Marine d255 PDF
Marine d255 PDF
Marine d255 PDF
D2-55, D2-75
This Service Manual contains technical data, descrip- Check that the warning or information labels on
tions and repair instructions for the Volvo Penta prod- the product are always clearly visible. Replace
ucts or product versions noted in the table of con- labels which have been damaged or painted over.
tents. Check that you have the correct Workshop
Manual for your engine.
Read the available safety information, General Infor- Never start the engine without installing the air
mation and Repair Instructions in the Service Manual cleaner filter. The rotating compressor turbine in
before you start to do any service work. the turbocharger can cause severe injury. For-
eign objects entering the intake ducts can also
cause mechanical damage.
In this book and on the product you will find the follow-
Never use start spray or similar products as a
ing special warning symbols.
starting aid. They may cause an explosion in
WARNING! Possible danger of personal injury, the inlet manifold. Danger of personal injury.
extensive damage to property or serious me-
chanical malfunction if the instructions are not
followed. Avoid opening the coolant filling cap when the en-
IMPORTANT! Used to draw your attention to gine is hot. Steam or hot coolant can spray out
something that can cause damage or malfunc- and the system pressure will be lost. Open the
tions on a product or damage to property. filler cap slowly, and release the pressure in the
cooling system if the filling cap or tap has to be
NOTE! Used to draw your attention to important infor- opened, or if a plug or coolant hose has to be re-
mation that will facilitate the work or operation in moved when the engine is hot. Steam or hot cool-
progress. ant might spray out in an unexpected direction.
Below is a summary of the risks involved and safety
precautions you should always observe or carry out
Hot oil can cause burns. Avoid skin contact with
when operating or servicing the engine. hot oil. Ensure that the lubrication system is not
under pressure before carrying out any work.
Never start or operate the engine with the oil fill-
Immobilize the engine by turning off the power
er cap removed, otherwise oil could be ejected.
supply to the engine at the main switch (es) and
lock it (them) turned off before starting work. Set
up a warning notice by the helm station.
Stop the engine and close the sea cocks before
doing any work on the cooling system.
As a general rule all service operations must be
carried out with the engine stopped. Some work,
such as adjustments, need the engine to be run- Only start the engine in a well- ventilated area.
When operated in a confined space, exhaust
ning, however. Approaching an engine which is
fumes and crankcase gases must be ventilated
running is a safety risk. Remember that loose
from the engine bay or workshop area.
clothing or long hair can fasten in rotating parts
and cause serious personal injury.
If work is done adjacent to a running engine, a
careless movement or a dropped tool can lead, Always use protective glasses or goggles when
carrying out work where there is a risk of splin-
in the worst case, to personal injury. Be careful
ters, grinding sparks, acid splashes or where
with hot surfaces (exhaust pipes, turbos, charge
other chemicals are used. Your eyes are ex-
air pipes, starting heaters etc.) and hot fluids in
tremely sensitive, injury could cause blindness!
pipes and hoses on an engine which is running
or which has just stopped. Always refit shields
that have been removed for service work before
starting the engine.
Avoid getting oil on your skin! Repeated expo- Never expose a battery to naked flame
sure to oil or exposure over a long period can re- or electrical sparks. Never smoke close to the
sult in the skin becoming dry. Irritation, dryness batteries. The batteries generate hydrogen gas
and eczema and other skin problems can then when charged, which forms an explosive gas
occur. when mixed with air. This gas is easily ignited
Used oil is more dangerous than fresh oil from a and highly volatile. A spark, which can be
health aspect. Use protective gloves and avoid caused by incorrect battery connection, can
oil-soaked clothes and rags. Wash regularly, es- cause a single spark which is sufficient to
pecially before eating. There are special skin cause an explosion with resulting damage. Do
creams which counteract drying out of the skin not move the connections when you attempt to
and make it easier to clean off dirt after work is start the engine (risk of arcing), and do not
completed. stand and lean over one of the batteries.
Most chemicals intended for the product (e.g. Always ensure that the Plus (positive) and Mi-
engine and transmission oils, glycol, petrol (gas- nus (negative) battery cables are correctly in-
oline) and diesel oil) or chemicals for workshop stalled on the corresponding terminal posts on
use (e.g. degreasers, paints and solvents) are the batteries. Incorrect installation can result in
hazardous. Read the instructions on the product serious damage to the electrical equipment. Re-
packaging with care! Always follow the safety fer to the wiring diagram.
precautions for the product (for example use of
protective mask, glasses, gloves etc.). Make
sure that other personnel are not inadvertently Always use protective goggles when charging
exposed to hazardous chemicals, for example in and handling the batteries. Battery electrolyte
the air. Ensure good ventilation in the work contains sulfuric acid which is highly corrosive.
place. Follow the instructions provided when dis- Should the battery electrolyte come into contact
posing of used or leftover chemicals. with unprotected skin wash off immediately us-
ing plenty of water and soap. If you get battery
acid in your eyes, flush at once with a generous
amount of water, and get medical assistance at
Exercise extreme care when leak detecting on
the fuel system and testing the fuel injector noz- once.
zles. Use eye protection. The jet from a fuel
nozzle has very high pressure and great pene-
tration power. Fuel can force its way deep into Turn the engine off and turn off the power at the
body tissue and cause severe injury. Danger of main switch(es) before carrying out work on the
blood poisoning (septicemia). electrical system.
