side (including longitudinal stresses are obtained from hull girder loads on a probability of exceedance of 10-4, usage
side and inner side) factors ηx=ηy=0.85 shall be used. For a probability of exceedance of 10-8, usage factors ηx=ηy=1.0
• Deck shall be used.
• Long. Bulkhead Comment:
Mean transverse compressive stress is to be calculated from a group of elements representing one plate
field between stiffeners.
Longitudinal stress are to be taken as described in 2.8.1

Buckling of girder plate flanges 1) Buckling to be analysed based on mean transverse compressive stress with ψ = 1 and allowable usage
in: factor, η=0.8.
• Transverse bulkheads 2) Bi-axial buckling to be checked when relevant.
Mean transverse compressive stress are normally to be calculated from a group of elements
representing one plate field between stiffeners

Buckling of: 1) Buckling to be analysed based on axial stress with usage factor according to Rules.
• Cross tie Comment:
Axial stress in cross tie may normally be taken as the stress at the mid height and at the mid span. The
effective span of the cross tie may be taken as:
• When the cross tie is located in the centre tank and connected to vertical girders on the
longitudinal bulkheads located in the same tank as the cross tie, the effective span of the cross tie
may normally be taken as: Breadth of tank – Depth of one vertical girder.
• When the cross tie is located in the wing tank and connected to one vertical girder on the
longitudinal bulkhead, the effective span of the cross tie may normally be taken as : Breadth of
tank – ½ Depth of the vertical girder
2) Buckling of local plate panels on cross ties to be checked according to buckling of girder webs with
one or two plate flanges as appropriate.
3) Buckling of free flanges on the cross tie to be calculated according to Sec.14
Buckling of girder webs in: Buckling of girder webs with one plate flange:
• Double bottom 1) Buckling to be calculated as for girder plate flanges
• Double side 2) Buckling to be analysed based on mean shear stress with allowable usage factor, η=0.85.
• Deck 3) Bi-axial buckling especially in the bracket areas with shear.
• Longitudinal bulkhead
• Transverse bulkhead Buckling of girder webs with two plate flanges:
1) Buckling to be analysed based on mean shear stress with allowable usage factor, η=0.85.
2) Buckling caused by compressive loads from sea and cargo, alternatively together with shear, to be
checked when relevant.
Mean shear stress to be taken as described in 2.8.1, representing one plate field between stiffeners.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 21

January 1999

2.8.3 Stress control and related acceptance criteria

Table 2.9 gives examples of areas where stress level shall be
controlled together with the applicable method and accept
criteria. In case of any differences in the acceptance criteria
given here compared with those given in the Rules, the latter
shall apply.

Table 2.9 Examples of areas to be checked and procedure to be used for control of stresses

Item Remarks

Stresses in longitudinal girders 1) Allowable longitudinal nominal stress, σ = 190f1. Based on a probability of exceedance of 10-4.
(when relevant) (longitudinal stress, σLR = σDBL + σS + σWR < 190 f1 , Ref 2.8.1)
2) Allowable mean shear stress τ = 90f1 (sea) and τ =100f1 (harbour) for girders with one plate
flange, and τ =100f1 (sea) and τ =110f1 (harbour) for girders with two plate flanges. Shear stress
in way of openings not included in the calculation to be evaluated in terms of mean shear stress
Ref. 2.8.1.

Stresses in transverse and vertical 1) Allowable nominal normal stress in flanges of girders σ = 160f1 (sea) and σ = 180f1 (harbour) in
girders with two plate flanges general.
2) Allowable mean shear stress of girder webs, τ = 100f1 (sea) and 110f1 (harbour). Shear stress in
• Double bottom way of openings not included in the calculation to be evaluated in terms of mean shear stress Ref.
• Double side 2.8.1.
• Other double skin 3) Allowable equivalent stress, σe = 180f1 for seagoing conditions and σe = 200f1 for harbour
constructions conditions.

Stresses in transverse and vertical 1) Allowable nominal normal stress, σ = 160f1 (sea) and σ = 180f1 (harbour) in general.
girders with one plate flange like: 2) Allowable mean shear stress τ = 90f1 (sea) and 100f1 (harbour). Shear stress in way of openings
• Deck girders not included in the calculation to be evaluated in terms of mean shear stress Ref. 2.8.1.
• Long. bhd. girders 3) Allowable equivalent stress, σe = 180f1 for seagoing conditions and σe = 200f1 for harbour
• Trv. bhd girders conditions
• Cross ties
• Other single skin
Stresses in brackets 1) Under the assumption that the bracket is of favourable design the allowable axial stress in the
middle of the bracket’s free edge may be taken as 200f1. When there is uncertainty related to the local
design of the bracket toe areas a fine mesh model is to be made.

3.2 Stiffeners with brackets subjected to large

3. Local Structure Analysis deformations
3.1 General 3.2.1 General
Local structure analysis may be used to analyse local Relative deformations between stiffener supports may give
nominal stresses in laterally loaded local stiffeners and their rise to high stresses in local areas. Typical areas to be
connected brackets, subjected to relative deformations considered are:
between supports. The model and analysis described in the
following are suitable for calculating: • Longitudinals in double bottom and adjoining vertical
bulkhead members. Ref. Figure 3.1.
• Nominal stresses in stiffeners. • Deck longitudinals and adjoining vertical bulkhead
• Stresses in brackets’ free edge. members. Ref. Figure 3.1.
• Double side longitudinals and adjoining horizontal
These models may be included in the 3D cargo tank analysis bulkhead members. Ref. Figure 3.2.
model as described in chapter 2, or run separately as
submodels with prescribed boundary deformations from a

Local pressure loads must be applied to the local models.


