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On Teacher's Philosophy of Education: SPARK Your Interest

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On Teacher’s
FS 1 16 Philosophy of Education

SPARK Your Interest

One thing asked of teacher applicants in the Department of Education is to write their philosophy
of education. This means that they have to write their concept of the nature Of the learner' how
that learner learns and how that learner ought to live in order to live life meaningfully• Based on
these philosophical concepts, the teacher applicants describe how they ought to relate to the
learner, what to teach and how to teach so that the learner learns and lives life happily and

TARGET Your Intended Learning Outcomes

At the end of this Episode, I must be able to:
 determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission
statements, core values and mandate, the K to 12 Curriculum Framework and Guide and
RA 10533;
 cite teacher's teaching behaviors and the philosophies of education on which these
behaviors are founded; and
 articulate my philosophy of teaching.

REVISIT the Learning Essentials

We are beneficiaries of a rich philosophical heritage passed on to us by great thinkers of the past
and of the present. The way teachers relate to learners and the way they teach are anchored on
philosophies of education.
Basic documents such as the vision and mission statements, core values and mandate Of
theDepartment of Education and the features of the K to 12 Curriculum as contained in Section 3
Of RA 10533 and the K to 12 Curriculum Guide are manifestations or expressions of the
philosophies of education of the country. They state the standards and the outcomes of education
towards which all curricular activities and teaching-learning should be directed.
Activity 16.1 Analyzing DepEd’s Philosophy of Education

Name: _____________________________________
 Determine prevailing philosophies of education based on DepEd Vision and Mission
statements, core values and mandate and on the K to 12 Curriculum Framework andGuide.
 Study the DepEd Vision and Mission statements, Core values and Mandate.
 Read the features of the K to 12 Curriculum based on the Kt012 Curriculum Framework and
Guide and Sec 5 of RA 10533.
 Accomplish the Table below by answering this question: Which philosophies are expressed?
 Cite relevant statements to back up an identified philosophy of education. You are given an
Philosophies of Education Which philosophies ate expressed in Which philosophies are
the DepEd Vision, Mission expressed in the K to 12
Statements, Core Values, and Curriculum Framework and
Mandate? Give proof, Guide and sec 5 of RA 10533?
Give proof,
1. Essentialism – teach Essentialism The core values of maka- Essentialism - List of standards
mastery of the basics; Diyos, maka-tao, maka-kalikasan and and competencies that learners
curriculum is prescribed: maka-bansa show that DepEd is are expected to attain is to
subject matter -centered there essentialist. DepEd believes in subject matter that students are
are universal, objective unchanging values that need to be expected to learn.
values; inculcate values in inculcated -Essentialist
subject matter

2. Perennialism -- teach those The Deped Mission, in which students Making the curriculum relevant
that last. the classics; there learn in a child-friendly, gender- to learners is emphasized in the
are universal values: sensitive, safe, and motivating K-12 Curriculum Framework.
inculcate these universal, environment, demonstrates that DepEd Students required to gain in-
objective values applied Perennialism to their DepEd depth information, abilities,
Mission because they believe that if values, and attitudes via
learners engage in this type of continuity and consistency
environment, they may become friendly across all levels and disciplines
and good citizens of our country in the in order to convey positive
future as they bring good values that values and characteristics from
they learned in school. what they learnt in school to
their future.
3. Progressivism - very child- The DepEd vision, in which the DepEd, In RA No. 10533 Sec. 5 which is
centered; teach those that as a learner-centered organization, Curriculum Development, The
interest the child; one leans constantly develops itself to better serve curriculum shall be learner-
by experience: learners learn its stakeholders, demonstrates DepEd is centered, inclusive and
by doing so teacher teacher’s progressivism. DepEd believes that developmentally appropriate;
teaching is experiential; learners learn by doing as well as by which it show that Progressivism
values are subjective: no teaching about topics in which they are is applied in this law.
inculcation of values since interested.
they are subjective; instead
teachers help students clarify
their values
4. Reconstructionism - DepEd strives to improve an K-12 aims emphasize social
school is agent of change, individual's awareness of social events, transformation. from a ten-year
schooling is preparing concerns, and difficulties that they face. basic education plan to a twelve-
students for the social This philosophy offers a vision of a year plan. The K-12 curriculum
changes: teaching is better society through seeking answers exposes students to real-world
involving the students in to societal challenges and issues. It challenges and allows them to
discussions of moral promotes the notion that instructors take social action in response to
dilemmas should be used to motivate and guide them. Strategies include
students toward societal improvements. community-based learning and
integrating the outside world into
the classroom.
5. Existentialism - Teachers Existentialism is a philosophy that gives The fundamental goal of the K-
teach learners to make a students a lot of flexibility to learn. It 12 curriculum is to assist
choice, to make decisions lends credence to the notion that to exist students in developing their own
and not merely to follow the is to discover the essence of life. DepEd values and understanding of
crowd; one who does not necessitates a student-centered teaching themselves within their cultural
make a choice and so Simply method in which students are given the context: An existential
follow others do not leave freedom of choice that they understand curriculum, as opposed to being
meaningful life would unleash their potential and packed with information to study,
creativity. Educators under this concept contains activities that allow
act as facilitators, supporting pupils in students to discover and express
defining their own essence by guiding their own beliefs and identities..
them through many options.