All fuels, and many chemicals, are flammable. Clutch adjustments must be carried out with the
Do not allow naked flame or sparks in the vicini- engine stopped.
ty. Petrol (gasoline), some thinners and hydro-
gen gas from batteries are extremely flammable
and explosive when mixed with air in the correct The existing lugs on the engine/reversing gear
ratio. No Smoking! Ensure that the work area is should be used for lifting the assembly.
well ventilated and take the necessary safety Always check that the lifting equipment used is
precautions before starting welding or grinding in good condition and has the load capacity to
work. Always ensure that there are fire extin- lift the engine (engine weight including gearbox,
guishers at hand when work is being carried out. if fitted, and any extra equipment).
Use an adjustable lifting beam or lifting beam
specifically for the engine to raise the engine to
ensure safe handling and to avoid damaging en-
Make sure that oil and fuel soaked rags, and
used fuel and oil filters are stored in a safe gine parts installed on the top of the engine. All
place. Rags soaked in oil can spontaneously ig- chains and cables should run parallel to each
nite under certain circumstances. Used fuel and other and as perpendicular as possible in rela-
oil filters are polluting waste and must be hand- tion to the top of the engine.
ed to an approved waste management facility If other equipment connected to the engine has
for destruction, together with used lubrication oil, altered its center of gravity, special lifting devis-
contaminated fuel, paint residue, solvents, de- es may be needed to obtain the correct balance
greasers and wash residue. and safe handling.
Never carry out work on an engine suspended
on a hoist.
Never work alone when removing heavy engine Fuel delivery pipes must not be bent or straight-
components, even when using lifting devices ened under any circumstances. Damaged pipes
such as locking tackle lifts. When using a lifting must be replaced.
device two people are usually required to do the
work, one to take care of the lifting device and
another to ensure that components are lifted Remember the following when washing with a
clear and not damaged during the lifting opera- power washer: Never aim the water jet at seals,
tions. rubber hoses or electrical components. Never
When you work aboard a boat, always make use a power washer for engine cleaning.
sure that there is enough space for disassembly
where you are working, with no risk of personal
injury or damage to materials. Only use the fuels recommended by Volvo Pen-
ta. Refer to the Operator’s Manual. Use of fuels
that are of a lower quality can damage the en-
Components in the electrical and fuel systems gine. On a diesel engine, poor quality fuel can
on Volvo Penta products have been designed to cause the control rod to bind and the engine to
minimize the risks of explosion and fire. The en- over-rev with resulting risk of damage to the en-
gine must not be run in areas where there are gine and personal injury. Poor fuel can also lead
explosive materials. to higher service costs.
Wherever feasible, the tool numbers have been punched on the tools.
856 927 884 892 885 023 885 252 885 484
998 8539 998 9876 999 5919 999 6662 999 9179
856 927 Plastigauge, for measuring main and big- 981 2519 Multimeter
end bearing play 998 8539 Compression tester
884 892 Regulator tester 998 9876 Dial indicator
885 023 Valve spring compressor 999 5919 Puller, seals
885 252 Adapter for testing compression pressure 999 6662 Pressure testing equipment
885 484 Adapter for testing compression pressure 999 9179 Wrench for removing fuel/oil filters
885 485 Engine fixture for overhaul stand 999 9684 Rocker indicator
885 820 1) Puller for pulleys 999 9696 Magnetic stand
885 822 Magnetic pen 999 9772 Injector tester
885 498 Pressure foot (used together with valve 384 9641 Assembly tool for oil pump shaft
spring compressor 885 023)
998 6485 or 999 2520 Overhaul stand
This tool is used with one or more of Volvo Penta’s older products
Product designation (1) .......................................................................................................
Serial number (2) .................................................................................................................
Product number (3) .............................................................................................................
Certification number (4) .......................................................................................................
S-drive /Reverser
Product designation (5) ........................................................................................................
Serial number (6) ..................................................................................................................
Product number (7) ..............................................................................................................
Gear ratio (8) ........................................................................................................................
Propeller designation ............................................................................................................
XXX (5) XX (8)
Engine plate
Engine introduction
1 2 3 9 10
4 6 11 15
5 12 13 14
D2-55 A/B with reverser MS25L D2-55 A/B with reverser MS25L
1 2 3 9 10
6 8
4 7 11 15
5 12 13 14
D2-55 A/B with reverser HS25A D2-55 A/B with reverser HS25A
9 10
1 2 3
4 5 11 12 13 14
18 19 20
D2-55 A/B with sail-drive MS25S D2-55 A/B with sail-drive MS25S
9 10
1 3 2
5 15
11 12 13 14
19 20
1 2 3 4 5 11 12
13 17
14 15 16
D2-75 A with reverser MS25L D2-75 A with reverser MS25L
1 2 3 4 5 11 12
8 7 9 13 14 15 16 17
1 2 3 4 5 11 12
8 19
13 14 15 16 17
21 22
D2-75 A with sail-drive 150S D2-75 A with sail-drive 150S
Component description
Cylinder head
The cylinder head is made from specially alloyed cast
iron. It has replaceable valve seats for inlet and ex-
haust valves on D2-55 A/B/C and for exhaust valves
on D2-75 A.
Engine block
The cylinder block is cast in one piece from specially
alloyed cast iron.
An elastic coupling with a rubber damping element is
screwed onto the flywheel. The coupling transfers the
power to the reverser/S-drive.
Timing gear
The timing gears comprise both straight-cut and heli-
cal gears.