22 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

Generally, the element fineness along the stiffener shall be

fine enough for providing a good aspect ratio of the

The last element towards the point of interest shall not be

larger than 2% of the stiffener’s span length if the results are
to be used directly. However, the elements may be up to 8%
of the span length if extrapolation of the results towards the
point of interest is carried out. A method for extrapolation is
given in chapter 3.4.

Figure 3.1 Applicable stiffeners for local structure


Figure 3.2 Applicable stiffeners for local structure

analysis Figure 3.3 Local structure model of double bottom
longitudinals, deck longitudinal and transverse bulkhead

Model extent
The model is recommended to have the following extent:

• The stiffener model shall extend to a stiffener support at

least two frame spacings outside the area subject to the
study. See Figure 3.3
• The width of the model shall be at least ½+½ stiffener
spacing, See Figure 3.5

Figure 3.3 shows a local structure analysis model of a bottom

longitudinal, inner bottom longitudinal, transverse bulkhead
vertical stiffener and deck longitudinal. Both sides of the
transverse bulkhead are subjected to the stress analysis and
the model extent is two frame spacings outside this area to
either sides of the bulkhead.

3.2.2 Elements and element mesh

Normally three (3) 4-noded elements are to be used over the
web height of the stiffeners. Corresponding sizes are to be Figure 3.4 Typical mesh on double bottom longitudinals
used for the plate flange. The face plate shall normally be and transverse bulkhead stiffener, with associated
modelled with 2-noded beam elements. Effective flange in brackets
curved areas should however be represented properly. An
example of a model as described is shown in Figure 3.3.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 23

January 1999

Figure 3.6 Lines where boundary conditions are applied

as described in Table 3.1
Figure 3.5 Detailed view of local structure model 3.3 Other fine mesh models.
3.2.3 Boundary conditions Other fine mesh models may be made for the study of critical
details. If the accept criteria are based on maximum
If the model is run separately, prescribed displacements or allowable nominal stresses the modelling principles
forces are to be taken from the cargo tank analysis (or frame described above should be followed.
and girder analysis when relevant). These displacements or
forces are to be applied to the boundaries of the local
structure model in points where the results from the global
model are representative. Table 3.1 shows a set of boundary
conditions for a local structure model as shown in Figure 3.6.
For other models the same principles apply.

Table 3.1 Boundary conditions for model as shown in Figure 3.6

Location Displacement Rotation

δx δy δz θx θy θz

Free edge of plate flanges forming the bottom, inner

bottom, transverse bulkhead and deck (non-continuous - - - X - X
lines in Figure 3.6
Intersection line between deck and transverse bulkhead,
and free edges of:
transverse web frames
stringers on bulkhead
transverse bulkhead in double bottom (thick solid lines in
Figure 3.6)
X Restricted from displacement or rotation
- Free
D Displacements transferred from cargo tank model or frame and girder model


24 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

and D400 describe the principle of this shear force

3.4 Documentation and result presentation
corrections for 3 different type of tankers.
When extrapolation of results is required, ref Ch. 3.2.2, this
shall normally be based on the results in the two last In addition, the horizontal shear force from the transverse
elements towards the point of interest. The results in the bulkhead girders (stringers) which should be combined with
Gauss point in the middle of the element representing the vertical shear force, should also be considered, Rules Pt.3
flange of the longitudinal shall be used for the extrapolation. Ch.1 Sec.5 D500.
The extrapolation method is indicated in Figure 3.7.
This part of the note will provide the background and/or
additional information to the Rules.

4.1.1 Definitions

IN = moment of inertia in cm4 about the transverse

neutral axis
SN = first moment of area in cm³ of the longitudinal
material above or below the horizontal neutral
axis, taken about this axis.
IN/SN – value valid for the neutral axis, is calculated in
the program “Section Scantlings”, or may be
Figure 3.7 Extrapolation towards point of interest based taken as 90D
on results in elements representing the flange QS = conventional (not corrected distribution of
local load in centre tank(s)) still water shear
force in kN
Documentation and result presentation is to follow the ∆Q = shear force correction due distribution of local
principles given in chapter 2.7. loads in centre tank(s)
The following stresses shall be given. QW = rule wave shear force in kN as given in Pt.3
Ch.1 Sec.5 B200
a) Normal stresses and shear stresses of plate/membrane Φ = Shear force distribution factor for the
elements. effective longitudinal shear carrying elements
b) Axial stress of truss/beam elements. in the hull girder, see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec. 5 D103
t = thickness of effective longitudinal shear
3.5 Acceptance criteria carrying element
Acceptance criteria for stress results from local structure τ = allowable shear stress, the lesser of (110f1 or
analysis are given in the Rule Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.13 Table B1. 0.9τcr(buckling stress))
Pc = Resulting force in kN due to difference
between tank contents and boyancy along the
centre tank length.
4. Shear Force Correction 4.2 Rule requirement
4.1 Introduction The rule requirements to thickness of ship side or
longitudinal bulkhead as given in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 D103 of
For ships with several shear carrying elements such as
the Rules may be formulated as follows:
double side, longitudinal bulkhead and longitudinal girders,
nominal shear force distribution among those elements may 0.5 tτ I N
normally be decided based on “Shear Flow Calculation”. The Qs ± ∆Qs = − Qw
Φ Φ100 SN
typical shear force distribution factors for various type of the
vessel can be found from the Table D1 of the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1
The left hand side of the equation should be considered as
“Corrected Shear Force” which could further be simplified as
However, actual shear force distributions from various Qs ± KPc. The calculation method for K and Pc is described
loading conditions will be different from those calculated by in chapter 4.4.
“Shear Flow Calculation”, where 3-D effect of the load
distribution on bottom structure is not considered. Therefore, The right hand side of the of equation should be considered
for the correct shear strength evaluation of each element, the as allowable still water shear force. The calculation method
corrected shear force has to be calculated taking into account for establishing allowable shear force curves is described in
the local load distribution.. The Rule Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 D300 chapter 4.3.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 25