6. Pragmatism - That which Pragmatism is centered on the The k-12 program views
is useful, that which is psychology of individual differences. education as a process that
practical and that which The Department of Education prefers to introduces children to their
works is what is good; that educate students based on their cultural heritage. The k-12
which is efficient and aptitudes and talents. Every individual approach to curriculum that is
effective is that which is must be respected, and education relevant to the learners appears
good. e.g. showing a video should be tailored to his or her interests to be totally realistic.
clip on mitosis is more and abilities. They think that students
efficient and more effective should not be asked to strive toward
and therefore more practical predetermined goals. They should
than teacher coming up with instead set goals based on their needs
a visual aid by drawing and interests.
mistosis on a cartolina or
illustration board
7. Rationalism - emphasizes Rationalism, in essence, considers K-12 educators attempting to
the development of the reason as the primary source and test of pull knowledge out of students
learners' reasoning powers; k knowledge or what is true. Truth, in the are viewed as rationalists. Their
knowledge comes though case of rationalism, is intellectual belief is that knowledge is innate
reason; teacher must develop rather than sensory, which is why and needs to be drawn out of a
DepEd believes that knowledge can be
the reasoning power of the child via reasoning, thinking,
learned solely by reason. As a result,
learner rationalism is a priori, which means and experience. Some knowledge
that we learn knowledge without is innate for Rationalists.
experience by using reason. Rationalism
is most commonly associated with logic
and mathematics, implying that there is
a deliberate and reasoned way to
reaching conclusions or discovering the
8. Utilitarianism - what is According to the Department of The K-12 curriculum believes
good is that which is most Education, the curriculum should that it is performing a noble
useful (that which brings emphasize practical, utilitarian, and service by assisting pupils in
happiness) to the greatest scientific disciplines that have assisted achieving their own personal
number of peoples; humanity in mastering the environment. quest of happiness. At the same
Was not a fan of rote learning;
hand, the utilitarian approach
schooling had to be relevant to life and
the tasks required to make a livelihood. provides no notion of what
•The curriculum should be organized in constitutes a higher education
accordance with how they contribute to and makes no assertions about
human survival and progress. what constitutes a decent human
existence deserving of enjoyment.
It is up to the pupils to answer
these questions.
9. Empiricism - source of DepEd agrees that we acquire K-12 curriculum thinks that
knowledge is through the knowledge about the world through empiricism has been extremely
senses; teacher must involve senses learning by doing and important to the history of
the senses in teaching- interacting with the environment. science, as various thinkers over
learning Simple ideas become complex through the centuries have proposed that
complex comparison, reflection and
all knowledge should be tested
generalization—the inductive method.
empirically rather than just
through thought-experiments or
rational calculation.