The camshaft and sea water pump are driven from the
crankshaft gear via an idler gear. The engine’s lubrica-
tion pump is integral with the idler gear, and is driven
by it. Regulator weights are suspended on the front of
the camshaft gear.
The camshaft is of conventional design with eight
lobes that operate the pushrods and valves.
The crankshaft is suspended in five main bearings.
Axial thrust is taken up by separate thrust washers
placed on the rear main bearing. The crankshaft is
statically and dynamically balanced, and has induc-
tion hardened bearing surfaces. The front end of the
crankshaft has a Woodruff key and the rear end has a
flange upon which the flywheel is mounted.
Con rods
The con rods are of I-section. The small end is drilled
for gudgeon pin lubrication.
The engine is equipped with a thermostat whose sen-
sor body contains wax.
When the engine is cold, the thermostat closes the
way to the heat exchanger. Coolant then passes
through a by-pass pipe, back directly to the suction
side of the pump. As the engine warms up, the vol-
ume of the wax increases and the thermostat progres-
sively opens the passage to the heat exchanger, at
the same time as the by-pass channel is closed.
Please refer to the “Technical Data” chapter for open-
ing temperatures.
Injection pump
The injection pump is an in-line flange mounted pump.
The pump is driven by cams on the engine’s cam-
shaft, which operates the pump chambers directly.
Centrifugal regulator
The regulator is mechanical and works with speed-
sensitive regulator weighs. It is mounted on the front
of the camshaft gear, from where it is also driven.
The regulator weights operate the injector pump con-
trol rod via the regulation sleeve, a lever and a regula-
tor arm. The engine speed is regulated throughout the
entire range, from low idle to high idle (all-speed type).
Feed pump
The feed pump is driven by an eccentric on the cam-
shaft rear end. The pump on D2-55 A/B is also
equipped with a manual hand pump.
The engines is provided with pintle - type injectors.
Each injector basically consists of a nozzle retainer
and a nozzle.
8 When the fuel pressure increases to the set value
7 (opening pressure), the injector needle which is held
5 pressed against its seat by the compression spring is
3 4 lifted and atomized fuel is injected into the precom-
2 bustion chamber of the engine.
The opening pressure of the injector is determined by
1. Injector nut 6. Adjustment shims the compression spring which is adjustable with shims.
2. Injectors 7. Injector holder
3. Joining piece 8. Washer
4. Compression screw 9. Nut
5. Spring
Fuel filter
The fuel filter is discardable. The filter insert is a pa-
per filter.
Oil pump
The lubrication pump is located within the idler gear on
the timing gears, from where it is also driven.
The pump is a rotor pump, with an inner rotor and an
outer rotor, eccentrically mounted in relation to each
other. The inner rotor has one “tooth” less than the
outer rotor.
The function of the pump is that the volume of the
spaces between the inner and outer gears increases
and decreases. During the first section of the rotation
of the inner rotor, the volume increases, a partial vac-
uum occurs and oil is sucked into the inlet. After
about a half rotation, the volume is reduced and a
pressure occurs, which forces the oil out through the
Reduction valve
The lubricating oil pressure is limited by a reduction
valve. The valve is located in the lubricating system
just before the oil filter. The valve opens with high
pressure and allows the oil to flow back into the sump.
Crankcase breather
To prevent over-pressure and to separate fuel vapor,
water vapor and other gaseous combustion products,
the engine is fitted with closed crankcase ventilation.
Oil filter
The filter is a full flow filter, which means that all the
oil is filtered before it is forced out into the lubrication
The filter element consists of folded filter paper.
There is a bypass valve (A) at the base of the filter,
which opens and allows oil to flow past the filter if the
filter insert should become blocked.
Bolts required:
1 pcs M10 x 35 mm
3 pcs M14 x 1.5 x 35 mm
Before the engine fixture can be mounted and the en-
gine attached to the overhaul stand, the right front en-
gine mounting, oil dipstick tube, oil cooler with oil filter
and turbo oil pipe (D2-75), must be removed from the
1 3
Empty the oil and water from the engine.
Lift the engine with a suitable lifting device. Installing
the engine fixture, please refer to “Engine fixture, fixing”.
8 4 7
23. Remove the pulley, use special tool 885 820 and
3 pcs. M10x40 mm bolts. Remove the timing gear
cover. Load the stop arm so that the springs on
the inside of the housing do not come out of posi-
tion or spring out.
24. Remove the idler lock ring. Save the sleeve wash-
er, spring and shims.
Lift away the idler gear complete with cover and
oil pump. Note the thrust washer behind the oil
Cylinder bore
Check that the cylinder bores are not scored or dam-
aged in other ways.
Measure the cylinder bores at the upper and lower
turning positions for the piston rings (app 10 mm and
100 mm below the engine block plane) and also in the
middle. Measurement should be done with an internal
dial gauge and both along and transverse to the en-
gine block (A and B).
Concerning max. permitted cylinder diameter, see un-
der “Wear tolerances” in Technical data.
NOTE! Make sure that the oil hole in the bush lines up
with the drilling in the con rod. Draw a line across the
hole in the con rod and the bush, with a felt tip pen.
Check that the oil duct is open after pressing.
1 2
IMPORTANT! The components must be oiled be-
3 fore installation.
IMPORTANT! Make sure that the gear wheel
markings coincide.