January 1999

4.3 Allowable shear force

With reference to the formula above the allowable still water
shear force for sea going conditions can be expressed as

tτ I N
Q allowable = − Qw
Φ100 S N

With reference to Figure 4.1, the thickness, t, in the above

formula may be decided as:

t = min(t 1 , t 2 , t 3c , t 4c , t 5,eq , t 6,eq , t 7,eq )


t1,t2 are the thickness of the longitudinal

bulkhead at position as indicated in
Figure 4.1
t3c, t4c are the corrected thickness of t3 and t4 as
indicated with positioned as indicated in
Figure 4.1. Due to the reduction in shear Figure 4.1 Longitudinal bulkhead at the intersection
stress value when moving above D/2, the with transverse bulkhead
plate thicknesses above D/2 may be
corrected as shown below.
t ic =
0.1 bstr
0.9 + (0.5D − y)
where y is the vertical distance from D/2,
see Figure 4.1.
t5,eq, t6,eq, t7,eq are the equivalent thicknesses in way of
the stringer reinforced areas, the
equivalent thickness can be calculated as
follows. Figure 4.2 Single longitudinal bulkhead
ti −
240f1b str 4.4 Corrected shear force
t i , eq =
0.75 With reference to the formula in chapter 4.2 the corrected
shear force QS,C can be expressed as follows
Q S,C = Q S ± KPC
Pstr is the sum of the shear forces from the stringers on
both side of the bulkhead, based on the loading
conditions with one side of TBHD abreast full and
the other side abreast empty. QS is the uncorrected shear force or the shear force
normally found in the loading manual. The sign
bstr largest depth of stringer in m at support, brackets
convention for QS and QS,C is as described in our
included,see Figure 4.2.
rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 B100 (surplus in weight →
positive), “ +” applies to the corrected shear force
The thickness of double ship side will normally not need to at fore end of the tank and “-“ applies to the
be corrected for the stringer effect. corrected shear force at aft end of the tank,
K is the shear force correction factor. K are further
described in chapter 4.4.1 to 4.4.3 for tanker types
A, B and C.
PC is the resulting force.
PC may be calculated as follows:

Pc = WCT+WCWBT – 1.025(bLtTmean)



26 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

WCT = cargo weight in centre tank(s) On the other hand, if the unbalanced forces in way of the
centre tank and the whole cross section have different signs,
WCWBT = weight of ballast water between longitudinal the longitudinal bulkhead will carry less force than that
bulkheads (shaded area in Figure 4.3) calculated by the Φ factor, meaning that double side should
carry more force.
Lt = length of centre cargo tank(s)
This means that shear force should be re-distributed,
Tmean = mean draught at the middle of tank considering load unbalance in way of centre tank(s). This is
elaborated in Table D2 in the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5.
b = breadth of centre tank for tankers of type A
The correction factor, K, may be calculated as shown below:
= breadth between inner sides, across both port
and starboard tanks for tankers of type B
⎡ s r ⎤ 0.5
K s = ⎢0.5(1 − )(1 − CT )( ) − ΦS ⎥
= breadth between inner sides for tankers of ⎣ lc r +1 ⎦ ΦS
type C or

The calculated KPC-value should be considered in ⎡ s 1 ⎤ 0.5

K L = ⎢0.5(1 − )(1 − CT )( ) − ΦL ⎥
connection with the peak values of the conventional shear ⎣ lc r +1 ⎦ ΦL
force curve at the transverse bulkheads.
KS = correction factor for ship side

Center KL = correction factor for longitudinal bulkhead

Cargo (1-CT) = fraction of Pc to be transferred to LBHD
Tank and double side without going through the
transverse bulkhead. (CT is Pc going
through longitudinal girders and into
transverse bulkhead).
(1-s/lc) = fraction of Pc going through the main
Cargo Cargo girder system. s/lc is the fraction of Pc that
is “transferred” directly to the transverse
Tank Port Tank St.b bulkhead. (I.e. carried by bottom and inner
bottom stiffeners and not going through
the main girder system.)

r / (r + 1) = fraction of Pc to be transferred to double

b side. ( r is the fraction of the load
transferred from LBHD to double side and
depends on the stiffness of wing tank
Cargo structures.)
1 / (r + 1) = fraction of Pc to remain in LBHD

The first term within the main brackets above represent the
corrected fraction of Pc, based on load distribution by local
Figure 4.3 Breadth to be included for different tanker girders, carried by ship side/longitudinal bulkhead, while the
types last term within the main brackets represent the fraction of Pc
carried by ship side/longitudinal bulkhead based of shear
flow distribution. Thus the terms within the main brackets
4.4.1 Correction factor K for tankers of type A represent the correction to be made to the shear force based
Generally, the load in wing tanks will be distributed by shear flow, Φ.
longitudinal bulkhead and double sides in proportion to the
For other definitions reference is made to the rules Pt.3 Ch.1
Φ factor, while loads in centre tanks would not be distributed
Sec.5 D302
in the same manner. In case there is an unbalanced force in
way of the centre tank(s) and also an unbalanced force for s r
the whole cross section and these forces have the same sign ∆QS = 0.5Pc (1 − )[1 − CT ] − PcΦS
lc r +1
(i.e. weight excess or buoyancy excess), the longitudinal
bulkhead will carry more force than that calculated by the Φ
factor. Accordingly the double side will carry less force.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 27

January 1999

⎡ s r ⎤ 4.4.3 Correction factor K for tankers of type C

= Pc ⎢0.5(1 − )[1 − CT ] − ΦS ⎥
⎣ l c r + 1 ⎦ For this type of vessel without LBHD, but with several
longitudinal girders, some of the load should go directly to
or TBHD through longitudinal girders. In this case corrected
shear force will always result in reduction of shear force
s 1 inclination from the peak value, compared with conventional
∆Q L = 0.5Pc (1 − )[1 − CT ] − PcΦ L
lc r +1 (uncorrected) shear force.