10. Behaviorism - behavior is When applied to a classroom context, Behaviorism is a school of

shaped deliberately by forces behaviorism is a school of psychology thought in psychology that holds
in the environment and that that focuses on molding student that all human behaviors and
the type of person and behavior through various sorts of reactions can be described in
actions desired can be the behavior rewards and consequences terms of reflexes conditioned by
product of design; behavior known as operant conditioning. DepEd
reward and punishment. In the
is determined by others, aspires to predict and manage student
rather than by person's own behavior. K-12 curriculum, behaviorists
free will; teacher must view learning as a component of
carefully shape desirable conditioning and will argue for a
behavior; drills are reward and target system in
commonly used to enhance education.
learning, rewards reinforce

11. Constructivism — According to DepEd, learners produce The spiral process is used in
Learners are capable of knowledge rather than passively Constructivism K-12. The
constructing knowledge and absorbing information. People develop principles are introduced early
meaning; teaching —learning their own representations of the world and then re-taught with
therefore is constructing and incorporate new information into increasing intricacy and
knowledge and meaning; their pre-existing knowledge as they
complexity in subsequent years.
teacher does not just "tell" or encounter it and reflect on it (schemas).
dictate but asks learners for Learners constantly reflect on
knowledge they construct their experiences while gaining
and meaning of lesson the necessary talents and skills
for this type of learning.


Activity 16.2 Articulating My Personal Philosophy of Teaching
Name: _____________________________________

 Observe how a teacher relates to every learner and how he/she proceeds with her teaching.
 Accomplish this Observation Sheet.

Here are philosophies of education. Find out which philosophies were manifested in class by
observing what how teacher teaches relates to learners.

Philosophies of Education Teaching Behavior (State what the teacher said,

taught or did).
1. Essentialism – teach mastery of the basics; Essentialism aims to impart the most fundamental
curriculum is prescribed: subject matter -centered information, talents, and character development in
there are universal, objective values; inculcate values all pupils. Students should be trained to be model
in subject matter citizens, according to essentialist teachers.
2. Perennialism -- teach those that last. the classics; Perennialists think that the focus of education
there are universal values: inculcate these universal, should be on ideas that have stood the test of time.
objective values They feel the concepts are as relevant and
significant now as they were when they were
penned. They urge that students learn through
reading and evaluating the works of history's
greatest philosophers and authors.
3. Progressivism - very child-centered; teach those Progressivist teachers strive to make school
that interest the child; one leans by experience: enjoyable and beneficial by designing classes that
learners learn by doing so teacher teacher’s teaching pique students' attention. Students actively learn in
is experiential; values are subjective: no inculcation a progressivist school. Students engage with one
of values since they are subjective; instead teachers another and learn social skills such as
help students clarify their values
collaboration and tolerance for opposing

4. Reconstructionism - school is agent of change, A reconstructionist classroom has a teacher that

schooling is preparing students for the social engages pupils in discussions on moral dilemmas in
changes: teaching is involving the students in order for them to grasp the consequences of their
discussions of moral dilemmas actions. Students choose their own aims and
societal priorities, and then, with instructor help,
devise a plan of action to bring about the desired

5. Existentialism - Teachers teach learners to make a The purpose of an existentialist teacher is to help
choice, to make decisions and not merely to follow pupils realize who they are as people. This also
the crowd; one who does not make a choice and so implies that the learner should have some say over
Simply follow others do not leave meaningful life what they study and that the curriculum should be
somewhat adaptable.
6. Pragmatism - That which is useful, that which is Pragmatic teacher is to suggest problems to his
practical and that which works is what is good; that pupils and to stimulate them to find by themselves,
which is efficient and effective is that which is good. the solutions, which will work. The teacher and
e.g. showing a video clip on mitosis is more efficient pupils attack a problem jointly.
and more effective and therefore more practical than
teacher coming up with a visual aid by drawing
mistosis on a cartolina or illustration board
7. Rationalism - emphasizes the development of the A rationalist teacher ensures that pupils have
learners' reasoning powers; knowledge comes though sufficient information to provide justifications for
reason; teacher must develop the reasoning power of any challenges that a teacher may pose.
the learner

8. Utilitarianism - what is good is that which is most The teacher could add more creative activities to
useful (that which brings happiness) to the greatest her curriculum to engage students. Instead of
number of peoples; memorizing what a list of vocabulary words are,
students could be asked to create a story using
those words. They would be assessed based on the
content and whether or not they understand how to
use the words would be evident when put to

9. Empiricism - source of knowledge is through the According to empiricists, all knowledge may be
senses; teacher must involve the senses in teaching- obtained from experience. Furthermore, empiricism
learning gives an account of the mind, language, and
learning. It also states that information may be
discovered through our senses.