2. Install the thrust washer (8) on the idler wheel
shaft stub. Install the idler gear so that the marks
1. Thrust washer
2. Idler wheel with outer rotor NOTE! Do not turn the crankshaft before the timing
3. Inner rotor gear cover has been installed.
4. Cover for oil pump
5. Shim. 5 3. Install the inner rotor and cover to the oil pump.
6. Spring 6
7. Spring washer 7 Install shims, spring, spring washer and lock
8 washer.
8. Circlip
18. Check that the spaces for the seal on the engine
block and crankshaft are clean. Apply grease to
the sealing edges and fit the seal (1). Apply an
even layer of sealant 840 879 around the seal (2)
and camshaft (3).
Acceptable wear.
The camshaft does not need to be changed.
Unacceptable wear.
NOTE! Camshaft with associated rocker arms must
be replaced.
Adjusting valves
NOTE! The clearances shall never be checked while
the engine is running, but on a stationary cold engine.
Repair Instructions
Checking lubrication oil pressure
The lubrication oil pressure can be checked by con-
necting a manometer with a hose to the connection for
the oil pressure switch (thread size in cylinder block =
1/8"). For the correct pressure at operating speed and
temperature, refer to “Technical data”.
If the oil pressure is too high or too low, first try re-
placing the reduction valve and then check the oil
pressure again.
Oil pump
Removing oil pump
1. Remove the injection pump (19). Remove the fix-
ing screws and nuts on the pump. Turn the stop le-
ver clockwise and carefully lift the pump, to make
the lock clip on the regulator arm accessible.
Remove the lock clip and free the regulator arm.
Oil channels
Clean and flush the oil channels in the engine with
cleaning liquid and then with steam or rinsing oil at a
pressure of 300-400 kPa in conjunction with a larger
engine overhaul. Clean the oil pressure pipe between
the cylinder block and cylinder head.
Clean the drilled oil channels in the cylinder block,
crankshaft and con rods with a cleaning brush.
Repair Instructions
Observe the greatest possible cleanliness in work on
the fuel system.
Injection pump
Removing the injection pump
NOTE! Repair work that requires work on the injection
pump and which can change it’s settings shall only be
performed by a specially trained mechanic who has
the necessary equipment at his/her disposal.
All warranties for the engine are forfeit if the seals are
broken by unauthorized personnel.
Low idle
1. Check that the gap (6) is about 3 mm when the
accelerator is in the idle position. If necessary:
Undo locknut (7) and adjust screw (8) to give the
correct gap.
2. Warm up the engine and check the idle speed
with a tachometer (refer to Technical data for the
correct idle speed).
3. Adjust to the correct idle speed with adjusting
screw (2).
4. Check the gap (3) again as in item 1.
5 4 3 1 2
Racing speed (high idle)
1. Actuator arm Warm the engine up and check the racing speed with
2. Adjustment screw, low idle a workshop tachometer when the engine is unloaded
3. Stop screw, full throttle at full throttle (please refer to “Technical data” for cor-
4. Adjustment screw, racing speed
5. Adjustment screw, max. fuel volume
rect racing speed).
7. Lock nut
Feed pump
Removal of the feed pump
1. Clean around the pump.
2. Close the fuel taps. Loosen the fuel connections
from the pump.
3. Remove the feed pump from the cylinder block.
Empty the pump from fuel.
Assembling the feed pump
1. Assemble the piston (1), membrane (7) and
1 springs in the pump housing (5). Press the piston
6 and membrane together and press the pin (6) into
the piston.
1. Piston
2. Strainer 2. Turn the membrane and piston so that the pin (6)
3. Valve housing in the piston is not aligned with the groove in the
4. Lid pump housing.
5. Pump housing
6. Pin 3. Install the valve housing (3) and cover (4) accord-
7. Diaphragm ing to the previously made marks. Tighten the
1. Open the priming screw (1) on the fuel filter. Avoid
fuel spillage. Use i. e. rags on the priming point.
2. Pump fuel up with the hand pump (2) until fuel
without air bubbles can be seen. Continue pumping
and tighten the priming screw at the same time.
Note. If the pump works poorly, crank the engine so
that the mark on the pulley is at “TOP” if it is still
poor, crank the engine another revolution to “TOP”.
2 3. Normally, additional priming is not required. Start
the engine and check that no leakage occurs.
4. If the engine does not start after a short attempt,
loosen the pressure pipes at the injectors a few
turns. Hold the injection pump actuator arm in it’s
max. position and crank the engine with the start-
er motor until fuel leaks from the pressure pipes.
Tighten the pressure pipe nuts. Tightening torque,
please refer to the “Technical Data” chapter.
The glow plugs are activated at the same time as the
starter motor. You can save the batteries if the starter
motor is only used for short periods when priming.
D2-55 A, B
Changing the injectors
1. Wash around the injectors.
2. Undo the delivery pipes at the injection pump and
at the injectors. Lift the fuel delivery pipes away
3. Undo the nut at the top of each injector, use the
nuts beneath the return fuel line as a counterhold
so that the pipes are not bent. Lift the return fuel
pipe away.
4. Unscrew the injectors (1). Use socket, L=80 mm.
Remove the copper washers (2) beneath the injec-
5. Fit a protective plug to the injector’s pipe connec-
tion and over the injector nozzle if it is not to be
installed immediately.
6. Install the new injector. Tightening torque, please
1 refer to the “Technical Data” chapter.
2 7. Install the return fuel pipe, use the nut underneath
the fuel return pipe to avoid kinking the pipe.