⎡ ⎤ The fraction of force should preferably be found from direct

s 1
= Pc ⎢0.5(1 − )[1 − CT ] − ΦL ⎥ calculation. If not the following simplified formula for the
⎣ lc r +1 ⎦ correction factor, k, may be used:

4.4.2 Correction factor K for tankers of type B b

K = 0.5
b + lc
The correction factor, K, may be calculated as follows

⎡ ⎤ 0.5 b = breadth in m of the inner bottom between the

K S = ⎢0.3(1 − )[1 − CT ] − ΦS ⎥ inner sides
⎣ l c ⎦ ΦS
or lC = distance in m between oil tight transverse
⎡ s ⎤ 0.5 bulkheads in the centre tank
K L = ⎢0.4(1 − )[1 − CT ] − Φ C ⎥
⎣ lc ⎦ ΦC


KS = Correction factor for ship side

KL = Correction factor for longitudinal bulkhead

(1-CT) = fraction of Pc to be transferred to LBHD

and double side without going through the
transverse bulkhead. (CT fraction of Pc
going through longitudinal girders and into
transverse bulkhead).

(1-s/lc) = Fraction of PC going through the main

girder system.

For other definitions reference is made to the rules Pt.3 Ch.1

Sec.5 D302

The following aspect should be considered when calculating


The total amount of load to be transferred to centreline

bulkhead and double side is Pc(1-s/lc)(1-CT). The Rules
assume that 40 % of this force should be supported by CL
BHD, and 30 % by each double side.

⎡ s ⎤
∆QSL = Pc ⎢0.3(1 − )[1 − CT ] − ΦS ⎥
⎣ l c ⎦
⎡ s ⎤
∆QSL = Pc ⎢0.4(1 − )[1 − CT ] − Φ C ⎥
⎣ l c ⎦


28 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

hull girder bending moment, as described in the rules, is

Appendix A. Boundary Conditions for the achieved in the middle of the model. Some modifications to
Application of Hull Girder Loads. the size of this bending moment are however necessary. The
background for this is that the allowable hull girder bending
When hull girder loads are applied to the model the moment (MS + MW) is based on gross scantlings. The FEM
following loads and boundary conditions may be used. The model is based on net scantlings (gross scantling reduced by
described boundary conditions and load application are tk). It is therefore necessary to reduce the Hull girder bending
summarised in Table A.1 and Table A.2. moment by a factor of Zmod / Zgross. Where Zmod is the hull
girder section modulus as modelled (i.e gross scantling
Bending moment reduced by the corrosion addition, tk) and Zgross, the hull
girder section modulus based on actual scantlings. In
Boundary conditions addition to this bending moment the local loads will also set
up a “semi-global hull girder bending moment” that may be
One end should be restricted as shown in Table A.1. The
compensated for when applying the bending moment. (It is
other end should be kept plane and the displacements of the
advised that the loads are adjusted to match the acceptance
plane should be as a rigid body. The latter is necessary to
criteria and not the opposite.)
apply the hull girder bending moment. In order to keep the
nodes in one plane they are to be linearly dependent of each The magnitude of the force pair will be as follows:
other as a rigid body.
Symmetry conditions along the centreline of the model are to F=
be applied for models covering a half breadth of the ship. h
Application of hull girder loads Where

In general a bending moment shall be applied to the end of F = Magnitude of force at points in deck and bottom
the model. The bending moment at the end may be applied as
a force pair acting in the opposite direction applied at two M = Modified bending moment as described above
points. The points should be positioned vertically above each
other with one point in the deck and one point in bottom. The h = Height from base line to point in deck
size of the bending moment shall be such that the vertical

Table A.1 Boundary conditions for cargo tank analysis of tankers when hull girder bending moments are applied

Location Displacement Rotation

δx δy δz θx θy θz
Plane A L L L L L L
Plane B X X X X X X ta
F Poin
Centreline (when X X X c e,
Fo r

applicable) z

Point a,b Fa,b x

X Fixed. y
L Rigid body linearly dependent. rc e ,

Fa,b Force according to the above. Forces acting in opposite
direction at point a and b.


Classification Notes No. 31.3 29

January 1999

Shear force Application of shear forces

Boundary conditions The shear forces are to be applied at the longitudinal

bulkheads, vertical parts of the inner side and the outer shell
The boundary conditions are given in Table A.2. at the ends of the model (Line C,D,E and F,G,H). The shear
Symmetrical boundary conditions are to be applied at ends. forces are to be applied as vertical line loads. The forces are
to be distributed according to a shear flow calculation with
Symmetry conditions along the centreline of the model are to the forces acting in opposite directions at the two ends as
be applied for models covering a half breadth of the ship. For shown in Table A.2. The magnitude of the shear force shall
models covering the full breadth of the ship the model must be such that the maximum allowable shear force is achieved
be fixed in the transverse direction at the intersections within the model. Springs shall be applied at one end.
between the transverse bulkhead and the longitudinal
bulkhead/gider at inner botttom.

