Product Based Assessment Analytic Scoring Criteria For Wiring Project
Product Based Assessment Analytic Scoring Criteria For Wiring Project
Product Based Assessment Analytic Scoring Criteria For Wiring Project
Transmutation formula:
12 (9) = 100%
11 (8) = 94%
10 (7) = 86%
9 (6) = 83%
8 (5) = 78%
7 (4) = 72%
6 (3) = 67%
5 (2) = 61%
4 (1) = 56%
3 (0) = 50%
Republic of the Philippines
Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City
1 2 3 4 5
Does not collect any Collects very little Collects some Collects a great It has all the
information that information some basic information deal of information information
relates to the topic. relates to the topic. most relate to the all relates to the relates to the
topic topic topic
Does not perform Performs very little Performs nearly all Performs mostly Perform all
any duties of of assigned duties. assigned duties duties of assigned duties of
assigned team role. team role assigned team
Always relies on Rarely does the Usually do the Mostly do the Always does
others to do the assigned work often assign work rarely assigned work the assigned
work. needs reminding needs the sometimes needs work without
reminding. reminding having to be
Is always talking Usually doing most Listens, but Listens and Listens and
never allows anyone of the talking rarely sometimes talks sometimes talks a encourages
else to speak allows others to too much. little. other to
speak. participate
Transmutation formula:
5 (4) = 100%
4 (3) = 88%
3 (2) = 75%
2 (1) = 63%
1 (0) = 50 %
Republic of the Philippines
Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City
Score Description
All is perfectly connected to the given diagram, Wires are perfectly arranged, and the value
5 is exactly right on the given task.
4 All is perfectly connected to the given diagram, wires are arranged, and the value is right on
the given task.
3 Some wires are connected on the given diagram, wires are little messy,
2 Some wires are not connected on the given diagram, wires are very messy
1 Did not understand the given diagram
0 No response/Task not attempt
Transmutation formula:
5 (4) = 100%
4 (3) = 88%
3 (2) = 75%
2 (1) = 63%
1 (0) = 50 %
Republic of the Philippines
Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City
Transmutation formula:
12 (9) = 100%
11 (8) = 94%
10 (7) = 86%
9 (6) = 83%
8 (5) = 78%
7 (4) = 72%
6 (3) = 67%
5 (2) = 61%
4 (1) = 56%
3 (0) = 50%
Republic of the Philippines
Zamboanga City State Polytechnic College
R.T Lim Boulevard, Zamboanga City
Assessment of
Learning 2
EDUC 415
(1:00 – 2:30 TTH]
Submitted to:
Cabato, Renante
Submitted by:
Ignacio Levi Ray B.