8. Install the pressure pipes. Check that they do not
come out of alignment, and tighten the nuts.
Tightening torque, please refer to the “Technical
Data” chapter.
9. Start the engine and check that no leakage occurs.
Testing of injectors
Testing is done in an injector tester. During the test,
the opening pressure and sealing are the most impor-
tant things. The spray pattern is more difficult to eval-
uate and does not fully indicate the condition of the
WARNING! Be careful when testing injectors,
avoid getting the fuel jet from an injector on un-
protected parts of your body. The spray has
such great penetration power that it can pene-
trate the skin and cause blood poisoning.
Opening pressure
With the pressure gauge connected, press the injector
tester lever down slowly until the injector opens and
releases fuel. Read off the opening pressure at the
opening instant.
If the value read does not coincide with the specified
value, the setting must be changed. This is done with
Checking injectors
Spray pattern
Special tools: 999 9772
When sealing is checked, investigate the fuel leakage
which can occur between the injector nozzle seat and
the tapered sealing surface in the injector sleeve.
1. Dry the injector nozzle so that it is dry.
2. Pump the pressure up to about 2 MPa below the
opening pressure of the injector (please refer to
Technical Data). Keep the pressure constant for
about 10 sec. and check that no fuel drips out
from the tip of the injector. Damp injectors can be
Fit a protective plug to the injector’s pipe connection
and over the injector nozzle if it is not to be installed
Overhauling injectors
1. Clean the injector externally.
2. Fix the injector (holder) in a vise. Unscrew the in-
jector nut and disassemble the injector.
40 % “Volvo Penta Coolant” (conc. coolant)
60 % water
This mixture protects against internal corrosion, cavi-
tation and frost damage down to -28 °C. (Using 60 %
glycol lowers the freezing point to -54 °C.) Never mix
more than 60 % concentrate (Volvo Penta Coolant) in
the cooling liquid, since this would give reduced cool-
ing effect and increase the risk of overheating and
frost damage.
Water quality
ASTM D4985:
Total solid particles ...................................... < 340 ppm
Total hardness ............................................. < 9.5° dH
Chloride ......................................................... < 40 ppm
Sulfate ........................................................... < 100 ppm
pH value ........................................................ 5,5 -9
Silica (acc. to ASTM D859) .......................... < 20 mg SiO2/l
Iron (acc. to ASTM D1068) .......................... < 0.10 ppm
Manganese (acc. to ASTM D858) ............... < 0.05 ppm
Conductivity (acc. to ASTM D1125) ............ < 500 µS/cm
Organic content, CODMn (acc. ISO8467) .... < 15 mg KMnO4/l
Draining coolant
Stop the engine before draining the cooling system.
Freshwater system
WARNING! Do not open the filler cap when the
engine is hot, except in emergencies. Steam or
hot fluid may spray out
1. Place a suitable collection vessel beneath the en-
gine block drain plug (1) and at the heat exchang-
er drain tap.
2. Open the drain plug (1) and drain tap and drain all
Coolant losses
There are two types of coolant losses:
• Coolant losses during operation.
• Coolant losses after stopping a hot engine.
Coolant losses during operation can be due to a leak-
ing cooling system or air or combustion gases being
forced into the cooling system.
1. Clean the contact surfaces on the pump and cyl-
inder block.
2. Install the coolant pump with a new gasket.
3. Fit the tensioner to the alternator.
4. Install the rubber hoses to and from the pump.
Tighten the hose clamps.
5. Install the drive belts. It should be possible to de-
press the belt approx. 10 mm between the pul-
6. Reconnect the temperature monitor.
7. Fill the engine with coolant. Start the engine and
check carefully that no leakage occurs.
Replacing the thermostat
1. Turn the main switch off. Drain the water from the
freshwater system.
2 2. Remove the cover (1), the spacer (2) and lift out
1 the thermostat (3). Remove the rubber ring.
D2-55 A/B
4 General
3 The engine is fitted with an AC alternator. The system
voltage is 12V and the electrical system is single-pole.
6 The electrical system can include, as extra equip-
2 ment, sensors for monitoring the engine’s coolant
temperature and oil pressure.
The electrical system is shown in two ways. The wir-
ing diagram shows wire runs, cable cross section and
The engine is equipped with a fuse block with four fus-
es (15A). One fuse safeguards the electrical system
and blows if overloaded, the others are spares.
If a fuse blows, the electrical system can be recon-
nected by moving the cable to the next fuse/connec-
tor. Always first investigate the reason for the over-
9 8
The starting and glowplug functions are each con-
trolled by a switching relay. These relays are identical
and are thus mutually interchangeable.
Voltage regulator with sensor system
The voltage regulator on the standard alternator
(14V/60A) is equipped with a sensor system.
The sensor system compares the charge voltage be-
tween the alternator terminals, B+ and B-, with the
voltage across the battery positive and negative termi-
nals. The voltage regulator then compensates for any
voltage drop in the cables between the alternator and
the batteries, by increasing the charge voltage sup-
plied by the alternator as necessary.
When delivered from Volvo Penta, the sensor system
is not activated. The connection has probably been
done during engine installation, however.