Table A.2 Boundary conditions for cargo tank analysis of tankers when shear forces are applied

Location Displacement Rotation

δx δy δz θx θy θz
Plane A X X X

Plane B X X X
Centreline (when X X X
Line C,D,E S&Fv

Line F,G,H Fv z

X Fixed. x

S Springs y

Fv Vertical forces acting in opposite directions at the ends


30 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

Appendix B. Checklist for Finite Element The control may be further adapted to the computer program
used in the analysis. In general the following main items
Analysis should be checked:
The checklist is developed in order to ensure a satisfactory
level of technical quality of work for analysis performed by • Geometry and element mesh
the finite element method. The checklist may also function as • Stiffness properties
guidance for the process of completing the finite element • Boundary conditions
analysis. • Loads and pressures
• Stresses and reaction forces
It is recommended that the checklist is used for self-checking
while carrying out the analysis, and in addition used during
independent verification.


Reference drawings:
Input and model file names:
FEM file name:
Units (have been checked): Controlled by / date:
Length: [mm] Mass: [t]
Time: [s] Force: [N]
Pressure: [N/mm ]
Constants (have been checked):
Gravity: 0.0981 [mm/s ]
-9 3
Density (steel): 7.85E10 [t/mm ]
5 2
Young's mod.: 2.1E10 [N/mm ]
Thermal exp. coeff.: 0.0
Poisson's ratio: 0.3
Net scantlings applied/ not applied
Check of nodes:
Spot checks of co-ordinates for key-nodes and nodes at border lines have been
Check of elements:
Elements have been checked for having correct material.
Elements have been checked for having correct thickness (membrane/shell) or
cross section properties (truss/beam).
Truss/beam elements have been checked for having correct eccentricity.

Free flange sectional area has been checked for efficiency of curved flanges.

Secondary elements (buckling stiffeners) been checked for having correct

efficiency according to end connection (sniped/welded).
Boundary conditions:
The boundary conditions given (fixations) have been checked.
Spring constants calculated according to prevailing
Class Note used / not used
Load directions are found to be correct
Plots of element mesh with thickness (colour plots or by numerical value on
elements) and boundary conditions are submitted with the checklists.

There is conformance between drawings and plots.

Structural part accepted: date:__________ _________________________



Classification Notes No. 31.3 31

January 1999


Structural part: Controlled by / date:
Hand calculations or other program calculation for each basic load case are compared with
the results from datacheck performed by the solver.
Load directions are found to be correct
The sum of loads from datacheck are checked
Superelements are/are not mirrored or rotated.
Loads are checked for mirrored and rotated superelements.
Prints with datacheck of all loadcases is submitted with the checklists

Loads and load application are accepted: date:__________ _________________________



Structural part: Controlled by / date:
Plots of structural part with deformed shape in proper scale are submitted with the
Plots of transverse membrane stresses of shell elements for relevant structural parts are
submitted with the checklists (contour plots and/or plots with numerical values).

Plots of shear stresses for relevant structural parts are submitted with the checklists
(contour plots and/or plots with numerical values).

Plots of in plane stresses for relevant structural parts are submitted with the checklists
(contour plots and/or plots with numerical values).

Plots of equivalent (von-Mises) stresses for relevant structural parts are submitted with the
checklists (contour plots and/or plots with numerical values).

Plots of axial stress of free flange for relevant structural parts are submitted with the
checklists (contour plots and/or plots with numerical values).

Stresses / forces:
Spot checks of the calculated stresses have been compared to values calculated by
simplified methods.
Plots have been used to identify peak stresses.
Cross sectional forces and moments have been checked with simplified methods.
Code checks / acceptance criteria:
Yield check of main structure performed based on relevant load cases and stresses. Hull
girder stresses added/not added manually.
Yield check of secondary structure performed based on relevant load cases and stresses.
Local bending has been taken into account.
Buckling check of transverse elements performed based on relevant load cases and
Buckling check of longitudinal elements performed based on relevant load cases and
stresses. Hull girder stresses added/not added manually.
Fatigue check performed based on relevant load cases, stresses and available stress
concentration factors.

Analysis accepted: date:__________ _________________________



32 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

In the case of double bottom floors and girders, cofferdam

Appendix C. Beam Models stringers etc. where both flanges are formed by plating, the
reference location of each member is normally at half
C.1 Beam modelling general distance between plate flanges.

C.1.1 General The reference location of bulkheads will have to be

considered in each case and should be chosen in such a way
C.1.1.1 that the overall behaviour of the model is satisfactory.
The structure of the cargo region of tankers may be analysed
by means of 3-dimensional beam models within a given C.1.1.5
length of the cargo region. The 3-dimensional model may be
Variable cross-section or curved beams will normally have to
replaced by smaller 2- or 3- dimensional beam models as
be represented by a string of straight uniform beam elements.
described in the following.
For variable cross-section the number of subdivisions
C.1.1.2 depends on the rate of change of the cross-section and the
The reduced beam models which may be applied are as expected influence on the overall behaviour of the model.
For curved beam the lengths of the straight elements must be
a) Transverse frame structure which is calculated by a chosen in such a way that the curvature of the actual beam is
framework structure subjected to in plane loading. represented in a satisfactory manner.
b) Transverse bulkhead structure which is calculated by a
framework structure. C.1.1.6
c) Bottom structure which is calculated by a grillage model The models should represent the "net" structure, i.e. the
with lateral loading. Note that this calculation may corrosion additions as specified in the Rules Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.2
utilize stiffness data and loads calculated by the are to be deducted from the given scantlings.
transverse frame calculation and the transverse bulkhead
calculation under a) and b) above.
Alternatively, load and stiffness data may be based on The increased stiffness of elements with bracketed ends is to
approximate formulae. be properly taken into account by the modelling. The rigid
length to be used in the model, l r , may normally be taken as:
l r = 0.5 h o + k h, (see Figure C.2)
The symbols used in the model figures are described in
Figure C.1.

