Definite and Indefinite Articles: The, A, An: Grammar
Definite and Indefinite Articles: The, A, An: Grammar
Definite and Indefinite Articles: The, A, An: Grammar
The English language uses articles to identify nouns. Articles act much like adjectives. Articles
clarify whether a noun is specific or general, singular or plural. An article appears before the
noun it accompanies.
General rules
Place the article before the noun.
e.g., the house the cat a dog a book
Place the article before the adjective when the noun is modified by an adjective.
e.g., the purple house the black cat a white dog an open book < Correct
the house purple or a dog white < Incorrect
Do not add an article when the noun has a possessive pronoun (my, his, her, our, their) or a
demonstrative pronoun (this, that).
e.g., my house her book that house this book < Correct
the my house or the this book < Incorrect
Use the to identify specific or definite nouns: nouns that represent things, places, ideas, or
persons that can be identified specifically.
Use the to identify things, places, ideas, or persons that represent a specific or definite group
or category.
e.g., The students in Professor Smith’s class should study harder.
The automobile revolutionized travel and industry.
(the automobile identifies a specific category of transportation)
Use a or an to identify nouns that are not definite and not specific.
- Think of a and an as meaning any or one among many.
e.g., a book (any book) a dog (any dog) a cat (one cat) a house (one among many houses)