1 4
7 Charge splitter
As extra equipment, the engine’s standard alternator
can be fitted with a charge splitter. Two independent
battery circuits can in this way, be charged at the
same time. The charge splitter separates the two cir-
1. Sensor wire (yellow, 1.5 mm2) cuits from each other so that the engine’s starting battery
2. Charge splitter (extra equip.) is kept fully charged even if the “accessory batteries”
3. Alternator are weak or even totally discharged.
4. Fuse panel (extra equip.)
5. Starter motor
6. Main switch
7. Auxiliary batteries (extra equip.)
8. Starting battery (engine)
Never mix up the battery’s positive and negative ter-
minals when fitting batteries. Incorrect installation can
result in serious damage to the electrical equipment.
Refer to the wiring diagram. The battery poles shall be
kept well cleaned and the cable shoes shall always be
tightened and well greased, to avoid power loss.
Fast charging of the batteries should be avoided. If
fast charging must be used, the batterycables shall
always be disconnected first.
Electrical wiring
Never make holes in the cables insulation to perform
measurements with needles. In a corrosive atmo-
sphere such as a boat, it only takes 2 years for a
small cable with a needle hole to oxidize off.
If it is absolutely necessary to make a hole in the in-
sulation, this must be repaired in a suitable way after
Galvanic corrosion
The S-drive is electrically isolated from the engine and
shall never be used as a grounding plane.
The S-drive has insulation (B) placed between the
adapter plate and the upper gear housing. An isolation
bush (A) shall be installed on one of the lower bolts.
IMPORTANT! The S-drive shall never be used
as a grounding plane or be electrically connect-
ed with any other equipment, i.e. radio, naviga-
tion equipment, rudder, bathing steps, etc.
Electric welding
Remove the positive and negative cables from the
batteries. Then disconnect all cables connected to the
Always connect the welder earth clamp to the compo-
nent to be welded, and as close as possible to the
weld site. The clamp must never be connected to the
engine or in such a way that current can pass through
a bearing.
WARNING! After welding is finished ,the wires
to the alternator must be reconnected before
the battery cables are reconnected.
Repair Instructions
Fault finding glow plugs
Special tools: 9812519
WARNING! Disconnect power and remove both
battery cables before working on the charging
If the voltage drop in any of the tests above exceeded
0.2 V, the battery leads/connections must be removed
and cleaned from oxide etc. They spray the connec-
tions with a moisture dispersent contact oil and tight-
en the connections once more.
Treat the connections at the battery, main switch,
starter motor, alternator, glow plug relay and glow
Checking and fault tracing the alternator
1. Remove the alternator’s electrical connections.
Remove the alternator belt. Remove the alternator.
2. Undo the voltage regulator’s connection at the al-
ternator connection B+. Unplug the blade connec-
tors at connections B+ and D+. Remove the pro-
tective cover from the W connection.
3. Lever the plastic cover fixing ears from side to
side off the alternator. Undo the regulator’s con-
nection cables to the diode bridge. Use flat pliers
or poke the cable shoes out with a screwdriver.
Do not pull on the cables!
Note. Point “2” on the tester is not used for this type
of regulator.
Checking B+ diodes
1. Connect the multimeters positive probe to one of
the stator winding’s connections (1-2-3). Then
connect the instruments negative probe to the di-
ode plate B+ connection. Read off the instrument.
A normal value should be between 450 and 650
mV which is the voltage drop across the diode.
Any other value indicates a faulty diode.
2. Check the other B+ diodes by moving the positive
probe to the other connections (1-2-3).
3. Then check the B+ diodes in the opposite direc-
tion by reversing the positive and negative
probes. Perform the same measurements as
above. The instrument should show a one “1” with
these measurements (furthest to the left). Any
other value on the instrument indicates a faulty di-
Checking B- diodes
1. Connect the instruments positive probe to the di-
ode plate B- connection and the instruments neg-
ative probe to one of the stator windings connec-
tions (1-2-3).
2. Read off the instrument as previously. A normal
value should be between 450 and 650 mV. Any
other value indicates a faulty diode.
3. Then check the B- diodes in the opposite direction
by reversing the positive and negative probes.
Perform the same measurements as above. The
instrument should show a one “1” with these mea-
surements (furthest to the left). Any other value
on the instrument indicates a faulty diode. If any
of the diodes are faulty, the whole diode plate must
be replaced.
Checking D+ diodes
The diode plate’s three magnetization diodes are
checked in the same way as above.
1. Connect the instrument’s positive probe to each
stator winding connection (1-2-3) and the negative
probe to D+. The voltage drop for each diode
should be between 450 and 650 mV.
2. Then check the D+ diodes in the opposite direc-
tion by reversing the positive and negative
probes. Perform the same measurements as
above. The instrument should show a one “1” with
these measurements (furthest to the left). Any
other value on the instrument indicates a faulty di-
ode. If any of the diodes are faulty, the whole diode
plate must be replaced.
Starter motor
The starter motor is a DC series motor. The starter
pinion is operated by a control solenoid and can be
slid axially on the rotor.
The starter motor is fitted with a reduction gear, which
provides a higher torque.
Field windings
Check with the test instrument that there is no open
circuit in the windings. Faulty field windings must be
Electrical components
Relay box with fuses
The engine is equipped with a fuse block with four fus-
es (15A). One fuse safeguards the electrical system
and blows if overloaded, the others are spares.
If a fuse blows, the electrical system can be recon-
nected by moving the cable to the next fuse/connec-
tor. Always first investigate the reason for the over-
Lube oil pressure monitor - alarm
Contact type: Normally open. The contacts close if
the lube oil pressure in the engine drops below
0.3 ± 0.15 bar.