Figure C.1 Symbols

The reference location of element with well defined cross-
section (e.g. cross-ties in side tanks of tankers) is taken as the
neutral axis for the element.
Figure C.2 Rigid ends of beam elements
The reference location of member where the shell or
bulkhead comprises one flange is taken as the line of
intersection between the web plate and the plate flange.


Classification Notes- No. 31.3 33

January 1999

C.1.1.8 For transverse bulkheads the effective flange width may be

The effective area of plating forming one flange of a member taken as 20% of the breadth B.
varies in general along the member.

The variation depends primarily upon the characteristic

length a of the member, the flange width b, and the type of
loading. However, for practical purposes one specific flange
area must be chosen. The average effective area, Aef, as
required in the model is given by:

A ef = C b t
Figure C.3 Equivalent flange thickness
C = as given in Table C.1 for I-profiles with various
numbers of evenly spaced point loads (r) on the

= 1 for double skin section (double bottom, double

side etc.)

b = equivalent flange width, normally taken to half the

distance from nearest girder or bulkhead.

t = equivalent flange thickness, to + 0.5 A1/s, see

Figure C.3. For double skin sections with stiffeners
parallell to the web, see also 1.1.11.

Figure C.4 Hull girder sections

Table C.1 Equivalent flange coefficient
a/b 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
The shear stiffness is in general to be reduced for girders
C (r ≥ 6) 0.00 0.38 0.67 0.84 0.93 0.97 0.99 1.00 having openings. For normal arrangement of access and
C (r=5) 0.00 0.33 0.58 0.73 0.84 0.89 0.92 0.93 lightening holes a factor of 0.8 may be suitable.
C (r=4) 0.00 0.27 0.49 0.63 0.74 0.81 0.85 0.87
C (r ≤ 3) 0.00 0.22 0.40 0.52 0.65 0.73 0.78 0.80 C.1.1.10
If the member is a corrugated bulkhead with forces in the
The characteristic length "a" is defined as the distance direction of corrugations the effective shearing area is to be
between the points of zero bending moments. This length reduced with the factor.
varies with the loading conditions. However, for practical
purposes one specific value of characteristic length may be bs
chosen for each member as representative for all the different bk
loading conditions.
bs = breadth of corrugation.
a = equal to the span for simply supported members
bk = breadth of corrugation measured along the
= 60% of the span for members fixed at both ends. corrugation profile.

Longitudinal bulkheads and shipsides should obviously be See also 1.1.13 and Figure C.6.
treated as a shell problem. However, for the analysis of
internal structures, they may with reasonably good accuracy C.1.1.11
be condisdered as separate profiles.
With reference to Figure C.4 (a) and (b) the equivalent flange If the flanges in double skin sections have local stiffening
widths may be taken as: parallell to the girders, see Figure C.5, the bending stiffness
contribution of stiffeners may be included by increasing the
web thickness (tw) and the thickness (t1) of flange 1 as
B x i t i2
bi = ⋅ i = 1,2,L
∑x 2
i ti


34 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

b = flange breadth.

h = web height.

t1, and t2 = thickness of flange 1 and 2 respectively.

When considering the overall stiffness of vertically
corrugated bulkheads with stool tanks (transverse or
longitudinal) subjected to in plane loading the elements
should represent the shear and bending stiffnesses of the
Figure C.5 Double skin sections bulkhead and the torsional stiffness of the stool.

For corrugated bulkheads, due to the large shear flexibility of

the upper corrugated part compared to the lower stool part,
⎛ 2 h1 ⎞ the bulkhead should be considered as split into two parts,
6 A 2 ⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ h ⎠ here denoted the bulkhead part and the stool part, see also
∆t w = Figure C.6.

2 2
⎛ 2 h2 ⎞ ⎛ 2 h1 ⎞
A1 ⎜1 − ⎟ − A 2 ⎜1 − ⎟
⎝ h ⎠ ⎝ h ⎠
∆t1 =


A1 = Sum of cross sectional area of stiffeners within

breadth b of flange 1.

A2 = Sum of cross sectional area of stiffeners within

breadth b of flange 2.

h1 = distance from flange 1 to neutral axis of stiffeners


h2 = distance from flange 2 to neutral axis of stiffeners


Note that the formula for ∆t1 is based on the assumption that
the cross sectional area of profiles on flange 1 is larger than
for flange 2. Figure C.6 Cross-sectional data for bulkhead
The correct shear area for the girder is obtained by For the corrugated bulkhead part, the cross-sectional moment
multiplying the shear factor by of inertia, Ib, and the effective shear area Ab may be
calculated as follows:
t w + ∆t w A d Ae
Ib = H2
A d + Ae

Elements representing members where the flanges are Ab = tk H
formed by double skin as double bottom, double side, double
deck and cofferdam bulkheads etc. should have a torsional where
moment inertia equal to
Ad = cross-sectional area of deck part.
b h2
It =
1 1 Ae = cross-sectional area of stool and bottom part.
t1 t 2
H = distance between neutral axis of deck part and
where stool and bottom part.