10. Behaviorism - behavior is shaped deliberately by Teachers utilize behaviorism to teach pupils how to
forces in the environment and that the type of person behave and respond to various stimuli. This must be
and actions desired can be the product of design; done on a frequent basis to remind pupils of the
behavior is determined by others, rather than by behavior that a teacher is looking for. The
person's own free will; teacher must carefully shape importance of positive reinforcement in behavioral
desirable behavior; drills are commonly used to
learning theory cannot be overstated.
enhance learning, rewards reinforce learning.

11. Constructivism —Learners are capable of Teachers put pupils in situations where they must
constructing knowledge and meaning; teaching — challenge their own and each other's
learning therefore is constructing knowledge and preconceptions. Similarly, a constructivist teacher
meaning; teacher does not just "tell" or dictate but creates scenarios in which he or she may challenge
asks learners for knowledge they construct and the assumptions that underpin traditional teaching
meaning of lesson and learning.

1. Based on your findings and observations in Activity 16.1 and Activity 16.2, which
philosophies of education are dominant in Philippine basic schools? Why do you say so?

I think it is essentialism, since I believe there is a universal pool of information that all pupils
require. The curriculum is built on the essentials of teaching: arithmetic, science, history, and
English. Classrooms are structured, teacher-centered environments in which pupils are passive
learners. There are few, if any, projects or portfolios, and evaluations are mostly done through
testing. Because test results are the primary source of evaluation, many teachers readily
embrace the No Child Left Behind Act.

2. If there is one philosophy that schools and teachers should give more attention to, what
should that be and why?

I believe it should be constructivism. Teachers should prioritize developing pupils' autonomous

study habits. Even when students are actively participating in a session, I find that they
frequently forget important elements because they haven't learned how to properly study content
on their own. I feel that teaching middle school pupils how to study independently now would
better prepare them for the challenges of high school and college courses in the future.

What is your philosophy of teaching? This describes what you believed you should teach, how
you should teach and how you should relate to others in school - with the learners, your
colleagues, your superiors and all other stakeholders. Write them down. This is your title, "My
Philosophy of Teaching”.

My Philosophy of Teaching
My teaching philosophy is to make the material I teach more accessible to the students.
When a learner cannot identify with the content, it is sometimes more difficult for them to grasp
the meaning. My objective as a future teacher is to assist pupils connect with persons, locations,
and concepts that are distinct from their own life experiences.
As a student, I found stories more remembered when my teachers assisted me in drawing
connections. As a student teacher, I enjoy drawing parallels between classic literature such as
Shakespeare and current events. For example, I find that linking events in the plays to
occurrences in pop culture not only helps students grasp the narrative but also allows them to
form their own conclusions.

SHOW Your Learning Artifacts

Accomplished Observation Sheets
My Philosophy of Teaching

My teaching philosophy is to make the material I teach more accessible to the students.
When a learner cannot identify with the content, it is sometimes more difficult for them to grasp
the meaning. My objective as a future teacher is to assist pupils connect with persons, locations,
and concepts that are distinct from their own life experiences.
EVALUATE Performance Task
Name of FS Student:_____________________________Date Submitted:
Year & Set: IV-Set-A-MT (8:30AM-11:30AM)___________ Course: Bachelor of Elementary
Learning Episode Excellent Very Satisfactory Needs
4 Satisfactory 2 Improvement
3 1
Observation Sheet



Learning Artifacts


(Based on
Overall Score Transmutation)


Score 20 19- 17 16 15 14 13- 11 10 9-8 7-below
18 12
Grade 1.0 1.25 1.5 1.75 2.0 2.25 2.50 2.75 3.0 3.5 5.0
99 96 93 90 87 84 81 78 75 72 71-below

_____________________________________ ________________________
Signature of FS Teacher above Printed Name Date

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