Check of the closing point is done with falling pres-
Note. Sensors are only supplied together with the “De
Luxe” instrument panel.
Spring biased
1. Instrument lighting
2. Voltmeter
3. Oil pressure gauge
4. Coolant temperature gauge
Spring biased 5. Connector for connection of extra
warning display (extra equip.)
6. Electronic unit (alarm)
7. Warning lamp, coolant temperature
8. Warning lamp, oil pressure
9. Charge warning lamp
Cable colors 10. Indication lamp, glow plugs
11. Switch, instrument lighting
BL = Blue
12. Switch - Alarm test/Acknowledge
LBL = Light blue 13. Tachometer with built-in running hours timer
BN = Brown (extra equip.). Or blanking plug
LBN = Light brown 14. Key switch
GN = Green 15. Alarm
GR = Gray 16. Connector for connecting
OR = Orange neutral position switch (extra equip.)
R = Red 17. 16-pin connector
18. 2-pole connector (for possible additional panel)
SB = Black
VO = Violet Cable cross section in mm2 is given after the color
W = White code on the wiring diagram.
Y = Yellow
Cross section not given = 1.0 mm2
Material ......................................................................... Aluminum alloy Aluminum alloy
Height, total .................................................................. 87.66-87.74 mm 87.66-87.74 mm
Height from gudgeon pin center to piston crown ............ 47.66-47.74 mm 47.66-47.74 mm
Piston clearance ........................................................... 0.038-0.072 mm 0.038-0.072 mm
Front marking ................................................................ “SHIBAURA”-mark inside piston shall when mounted
face the fuel pump (D2-55 A/B/C & D2-75).
Piston rings
Compression rings:
Quantity ........................................................................ 2 2
Upper compression ring, height ..................................... 1.97-1.99 mm 1.97-1.99 mm
2nd compression ring, height ........................................ 1.47-1.49 mm 1.47-1.49 mm
Oil ring:
Quantity ........................................................................ 1 1
Height ........................................................................... 3.90-3.98 mm 3.90-3.98 mm
Piston ring gap in cylinder:
Upper compression ring ................................................ 0.20-0.35 mm 0.20-0.35 mm
2nd compression ring .................................................... 0.20-0.40 mm 0.20-0.40 mm
Piston ring clearance in groove,
upper compression ring ................................................. 0.07-0.11 mm 0.07-0.11 mm
2nd compression ring .................................................... 0.04-0.08 mm 0.04-0.08 mm
oil ring ........................................................................... 0.02-0.06 mm 0.02-0.06 mm
Gudgeon pins
Clearance, piston pin – connecting rod bush ................. 0.010-0.027 mm 0.010-0.027 mm
gudgeon pin – gudgeon pin hole .................................... -0.001- +0.011 mm -0.001- +0.011 mm
Gudgeon pin diameter ................................................... 27.996-28.000 mm 27.996-28.000 mm
Conrod bush int. diameter ............................................. 28.010-28.021 mm 28.010-28.021 mm
Gudgeon pin hole diameter in piston ............................. 27.999-28.005 mm 27.999-28.005 mm
Con rods
Fitted with replaceable bearing shells.
Diameter, conrod bush bearing position .......... 30,500-30,516 30,500-30,516
bearing shell bearing position .......... 28,010-28,021 28,010-28,021
gudgeon pin bush ........................... 28,010-28,021 28,010-28,021
End float, con rod – crankshaft ..................................... 0.035-0.085 mm 0.035-0.085 mm
Valve stem diameter ..................................................... 6.955-6.970 mm 6.955-6.970 mm
Valve head edge ........................................................... 0.925-1.075 mm 0.925-1.075 mm
Clearance, valve stem - valve guide ............................. 0.03-0.06 mm 0.03-0.06 mm
Valve seat angle in cylinder head .................................. 45o 45o
Valve clearance, cold engine ......................................... 0.20 mm 0.20 mm
Valve stem diameter ..................................................... 6.94-6.95 mm 6.94-6.95 mm
Valve head edge ........................................................... 0.925-1.075 mm 0.925-1.075 mm
Clearance, valve stem - valve guide ............................. 0.050-0.075 mm 0.050-0.075 mm
Valve seat angle in cylinder head .................................. 45o 45o
Valve clearance, cold engine ......................................... 0.20 mm 0.20 mm
Valve springs
Length unloaded ................................................. 35 mm 35 mm
with 79.4 N (8.1 kp) load ......................... 30.4 mm 30.4 mm
Length, total .................................................................. 226 mm 226 mm
Outer diameter .............................................................. 6.35 mm 6.35 mm
Lubrication system
Oil pressure, hot engine at operating speed .................. 150-500 kPa 150-500 kPa
Oil pressure, idle ........................................................... 50-150 kPa 50-150 kPa
Reduction valve, opening pressure ................................ 245-345 kPa 245-345 kPa
Lubrication oil pump:
clearance, inner - outer rotor ................... 0.01-0.15 mm 0.01-0.15 mm
end float, rotor - cover ............................. 0.01-0.15 mm 0.01-0.15 mm
Oil grade ....................................................................... VDS-2, VDS-2,
..................................................................................... ACEA E5, ACEA E5,
..................................................................................... API CH-4 API CH-4
Viscosity at -5 to +50°C* ............................................... SAE 15W/40, SAE 15W/40,
..................................................................................... SAE 20W/50 SAE 20W/50
Max oil volume incl. oil filter, no engine
inclination, approx. ........................................................ 10.6 liter 10.6 liter
Min. oil volume incl. oil filter, no engine
inclination, approx. ........................................................ 8.9 liter 8.9 liter
*Note The temperature values refer to constant ambient temperatures
Injection pump
Injection start, crankshaft position ................................ 22.0o ± 1o b.t.d.c. 22.0o ± 1o b.t.d.c.