Classification Notes- No. 31.3 35

January 1999

tk = thickness of bulkhead corrugation. With reference to Figure C.7 and Figure C.8 the
rotational spring may be calculated using the following
bs = breadth of corrugation. formula:
bk = breadth of corrugation along the corrugation E
profile. kr =
l ψ 2.6 β E
+ +
sI l As k l 2
For the stool and bottom part, the cross-sectional properties,
moment of inertia Is and shear area As, should be calculated s = 3 for pinned end connection.
as normal. Based on the above a factor, K, may be
determined by the formula: = 4 for fixed end connection, see Figure C.7.

⎛ 100 I b ⎞ l' and l1, see Figure C.8.

I s ⎜1 + ⎟
⎜ A B2 ⎟
K = 1+ ⎝ b ⎠
⎛ 100 I s ⎞
I b ⎜1 + ⎟
⎜ A B2 ⎟
⎝ s ⎠ b) Springs representing the torsional stiffness of box
Applying this factor, the cross-sectional properties of the Such springs may be calculated using the formula
transverse bulkhead members moment of inertia I and
effective shear area A as a whole may be calculated to: 8 c G It
kr =
I = K Ib
c = n +1
A = K Ab when n = even number.
n (n + 2)
which should be applied in the double bottom calculation.
= 1
when n = odd number.
The torsional moment of inertia for the bulkhead members n +1
may be calculated according to the following formula, see
also Figure C.9. l = length between fixed box ends.

2 n = number of loads along the box.

⎛ i=n ⎞

⎜ ∑ ri s i ⎟
⎟ It = torsional moment of inertia of the box which may
It = ⎝ ⎠
i =1
be calculated according to the formulae
⎛ i=n s ⎞

⎜ ∑ i ⎟
ti ⎟
⎝ i =1 ⎠
⎛ i=n ⎞
C.1.1.14 ⎜
⎜ ∑ ri s i ⎟

It = ⎝ ⎠
In order to simulate the elastic supports a system of springs i =1

may be introduced in order to obtain correct deflections of ⎛ i=n s ⎞

the model at intersection points of crossing members. See

⎜ ∑ i ⎟
ti ⎟
C.1.2. ⎝ i =1 ⎠

See also Figure C.9 and Figure C.10.

C.1.2 Springs
Linear springs: k = P δ

In the examples shown in Table C.2, the calculation of the

springs in different cases of support and loads is shown.

Rotational springs k r = M θ

a) Springs representing the stiffness of adjoining girders.


36 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

Figure C.7 Determination of spring stiffness

Figure C.9 Definition of thickness and lengths for stool
tank structure

Figure C.8 Effective length, l'

Figure C.10 Definition of thickness and lengths for

hopper tank structure


Classification Notes- No. 31.3 37

January 1999

Table C.2 Spring stiffness for different boundary conditions and loads

Type Deflection δ Spring stiffness k = P

3 E
Pl Pl k=
δ= +
48 E I 4 A s G l3 2.6 l
48 I 4 A s

P l3 Pl E
δ= + k=
192 E I 4 A s G l3 2.6 l
192 I 4 A s

5 P n (n + 2 ) l 3 P (n + 1) l k=
δ= +
384 E I (n + 1) 8 As G 5 n (n + 2 ) l 2.6 (n + 1) l
384 I (n + 1) 8 As

P (n + 1) l 3 P (n + 1) l k=
δ= +
384 E I 8 As G (n + 1) l 3 + 2.6 (n + 1) l
384 I 8 As

P (n + 1) l 3 P (n + 1) l k=
δ= +
185 E I 8 As G (n + 1) l 3
2.6 (n + 1) l
185 I 8 As

Pl E
δ= k=
AE ⎛ l ⎞
⎜ ⎟

C.2 Beam modelling for tankers of type A C.2.2 Transverse web frame
Introductions C.2.2.1
Instead of making a full 3-dimensional frame work model, it The web frame analysis may be carried out independently of
is possible to make separate models of transverse web frame, any other preceeding structural analysis. In Figure C.11 is
transverse bulkhead girders and bottom grillage as described shown a typical model for a tanker of type A.
in section C.2.2, C.2.3 and C.2.4.
C.2.1 Load conditions Elastic supports at the ship side ks, longitudinal bulkhead kc
and possible longitudinal bottom girders kg may be
C.2.1.1 calculated as described in C.1.2.1. Elements in centre line
The load conditions to be considered are described in chapter (symetri line) must be included with half-properties.
The rotational spring krs, giving the torsional stiffness of the
bilge tanks may be calculated as described in C.1.2.2b.


38 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

At the deck at side and at the top of the centre line bulkhead In the case of vertical side girders these may be arranged and
rotational springs to be calculated in a similar way if box connected in a similar way as the vertical centre girder. It is,
shaped constructions are arranged. however. recommended that a full 3-dimensional frame work
analysis is carried out.

Figure C.11 Transverse frame

C.2.3 Transverse bulkhead girders

Figure C.12 Transverse bulkhead girders
The girders on transverse oilthight bulkheads may be C.2.4 Bottom grillage
analysed using a 3-dimensional framework model. A typical
model is shown in Figure C.12.
The bottom centre girder and possible side girders are
The only practically significant boundary conditions that analysed using a grillage model. A typical model is shown in
remain unknown are the rotational response at the lower end Figure C.13. The centre tank "A" is of particular interest. As
of the vertical centre girder and possible side girders. indicated in the figure this analysis depends on information
Information regarding the rotation at these locations is to be regarding the reactions from the structures above at each
found from the bottom grillage investigation. transverse web frame and in the centre line at transverse
oiltight bulkheads. This information is most conveniently
With reference to Figure C.12 the following procedure is obtained from analysis based on the models described in
recommended: C.2.2 and C.2.3.

− The relevant loading conditions are applied assuming The bottom grillage model may also be used to double check
fixed end at "x". the analysis of the bottom transverses based on the transverse
− Unit rotation at "x" should be applied as an additional web frame model. The stresses in the bottom transverse near
loading condition. Thus the stiffness of the system as felt the transverse oiltight bulkheads generally differ to some
by the bottom grillage may be calculated and used in the extent from the bottom transverse in the middle of the tank.
bottom grillage analysis. This variation may be investigated using the bottom grillage
− The stresses in the system is obtained by using the actual model
rotation in "x" found from the bottom grillage
calculation together with relevant loading conditions.

Note that half-values of cross-sectional properties must be

applied for the vertical centre girder due to symmetry
whereas full-values must be used for the longitudinal deck
girder. This is because the longitudinal deck girder of the
model represents the actual longitudinal deck girders in the
tanks forward and aft of the transverse bulkhead. The length
of the equivalent deck girder is half the tank length.


Classification Notes- No. 31.3 39

January 1999

C.3.2 Transverse web frame

The web frame analysis may be carried out independently of
any other preceeding structural analysis. In Figure C.14 is
shown a typical model for a ship type as indicated in Figure
1.1. The model includes the full breadth of the ship in order
to include unsymmetrical filling of cargo tanks i transverse

Elastic supports at the ship side ks, longitudinal bulkhead kc
and possible longitudinal bottom girders kg may be
calculated as described in C.1.2.1.

The rotational spring krc and krs giving the torsional stiffness
Figure C.13 Bottom grillage of the stool tanks at the lower end of the centreline bulkhead
and of the bilge tanks may be calculated as described in
C.2.4.2 C.1.2.2b.
When the structural arrangement is symmetrical in the At the deck at side and at the top of the centre line bulkhead
longitudinal direction about the centre of the tank to be rotational springs to be calculated in a similar way if box
analysed, the model shown in Figure C.13 is assumed to be shaped constructions are arranged
sufficiently large. The model is here carried half-way into the
neighbouring tanks "B" where symmetri is assumed.

If the structural arrangement or loadings have asymmetries

the model should be extended.

With reference to Figure C.13 the reactions from the vertical

webs on the longitudinal bulkhead and the ship side may be
represented by the bending moments M1 and Ms. Suffixes l
and s refer to longitudinal bulkhead and shipside,
respectively. These moments may be obtained from the
transverse web frame model subjected to the relevant loading

The reactions from the vertical girders on transverse oiltight

bulkheads may be represented by the fixed end moment Mc
and the spring constant kc, Mc and kc may be calculated using
the transverse bulkhead girder model

C.3 Beam modelling for tankers type B

Figure C.14 Transverse frame
C.3.3 Transverse bulkhead
Instead of making a full 3-dimensional frame work model, it
is possible to make separate models of transverse web frame, C.3.3.1
transverse bulkhead girders and bottom grillage as described For vertically corrugated bulkheads with stooltank(s) models
in section C.3.2, C.3.3 and C.3.4. as described in Classification Note No. 31.1 "Strength
analysis of hull structures in bulkcarriers " may be used.
C.3.1 Load conditions
The following procedure is recommended:
The load conditions to be considered are described in Ch. − The relevant loading conditions are applied assuming
2.6.2. fixed boundary conditions at lower end.
− Unit rotation at supporting node should be applied as an
additional condition. Thus the stiffness of the bottom
grillage may be calculated and used in the bottom
grillage analysis.


40 Classification Notes No. 31.3

January 1999

− The stresses in the system is obtained by using the actual C.3.4.2

rotation at the lower end found from the bottom grillage At the nodes at ship sides and centreline moment-values Ms
calculation together with relevant loading conditions. and Mc Figure C.15, taken from relevant loading conditions
for the transverse frame calculation may be applied.
If the upper end of the bulkhead is supported by a grillage C.3.4.3
system in the deck it is recommended to extend the model to The constraining stiffness per longitudinal girder of the
a 3-dimmensional one where the deck girder system is transverse bulkhead structure should be included in the
included. double bottom grillage model as rotational springs, krb. These
rotational springs may be determined from the transverse
C.3.4 Double bottom structure bulkhead calculation, see C.3.3.1.

C.3.4.1 C.3.4.4
A typical double bottom structure and corresponding model The moment Mb to be applied per longitudinal girder at the
is shown in Figure C.15. transverse bulkhead nodes due to the lateral pressure from
cargo on the transverse bulkhead may be determined fram
The model is extended athwarthships from one ship side to
the transverse bulkhead calculation using fixed boundary
the other. In the longitudinal direction the model should
conditions at lower end, see C.3.3.1
extend at least from the middle length of one tank to the
middle length of the adjacent tank. Symmetry is assumed at
both ends of the model. If the girder structure on transverse C.4 Beam modelling for tankers type C
bulkheads is not symmetrik the model should include ½ +1 + Introductions
½ tank length.
Instead of making a full 3-dimensional frame work model, it
Floors in line with the stool sides for the transverse bulkhead is possible to make separate models of transverse web frame,
stool and side girders in line with the stool sides for the transverse bulkhead girders and bottom grillage as described
centre line bulkhead and the side girders in line with the in section C.4.2.
sloped bilge tank sides are omitted in the model. This may
normally be done without significant reduction of the C.4.1 Load conditions
modelling accuracy
The load conditions to be considered are described in Ch.

C.4.2 Girder system

For the strength analysis of the girder system the models as
described in C.3.2, C.3.3 and C.3.4 for the transverse frame,
transverse bulkhead and bottom grillage respectively may be
applied deleting the centre line bulkhead.

Figure C.15 Grillage model


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