Pump element diameter ................................................ 6 mm 6 mm
Stroke ........................................................................... 7 mm 7 mm
Opening pressure (for checking) .................................... 15.2-16.2 MPa 15.2-16.2 MPa
Opening pressure (when adjusting) ................................ 15.7 MPa 15.7 MPa
Needle valve, diameter .................................................. 4 mm 4 mm
Pin diameter .................................................................. 1 mm 1 mm
Jet angle ....................................................................... 4o 4o
Cooling system
Type .............................................................................. Over-pressure, Over-pressure,
closed cooling system closed cooling system
Freshwater system volume, approx. .............................. 9.5 liter 9.8 liter
Thermostat, qty. ............................................................ 1 1
Thermostat starts opening at ........................................ 82o ± 4oC 82o ± 4oC
fully open at .................................................................. 95 oC 95 oC
Thermostat valve lifting height ...................................... 8 mm 8 mm
Electrical system
System voltage ............................................................. 12 V 12 V
Fuses ........................................................................... 15 A 15 A
Battery capacity (starter battery) ................................... 88 Ah 88 Ah
Glow plugs:
rated voltage ................................................................. 10.5 V 10.5 V
current .......................................................................... 6.9 A 6.9 A
Voltage output at +20 °C with sensor ................ 14.2 ± 0.15 V 14.2 ± 0.15 V
without sensor ............ 14.2 ± 0.3 V 14.2 ± 0.3 V
Max current ................................................................... 115 A 115 A
Power, approx. .............................................................. 1630 W 1630 W
Suppression capacitor ................................................... 2.2 μF 2.2 μF
Starter motor
Starter motor, power app. .............................................. 2.0 kW 2.0 kW
Wear tolerances
D2-55 A/B/C D2-75 A
Compression pressure at starter
motor speed (min. 200 rpm) ........................................... min. 25 Bar min. 25 Bar
Piston clearance ........................................................... max. 0.25 mm max. 0.25 mm
Piston rings
Piston ring clearance in groove:
Compression rings ........................................................ max. 0.25 mm max. 0.25 mm
Oil scraper ring .............................................................. max. 0.15 mm max. 0.15 mm
Piston ring gap in cylinder ............................................. max. 1.0 mm max. 1.0 mm
Gudgeon pins
Gudgeon pin diameter ................................................... min. 27.996-28.000 mm min. 27.996-28.000 mm
Clearance, gudgeon pin – conrod bush ....................... max. 0.08 mm max. 0.08 mm
gudgeon pin – gudgeon pin hole ................ max. 0.02 mm max. 0.02 mm
Cylinder head
Warping ......................................................................... max. 0.12 mm max. 0.12 mm
Engine block
Warping (head plane) ..................................................... max. 0.12 mm max. 0.12 mm
Bore .............................................................................. max. 84.2 mm max. 84.2 mm
0.5 mm T.D.C. ............................................................... max. 84.7 mm max. 84.7 mm
1.0 mm T.D.C. ............................................................... max. 85.2 mm max. 85.2 mm
Out of straightness ....................................................... max. 0.06 mm max. 0.06 mm
Straightness, max. deviation on 100 mm
measured length ........................................................... 0.15 mm 0.15 mm
Twist, max. deviation on 100 mm measured length ....... 0.2 mm 0.2 mm
End float, conrod – crankshaft ...................................... max. 0.7 mm max. 0.7 mm
Bearing clearance
Main bearing ................................................................. max. 0.2 mm max. 0.2 mm
Big-end bearings ........................................................... max. 0.2 mm max. 0.2 mm
Tightening torque in Nm
Cylinder head* ............................................................ 100
Main bearings:
upper to lower bearing caps ........................................ 52
main bearing caps to cylinder block (hex bolts) .......... 52
rear cap (Allen bolt) .................................................... 27
Big end bearings ........................................................ 52
End plate/flywheel housing ......................................... 25
Flywheel housing ....................................................... 25
Flywheel .................................................................... 74
Elastic coupling ......................................................... 22
Adapter plate to flywheel housing ............................... 22
Strainer, oil pump ....................................................... 10
Oil sump .................................................................... 10
Drain plug, oil sump ................................................... 35
Timing gear cover ...................................................... 10
Crankshaft pulley ....................................................... 300
Injection pump ........................................................... 15
Bearing block, rocker arm shaft ................................. 33
Valve cover ................................................................ 14
Pressure oil pipe (cylinder block – cylinder head) ....... 12
Injectors ..................................................................... 64
Delivery pipes ............................................................ 23
Pressure valve holder ................................................ 42
Reduction valve ......................................................... 64
Locking screw (max. fuel volume) .............................. 15
Locking screw (engine speed) .................................... 15
Glowplug .................................................................... 18
Oil pressure monitor ................................................... 18
Coolant temperature monitor ...................................... 27
Oil pressure sensor .................................................... 18
Coolant temperature sensor ....................................... 18
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Technical Information
Dept. 42200
SE-405 08 Göteborg